The Orangeburg news. (Orangeburg, S.C.) 1867-1875, January 15, 1870, Image 5

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THE ORANGEB?M NEWS SATURDAY, JAN. 15 1870. MALCOLM f. MiOWXINQ, t.ditor. IRepublicanism Outside of the Union League. It is a well-know a fnct that there arc a large and increasing number of native I^Sooth Carolinians, to the '"manor bom," meu who used lo be "lire-jntiug" seces slouiatw, stubborn rebels, and extreme democrats, before, during, aud after, the war who have now renounced their pre judices of the past,' and their apposition to the chnngo in the condition of the colored man and in tho' entire theory of "J ? J i , ,* - i our State government. In this large and increasing clops there men of ability, wealth and influence; men, who, submitting bravoly to the change, aro willing to contribute their intelligence, and talent to tho State; in plain words are willing to accept office in the State, and to do a fair part by both classes of'our population. Why is it that these men, arc kept out of place and power to do good ? Ask the colored man, ami those who are in the.secret councils of the party that govern him, and they say, "We cannot trust these men. We have no faith in their conversion. They have a purpose in view!" Well! what is tho test of political conversion ? How may he prove himself | sincere 1 By joining the secret party Organiza tion ; by becoming a member of the Union League; by parading through the streets upon its celebrations. This is tho test, this the proof of his sinceri ty, and trust-worthiness These extreme radicals always "desire a sign," a test. At first, it was the test oath, now it is the masonic sign-manual, known only to the initiated iu the mys terious and awful secrets or the Union Iicague. Now, wo ask, in all fairness, what is this test- worth ? Is it not proof posi tive of an intention to get a place in the picture, a louf and a fish, an office ?? Most assuredly it is. Is it not possible, that there may be men of high worth, character and intelli gence, more able and more willing to do justice to both parties, who recognize every right given to the colored man, by his changed position, who aro opposed te secret political societies, upon princi ple, and who sec tho injurious results of | tho power of tho party falling into the hands of a few, a clique T In other other words may there not bo better re publicans outside of the I n ion League than there are in it ? Why, as tho nomination and election is now conducted by tho party machine ry, the colored man has a franchise, but not a froe ballot. He must vote tho blue printed ticket put into his hand by the nominating convention, or woe be unto him! The dire anathemas of the se cret inquisition will be uttered aud exe cuted against him. Is this freedom of the ballot? Deci dedly not. The colored man will have to get a second emancipation from this Jesuitical influence that enslaves and fetters his freedom of thought, action and ballot. The initiated will toll you that, the members of the nominating conven tion aro elected by tho people at large, and so the nominee is their choice at last. It is an undeniable fact tnat the more Stages this election passes through, the more it is corrupted. What prevents the members of the nominating conven tion from joining bauds and, nominating themselves and their personal friends.? Let thorn do this, and their decision is 8nal?there h ao appeal. Let any vo ter dare to vote any other than the offi cial ticket choson by the nominating con vention, and he will be anathematized, aud excommunicated. It is too danger ous a power to entrust to the keoping of this committee. Tboro is certainly reason in this ob jection to this party maohinery. Is a man who entertains this reasonable ob jection to this modus operandi, to be dis trusted f Must ho join hands with the ring and bo initiated by, we know not what fearful ordeal, and parade with the League, to be considered an honest man, ns ono who wiii uo right to all parties and all classes ? i The compliance with these terms, the exhibition of this test, strongest suspicion of an avaricious, 'dike-heckor ? By this plan of operations, there is no possible chance of the honest and modest citizen, being called by the Voico of the people from his retirement, to servo his State, Ciu einnatus ciui never bo called 'from his plow ! Only the shrewd and wily poli tician, plotting aud .scheming for a fut office, can ever secure the nomination. No, we say nway with this test, and this party trickery und machinery. Let the people meet en matte and nominate their candidate, and Tet every niau vote for whom he ploascs Aye, say they, this will break up the power of the party I It will certainly break up the power of the clique, iuto whose bauds this dread power has fallen, but it will iucreuse the power, the parity, and the freedom of the people's ballot. The colored mau is free, but be has yet, unfettered, uushackled, free from the secret power of the party that rules him, to go to the ballot-box aud vote as he pleases. Let him be emancipated, for bis own sake and for the sake of the people ut largo. This then is certaiuly, not a true test of a man's political position and princi ples, but u well-contrived plan to keep the power of this party in each section oh the State iu the bunds of a few, who share the spoils uud share out the loaves and fishes, perhaps, easting lots for dif ferent offices. Let tho colored man, we say, have his second emancipation from all this trickery 1 In the efforts of this clique to keep out new-comers, and to keep all the fut things aud ylory iu their keeping, we aro reminded of the speeoh of king Henry V. to his soldiers. What's he that wuhee for more men * * * * * * The fewer men the greater share ef honor. I pray thee do not wish for one man more. ***No faith not a man.*** I woulp not loose, metliinks, to great nu honor As only one loan more may ?bare from me. For the best hope 1 have, O! do not wish one mere. State of South Carolina, Oranoruuro County. Tu the //on. /?'. il. C'urprutcr, /'refuting Ju&yr, Pint Circuit: The Grand Inquest for said County of the January Term, 1870, beg leave to submit tn your Ilouor's consideration the following-presentment: We have visited all the public offices Bill buildings within said county and upon a careful examination thereof are prepared lo report to your Honor that their respective conditions reflects much credit upon their occupauts. The Jail we find to be a substantial structure ; competently calculated to sup ply the purposes for which it was erect ed; Mr. Lucas will complete it iu a few weeks, which, when done, our county, ns was said in the present immediately pro ceeding this one, can boast of having a place not only secure for the safo custody of prisoners, but also for ita beauty, ca paciousness ntid durability. The various apartments of the Jail are kept in a cleanly and healthful con dition. Some of the prisoners complain of not being furnished with sufficient to eat, but the Orand Jury respectfully sub mits that they arc unable to nay whether this complaint is made by the inmates sim ply because they aro prisoners, and hence not satisfied with anything connected with their condition, or whether it pro ceeds from a want actually experienced. We have carefully and minutely in vestigated, as directed by your Honor, the alleged carelessness on the part of the Sheriff and Jail keeper said to have resulted in the escape of some of the I prisoners from tho Jail, and we find that said escapes did not result in consequence of a dirclictiou of duty, either on the part of the Sheriff or Jailer, hut hap pened thus: It appears that the lower doors of the Jail were not finished at the time, and the keeper could not, as he does now, secure them behind him on going up to give the fhmntes 'heir food ; and this they appeared to have known, an their actions show : for h was while the Jailor was in tho act of introducing their food through tho door, that they jumped upon him and choked him dowu, thence making their exit, there being no obstruction below, as above stated, to prevent egress after their sell doors bad boon opened. Hut this can ocour no more, as the doors below and above have beon eomplotcd and are strong and secure. And the Grand Jury aro of the opinion that 'tis impracticable for persons hereafter to escape from tho Jail, if ita Keeper judiciously observes his duty Tho Poor House we find in a proper condition ; the paupers are well fed and taken care of otherwise. The Offices of the Clerk of the Court, Sheriff, Judge of Probute, and that of tho Auditor with the rest, wo rcpofi kept according to system and me? hod But there is ono deficiency in each of them JaSL.,*:.. . so plainly apparent that wo cannot urge the necessity of supplying of it with too tuuch importance. In each of these offices tlmro nro private nud public docu ments, and records of vast consequence, and yet those who are so much interest ed iu their security and preservation from from fire, must if it comes, sco them swept nwuy, perhaps, in a minute's time. There are, for instance, in the office of County Auditor, the books containing tite recent nsscssmeut-i uf thu (?ersoit?! property of this County, the tux on which has not yet bceu collected. Now these alone, if destroyed, would cost the County over two thousand dollars, (for a re-assessment would ncccssarilly follow,) more thuu would purchase safes for each of the offices. Aud this is only one item. Thcrs are in the office of Probate Judge bonds to the amount of two hundred thousand dollars, iu whose fate many are vitally interested, yet they have no guarantee ot their non-destruction. But as a more potent argument iu favor of what wo urge, we have only to cite 3-our llouor's attention to the losses v.hieh Beaufort County recently sus tained in the destruetie'J of her Court House by tire. There were no Safes there and the public urchicves, doeumunts ami records were ull destroyed. We would therefore, urgently recom mend that safes be furnished to all tl'c public officers iu whose contents the pub lic are so much interested, and private citizens have so mach at stake. We would also call your Honor's at tenttou to the fact that when Jurors are summoned here to serve the State, at a great expctiMJ to themselves, 'twould be hut right, when paid oil' in Jury Tickets, to have some arrangements made to have itho Tickets cashed by the County Treas urer as soon as the Juries are dismissed. There are many, known have Jury Tickets, given to them for two Sessions back, who have not been able to have them cashed yet. Even the merchants will not Uike them at 5U per cent dis count. And iu the mind of the Grand Jury, some screw must entirely ho loose, or turning iu the wrong direction, Aud in conclusion we would say that there are four persons at the Poor House, living upon the public, who nro able te support themselves if discharged there* inioj. All of which is respectfully submit ted. J. FELDER MKYKRS, Foreman. Doings in Columbia. The Legislature re-assembled on (he 5th instant: A communication was received from citisens of Beaufort, praying the form ation of a new County, to be called Coosa whatehie. The enacting clause of a the Bill to regulate the sale of cotton," was stricken out. The real purport of this B !1 was to prevent the sale of seed cotton. He Large gave notico of n>*Bill to ex tend the limits of the City of Charloston, and to provide for the election of muni cipal officers, therein, which received its first reading. The bill extends the city limits to the Six-mile* house, and to the Goose-Creek line, and provides for a city election, at the next general election in October. The Bill will undoubtedly, pass. Cain intrduccd a bill to incorporate the So. r*a. Chemical and Mining Com pnny, to dig phosphates in the streams aud waters of the State. Both bills ordered to be printed. The Committee on Agriculture re commended the passage of a bill to re peal the act to secure advances for agricultural purposes. Cain gave notice of bill to amend the act appointing a hind commissioner wnich provides for assistant laud commis sioners in each county. The bill to repeal the township law passed the Senate. There was a grand reception at Judge VVillard's on Monday night. No colored persons admitted. OBITUARY. Dixn?At tier residence in Orungohurg. 8. I C, on the Till January, 1870. in Ihr fiGtn year of her age, Mr*. ANN t;. M?KUOW, wife of O. H. Murrow, Esq. ACADEMY OF MUSIC, CHARLESTON, 8. C. DURING THE WEEK COMMENCING Monday, January 17, 1H70. this mag nificent Temple of the Drama and Music wilt bo occupied by the Efninepi Rhakcsperlas Scholar and Comedian, Mr. J AS. II. HACK* ETT, whe will appear as Shakeapcars Fal Maff. Mr. llackett's laat engagement wan at Month's Theatre, N. Y. ending on Christmas Eve?it wan a success that compelled thin Famous Scholar to appear an Sir John Fal stnff continuously for over one month. Mr. .Ino. T. Ford, the Charleston Manager, formerly of Ford's Theatro, Washington, D. C, has aooured Mr. Huckctl'n next appcar nnco afur ltootb'a Theatre, for Charleston, 8. C. jan 16?It* LUMIIKKX MRER!! 1Vr aons in want of LCMRKR can have it Cat to Order and delivered at Orangehurg in Fsbruary, by application to roe at Caw ('an Swamp Plantation or through Post Office. . . OLIVER FARN U.M. jan 15 2t ? PERUVIAN GIJANO phosphaten. rpHE subscriber WILL R*l\ and I and receive orders for tb following Standard fertilizers, abesoid at agent's prices, adding f eight and Drayage. WAN UO. CAROLINA. IJtCKSON. Also will atlend te the purcbajng of LAND PLASTE* and OISgOlTl'KD IKlVi:. The PERUVIAN GUANO ii?f Standard quality, dicect from Agent. * Also for sale a supply of KOCK PORT~STONELiM K. VYeat. rn YELLOW PINK ky*e 8EED PO TATOES. 0X10.1 SETTS, EARLY SI?AR PEAS. Par.iee wishiug to prooure COTTON pTaNTKRS in time for this crop, or any of the above FERTILIZERS, ahould not defer ordering to the latest luoincut._ The usual aupply of GROCERIES, TO It At'CO. &C, ou bund, void low fur caah, or best prices allowed in HarU-r for HICK. PEAS, Ate., Ac. JOHN A. HAMILTON. Market Street, jan 15 ly oet 2 AJOI IMaAX, ltcftpcctftilly # offers bi.? services to the Citizen* of Oraiigcburg, as Gardener. I'artiea desiring to have their Gardens or Orchards put in good order, with Choice Fruit Trees und Flowers, can leave their Orders at the NEWS' OFFICE or address the undersigned. Special nttention given to the Decoration of Grave* with Choice and Select Evergreens und Flowers. A. JOl'HDAN. jan lf>?tf Oratigeburg. S. C. DKL.sou Kccd.?40O UuhUcIb of Select Cotton Seed, raised from "Dickson's Select Seed. The quality guaran teed. For ?nie in quantities to suit purchas er*. Apply to JAMES BROWNE, jan l??tf At Cartmill A Viuce'a Store. IN THE COURT OF PROBATE. Whereas Mrs. Sarah A. Scgreat hath ap plied io me tor Letters of tdinistrntlon, on the Estate of U. D. Scgrest, late of Orange* burg County, deceased. These are therefore to cite und admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to be and appear brforc me at a Court of Probate for the said Coun ty, to be holden at Orangcburg <>n the 20th day of January, 1870. at 10 o'clock A. M. to show cause if any. why the said Adminis tration should not he granted, (liven under my hand und the Seal of the Court, this tit Ii day of January, A. D. 1809, and the ninety-fourth year of Ameri can Independence. THAI). C. ANDREWS, jan 16?2t Judge of Probate. Sheriff's Sales. By virtue of sundry writs of fi. fa., to me directed 1 will sell to the highest bidder, at Orangeburg Court House, on the tirat Monday in February mext, tor caah the IWlo'wTng propcrvyT-Vrfif?... One lot of land in the Town of BritnenViHtV containing two acres mere or less, und bound ed by the So. Ca. It. lt.. J. Frl ler Meyers and others. Levied on as the property of W. II. IIouck, Adtn'r Lcngnick A- Sell. ALSO Oue tract of land containing 476 acres more or lesa, bounded north by II. Riggs, east by Otd Charleston Road, south by J. W. II. Dukes and west by Edis'o River. ? ALSO, One other tract containing 260 acres more or less, am! bounded on the nortb by J. W. II. Dukes, east by W. T. McKcwn. south by Henry Dickson and weat by A. D. Frederick. Levied ou as the property of D. R. Burton nt the suit of 0. R. Riley. Adin'r. MISS K. M. MA?LE, F\SII ION AHLE Millinery and Fancy Hood* 11 Have now Opened And offer to the L*adics of this County, complete Slock of the above goods of LATEST STYLES, and trimmed in the best manner, view to suit the taste of Customer*. Also FASHIONABLE DRESSMAI promptly attended to. K. M. MAC] dee 28? Im* Russell IWit NAIJ', lOOO Ilnnlit 1 Genuine FEELER COTTON pronounced morn prolific than the and the Staple, commanding in prirj five to eight cenis more per ponnd. per bushel. Apply to C. R. TAHI Jan 8?tf Lewisville,I Whiskey uni:iJi For Sale at THIS OFFll At 60 is. per huadrwl H^WJ? Sheriff's Sales. So. Co. Railroad Estate of Joseph ORANUEBURfJ?In Equity. Susan Dukes, Adtur. \ In lbs ?s, \ Mary Ann C. Dukes, ct al. j Circuit Court By virtus of an order of sale made in this case by tbe suid Court, aud to ?ue directed. 1 will sell at Recvesville, 8. C, on Monday the 7lli day of February next All that lot of land situtatu at Beeves Sta tion, containing our acre more or levs, aud bounded bv binds of tin Co., W. C* Griffith, and Dukes. ALSO All that Lot of bind situate at Breves Sta tion, containing ouc acre more or less, and bounded by lands of C. K. Counsel, 80. Ca. Kail Bo:id Co., Estate of Joseph Dukes, and W. C. Grifliith. Terms.?Oae-third cash, ami the balance on a credit of one and two yours, purchaser to give bond for said sredit portion, bearing interest from day of sale, payable annually, and secured by a mortgage of tbe premises, with a coveuant for re-sale on a breach of the Condition of suid Loud, aud also to pay for papers and stamps. H. BDJtJS, Commissionur. ALSO 3MO KENT. ? Two' JX'Mirable I and Commodious RESIDENCES, one ?u rougbton Street and one on A111 e]is St 1 el. Apply to JAMES DROWN'. Junlf* tf> DiokHonn Prolific <'oitoitH'c<l The Subsoriber otters for ??'? <;'> bushels of the above Seed, which ha '"?en kept pure Price $2.00 per bushel iu lot* of {rebels. For less $2.60 per bushel, jan 16?2m JAMES IL r*WLKS. l^OU fi.Al.E.?^ /WEBSTER'S bVwiNG MACHISB, (soeot/*^) \" *?j . ? 11 . ttnruul will be sold order. Originally cost S1 (H cheap. A bettor invcsimC ,or lw "WUk> canuot be had. Inquire *f ou VER0S. ' jan Iu?-t VT. r /jt CONSTITUTION RENOVATOR, ? ? OB BLOOD ClMAS&hk, Thin medicine is known to the faculty as being the concentrated iluid extract of Ser saparilla united witb oibsr valuable medi cinal herb*, and is guaranteed us chemically pure. yna tub etna or SC BOF V1 <A A N D CONSU M PT ION. This remedy is compounded expressly for i purifying and cleansing the blood of all I infirmities, going at once to the fountain-head [ of disease. It extinguishes. Tumors, Consumption, SypUilit, Skin Irruptions, Salt Rheum, Huilt, lihrumatiim. Watt of Vitality, Scrofula. We all know That the promiscuous vaccina tion indulged tu during the late war bred the viituuous diseases. Vaccination pus was taken from the arms of many peraea* full of scrofulous surcs Then of course the impurities of tho scro fulous patient were absorbed in the blood ef men otlrorwi ic without diseases. nn<l both became infected alike. Men, women ami children throughout all the West are most wofully diseased from this cause, and knew nut, until a tew months ago, tho origin of it. HENRY'S CONSTITUTION BENOVATOR believes Ibc Entire System of 1'ains and itches, ctiliveus tho spirits, and semis new bWo?l BOUNDING THROUGH EVERY VEIN. It impartos a Sjxirh'iint) Hriyhtnatt to the Ayr, A l!o*y Clow tu the Cluck, A Unity Tinge to thr Itip*, A Ch in ii' ,s to thn Until, Hriyhluc** tot/u: Complexion, JJnnyttnet/ tu th>: Spirit*, Anil HuppinvM mi oil Soles, For all affections of the kidneys- if is uusnr. passed. People havo been rescued, as it were, front the very jaws of death, by a timely use of this greai remedy. .YbSO 0 It A X 0 EBURG?-In Kyi ity. I'm lor. Frederick Vi. Vogt, B. F. vs. James F. tiriflin. Under the decree iu this casf Kill to cclosel rtgagef 1 will sell \ Fon ) Mot nt Orangcburg. on the first Monday in Feb ruary, far one-hull cash, balulti.11 a credit of twelve months, secured by bond witb in terest from date, with a ?..:< > 1 c;>g? of the premises, the following real estate: "* All iho right, title and interest which James F. Gritlitinnd Elizabeth E. Gritbu hud in und to the roil estate whereof the lute Silas tiriflin dieil seized and possessed, altti ate iu St. Matthews Parish, iu the County of Oraugeburg. ALSO EXTBACTS FROM VARIOUS LITTERS.. "Doctor. I was vaccinated in the hospital. Refore thai I had no skin disease. Until I had a bottle of your "Constitution Renovator,' sent me by Mr. Roper, of Colombia, Mo., I suffered tort tires with running sores. Since I used two bottles I am all writ except a -mall sore 011 i he calf of left leg, and that is .; gelling well fn-t." This from n lady.?"And now my skin I? us clear and fair as u babe's. My complexion, thanks to your "Renovator," is beautiful. ??Yes vi s. I maj well say such relief was unknown to hie before. Unclosed 6ud fivo dollar* for six ho. lea : two families here want to try it. ??I was Very much troubled with syphilii. Your remedy seems to l?e curing me fast. Send i bottles per Express " ??No more rheumatism. Throe bottles of Constitution. R-.-iiOVatur uxvu made tue a new man." ??Doctor enclosed find .*?*?. Please send ma a supply. Two fatiiiltcs hero wool to try your Constitution Pettovator.'' We bavr not space for more of tbe aLoTq extracts, but y?.n can s<-k your neighbor uboui tie? remedy, bvcrv on- 1*?, souipljsjug go.?<l to s.?y a-* it eor-s everi t.iue. For \t.t. Dl It VSKS or TltK KIDNEYS, RETENTION OF FitE URINE, ?Vc, SiC. AI tt ,"< ;? I mtic I>i.-<ra*e*, Nervous Prostration. WetikoetM. ??se?r;?l Luasitttdc, and Vroiil of Appetite, it is un Si.rpiv.*-ed. t'Al'llt'N!?In ordering our reintMlj.alv ways plae.e thif number >.f our Po-t-Otnoc* llu i on y..ur letters. The new Uw in our New Yoik / owl Office compels this Address. DR. >l. I'. If EN BY X CO.. Dircrlor-Gciici I ?er?n Hospital. Prussia. Agency of the United Sautes, laboratory. 27ti Pearl Street, Ponfc-Offlee Des 6272. New* Ybrk CONSTITUTtON RENOYATOR is $1 p?* bottle, six bottles for $;"?. Sent anywhere en receipt of price. Patients are requested to correspond confidentially, and reply will bo made by following mail. Sold by jill respectable Druggist I. A [MAR'S SA RR A CENI A B IT T E R S , A SOVRRRIO* ItKWKOT FOR DYSPErKM and Diseases arising from a Disordered Condition of tko Stemaab and Liver. rsRPAtixn i?r <;. W. A 1 SI A R, CHEMIST AlsD DUC0C.1ST, 4 0 Kim; Cou. Vasukohorst Stssbt, CrlABLESTONj S. C. Sold by all Druggists ?> ? vo. JiL li Me KESSEN .<. BOBBINS, Agents, jan 1 1 y. ST It AYI.D Olt STOLEN From the Stahles of W. A. J. Sistrunk. 011 the night of the 4th inst.. one Sorrel IIOBSK, of an ordinary size, has marks oa his back from the Saddle, and stands very straight on his left fove foot. Any informs* lion leading to the recovery of said librae will be thankfully received by ' (.. L, S. SISTRUNK. I. Matthews. 8.C | J or jau <s 1. 0. -if SISTRUNK, Esq.. Orangcburg, S. C. Executor's Sale. I'.y permission of tho Bon. Jmlge of Pro l.nie for Orangcburg Ceuuly, 1 will offer at public outcry, nt the late resilience of J. ;R, P. Dantxler, deceased, on Saturday, Fcbrua- , ry 61 h, 1^7t?. - Two hundred and fifty-five acres of land. Terms cash. Y. M. SMITH. Executor Lasi Will and Testament of J. B. F. Dnuricr. tw . jan S ' 1 ? (fit A. IN THE COURT OF PRORATE. WitRRBAS Joseph J. Douglas hath applied to me for I oStcrs of Administration on the Estntc of Nathaniel P. Cain, lato of Orange burg County, deceased. These are therefore Incite and admnniah all and singular the kindred and creditors of 1 lie s.iid dee. used, to bo and appear heforo me al n Court of Probate for tht said Coun ty, to he holden at Orangcburg an tha 17th d'ay of January. 1&70. at 10 o'clock A.M. to show cause if any. ":hy tha said Adminis tration should not be granted. . . Given under 1117 hnnd and the Seal or tKo Court, this $d day of Jsnunry, A. D. Ih7i>, and in liis ninety?'fetHKh yes*'of ? American In'lepeudcuc.. s TU AD. C, ANDREWHi, rlvsA jnn 8 it Judge of Prftb?ta. NOTICE.-The I'ltdrmiprnrid oilers bis services na SURVEVOR. to Mh GMfxena of Ornngebftrg County. Wnrk dimi^otuptly ' 0