The Orangeburg news. (Orangeburg, S.C.) 1867-1875, January 08, 1870, Image 7

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POETRY. Six O'Clock V. ?. The workshops open Wide their doors At six o'clock p. in., And workmen issue, forth by scores, | At six o'clock p. ni. Of 8.11 tho minutes In array. Of hoars that go to make the day, There's none so welcome, so they say, As six o'clock p. in. How many children show delight At six o'clock p. mil How many homes are rendered bright At b!x o'clock p. m,! How many little happy feet Go oat into tho busy street, With joyous hounds papa to meet, At six o'clock p. m.l Thousands of tables draped in white. At six o'clock p. m., Tho gathored families uuilo, At six o'clock p. m.; And aa they eat tho frugal faro, They quite forget their toil and care, And drop thoir heavy burdens thero, At six o'clock p. m. Then blow, yo shrieking whistles, blow I . At sixo'olock p. in., And let the weary toilers go . At six o'clock p. m. Ring out, releasing bclla ring out! And bid the welkin take the shout, And echo it all round about, ; <?'Tis sLr o'clock p. m.l" One ofcv the Lost Tribe.?One of tho "lost tribes" has at last turnd up. Sat"? and s .und, in the shape of a. people called tho Falashas, who inhabit a dis trict in Abyssinia, which has long re mained a terra incognita and a blank apace on the maps. Thsy wero visited by Mr. Hnlevy, a very intelligent French traveller, who has now communicated an accouut of bis journey to the French Geological Society. There were about 250,000 uf tho Fo? loshas. They speak an Aguu dialect called Falashina, or Kallint. and into thin language they have translated a Ghees version uf the Old Testament. They do not practice polygamy. They oircuuiciso their male children on the seventh day. Their propar names arc derived from Hebrew, Ghee'/, ami Atnha rac. Tho institution uf purification is practiced ; the children are taught the QJiblc. psalms, prayers, and sacred histo ry. In tho synagogues tho spxea sit apart. Incense is burned during the .services. Their religious hopes are "turned to Jerusalem, but their ideas of the Messiah arc very indistinct. They arc wholly unacquainted with Hebrew, ami kt <>w nothing of tho core monies instituted alter the time of Ezra. Thoy have a religious literature writtcti in the style of the Midrath. They keep tho Subbath rigidly ; lust un Monday* and Thursdays; keep the 9ih of Ab to oomniomorate the destruction of Jerim lem. They wash before and say grace aft?r, eating; thoy have ft traditional mode o! slaughtering animals for food ; thoy prac tice commemorative sucrifioes on tho holy" -days, and also for the repuso of the souls ?of the dead. Thoir women enjoy equality with men. They hold slaves, but liberate ihom after a servitude of six years. A man latojy made application fojr in surance on a building situated in a vil lage wjioru thero was ao fire-engine. Ho was asked; '-What axe tho facili ties io your village for extinguishing a fire ?" "Well, it rains sometimes," he replied, With great simplicity. A man who had several apprentices 'Was accustomed to feed them quite large ly on bean soup. This was all well enough at first, but after a little while, with eaeh successive soup, ti smaller nuin- I l)er of boans appeared. One day at ta blc, after tho good man bad said graco over it, a la Squccrs, ono of the boys, af ter a scrutinizing examination of the dish, Was seen suddenly to vise from bis chair; and comnjenco to strip. "What are you about there, Tom?" exclaimed tho master. Goiu' to dive for a bean !" was tho reply. -?? ? ? When must Time hang up his scythe ? *Vhi". be shall bo no mower. You'Can always find ? sheet of water -cm the bed of the ocean. Why are jokes like uuta? Because, tho dryer they are tho better they cruck NVhat is file form of an escaped par rot ? A polly-gono. What animal, tree, and domestic arti cle are always iu tho secennd person?? The owo, tho yew, and the owr. When Patrick first tried peaches he aaid he liked the flavor, but tho seed s lay heavy on In- stomach. Tho Ciueinnnti Catholic Telegraph states that an effort will be made at the Oecumenical Council to issue a decree prohibiting any music but plain chant in tho tiorvices of that church. The Telegraph opposes any change. The Attorney-General of Iowa decides that tlitilegal Word "malo" fuolupoci fe male; that, therefore, a fomalo in a male, and that Mins Julia Atldingto.i t , ;itith d to the office of Superintendent of COSJttiOD Schools, to whirh fhc h;ts'boonelee(< (I. HO! FOR CHRISTMAS V. f LONDON LAYERS und'EONCH RAlSlNS CITRON and CURRANTS, fresh for Cake. ALMONDS and MAfcC^ONI./ Also an assortment of Charleston Manu factured Preserves, jellies and MARMALADES, CANDIES, KISSES, ? * ? GUM DROPS and 130N bons. Powdered, Crushed, A, B | and C sugars. :* - - o x.?w-"'-.. . ' . '.>"? k & EXT It A FAMILY FLOUR, "Golden Sheaf. ! COX'S SPARKLING GKLETINE, FRESH TOMATOES. SALMON and "LOBSTERS. ENGLISH PICKLES, SAUCES and SYRUPS. Together with other SEASONABLE and newly received GOODS. I 'For sale low at tho Court II? m e Store, Market St. JOHN A, HAMILTON, dco 11 ly oct 2 I). LOUIS, AGENT, HAS RETURNED FROM NEW YORlC] and F.altitnoro with a full and ttssort- | ed stock of Fall & Winter Goods. ALSO Receiving a full supply of FRESH GROCERIES. &o. . . ?' D. LOU**, Agent, AtHlte^Corncr. sept 2"> mar 13 o ly Fall and WiMer St?ck OF EVERY VARIETY Just Received hy. f. h. w. briggmann k co. ry Goods. Ready Made Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Groceries, fte. 0, . Fare Wines, Li ?o,uors Ale, Porter, ieie;, tiottstantly on ^??'jJt?nd. HAVE now 6n h ind as fine a lot of SEW ING M AC 111N ES us can be bought an where in the United States. This Ma chine is constructed on u now principle of nicchunieisin, possessing rare und valuable 1 niproveinehts. Having been examined by tho most profound experts, ami pronounced tobe Simplicity ixna Perfection combined. SfntLn&Clion guaranteed. VTo Will buy COTTON and all other PRO DCCE, giving the highest market price, or ship for any one. FREE of CHARGE and mako LIBERAL ADVANCES on the same. F. II. W. BRIUCMANN & CO hoy IS oct ly AVjVI. W 7 LLCOCK, ECSSELL ST REFT, oitAxuununc;, s. c RESFECTFULLY INFORMS THE CITI zens of Orangeburg County, that ho is. now receiving n large supply of DRY GOODS AND FRESH FAMILY G R0CEB1 F.S. also tCabinet, Eagle and Bour bon Brands, Scotch Ale, and the famous Ledger Scgars. His stock of TIN WARE and HOUSE BURNISHING CtlODS. is the largest in the County. First-class STOVES.Kepi constant ly on hand and warranted to work well. jnly 81 may 1 ly John A. Hamilton, or asgebur a, s. a Agent for the Celebrated DICKRON FE TIL1ZEK. Orders recoived for some. OFFICE OF THE Isicksoii I'VriiiiKcr C'otnpiiiiy, Augusta, Ca., Nov. I'Jlh, 1S0U. Having on hand a Fair Stock of No. 1 P E R U V I A N (J U A N O, and a hope uow of being able to keep tip the supply, wo reduce the price of DICKs'ON'S COM FOUND to Sixly-Five ($05) Dollars per Ton of -_\000 lbs. for Cash. Ami on time till November 1, 1870, to ?76 and Interest, for approved City Acceptance. I Drnynge, in all oases, $1.00 per Ton. Dick son's Compound also will be delivered Free of Cluirgo, at any Depot in South Carolina,, in uxchungc for Cojton Seed, at tho rate of lot) pounds of the Compound for l? bushels (.*':$ pounds each) of see 1. Bags for seed a'.-o furnished free ol' charge. Address E. P. ALEXANDER, dec I?It wco Columbia, 8. c. Mu>i u/'ic/(inr <>/ Door*, S<tsh Blind Ch-.irleston, S. C, y.'AVINC. THE LARGEST AND MOST J..l COMPLETE FACTORY in ihe Soulh ern States, and keeping always on hand a targe and oiosl aomplete stock of DOORS. ?ASJ1ES, BLINDS. Sash Doors. Store Doors. Shutters, Mouldings, Ac, Ac., I urn enabled to sell low and at manufaoturcrs' prices. N. R.?Strict attention paid to shipping in good order. july 24 npl 24 ly A <1 m In ist i s: tor's NotU'C?All J~\^ persona indebted to I). W. Kennerly, deceased, or his Estate, will inako payment inimeiUstely. All perrons holding claims against said F'stalo will present tlum pro perly vouched by the 1st day of February uext, or payment will be debarred. yjL RAI It. II. C. KENNE ULY. dee 11?Qualified Administrators. WHIHHIA I IBELM For Sale nt THIS OFFICE. At &D t>. ]n r bun Irod mai'2 GOODS CHEAP FOR GASH!!! AT ??Mi. ::? . <? >'. ft 1 WE HAVE NOW ON IIAND A FUff$ AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF CHOICE AND DESIRABLE Gxm'ds, to which wo call the uttentibVof Purchasers, and which wo will Guarantee to Sell at the LOWEST CASH PRICE8. ? ?' i 1 " iL \ 7? VI ; . Our Stock consists in part aslbtlows: DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT. ? . I 1 p, c I {J ^ ? ; ? ??v?i tfiH'?^ ..... BLANKETS, SHAWLS. CLOAKS, BALMORAL SKIRTS, DRESS GOODS, WHITE AND BLACK AL pacas, Black Silks, Whitv, Red, Grey, Blue and Opera Flannels, Brond Cloths, Cassimers, Satinetta, Kentucky Jeans, Dcm tilings, Ticking Stripes, Plaids, Lindsoys, DoLanes, Calicos, Long Cloths, Blenched and Brown Sheeting and Shirting, Irish Linen?, Bleached and Brown Linen, Damask, Russia Bird Eye. Diaper Towels, Breakfast Shawls. Nubias, Hoisery, Glove?. Dress Trimmings, Buttons, Linen Cambric Ildka, Edgings, Insertions and a Large Variety of Fancy Articles, Toilet Soap. &cV&?. . I v> r * : '. J V' f .% ? I H-mm im? *l I I "II am*- -m. - ' > i? ' I " ' * k > ? ? . 1 . X.. "l i t ATO PLOTHI?TG DEPARTMENT. LADIES, GENTS AND CHILDREN'S SHOES* NTS DRESS AND HUNTING BOOTS, FRENCH FELT : ' ? ' y. vv. i . . , the Latest Styles, Black Cassimcr Sacks. Fiujcy Caseimcr Suits and Gents Shawls. ABDWARE DEPARTMENT. GUNS, TABLE AND FOCIfcET KNIVES, LED JACKET AND COLLINS AXES, HATCHETS AND 'S-"'. ?[.".' ^ \ ? t?A\&&?\v rV X . .JL i Claw Hammers, Butt Hinges and Screws, Shoe, Finishirg and Cut Nails, Trace Clvaius, Hand Saws, Drawing Knives, Cot ton and Wool Cards, Steel Com'Mills. Powder Flasks,-Shot.Pouches, Caps, Powder and Shot, Table and Tea Spoons, Seivcs, Tots, Ovens, Kettles, Saucepans, Batons, Frying Pans arid Spiders. GROCERIES, WINES, LIQUORS, &c. SUGARS?Crushed, Clarified and Brown, SYRUJ? and MOLASSES, COFFEE?Rio and Java, Green and Black Teas, Flour, Lard, Bncon. ^igar Cured Hams and Shoulders, Cheese,-Mackerel, Herrings Biscuits, Egg. Boston, Butter, Water and Ginger Sun ??rU&n Oysters, Lobsters, Grepn Peas and Tomatoe, Peaches, Pino Apple, Straw Berry, English Chow Chow, American Pickles. Tl randy Peaches and Preserved Ginger. .Tellies. Dried Pigs. Candies and Pruit. WHISKEY_Nectar, Bourbon, Rye. Sherry Wine, Ales, and White Wine Vinegar. A Large and Select Stock of CROCKERY, GLASS, TIN ANB WOODWARE. , Will buy COTTON and tdi Ki.ids of COUNTRY PRODUCE. f ? ? . ? < 'i'( )?;?!.?. . . ? ' ZOT Sil*. J. 31. DANNEIi is with us. and will bo pleased tj scj his Friends "*3fl nov. 20?lni CARTMILL ?& VINCE, . PUS?'Pl.-STUEET. OP.ANGEP.UF.G. S. C. special xotu s:. To parties in want of DODKS, SASH!'.; und BLINDS, We refer lo tho advertisement of P. 1*. Tonic, tho large manufacturer of those goods in Charleston. Price list furn ished oi( application. July 17 ihn }7 X ec IIto isS notice.-r All 2j Persons having demands against Hie Estate of V. M. Porter, deceased, will pro sent the saute properly altested."and all per sons it dvbtcd to said Estate will ma Re imme diate payment to the underslguctl on or be fore the first day of Maren next. ALLEN IN) PTE It. oct 30?td Qualified Executor. TACTOll AND comminszo?; 31euchast. CHARLESTON S. C. Liberal advances made op t Union, IlRFBnKKURS ? First National Bank, Peo ple's National Dank, Messrs. Jho. Eraser & Co., Charleston, S. C. july :51 ? ly IjONITIlWjB, BEbaVik'G, Ac. j It. WHI te'S Furniture Ware-Rooms, corner of Market and King Streets; Charles Urn, S. C, aiippiics many families, both t.'ouotry and Town to their full satisfaction. (lean a fow quotations from letters he re ceived : Nkwiikimiy, April 8. 1HC,9. .Ma. 11. WHITE?Dkau Siu : The Furni tuie came safe to haml and was just as you represented it. Numbers of have looked at it, and it is muuh udmired, in fact nothing like it in this place. It may bo the means of your s illing more here. Yours truly. *?x* Another from IVinuab?ro. S. Or, Buys: ??We are weil pleased with the suit? Send w? i drohe to mutch." And one from OTangoburg Ci nnty : "Furniture arrived safe, and family de lighted." Try him for yourself. He keeps CRADLES too. Corner King and .Market Streets, may?12m 8 Charleston, S. C. Notice of Dismissal. iv?"ot;ce ts hereby given that r^j John P. Belfry hn? fttod his Pc?i*Utn for final discharge as Guardian of Wm. F. Syphrctt on the I'.Mh of January next. THAI). C. ANDREWS, dee 18?4t Judge of Probate. Notice of Dismissal. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that 1 will file my Final Account us Admin istrator of the Estate of J. H. Wolfe, d. ceased, in the Honorable Probute (.'unit tor Orangeburg County, on tho lbth day ol Jan uary next, and ask for betters of Dismissal. JACOB II. INABINET. dee 18 4t Notice of Dismissal. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Til A F ON tho seventh day o| January. 1S.o 1 Will flic my final account in the Honorable Probate Court, and ask for bitters of dismis sal us Guardian of M. A. Edwards. t). N. BOW man, den 11- - It_Guardian. Ci5a? 14 1-i5s am? < a Ii I s. By the BOX and at It ET A11., a choice assortment lotf t:RAOKBR8 and cakes, snapi ets. Jumbles, i iikam, soda, a. . .^o;, MtH.VSSES P-VKES, furnished *| low rtttrs by the Ban el ?.?? Box. Cull and see Panriflet. JOHN A. HAMILTON, oci 9 -Sm Court House Stoic. SOH??L BOOKS!! npm: pnk;u>-;?;nki> iiavi: [UicfcN?: ly pub?shed n Berten of New Pictorial I Kea lets mill H|itnrif. adapted 10 tili- taste* I of Children of ??tu bcxcs. Thyy have bt <-n prepared by PibY, J. L. Reynolds, U. 1?., of. ilse South Carolina l/nivcrjdty. The Seri consists of six volumes, hehutifu?y printed and clcgnndy ill?btrared with haujiifu] r<\. gravrtips. Reynolds' N? v. l'kior'.id frielb i. 20 ?< i. -. Uuynold's N/jw' diTciiiruil IVitimry Header, 25 uaata. ...... t . f . . , ? , r c U?yhoHs' New Pictorial Fir* Reader}-10 C?llts. Reynolds' New lUtiorli.) Second Rcads?*, 1,0 . ,'nls. lt(ynoWs' New Picttrinl Third Rinder, f(8 coats. RvynohV New Ppnith Render. ?!.-?"?. We di em it uqt improper t>- refer (6 4 f< w *?f ;lie advantages nii?cd at in pr puriiig these readers. 1. The c iilistmeid of a popular" scnt?ipenj in ravor ofnome enterprise, which is now be ;;iiniiit^ t<i show itself A II ovtr t lit guulh. J. To remedy tue evils complained i<f in nur felio? !s. et' a continued 'change ?'!" Te.\l Books, n costly habit, und one which injtit'i s iiiu Schools, by provfenfhift ilie c!tt1c|s*crt Hvillg pm into ohUMCS; A seii"a ot llotue Etottdt rs. it was supposed. Would be u^cd to a great degree and tins Berious evil thus avoid ed. School History of South Carolina, toll in a laimhnr style, by Prof, Jus Wood David ' son. A. M., 1HI cents. prof. Reynolds' Writing Beeks, in a scries of live numbers: No. 1. Fxcrci-es in the Slinrt betters. No 2. Capitals and .Si.ort Words ccinrnsn oing wit li Capitals'. ' ?.o. :t, Sentences Alphabetically nr. at ?: I. No. i. Boys' Commercial Hand. No. A- Advanced Pooks for Oh-1*, Sen tenocs Alphabetically nrr^.igcd. Puflie <s Ciiupmnn's-feh'Ku Register to last six months, prf?? ID cents, Bnl?c \ tjai.'j'oiuu's Table Rt>ok, } ;'.cs 10 j cents. Touchers and Educators who wifth to ex nniine any of the above WorL.?, with a view io wiroduetfoQ, will hnvo a copy sohl them on receipt of half tin-above retail pHoe, I'l l ! IF. fi ( IIAl'.MAN. Bookseller and Stationery, Columbia, 8, C. N. U.?The above, and mum-rocs Other Books aud Stati<>aety for sab by It I'ill fi:?3U.\Si>.V. dac ?~ ly?apl J7 Rniscll-Stroot, DR. SH ALLEN BERCER'S Fever and Ague ANTIDOTE Always Stop? the Chili?. This Medicine has boon before tho Publio fifteen years, and is still ahead of all other k.v.wn rom od Um*. It doc* not purge, docs not sicken the stomach, is perfectly safo in any do so and under oil circumstances, and is the only Medicine that will ? OMRS IMMEDIATELY and permanently orery form of Fever and Ague, because, it is a perfect Antidote 4* jriMlurla. Hold by all Druggists, dec 11 ly. i a r m r<: i* s t INC liEASE vnn: (HOPS AND -IM pr?.vo vonr i .and. bv using , PIKENIX GUANO, Imported by m; direct fror.? the Pbtsnis telatphh .Soniii P?citic 0ct in. M AN'.IMHiA'i I D <ii: \NO. r~?'J .red i.t P.iyabnnh, tVn . ??rl Clinrlrs ton, S, >\, which .1??.-* i roved In tho soil ih'e ^UHaiirc "n FOF. SALE it WIIjCOX, GIBBS & CO. impoetebs & deaibesin i;i, STREET, saV.V.-.nAII, OA. 04 HAST PAY ST.. CHARLESTON, S. V. 211 BROAD STREET, ALv.L.-TA, UA. ? VK.. bv:.,..... .\gvnt. We a bo he^p ? rUltli No. 1 PEKl Y1AN Ol A NO. h?llt. DISSOLVED ??NVE. PUCE LAND PLASTER, For further! information, address as above for circular, Or subscribe li^ftoutkirn Agrfr tuUuralitf, publiched by VY. C. Maenriirphy & Co.. at Augusjh ami Saviinunb, Oll?, it the low price o4' 'i',c. per annum. doc 1 tf PACIFIC ? ? a no com tan YS Acid Hicspliato of Lime Vox Composting with Cuttou Seed. miriS abtici.e is manefactcbed i AT TUE C?fhpnny?s Works, underyue direction i\ud supoiluteiidchoe of Dr. Have nol. , . It contain? the same elements of fertility a- SCTLUlstB PACIFIC CUANO. except that it t.-. not famUbedrwith AMaIONIA. It is prepared expressly for composting with cot ton .-< id; which furnishes tho clement ot A M >U ?N 1A ; the object being to render ' liat side product of tho plantation available to the highe*1 degree. .?* eri Isnienl of fertility, i'oi further and pa ;v,,-h'rinformation a>:piy to the umLT.-dguud. Terms?"flo cash, or $">0 on 1st November, 1 S"i 0, fur approved Ciiy acceptances or other good security. j. n robson; Agent for South Carolina, 1 und - Atlantic Wharf, Charleston. JOHN S. KI'LSF., Jit.. Q'ohcr?I Agent, Baltimore, oct ;:u Bin VfotU'O.? I*crHoiiM fimic!>l<'?l to XN the late firm 61 L. D. t'LARKE ft CO.. of bewi.niilo, ure notified nol to pay any sums to VV. II. tieiinon. one of the Farmers, as ho is not authorized to receipt therefor. ll. o. 0, IHW. It. D. CLAP. KM. doc 11 tf Orangeburg- -Li Equity. L. 1). Clark, 1 Bill for SettUnicnt Vs, I Injun,lion and \X. ft. llenr.on. j Belief. The undersigned having been appointed E'ecviyer in the above stated caso, heioby KtYci notice to a.l persons indebted by note or account lo the Isio Ftrui of E. D. Clark' & Co.. that ihey vtiH'uraae payment; to hint, and.that neither of 'the sail Firm.ire au thorised to receive or receipt for any of the said debit. ?EO. B0L1VER, Dec. 17, 180'.'.?18 3i Receiver. FRESH ARRITALS AT TT AVK RECEIVED THIS WEEK FROM. KKW YORK. ASECOND f S?VPLV OP S?^ XJ_ Goods, consisting of Ladies Dress Goods, DeLains, Calicos, Flannel*, BslfiS^V ? Skirts, Cloaks, Shawls). Brown and Blciiohed Hbiucspuna, &d. Also another supply of jihftM^ CE1 ;EnR ATED KKEDERICKS BURG, V A. <1ASSI MERE. Broad Cloths, Tweeds, Jeans, Kerseys, Dlaukcts; TJoots, Shoes, Huts, Caps,' Ready- Made/) Clothing, &c. Al so a complete stock of _ > , , if j.,, ,',){ . ? f\ tu. GROCERIES, HARDWARE AND CROCKERY. The above goods wore bought low on account of tho great fa!l in gold, und w < our, frieud.-j to call on us before buying elsewhere. COUNTRY PRODUCE bought at the highest Market prices, pov 20 apl ID?ly McNAMARA & JONES ? LARGE! JVEW!! ATTllACXlYEi!! -4-AND-t- . --,/Am CHEAP!!!! COHNELSON, EEAMEE -& CQ.'S. O U R S T O C K O F Foreign, Domestic arid Fancy Pry Goo FOR TUE EALL AND WINTER TRADE! A FINE assortment of Gents .,,.1 Boya CLOTHING, HATS, BOOTS and J\. SHOES, second to none in tho Market. GROCERIES, HARDWARE, SADDLES, HARNESS, CROCKERY and all other fines fully assorted. New Goods Received by Every Steamer. #3-We Buy COTTON, RICE and PRODUCE at the Highest Market PRICES. -Como one and all! One and all 1! CORNELSON, KRAMER & CO. oct 2 oct 3 k -1 FIRE! FLEE !! FJB1!! 1 , INSURE YOUR PROPERTY AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE WTTII CORNELSON, KRAMER & CO., AGENTS OF GEORGIA HOME pSURANGE OOMPAKT,' IXCOjftPOZ?.lTIH) IS3?,?Af*HEts, 19U3, $441,401.53 AND ?. f , v_ J ^ ' James River Insurance Company, AUTHORIZED CAPr..L 1.500,000. ' BOTH SOU T 21 K S N ?ug 14 ff ' wmm. Tho "CAROLINA FERTILIZER" is made from the Phosphates of South Carolina, and is pronounced by various chemists, one of tho best Manures known, only inferior to Peruvian Guano in its Fcrtilij?iu?.Properties. PiVfspba'tes arc tho remains of extiuct laud and sea animals, and posse* , riuiilitics S greatest value to tbo A ~; ;eulturist. .. ." v_ We aou'-'-Nip? flf, :lyfcic vf IYvfi;.s?or Shcpard. "LABOEATOE OF THE MEDICAL COLLEGE OF SOUTH CAnOLlj^ Analysis of CAROLINA FERTILIZER, personally selected. Moisfnre expelled nt 212? F.1C.?0 Organic Matter, with somo water of cotnbiuatiou expelled at a low rod heat.,...10.60 Fixed Ingredients..'. -. Auumia.?. ...08.80 . 3.60 ; 'hosphoric Aeid?Soltible.ft.i??\.Equivalent to 11.27 Soluble Phosphat? of Li'..Equivalent t.? 1 :?.-IS Insoluble (bone). 24.7.r) Phosphate or I.imc. Equivalent to 2o.fl% Sulphate of Litter ' 80 ?I J ?^1* 4*8 1*9*0 Sulphuric Acid...11.01 Sulphate of Potash... Sulphate of Soda..... 8.50 Sand. ILOfl On tho strength of ihcso results ! ara guvl to certify to the superiority of the CARO LINA FERTILIZER, examined. We will furnish this exceticot rERTI LIZ ER to Planters pud 860? I per ton of 2.000 pound*. nov C lm OTlO. W. WILLIAMS & CO F A 0 T (> 1 1 .Jlsyf? FUfililT?RE, CHAffiMDS.. W A. H V HO OM9. DANIEL H. SILCOX, WIM ? K 175, 177, AND 179 KING-STREET, CHARLESTON, EE PS CONSTANTLY ON HAND A LARGE AND WELL SELECTED ASS ot CibmH Furniture, of the Ute.t ana most approved styles, which he INwwch cannot fail to phase, consisting, ta part, of: Rich t FURNITURE, Boadstcuds, liureaus, WaKhoiands and Wardrobe Sofas. Tcte-a-Tetee, Chairs, Arm Chnir?. Rocking Chairs. W Im'-i hies. Marble and Mahogany Tops, Socreiat v <?>?<? 1'-. Oa*c?, ? L'OvTAGE SETS of every d seription. Al.-o 12 ]. A tr\'V I O ? TP O ? Without arivulfor LLWt i.\, U ?..\t..-.i\. DP R A HI LIT \ and I PpholsterV, The best Assort m. nt ever cll<-i<n ta this M'nrkrt. N. R.'?GOODS CARBH ELY PACKE? fOR SHIPPING, may 1 j> PARLOR and CHAMBER ph, Mahogany and Walnut' .noti. Sofa au?l t'aarrAAWil 1 2m.