The Orangeburg news. (Orangeburg, S.C.) 1867-1875, December 25, 1869, Image 9

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GOODS CHEAP FOR CASH!!! AT Qartmill & Vince's! WK HAVB NOW ON HAND A PULL AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF CHOICE AND DESIRABLE \i Goods, to which wo call the attention of Purchasers, and which we will Guaranteo to Sell at tho LOWEST CA8n PRICES. Our Stock consists in part as follows: DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT. BLANKETS, SIIAWL8, CLOAKS, BALMORAL SKIRTS, DRESS GOODS, WHITE and RLACK AL paou, Blaok Silks, Whito, Red, Gray, Blue and Opera Flannels, Broad Cloths, Casairners, Satinetts, Kentucky Jeans, Dem mings, Ticking, 8tripcs, Plaids, Lindseys, DeLaneJ, Calioos, Ijong Cloths, Bleached and Brown 8heetiug and Shirting, Irish Linens, Bleached and Brown Linen, Damask, Russia Bird Eye Diaper Towels, Broakfast Shawls, Nubias, Hoisery, Gloroe, Drees Trimmings, Puttons, Linen Cauibrio ndks, Edgings, Insertions and a Largo Variety of Fancy Articles, Toilot Soap, &?., Ac BOOT, SHOE, HAT AND CLOTHING DEPARTMENT. LADIES, gents AND CniLDRENS SHOES, gents DRESS AND HUNTING ROOTS, FRENCH FELT Hats of tho Latest Styles, Black Cassimcr Sacks, Fancy Casaiinor Suits and Gents Shawls. HARDWARE DEPARTMENT. Guns, table and pocket knives, red jacket and collins axes, hatchets and Claw Hammers, Butt Hinges and Screws, Shoo, Finishing and Cut Nails, Traco Chaiua, Hand Saws, Drawing Kuives, Cot ton and Wool Curds, Stocl Corn Mills, Powder Flasks, Shot Pouches, Caps, Powder and Shot, Table and Tea Spoons, Seivesi Pots, Ovens, Kettles, Saucepans, Bakors, Frying Pans and Spiders. GROCERIES, WINES, LIQUORS, &c. SUGARS?Crushed, Clarified nnd Brown, SYRUP and MOLASSES, COFFEE?Rio and Java, Green and Black Teas, Flour, Lard, Bacon, Sugar Cured Hams and Shoulders, Cheese, Mackerel, Herrings Bisontts, Egg, Boston, Butter, Water and Ginger Snaps, Can Oysters, Lobsters, Green Peas and Tomatoc, Peaches, Pine Apple. Straw Berry, English Chow Chow, American Pickles, Brandy Peaches and Prcsorvcd Ginger, Jollies, Dried F'igs, Candies *ind Fruit. , WHISKEY?Nectar, Bourbon, Rye. Sherry Wine, Ale?, and White Wine Vinegar. a Large and Select Stock of CROCKERY, GLASS, TIN AND WOODWARE. Will buy COTTON and all Kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE. BUS" Ml*. J. M. DANNER is with us, and will bo pleased to see his Friends "T?fl CARTMILL & VINCE, nov. 20?Im russ el-street. oranq/eburg, S. c. TTOR SAI,JE.?The Corner Lot JP now occupied by J. W. l'ATTEKSON, Esq., one of the best Business Stands in Orangeburg. Tanxs?$2,500?$l,t)00 cash, the re mainder in ten yearly instalments. Apply to Mrs. LAWRENCE KEITT, nov 6?tf St. Matthews 1?. O. A dnalnlstratrix Notice. ? All f\ All persons having any claims against the Estate of Dr. G. W. Burnett, late of Orangeburg County, deceased, will hand thorn in to the undersigned properly vouched ea or before the lat day of February. 1K70. or payment will be debarred, and all those indebted to said Estate will make payment forthwith. ELIZABETH B. BA It NETT, dec 4?3t Qualified Administratrix. In the Court of Probate, ORANGER URO COUNTY. T. J. Goodwyh and A. T. Darby. . rs Martha J. Antlcy, et. al. In the matter of the Estate of B. S. Antlcy. On hearing the petition in this case, and en motion of Messrs. Hutsons k Legare, it is ordered that the creditors of the said B. S. Antley be required to present ami prove their demands before mo by the 1st January, 1870. TIIAD. C. ANDREWS, Dec. 1st, D3G9. Judge of Probate, dee 1 It ORANGEBURG?In Equity. F. W. Fairey, Bill for Account, Sale of Intestates, Real Es tate and for Relief. Jane E. Parsons, Adm'x, et. al. j By rlrtue of an order in the above named cause, the Creditors of the late Joseph II. Murphey, deceased, are hereby notified that they are required to present and prove their respective Demands before Charles B. G'ov er, Esq., Spoeial Referee, ut Ornngohurg. tfouth Carolina, on or hefnre the first day of January next, or they will be debarred pay ment. ? Clerk's OfTice, ~\ QEORGE BOLIVER, Orangeburg, 8. C. [ 0. C. P. Oet. 10, lt<60. j ort 28 td DR. 8H ALLEN BERCER'S Fever and Ague ANTIDOTE / Always Stop* tUs Chills. This Medicine has boon before the Publio Ittssn years, and is still ahead of all other known remedies. It does not purge, doea not sicken the stomach, is perfectly safe in any dose and under all cirenmstancoe, and h the only Medioino that will ?J CURE IMMEDIATELY and permanently orory form of Kov.r and Ague, bpcauso it is a perfect Antidots as Bold by all Druggists. ?%a f 1 ly. SCHOOL BOOKS! I riMIE UNDERSIGNED HAVE RECENT ly published a series of Now Pictorial Readers and Spellers, nduptcd to tin* tastes of Children of both sexes. They linve been prepared by Prof. J. L. Reynolds, I). 1>.. of the South Carolina University. The Series consists of six volumes, beautifully printed and elegantly illustrated with beautiful en gravings. Reynolds' New Pictorial Speller. 20 cents. Reynold's New Pictorial Primary Reader, ?J."> cents. Reynol Is' New Pictorial First Reader, 40 cents. Reynolds' New Pictorial Second Reader, 00 cents. Reynolds' New Pictorial Third Rentier, SO cents. Reynolds' New Fourth Render. &1.2?. We deem it not improper t<> refer ton few of the advantages aimed at in preparing these renders. 1. The enlistment of a popular sentiment in favor of home enterprise, which is now be ginning to show itself all over the South. '2. To remedy the evils complained of in our schools, of a continued (dringe of Text Rooks, a costly habit, aud one which injures the Schools, by preventing the children from being put into classes. A scries of Home Readers, it was supposed, would he used to a great degree nnd this serious evil thus avoid ed. 82I100I History of South Carolina, told in a familiar style, by l'rof, Jas Wood David son, A. M., W cents. Prof. Reynolds' Writing Books, in a series of five numbers: No. 1. Exercises in the Short betters. No. 2. Capitals and Short Words commen cing with Capitals. No. 8. Sentences Alphabetically arranged. No. 4. Hoys' Commercial Hand. No. 6? Advanced Books for Girls, Sen tences Alphabetically arranged. Dnffie & Chapman's School Register to last six months, price 10 cents, D?the & Chapman's Table Book, price IO cents. Teachers and Educators who wish In ex amine any of the above Work.-., with a view to introduction, will have a copy sent them on receipt of half the above relaii price DUFFIE & CHAPMAN, Booksellers and Stationers. Columbia. S. ('. N. B.?The nbove, and numerous other Books and Stationery for sale bv until KOHIXKOX. dec 4?ly?apl 17 Russell-Street. SPECIAL NOTICE. To parties in want of DOORS, SASH ES und BLINDS, wo refer to the advertisement of P. P. Toalc, the large manufacturer of those goods in Charleston. Price list furn ished on application. july 17 '.?111 T? X ECUTOR* NOT ICE. - All Persons having demands ngainst the Estate of F. M. Porter, deceased, will pre sent the same properly attested, and all per sons indebted to said Estate will make imme diate payment to the undersigned on or he fore the first day of March next. ALLEN PORTER, oct 30?td Qualified Executor. ESTATE NOTICE.?All I??r sons having demands against the Es tate of CHRISTIAN Alt ANT, late of Orange burg County, deceased, are requested to pre sent the same properly attested, to tho un dersigned, and all persons indebted to said Estate will make pnymenl at once to .GEO. nOLlVEK. .Administrator. Orangeburg, S. C, Nov. lOflS, IHi'.O. novl'7 Im FARM ID R S ! INCREASE YOUR CROPS AND 1M provc your Lund, l>v using PHOENIX GUANO, Imported by us direct from tlio l*lucidx 1st?uds, Soutli Pacific Ocean. WIIiCOX. CJIttKS A fO.'K MANIPULATED GUANO. Prepared :it Savannah, G? , and Charles ton, S. t'.. which has proved in the soil the best .Manure in u-r>. FOR S M.i: BY WILCOX, GIBBS & CO. IMPOBTEBS 4 DEALERS IH GUANOS. OI> BA\ STUB KT. SAVANNAH, OA. G 3 fast 11AV-ST.. CHARI.KSTt>N, S. C. ail BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GA. Also, by.\gent. We also keep PUKE No. 1 PERUVIAN G U A NO. PURE DISSOLVED BONE. PURE LAND PLASTER. For further information, address as above for circular, or subscribe t-i Southern A<jri. eutturalitt, published by W. t'. Macmurphy & Co., at Augusta and Savannah, Ga., at the low price of *-!?">>?. per annum. dec I tf PACIFIC GUANO COM PAN V S COMPOUND Acid Phosphate of Lime For Composting with Cotton Sued. THINS ARTICLE IS MANUFACTURED |_ AT THE Company's Works, umhr the direction and superintendence of Dr. Have ncl. It contains the same clement: of fertility as SOLUBLE PAt II'It' GU VNO, except that it is not furnished wiih AMMONIA. It is prepared expressly f?>r composting with cot ton good, which furnishes the element of AMMONIA : the object being to render that side product of the plantation available to the higlwst degree as an olemenl ol fertility. . nr further and particular information apply to the undersigned. Terms?i>I*> cash, or $50on l?t November, 1870, for approved City acceptances <>r other good security. J. N ll tBFON, AgOnl for Sun:.. ('urolina, 1 iiutl2 Atlantic Wharf, Charleston. JoIIN S. HEESE .In.. General Agent, Baltimore, oct 80 8m ORANGEEUHG?In Equity. John F. Bonnett, I Bill for Sale of Administrator. { Real Estate t.i pay vs. f tor Injunction ami Jno F. North ol ux it al. ) Relit I. By order of the Court of Equity, all per sons having demands against the Estate of Mary Pou. deceased, are required t<i present and prove ihr. same before the undersigned on or before the first day of January next, or be debarred payment. Oct. 20, ISO?. ' ?EO. BO LIVER, oct 80?td Special Referee. Ndtt6e?-~Per8onn lii<!elitv<l to tlie late linn of L. 1>. CLARKE & to., of I.cwisvillc, am notified not to pay any sums to W. II. Hcnnon, oneot die Partners, as he is not authorized to receipt therefor. Deo; lxoo. L. D. CLARKE. d?e 11 tf FRESH ARRIVALS AT M' NAMA11A & JONES. AVE RECEIVED THIS WEEK FROM NEW YORK, A SECOND SUPPLY OF NltW* Goods, consisting of Ladies Dross Goods, DeLaius, Calicos, Flannels, Balmoral kins, Clpakfi, Shawls, Brown and Bleached Homespuns, \c. Also another supply of (hat CELEBRATED FREDERICKSBURG, VA. CA SSI MERE, Broad Cloths, Tweeds, Jeans, Kerseys, Blankets, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Ready Mode Clothing, &c. Also a complete stock of GROCERIES, HARDWARE AND CROCKERY. The above goods were bought low on account of tho great fall in gold, and we sollet! . our friends to cull on us before buying elsewhere. COUNTRY PRODUCE bought at the highest Market prices, nov 2? apl 10?ly McNAMARA & JONE?. LARGE! NEW!! ATTRACTIVE!!! ?fAND-f? CHEAP!!!! iitv COHITELSOIT, KEAMEU & CO.'S, OUR STOCK OF Foreign, Domestic and Fancy Dry Goods .d< ?I ?Tt-: FOR THE FALL AND WINTER TRADE! M irr AFINK assortment of Cents and Boys CLOTHING, HATS, BOOTS and SHOES, second to .none in tho Market GROCERIES, HARDWARE, SADDLES, HARNESS, CROCKERY and all other linos fully assorted. New Goods Received by Every Steamer. P?rWc Buy COTTON, RICK and PRODUCE at tho Highest Market PRICES. -?Come one aud all ! One and all ! ! CORNELSON, KRAMER & CO. oct 3 k ly OCt 1 FIRE! FIRE !! FIRE!!! INSURE YOUR PROPERTY AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE WITH CORNELSON, KRAMER & CO., Ac; KNTS OF GEORGIA HOME INSURANCE COMPANY, INCORPORATED 1850,?ASSETS, JATt. IS39, $111,101.52 AND James River Insurance Company, AUTHORIZED CAPITAL 1.500,(?i>0l t@* ROTH SOUTHERN COMPANIES. -?8 aug 14 * If The "CAROLINA FERTILIZER" is made from the Plufltphntes of South Carolina, and i.-. pronounced by various chemists, one of the best M.innres known, only inforior to Peruvian Guano in its Fertilizing Properties! These Phosphates are die remains of extinct land and sea animals, and possess finalities of the greatest value t<> the Agriculturist. Wo annex the an alysis of Professor Shepard. ??LABORATORY OF THE MEDICAL COLLEGE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. Analysis of CAROLINA FERTILIZER, personally selected. Moisture expelled al 212? V.X.10.70 Organic Matter, with some water of combination expelled nl a low red beat..10.64) Fixed Ingredients. .00.80 Imonin. 2.00 Ph tphoric leid Solnble.I.Equivalent to 11.27 Soluble Phosphate of Lime. [nsoblc.t..l7.Equivalent to i: Hl.lfl ...I l.ol Equivalent to 28.0 18.48 Insolublo (boas). 24.75 Phosphate of Limo. / j.-', .<?"> Sulphate of Lime. / 80 1 ity of tho^Ci Sulphuiio Acid. Sulphate of Potash Sulphate of Soda. 8.S0 Sand. 11.0ft On strength of those results I am glad to certify to the superiority LINA FERTILIZE!!, examined. C. I . SIIEPAHO, JJfr. We will furnish this excellent FERTILIZER to Planters nnd othepft ttt $G0 per ton of 2,000 pounds. I iV a?"A^v nov (5?I oi G 1 X). A\r. AY I..LTJAMS <& pO., F A 0 V O R 8. ? t GL? J AY A Li E U? O M S. DANIEL 11. SILC0X, 17 5. 177, AND 179 KING-STREET, (MIAPJLKSTON, S. C?."? KEEPS CONST \ N i LY ON HAND A LARGE AND WELL REJECTED ASSORTMENT of Cuhinot Furniture, of the latest and inns', approved styles* which he ?fters at price* ?lach cannot fail to please, consisting, in part, of: Bich Set - ojf PAR LOB and CHAMBER PURNITUBE, Roadsteads, Bureaus, WaHistnnda aud Whi i> uT' ? Mahogany and Walnut Solas. Tete-a-T?tes, Chairs, Arm Chair*. Hocking Cbnir*. VVj/ni_not?, Sofa and Centre T** Ides, Maible and Mahogany Tops, Secretary and Book ? '.^Js, otc. A'*" *' 11 AMEKE and EOTTAGF SETS of every description. AMo / }<: L ? S T I Q 8 P /> NT a K Without a rtvn. For LI JO BY7, K<R>Nu.\l\. DUBAI ' i !'. \x ; HJSAJfT U FULNESS, Inall Upholstery,. TAebosI Assortment .vet offered in this MsrkVi ?N. B.?000. >S CAREFULLY PACKED FOR silH lfiMl m?y I J 1 2nj