SATURDAY, DECEMBER 18,1869. . , /, i ., ? Advertiser's Notice U-Advortise merits for next week's paper must be handed in by Tuesday ut ten o'clock. The XSenithittce on Privileg*? and Elections in the Semite to whom ' was re ferred the Abbeville contested election have reported recommending that L. L. Guffin, republican, be admitted to his seat' in the Senate. Kerosene Accident.?Uu Monday night a lady at Dr. Sal ley's iu filling the lamp with oil, spilled sonio on the hearth, which became heated, and blazed up, slightly hurtling the lady's hand, but for tunately doing no other harm. ? i?? Tub Mei.isii.?We uotico thut the Adjutant General has commenced pub lishing the list of names enrolled for the militia. All entitled to exemption -an; instructed by tho act, to tile their -application, with affidavits in the Town Clerk's office, before the 15th of Februa ry next. _' ; n _ Lunatic.?Dick, a colored man, ar rested by the Town Council on the 1th inst., for riotous conduct, has beou after examination, pronounced insane ami was scut to the Lunatic Asylum ou Friday night last. Frieud Patterson has just received a large assortment of Christmas goods. Well it will do you good to look at his goods. Just to think how nice those large, juicy mountain apples will be in a dumpling. He has a lot of Bon Ton Surprise Candy, you will get a prize in every box See advertisement. ????.?-?????? ? A Prize?G?dey's Lady's Book.? We offer the Got?ry'? Laitu's llk for one year to the writer uf the best Origi nal Story. The decision to be made by :a^comuiittee of gentlemen, to be appoiu - ml by the editor. The story not te be longer ?hau ton p.tges foolscap, and the jprize story und such others us we deem !fit, to be published in the OuANOEltLlUi News. Stories tu be band? d in before the 1st ol February next. CoMK Qi.'lCK.?Hundreds of our sub scribers have conic forward und paid up, so as to avail themselves of our offer,, of ?the Agricultural Magazine. Renew your .subscription at once, and ?et '?The Stock Journal" and your county paper for one wear fur two dollars ! We have sent for ?the January number of the Journal. ?Cokvc atouce-auti-be . in. time lor this" number. Rail Road Accident.?The through train on the Wilmington and Manches ter R. R., on the loth inst. met. with an accident ncaT Kingsville, the front osle of the tender broke, throwing the mail aind express cars, down an embankment, ien feet high, the cars turning complete ly over. The Express Messenger H II. Leon, and Mail Agent Wiggins, were severely, but not dangerously hurt. In reply to the criticism and ubusc to J ?which Judge Carpenter was subjected, in the Legislature during the debate on art. One of them, Winbush, went far .ahead of all (be others in asserting tho T'ght* of the freed men, proclaiming that the noxt United States seuator, icwuSouth Caroliua would be a negro, and thut ho himself was raining a colored militia reg iment, that would whip out the Ku-Klux. Ad Amateur Druumtio Club? at Burn well Court House, aro to produoo "Tho Lady of Lyous." Why have wo not au Amateur Musical und Dramatic Club at Orangeburg? The People's Bank of South Caro lina.-?Mr. John B. La litte of this city, was elected, ^eeterduy, prcsideut of the People's Bunk of South Caroliua, in the place of Mr. James G. Gibbcs, who hud resigned. Mr. Lufitte is a gentleman of*| high standing in commercial circles, and his large experience, business tuet und undoubted financial ability will bo of great value to the well known bank of which he is now the bead. Tbc People's Bunk will, we believe, resume active business iu a few days, and, if sound and able management count for auytbiuj it will soon become one of the most popu lar, ub well as responsible, banking institu tions iu the State.? Charleston News. ? ? . -. ?? A MAMMOTH lloo.?James G. Harris. Esq., ol our town, butchered a hog last week, nintcen mothths old, weighing gross, G4? pounds, nett, 570 pounds, from tho usual oftal a dotrimtuings of which was obtained 120 pounds of bird. This beats any thing iu the lmg history of this part of the country. Its immense size is accounted for upon the supposition that it must have had some "irha'e blood" in it. Some judges have even gone so far as to prououncc it emphatically " UN DKRTAKER.? 1 respectfully solicit work in tho above line, such as Coffins of all stylos, repairing Ohl Furniture, putting New Cnnc Rottums in Chairs, nnd all other work in the above line done with usatness and dispatch. All work warranted. Give mo a trial. B. .1. LOYD, Msrket-St., dee 11?3m Next to Jno. A. Hamilton MI I.I, I?OXI> ami ni LWFI, OYTERS supplied in quantities to sun purchasers. Orders from ull parts of the interior solicited. Address THOMAS McCRADY, Agent. P. O Box No. 33'.? Charleston, S. C. Rkprurnoks?James Adgcr & Co., Hon. J. R. Campbell. Dr. St. .1. Rnvcncl, David Jen nings, McCrady & Son. W. I?, Dingle, John S. Ryan. . nov 20?3m Notice of Dismissal. kJOTlCE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ON the seventh day of January, 1870, 1 will fib- my final account in the Honorable 1'robute Court, and ask for letters of dismis sal as Guardian of M. A. Edwards. O. N. BOWMAN, dec 11?4t Guardian. INSURE TOUR LIFE. rgtni: F.QTJiTABI.E IdFE CON ducts its business ou the PURELY MUTUAL ALL CASH PLAN. ? PAY AS YOU GO" is the sufo rule in LIFE ASSURANCE as ia any!Ii itig else. Its NEW BUSINESS in tho year 1808 ex ceded that of any ??CHECK," "NOTE" or "MIXED" COMPANY by -pwardsof Twelve Millions. ALL PROFITS divided among the Policy Holders annually. INCOME. C.COO.000.00 AS8E l'S.10.000,000.00 The EQUITABLE ASSURANCE SOCIETY oilers to the Public all tile REAL ADVAN TAGE which can with Nul'uty be conceded by auv Con,j.any. N. AUSTIN BULL, jiine 20?a pi 3?if Loca) Agent. NOTICE TO LIEN CHEDITORS IN BANKiUTTCY. lo the District Court oi' the United o - States fur the District of South Carolina In the matter of C.U.KU ti. StRI'HSXS, Bankrupt, fix part'V. "V. DuiliLE, Assignee. Persons' UoUliug. Belts sgaiusf the Estate of Caleb t;. Stephens, Bankrupt-, are required to establish the same heb re J. C. CurpenTcr. Esq., Register in Bankruptcy, So. ~'l Broad street, Charleston, H. C. on or before tue 1st January. 1870. By order of the linn. George S. Bryan. Judge of the District Com', for South Caro lina. P. V. DIBBLE. Assignee Caleb C. Stephens, nov 20?td Bankrupt. NOTICE TO LIEN CREDITORS IN BANKRUPTCY. In the District Court of the United States, fur tho District of South Carolina. In the matter of llMCRV L. SuoaK, Bank rupt, fix partt P. V. Diniii.r, Assignee. Persons holding liens against the Estate of Henry L. Smonk, Bankrupt, are required to establish the same before J. C. Carpenter, Esq., Register in Bankruptcy No. 72 Broad hi reel, Charleston, 8. C. on or before the 20l It December next. By order of the Hon. George S. Bryan. Judge of tho district Court of the United States for South Carolina. P. V. DIBBLE. nov 20?td Assignee II. L. Smoak. Bankrupt. John A. Hamilton, OR A NGEft CR C, .S\ C. Agent for the Celebrated DICKSON FER TILIZER. Orders received for same. OFFICE OF THE IpicltNon Fertilizer Company, Augusta, and Interest, for approved City Acceptance. DrayagC, in all cases. $1.00 per Ton. Dick son's Compound also will bo delivered Free of Charge, at any Depot in South Carolina, in exchange for Cotton Seed, at the rale of KM) pounds of the CollipOlin I for 1 ?"> bushels pound.- each) of pco:1. Bags for Becd also furnished free of charge. Address E. P. ALEXANDER, dec -l ? It wee Columbia, S. C. The Stulo of South Carolina. Oranoeburg ) In Equity. T. Olrnn Sltuler, Adtn'r, ] Bill for et. ux. Injunction, vs I i) 0 w e r a n d L. D. Myers Ex'r ct. id. | Relief. By an order made in this cause, the credi tors of J. D. W. Collier are required lo prove their claims before me by the 3d day of Jan uary, 1H70. 15, B. GLOVER, dee 4- td Referee. Q.EO. W. CAHFJENTEIt'S COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT OP SAR SAPARILLA GEO. W. CARPENTER'S COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT OF BUCIIU Theao Celebrated Preparations, originally introduced by Geo. VY. Carpenter, under the patronago of the medical faculty ; have been bo long extensively used by physicians and others, that they are generally known for their intrinsic value, and can ho relied on as being most valuable remedies in all cases where Sarsaparilla or Buchu are applicable, and cannot bo too highly recommend*!. They ore prepared in a highly concentrated form, so as to render the dose small and convenient. Orders by mail or otherwise will receive prompt attention. GEO. W. CARPENTER, HBNSZEY & CO., Wholesale Chemical Warehouse, No, ?:;7 Market street. Philadelphia. For sale by DUKES & SilULEE, and E. J. OLIVEKOS, Orangeburg, S. C, and DOWIE ft MOUSE, Wholesale Agents, Charleston, S. C. oct 9?tf CHEAP GOODS! CHEAP GOODS!! THE UNDERSIGNED IN VIEW OF AN entire CHANGE OE BUSINESS ttftorthe FIRST of JANUARY naxt. will sell the stock of DRY GOODS, now in store until the 1st of January next, AT AND UNDER COST. And after that date AT AUCTION every Salesday and Saturday, until the en lire Stock is sold. All of the above goods has been purchased within the last 90 DAYS AT C A S II I? R I C E S , thereby avoiding the necessity of offering Old and Store-worn Stock. The slock con sist of Homespuns, Calicos, Ready Made Clothing, Hats, Caps, Shoes, and every arti cle usually kept in a well tilled COUNTRY STORE. Cull and examine for yourselves. W. T. LIGHT FOOT, nov 20 ly July 81 Orangeburg?In Equity. Win. Keller, ) vs. W. R. Keller. Adm'i [ lie bout* mm J. VY. Smith. By an order ill this cause Ihe creditors of J. W. Smith are required to prove their de mands before me bv the 1*1 li day of January next. * C. B. GLOVER, October '.I, 1800. Referee, oct 17 Id Orangeburg Bakery, V. PITTHAN, jj j* op n i eto n. h A VINO procured tho swrvices of FIRST CLASS BAKER, MR. THOS. YV. ALBERGOTTI, I am now prepared to do all kinds of BAKING at a moments notice, and lo furnish custom ers and the Trade generally with a good arti cle, and at Charleston prices, nt wholesale nnd retail lo Merchant-" and Families. No expenses will be spared on my pan to plruse my Customers. The following list f.: Bread, Cakes and Crackers kept constantly on hand, and fresh : o a. lv 1s s: Pound Cuke Large ami Small. Sponge Cuke. Sugar Cake. " ? fevuj* Cake. Small Fancy Cakes. Scotch Cake. ~~" s_ ._Lafayette Caka. French Tea Cake. I.eirior! ? ake. Lady's Fingers. Large Ginger Noltr Bolivers and Thick Cakes. C U A(Mv E R S: Trenton Crackers. Butter Crackers. .Sfcd Crackers. Sugar Crackers. Large Biscuits. 13 II K a d: Wheat Bread. Rye Bread. Graham Bread. French. Twist, Split and Cap Loaves. Tb* hie' st cash places paid for BUTTER I ami EGGS. The Subscriber respectfully returns hisl thanks to the citizens of Orangeburg for their patronage in I lie past, and respectfully solicits a continuance of the samt-. apl 24 ? ly V. PITTHAN. In the Circuit Court. IN EQUITY. Oraxoeburo County. R. W. Bates, Administrator ) Bill cum testamento annexe [ for Injunction vs nnd P. A. McM'mhaol, et. al. | Relief. Pursuant to an Order of tho Conn in this case, the Creditors of Bennett M. Shulcr, deceased, are hereby notified tc present ami prove their demands prior i<> the l?t day of January next. GEO. BO LI V ER," Nov. 51 h, !S?VJ. C. C. c. P. ORANGEBURG?In Eqi nv. Artemus A. Connor, } Bill for Sale of Administrator, et. ux. j Real Estate to pay vs }? Debts, for Injune Margaret McMichacl, | lion and Relief. et. ul. j By virtue of an order in the above named cause, the creditors of the late Paul A. Mc Michacl, deceased, are hereby notified thnt they are required lo prcsciil Slid prove their respective demands, before tho undersigned, the Special lit ten e. at Orangeburg, South Carolina, on or before the first day of Janua ry next, or ilifv will be debarred payment. Clerk's Office, ) GEO. UOLIVER, Orangeburg, S. C, V C. C. P. October J7. 1^?;;?. j ect itO td NOT1CK-I? Hereby Given to the Public, thnt [have this day discon tinued BUSINESS as a MERCHANT in the Town of Orangeburg. All persons indebted to me as a Merchant will make payment loJOHN DAVIS, nnd nil persons holding claims ngainsl mo as afore said will present I hem to him for settlement, lie having assumed I ho payment thereof. W. L. W. Ill LEY This lfHh October, 1809.?23?tf. NOTICi:. ? All PcrMius In debted t.. W. L. W. Ill LEY as n Mer chant in Orangeburg Village, will please come forward and SETTLE UP, as longerin i diligence can not be given. ?ov * ff JOHN PAVI?, Agt. BACON, FLOUR, SALT. T. A. JEFFORDS & CO., CORNER RUSSELL-ST. AND R. R. AVENUE. Huh constantly on hand, a full assortment of QROCjERIP?, Whieb the/ mf? offering VERY LOW, also a very fine lot of LIQUORS. GIBSON'S. XXX WHISKEY ? $3 00 per Gallon PURE OLD CORN WHISKEY @ 2 00 per Gallon OLD BOURBON WHISKEY @ 1 60 per Gallon brandy, aiisr & wine, Ii Also a cheap lot of Iff A .tIS. Parties wishing GROCERIES would do well to call and ?xamine our STOCK bofor purchasing elsewhere. dec 18 6mc Mpt 25 J. W. PATTERSON, HAVE JUST RECEIVED iw_ F I RE W 0 Ii KS.^rTin BON TON BOXES, SAVE YOUR CENTS! for Twenty-five You will buy a SWEET SURPRISE : Caudy of a varied flavor? And, to gain your Lady's favor, GOLD OR SILVER WATCH, or Chain, Studs or Ear-Rings you will gain, Breast-Pins, Buttous for your Sleeve. OPE THE BOX? 'twill not deceive: PATTERSON puts SURPRISE in all! DISAPPOINTMENT CAN'T BEFALL 1 Buy the Box, and your Surprise W ill delight your Neighbor's eyes.. deo 18 o It W. T. M?LLER, GROCER AND LIQUOR DEALER! OFFERS TO THE PUBLIC*A WELL SELECTED STO"K OF FRE8H FAMILY GROCERIES and Fine Brands of CHOICE LIQUORS. Calling the attention of Housekeepers to the fnct that I am supplied EVERY WEEK with Fresh CABBAGE (Red and White). ONIONS, CODFISH, iRISH POTATOES, DRIED APPLES. Also German, Hazel and Wallnuts, and Coaco Nuts, aud Butter Nuts and S. w. Piccan Nuts, The folldwing brands are on draft, CABINET, RYE, CORN, MONONGAHALA, FRENCH BRANDY, HOLLAND GIN, JAMAICA RUM, CATAWBA WINE, PORT. MALAGA, SHERRY and CLARET. Also LAGER, CIDER AND EDINB?RG ALE. I shall try nnd keep only an K No. 1 ARTICLE or all I offer for sale. The OLD CITIZENS of the County will be happy to find Mr. JOHN FAIR, formerly Agent of the S C. R. R., at this place, with me. Come one and all, and see for yourselves. Just received 6 Barrets of the far famed CINCINNATI LAGER BEER. Thle L>ger needs no recommendation, but to drink it and pav for it. Respectfully, nov 13?ly W. T. M?LLER. JOHN DAYIS & CO., RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCE TO THE CITIZENS OF ORANGE burg and Vicinity that they have opeucd a Complete Stock of Choice Family Groceries and Liquors at the Old Stand of W. L. W. Riley where they will be pleased to see their friend* and the public generally. You will find at our Store the following articles BACON, FLOUR, LARD, BUTTER, CHEESE, MACKEREL, SUGARS. COFFEES, TEA8, SARDINES, LOBSTERS, OYSTERS, PICKLES, CRACKERS. FRESH PEACHES, CANDIES, CIGARS. SMOKING and CHEWING TOBACCO, WISE, BRANDY, GIN WHISKEYS all of the Choicest Brands, besidea other articles not mentioned. AH' of which is ofloraa cheap for cash. nov C ly STOCKER'S CHEAP CASH STORE, CORNER OF RUSSELL AND CHURCn STREETS, next to the BAPTIST CHTJHCH. rpiIK SUBSCRIBER HAVING MOVED INTO III? NEW STORE, X where he has opened with a LARGE and FRESH STOCK of FALL and WINTER GOODS, consisting of THING, BOOTS, Groceries, &c, s OLD FRIENDS and as many NEW II OR COUNTRY PRODUCE, gave him nnd themselves a great deal mt as thev will he refused. : IT I ZENS of the District generally of the same. Respectfully JOHN D. STOCKER. oct 110 aug 23 If otl BULL, SCOVILL & PIKE, HAVE JUST RECEIVED By Last Steamer a Full and Beautiful Stock of LADIES DRESS GOODS, FANCY PRINTS AND LONG CLOTHS. Another lot of those CELEBRATED C0RSBTT8 Another lot of those CELEBRATED NEEDLES. BULL SCOVILL & PIKE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A FINE LOT OF CASS1MERS, COTTON ADES SPANISH LINNEN, &c. trunks'??.. m?jr 29?I] BULL, SCOV ILL & PIKE.