The Orangeburg news. (Orangeburg, S.C.) 1867-1875, December 18, 1869, Image 3

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THE ORANGEBURG NEWS SATURDAY, DEC. 18, 18691 MALCOLM I. BROWNING, Editor. Powerful Political Combination in Yirginia. There wns published iu the Richmond papers, December 2d, u list of the State Central Committee of tho Walker, Con servative party. In it aro the names of prominent Whigs, Democrats, Conserva tives and Republicans. Among others are the names of James A Cowardin, editor of the Richmond Dispatch, Judge U. H. Marshall, Chas. S. Carringtou, President of the James River and Kana Wah Canal, W. H. Taylor, Adjutant of Loo's army, General Stone, Cavalry offi cer in tho Union army. D. C. DeJaiu ctto former Democratic member of Con gross. This list, combining all tho in terests of tho State, includes gentlemen of wealth, ability and position. This combination will doubtless preserve and seeuro the triumphs of the Conservative party in Virgiuiu. It will be remember ed that General Robert E. Lee, our '?first in war, first iu peace," etc., ap proves of aud endorses tho platform of this party. This is a cheering and hope ful sign for the future of Virginia, aud comes now ns an encouraging compensa tion for the probable loss of Mississippi, into the hands of the extreme Radical party. The late advices indicate that Judge Dent, of the Conservative pat ty has been defeated and that Alcorn, the candidate of the extremist, backed by the military and supported by the Grant admin istration, has becu forced upon the peo ple as Governor. This State would have been secured to the same Conservative party, compo sed of her own best citizens and the re spectable and wealthy class of Northern men settling there, hut for the military interference of tho U. S. authority in the State. Tho military has actually in Mississippi, suppressed a free government. But these things will uot be so long. This State of Mississippi and every other Southern State, will oue day be restored to the perfect keeping of their citizens. Even hi our own State, when, from the numerical majority of the colored vote, and the complete mastery obtained and kept over them, by the present par ty now in power, we have the greatest and most discouraging difficulty to con tend with, even here, time, will work Oat our complete cure. ?Our own leaders, are already admitting that it is a question of expediency, of tac-tics, to solve the Gordian problem of our difficulties. The colorod men arc showing signs of becoming tired of the shackles of their Leagues. Northern men of wealth, intelligence and houor, are bringing their energy and capital to onr State. These are sure signs, of our salvation from our abnormal aud pros trate situation. Tho Labor movemeut is working its own cure for the morbid discontent of indolent laborers. The uunatural at tempts of lubor to force and coerce capi tal, oven with the aid of politicul machi nery, and of the ruliug powers is reacting to hush tho querulous demand for higher wages. Tho labor convention has me , and its pompous speeches, and memorial has fallen far short of the exaggerated and ridiculous expectations of the la borers. The great law of labor and its golden reward, the dictum of Ilcaveu itself, 'and based upon principles as true and. conpensating as the economy of Naturo together with the no less, true sod iufalible laws of capital, aud labor, basod upon tho complex relations of political and finacinl economy, these will hush with their iron force, the transient clamors of the idle. Our colored people will realize that thoro is is a limit to their absurd ex pectations placed by immutable arrange ments and laws. They will agreo with us in what wc 'said some weeks since, that the advice, that assembled them, und incited them to thege.attempts, was unwiso, unsound. The attempt most react and its failure will do thorn goed- Tho valuo and re wards of their labor cannot he fixed by grand resolutions, aud memoriuis. These depend upon their own efforts, industry, thrift, ana her.csty. These aro tho signs thut promise good in onr future. Ourfuir dealing and spirit of conciliation with tho colored poople and their own realization of their duties 1 and of our friendship. These promise our relief frme our evils. The day may not be now, but by a concilatory, sonsible practical policy upon a conservative basis, on our part, it will not be far distant. Tho broad cosmopolitan spirit of Hampton's speech at Macou, Georgia, which wo noticed a week or two siucc, is eohocd by tho sentiments uttcrred by Gen. Forrest at a recent celebration of* tho Chattanooga and Alabama rail road. Truly these gallant knights of Southern chivalry bavo the bcstjVight to counsel their felluw-citizcns, and to speak in bo halt of the people which their prowess has made illustrious. Hampton's speech is winuing from all sides the same goldeu opinions which wo expressed for it, and is favorably no ticed at the North. Forrest says : "I exhort you fellow comrades of other days to follow my lead as bravely as you did on other fields. To-day burying tho past, and forgetting it. 1 shall gladly meet these Northern gentlemen as brothers. With you I ac cept their efforts to devclope our section, and uuiting mine with these exhort you to the same course to bo followed and crowned with prosperity, peace aud unity. Almost simultaneously these two great loaders have spoken. "'Tis au omen. The gods have spokeu." Hampton, with his eloquent appeal in behalf of tbo policy of eulightened hu manity; progressive ideas, and Christian philantrhopy, advocating the uiild for bearance of the ireediuau's exagcratcd and grotesque importance, and bidding us to aid them in the acquisition of edu cation, and moral elevation ; and For rest, recommending a mild conservatism, that will admit the introduction of a new civilization, and welcome and eneourage immigration and investment of ' riegn capital. And in the course these groat chieftaius recommend, they are them selves leading, and sotting their exam ples. Let us heed and imitate. L.uuie Pay and Little Wohk?At. the last session cf the Legislature, three Cu.iun.issiuncrs were appointed to oodify th^Wnwl of this Stafc. *Thcsc Commis sioners aro Corbiu, Montgomery and \Vnipper, the first two, white, the latter, a negro. They have finished their code and presented it for the consideration of tho present Legislature. A correspond ent of the Chronicle <t- Sentinc] gives the subjoined account of bow the work has bceti doue: The code is said, by our best lawyers", who have compared it with the code of New York, to be a copy of the latter, almost complete. The divisions numbers, aud arrangement throughout are the same, and as to language it is wordjbr word the same almost through, tho only departure being where some local legisla tion required tho variatiou of a phrase here and tbero. Now for this work the Act allows them $3,500 each per annum; or $10, 500 a year; besides "for reasonable ex penses of clerical services, books, prim ing, stationery, aud other necessary und incidental matters, not exceeding 85,000 annually." That is, the code is to cost the State 815 500. To run over the New York code with a pencil, making the changes, and then to copy the whole off, could bo done for rather less than 815,500, one would suppose. Exchanges, 'fiit. Rural Carolinian.?Like wine aud sonic other good things, is improved by ago. Planters admit that it. is the best of its kind, and welcome it each mouth with increased pleasure. Cooky's Lady's Book.?Another one of those "good things" wo have spoken of, gets better all the while. But if tho Ladies like it that is quite enough to be said in its behalf, and wo know they do. Demorest's premium.?The engrav ing of "the pic nie on tho 4th July," given as a premium to each subscriber of Demorest's Magazine, is really a fino thing, worth, of itself, more than the subscription for a year, and well suited to a place in the parlor. It is executed in the very best style, and represents a pleasant and humorous scene. Wo arc highly pleased with our copy. Hitchcock's Monthly Magazins. -?A treasury of good things, and especial ly of music, is u beautifully printed, taste fully arranged and well conducted publi cation. Besides tho pleasaiit reading she would have, a lady who gets this magazine, will, in tho course of tho year, have provided herself with a ohoice collection of music, worth more than the years subscription. It is published by Bouj. W- Hitchcock, Now York, at $3 a year. Proceedings of Council. Council Ciiamukr, Oranoeburo, S. C, Dec. 7,1869. Regular meeting of Counoil. Pre sent, the Intendant, Wardens Ray, Mo Namara and Olivoros. Minutes of last meeting were read aud conGrined. An Ordinance prohibiting the sale of intoxicating liquors ia the corporate lim its of Orangeburg on Sundays was in troduced and upon being put to vote mot with tho unanimous approval of Council, witli instruction to have said Ordinance published in tho Oiianoeuurq Nxws, four respective insertions. The petition of tho Elliott Hook and Ladder Company, was then considered, and after some rtirring debate, Council voted them fifty (60) dollars to bo paid whenever the Apparatus were in condi tion! to render active service to the Cor poration. Dick nn unfortunate colored man, who was confined for violating an Ordinance "To Preserve the Peace and Quiet of the Town," was next considered. Upon the evidence given in his case as to tho pos sibility of his being demented, Council appointed a Medical Examining Hoard consisting of Drs. Elliott, Salloy and Kcnnerly, to examine the said Dick, and to report to Council the condition of his mind, that proper steps may be taken for his disposal, with instructions to render to Council their bill for payment.? Council lelt it discretionary with the In tendant to have on the streets during the holidays one, two or three constables, the better to preserve order and quiet. A resolution was introduced respect fully calling dealers in spirituos liquors to Ordinance published elsewhere, aud urgently impress upon their attention the necessity, during the holidays, especially, of prudence, discretion and moderation in the distribution and sale of intoxicating drink. No further business Counoil adjourned until next regular time of meeting. N. A. HULL, Intendant. E. J. Oldveros, Clerk. A Danoerouh Toy.?The latest invention, sent out to amuse our child ren nt the risk of life aud limb, is the nitro-glyceriue torpedo, a little toy done up in tin foil, and in the explosiou of which when thrown against a wall or pavement the boys take infinite delight. Experience has proved them to be eminently dangerous and we caution all against having anything to do with thcui They are very explosive, and the force exerted m most powerful, lacerating the flesh when comiug in contact with it. and the very thing to put out otie,s eyes. Several accidents h ive already occurred in our city from them, and immediate steps should be taken to prevent their use and sale, if possible.? Charleston Courier. The Income Tax.?This odious tax expires by the terms of tho act imposing it, in 1870; and it is to be hoped that it will not be again forced upon the people. It is the most oppressive and unequal of all the taxes, because it falls mainly upon persons of comparatively small means, while the wealthy do not feel it. This tax netted last year $41,000,000. In place of it, some papers propose substitu ting greenbacks for national batik notes and taxing U. S. bonds. Hy dispensing with the nationiul bank notes, and issuing greenbacks in their stead, we can save $25,000.000, which is now given to the bankers. Hy taxing the bauds, say two per cent, about the same tax which other property pays, we save $40,000,000 more making a total ol $G5,000.000. This is a third more than we derive from the income tux?will not tho people insist that the bank and bond lax shall be saved, rather than they themselves shnll be burdened with nn onerous obliga tion '!?AVirs. Richard Wagner, the composer of Tannhausor, is at work upon a history of music, which is to be published in three large volumes. The Spanish Minister, on the 9th, gnve satisfactory assurance to the State Department thtit^the' gunboats uow at New York would not be used against Peru, and as a consequence the Peruvian Minister is satisfied,-und no longer in sists on their detention. The Secretary of State has, therefore, directed Attorney Picrrepont to enter a nolle proneqni in the court to-morrow, the results of which will be the release 4?the Spanish gun boats. 4 There is a pear trie in Orange county. N. C, over 100 years old. It is ten feet in circuinfe-once, about three feet in diameter, and still is hearing fruit. There is much decay in' Its branches but the body seems to be perfectly sound. It was brought from ViTginia in the lap of the grandmother of the lute Willie P. Manguiu. ^ HYMENEAL. Ma a in K.i>?On the 10th December, I860, at the bride's residence, in Lexington County, S. C, by th* Rcr. Wfo! G. Mack, Dr. I. D. DURHAM, of Orangeburg Village. 8. C, to Miss LIZZIE M. B^S'OTTS, of Lexington County, S. C. MISS K M. MAULE, " P ISHIONABLE millinery and Fancy GooiIhX! Have now Opened \nd offer to Ihr? Ladies of thin County, a complete Stock of the above goods of the LATEST STYLES, and trimmed in the best manner, with a view to suit the tasla-of Customers. Also FASHIONABLE DRESSMAKING promptly attended to. K. M. MAULE, dec '28?lm* Russell-Street. NEW GOODS JUST RECEIVED ?AND ? OFFEIUXCi LOW 7FQYL C ASH B V F. E. ?ALINAS, 13 AM BE BQ AND GRAHAM'S TO dec 18 tf Notice of Dismissal. ?VJ-?>Tlt'K IS H Kit BUT GIVEN THAT ON _LA| tliu 17th day, of January, 1870, I will file my fund account as AdininiRtrator of the Estato of .JcsHe Patrick, in the Honorable the Probate Court for Or:inp?'burg County, and ask for Letters of Dismissal. P. W. FA 1 HEY. <lcc 1 H^?j^^^^ujLMi^l Administrator. Notic9 of Dismissal. N'OTICR IS HEREBY GIVEN Til VT ON the 17th day of January, 1870, I n il! tile my tinnl account us Administrator of the Estate, of Wm. H. llo^rcll. in the Honorable the Probate Court for Orangeburg County, and ask for Letten of Dismissal. P. W. FA I LEY. dec 18?-It Qualified Administrator. Ad Uli ei ist nitor's Rlot ice.?All persons indebted to I>. \V. Kcnnnrly, deceased, or his Estate, will make payment immediately. All persona holditi^ claims ogainsl said Estate will present them pro* pcrly vouched by the 1st day of February next, or payment will be debarred. Z. A. OA I It, H. C. KENNEULY, de;- 11?3t* Qualified Administrator*. Orangeburg- --In Equity. L.D.Clark, 1 Bill for Settlement vs. I liijiinction and W. H. Hennon. J Relief. The undersigned having bun appointed Receiver in the above staled case, hereby gives notice to nil persons ln<leblod by note or account in the lute Firm of L. D. Clark &. Co.. that ih"y will make payment to hiin, und that neither-of the said Firm are au thorized to receive or receipt for any of tha said debts. GEO. BULIVER, Dec. 17, I860.?18 3t Receiver. IN THE COURT OE PROBATE. Whereas Marion P. Cooper hiiih npplicd io Dio for Letters of Adinistration, on the Estate nf VY. D. Segrist, late of Orungc burgCounty, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to be and appear before me at a Court of Probate for the said Coun ty, to be holden at Orangchurg on the 1st day of January, 1^70, at 10 o'clock A. M. to show cause it any, why the said Adminis tration should not be granted. Given under my hand und I he Seal of the Court, this 15th day of December, A. 1?. lHO'.t, and the ninety-fourth year of Ameri can Independence. TU AD. C. ANDREWS, dec 18?2i Judge of Probate. [continued from last wrek.] Office County Commissioners, ORANGRHUHG, December, 1869. By order of the Board, the following Report of Claims audited and allowed by the County Commissioners for the fiscal year ending November 9, 1869, is sub mitted under tho requirements of 8eotion 20 of an Aet to define the "Duties and Jurisdiction of County Commissioners" : Numbers. 192 195 19G 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 Names. Atn't Claimed. Amount brought forward.?lt? 108 94 E. J. Olivcroa. 5 <>5 W. L. Ehney. 18 60 J. D. Smoke. 24 50 B. G. Hunt.,. 12 00 J. D. Smoak. 156 22 C. S. Hull. 563 00 John Davis. 757 75 Wm. N. Mount. 845 00 Henry S. Dickson. 75S 35 David Houscr. 0 00 K. Robinson. 10 00 J. Lucas, Sup't Jail. 404 64 Incidental Expense Acct,. 100 00 Atn't Allowed $15 829 94 5 05 18 60 21 50 12 00 156 22 563 00 757 75 845 <?<> 758 35 0 Ott 10 Ott XII tit 1 00 Ol) 81!? 590 05 Total.$10 830 05 Respectfully, C. 8. HULL, see 18 C. C. C. Sheriff 's Sales. By virtue of sundry writs of fi. fa., to me directed 1 will sell to the bigbtst bidder, i;t Orangcburg Court House, on the irkt Monday in Janunry next, for e?sh the following property, vii : One tract of land containing 700 acres more or less, bounded north by John Crook, eaal by John Whotaell, south by J. J. Whct scll and west by Esru Conner. Levied on as the property of Jacob Ki/tr at the suit of N. C. Whetstone, Ex'r it. Edwards. ALSO Ono tract of land, containing 12(H) acres more or lceu, bounded north, cant mid south by Dr. F. (J. Ucigor and J. U. Wannuuiakcr, and on the west liy the Stute Uoad. Ono tract of land containing H7J acres more or less, called tlie Laud Ch.ippel Tract, bounded en the north by estate of F. U. Heath, east ami south by P. A. Buyck and John Crirn, and west by Mrs. J. H. Hook. And one other tract containing i*7 J acres, more or less, bonude<l on the nortli by N. W. tulclasiirc and estate J. 11. J. Hook, <>u the cast by G. L. S. Sistrunk and N. IV. Culela sure, on the Houth by John Crim and U. L. 8. Sistrunk mid west N. W. Culelasure. Levied on as the property of N. W. Culela Bure at the suit of Thomas W. t liver. ALSO All the right, title and iaterest of W. D. Stabler in 100 acres of land, bounded by Stivender, ilildcbrand und Ott. Levied ou j as the propert) Ol W. D. Stabler at the suit I of Joseph (Hover. ALSO One tract of luml containing -30 acres | more or less, bounded l>\ Mr.?. Staley, Daniel Kilcy, Mrs. Kobinsou and S. It. Carson. Levied on as the property of A. Zeakcl at ] the suit of Joseph tilover. ALSO One Circular Saw Mill aud Machinery | thereto uttaohed. Levied onus the property of John Mc.Micliael at the sail of C. N. Case ami N. A. Oull, survivors. ALSO On Tuesday alter salcsday next, at the residence of L. A. Zeigler, one Mare, one Piano, one Turpentine Still und one-third in terest in another Turpentine Still and House hold and Kitchen Furniture Levied on as the property of L. A. Zeigler at the suit of Daniel Zeigler. ALSO On Tuesday after sale-day next, at the res idence of .lohn Easterliug, in the Fork of Fdiato. - Horses, 25 head of Cattle, 1 Timber dirts, 4 or 5 Wagons, 1 Carriage. 1 Old ling er. - stnall Carts, Plantation Tools, and Household and Kitchen Furniture. Levied on as the property of John Kasterling at the suit of Sarah Hiunickcr (bearer). ALSO On Tuesday after salesdaynext, nt the res idence of J. Post ell Onlsan, 1 Mule. I Horse, 2 head of Cattle, 1 Sow and 6 Shoats, 150 busluds Corn. 1500pounds of Fodder, lot Cot ton Seed. 1 Wagon, 1 lluggy. and Household and Kitchen I'uriiiturc. Levied on as the property of .1. Postcll Uolsan ut th? Buit of Thomas VY. < diver. ALSO 12 bales of Cotton. Levied on as the pro perlyof Riehanl ltiehard?on, Kilon Richard-' son, Jack Murphey, l.cnnon Guignard, Wil liam Wo or. Mason Brown, Unto Wright. I'nhin Tidmnn, Fred Taylor. Limas Wilson, Phenix Wilson and Henry fuller nt the suit of J. M. Crossw.cll, und? r a warrant on Lien. ALSO All the r'ght tit/e nn>l intor^st of which K. W. Andrews, deceased, had. and which .1. If. ?.ndrevrs In? in ?h~ trnn <<f l?n?t ??mainim; -Acre* or I ??.s. known n? the homestead of the lain J. .1. Andrews, ly'ng on the Columbia Itoad, about one mile above the Village. Also nil tho right, title and i-st<-r':<l I which the paid R. W. Andrews, deceased, i Ind. and .1. H. Andrews has in a tract of I land ?-? ??:riir>?f 5(10 acres mars or known as the llotiser place, situated on Cnvc Caw Swr.ntp between the Oull Swamp Uoad und Fdiiito Itiver. Levied on as the properly of F.. W. and .'. H. Andrews at the unit of Ann <'. Andre .vs. ALSO One trr.ct of land rontaiuinc 'we liun-lred acres more or less, bounded. North and F'tsi by lands of Wesley Housor, South and Went l<v lands of flleun ? ?L*< r, tying on Crotch (''?n Creek. levied on as the property of E. 11. Houser ai 'he suit of K/ckiel & Kohn. ALSO. Tim right, title an 1 interest of whinh Samp son Livingston has in a certain tJr'st ami Saw Mill situate on one of th?? brauche? of the N. K. River n?*ar Jones' I'ridge, on ? dd river, levied mi ssihr property of Sampson Livingston at the suit of J. A. Jefcoat for an other. ALSO, One trad of lau 1 containing five bunded and ninety-font acres moro or l^s* bounded on the North by lands of the estate of J, Jer I migan, Post by lands of O. Hutto tind v>t?> by Columbia Itond. levied on as >t,e property ' ofKlisha at tho suit of Win. Knotts. ALSO. One tract of land containing - acres more or less, und hounded on the North by F.Iiis Cnnner. lust by Capt. Hurt. South by estate of l>. J. Collier. West by estate of D. J. Collier, levied on nn the property of A. B. Or.fhth at the suit of L. D. Myers Ex'r of G. Myers. ALSO. One truet of land containing -I IT acres more or le?s botiu led by lau Is of Mrs. Collier. Es tate of Collier, and Mrs. Fair, levied on as the property of A. M. Stiell at the suit of A. It. Griffith." ALSO, One 11 net of land containing fl.r>0 acres more or less, lying on the Columbia Road, about 12 miles from Orangcburg, bounded by Keilt. Oliver und others, levied on as the properly ofJ. P. Uolsan at the suit of Thos. W. Oliver. ALSO, One tract of land containing 2000 acres or lr?*. hounded North by Daniel Kiley, Fast and South do T. M. Ilaria, West by W. W. Coder and Absolotn Innbinet. Also, one third interest in binds purchased of Dr. J. W. and O. D. Koitt, containing '150 acres more or less, bounded by I?. K- F. Culler, Zeigler and others, levied on as the property of L. A. Zeigler at the su.t of Daniel Zeigler. ALSO The State of South Carolina, COUNTY OF ORANGEBURG. I n the < Jourl of I'rob&to. By virtue of an order from the Honorable Probate Conn of suid County, 1 will sell at Orangcburg Court House, on salcsday in January next, the following property : All that tract of I lying nnd being in Orangcburg Countnining l(K) acres, known as the Estate land of Klitabeth OCain, de ceased, and bounded by lands of John L. Mooror, Henry M. Moorer, nnd lands of the late James 0. Jenkins. Terms?Three hundred dollars, or so much as will paj the debts of the Batate and costs, cash?balance on a credit of twelve months, with bond and mortgage to secure payment of credit portion. Purchaser to pay Jude? of Probate for papers and stamps. Sheriffs Office, J H. KIOOS, OrangeburgC. IL, S. C, V S. O. C. Deo. S, 186?. j dec 11 td Augustus B. Knowltou, Attorney de Counsellor sit Lmv. AT LEW IS VIELE.? Wedoeaday and Sat urday. Resides at "Oukland" near Fort Motte, 8. C. dec 18 3m Notice of Dismissal. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT John N. Berry has filed his Petition for final discharge as Ouardinn of Wm. T. Syphrett on the I'ilh of January nest. THAI). 0. ANDREWS, dec 18?4t Judge of Probate. Notice of Dismissal. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT I will file my Final Account as Admin istrator of the Estate of J. H. W?lfe, de ceased, in the Honorable Probate Court for Orangnburg County, on tho 15th day of Jan uury next, and ask for Letters of Dismissal. JACOB H. I N A EIN ET dec 18 4t Railroad Stock For Sale. By permission ?f tho Hon. Judge of Tro bate, 1 will offer for sale at public outcry, on the 1st Monduy in January next, a certain amount of Railroad Stock. Terms cash. D. R. BARTON, Qualified Administrator of Estate of Mrs. E. Rickenbaker dec 18 td Sheriff's Sales. In Kq OR A N G EBU KG?In KqL' it y William Bradley, W. Wise and wife and others Under the order in th.a case, I will sell ?t Oraugcburg C. II.. lor a third cash, bnisnce in one ycur, scour-u b\ bunds wiin intercut Jr?.iu_dal'-. tu?..-irf^0c .it. |?rpmi>fv With cove nant ior rcsuu on breut It of bo.mi. pnrcha s?-r.s to pay tor papers and stomps, nie loi I lowing tr.tts ili: I'm-t 1.*...(.? ou:;i by Deed of Moses Uialley. 1. _<1 acre-, part of the Ilomestsad. boutidc I by t .e L'ongarce, Nu - ot same tract, aim l.U-i of icier l>ir,ck, eMaio of Aver hart, D. Z gier and Bachael tlnir. 1. -. '.I acn > bounded by the above, tin Conga ice, the Zcigler waid, separating ii fi oiu me tracts drawn by Mrs. \\ utiii by l aid of Mrs. M. Bradley. 3. 10"? acres, the remaining par; of the Homestead Irnct, bounded by me above, tlie Cougareu und landol Mrs. M. Bradley* 4. I 12 acres, about one mile Irom the Houicvtead, bouuded by lauds of Peter Uuyck and others. ALSO At Columbia, on the samo day and terms, a tract ot 231 acres, in Kichlan 1, bounded by the Congaree, and lands graut? d to h vc rul persons, as uppcarj by ihe grant plat to Eph. Mitchell in .7T3. H. RIGGS, Special Commissioner. ALSO O R a NGEBCKG?In Kqu it v. V. V. S. Austin 1 Decree for Warren Kinsman. ] Foreclosure. Under decree in this ca?e. I will sell at the former purciias'r'a r;.-k. on Monday ihe 3d day of January. 1870, lor one-halt cash, bal ance in six months, secured by bond bear ing interest, and mortgage of the premises, with covenant for resale on breach of the bond. 2VO acres of land in Oraugcburg County, bounded north by lundg of J. A. and P. A. Fanning, east by 1*. A. and J. C. Fanning, south by C. Stroinao and west by L Fanning. ALSO At the Homestead, on Saturday. 1st i .nu nry. 1870, for cash, ull iho p? pioii il property of said Trust Estate, consisting of Horses, Cattle, Hogs, &c. ALSO ORANGEBURG?I\ Equity. James II. Ilarley Adm'r 1 Decree vs. J- for Joseph M. Ilarley. j Foreclosure. Under the decreo in this case, 1 will sell at Orangeburg C. II., on ite 1st Monday, the 3d day of January next, during tho usual In urs of sale, Ihe tollowing lands. 1. All that tract of Unit situated on San dy Run Bay, in Orangeburg County, origin ally granted lo \\ illiam and Ueorge Summers containing 600 acres, bounded by lands of L. E. D. Bowman, David Connor, Wm. Sum mers, and by Estate lands of I). Wimers. George Summers and estate lands of George Bow man. All that tract of land situate in Ornngc burg County, on Glazier's Branch, waters of Ninth Edisto Hiver, containing 300 acres more or less, bounded by lauds of the lnt< Benjamin Cupstid, S. King. G. iving, W Hauls, and estate lands ot F. Livingston, Wm. Ilarley and M. Williams. Terms?One-half cash, and the balance on a crodit of one year?purchaser giving bond bearing interest Irom date, and a mortgage of the premises, with a covenant for renale on a bread: of the conditions of the bond, ank also to pay for papers and stamps. ALSO OR A N ? E BU KG ?1 n Eql ity Thomas B. Wlmlcy, Assignee vs. Thomas 0. Dawson, In pursuance of the decree of Hon. R. B. Carpenter in the above case 1 will sell for cash at Orangebiirg Court House on Monday 3rd January next nbout one hundred acres of laud mar the village, of Orangebnrg, bounded by lands of George 11. Conn Loa. David Houser, Adam Smotik and the late James II. Audrcws. Purchaser to pay for title and stautps. II. RIGGS; S. 0. C. Dec 17, 1809.- de? 18 id Sheriffs Sales. OKANGEBUBC?I? Equity. Susan Dukes, Admr. "I In tho v?. J. Mary Ann C. Dukes, ct al. J Circuit Court By virtue of on order ofsale made in this oca* by the said Court,' and to tao directed, I will sell at Rcevcsvillo, 8. C, on Monday tbe 3d day of January next. All that lot of land situtate at Reeves Sta tion, containing one acre more or less, and bounded by lands of the So. Ca. Railroad Co., VV. C. Griffith, nnd Estate of Joseph Dukes. ALSO All that Lot of land situate at Reeves Sta tion, containing one acre more or less, and bounded by lands of C. K. Counsel, So. Ca. Rail Road Co., Estate of Joseph Dukes, and W. 0. Grifliith. Terms.- -One-third cash, and tbe balance on n credit of one Wn?l two years, purchaser to give bond for said credit portion, bearing interest from day of sale, payable annually, und secured by a mortgage of the premises, with a covenant for re-sale on a breach of the condition of said bond, and also to pay for papers nn 1 stemps. IL KIOG8, Commissioner. ALSO OH A NO KBU KG? In Equity. Dcopold Louis j vs. [ Charles 8. Hull & Co j By virtue of nn order of sale in this case, I will sell ut Orangcburg Court House, on Monday, >he 3d day of January next, during the legal hours of sale, all that House and Lot in th? Village of Orangcburg, on Russell street, 4u feet, and in depth GO feet, bounded on tiie North by Russell street, east by Dr. E. J. Oliveros, South by trust estate of W. R. Rull, r.nd west by D. Louis. Condition*?Ono-lmlf cash the balance in two-mouths, secured by bond of purchaser, and mortgage of the premises, the building to be insured, nnd tho policy assigned, pur chaser paying for papers and stamps. ALSO () B A N G EBTJKG ?In Equity. R. YV. Rates, Administrator. I In the rum iutttmento annrxo vs. f Circuit Tsui A. McMichaol, ct. al. J Court. Pursuant to the Decretal Order in this case. I will sell at Ornngcburg on tbe first ' Monday in January next, for cath. all that Tract of Land whereof Dennett M. Shnlcr, died siesed containing three hundred and eighty acres bounded North by lands Jesse Way. G. U. Shnlcr. and Oliver Sbuler, East by Estate lands of Adam Shnlcr, Sont-a by lands of David Evan*, and West by lauds of Estate Adam Sbuler. subject to sn Estate for life of Mary E. Monrer in Eighty Acres thereof already admeasured to her for Dower. A LSO 0KA.NG EB U KG ?In Equity. Henry Fuodorburk, Assignee \ Bill for vs. I Dcmpsy Gardner. ) Forelosure. Under the decree in this cose, I will seilst Orangcburg. on Monday the 3d day of Jan uary next, the one half of nil thoso tracts of land, situate on Rull Swamp, containing nineteen hundred *nd eighty four ami one-*" half (UN M a?fes innre er less. Rounded Ly tue otaic lands of the Juceb lliley, VtillVn Is noils, Jacob llydrick. 11. Whri atune. Prancis Robinson and estate lands of Shadruck U'.ruer. ALSO, The one b.df of the right which Gcosge D. Kent hud it; tbe limber on the lands of the late Jacob itilcy. Tci ins?One third ca)?h. and the balance on aere>lit oriiti" itmycnrs, ?ei?wil by bond Of purchaser and mortgage of the premises, purchescr to pny for recording, stamps and papers. AL-rO OR A N [i K tit KG ?Ik Eql ity. Rob< rt Young Gto. D. Keilt, et By virtue of decretal order in this case. I will sei; at Orangcburg Court House, on tho first Monday in January next, one undivided, one-half of that certain plantation contain ing 1800 acres more or less situate in tho County of Ornug burg on Limestone Creek Mill Brauel', mid Kdisto River, bounded by lands of L. H. Culler, W. W. Culler, and Es tate L. C. Glover, und Lends of J. A. K. Ilol mon, nlso, the ons undivided half of , other cerium plantation, containing 1084 acres more or less on Rull Swnmp and bound" cd by lands of Jacob Riley, William Knot! a, Jacob Hydrick, Lewis W. Dash, H Whet stone, Francis Robinson, the Estate of Shad ruck Ulmer and t reman Hooker. Terms?One-third cash, balance in one and ?J years, purchasers giving bond and mortgage with n covenant of resale in case the condi ti ns of the bond are not complied with, and to pay fur papers and stamps. ALSO OR A NGEB UltG?In Equity. Robert Young. ~t vs. \ J. A. K. Holman, et til. J By virtue of an order of sale in this case, 1 ?V.! sell at Orangcburg C, H,., on Monday 3d day of January next, during the usual hours of sale, the undivided one-half of tho plant:>.tion or tract of land containing 18Q0 acres more or less, sit mite in the Couuty of Orangeburg on Limestone Creek Mil! Branch and Kdisto River, bounded by lands ot L. H. Culler, W. W. Culler, und Estate L. C. Olo. ver. Terms.?One-third cash, balance in one and two years, purchaser to give bond sad mortgage, with a covenant of resale in ease the conditions of tbe bond are not complied with, ami 16 j for papers and stamps. ALSO 0 K A N G K BIJ KG ?In Equ ity. ~ Samuel W. Rookhart Assignee. \ Decree for vs. \ Win. J. Rookhart. j Foreclosure Under the decree in this ease, 1 will sell at Orangcburg, on the first Monday in Jan uary. A. D. 1870. all that certain plantation or tract of land situate in Orangeburg Coun ty, containing seven hundred acres, and bounded as follows: to wit; binds of Henry Rush, Mrs. Elisabeth Rookhart and Richard Magrill. being the plantation owned in his life time by John Rookhart, and by him devised to James A. Bookhurt. Terms?One-hnlf cash, the balance en a credit of six months, bearing interest from day of snlc, with bond and mortgage, ami covenuut for resale on breach of condi tion of the bond. Purchasers to pay for pa pers and stamps. ALSO 0RANGE1|UKG?In Ko* ity. T. C. Andrews, Judge of Probate, Bill for vs. Rufus Altaian. J Foreclosure. 1 nder the decree in this case, I will sell at Orangen?lg C. II., on Monday tho 8dday of January next, during the usual hour* of snlc. all that tract of laud containing two hundred acres, situate in Edisto Fork, bounded by lauds of L. W. Jermignn, and lands lately belonging 10 Kluiia Buggett Terms cash, purchaser paying for papers und stamps. Dec. 8. 1 i II. RlGGSs dec 11 --id 8. O. C. _:_ ,-?..... . i i ?.?? ^ WHISKEY liAFlEJLS For Sale at THiSvOTFICK. At 50 (s. per hundred . nt.\r