[From Jhe German.] . The EnS^f Autumn. KNOWLTON. ? aX ?flVxtfS* ^V??1?? ?"tumnal air, Failing leaves by winds o'ertakeri; leFrbm thcgroves no song wo hear: Ah! how mournful: how forsaken; Winter comoth, deathly eold: * Forest! where are all thy, pleasures? Bright fields, laughing golden grain, Where are now thy waving treasures? v?tyeat and chUl the day has grown'; O'er the meadows mists are flying; Through the desert forests moan id cries: the season dying. Heart! oklAo>naetjthou the start Of they^oklct madly leaping? And tosVUrou remeinber, HeartT When we wandered by it weeping ? ? '^rleWMolitSst ottcn grieved thyself, , .? t ff. i Drinking pain and sorrow ever . Thou hast loved, Rnd thou hast hopod: Soon, we part, to meet?oh ! never! : *T^it our parting I shall watch ; ? . ' With ray 16vo I will tairround thee: Lotus hope that soon, O Heart! Storms less ficrcojpay sweep around thec That our last, sad, dreary hour, ^. Wa*nay meet serene, and sleeping. O'er our rest the gray skies lower, And alone the rain-clouds weeping. - ?ji-J_j^-1-'_ Charges to Grand Juries Extraor dinary. Coupled and in?connection with, the able aud ui'^nly charge ot Judge Carpen ter to tlie^rand jury in the case of T. J. Mackcy, we noticv the charge of Judge Platt to the Bamwell jury, in which his honor uses very remarkable language. His honor seems to think that iu twelve months every office in the State will be filled^by ''Carolina gentltMi.cn." This is a'-bcld' prediction ccrtaiuly, and a very remarkable one, coming from this source. Quid nunc .' What next? Was Judge Platt in earnest ? Has he any reasons upon whieh to base his prophecy ? Who can tell? Perhaps he may be right and this consumation so devoutly wished for ??u so remarkably predicted by Judge Platt, will be. Is this"*the beginning of reaction? Are these men, foreseeing the future, thetnselves-'predicting their own fate ? Georgo Foabody. The telcgTam from London, informs us that the Bishop of London preached the fujioral. of George Peabody at West minster Abbey, on the 18th inst. The Bishop said iu his discourse :? "No.untitlcd commoner has evergathur ed^shen a concourse of sincere mourners around his gravo, Ho labored to relieve the wants of the pour and by them he was beloved, as by all thuse who sympa thize with poverty and honor benevo lence. It was his benevolence. It was his business to gather aud his joy to give. Two nations will ever reverence his name, whieh forms another bonded' union between Kngbmd and America." OCkalrttnnd statoly etiology Irotu the j mitred priest of England, noble lauda tion spoken in the grand altar of Wcst niiuster Abbey, and resounding through the aisles and among the arches of the Church of England's nobles and ochoillg among the vaults where her kings are alde^frng1. Crandiy dirged the organ in conso nance aud responsive to the spoken eu logy, and as it dirges through the dim aisles and struck amid the fretted arches, it pecuied to chauut his funeral praises. Vast Was the throng, and high-born lords and ladies were there to weep around his burial. But greater honors are his. The poor made happy by fits bounty, the sick, re stored by his kindness, the sad, rnjoicud by his charity, these all as they utter his praises in their hearts and on their knees, these tell his grandest eulogy * and the grand songs of praise and plaud its, ringing through the arches of Heav en's owu temple, this will be the grand est onlogy this will be the grand music of Uig dtrgo, theso the honors that are his. The Masonic Fair opened in Charles ton, on Monday night. It is described as a magnificent affair. * A correspondent of the Ohio Farmer whoso sheep were dying from a disease known in thut section as "pupcr skin," killed one or two of these diseased sheep, about ou thrir last legs, and on disecting them, found the tubes of tho lungs filled with small thread-like worms, from half an inch to two riches long, and of a whitish color. Ho then killoda healthy, well-conditi?he*d} wether, examined its lungs and found nothing of the kind. Samuel Bowles aays:?The Colorado wheat makes a rich hearty flour, beariug a creamy golden tinge; and I have oaten no where, olse better bread than is made from Th'c wheut will rauk with the ?ery best that America produces, aud is more like the California grain than that of "the Sire." BOOKS! BOOKS 1! BOOKS!! ., Dr'uggist-and Pharmaceutcst, may 2, 09?ly Ornugcburg C. Ii., S. C. JUST RECEIVED A full and complete stock of DRY GOODS. FANCY ARTICLES. CLOTHING. HATS. ROOTS. SHOES. GROCERIES. HARDWARE. CASH ADVANCED on COTTON Consigned to A. J. SALINAS. By F. E. SALIX AS, 15AM RERG AND GRAHAM'S Mr. L. T. I/.LAR will be found at my Bamberg House, and will be pleased to serve his friends. oct 2 tf R E 31 0 V A LV rpilE SUBSCRIBER RESP EGT FULLY inform his friends and the public thai lie has rc-opened his BAR-ROOM at the CAN N 0 N IIOUS E where he hay just received a frosh supply of choice BRANDIES, WINKS, WHISKEYS, A I.E. PORTER, ( IDER. ' TOBACCO and CIO tttS. All of the above are of finest brands and warranted to give sat h fact ion. Also all necessary articles kent in a FIRST CLASS BAR. Drinks of all kinds MLX!'!> to suit the taste. ICE kept constantly on hand. JAS. CANNON, june 12?tf PropHctoi. PACIFIC GUANO COMPANY'S CO.MI'OISO Acid Phospliate of Lime For Composting with Cotton Seed, rpms aRTICXE is manufactured JL AT THE Company's Works, uuder the direction and superintendence of Dr. Rave nbl. It contains the snmci olcmcnts of fertility as SOLUBLB PACIFIC GUANO, e.xcc.pi tiki it is not furnished with AMNION I A. Ii is prepared expressly for composting with cot ton seed, whieh furnishes tho element of AMMONIA : the*object being to render that side, product of (lie plantation available to the highest degree as an cleihent of fertility. For further und particular information apply to the undersigned. J. N ROBSON, Agent for South < 'arolin i, 1 und 2 Atlantic Wharf", Charleston. JOHN S. REE?E, .in., ?General Agent, Baltimore, oct 30 OKAN?KBU HaT John F. Bonnett, 1 Bill for Sale of Administrator. ( Real Estate tii pay vs. I for Jnjuuctioti und Jno F. North ct u-c et al. ] Relief. By order of the CtfUrt of Equity, i* 11 per ilous |iaving demands against the Bslatc ot Mary Pou, deceased, arc required to present ami prove the sama before iho undersigned on or before the first day of January tioxd, or be debarred payment. . ? - - Oct. 2'.t, Isii'J. 0EO, B?LIVER, oct 80?id Special Referee. ?IIAN? EB?110?In Equity. Washington P. Giover, 1 Bill for Sale of Administrator, ' Real Estate, to pay ve ( debts, for lnjuno Sophia A. Glover, ul. al. j tioii and Relit f. By virtue of au order iu the above named cause, llw ere ?Boro of ? 1?? * late Lewis C (Hover, deceased, nro kerony uv'tificd I'm! they arc required to present and prove ihelr respeetivti demands before the lll'dcralgitl'd, the Special RoferOo, at Or-nngohiirg. South Carolina, on or hofovp tho first day of Janu ary next, or they will l>o debarred payment Clerk's Office, \ OtfQ. BO LH Kit, Oraiigoburg. S. c. I C. C. P. October 22, 1809. J oct 30 td OR AN U ED U It G ?I n Eq uit y. F. Vi'. Fairey, 1 Bill for Account, Sale vs of Intestates, Real Es Jane E. Parsons, ' lato and for Relief. Adm'x, of. al. By virtue of an order in the above named oause, the Creditors of the lato Joseph H. Murphey, deceased, are hereby notified that they are required to present and prove their respective Demands before Charles I!. (Hov er, Esq., Special Referee, at Ornugcburg. South Carolina, on or before the first day of Jnnuury next, or they will be debarred pay ment. * Clerk's Office, j GEORGE BOL1YEB, Urnngeburg, S. C. V C C P. Oct. Id, 1809. J oct 23 td Orangeburg?In Equity. Win. Keller, vs. W. R. Keller, Adm'i J d^ boftit non J. W. Smith. J By an ord.. Establish '.77.S. No lo Beaver St., N. Y. dr. E. i OLIVEROS, Agent, July hi?">m Orarigelntfj S, c PLANTATION BITTERS This wonderful vege table restorative is the sheet-anchor of the feeble and debilitated.- As a tonic and cordial for the * aged and languid it has no equal among stomach ics. As a remedy for 'the nervous weakness to which women arc cspec ially subject, it is superseding every other stimulant. In all climates, tropical, tem perate or frigid, it acts as a specific in every species of disorder which undermines the bodily strength and breaks down the animal spirits. Wherever it is intro duced it becomes a standard article?a me dicinal staple. It is to-day the best and purest tonic, and the most popular medicine in the civilized world?be sure and get the genuine. Sold by all Druggists, Grocers and Country Stores. aug 21 c ly |7 X EC L TO IIS NOTICE. ?All 1"_J Person? having demands sgainsl the Estate Of P. M. Toiler, deceased, will pre sent the same properly attested, and all prr Bons indebted to said Instate will make Imme diate payment to the undersigned on or be fore the tir.-t day of .March next. ALLEN PORTER, oct 00--td Qua)iffed Kxecutor. Notice of Dismissal. ? Lstate of Wado H. Gsfkin. T^TOTICE IS HEREBY Gtvi-.N TO ALL J^j Concerned, that I will apply ?f>m LAUGE! NEW!! ATTRACTIVE!!! -+AND+ CHEAP!!!! -A.T CORNELSOE', KRAMER & CO.'S. OUR S T O C K 0 F Foreign, Domestic and Fancy I)ry Goods FOR TIIIO FALL AND WINTER TRADE! AFINK assortment of Gents and Roys CLOTHING, HATS, BOOTS and SHOES, se(pnd to none in the Market. GROCERIES, ?ARD\yAliE, SADDLES, HARNESS, CROCK:.RY and all other lines fully assorted, New Goods Received by Every Steamer. 8*?-YYo liny COTTON, RICK nnd%PRODUCE at the Highest Market PRICES. -Conto one and all ! One and .ill ! ! CORNELSON, KRAMER & CO. OCt 2 net :i k lv " FIRE! FIRE!! FIEE!!! INSURE YOl R PROPERTY AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE YVLTII CORNELSON, KRAMER & CO., AGENTS OF GEORGIA HOME INSURANCE COMPANY, IXCOKPOKiTi:!) 1850,? A8SKTS, JA.\. ?809, 8111,461.52 AND James River Insurance Company, AUTHORIZED CAPITA L 1 500,000. &?r 15 () T II S 0 I T II E K N C 0 32 P A N I E S . a :g 11 tf The "CAROLINA- FERTILIZER" is made from the Pliosphatts of Smith Carolina, anil is prori unwed i>> vari us chemists, one of the Lest Manures known, onhj inferior to Peruvian Guano in its Fertilizing Properties. These Phosphates are the remains id' cxtiitel bud und km animals, and possess qualities of the greatest value t?> the Agriculturist. N\"c annex thq nutilysis <>l" Prof? sor Sliepard. '?LABORATORY OF THE MEDICAL COLLEGE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. An .ly.-'.r cf CAROLINA FERTILIZER, personally ?el ;ctcd. McdMnro cxpel|ed al 2126 F.]? j0 (>,..,.,i, >f|itler ?Ith sonv water ol c mibination expelled at a low red heat.10.60 Pia?! Ingredient*?.r?ft-80 AinOnin. 2.0U IMioitphorio A -ill - Soluble.n.M..Lqulynh-nl t.? 11.2" Soluhle Phosphate of L'.mc. Jnsoulc.,.'-.i".Equivalent to 13.in Insoluble (bone). 111,18 21.75 1 phato of T.ime. Sulphurlo Arid.11.01 Equivalent !o 23.05 Sulphate of Lime. Sulplutte bf Pottpdi. 80 Sulphhtb of Soda. . 3.50 Saint. 1 LOO t in the strength of these reu .'.!. I a in glad to certify to the superiority of t lie' CARO LINA FERTILIZER, examined. ?'. IT. SSIEI*.1R1>, Jr. YYV will furnish this exeellent FEU 1 ILIZKil to Planters and others at SGb per ton "1" - 00? pnv.ntls, <3 1 ;<>. W. WILIJ A MS & CO., aoy G?liu F A C T O 11 S. FURNITURE. CH?JR AND SOFA AY A I I I : RO O M S . DANIEL II. SILCOX, 175, 177, AND 170 KING STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. KEEPS const\NTI.Y ?>N ll\M> A LA RGB AND WELL SELECTED ASSORTMENT] of Cahinet Furniture, ot the !.iii". Wushsiauds and Wardrobes, Mahogany and Walnut Solas, Tete-n-Teies. Cliairs. Arn. Chairs, Rocking Chair-', Whal-nots, Sofa and Centre Tjjl? hies, Marble and Mahogapy Top-. Secretary and Book Cases, etc. Also CHAMBER and cottagk SETS of every uctoriptinn. Also K L A p'T [CVSPONQE Withobt i. riv .1 i.o- LUXURY. F.CoNOMY. DURABILITY and nu.vi THFl LNi:ss. iu-all Uuho'sn-ry. The best Assortment ever bflTi red In this Market. ? N. E,?GOODS CARLl l LLY PACKED FOR SHUT1N0, may I wc 1 2m REEDER & DAVIS, COTTON FACTORS ' -AND-' GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, A DOER'S NORTH WHARF, CHARLESTON, So. Ca. -o? ? . CONSIGNMENTS RESPECTFULLY SO LICITED. oswki.l RkBDKR. ZlMMERMAN DAVIS. aug 28 wee 6m wm. m'. lawt?n, C?itON FACTOR, and COM MISSKLN M Eft CII ANT, CHARLESTON, g! C Liberal advances mado on consignments and produce shipped to Liverpool, &c. ? sept 20 wee 4m Geo. W. Williams & Co., WHOLESALE GROCKKS, ('O TTON FA CTOIiS & BA XKERS ETuyne Street, Churlcstott, S. C. Williams, Taylor & Co., CO M MISSION M E RCIIA NTS, ti? Reaver St., und 20 Exchange Place, N E W YORK. apl 17 Gm WM. G. BEE & GO., Factor* and COMMISSION M EltCHANTS, 22 ADC,EE'S WHARF, C II A R L ES TO N, S. C. Wm. C. Ref.. Tiieodork D. Jkrvrv LIBERAL ADVANCES made upon Con aigumenla to the above House, Air the Char leston, New York and Liverpool Markets. Apply to JAMES BROWNE, sept 1?It* At D. Louis' Store. GEORGE & HACKER, SASH BLUSTjO AND 1) 0 O It V A C T O R Y . KING STREET, OPPOSITE CAN NUN, CHARLESTCTtf, S. C. A large Stock <.f the above on hand. All orders tor the same promptly filled. sept 18 but .A. J. SALINAS, FACTOR AND < O .tf M ISS I ON .vi ERC El .1 A T, CH VRLESTON S. C. Liberal advances made on Cotton. Uefkrrxcks-?First National Rank, Peo ple's N ili mal Rank. Messrs. JhO. Eraser A Co., Charleston. S c. ju'y "1?ly Qinlm&nn Rf?tliers, COMMISSION MERCH \NTS. rik.M.tBBS IN Groceries, Wines, Liquors, Tobacco, Segnrs, No. 88 Rail /;..? M.EU IX ?rugs. Medicines, <*! oruienlr, Alcohol. Rare Win es ami Liquord tor Medicinal Fu. ? poses, Perfumery, Soups, Brushes, FnncV arid Toilet Artie: -. oCt 2 lv EDWARD PERRY, 155 MEKTINO SI HE ET. ?>l?l???Mite Churli'Mtoii Hotel, CIJA Ii LEfi T?N, S S. I VEALER IN SCHOOL, LAW und MEDl ? ) e il Books. LAW BLANKS, -\.e.. BLANK BOOKS of all Styles on hnnd and made to order. STA'l ION ERY of all kinds. PRINTING of every description executed with promptness and nl reasonable rates. PRINTING PAPERS and Wade . ('... Rook and Job PRINTING INK. oct 2 Cm \V I L i rr E ' s 31 A 26 U I. E W O R K H , ilT Meeting-Street. Charleston. So. Ca. MONUMENTS. HEAD STONES, MAR blc and S:une Tile. Blue Flagging and Brown Stone Work, of every description. S OR'II GRANITE MONUMENTS. Iron Swiilinfts? it. a. white. ???? p. whit*. may 1 c 12m I^UNITURE, HERRING, ale. * R. WHITE'S Furniture Ware-Rooms, corner of Market and King Streets, Charles ton, S. C. supplies many families, both Country and Town to their full satisfaction. Re.; ! a few quotations from letters he re ceived : NflWBRRBT, April 8, 1809. Mit. R. WHITE?Dkar Sir: The Furni ture came sale to hand and was just as you represented it. Numbers of visitors have looked at it. and it is much admired, in fact nothing like it in ibis place. It may be the means of your selling more here. Vuuts truly, **#? ? 1 Another from Winnsboro, S. C, says: "We are wed pleased with the suit. Send Wardrobe to match." An ! one front Orangcburg County : ??Furniture arrived safe, and family de lighted." Try Wm for yourself. Ho keeps CRADLES too. Comer King and Market Streets, ,nny?12m 8 Charleston, S. C. The Chester Reporter A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, vu rusher by E. C. McLurc & J. A. Bradley, Jr., AT CHESTER, S. C. TERMS?Invariably in Advance.f^.OO nov 0 tf and Winter Stock OF EVERY VARIETY ? Juat Received by. F. If. W. HKIGGMANN &r CO. Dry Goods, Ready Made Clothing, Shoes, Hate, Groceries, Ao. Pure White, Li quors Ale, Porter, / "? "I T AVK now on hand as fino ?1 XjL ING MACHINES as can fin whore in the United States. This chine is constructed on a new - principle of mechanician!, possessing rare and valuable . Improvements. Having been examined by the .in.>st profopmi experts, and pronounced tobe Simplicity und Perfection combined. f- atisfafctlon guaranteed. We will buy COTTON *nd ail other PRO DUCE, giving the highest market price, er ship for any one, FREE of C II ARG I and make LIBERAL ADVANCES on .he same. Pr Ht W. BlUOGMANN It CO. nor 13 oct 9 ? \w -:-?-?-?i&dJL jP. I\ TOALE, Manufacturer of Door*, Sash JBlinl Charleston, S. O, HAVING THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE FACTORY in the South ern States, and keeping always on hand a large and most complete stock of DOORS', SASHES. BLINDS, Sash Doors, Store Doorr, Shutters, Mouldings, &cM &c, I am enabled to sell low and at manufacturers' prices. N. B.?Strict attention paid to shipping in. good order. , July 24 af>l 24 iy D. LOUIS, AGENT, HAS RETURNED FROM NEW YORK, and Baltimore with a full and assort cd ntock or Fall & Winter Goods ALSO Receiving a full supply of FEESII GROCERIES, Ac. D LCI" IS. A pent. At the Corner. sept 23 nur ID c ly W ?X. W T LLGOCK, RUSSELL 8TREET, OKi^UE?VRft, N. C. RESPECTFULLY INFORMS THE CITI sens of Orangebiirg County, thai he is nor. rceciyjijrg a large supply.of DRY GOODS AND FRESH FAMILY GROCERIES. *WCabinet, Eagle and Boar buu Brands. Scotch Ale, and the fa hi on* Lodger Segars. His stock of TIN WARE end HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, is the largest in lb* (lof.nty. First-class STOVES Kept consume ly mi hand ami warranted to work well. * jnly '.I may 1 ly State ?l South Carolina^ Oft A NUERUaaO COUNTY* PRORATE COURT. VM. SMITH. EXECUTOR OF THR . last Will und Testament of J. R f. Datiizler, deceased, having filed hie Petition in ibis Court lor Leave to Establish the Former 1 xistcricc. Contents and Loss of the said Wdl of .1. R. F. Pantjltr. On motion <>; Messrs. DeTreville 00 norcs. Cendltions?$f>,oOO?one-third cash, tha balance in two yearly instalments. Address? MRS. LAURENCE KE1TT, nov 7?tf Charleston, 8. C* ? A OTltl.-ls Hereby Given [> to the LEGATEES of the ESTATE of CHRISTIAN WOLFE, deeeased, to appear before Thad. C. Andrews, Judge of Probate. on tho Hh day of December next, for a set tlement. Application will be made cn that day for n Final Discharge of W. C. Wolfe aa K\.icnter ?l said Estate. W. C. WOLFE, nov ?:?!<, Kxecutor.