The Orangeburg news. (Orangeburg, S.C.) 1867-1875, November 13, 1869, Image 8

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_POETRY. A First Sorrow. ?'Arise I this day ahalt shin* For Evirraoro To tbo a star divine On Time's dark ?bore. 'Till bow thy soul has been All glad end gay ; Did it awake and look At grief to-day ! Mo shade has come between Theo and the Sun: Like sonar long childish dream Thy life nan run. Bat now the stream has reached A dark deep sea, And sorrow, dim and crowned Is waiting thee? Each of God's soldiers bears A sword divine; St retch oat thy trembling hands To-day for thine 1 To eeeh anointed Priest God's summons enme; Oh, soul He speaks to-day? And calls thy name. Then with slow, rovivent steps, And beating heart, From out thy joyous days, Thou must depart. And leaving all behind Come forth alone. To join the chosen band? Around the thone. Raise up thine eyes?be strong, Nor east away The crown that God has given Thy soul to-day I" Some time ago there was a trial for trespass in cutting wood from a neigh bor's premises without authority. One of the plaintiff's witnesses was a plain old farmer, whose testimony went clearly and directly to prove the charge. The defendant's counsel, a blustering man of brass, thought to weaken the force of his cvidonco by proving idioicy to be a trait of his family. lie therefore interrogu god him thus: '?Mr. Hodge, you have a son who is an idiot, have you not ?" "Yes, sir." "Docs be know anything ?" ' Very little." "How much does he know ?" '?Well almost nothing. Not much more than yon do." The witucse was allowed to retire with out farther questions, smid the most up roarious screams of laughter. Tns Irish mam and tue Fiui>i>?B. An Irishman, just come to this country, bad never secu a Gddle. A man came into the hotel with one under his aim. and began to screw it up. One of the screws slipped, and he spat upon it to make it bold, and then began to draw the bow. T he Irishman, who was watch ing him could stand it no longer, but bolted across the street into another ho tel, exclaiming; "I thought this was a land of freedom," but the devi! take such a land where ye abuso the poor children so bud." Landlord?"Who is abusing the chil dren r "Why, a man camo into the tavern just now, with a little boy under his arm, and he began to torment the little emitt er. First, he began to pull and ?wist hifl ears, then, to provoke him more, be spit in his face, and then he drew a briar across his belly, and Howly Virgin ! how he did scream I" "John," said a stingy old hunk, to his hired man as he was taking dinner, "do you know how many pancakes you have oaten t" "No." "Well, you've eaten fourteen." "Well," said John, "you couut and I'll cat." Some boys in Cincinnati stole the bowels of a hand-organ which belonged to a minstrel who was stone deaf. The next morning he took his place and ground away ss gaily as ever, producing, of course, no audible result. The by passers appeared to like that sort of thing, and contributed so liberally that the troubadour divined that something must be wrong. Investigation disclosed his Iom, but the unexpected pecuniary favor with whioh his outbreak of silence was received, inclines him to let the in testines of the thing go and run the shell for awhile. In Arkansas, Elder Kuapp, while baptising converts at a revival meeting, advanced with a wiry sharp eyed old chap into the water. He ssked the ususl question; whether there was any reason why the ordinance of the baptism should not be ^dministered. After a pause, a tall, powerful looking chap; with an eye like a blaze, who was lean ing oo an old rifle, and quietly looking on, remarked: "Elder, 2 don't want to interfere in this yer business any, but I want to say that is an old sinner you have got hold of, and I know that one dip won't do him any good If you want to get the sin out of him, you'll have to anchor bim out in deep water over night. 3DH. TTJTT'S Sassparilla and Queeu's Delight, The great Alterative and Blood Purifier. EXPECTOBANT, A Pleaaant aad Bare Our? for Coughs, Asthma, &o. VEGETABLE HVER NLU, For Dyspepsia, Biliousness, &o. Improved Liquid Hair Dye, War rant cd the beet ia use. For sale in Orangeburg by DR. E. J. 0LIYER08. June 6 0 _ m SPECIAL NOTICE. To parties in want of DOOB8, BASHES wud BLINDS, we refer to the advertisement of P. P. To/ile, Uie large manufacturer of those goods in Charleston. Price list furn ished on application. july 17 Om OlTu'TC^Wt ?*XN ^SPECIALLY DESIGNED FOR THE use of the Medical Profession and the Family, possessing those intrinsic medicinal properties which belong to an Old and Puro Gin. Indispensable to Females. Good for Kidney Complaints. A delicious Tonie. Put up in cases containing one dosen bottles each, and sold by all Druggists, Grocers. A. M. B1NINGER, & CO., Establish T778, No 16 Beaver St., N. V. DR. E. J. OLIVEROS, Agent, july 81?6m Orangeburg 8. C. HAiTATlCTBlTTEB8 Tills wonderful vege table restorative is the sheet-anchor of the feeble and debilitated. As a tonic and cordial for the aged and languid it has no equal among stomach ics. As a remedy for the nervous weakness to which women are espec ially subject, it is superseding every other stimulant. In all climates, tropical, tem perate or frigid, it acts as a specific in every species of disorder which undermines the bodily strength and breaks down the animal spirits. Wherever it Is intro duced it becomes a standard article?a me dicinal staple. It is to-day the best and purest tonic, and the most popular medicine in the civilized world?be sure and get the genuine. Sold by all Druggists, Grocers and Country Stores. aug 21 c ly MILL POX 1> ami CHANNEL SOYTEKS. Alter the first of November it is proposed to furnish these OYSTEB8, either open or in the hull, in any quantities to suit pur eh-rfcrs and at the lowest market prices. The Mill Pond Oysters supplied will be the eelebmted GULLA ISLAND OYSTER from the Lucns Mill Pond at Charleston, which, for flavor and plumpness is well known to be unsurpassed. Terms Cash, orders solicited from all parts of the Country. Address THOMAS MeCRADY, Agent. P. O Box No. 381? Charleston, 8. C. RitrsnKNCBs?James Adger & Co., Hon. J. B. Campbell, Dr. St. J. Kavenel. David J in nings, McCrady & Soo, W. G. Dingle, John 8. Ryan. oct 1)?1m PACIFIC GUANO COMPANY'S compound Acid Phosphate of Lime For Composting with Cotton Seed. rpiIlS ARTICLE IS MANUFACTURED I AT THE Compauy's Works, under the direction and superintendence of Dr. Kave nel. It contains the same elements of fertility as SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO, except thnt it is not furnished with AMMONIA. It is prepared e* nrnssly for composting with cot ton seed, whieh furnishes the element of AMMONIA ; the object being to render that side produst of the plantation available to the highest degree as an element of fertility. For further and particular information apply to the undersigned. J. N ROBSON, Agent for South Carolina, 1 und 2 Atlantie Wharf, Charleston. JOHN 8. REE8E, Jb., General Agent, Baltimore, oct 80 8m ORANGEBURG?In Equity. John F. Bonnett, | Bill for Sale of Administrator. I Real Estate to pay vs. ( for Injunction and Jno F. North et ux et al. J Relief. By order of the Court of Equity, all por sons having demands against the Estate of Mary Pou, deceased, are required to present and prove the same before the undersigned an or before the first day of January next, or be debarred payment. Oct. 29, 1S69. GEO. BOLIVER, oct 80?Id Special Referee. UXECIITOK? NOTICE_All J% Persons having demands against the Estate of F. M. Porter, deeeased, will pre sent the same properly attested, and all per sons indebted to said Estate will make imme diate payment to the undersigned on or be fore the first day of March next. ALLEN PORTER, oct 80?td Qualified Executor. THE K?d>UITA?LE LIFE CON ducte ita businois on the PURELY MUTUAL ALL CASH PLAN. ??PAY A8 YOU GO" la the uf? nil* in LIFE A88U?ANCE as in anything else. Its NEW BUSINESS in the year 1868 ex eeded that ef any ??CHECK," "NOTE" or "MIXED" COMPANY by upward, of Twelve Millions. ALL PROFITS divided among the Poliey Holders annually. INCOME. 6,000,000.00 A8SET8.10,000,000.00 Tha EQUITABLE ASSURANCE SOCIETY offers to Iba PubUe all the REAL ADVAN TAGE which ean with safety he conceded b/ any Company. N. AUSTIN BULL, June 28?apl 8?t f Local Agent. i AAA BEWARD.?I WILL _ j,\f \J\) give One Thousand Dollars ieward for any case of the following diseases, which the medical faoulty have pronounced incurable, that Dr. Riebau'sOolden Remedies will not radically core. Dr. Richau's Golden Balsam, No. 1, will ears Syphlllis in its primary and secondary stages, such as old ulcers, ulcerated sore throat, sore eyes, skin eruptions, soreness of the scalp, eardication diseases and mercury thoroughly. Dr. Richau's Golden Balsam. No. 2, will cure the third stages, or Lertiary 8yphillls, Syphillitlo and Mercurial Rheumatism, and I defy those who suffer from such diseases to obtain a radical cure, without the aid oft his mc.Heine, which docs not prevent the patient from eat ing and drinking what they like. I have hun dreds of certificates showing the miraculous eures effected by these remedies. Price of either No. 1 or No. 2 $5 per bottle, or two bottles $9. Dr. Richau's Golden Antidote?A safe, speedy, pleasant, and radical cure for Gonorrhoea, Gleet, irritation, Gravel, and all urinary derangements, accompanied with full directions, wit ranted to cure. Price $3 per bottle. Dr. Richau's Golden Elixir de Amours?A radical cure for General De bility in old or young, imparting energy to those who have led a life of sensuality. It is invaluable to those who are anxious for an increase of family. Powerful, harmless, and speedy in restoring health. Price So per bottle, or two bottles, $9. Oo receipt of price, by moneyed order, registered letter, or express, these remedies will bo shipped to any place. Prompt attention paid to all correspondents. None genuine without the name of Dr. Richau's Remedies, D. B. Richards, sole proprietor, blown in glass of bottles. Address DR. D. B. RICHAU'S, No. 228 Varick St., New York. Office hears from 9 a. m. to 9 r. m. Circulars sent. Aug. 21 tf AN ORDINANCE TO DE TECT ILLICIT TRADING OF BEEF in tlie Corporate Limits of Orangeburg Vil lage, 8. C: Section 1. That from and after the l?th day of July, I860, each and every individual offering BEEF within the Corporate Limits of Orangeburg Village, either for Barter or Sale, shall bring with said Beef or Beeves, the Heads in good condition, which or Heads shall be taken to the Office of the Clerk of Council, where shall b: kept a Reg istration Book for the purpose of Recording therein, the Flesh Marks, Kar Marks and other Marks pertaining to identify. Sac. 2. That said Marks and Identities pertaining to each Head, as Recorded by the Clerk, shall be prima facia evidence in ques tion of dispute. Sxc. 8. That each and every instance of wilfully neglect to report the Marks of each Beers Head to the Clerk's Office or shall leave the Corporate Limits without Beporting the Marks, Ac, as in Section 1st of this Ordinance is prescribed, shall be considered a Violation of this Ordi nance, and the pariy so offending shall, for each and every offence, be fined in the sum of not less than One (1) Dollar nor more than Twenty (20} Dollars, at the discretion of the Council. Sec. 4. The Informant of each and every offence shall be entitled to half the Fines collected; the other half to go to the bcuefit of the Corporation. Sr.c. A. That all Ordinances or part of Or dinances contrary or repugnant to this is hereby Repealed. N. A. BULL, Intendant. E. j. Olivkbos, Clerk. July 10 oam 4m GULLETTS' STEEL ltRL'SH COTTON GIN. HALL'S 1*ATE XT CO TT OX GIN FEEDER. Send for Circular. C. GRAVELEY, Agent for the Stute. 52 East Bay, south of tha Old Post office, aug 21?8m Charleston, S. C. WHITE'S RABBLE WORKS, 117 Meeting-Street, Charleston, So. Ca. MONUMENTS. HEAD STOKES. MAR bla and Stone Tile, Rlue Flagging and n Stone Work, of every description. SCOTCH GRANITE MONUMENTS, Iren Railing*. x. a. wntva. a. n. whit. may 1 e 12m FUXITURE, REDDINO, sfce. R. WHITE'S Furniture Ware-Rooms, corner of Market and King Streets, Charles ton, 8. C, supplies many families, both Country and Town to their full satisfaction. Read a few quotations from letters he re ceived: NxwnxBRT, April 8, 1809. Ma. R. WHITE?Dkaa Silt: The Furni ture came safe to hand and was just as you represented it. Numbers of visitors have looked at it, and it is much admired, in fact nothing like it in this place. It may be the means of your selling more here. Yours truly, **** Another from Winnsboro, 8. C, says: "We are well pleased with the suit. Send Wardrobe to match." And one from Orangeburg County : "Furniture arrived safe, ami family de lighted." Try him for yourself. He keeps CRADLES too. Corner King and Market Streets, may?12m 8 ?1 arleston, S. C. FOR SALE, RENT OR LEASE. THE PINE PLANTATION Belonging to the Eslateof the late Colonel KEITT, and well known as the Barmy Place. These LAND8 are among the REST ia the District, being situated on Lvon's Creek, commanding A FINE WATER-POWER, and of a Rich Red Clay Soil. They are offered at ONE-HALF their Valuation in 1860. Said Tract contains 500 acres. Conditions?$5,600?one-third cash, the balance in two yearly instilment*. Address MRS. LAURENCE KEITT, novY??f Charleston, 8. C. WHISKEY LABELS For Sals st THIS OFFICE. At 50 ts. per hundred. a it M' NA MA RA & JONES. Hare in Store and are JUST RECEIVING from HEW YORK AND BALTIMORE, A complete Stock of BROAD CLOTHS, CA8SIMERES, DOE SKINS TWEEDS, JEANS, KERSEYS, Ac. LADY'S DRESS GOODS, Delains, Calicoes, Ssqne Flannel*. Cloaks, Shawls, Wool ami Cotton Flannels, Brown and Bleached Sheeting and Shirtings, &c. BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, BLANKETS, BEADY MADE CLOTH ING, &e. Also a Full Stock of GROCERIES, HARDWARE and CROCKERY. COUNTRY PRODUCE bought at the highest Market prices. SBf* Thanking our Friends and Customers fur past patronage, we Sulicit a continuance of the same, and ask that they give us a call bufore buying elsewhere, oct 9 ?pl 10?lj McNAMARA & JONES. NEW GOODS JUST OPENING! The UNDERSIGNED respectfully call the attention of the CITIZENS of Orangeburg County to their NEW STOCK OF GOODS Just Opening, and whioh they will sell at the LOWEST CASH PRICES, consisting of the following articles, and others not mentioned Calicoes, Homespuns, Long Cloth, Kon- Our Grocery Stock is complete in every tucky Jeans, Satinets, CaqtTmeree, Red, line. White and Blue Flannels, Black Silks and Large assortments of Choice Liquors al Alapaccas, Dress Geods, Nubias, Shawls, ways on hand. Cloaks, Blankets, Hoiscry, Gloves and Fancy Our Stock of Glass, Crockery, Wood, Goods in great variety. Hardware and Cutlery, Ac,, has been select Also Clothing, Hats and Caps, Boots and j ed with care for the trade, and will be sold at Shoes. I prices that cannot fail to give satisfaction. The HIGHEST MARKET PRICK paid for COUNTRY PRODUCE Mr Please give us a CALL nnd EXAMINE our STOCK CARTMILL & VINCE, oct 16-9?ly / - RUSSELL STREET. FIRE! FIRE!! FIRE!!! INSURE YOUR PROPERTY AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE WITH CORNELSON, KRAMER & CO., AGENTS OF GEORGIA HOME INSURANCE COMPANY, INCORPORATED 1839,?ASSETS, JAN. ISO?, #411,401.32 AND James River Insurance Company, AUTHORIZED CAPITAL 1 500.000. ?rBOTIl SOUTHERN COMPANIES, "tea aug 14 if ? i ..... ???*v. -\ . ... The "CAROLINA FERTILIZER" is made from the Phosphates of South Carolina, and is pronounced by various chemists, one of the best Manures known, only inferior to Peruvian Guano in its Fertilizing Properties These Phosphates are the remains of extinct hind and sea animals, and possess qualities of the greatest value to the Agriculturist. We annex the analysis of Professor Shcpard. "LABORATORY OF THE MEDICAL COLLEGE OF SOUTH CAROLIN?. Analyst' of CAROLINA FERTILIZER, personally selected. Moisture expelled at 212? F.1G.70 Organic Matter, with some water of combination expelled nt a low red heat.16.50 Fixed Ingredients. .06.80 Amonia.I. -.60 Phosphoric Acid?Soluble.6.96. 1 ii.'ohle.6.17. .Equivalent to 11.27 Soluble Phosphate of Lime. .Equivalent to 18.48 Insoluble (bone). 18.18 "J4.7"? Phosphate of Lime. Sulphuric Acid.11.0.1 Equivalent to 28.65 Sulphate of Lime. Sulphate of Potash. 80 Sutphnte of Soda. 8.50 Band.11.06 On the strength of these results I am glad to certify to tho superiority of the CARO LINA FERTILIZER, examined. C. I. Mil EPA II I>, Jr. We will furuish this excellent FERTILIZER to Planters and others at ?60 per ton of 2,000 pounds. GEO. W. WILT.I iV^fH & CO., m,v 6?Im F A C T O R S. FURNITURE, CHAIR AND SOFA WARE RO OM8. DANIEL H. SILC0X, 175, 177, AND 170 KING-STREET, CHARLESTON, S. 0. ~TT EEP8 CONSTANTLY ON HAND A LARGE AND WELL SELECTED ASSORTMENT aV of Cabinet Furniture, of the lalcei and most approved stylos, which he oilers at prices which cannot fail to please, consisting, in part, of: Rieh Sets of PARLOR and CHAMBER FURNITURE, Beadsteads, Bureaus, Washstands and Wardrobes, Mahogauy an I Walnut Sefas, Tete-a-Tetee, Chairs, Arm Chairs, Rocking f t.airs, Whal-nots, 8ofn and Centre Ta bles, Marble nnd Mahogany Tops, Secretary nnd Rook Cases, etc. Also CHAMBER and COTTAGE 8ET8 of every description. Also ELASTIC S 1* O N O E Without a rival for LUXURY, ECONOMY, DURABILITY and IIEALTIIFULNE8S, in all Upholstery. The best Assortment ever offered i.i ihis Market. N. B.?GOODS CAREFULLY PACKED FOR SHIPPING, may 1 c 1 2m REEDER & DAVIS, COTTON FACTORS ?-AMD-? GENEKAL COMMIMIOM MERCHANTS, A DOKH S NORTH WHARF, CHARLESTON, So. Ca. o CONSIGNMENT* RESPECTFULLY SO LICITED. OsWXLL HkCDRB. ZlHMBaMAN DAVIS. mug 28 wee 6m WM. M. LAWTON, COTTuN FACTOR, AXD COMMISSION MERCHANT, CHARLESTON, 8. C Liberal advances made on consignments and produce shipped to Liverpool, Ac. sept 25 wee 4m Geo. W. Williams & Co., WH0LE8ALE GROCERS, CO TTON FA CTORS& B? NKERS Ha)nc Street, Charleston, S. C. Williams, Taylor & Co., COMMISSION M ERC IIA NTS, G5 Beaver St., and 20 Exchange Place, NEW YORK. apl 17 6m WM. C. BEE & CO., Factor? and COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 22 A DOER'S WHARF, CH ARLESTON, S. C. Wm. C. Dkr. Tiieooobk D. Jxrvct LIBERAL ADVANCF8 made upon Con signmenfs to the above House, for the Char leston, New York and Liverpool Markets. Apply to JAMES BROWNE, sept 4??f At D. Louis' 8 ore. GEORGE S. HACKER, SASH BLIND AND DOOR FACTORY. KING STREET, OPPOSITE CANNON, CHARLESTON, S. C. A large Slock of the above on band. All orders for the same promptly fi.led sept 18 Cm .A.. J. SALINAS, FACTOR AND COMMISSION MERCIIl.TT, CHARLESTON S. C. Libernl ndvnnces made on Cotton. RaraaKXCBfl?First National Bmik. Peo ple's National Bniik. Messrs. Jno. Eraser A Co., Charleston. S. C. july 11]?1y Bollmann Brothers, CO MM ISS ION M E RCIIA N TS. dkalerb ix Groceries, Wines, Liquors, Tobacco, Segars, No. 88 Emt Rut;. CM A R LEST ON, S. C. R. BOI.I.MAXX, II. EOLLMAKX. oci 2 * 3iu E. S. HUHNHAM, Succetnor to R. W. Ilumham, 421 King St., Sign Red Mortar, just below Ciloouu St., Charleston, 8. C, dealer ix Drugs. Medicines, Chemien!.*, Alcohol. Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal Pur poses, Perriiuiery, Soaps, Brushes, Fancy and Toilet Articles, oct 2 ly EDWARD PERRY, 155 MEETING STREET, Opposite CharlcMton Hotel, CHARLESTON, S. S. DEALER IN SCHOOL, LAW and MEDI Books. LAW BLANKS. Ac, BLANK ROOKS of all Styles on hand and made to order. STATIONERY of all kinds. PRINTING of every description executed with promptness and at reasonable ruica. PRINTING PAPERS and Wad* ?: Ca.'s Book and Job PRINTING INK. oct *J Gm THE DAILY NEWS. RIORDAN DAWSON & CO., PKOI'H 1ETOR8. OFFICE No. 149 EA ST HA Y. Terms s DAILY NEWS, one year.$?? 00 DAILY NEWS, six months. 8 00 DAILY NEWS, three months. 2 00 TRI-WEEKLY NEWS, one year. 8 00 THI-WEEKLY NEWS, six months. 2 00 Payment invariably in advance-. No pa per sent unless the cash accompanies the or der, or for a longer time than paid for. advertisements : First insertion, 15 ceuts aline; subsequent insertions, lOcentsa line. Business Notices, 'JO cents a line. Marriage and Funeral No tices, One Dollar each. oet 2 ly X H E Charleston Daily Courier, BY A. 8. WILLINGTON & Co. CITY PRINTERS, No. Ill EAST RAX. j Temu?Incariably in Advance: DAILY?one year.$8 00 DAILY?six months. 4 00 DAILY?three months. 2 00 TBI-WEEKLY?one year. 4 00 TKI-WEEKLY?six months... 8 00 No 8ub*oription will be received for a less period than three months for the Daily and six months for the Tri-Weekly. sates Of auvxrt1sixo I Fifteen Cents a line for first insertion, and Ten Cents a line for eaeh subsequent inser tion. Five lines or under Is be eharged a half square. Marriage and funeral notices, one dallar each. oct 2 ly i>. I*. TOALE, Manufacturer of Doortt Sash Blind Charleston, 8. C, nATINO TffK largest AND MOST COMPLETE FACTORY !? S^k ern States, and keeping always on hand * large and most complete stock of DOORS, S AS II ES, BLINDS. 8aeh Doors. Store Doors, Shutters, Mouldings, Ac., Ac, I am enabled to sell low and at manufacturers' prices. N. B.?Strict attention paid to shipping fa* good order. July 24 sei 24 fj D. LOUIS, AGENT, HAS RETURNED FROM NSW YORK? and Baltimore with a full and assort ed stock of Fall & Winter Goods. ALSO Receiving a full supply of FRESH GROCERIES, Ac. D. LOUIS, Agent, At the Corner, sept 25 mar 18 e ly LIGHT HOUSE BURXIXU FLUID.?THIS FLUID will not EXPLODE, and is therefore more reliable than Kerosene, and is equal ha Brilliancy. It is not trying to the eyes. It does not SMOKE. Entirely free from GR' ASE. Does not SOIL the HANDS. Does not GREASE the CLOTHING. Can be BURNT in the KEROSENE LAMP by using the new Burners. BEST and most RE LI ALE FLUID now in use. heing SUPERIOR ia every roapaeta ta_ Kerosene. Before presenting it to the PubUc I hare given it a thorough test, and ask the PabHe to do the same. For sale by KIRK ROBINSON, Agent for Orangeburg County. June 26 ly apl71 W M. W1LLCOCK, RUSSELL 8TREET. ORAS4JF.RURU, S. C. RESPECTFULLY INFORMS THE CITI tens of Orangebtirg County, that be is now receiving a large, supply of DRY GOODS AND FRESH FAMILY GROCERIES, also Cabinet. Eagle and Bour bon Brands. Scotch Ale, and the famous Ledger Seg;irs. His stock of TIN WABE and HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. Is tha largest in the County. First-class MOVES Kept constant ly on hand aud warranted to work welL july 81 may 1 ly Fall and Winter Stock OF EVEHY VARIETY Just Received by. F. 11. W. MtlGtiM ANN & CO. Dry Cauls. Ready Made Clothing, Shoes, Ha's, Groceries, &c. Tore Wines, Li qnors Ale, Porter, etc., constantly on band. A new lot Extra Family Flour from Jno. Campsen A Co.'s Mill, Charleston, pat tip mx small lots to suit purchasers, and very law. We wUl buy COTTON and all other PRO. DUCE, giving the highest, market price, or ship for any one. FREE of CHARGE and make LIBERAL ADVANCES on the same. F. IL W. BRIGGMANN * CO. oct 0 ly State of South Carolina, OBA.YGEHUKG COUNTY. PRORATE COURT. YM. SMPi.I, EXECUTOR OF TRI . last Will and Testament of J. R V. Dan liter, deceased, having filed his Petition in this Court for Leave to Establish the Former Existence, Contents and Loss of the said Will of J. R. F. Dantxlar. On motion of Messrs. DeTrevillo A Sistrunk, it is or dered that all persons interested therein do appear before this Court on the 18th day of December, 1869, to introduce and cress ex amine witnesses touching the same should they so desire. , THAD. C. ANDREWS, sept 12?8m Judge of Probate. The State of South CaroUaav, Okanoeburg }ls Eqvitt. Henry D. Bonnett, Ad minislratar of Estate of Bill for Injunction, George J. Bonnett, V Partition vs. and Relief. Jno. F. Bonnett, et. ab It appearing to my satisfaction that Jcsiak W. Bonnett, and Lenora Varner and Ed ward Yarner, Defendants in the shove stated case, is absent from and. re sides beyond the limits of the State It la ordered, on motion of Messrs. Hutsoss a> Legare. Complainants Solicitors, that the said Defendants do, within forty days from the dale of this order, appear and plead, answer or demur to the said bill, or rise the same will he take* against also pro eonfftto. Clerk's Office, l GEOROE BOLTVER, Orangeburg. 8. C. V C. C. P. 8ept. 3 1860. J sept 4 eow 40d State of South Carolina, ORANGEB?RG COUNTY. IN EQUITY. In the matter of Lost Documents xx party Mary Marchaet. Mary Merchant of the Town of Orangeburg having filed her petition iu this Court to es tablish the former Existence, Contents and Lose of a certain Deed of Conveyance of a lei of Land in said Town situate at Corner of Market and Amelia 8trects, executed by John Mm chant to said Mary Merchant in IHM?. On motion of W. J. DeTrevillo, Esq.. Solicitor, it Is ordered, that all persona inter est ed appear before ma on tha 21st day of December, 1869. to introduce or cross exam in? evidence touching the premises should thoy so desire. GEORGE BOLIVKR, Sept. 21, 1869. 26?td