P O A Ja. Vwwr ? ' '? ?ATURDAY, OCTOBER 23^ 1868. 10 /vi ? _ | I THE ORANGJ^BURG~NEW8 IS THE ONLY TftmB. PUBLISHED XU ORANGEBURG COUNTY, AND PAY8 WEEKLY VISITS TO EVERY HOUSE AND HAMLET . Correspondents tu use bear iu uie^lljfef? no ?fei? will we publish a communication unless the imtne of the writer accompany it. All I^fetl Advo*. ma?t be PAID fob. i.N unless the officers from cmno? will hold himself RK8PONSI ?et 10 tf ^^SSw^^^wncT^Ser^h^s*^^ be expected in the Presbyterian Church by Rev.;A..F..Diekson, of New Orleans, to-morrow morning at eleven o'clock. , Minai san - ffe eh enge Contract Advertisement* notice must be given on Tuesday morn in* H&Jii ? '.. I Jill" , ? Court.?Judge Carpenter arrived on Mouduy lust and the Court of Geuoral Sessions was convened on that morning, aod baa been in session daring the week. The docket of criminal cascs^ is very large, and it is probable thut the Court Will be sitting during the next two weeks.; Wo will publish the list pf the cases tried in our next issue. The J^udge is looking remarkably well in ppitc vi Ii 1b aceidout in New York, mentioned in uur last, and gets through the business of tho Court in hia^accus tomcd expeditious and pieamiitit manner. M&lE. 8. Settbrook is acting Solicitor ?at this term. He makes an efficient offi sh on Ir.dt .?/?!?"(. i eer, end a clear:acid succinct speech. Wwteariun* refrain from mentioning The noisy and happy crowd t hat has been ?congregated in front of our office and the Court . House during the past week. All complexion* und siie?, ?every variety ?? Davidson's History of 8outh Carolina.?A neat, clearly printed lit ftj* Softool Book has been placed -upon o*r table. Dufnc k Chupman publish ors, Columbia, So. Ca. Sent to any ad-, -dress, by mail, for 91- For sale by Mr. Kirk Robinson at 90 cents. Mr. John D. Stocker has a splendid weeortment of Goods at his new store, ?lotner of Russell aod Church Streets. Cheap fur cash. Give him a call. Ttirr's Impovxo Hair Dvk.?Is admitted on aU aides to be the most simple a?td natural Dyo ever invented; it is easily applied, does not stain the ekin, leaves the hair soft and glossy, aod it instantaneous in its effect. Try it and jou wpl use uo other. The nttontion of the Board of Firo masters is called t?ihe small supply ^ water in our fire'trolls. No better time could be found than the present to dig them deeper, and iucreaao tho supply of water. .?j . I Mr. John A. Hamilton will accept our thanks for his kind remembrance of our office. The cakes and biaquita were froui the Kentucky Bakery and were excellent. Just aneh a nice box of jreal ly j^ooiJ things wc would rocomumnd to [our readers. Mr. Hamilton has them for aale by the box or at retail. ' . ttiiaa i?a? mi i ' r ' The weather is very dry here now, j we have bad no nun for several weeks. Tho Fall gardens arc completely parched up. Uulesa we huvo a good rain soon the Winter crop will be a complete fail aie. Cotton States Life Insuuanck Company.?The Agent of this purely Southern Company, with our old friend Dr. Joa. Quattlebaum, ia now canvassing this and Lexington Counties in the in terest of this Company. This is ouo of tho best companies now represented in our County, and ia conducted by aoine of our best stateemon. We bespeak for this Company n liberal share of patron age. Dr. Quattlebaum is well known'in our County, and would not recommend an enterprise unworthy thepatronago of our citizens. Sec advertisement of Messrs. Ezekiel & Co. Mr. \Y. L. W. Riley has discontinued business in our Town. Tho Youug Americas parade to-day at half-past three. Corn and l'eas are in good demand in our Town. * A yonng^man who recently took" unto himself a wile, says ho didn't find it b ill' so hard to get married as he did to get1 tho furniture. HEAD THIS. For 6 uew .?robscribers?$2 in Green backs. For 10 new subscribers?84 in Green backs. For 20 new subscribers?-?S in Green backs. For 48 new subscribers?817 in Green backs. For 50 new subscribers?825 in Green-, backs. For 100 new tmbscribera? $55 in Greenbacks, . , i For 150 new subscribers-$00 in Greenbacks, or one of Grover & Bakers fine silver plated cabinet Family Sewing Machines, worth ono hundred dollars in New York. COMMERCIAL. MARKET KttPOK'i'ftL. .Omca or tbk Gsuiroasoa* fhswa, October 22, 1869. COTTON?Sales during the Week 180 bales. Market clotting dull and declining. We quote : Or- I'm nr. v...22ftd28 | fjov Middling.28f Middling.24 Rough Rica...$1 60 per oushe.1. Coax.m.$1.10)per bushel. Cow Pba?.w...81.16 per'bushel. riNnsmi.$1.25 per bushel. GOLD. 80 SILVER.^.^i^l^ S& CHARLESTON MARKET. Charleston, eVro.w MonMNo, October 22, IKtiO. Ordinary.281 Oood Ordiuaty.,,,.24f Low Middling.261 Middling.25} Consignees per South CarolinallaJ 1 road ltemaining In the Depot to Date. M. T. Shnrakor, V. M. BnttlH, C. T. Gob rein, .Jacob Conner, M. J. Keller, H. N. Sncll, O. Diercks, II. Holmnn, W. Riser, E. C. Shu 1er, K. H. Wiles. Per Express. B. Ii. Knott?, HenTy Ihirby, (col'd) Mrs. L. M. Keitt, A. M. Inabinet, Mrs. O. D. Sel lers. In accordance with orders received from the Superintendent, 8torage will bcrcufter be charged on Goods remaining in the Depot for an unreasonable langth of time. W. C. MEREDITH, Agent. R E MO V A L rrWK SUBSCRIBER RESPECTFULLY iufortn his friends nnd the public that lie has rc-opened his BAR-ltOOM at the C A NN ON H O 15 SB where ho has just receives! a fresh supply of choice BRANDIES, WINES, WHISKEYS, ALE, l'OKTEH, ( IDRR, TOBACCO and CIGARS. All of the above arc of finest brawda and warranted to give satisfaction. AIho all necessary articles kept in a FIRST CLASS BAR. Drinks of all kinda MIXED to suit the taste. ICE kept constantly on hand. JAS. CASNOS, june 12?tf Froprietoj. CWSOLM BROTHERS, COMMISSION M Kit CHANTS, ? <&ATiLESTttN, S. C. Are prepared to make LIBERAL Al> NANCES on Consignments to thorn of COT TON, RICE, TIMBER, LUMBER, ?fi. oot'Wr- -^"^re* 3m U-. -i . ? ..,-?L, By Tirtwe of *nw4'hr ? mtm eT^T4?j?e|H directed I wiU, sell to tha highest bidder, " at Orangebtirg Court House, on the ftVst Monday in November next, for cash the ; fallowing propertyV eUfsM: i On Tuesday after Salesday, at tha rent 6 orb,Baskets, 1 Sand Sifter, Sling, 8psde and Axe, 2 Measures, 2 Angara, Corn, Pans, Rio*? Votato, q iawl iFodderi lot of Bone* and other art let ok on the place. Levied on a* the properly of C. A runt, deeeaaad, at the sxrlt et?. J.* Felder, Ex'r and other*. f f f AftOtf IV } t On Tuesday0 after j&lesdliy,* *t the reK denoe of J. 1>. Inabinet, about 20 bushels Corn, 600 pounds Fodder, f>00 pounds Seed ! Cotton, 20 bushels Rioe more or leas and 2 Trankt, s Levied on as tha property of J. 9. Inlbihct at the sjrtfof V. V, L. Inahlnet. ALSO NorVli; Pf TTTRte knd WattS lands of David" Bhejfr; ; L*Ti*a *n as die property of a. W. Thompson at the suit of V. 1>. V. Jamison, Commissioner in Equity. ALSO One House and Lot iti the Town of Orange burg containing 5 aores of land more or less Levied on as the property of Mrs. A. II. Hall at tybesuit of jB. F. Giranwns. ALSO On Tuesday after, aaleaday, at the resi dence of S. E. Moorer, 10 head Hogs more or less, 8 or 4 head. Cattle more or less, lot of j Manure in Stab?j,J Box, 2 R*w: Hides, lot of Sheep and lot et Fodder. Levied on as the property of S. E. Moorer at the suit of B. F. Simmons for the use of Wiu. O. Colliot. ALSO,, . One trnat of land containing 600 nores more or les8, bounded north by Mrs. E. B. Wnnnnmaker. cast by J. Sanders and Mrs. C. Grambling. south by T. B. Whalcy and estate of IL-^lli*-*ml -west by Mrs. E. T. Glover Lovied on as the property of J. Q. Wann a maker, at the suit of Daniel O'Cain. ALSO f ? j. j Five tracts of land cohtainhig 833 acres more or less, lying on Beaver Creek, and containing euch as- followst The Mrs. Hook place contains 15C acres more or less. The Mill Scat contains 3 acres mere or less. The Cridsr plaoe contains tG seres more or lean. The Jncbb Hook place contains 254 acres [?mere orRiss, . it- , The Wahnama'fccr place contains .144 acres more Qr less. Levied on as the property of the estate Of J. tit J. Hook at the suit of J. Q, Wn?!n?imnUer. ALSO Two tracts of land containing in house tract lt'.o acres more or less( ?ad the other tract containing- acres more or less. Levied on as Ihr property of C. A runt, de ceased at the suit of E. J. Felder, Executor of the estate of J. H. Felder. ALSO i I Mute. G Head KVttfe, 2 Wf.d flogs, t Wago?, 1 Boggy, about 8tK) lbs Seed Cotton, 87 bushels' Corn more or less, 3,000 lbs' Fod der more or less. ?'. bushels Potatoes, 10 bus Is. Cotton Seed, 80 bushels Bice more or less. Levied on as the property -of I). D. Furtehcs at the suit of Lau-a V. Hauler und others. ShcrilTa Office, ) II. RIOOS, OrangcburgC,.H.Jj..C.. V 9. O. C. October 13,18*'.?. J oct 10 td Notice of Dismissal -pVTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ED JLt, Ward F. Reese will apply for Letters of Dismissal, on the tth day of November next, as Adm tatet rater of the Estate of John U. Heese, deceased. TB AD. C. ANDREWS, oct 2?4t Judge of Probate. DISSOLUTION.?The t opurt NERSHIP heretofore existing under the style Mid miioe'of ANDREWS & JlALl., is this day Dissolved by mutual consent. Mr. Charles H. Hall wilt settle all demands against the Firm, and all pcrsous indebted are notified to make immediate payment to ~THAD. C. ANDREWS, CHAS. H. HALL. The Undersigned has this day nssor.iato? . with him in the Publication of the ORANGE BURO NEWS, Mr. MALCOLM I. BROWN ING, and the businoee . a ill be conducted hereafter under the name of Chas. H. Hall & Co. C. H. HALL, oct'9 8t ?rangeburg Bakery, V. PITTHAN, PROPRIETOR. HAVING procured the services of a FIRST CLASS BARER, MR. T1IOS. W. ALBERGOTTI, I am now prepared to do all kinds of RAKING at a moments notice, and to furnish custom ers and the Trade generally with s good arti cle, and at Charleston prices, at wholesale and retail to Merchunts and Families. No expenses will be spared on my part to please my Customers. The following list of Bread, Cakes and Crackers kept constantly on hand, and fresh i C A.KES: Ponnd Cuko Large and Small. Spunge Cake. Sugar Cuke. Drop Cake. Small Fanoy Cakes. Scotch Cake. Lafayette Cuke. French Tea Cuke. Lemon Cuke. Lady's Fingers. Large Ginger Nuts. Bolivers and Thick Cakes. CRACKERS: Trenton Cracker*. Butter Crackers. Seed Crackers. Sugar Craekors. Large Biscuits. B R 1<] A. 13 : ! Wheat Bread. Rye Bread. Graham Bread. French, Twjsi, Split and Cap Loaves. Th? hieltest cash prices p iid for BUTTEl and E(t<&. * The Subscriber respectfully returns his thanks to the oititens of Orangcburg for their patronage in the past, and respectfully solicits a eontinuance of the same. spl24? ly V. PITTHAN. Notice of Dismissal. NOTICE" IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT I will, on Saturday, the 23d day of Oc tober next, apply to the Honorable Court of Probate for Orangehurg County, Tor Lot tern of Dismissal, as Administrator of the Estate of D. R. Hungcrpoiler late of said County, deceased. JOHN HUNGKRrEILER. September 23d, lflfVO. 1m BET EM 171? AGAIN!!! "M a. v. . . ... ...... .? r^Ti n ? \i 1U Freah Butter, Fine Pomade, Choiee Ltird, CALL ON f iuc Extracts, Fine Family Flour, Fine Cologne, Sugar* of ?11 Kinds, Fine Tooth Soap, Powders & C. Cfc Maes* Flab, _ ? , , u _ Brushes?Hair Brushes, Tobacco, /egara. Pipes, EZGaIOI & CO., Phnlon'a Night Blooming Ce Hicc, Spices, Pepper, Cur- ' rous, rants. Cloves, Nutmegs, Cit- Phalon's Flor Do Mayo, ron, Cinnamon, .1 letter paper. Note Paper, Hardware said Cutlery, AT THa Letter and Note Envelopes, Ac , Ac., are., Ape. Ac., kc , ate., etc., etc., etc.. etc., etc. StGN OF THJ? BIG WATCH, COW,- PKA8, KtCE, PU^RS, IKDIGO, CHtCKfctfS?in fact ali Pro duce purchased at highest tuurCet rates., , . ntmu) - ? tvit ? 17 NEW ?OOBS JUST OPENING! The UNDERSIGNED respectfully call the attention of the CITIZENS of Orangeburg Co*nty to the* ' tncky Jeans, Satinets, CastTmercs, Red, White and Blue Flannel*,. P'nck Silks aud Alapnccaa, Dress Goods. Nnolaa, Shawls, Cloaks, Blankets, Hoisery, Gloves and Fancy Goods in great variety. 's * Also Clothing, Hats and. Caps, Boots and Shoes Our Grocery Stock is complete in every line; 'Large assortments .of Choice Liquors al ways on hand. Our Stock of Glass, Crockery, Wood, Hardware and Cutlery, Ac,, has been select ed with care for tha trade, and will be sold at '- I pric%m thateaunot fail to givo satisfaction. The HIGHEST MARKET PRICE paid for COUNTRT PRODUCE Vlease give us a CALL and EXAMINE our STOCK CAHTMILL & VT1STCE, oct 1G?9?1y RUSSELL STREET. GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, HATS & SHOES, T. A. JEFFORDS & CO., CORNER RAILROAD AND RUSSELL-STREETS, OPFER TO THE CITIZENS OF ORVNGEBPRO COUNTY, A WELL SELECTED Stock of which they guarantee to sell LOWER 'han any House in this place. CLEAR BACON SIDES. SHOULDERS. SUGAR'CURED BREAKFAST STRIPS. SUGR CURED H AMS at 2J ot*. SUGARS. COFFEES. BUTTER. LARD. SYRUP. MOLBSSES. M ACK FREE. ITERRINQS. FINE OLD HOLLAND GEN AND FRENCH BRANDY. GIBSON'S XXX WHISKEY at $8.00 per Gallon. PURE OLD CORN do 2.00 " d ? OLD BOCKBOX ? do l.GO ?? - Cull and Examine our S'oek. . oct Id sept 25?fim LARGE! NEW!! AITRACTIVE!!! H-AND+ CHEAP!!!! CORHELSOlff, KRAMER & CO.'S. -to; OUR STOCK OF Foreign Domestic and. Fancy Dry Goods FOR THE FALL AND WINTER TRADE! AFINE aajsajatment of Gents and Boys CLOTHING, HATS, BOOTS and SHOES, mecutrd to none in the Market GROCERIES. HARDWARE. SADDLES, HARNESS, CROCKERY and all other lines fully assorted. New Goods Received by Every Steamer. B?- We Buy COTTON, RICE and PRODUCE at the Highest Market PRICES. -Come une and all! Oijc aud all ! ! CORNELSON, KRAMER & CO. oct 2 oct 3 k ly 1860. ^ ? ^ A -Li.!. - 18G9. W. PATTERSON, HAVING JUST RECEIVED HIS FALL AND WINTER STOCK is now prepared to afar INDUCEMENTS to Purchasers. DRY GOODS, HATS, SHOES, GROCERIES, LIQUORS, ETC., FRUIT will be kept on Inthd during the Winter. Housekeepers will benr in mind that ho keeps nothing stale in the GROCERY LINE. Every ARTICLE sold is FRESH and GOOD. the Highest Cosh Prices paid for COUNTRY PRODUCE. sept '25 c ]y BULL, SCOYILL & PIKE, II A VE JUST RECEIVED By Last Steamer a Full and Beautiful Stock of LADIES DRESS GOODS, FANCY PRINTS AND LONG CLOTHS. Another lot of those CELEBRATED CORSETTS Another lot of those CELEBRATED NEEDLES. BULL STOVILL & PIKE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A EINE LOT OF CASS1MERS, COTTON ADES SPANISH LINNEN, &c. TituisrrcsPor s?,? m>y29?\y mVht, SOOVIl.t ft PIKE. TIK 7M toi ly?L ' ;?'Y vi f'T Ol soilO -:o:? ?whteXl a* Mat Hg?i'!oi?J ?tn? V? : JMBMUnl _ .. _ fl?ij r (Jr> NUW Uli ? Hi* i ,i ? : ' .-?7 ect jm tJf ?K. ,t*.*iH[4'i * TO ..t :-f j .?:?; -'J .3 vi 9I110M o? Jos !>???* An Illustrated Magaaae, }-r' ' ?" '.' r." ;?: j jaopM Kv&:'Ai -?fblw Lairf ?ve 01IW . jf-ry t OrTAV rTrrTTOTJ"T *mo.~*fif **fl affi??? wit? osrtw left .13.11' I. U U IvMU Q rf? . ? 1o eba?iia fa la. I Cl.lHrTF Farm, the Garden, and the The Official Orgatt of thef'? ?-''C^aif -1 ? '-*-? .imina etti airt ro?sb ton ?*! .??noD.'rjfi-rj.u-jTjj c.t -oiairt ?>? II South Carolina State Agricultural and Mechanical Society. 1 >iI.!W . a*'J Pajlat - a roti'4 D. H. JACQUES, Editor, d "lw . .-?.'??.? .nor, %?'te'>n* o??>d) oi %9iF) ? ? Assi*ted in Every Department by Gentlemen of Ability end EcperieeKepIiCutd* itig some of the most Eminent Planters, Furuwrs, GardeiMi% Fraitf Growers, Manufacturersf and Artizan? of the State.:'-?'< n in] >., : fii^gr. *i?m! '.?lt ifTiv *d HiT (ifll) otH It'oaob .l*NO _-t-O-ll_ii I 0 fumifii'>xo *' no* seer?}" KATuaai. ?urroST'i ] AtiafbuLTCttk; In Us various branches, and all. its pro cesses and operations?Preparing the Soil, Manuring, Cultivation, Harvesting, Preserv ing nud Skipping Crops, &c. iioi-.tk i i.ti he, As represented In the Kitchen (Jarden. the Flower Qiirdun, the Truck Farm or Market I Garden, the Orchard and the Vineyard. iM)l f'jfH*iK?i :??!.<.> l;" >..'norn . alion??Tic AstxaLs. Horses Mules, Cattle, Sheep, Hogs and Fowls-ifn' e Rest Breeds; Feeding and Gene ml Treatment; Diseases aui Bi-raedies. UOCtSHOLO ecosomt," In the form of Reeeipis for Cooking. Wash ing Drying and otherwise Treservirtg ?uita and Vegetables; Uiuts on UesRht and. oth er 1'soful Information. ?I if . > ?) '> j fi ii?. /11 ?? i Including Fish Culture, RntopqtwTt#a^tf beoriagsupon Agriculture and^ujaj^le|j^?ro,) and Our Pet Birds and An im sis. ," ? D ? ?: i?TJi/3 . od ; )nair? d ort' tvd .L ifv t?d o* ff^nose For the (Family Circle, such so (1 Paet says, Sketches, Biographies, Anee ?-etry especially suited'Co'^ 1 * v ? h! lumt warn arm. iilO oil* tti JMtfMsV utTux coomt. ft Special Correspondents in' sill tsrfa eFsha State and of the South wiU TarkuUlMM Report- of . 1 ^ i>niJOM 3?f*W ' tut ? t^eteifl 9f\\ulK" run aeasoN xx? t?t oestfsv.l o?a4 . Aud the ptwpaisies sadha? fraat liana to tine, as opportunity aaajr asMF, u/.ail a *- bou1 ?sw asast samPBMoee snoa^T?irap?!^ Market Gardens, Orchard: VieejM^si)??! Manufaetaries, taking notes for the bfiSjj^t of our readers a/ w,hat?Ter ?tr'ikeaJfmf4 do aorviog of attention or worthy of itiut|tlf _ iiTi'^ j uoU" HeU?i kotrs and cisaiea,, _% ? 1 's:''-t JtL'l oeT Literary Intelligeaee, Scientific UeauL Met* of the lUiral Press, Rnd^wWiorWnKRa, ftc> ' (> - l bio ?o0" .vi]"i ?dl teer oca rtxastwawcae, ts ?IV/** Will be In the hlgheet style of att, or them designed and 1 1 this work. , .. jw,^ ?d| Weintottd lo amko' THB RIJRAL CAROLINIAN" the spfiost Iodestrial Maganknc ever published in the .Smith, and.we asking tno Co-opera'tion of every 6ood Citise? in our Enterprise that it will Largely Promote the' Welfare and Prosperity of the Advocate etc ^vsve id br-d ,93a IMPROVED SYSTEMS OF CULTIVATION, DIVERSITY OF CR?*8, M9TIIODICAL MANAGEMENT, ORGANIZED I dl**SO. THRIFT AND ECONOMY, AND INdfLCATE ?firftftlt att.,l,r, f,...?J?i*, ^.r> rf,rr) ?an e*!Tr FITL LABOR ANI> PATIF.NT WATTING FOR : nfw i?T TUE .PRESENT, AND HOPEFUI r0I! Tffff?|Oq l> NESLS FOR THE ? 3 .?I-.?? v. li.tn-vif) ff - ur *>ilA FUTURE. >?. w?iLiiA .?!*jK ?:o: .iaj?tt-ff Mit A tli\m {t .0??') tU Hpws I >i ' ?? .T?i*rTarlaTI 'THE IITJEAL CAROLIN I Alfftto, Contains SIXTY-FO?ll fetVffo Pages of Re;.j: thy givuo in most t*imiLtr publications) and w each Month at tho Low Prioo of an mitaitis SIXTY-FOUR fftVffo Pages of Reading Matter, (nearly twit-e tho qua will be Published 0? the Ftrst Vky ef TWO DOLLARS A YEAR, IN ADT INCK .iio i w*?i?i ?oi ..ilI WALKER, EVANS & COGSWELL, PuW^i^^ 8V0. 3 IIroud-street, CTkarltttUtataW-A. tflB * \ ';'? aetoJi od* gBfaete -:?":0:- I 1 (J oeitli ..i>;- jhoY weM N. R.?The attention of Advertisers, and eapecinUt of those who deatro to 'comnrseai cato with the Agriculturalists of the South, is called to the Superior Advantages OfftgedJJy ? Til K ItUIlAL CAR0L1N1AF" ?s in Advertising Medium. Commencing with a<*R*nK tion of 1O.OO0. extended from North CatSdina to Tex.11>. and with every frrtApeerW a Large and Continuon* Additions to that -number, no other I'ersodl^il afEyrds er^ual tunnies for Tnorotighly Advertising Agricultural Implements, Fortilii'ert, improveU Imurovml Cuttle, Cotton Gins. Cotton Presses, Corn Mills, Factors' BuslnetiaTdnlf MrtiifWr TltingH of Interest