The Orangeburg news. (Orangeburg, S.C.) 1867-1875, September 04, 1869, Image 3

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BATUBJDAY, SEPTEMBER, 4 1809. ^B^Itt^MlKB?RCr NEW? 18 the only paper published 1* ?BANQEBUUQ county, and Every house: aijp hamlet IN the cov??. ,85 I 01 v 3 Correspondents must boar in mind thAt in no oaso will we publish a ?communication unless the name of the Writer accompany it. COOL Weatusr, New Cotton.? Since the copious rains of Monday night, the weather has boon pleasantly Sool, reminding oue of tho end of Sum mor, Thicker clothing and blankets have suggested themselves and have been adopted. Peculiarly refreshing is this little cool snap after tho very heated term we haro just passed through. a great many biles of new cotton have come iu town during the week.? The crop is being rapidly gathered and' wiii soon be turned into vionry. Our merchants will soon have their Fall goods in store, aud we would cull the at tentism of our farmers to the advan tages and facilities t hoy ^ have ennkliug them to sell goods us cheap as they oau be gut in Ch.irlestou. The tra'e of Orangeburg has leoupcrated and iu-' creased with unprecedented rapidity ?inco the closo of tho war. Our met chants are as enterprising aa thoso of atty town in tho State, and Orangeburg bids fair to become a large and flourish ing Libuid town. ?We note those signs" of advancement and prosperity with gen uine satisfaction. Despite our political views and humiliation, a better day is ahead of us, of which these things are the glad harbingers. . J1H 4 11' . ) \ ? ? - This is the first year in the recollec tion of the oldest inhabitant, that forty bales of new cotton Ins been brought to tfeis sr..-.rket this early in the season. In 18G7, S. ptcmbcr 14, the first bale of CultoH wtu suld in our Town by J. F. Livingston t<? Messrs. Dull k Scovill. ..Jji 1308. September 9, the first bale W*?nuld by W. F. Samlnl to Messrs. Cnrnelson, Kramer & Co. The first b:?)o this year was sold Au gust ,126th, by Pi J. Boycie to Mossr*. Bull, Scovj|f ? hike, M esars. Cornel 8f?n, Kfemer5" a' Co., rtecoivr'tl fur ship lucnt t vi) bales nu the 23d ult. There is nu effort being made in our ?own to get up a Hook aud Ladder Com pany to operate with the Young America Fire Company. Sixteen names have already been subscribed for that purpose. The'list cau bu found at this office. iVr sons willing to join such au organization srtll please call aud sign. The monthly parade of the Young America's tpu.k place on Saturday after noon last. The appearance of the Com pany was fine, and the "playing oft" ad mirable. Stocker's new store was chriatentd with s stream of water, and several "small boys" ducked. The good humor aud water played and displayed was refreshing to thoso iu tho neighbor hood of the scene. We noticed in going up street u few days ago, the neat appearance of Mr. Patterson's storo on Russell-strcct. He has had his establishment enlarged aud painted, and a neat aud attractive sign put op in front, altogether making a de cided improvement, and we learn that ho is making preparations for a large Fall and Winter stock; we wish him suc cess. Parties desiring to purchase land, im proved or unimproved, would do well to read the advertisements of Andrews <( ?CV, Laud Agents, as thoy advertise some fine places this week; call and get ai description of the hind if you desire to purchase. 94? .1/ i h " ? ?SU ??ass^??? "De Nuir Send Money North jwr Lifs Insurance."?The Pied snont Lifo Insurance Company has es tablished a Branch Office in Columbia. Mr, Jas. H. Fowl es is the agent at Orangeaarg, and ?an be found at Messrs. Glovers' Law Office. Mr. D. Louis, has just received a lot of New Prints, and other goods suited to the season. See advertisement. Mr. John A. Hamilton advertises some articles of important value to farm ers aud the public generally. The, Oranokbukq Niws will be found every week to contain at least fourteen columns of reading matter in cluding aa original or selected story, a piece of poetry "Worth reading and pre serving, something for the lovers of fun, something for the planter, something for the politician. The latest iutolligence of County and outside matter will be given/as well as a "carotulry prepared Commercial Report of the cotton markets of ^Orun^eborg and Charleston, with ruling prices of othor articles of gene ral traffic. In addition to this, in its columns will bo found advertisements of the most reliable business houses in reach of the people of Oraogeburg Coun ty. This part of our paper is by no means the least valuable to the reading public, as our friends will save many a ' dime by looking to find out where thoy can make the best bargains: and dimes saved makes dollars after a while. Oraogeburg County has a voting pop ulation of such as can read and writo of over 3000. Let every voter who can road send along two dollars for his coun ty paper, it is money advanced at a high per cent, and for which he receives throe times its value. Try it all of you who know not the luxury of a paper from the county scat. Our politics need bo no objection l? the paper. Our position, (that the issue** heretofore dividing the two great parties of the couutry have been forever settled,) is now the position of even the Demo crat. If we arc not Democrats, it is be cauac wo sco no possibility of this party freeing our State from its polluters.? We desire tho redemption of South Car olina. We admit what are facts, und we turn our attention to the great ques tions as best to have our State again ruled and represented by her sons, who will no longer protest against eottled things, but will devote their honesty, in telligence and virtue to (guiding her in her new and altered condition. The great question of new parties, and uow issues is before the country. We have taken our position, in this the crisis of our history, and we assure our readers we are conscientious in assuming it. Wantei?.-^A Town Hall.?The exhibition of Professor Wytnan last j Thursday night shows conclusively the want of a Town Hall in Orangehurg. We are Mpidty growing to be a city, and we have no public Hull yet large enough to seat 200 people. W? believe it would pay some enterprising persons to erect such u building. A Hall large enough at least to scat a Town audience. First class amusements are kept from visiting us ou this account. There is uo* a place large enough to hold au audience that would pay. Won't some of our citizens who arc now, and who an ticipate, erecting buildings thiuk of this public want and need, and govern them selves accordingly. It will put money iu their pockets, more ways thau one. Wyman.?This Magician gave a per 1 on nance in this place last Thursday evening. lie drew quite a respectable audience. His performance iu Leger demain was perfect. We have seen old Wytnan perform, and if young Wymau is old Wy man's sou, we think old Wyman is beat at his own game, by young Wy mau. Little Tommy took tho house by .-.tot m. A better Ventriloquist thau I'rof. Wyman wc have never heard. We would call attention to the adver tisement of Wm. C. Bee & Co., Factors and Commission Merchants, 22 Adger's Wharf, Charleston. Mr. James Brown, at I). Louis' Store, will make advances ou consignments to this house upon Cot ton and Ilice for the Charleston, New York nnd Liverpool markets. Mr. Brown is also agent for the ''Goorgia Cotton Gius," also ageut fur Gray's l'ate nt A n ti-Frietiu, Labor Saving Screw Press." Wc have received tho Trienniel Cata logue of the University of South Caro lina, beautifully printed by John W. Denny, Book and Job Printer, Colum bia, S. C. We notice in the list of graduates for 1860, the names of G. M. and J. F. Norrie, of Orangoburg County. m?a? ? ??? The Constitution, for some time past tho leading Democratic paper of Atlanta Ga., llSS abandoned the Democracy, and calls for the formation of a "now party." A good many of the Demoeratio papers of North Carolina aro calling for the or ganisation of a Conservative party. COMMERCIAL. MARKO' REPORTS. Ornca or tub Obabobbubo New*. September 8, 1809. COTTON?Sales during the week 40 bales. We quote: Ordinary...27 Qn?d Ordinary.,.-28 Low Middling.S9 Middling.,.......SO Strict Middling... Good Middling. Rouou Rica.SI 05 per oushcl. Cons.~.$1.00 per bushel. Cow Pkas...$1.05 per bushel. Pinobbs.$1.25 per bushel. GOLD. 85 SILVER.26 CHARLESTON MARKET. cuaklbston, fpioat mobninq, September 3, 1800. Ordinary.28 Good Ordinaiy.80 Low Middling.81 Middling.82$ Consignees per South CarolinaRail road Remaining in the Depot to Date. A, H. JohnBon, J. W. Summers, T. D. Poser, D. W, ETans, J. c. Edwards, Jeffcoat & Glenton. W. M. Peel, J. Eaetcrlin, D. c. Rowc, R. S. Gleaton. lu accordance with orders received from the Superintendent, Storage will hereafter be charged on Goods remaining in the Depot for an uuroasonatde length of time. W. c. MEREDITH. Agent. .A., el. FACTOR AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, CHARLESTON S. C. Liberal advances made on Cotton. Krrkpen<? ks?First National Bank, "Pco plo's National Hank, Messrs. Jno. Eraser & Cov^ Charleston, S. C. July 81?ly REEDER & DAVIS, COTTON FACTORS ?and? GENERAL COMMISSION merchants, A DOER'S NORTH WHARF, CHARLESTON, So. Ca. COXSKJX.VEXTS RESPECTFULLY SO LICITED. OsWBLt Rkbubb. Zimmbbmam Davis. aug 28 wee Gm ROPE, BAGGING ?AND? IRON TIES. CASH ADVANCED ON COTTON CON signcd to Mr. A. J. Salinas, TO HE SOLD IN CHARLESTON OR (SHIPPED. F. E. SALINAS, BAMBERG AND GRAHAMS, aug 28 * 2t DR. TUTT'S Sosaparilla and Queen's Delight, The great Alterative and Wood Purifier. EXPECTORANT, A Pleasant ami Sure Cure for Coughs, Asthma, &c. VEGETABLE LIVER PILES, For Dyspepsia, Biliousness, &c. Improved Liqui?! Hair I>yc, Warruntcd the best in use. For sale in Orangeburg by DR. E. J. OLIVEROS, june 5 o in IN THE COURT OF PRORATE. WuKiiKas, Mrs. Ann C. Andrews hath ap plied to me for Letters of Administration on the Estate of E. W. Andrews, late ot Orange burg County, deceuacd. These arc therefore to cite and ndmonish all ami singular the Kindred and Creditors of the said deceased, to be and appear be fore me nt.s. Court of Probate for the said County, to be holden at Orangeburg on the 7th day of September, 180'J, at 10 o'clock A. M. to show cause if any, why the said Ad ministration should not be granted. Giren under my hand and the Seal of the Court, this 25 th day of August, A. I). IKO'.t, and in the ninety-fourth year of American Independence. THAD. C. ANDREWS, aug 28?2t Jude of Probate. "?71 SP EC I ALLY DESIGNED FOR THE j^j use of tho Medical Profession and the Family, possessing those intrinsic medicinal properties which belong to an Old and Puro Gin. Indispensable to Females. Good for Kidney Complaints. A delicious Tonic. Put up in containing one dozen bottles each, and sold by all Druggists, Grocers. A. Mi BIM.NOER, & CO., Establish !778, No. 15 Beaver St., N. Y. DR. E. J. OLIVEROS, Agent. july 31?5m Orangeburg, 8. c. IN THE COURT OF PROBATE. Wiibukas, Daniel L. Drawdy hath applied to nie for Letters of Administration dn the Estate of Klilisbeth O'Caiu, late of Orange burg, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred ami creditors of the aaid deceased, to be and appear before me, at a Court of Probate for the said County to be holden at Orangeburg on the 4th day of Sept., 1800, at 10 o'clock A. m. to show cause, if any, why the said administration should not be granted. Given under my hand and tho Seal of the Court, this 21st day of August A. D. 1800, and in the ninety-third year of American Independence. THAD. C. ANDREWS, aug 28?2t Judge of Probate. H Orangeburg Bakery, V. PITTHAN, PBOPBIETOB. A VINO procured, ihe services of a FIRST CLASsStKER, MR. THUS. wfl?iER<.;OTTl, I am now prepared to^^Hfwnds of BAKING ata momenta notice, ^^Hm furnish custom it.s and the Trade Kcn^Blly with a good arti cle, and at Charleston iM*ca. at wholesale and retail lu Merchants nrjf anlilies. No expenses will bctjfrurcd on my part to plenso my Customers. The following lift Tfflrt'lld, Cakes nnd (nackers kept coii?l^' on hand, and fresh: C A. I?E S : Pound Cake LiflVmid Small. Spunge Cake. jHRf Sugar Cake. Drop Cake. Sm^Hkncy Cakes. Scotch Cake. H Lafayette Cake. Prenok Tea CaflHk'inon Cake. Lady's Fingers. Hftrgr (linger Nuts. Bolivers and^^Kk Cakes. CEACKER8: Trenton Crackers. Butter Crackers. Seed Crackers. Sugar Crackers. Large Biscuits. B Xt IS A. D: Wheat Bread. Hyc Bread, (i rah a in Bread. French, Twist, Split and Cap Loaves. The highest cash priees paid for BUTTER and EGOS. The Subscriber respectfully returns his thanks to the citizens of. Orangoburg for their patronage in the past, and respectfully solicits a continuance of the same. spl24? ly V. PITTIIAN. TUST RFC KI V ED. FRESH GROCERIES, Consisting of BACON, LAUD, FLOUB of all grades. SUGAR. COFFEE. MOLASSES, HER RINGS, Ac. FISHING TACKLE, Of the best variety, such us Lines, Hooks and Bobs. PIPES, assorted, TOBACCO and SEGA RS. Fresh MEAL and GRIST constantly on hand All of the above articles aro offered low down for ensh. Give a call and examine for ?ourselves at J. W. PATTERSON'S, Opposite Bull & Scovili> juno ? ly REMOVAL. rpilK SUBSCRIBER RESPECTFULLY inform his friends and the public that lie has re-opened his BAR-ROOM at the C A NN ON HOL S E where he has just received a fresh supply of choice BRANDIES. WINKS. WHISKEYS. ALE, PORTER, ( IDER, TOBACCO and CIGARS. All of t'ae above arc of finest brands and warranted to give satisfaction. Also all necessary articles kept in a FIRST CLASS I5AR. Drinks of all kinds MIXED to suit the taste. ICE kept constantly on hand. JAS. CANNON, juno 12?tf Proprietor. LIGBT BOUSE BURNING FI,UU>.--Tllls FLUID will not EXPLODK, nnd is therefore more reliable than Keros ue, and ia equal in Brilliancy. It is not trying to the eyes. It does not SMOKE. Entirely free from OR ASK. Does not SOIL the HANDS. Does not GREASE the CLOTHING. Can be BURNT in the KEROSENE LAMP by using the new Burners. BEST and most HELIALE FLUID now in use, being SUPERIOR in ?every respects to Kerosene. Before presenting it to the Public I have given it a thorough lest, and o*k the Public to do the same. For sale by KIRK It 0111%.SON, Agent !'?r Orangeburg County, june 2i?' ly u .d 1 7 NEW STORE, W. T. LIOHTFOOT, R?ssel street, ?KANGEBURG S. C. SINCE THE DISSOLUTION OF THE Co partnership of W. T. Light fool A Co., the Undersigned takes pleasure in informing his many Customers that he has opened his Slock at the Old Stand of James Caunon, on Russell Street, next door to McNutnara A Joines. The STOCK remaining over from the Old Finn will be closed out cheap to make room for Fall Supplies. Tho'stock consists of DRY GOODS. GROCERIES. HARDWARE and LIQUORS. In fiitrt, CYcry article usually kept in a well supplied COUNTRY STORK. For the present the Stock is limited, but additions will be made from time to time, as the demand increases. A fresh supply of GROCERIES & LIQUORS, just received, und will be sold LOW FOR CASH. Give tnc a trial before buying elsewhere. W. T. LIOHTFOOT. July 81 ly WM. WILLCOCK, RUSSELL STREET. ORANOEBI1BU, ft. C. RESPECTFULLY INFORMS THE CITI tens of Orangeburg County, that he is now receiving a large supply of DRY GOODS AND FRESH FAMILY GROCERIES, also Cabinet, Eagle and Bour bon Brands, Scotch Ale, and the famous Ledger Segars. His stock of TIN WARE and HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, is the largest in the County. First-class STOYI'.S Kept constant ly oh hand and warranted to work well. lie hopes hy constant attehtinn to business ami with the assistance of hts brother, John Willcock. to be able to give satisfaction to nil who may honor him with a enll. Try him. jaly 31 may 1 ly iUJLLKITS' STEEL BRUSH | COTTOH BIN. i \ y t IIALUS PATENT COTTO? GIN FEEDER! Send for Circular. C. GR AVE LEY, Agent for the State, 62 East Bay, south or the Old Postofl&oe, aug 21?tn Charleston, 8. C. SOUTH CAROLINA State Agricultural AND MECHANICAL MAGAZINE. (Official Organ of the South Carolina State Agricultural and Mechanical So ciety.) AT AN EABLY DATE, TIIK SUB80KII1 ers will publish the first number uf i Monthly Magazine, devoted to the .development of the material interests of this State, and the whole .South ; and will distribute 5,000 COPIES GRATUTIOU8LY, so that every one may seil what it is before subscribing. They intend to make it the best and handsomest indus trial mogaiino ever published at the South, and they ask the cordial co-operation of every good eitisen in this enterprise, which must redound to the public welfare. Persons Wishing copies of the find num ber, will please send their address to Walker, Evans & Cogswell, CHARLESTON, S. C. may 20 wee tf I;all ani> wintkk 1 IMPORTATION ISO'J. Ribbons and Millinery Straw Goods'! ARMSTRONG, CATER k CO., 2:57 & 28'.: Baltimorc-St. halt/:tro IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF llON nct and Trimming Ribbons. Velvet nnd Sash Ribbons, Bonnet Silks. Satins ami Vel vets, Illusions, Blonds. Laces. Ruches. Nctts and Crapes. French Flowers and Feathers, Straw Bonnets and Ladies' Hats Trimmed and Untrintmed, Silk, Velvet and Felt Bon uets nnd H its, Sundowns and Shaker Hoods. The largest Stock of Millinery Goods in this Country, and unequalled in choice *??. rifty, which we offer nt pi ices that will defy competition. Jfejr Orders solicited. aug 21 2t TONSORIAh. TIIK SUBSR1BBR RESPECTFULLY IN forms the public thnt he has opined a first class BARBER SHOP in the basement of the ??Cannon House*," where he is prepared to give satisfaction in SHAVING. SIlAMPOoN ING and HAIR DRESSING. The patronage of the public is solicited. june 1?ly JOHN ROItlNSON. Orangeburg- -In Equity. I.. Hausoni Smith et. US., ) Bill for sale of Executor, Real Estate t o vs. J pay Debts, for ln J. C. Peers, et. u\. j junction and lic et, al. J lief. Notice is hereby giveu to the creditors of the late AS B CRY N. W ANNA MA K KB. de ceased, thnt they are required by a decree in this case, to present and prove their respec tive demands before Charles B. Glover, Esq.. Referee, at Orangeburg, South Carolina, oti or before the first day of October neit, or be debarred "he benefits of said decree. Clerk's Office, 1 GEORGE B0L1VER, Orangeburg, 8. C, } l\ C. P. July 7. 1800. J July 10 oam 8ni F. H. W. BRIGGMANN & CO. R ESPECTFUI.LY INFORMonrOBAXOE burg Friends that we have moved In Ts KW STOJUi, Where we arc ready to suppl our Friends and the Public in general with a full and fresh supply of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, SHOES, HATS. Also all kinds of LIQUORS, WINES, PORTER. ALE, ETC., at reduced Prices. We have a tine lot of FAMILY FLOUR from Jno. CAM PS EN k CO.'S Mill, Charles ion, put up in small Su^as, very low. Wc offer for sale the RECIPE for making JACKSON'S UNIVERSAL WASHING COM - POUND and JACKSON'S LAUNDRY SOAP for One Dollar, which has given satisfaction to nil to whom we have sold. We Will buy COTTON and all other PRO DIVE, giving the highest market price, or ship for any one. FREE of CHAKGE and make LIBERAL ADVANCES on the same. F. II. W. BRIGG.MANN & CO. oct 8 ly W. T. MULLEB, BROUGHTON STREET, O It A N C E B V R G, S. C. RESPECTFULLY OFFERS TO THE Citizens of Orangeburg a well selected stock of choice LIQUORS and WINES, Ha vnua and Domestic CIGARS, and a large as sortment of .SMOKING TOBACCO lo wit: LONE STAR. LUC II BE. CA8CAVILLA aud UNCLE SAM. My LIQUORS I will warrant to bo PURE and CHEAP. The Leading articles of Groceries con stantly on hand. Call and judge for 3-ourselvos. W. T. MULL ER. July - i mar7 Sm Orangeburg?-In Equity. J. Hess Andrews, Ex'r, \ Petition lo vacate vs. > Doureeaud for trial Lesley llouser. Guard. J dt novo. IT APPEARING that WESLEY HOUSES, the Defendant in this case, is absent front and resides beyond the limits of this State?it is ordered that he do appear, plead, answer or demur to said Petition within 40 days, or the same will he taken against him pro coiiftt*o. Clerk s Office. 1 OEO. B0L1VER, U. C. P Clerk s Office. \ Orangeburg, S.C., \ Aug. 4, ISO?. J aug t w n, application for LETTERS OF DISMISSAL. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVBN THAT 80 days from date, I will apply to Thad. C. Ami.-ews, Esq., Judge of Probate, for Orangeburg County, for Letters of Dismis sal on the Estate of F. J. Felder, deceased M. J. FELDER, aug 14?4t Administratrix. HMS1--F3g^fcypBE 111 : INSURE YOUR PROPERTY < AGAINST l|0?.J fsf/FftlB WITH-' CORNELSON, KRAMER & CO , AGENTS OB j ?T GEORGIA HOME INSURANCE COMPANY, INCORPORATED 1H30,?ASSETN, JAN. 1801?, 8111,161, AND James River Insurance Company, AUTHORIZED CAPITAL l;5?Q,0$<Vf.*/ W-BOTH SOUTHERN COM PAN I ES. GBEAT BARelll^! I AT . IN ORDER TO MAKE R$)M FOU THE ? G0IV1IN G F?LL tili WE HAVE REDUCED OUR PRICES' OF?***'*"'"' vunaMiaO ????''' > i Ml m an?ltd Mt.)rfW DEY GOODS A1TD CL0TEI1TG ?ff? ' II i : :.?ji?*aiT COST. CORNELSON, KRAMm^Cgj. _ ;^A-;g^-a?^^?y ... BARGAINS! BAEGjffl^r ? Kwodt av <i9??aa; ??IT jVT r'????? sia" JaJT M ' NAMARA & JONES RUSSELL STREET, ORANGEJJURG, S. C. -O ' " ? ' I SUMMER STQCK AT AND UNDER COST FOR '.50 DAYfi. FAMILY GR?CEIES WARRANTED FRESH AND GOOD. Give us a call and judge for yourselves. july 31 apl 10? ly *U NA.MARA & JON BULL, SC0YILL & PIK II \Y1' JUST RECEIVED By Last Steamer a Fuli and BeautiM Bfack of LADIES DEESS GOODS, FANCY PRINTS AND ToWnTiVFirf Another lot of those CELEBRATEirC?JtS35l3^ Another lot of those CELEBRATED NEEDLES, ? uz* .l??ar ?1 i > ? RULL SCOVILL & II AVK JUST RKCEIYED A FINE IsOJ^tifculal CASSIMERS, n^rpfrrtrarpf* SPANISH LI^TNEN^<SSc?-l,",~, "2 soovt^>f*M).?^ w Fas ,tsaa^le Mf a | way 29?iy BULL, NEW SPRING GOEffOSL , AT '! ,l *4> *?S # "**a STOCKEE'S CHEAP CASH I have just received opening our SPRING and STOCK, consisting of Calicos, hams, Muslins, Eerages^ and ing, Hats, Shoes, and Groceries*;r of which have been purchased*iri*?~ in the last 15 days in New YorS,^ Cash, at 15 to 25 per ct. Cheaper th the same Goods could have been .tyg chased 30 days ago, which1 'Mflyii now offering to the GH?&JiW<-?f Orangeburg County, at ftl*BiairJ? lowance on Cost for Cash^f .TOTTN D. ?TOt^S^'^Sl'S! At TUM, Qfija,"jfllfr MR.oJAMKS A. WI1 LI A MS in *U1mis and will ho t^gBJrt^.