The Orangeburg news. (Orangeburg, S.C.) 1867-1875, August 21, 1869, Image 7

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=r=ss=rc W69. t^K-MiMOKB^R? NE\VS IS TH? O?LY FAFRB FUBLISHED IN ORANGKBUKG COUNTY, AND VISITS TO IN THE CO There hat been organised in our Minh .political organisation itself the "Sons of the Sun"-? ?fW^Vff^M1^ gr?nnd very i iifHBfj .stiiasi trhef wa can Jaatn it is baaed on strictly Republican principles? but b denpuoceu by leading members of the Unsen League of this place as a third) santy movement?if this is a !hct, _ we wish it ranch sucoass. ? We don't be- j H?n*eaMsj^itic*l societies, bat-a* the oW ?dege go**, ea fight Ac devil sue-1 eaaafuHy, yon ?tust fight him with fire. Picking Cotton:?Ono of our Urg ent and meat auoeeemri, planters, near i Howe's Funin, was naified picking cot ton thi? Week,.. j We do not know that he is the first to piok cotton in our County, but aa a general thing he is second to none in his farm management. ."Coming Events Oast their Shad ows Bs*qse Them."?The ?gna of a ?cry bhey Fall In Orangeburg are very good. Several new firms are preparing j to opon their stocks, and the new store of Messrs. Stocker <fc Co., is rapidly ap |pi'0ssjhing completion. We predict a Very attire season. Cotton Sk*d ?Cxkb as a Fjbrtili ?kr.?It, is jnxfpoaed to erect in Colum bia smtrJ? NDmI for pressing oil from oot aovj se*t,*Jhe capital stock to be sub scribed by farmers near the Hail Roads communicating with Columbia. The seed to be supplied by the stockholders the 'mill sending bags and paying freight, and ipWypng to formers in cash on deli v ery'&lf cents per 'hundred weight of raw-seed. The seed wifWhenrbu Dressed and 33sipsetasVi^t' hulled oil cake be re turned to tire snipper <ef 'the seed fur ?every-hundred weight df-seed. This oil cake is very valuable to the tfarmer as a manure and as f provender. H'he profits to the stockholder will be ?about 16,66 on every ton of seed. Subscriptions to the capital stock will he received by Col. Wo. Wallace or ?Hoe. John 8. Green, Columbia. Nr. Harpin Rigga, at Orangeburg, will give further information to those applying. Mise Albhehotti's School.?The exercises of this institution will be re on Monfiey, ?th* 6th of Septem ber. This lady eminently deserves the large patronsge she receives. Her school>ts in a>verj flourishing condition, judging fronatlhe nunrbet df Iber .pupils and ttftaacementa. TifB RiUSUit. Cabolinian, an illus trated Megaimte, for the Farm, the Gar den, and the HossAeft. The prospec tus of this the official organ of the Sout h Carolina Agricultural ?und Mechanical Society, lias ?seen 'mid on our table. The first asus&er will be issued about Octo ber first. The magazine will contain 64 large pages of reading matter and will be published on the first day of each month at the low price of Two Dollars a ywsr ia advance. 10,000 copies of the SlratiBBmber win he issued -gratuitously, so that all uaiay see what the work is be fore subscribing. Persons wishing the iftrst number wit? vend their address to Messrs, Walker, Evans & Cogswell, (Publishers, No. 3, Broad-street, Charles ton, 8. C. i ? ? ftP| 1 ? IjVm niimtassiueui df 'Gullette* Steel Brush Cotton Gip. Mr. C. Gravely, Charleston, S. C.f Agent for South Car Armstrong, Cater, k Co., Importers Dealers in Millinery. Straw, and Vaney Goods, offer to the Trade thier fine ?selections of Fajl and Winter Goods. See advertisement. R* ?Bjttbbs?We invite *Jhe l?teoCioti df our readers to the ad wertisement of Drake's Plantation Bit This tonic is well known through the Sooth. flee-Law Card of.Maleolm.I Brown* -3ng, hiSf|. Attention is called to the sdvertiss *e*nt of Pr J). % Richsu's, o.TNew A Sad Aer sX*.~We w? by a friend who has jest returned {Nan ? trip through portion* of Barowell, aMjgefiold, Lexington, Newberir/end Ab beville Counties, that the corn and cot ton crop in these Counties are nesrly entire failure. He heard of parties who were engaging corn at two dollars pet bushel for tnn next year. He felt enf> t*la that in the portions of these Coun ! ties, through which he panted, not more, at beat, then a half crop woiud he made. We hear from dih*efeaA ntntiena of out County that the rice erop is taking the rust. If Wn don't have rain soon there j will ben great falling off in this small grain. We are needing rain very much ' now. Tea corn and cotton crop of our County, however, We consider made, aad a better erop, we think, Bill be gathered than since the close of the war. Ma. John Willcock, who has for fourteen years a dramatic artist, has achieved a considerable repulsnhtn 1 in his profession, baa retired from pah? lie life and located himself at Orange burg. He eaa be found at hit brother* Wna. Willcock't establishment, where he has already formed a delighted ac quaintance and is rapidly making friends. An Important Consideration. Dr. Tutt's Liver Pills are Purely Veyetn- j bk and are adapted "to young and old, male and female, and may be taken at all times, without restraint of occupation, without chsnge of living, without and without fear of taking cold all kinds of weather, aad in all they contain no mercury. Peters Musical Monthly.?for August, is before us. Besides a vast amount of entertaining matter relative to music and musicians?anecdotes, ect ?it contains forty pages of sacred and secular music The subscription price is $3 per annum. J. L. Peters, 198 Broadway New York, is the publisher. Blrke's Weekly for Boys and Girls.?The July numbers of this valuaple publication are before us. They contain the opening chapters of a new story: The Adventures of Big-Foot Wallace, the Texas Hanger?the verita ble adventures of a hunter now living near Ban Antonio, Texas,?which pro mises to be c story of unusual interest. We take great pleasure in recommending this publication, and would be glad to learn that thousands of subscribers were obtained in this part -of the country. Parents who wish to inspire their child ren with a love of reading, and of read ing at once pleasant and useful, would do well to place Burke'* Weekly in their hsnds. Terms $2 a year. J. W. Burke k Co., publishers, Macon, Ga. 1 <aat>-??-?Bomatiom Tea State Agricultural Fair. The of list premiums to be swarded at the State Agricultural Fair has been pub lished, and embraces premiums for nearly everything valuable in mechanical-and agricultural industry, art, science and taste. Copies of the list may be obtained from the secretary. Colonel D. Wyatt Aikea, Cokeabury, 8. C. The Fair will be held in Columbia on the 10th, and 12th of November. Jj Tun Pouthern Cultivator,'for August, is filled as usual with interesting mstter. Wm. k W. Jj. f ones, Athens, Gco , 92 per annum. Tra Little Corporal.?has much in it to interest those for whom it is intended?the little folks. No 5, P. O. Plane, Chicago, III. 91 a year. The are one hundred and five defend ants to a chancery suit now pending in j one of the courts in Chicago. Tiie Emperor of China it to be married this year. He is fourteen years old, nan has been engaged s good while. ENAL NOTnCe. All IPer eona haying demands against Georgs , late of St. Matthews Parish, dsoeasod, are hereby required to present the samt on or before tht 1st day of October next. Such claims as are presented after that doit wHl not bo pold. JACOB G. KEITT, aag 7?ft* Executor. M < OU?T?, PROB AIM '00 URT. JSr parte Jas. I>. denes, Goar dt an. d#. JONES, WkW. GUARDIAN OF John-H.omd Henrietta Livingston, gives taut after thirty days from this date, aifinel discharge from *hie| THAD. C. ANDREWS, 14?ft Jodge of Hl, AN (A ft Tor Sato at 'mir SI XSIf OWICX and: of P parties in want of D00R8, 8A8HB8 BLINDS, wo refer to the advertisement of P. P. Toale, the large manufacturer of those foods la Charleston. Price list turn ih*d on application. July IT 9m COMMERCIAL. Offnes Or thb Osakokbcbq Nsws, August SI, 18C?. COTTON?No sales during the week. We tiefst I Ordinary.........20 027 Good Ordinary. Lew Miaaliag.M_.28 Middling...................29 Strict Middling.~. Good Middling.,. Bonus Rick?Dull and declining at $1.00 par oasael. Cora dull at 90. Pets in fine demand at $1*00. Piaders, S?lba to bushel, quiet at $1.26. GOLD. 8o SILVER. 26 Consignees per South Carolin nit?il roftd Remaining in the Depot to L. 8. Conner, J. Brown, W. J. Snider, G. W. Baaaarly, D. Smoke, J. Q. Parier, J. P. Livingston, i. H. Browning. Per Express. Dr. J. A. Inabinct, Dr. B. II. Knot Is, Mrs. 6. R. Melllchamp, D. & J. B. QuaUlebaum. la aoeordanoe with orders received from the Superintendent, Storage will hereafter bo charged on Goods remaining in the Depot for aa unreasonable length of time. \Y, C. MEREDITH, Agent. PLASTATM BITTERS This wonderful vege table restorative is the sheet-anchor of the feeble Mid debilitated. As a tonic and cordial for the aged and languid it has no equal among stomach ics. As a remedy for the nervous weakness to which women are espec ially subject, it is superseding every other stimulant. In all climates, tropical, tem perate or frigid, it acts as a specific in every species of disorder which undermines the bodily strength and breaks down the animal spirits. Wherever it is intro duced it becomes a standard article?a me dicinal staple. It is to-day ?the best and purest tarnte, and the most popular, medicine in the civilized world ???be sure and get tin genuine. Sold by all Druggists, Ctaecers and Country Stores. aug 21 c ly County Treasurer's Office, Oashasaeao Cocsrr.iJuly 8, 1?69. lb the Tax-Payers of Qrangeburg County. Notice is hereby given that I will the at the several different places hereinafter named, for the purpose of COLLECTING STATE snd COUNTY TAXES for the jrear 1868, in the following proportions, vis.: Per General Purposes of State 'Government.8 85-100 Mills. " Interest on State Debt.....3 76-100 " a School Purposes._. 40-100 " Poll Tax.?.$1.00 **? County Tax.8 Total , per Cant age. 10} " Mt 'Branehvillo on the 19th and 20th in stant. At Lewisville on the 22d snd 28d instant. At J. Hsmp Felder'? Store on the 27th and 28th instant. At Basterling's Mill on the 31st instant. At Gleaton's Store on the 2d and 3d of Au gust. At Orangeburg C. H. every day thereafter until the 30th day of August. All Defaulters will be dealt with strictly according to law. JNO. D. MOUNT, July 8?2m County Treasurer. "BJ8PECIALLY DESIGNED FOR THE J\* use of the Medical Profession and the Family, possessing those intrinsic medieinal properties which belong to an Old and Pure Gin. Indispensable to Females. Good for I Bidney Complaiots. A delioieus Tonie. Put j ap ia oases containing one dosen bottles each, ! and sold by all Druggists, Grooers. A. *f. RININGER, A CO.. Establish VT78, No. T6 Beaver St., N. Y DR. B. J. ODIVKR08, Agent, July 81?6m Omugeburg.S. C. A4mf nlMrntor'e i?o<a<<<*.? sons indebted to Jacob Hair, .of St. thews, will make payment, and those baring demands will pr?sent thorn to m. P. HUT80N, July 17,1869. Administrator. July 17 lm State MECHANIC, (Official Organ Sfato Agriculture defy.) AT AN EARLY era will publij Monti* devoted to the C intereata of tbla und will distribuj ?,OOl GRATUTIOUf what it is before suTi^j^H"jr. They intend to make it the beat aodnmndsomeat indus trial magazine ever published .at the South, and 'hey ask the cordial co-operation of| every good oittieo In this enterprise, which must redound to the public welfare. Persons wishing copios of the first num ber, will please send their address to Walker. Evans & Cogswell, CHARLESTON, Sv C. may 20 wee tf _idU_: TUST REC'KIVED. PILESH GROCERIES, Consisting of BACON, LARD, FLOUR of all grades. SUGAR, COFFEE. MOLASSES, HER RINGS, &c. FISHING TACKLE, Of the best variety, such as Lines, Hooks and Bobs. PIPES, assorted, TOBACCO and 8EGAR8. Fresh MEAL and GRIST constantly on hand. All of the above articles are offered lot down for cash. Give a call nod examine for yourselves at J. W. PATTERSON'S, ' Opposite Hull & 8covill> ynae 6 1 jr REMOVAL. THE 8UB8CR1BER RESPECTFULLY uiforcn his friends and the public that he has re-opened his BAR-ROOM at the CANNON HOUSE where he hns just received n fresh sorpply of choice BRANDIES, WISES, WHISKEYS. A LH, PORTER, 1 11) Kit, TOBACCO and "CIGARS. All of the shove arc of finest brands ana warranted to give Satisfaction. Also all necessary articles kept in a FIRST CLASS RAR. Drinks of ull kiuds MIXED to Mitt the taste ICE kept constantly on UnnJ. J AS. CANNON, june 12?tf Proprietor. LIGHT HOUSE BURMA'? FUUIIs.-THlS FLUID will not EXPLODK, and is therefore, more reliable than Kerosene, and is equal in BriUi?uoy. ft 'hs not trying to thocyeoc At does not SMOKE. ^Entirely free from GR ARE. Does not SOIL the HAND8. Does not GRF.ASE the CLOTHING. 'Own bo BURNT in the KEROSENE LAMP by using the new Burners. BEST and most RE LI ALE FLUID now in use, being SUPERIOR in every respects to Kerosene, Before .presenting it to the Public I have given it a thorough text, and nsk the Public to do ehe same. For sale by MIRK ROBIXSON, Agent for Orangeburg County, yente?tf ly npl 17 NEW STOKE, W. T. LIGHTF00T, RUSS EL STREET, ORANGEBURG S: C. SINCE THE DISSOLUTION OF THE co partnership of W. T. Light foot & Co., the Undersigned takes pleasure in informing his many Customers that he bus opened his Stock at the Old Stand of James Cannon, on Russell Street, next door tt> McNamara k Jomee. The STOCK remaining over from the Old Firm will be closed out cheap to m.ike room for fall Supplies. The'-stock consists of !DBY GOODS. GROCERIES. HARDWARE and LIQUORS. In fact, every article usually kept in a well supplied COUNTRY 8TORE. For the present the Stock is limited, hut additions will he made from time to time, ns the demand increases. A fresh supply of GROCERIES & LIQUORS, just received, nnd will be sold LOW FOR CASH. Give me a trial before buying elsewhere. W. T. LIOHTFOOT. July 31 ly WM. WILLCOCK, BU8SFLL STREET. ORANUEBURft, S. C. RE8PECTPULLY INFORMS THE CITI sens of Orangehurg County, that he is pow roeeiving a large supply of DRY*"GOODS ANJLssBsVSaH^AMlLY GROCBRIE bon Brands, Ledger 8egar His stock FURNISHING County. First-el ly on hand and w He hopes by cot? and with the assist Willeork. to be abl who may honor h july 81 Notic NOTICE 18 f will, on Tu hguat next, apply [lProbate for Ore of Diamiasal, a of Marian Bo July 12, IS july 17 TONSORIAL. / THE SU BS HI BE 11 RESPECTFULLY' IN form? the publio that he haa opened a first olass UAH BE It SHOP In the Lasement of the; ?'Cannon House," where he is prepared to give satisfaction in SHAVING, SHA MPOON INO and HAIR DRESSING. The patronage of the publio is solicited. June 1?ly JOHN ROBINSON. COTTON GrlNST CLEMENS, BROWN & CO., PREMIUM QINS. PARTIES NEEDING COTTON GIN8, upon whioh they may rely for Rapid and Clean Work, will seen sample by calling at the Store of the Agent, John A. Hamilton. These Gins are furnished at Factory prices adding Freight from. Charleston. As time is required in which to fill orders, it will be necessary to apply early. GUM AND LEATHER BELTING for Machinery purposes will also be furn ished at Agent's prices. TOBACCO! TOBACCO!! I am receiving constantly, supplies of To. bacuo, which will be sold low by the box or nt retail. JOHN A. HAMILTON. Court House Store, Market Street. July 10 nor 7 e ly Orangeburg- -In Equity. L. Ransom 8niith et. ux., } Bill for sale of Executor, [Real Estate to tb. } pay Debts, for In J. C. Peers, et. ux. j junction and Be et, al. J lief. Notice is hereby given to the creditors of the late ASBUHY N. W ANN AM A K ER, de ceased, that they ure required by a decree in ihis case, to present and prove their respec tive demands before Charles B. Glover, Esq., Referee, at Orangeburg, South Carolina, on or before the first day of October next, or be debarred Mic benefits of said decree. flork'B Office, ) GEORGE UOLIVER, Orangeburg, S. C, V C. C. P. July 7. 1800. J Jiil \ 10 oam 3m State of South Carolina, ORANGEBURG COUNTY. Irvin A Till ct. ux., applicant ) Hill for j Pi Caroline E. Kcitt, ct. al. J Partition. Itappcaring to my satisfuctir:: that Miner va Crews, one of the Defends; Is, resides without this State. It is therefore ordered. That she do appear and object tn lhe division or sale of the Real Estate of Christian Keitt, deceased, on or before the 17th day of Au gust, or her consent to the same will be en tered of record. TIIAD. C. ANDREWS, 'uly 10?td Judge of Probate. F. H. W. BRIGGMANN & CO. RESPECTFULLY INFORM our ORANGE burg Friends thut we ba'c moved in our NEW STORE, Where we arc ready to suppl ? our Friends and the Public in general with a full und fresh supply of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES. SHOES, HATS. Also all kinds of LIQUORS, WINES, PORTER, ALE, ETC.. at reduced Prices. We have a tine lot of FAMILY PLOUR from Jno. CAMP8EN & CO.'S Mill, Charles ton, put up in small Si.vKs, very low. We offer for sale the RECIPE tor making JACKSON'S UNIVERSAL WASHING COM POUND aid JACKSON'S LAUNDRY SOAP for One Dollar, which has given satisfaction to all to whom w<s have sold. We Will buy COTTON and all other PRO DUCE, giving the highest market price, or ship for any one, FREE of CHARGE and make LIBERAL ADVANCES on the same. F. II. W. BRIGGMANN & CO. oct 8 ly A W. T. M?LLER, DROUGHTON STREET, ORANGE II CR G , S. C. RESPECTFULLY OFFERS TO THE Citizens of Orangebtirg a well selected stock of choice LIQUORS and WINES, Ha vans and Domestic CIGARS, and a large as sortment of SMOKING TOBACCO to wit: LONE STAR. EUCHRE. CASCAVILLA and UNCLE SAM. My LIQUORS 1 will warrant to be PURE and CHEAP. The Leading articles of Groceries con stHiitly on hand. Cull and judge for yourselves. W. T. MULLER. july 24 mar 7 8m i The State of South Carolina. Okanuebubu County. In Equity. PPLICAT10N HAVING BEEN MADE _ by Thaddeus 0. Andrews, before me, to Establish the former Existence, Contents and Loss of a Certain Deed or Declaration of Trust, executed by the said T. C. Andrews, of a certain Lot or Parcel of Land in the Town of Orangeburg, conveyed by J. A. K. Hol man to T. C. Andrews, said Lut being on Street fronting Presbyterian Church and -Street, formerly properly of John Reeves, pnrobased from Beaoh estate. On motion of W. J. DeTreville, Esq., Solicitor for Petitioner, it is orderet! that all persons interested do appear before me on 2d day of November next, to introduce Testimony or Cross Examine Witnesses produced if they so desire. Clerk's Office. V GEO. BOLIVAR, Orangebtirg, 8. C. \ C. C. P. Aug. 2, 1869. ? aug 7 td Orangeburg?-In Equity. . Hess Andrews, Ex'r, \ Petition to vacate vs. > Decree and for trial Wesley Houser, Guard, ) de novo. IT APPEARING that WESLEY IIOU8EU, the Defendant in this case, is sbsent trom and resides beyond the limits of Ihis State?it is ordered that he do appear, plead, answer or demur to said Petition within 40 days, or the same will be taken against him pro confrtto. Clerk's Office, ) GEO. BOLIVKR, Orangeburg, B.C., v u. C. P Aug. 4, 1869. j aug 7 w 0 A PPLK Vl'lOX POR 'LETTEKS OF DISMISSAL. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT" ?0 days afterdate, I will apply to Thad. f\ Andrews, Esq., Judge of Probsts for OrangeburgCousty, for. Letters of Dismissal on the Estate of J. W. Gibson, deceased. J. L. GIBSON. August 2, 1869?7?4t Administrator. N fire ! fire miwM>m*> m INSURE YOUR PROPERTY AGAINST LOSS BY ?IRS WlSUn, , CORNELSON, KRAMER & CO., AGENTS OF GEORGIA HOME INSURANCE COMPANY, INCORPORATED IN5D,---ASSKTS, JAtf. I8Ctt, $4*4,401.?* ??' . ? ? AND # .? 71-- ?v rar?*??, v .-iA James River Insurance Company, AUTHORIZED CAPITAL 1.500,000. ?TBOTH SOUTHERN COMPANIES. "W ,. *ng 14_ '_ tf G?E ?? BJlROAINS !! Ml IN ORDER TO MAKE ROOM FOR THE ? ' i ;z?,l ^rfT COMING FILL Tilil WE HAVE ! .8 ^ OF i vi l?(iht a*tis? i :: rf":r"i ni *??) TO REDUCED OUR PRIC OF u - . DRY GOODS AND CL0T?33f?; COST. CORNELSON, KRAMER & CO. aug 7 oct 3 k lj i BARGAINS! BARGAINS!! -A.T . < i j inn i boba-i M' NAMABA & JONES >3.f RUSSELL STREET, ORANGEBURG, S, C. -o- I Stfj lolt 4 SELLING OFF SUMMER STOCK AT AND UNDER COST FOR 30 DAYS. ? * j ? FAMILY GROCTIES K^?T WARRANTED FRESH AND GOOD. Give us a cull and jud-re fur yuursclrcs. july 31 apl 10_lj McNAMARA & JONES.. BULL, SCOYILL & PIKR HAVE JUST RECEIVED By Last Steamer a Full and Beautiful Stock of LADIES DRESS GOODS, FANCY PRINTS AND LONG CLOTHS, Another lot of those CELEBRATED CORSETTS Another lot of those GELEBBATED NEEDLES. _ ' ' atf' h -:o?. ??? .???? BULL SCOVILL & PIKE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A FINE LOT OF CASSIMERS, COTTON ADES SPANISH LINNEN, &e, TRTJTsTKS For Sttle may 29?ly BULL, SCOVILL i PTK?. ^ NEW SPRING OOOim' AT STOCKER'S CHEAP CASH STORE I have just received and now opening our SPRING and summer STOCK, consisting of Calicos, Ging hams, Muslins, Berages, and Cloth ing, Hats, Shoes, and Groceries, all of which have been purchased with in the last 15 days in New York, for Cash, at 15 to 25 per ct. Cheaper than the same Goods could have been pur chased 30 days ago, which we are now offering to the CITIZENS of Orangeburg County, at a small al lowance on Cost for Cash. Ufa JOHN D. STOCICKR, AT THE RED WON. Mit JAMES A. WP LI A MS is with, us and wilt be happy to rce hjs fneadV mar 20 aug 2$ jj^