?:o:? PUBLISHED AT ORANGEB?RG, 8. I Every Saturday ftorotng. JffffrfEiTS & HAIL, PUBLISHERS AND PROPRIETORS. TERMS O* SUBSCRIPTION. Gat Copy for one year. $2.00 ? ' ? ?? Sis Months. 1.Q0 Any one sending TEN DOLLARS, for a Club of New Subscribers, will receive an RJ8TRA COPY for ONE YEAR, free of | charge. Any one Bonding FIVE DOLLARS, far a Club of Now Subscribers, will receive aa EXTRA COPY for SIX MONTHS, free of | charge ?:o:? RATES OF ADVERTISING. ljtiLd\?i In?srtioBi..A...k.J.A $1.60 *? 2d. 1.00 A Square con bib ts of 10 lines Brevier or ?B? inch of Advertising space. ??*tsVs Notices.$5 00 ct Advertisericnts inserted upon the most liberal terms. > reWfc- t-fu MARRIAGE and FUNERAL NOTICES, Ma exceeding one Square, inserted without ?barg*. / i i i ?:o:?i ttttT Terms Cash in Advance. "??t >r life! BT X.. L. ABBOTT. ther day Is toiled away! Another niorroW As fall of sorrow Awaits as when #0, ski At ten x. .: "*?.; ;f>%Of y.' of the lat* fb'bt in cousequoucc of bis brutalities. Iu 1 one iqtottoe be bud thrown r> t#tnbhyr at the bead of a deputy sheriff, inflicting a dangerous wound- His, case aeema to need particular attention, and we bopo Seneca county justice will put him where ho bolongB." Tho Prince of Wales won 820,?0? by betting on the Derby. Andrew Johnson intends to write a history of his admiuistrntion. Only three oititens of New Orleans return inoomcs in excess of 830,000. The proposed buying up of the tel egraphs will cost England $32,500,000 gold. The papers of Florida all complain os tho du)lness of business. TheSjevonteen year !?cu?ls Kare ap peared in Connecticut. Ez-Presidcnt Jeffersou Dav is was quite ill in. Paris at last accounts. A century plant is in bloom in Gads den County, Florida. Central Mississippi hat a good deal of corn for sale. Only 3,000 miles of wire is required to complete the telegraphic circuit of the globe. Cashmere door-mats aro to be seen up town Now York. Mouut Pleasant, Iowa, has 113 more females than males. It will cost $640,000 to take care of the London parka this year. An Illinois horticulturist grows roses on apple trees. Woston, tho walker, has the heart dis ease. Firowood costs $18 n load in Salt Lake City. The Emperor Napoleon has been com pelled to ccasr smokiug. The grass crop of Massachusetts will be the largest for ma:,y years. Two English Loras have married Bos ton heiresses. North Louisiana hogs arc dyiug with cholera. The exact number of the Jubillee Chorus was 10,528. The Paris Pays sap that John C Brcckiuridgc will yet be President of the United States. Lockwood, a naturalist, asserts that eels bear their young like suakes, alive. The Pope having displeased the Roths childs, they will uot raiac any more loans for him. A Baltimorcau wants to immortalize Stonewall Jackson, by naming a cook stove after him. A robin in Massachusetts recently built a nest with lace collars pilfered from ladies in the neighborhood. A desperado has been arrested iu Mis souri who is charged with the murder of seventy-eight persons. A New York Court Los just mulcted a sportsman iu $150 line for shooting woodcock out of season. Tho Western buffers aro trying to in duce Allen and McCoole to make another engagement for a fight. The importationot Chiueee fire crackers has been very heavy this season, aud is estimated at 140,000 to New York alono. Victoria's eldest daughter is to be the patron of a woman's newspaper in Lon don. A New York officer had his noso bitten off by a rowdy he was trying to arrest. When was Ruth very rude to Boaz? When she pulled his cars and trod on his com. LordM Broughham's 'villa at Cannes, Fraucc, was wholly destroyed by fire last month. KU en Slant on, a girl in the employ of II. A. Angell, of Adriau, Michigan, was badly burued while kindling a lire with kerosene. Sixty-one new newspapers were started in the Ifnitd States during May. '?Humbug Point" is the name of a new town just laid out on tho Tuolumnc River, California. California expect* to supply the peo ple of the Mississippi Valley States with grapes and pears. Mnracaibo has been closed to com merce on account, it is supposed, of a lo cal revolution. A grain elevator at Vallejo, Cal., the first on the Pacific coast, was put in oper ation ou Wednesday. There was an eruption of the volcano of Coli ma. in Mexico, on June 12th, and the whole crown of the mountain fell in. An infant daughter of William Bart Icy , of Altooua, Pa., was recently choked to death by a kernel oi' cofloe. The puy roll of the Massachusetts Legislature, members aud officers, for the last session, amount to ovor a quarter of a million of dollars. Dorchester, in becoming ward sixteen of Boston, adds to the latter city's terri torial limits four thousand fivu hundred and thirty-two acres. Ryan, the Cuban filibuster, who re cently escaped from tho law officers of New York, has written a touching letter to General Barlow, exonerating tho de puty who had Lim iu custody at the time. Tho en.-.torn which pruvails iu sundry newspapers of giving humorous poliee reports is iu bad taste. The poor crcav turcs chosen for ridiculo arc rather objects of pity. INFORMS hia Friends that he has moved to the STORE under the FIREMEN'8 ALL, where he "wRl keep a select assort ment of CLOCKS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, CUTLERY, SPECTACLES, PERFUMERY ami other Fancy Articles. All of which ho wRl wnrranl as represented, and will be gold as low os In the City. He is also prepared^to repair Watches nnd Clocks, and guarantee the same to perform correctly for one year. Jewelry neatly repaired, opl 17 ly FIJNITURE, BEDDING, Ac. R. WHITE'S Furniture Ware-Rooms, corner of Market and King Streets, Charles ton, S. C, supplies many fsmilies, both Country and Town to their full satisfaction. Read a few quotations from letters he re ceived : NKwnKRnT, April 8, 18G9. Mr. R. WHITE?Deab 8ib: The Furui ture came safe to hand nnd was just tin you represented it. Numbers of visitors have looked at it, and it is much admired, in fact nothing like it in this place. It may be the means of your selling more here. Yours truly, **** Another from Winnsboro, S. C, aays: "We are well pleased with the suit. Send Wardrobe to match." And one from Orangcburg County : ??Furniture arrived safe, and family dc llghtdd." Try him for yourself. He keeps CRADLES too. Corner King and Market Streets, may 8?12m Charleston, S. C. Geo. W. Williams & Co., WHOLESALE GROCERS, CO TTON FA CTOJRS y law, or the said hili will he taken pro conftito against them. Clerk's Office, ) GEORGE BOI.IVER, Orangehurg, S. C. v C. C. P. March '2(5, IS60. J mar 27 .Im The State of South Carolina ORANGEBURG COUNTY. In the Sessious?May Term, 1SC0. rriHK ATTENTION OK THIS COURT \ having been called hy the Grand Jury "to the great und uncalled for Injustice done to Citiicns, sometimes, hy being put under arrest, und ou failing to givo security for their appearance at Court, by being Commit ted to Jail without just cause or substantial proof of their guilt." On motion of I). 11. Chamberlain, Attorney General and Solicitor of the First Circuit, it is ordered: Thnt the Clerk of the Court do call the attention of all Magistrates of this County to the Provisions of the .Vet of the General Assembly of eighteen hundred and thirty-nine, relative to the Duties of Mag ist rat es, und also to Section 14, Article 1 and Section 2.1 of Article 4, of the ('oust Um ion of this State; and also to the Provision of tho Act of the. General Assembly, passed September 21th, V-?'<*. aiol that the Clerk or the Court do notify the *aid Magistrates that in (utme they will be hoM by this Count t<> a stTiot accour<'Ability for any neglect or viola tion of the Provisions of I.aw- above referred to. R. D. CARPENTER, Judge of 1st I'ireiilt May Ihn, !tV.\?'2'J u tiw writ:*;. DeTreville & Sistrunt, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Orangeburg, S. C. W. J. DeTrkvillb. P. 0. Sistrunk, june 12 tf GLOVER & GLOVER, ATTORNEYS and CetTi\?FJiLOR8 AT Ii A W, ORANGBBURG C. H., S. C. TlIOS. W. OtOVKR. MuUTIMER OlOVKR. jan 2 1y HUTSONS & LEGARE, ATTOUNEYS AND SOLICITORS. Will attend the Courts in Orangeburg, Burn well and Beaufort, and the United States Courts. OFFICE AT ORANGEB?RO; 8. C. W. M. IIctsos. W. P. Hutso*. T. K. Leoarb. jan 23 e ly IZLAR & DIBBLE, ATTORNEYS AND SOLICITORS, ORANGEBURG, S. C. James F. Izlaju Samuel Diiidle. feb 23 ? ly FRED. FERSNER, DENTIST. Will be in Orangeburg every Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Oflicc in rear uf BULL, SCOVILL & PIKE, feb 20 if L D. DURHAM, M. D., SURGEON BENT 1ST. Office over the Store of Messrs. Bull, 8co rill & Pike. mar 1} tf DR. H. W. KENNERLY, ORAXOEB Vltti, HAVING REMOVED TO THIS PLACE, Respectfully offers his Professional Services tu I he Citizens nnd Vicinity. Office on Russell Street, opposite Bull, Scovill & Pike's. mur 13 2 to DR. J. 11. TOOMER, 0 R A N 0 E B ? R G, S. C. RESPECTFULLY INFORMS THE CITI ZENS of Orangeburg und Yieinity that he has resumed the Practice of Medicine, nnd enn be found at his Residence on Russell Street. jan H??ly DR. OlilYEROS' CELEBRATED CIIILL AND FEVER CURE. also Du. OLIVEROS BILIOUS CATHARTIC OR LIVER PILLS may '2?ly AV I LITE'S M A 11 ? Ij 12 W O K K N , 117 Meeting-Street. Chtrletton, So. Ca. MONUMENTS. IIHAD STONES, MAR ble and Stone Tile, Blue Flagging and u Stone Work, of every description. SCOTCH GRANITE MONUMENTS. Iron Hull inK*. r.. n. white. R- l?. white. may 1 c I-01 WjVI. AV j 3 1 eoc, Dealer iu Stoves. Tiu-Warc aud House Furnishing Goods, RESPECTFULLY INFORMS THE CITI zens of Orungeluirg County, that he is prepared to furnish everything in the abovo line of buaiuesa with dispatch, and at as low ratcs art any like K.-tublislununt iu the Coun try. My assortuient of STOVES, viz : MUTUAL Fill END, LIVE OAK, DIXIE, and others, warranted to give perfect sntis tion. All these Stoves arc complete in CTcry requisite, ready for uso. Call and see for yourselves, and sutc ser vant hire, and much waste. may 1 ly 33. AV*. ROBIXSON. FASIIIOXA11LE TAILOR, I liave the pleasure to announce to roy nu merous Customers and tho Public generally, that having removed to a Central Position, hnndy and convenient to nil, I nni now pre pared Cm. Fit and nuke Up r GENTLE MAN'S WARDROBE with Neatness nnd Despatch. Terms liberal and Work War ranted. Thankful for the Piitrpnaes of the past, I respectfully, solicit its continuance. Next door to Messrs. Bull, Scovill & l'ike, 1 can be found at all times. janO?ly D. W. ROBINSON. In Equity?OrHiigcburK County The State of South Carolina. ) In. Be. Ex. ltd. V Lost Solicitor Southern Circuit. J Documents. Application having been made by Jacob II. Pooser and I.I:. .1 R. his wife, and Church well A. Cro.0 20 Zx* GREAT BARGAINS!! AT PRICES in COTTOML?OODS hsm been reduced from 15 to 20 per cent. Other DRY GOODS in Proportion. We have received a NEW and FINE Lot of. READY MADE CE?THING. LINNEN COATS at 75 cts. and Upwards. NEW .S00DS received by every Steamer. may 22 ?et 3 k '3 "W _A_ K TL OOM8. DANIEL H. SILCOX, 17 5, 177, AND 179 KtNG -STREET. CHARLESTON, S. C. KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND A LARGE AM) WELL SELECTED ASSORTMENT of Cabinet Furniture, of tlie latent ami most roved s'yles. whieU he oflrrs et |>ficrf which cannot fail to plca?e. conai>tin^. in part, ot : Rich Svn of PARLOR and CH.t&REK FURNITURE, Bcndsteads, Bureaus, WnaliMa nds nod Wardrobes. Mahngnny and Walnut Sofas. Telc-a-Tetes. Chairs, Arm Chairs. Rooking Chair*. What-nots. Sola and Centre Ta bles, Marble and Mahogany Tops. Secretary and Book Cases, etc. Also CHAM HER atari COTTAQE SETS of every description. Also 15 LASTIC SP >T O K Without a rival for LUXURY, ECONOMY. D TT It ABILITY i?mB II UALTiirULXL'SS, in mM Upholstery. The best Assortment ever offered'in Ibis Mark?*. N. B*?GOODS CAREFULLY PACKED FOR SHIPPING, may 1 o tCm IS YOUR LIFE INSURED? If not, your FIRST DUTY to your Family has been left UNDONE. Piedmont Life Insurance Company of Virginia THIS COMPANY IS NOW WELL ESTABLISHED IN THIS FLACK, . ..j tbo nnmb?r pf its POLICY-HOLDERS b steadily incrensrwif. snelnding mnom ?fIt ^S^cK^hI^ WME INSnTUTION,atod aria** ehoutd bo patronized by Southern tneti. A;fnn . r??^i-r-? r ? ^ Call on AGENT at Law Office" of Messrs. CLOVER & GLOi LR for iyfm ?nation as to RATES, fcb 15 1). LOUIS, AGENT, CAS liE FOUND AT TUE COBXEB, Where he is constantly receiving supplies of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, &a, and selling the same et CHARLESTON PRICES, Expenses only added. He is enabled to do this, by his arrange ments made in Charleston and New York. He will be pl< used to see his old Custom ers. Call before buying and Examine his Stock. D. LOUIS, Ageut. war 13 c I y DOOR, SASH, AND BLIND FACTORY, KING OPPOSITE CANNON STS., CHARLESTON, S. C. ft11iE SUBSCRIBER HAVING FURNISH cd himself, at a great expanse, with the most improved MACHINERY, is now pre pared In furnish Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mould ings and Building Material at. Northern prices, and as cheap, if not cheaper tbun any like Establishment in the South. All work guaranteed to give satisfaction. Send your orders to GEORGE S. HACKER, feb 27 8m LENGN1CK & SELL, 27 H.w.vb Stup.kt, CHARLESTON, S. C. Importers and Jobbers in FANCY GOODS, LADIES' TRIMMED HATS, ALL QUALITIES AXI) I'll ICES, AXD MILL1N ERY GOODS, or r.vKRv bRsoBtPTlOK, WE WOULD LNY'ITK THE SPECIAL attention of Mcrehants to our large stock of TIM MM El) II ATS, of all grades, and full line of FANCY tiOOOS. Also, to our stock of BONNET. HAT and BELT RIB BONS, flic largest in the City. CtlAS. A. LasaxicK. En. Emk*ICK Skm.. mar 7 limsxdf RECElV EIl'S XOTH K.-Tho Undersigned having been appointed KKCBl-VER of the Estate of Henry Ellis, deceased) hereby gives notice that all claims against said Em iu must be presented m lihn, and all persons indebted m6. Saldi Tract contains fiOO acres. Ccnditions?$5,600?one-third eash. the balanoc in two yearly instalments. Address M RS. LAU HENCE KEITT, nov 7?tf Charleston, 8. C. ROSADAUS Purifies the Blood. For ftiale by Pruygtoto l.verrwbew. July S& ly N COLUMBIA, ?. c. FIR&T CLASS HOT KU *S 00 Ter Day. Wm A WKhHlT. Manager.