The Orangeburg news. (Orangeburg, S.C.) 1867-1875, July 10, 1869, Image 3

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LOCAL. -4^,-;?:-:-: Saturday, july io, 1869 the orangeburg new8is the only paper published ?si orangeburg county, and pays weekly visits to every house and hamlet I? THE county. 4* ? ? Sai.esday.?Monday last was Sales day in this Conoty. The atttendancc waB* not as large as usually. Near four thousand acres of land was sold ut nonu nal^'.ccs. . ' Turnip Skrd.?If you want the gen uine Landroths' Turnip Seed, of this rears crop, go to Mr. Eaekiol's at the f the Watoh, and get them. The 4th was not generally celebrated in this place. Orangeburg in remarkably healthy this season. ?? rijf'V _ LooR Out.?Persons in the hnbit of - butchering beef for this market will find it to their advantage to read the Ordi nance of Town Council published in to days paper. . A fine double lined Violin to be Ruf fed ou the 17th inst. See advertisement. ? ir^y^HK Ladiks.?Now is the time to prepare your fall gardens. Have your ground thoroughly worked and laid off | ib long narrow bods. Plant turnips (rata bagas) and beets, carrhts, salsify and Irish potatoes. Grocn-glazed cab bages must now be set out. Tomato bushes trimmed, und pole beans support ed, where necessary. ivpiBT Statk CosvkntIon.?The convention of the Haptist denomi nation in Smith Carolina, will hold its] lifty-iiiuth anniversary with the church in Yorkvnivy limurem .sg 0"n Thursday, ? Juiy 22d. nt It) o'clock A. M. Lev. L R. Gwultncy wus appointed to preach the Introductory Sermon?Rev. G. W.' Piokett, alternate?Charity Sermon by Rev. E. T. Winklor?Rev. Richard Fur man, alternate. RltlCK Vaui>.?Uur friend Mr. Mur vinc, has established a brickyard at this place, and, us will bu seen by reference to his advertisement in to days paper, is ' now prepared to famish brick to the vitizens of uur County at reasonable prices. Mr. Murviuc understands his busine-: end is therefore able to turn out ?u srtvelo that ho can warrant to ?give Ratistvtvtio?. Give him a call and examine the brick, they speak for them selves. Three quite young girls, applied for admission to the City Hospital in St. Louis, Monday. They wore tbo victims of disappointment and shame. It was the same old story?broken promises, tho wiles of the gay deccivor, and heart less desertion. From nearly every sec tion come statements of a similar charge' * ter. When will poor weak woman learn to.treat with scorn and contempt the inan who, often with the promise of mar riage, attempts to tamper with her vir tue ? In ninety-nine cases out of every hundred, the promise is disregarded, and tho victim is left to nurse her shame in silence aud alone. The circulation of tho N kws is already huge and rapidly increasing, and adver tisers will find its columns a good me dium through which to communicate with the public. Mr. Cannon, at the Cannon Houso, has just received a aup(dy of' choice Wines, Brandies, Whiskey*, Segars, &c. He has also pure Com Juice, which is highly recommended for medicinal pur poses. Bein Time.?Sec what Fertilizers have done this year in our County, the cotton crop is good, aud tho corn crop is the best we have seen for years. Cotton seed is au excellent fertilizer for corn, ?consequently thoso who have cotton gins generally have 4be best ?am crop. Now crary farmer ought ca cave the cotton seed of his crop for that purpose. It is ?easy ea??ugh done. Go to Mr. Job? A. II ami hem, at tbo Court Hoase store and gctoae ol these excellent Cloinons, Brow* & Co's. Cottoa (?ins, st manufacturers prices. This make of gins are in use by a good many of o.t planters ?'ho pro oouuee them good. Wo understand that Mr. Charles Bou nctt an employee at the Carriage Works of Mr. Thos. Ray, Was accidentally shot by the latter gentleman a few days since. The wound though serious is not con sidered dungerous. Hon. .Joseph A. Greeu, Senator elect from this County to the General Assem bly, and his lady, arrived home last Tues day, from a pleasant visit North. The Major has, we arc happy to state, great ly improved in health and strength. Measra. Johu D. Stooker & Co., havo commenced building on their line let corner of Church and Russell-street. It is the design of these gentlemen to erect a store thereon secoud to none in town. We have received a communication from a friend in Alabama, discoursing of the crops, &c., which we regret has been mislaid. We hope our friend will write us ngaio. We would respectfully call the atten j tion of our corporate fathers to the con dition of the lot at the corner of Church and St. JoUn's streets. Wanted to Purchase, for Re moval.?The flens, jiggers and filth ac cumulating under the old shed in market street. Apply to the street-scavenger. We uro requested to state that the members of the Orangeburg Agricultu ral Society will be able to get their al lotment of Seeds at the Sign of the J Watch. Sec advertisement of Land Agency, Fine Watermelons sold in our town on Saturday last at 35 cents. The Conservative Ucpublicau Ticket, in Virginia, has beou victorious. Wal ker elected by 00,000 majority. Thanks.?Miss Floyd request us to return her heartfelt thanks to Mr. John A. Hamilton, who so kindly gave her the gratuous use of the Court Room, inil to Mr. James Cannon of the Cannon House who gave her gratuous board during her .stay iu Orangeburg'; also to the other persons who so kindly assisted her while- iu our town. The Comet Fire Engine Company turned out on the 5th, iu honor of the 4th of July; spirted a little and then marched to the grove in front of Mr. .J. C. Rowes' where they had a pic nic. The Comet has just come out of the workshop of Mr. Straus, where she has been undergoing repairs, and works ad mirably. The Concert.?Miss Floyd, the blind lady of wluun notice was taken iu our hut issue, exhibited in this Town on Monday night. Owing to the inclemen cy of the weather, very few were out to the concert. Miss Floyd did credit to herself iu the entertainment, and we hope she will meet with friends, who will take nu interest in her welfare wherever she may go. --MMa>>^4B?M? Oranosburg, S. C, June 29, 18G9. Messrs. Editors:?Is there no law to prevent grown up young men from bathing and indecently exposing them selves in the broad day-light in a stream crossing a public road, in sight of a house accupied by a gentleman and his family ? Please answer this through your valuable pnper. aud much oblige, A CITIZEN. Such a disgruccful proceeding is un doubtly a uuisnncc and ought to be re ported to the Hoard of Selectmen, whose duty it is to abate all nuisances reported in their Township. Ills that Flesh is Heir To.? Scrofula or King's Evil, Rheumatism, Neuralgin, Swelling of the Glands and Joiuta, Eruptions of the Skiu, Secondnry Syphilis with all its train of evils, Ira pure Blood, Female Diseases, Low Spirits, Liver Complnnt, Nervousness, &C.j &c., fall to the lot of mankind. But, happily, they have their antidote. Dr. Tutt'u Sarsapurifla and Quern'* De light possesses the qualities to expel tliom from the system, restore perfect health, and produce happiness, where all was misery. The Conservatives in Virginia ctafat that the rocent registration has incrooHod their vote twenty thousand. The disposition of the stakes ami bet money of the recent prise fight between MeCoolo and Allen, uear St. Louis, amounting to near? ^5,000, is to be set tled by the Co: ? COMMERCIAL. ? ' ?? ' 1 I- ? ?? . 1 ? ? Orr ice OF TUM OBAKORBOBO NFWSr July 0, 1800. COTTON?In fair demand with little of* fering. Sales Tor the week 26 bales. We quote : Ordinary.27 J flood Ordinary. Low Middling.28? Middling.?.80?30} Striot Middling. flood Middling...... Rouou Hick?J?ull and dcolining at $1.70 per ousheL Corn dull at $1.00. Peas in tine dcrannd at $1*00. Pindcrs, 801bs to bushel, quiet at $1.60. OOLD. 86 SILVER.26 Consignees per South Carol i mill ui 1' road Remaining in the Depot to Date. J. F. Way, Daniel Smoke, W. A. Eaatcr ling. Per Express. Snider & Wells, J. II. Felder. In accordance with orders received from the Superintendent, 8torag? will hereafter be charged on Goods remaining in the Depot for an unreasonable length of time. W. C. MEREDITH, Agent. Assignee's Sale. IN BANKRUPTCY?In the matter of Eman uel Exckicl, of the firm of Ezokiel & Kohn, Bankrupts. Will bo sold at Public Auction, at Orange burg, C. H.. on Tuesday 18th of July inst.. at 11 o'clock A. M., the following personal property belonging tc the aforesaid Bank rupt's Estate, viz: 1 Mule. 1 lot of Seasoned Flooring Boards. 1 lot of Bricks. Conditions cash. P. V. DIBBLE. Assignee. Estate Emanucl Ezekicl, Bankrupt, july 8 2t IN the ?lHtrlct Court of the UNITED STATES?For the District of \ South Carolina.?In the Mattrr of DrHcilla O. Robinson Bankrupt, Et Parte P. V. JHhhlr Assignee.?In Bankruptcy.?Notice is hereby given that all Creditors holding Lions on (lie Estate of Drucilla Q. Robinson Bank rupt, that they are required to establish the same before J. C. Carpenter, Esq., Register in Bankruptcy, on or before the 31at day of July, inst. By order of the Hon. fleo. S. Bryan. P. V. DIBBLE, july 8?lm Assignee. IN the IMtBlrict Court of the UNITED STATES?For thr Pi?tritt of South Carolina?In Bankruptcy?In the Matter of Barnttt Livingston Bankrupt, Er parle Jas. II Hurley.?Notice is hereby given to all Creditors holding liens against the Estate of] Barnett Livingston, Bankrupt tluii they are required to establish the same before J. C. Carpenter, Esq., Register in Bankruptcy, on or before the Itlst July inst. By order of the Hon. Oeo. S. Bryan. P. V. DIBBLE, july 8?4t Assignee. OR.l.\GEBUlUs COUNTY," PROBATE COURT. Ex parte David Strock Administrator of the Estate of Cnpt. Jacob Smith. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT D? vid Strock will, on the 6th day of Au gust next, apply for a final discharge as Ad ministrator of the Estate of Capt. Jacob South, deceased. THAI). C. ANDREWS, july 8?4t Judge of Probate. OBAKCIEBVKG COUNTY. PROBATE COURT. Exporte D. A. Mclver Administrator of the Estate of A. E. and A. A. Smoke. NOTICE LS HEREBY GIVEN THAT 1). A. Mclver will, on the 24th day of July next, apply for his final discharge as Admin istrator of the Estate of A. E. and A. A. Smoke, deceused. THAI). C. ANDREWS, June 20?4t Jude of Probate. Notice of Dismissal. ESTATE OF WARREN A. 8HULER. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL concerned, that on the twenty seventh day of July, A. I). 1W1?, 1 will apply to the Judge of Probate for Orongoburg County, for a FINAL DISCHARGE from Administra tion (with the will annexed) of the Estate of Warren A. Shulcr, deceased. i VIRGINIA R. SHULER, Adm'x CHM tent annexo. \ june 20 6t JUST ItECEIVED. FRESH GROCERIES, Consisting of BACON, LARD, FLOUR of all grades. SUGAR, COFFEE. MOLASSES, HER RINGS, kc. FISHING TACKLE, Of the best variety, such ns Lines, Hooks and Bobs. PIPES, assorted, TOBACCO and SEGA RS. SCHOOL BOOKS and STATIONERY. J)ItY GOOI)S -1AD SII0ES, Of the best make, und quality; All of the above articles arc offered low down for cash. Give a call and examine for yourselves at J. W. PATTERSON'S, Opposite Bull & Scovill's june 6 ly ' OllANttKBURCi COUNTY, PROBATE COURT. DJ. ZKIGLER, Guardian of Amanda a Weeks, formerly Mack and of .Mar garet Carson, formerly Mack, gives notico that he will apply in this Court for a final discharge as Guardian on the 10th July next. THAD. C. ANDREWS, june 19?4t* Judge of Probate. ORAXGEUVRU COUNTY, PROBATE COURT. Ex parte John L. Boznrd, Administrator of the Estate of Daniel Bozard. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT John L. Bozard will, on the 1 Itli day of July next, apply for a Anal discharge as Administrator of the Estate of Daniel Bozard, deceased. THAD. C. ANDREWS, june 10?4t Judge of Probate. ORANGEBURG COUNTY, PROBATE COURT. Ex parte J. Wesley Johnson, Adwhustratar of the Estate of Jos. Johnson. TyjOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT J. Jl\ Wesley Johnson will, on the 10th day of July next, apply for his final discharge as Administrator of the Estate of Jos. John/ton, deceased. THAD. C. ANDREWS, june 10?4t Judge of Probat-. SOUTH CAIOLINA State Agricultural AND MECHANICAL MAGAZINE. (Oj?iciul Organ of flu South Carolina State Agricultural anil Mechanical So ciety.) . At AN EARLY DATE, THE 8UBS0RIR era will publish the first number of a Monthly Magazine, devoted to the development of the material inierosts of this State, und the whole South ; and will distribute * 5,000 C03PIES GRAT?TIOU8LY, sothutcvery one may see what it is before subscribing. They intoud to make it the bestand handsomest indus trial magazine ever puhlished at tbe South, and they ask the oordial co-operation of every good citizen in this enterprise, which must redound to the puhlio welfare. Persons wishing copies of tbe first num ber, will please send their address to Walker, Evans & Cogswell, CHARLESTON, S. C. may 29 weo tf Orangebnrg County, 1* ROB ATE COURT. Notice to Executors, Administrators, Guardians, Trustees, &c. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL those having Returns to make to this Office, Mid who having failed to make them for the year 1808, that the same must he made by the first day of July prox., or the penalty of the law will be enforced. THAD. d ANDREWS, june 1??3t Judge of Probate. LIGHT HOUSE BURKING! FliUlb.-TIIIS FLUID will not EXPLODE, and is therefore more reliable than Kerosene, and is equal in Brilliancy. It is not trying to the cyos. It docs not SMOKE. Entirely free from GRC-A8E. Docs not SOIL the HANDS. Docs not GREASE the CLOTHING. fan he BURNT in the KEROSENE LAMP by using the new Burners. BEST and most HE 1.1 ALE FLUID now in use, being SUPERIOR in every respects to Kerosene. Before presenting it to the I'uhlic I have given it a thorough test, and ask the Public to do the same. For sale by KIRK ROBIXSOlf, Agent for Orangeburg County, june 20 ly npl 17 INSURE TOUR LIFE. rilHE EtHJITABLE LIFE CON-j ducts it* business on the PURELY MUTUAL ALL CASH PLAN. ?PAY AS YOU GO" is the safe rule in LIFE ASSURANCE us in anything else. Its NEW BUSINESS in the year 1808 ex - ceded that of any "CHECK,'' "NOTE" or ?MIXED"* COMPANY by upwards of Twelve Millions. ALL PROFITS divided umong the Policy Holders annually. INCOME. 0,000,000.00 ASSETS.lO.OOO.UOO.OO The EQUITABLE ASSURANCE SOCIETY offers to the Public all the REAL ADVAN TAGE which can with safety be conceded by any Company. N. AUSTIN BULL, june 20?apt 'I?tf Local Agent. REMOVAL. milE SUBSCRIBER : ''SPECT FULLY inform his friends 11: 1 the public that he has re-opened his BAR-ROOM at thcjsJH CANNON H O U SE where he has just received a fresh supply of choice BRANDIES, WINES, WHISKEYS, ALE. PORTER, t IDER, TOBACCO and CIGARS. All of the above are of finest brands and warranted to give satisfaction. Also all necessary articles kept in u FIRST CLASS BAR. Drinks of all kinds MIXED to suit the taste. ICE kept constantly on hntnl. JAS. CANNON, june 12?tf Proprietoj. The State of South Carolina. Ott a no Kit u tin County. In Equity. William C. Moss | Bill for vs. > Foreclosure of George W. Barton, et. at. J Mortgage. It appearing to my satisfaction that .1. B. Humbert and M. Emma Humbert his wife, and George II. Pooser, three of the defen dants in this case, are absent from, and re side beyond the limits of this Statt?, on mo tion of Messrs. Izlnr .Si Dibble, Complain ant s Solicitors, it is ordered : That the said ?I. B. Humbert, M. Emma Humbert and George H. Pooser do appear and plead, an swer or demur to **he Complainant's suid bill within the time prescribed by law, or the said bill will be taken /?/-? conff**o again"! them. Clerk's Office. ) GEO. BOLIVAR, Orangeburg, S. C. > C. C. P. May 14. 1809. I may '.12 71 DR. TUTT'S Kasaparilla and Queen's Delight, The great Alterative and Blood Purifier. EXPECTORANT, A Pleasant and Sure Cure for Coughs, Asthma. &c. VEGETABLE U V ER PILLS, For Dyspepsia, Biliousness, 4c. Improved Liquid Hair Dye, Warranted the best in use. For sale in Orangeburg by DR. E. J OLIVE KOS. june <"> I? m OR A XG EBt RU CO UH T Y, PRO It ATK COURT. Ei j>arf<" 15. F. Smi?H*iR, Administrator ?/?? f?ot 1 if hkvsi of the Estate of Jesse Wesson ger NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TN AT B. F. Simmons will, on the twelfth (12th) day of July next, apply for a final discharge ! from his oftice of Administrator tie bonit lion of Jesse Wessctiger, deceased. TM AD. C. ANDREW8, TAYIiOR'f} PATENT Saw Sharpener ami Deepener, For Gang and Circular Saw Mill*. A VI Nu purchased u?m Pitc-i fir the State or South Carolina, for the >, wo ure now proparcd to fill orders for the same. . The advantage of this Machine are econo my, despatch and perfection in keeping all kinds of taws in perfect order. By its use, the teeth of the Saw aro kept at a uniform depth, angle and size. Fully one-ton ill (J) and better lumber can bo cut per day where this machine is used, the Saws running straight er, freer, faster and cut smoother. A saw can bo sharpened in five minutes, and in the most perfect manner. The price of the Machine can be saved in a few months in the cost of files and labor. For further information apply to CHISOLM Bin iTII Kits, Charleston, S. C. may 29 vrcc 1m E. J. Oliveros, M. D. DRUG01ST AND PHARMACEUTE8T. INVITES THE ATTEN tion of the Public to his ^splendid and extensive as sortraent of Drugs, Medi cines, Perfumeries, Paints, H# Oils and Garden Seeds, &c., ^?Hk"5**- Queen's Delight, Badways' Medicines. Catholicon Uterine. Sarsaparilla. Hair Vigor. Hostetter's Bitters. Hall's Hair Renewer. Plantation Bitters*. Mrs.Chevalier Hair Wash Carolina Bitters. Mrs. Allen's Hair Restorer. Remember that Dr. OLIVKROS* DRUG STORE is the place where you can s< 'e your Monet/1 Moni:y ! ! MONEY !!! E. JJ. OLIVEKOS, 91. D? Druggist and Pharmaceutist, may 2, 00? ly OraugcburgC. lt., S. C. TONSOEIAL. THE SUBSR1BER RESPECTFULLY IN forms the public that be hae opened a first class BAR DER SHOP in the basement of the "Cannon House," where he is prepared to give satisfaction in SHAVING. SHAMPOON ING and HAIR DRESSING. The patronage of the public is solicited. june 1?ly JOHN ROBINSON. Orangeburg Bakery, V. PITTHAN, T3 ~R OTP RIETO R. HAVING procured the services of i FIRST CLASS BAKER, MR. THOS. W. ALBKRtiOTTI, I am now prepared to do all kinds of RA K1 N< at a moments notice, and to furnish custom ers and the Trade generally with a good arti cle, and at Charleston prices, ut wholesale and retail to Merchants and Families. No expenses will be spared on my part to please my Customers. The following list of Bread. Cakes and Crackers kept constantly on hand, nnd fresh: CAKES; s Pound Cake Large nnd Small. Spunge Cake. Sugar Cake. Drop Cake. Small Fancy Cakes. Scotch Cake. Lafayette Cake. French Tea Cake. Lemon Cuke. Lady's Fingers. I.arge tlinger Nuts. Bolivers and Thick <'.ikes. C R A.CKERS: Trenton Crackers. Butter Crackers. Seed Crackers. Sugar Crackers. Large Biscuits. B READ: Wheat Bread. Rye Bread. Graham Bread. French, Twist, Split and Cap Loaves. The highest cash prices paid for BUTTER ami EGOS. The Subscriber respectfully returns his thanks to the citizens of <trangehurg for their patronage in the past, and respectfully solicits a continuance of the same. aid 24?ly V. PITTHAN. F. H. W. BRIGGMANN & CO. RESPECTFULLY INFORM our ORANGE burg Friends that we have moved in our NEW STORE, Where we are ready to supply our Friends and the Public in general with a full und fresh supply of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES. SHOES, HATS. Also all kinds of LIQUORS, WINES, PORTER. ALE. ETC.. at reduced Prices. We have a tine lot of FAMILY FLOUR from .In... CAMPSEN & CO.'S Mill, Charles Ion, put up in small Si..k*. very low. We oiler for sale the RECIPE for making JACKStiN'S UNIVERSAL WASHING COM POUND and JACKSON'8 LAUNDRY SOAP for One Dollar, which has givetk satisfaction to all to whom we have sohl. W e will buy COTTON and all other PRO DUCE, giving the highest market price, or ship for any one, FREE of CHARGE and make LIBERAL ADVANCES on the same. F. II. W . BR1GGMANN & CO. oct :i ly W. T. M?LLER, BROUGIITON STREET, () 11 A X G E Ii I 11 G . S. C. HAS JUST RCCEIVED A FRESH SUP plv of Family Groceries. WHITE DEAN.*. SPLITT PEAS. DRIED APPLES, PICKLES, &c. Also FRESH CIDER, LAGER, EDDENBURG ALE, Also OLD CABINET, CORN and BOURBON. Also a fine lot or DOMESTIC CIGARS. Come and see for yourself. W. T. M?LLER, may 22 mar 7 'hu STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, OR ANGER! JRO COUNTY. ?jr NOW ALL MEN BY TB ESE PRESENTS that we John D. Stocker as general partner, and Paul S. Felder as special part ner, both residing in Orangehurg County, do hereby eeitifv that we have this day entered into a LIMITED PARTNERSHIP to trans act a general business as merchants, in the Village of Orangeburg, for five years from the date beronf. under the provisions of the Act ol Assembly, 18:17. ? Statutes at Large, nage '?7H?r( nrquitn?each Partner lisvimy contributed five thousand (*?(XH)) dollars in cash. Witness our hands this 10th day of April, 18?9. JOHN D. STOCK ER, PAUL S. FELDER. apl2l 6t MAGISTRATES BLINKS For Sale at BULL, SCOVILL & PIKE, HAVE JUST RECEIVED By Last Steamer a Full and Beautiful Stock of LADIES DRESS GOODS, FANCY PRINTS AND LONG CLOTHS. Another lot of those CELEBRATED C0R8ETTS Another lot of those GELEBBATED NEEDLE?i? .-,_***** BULL SCOVILL & PHOS; HAVE JUST RECEIVED A FINE LOT OP^ CASSIMERS, C?TTONA^p SPANISH LINNEN, &c. *T TRUNKS For Sale. . &.**??*, may 20?ly BULL, 8COVILL k PIK& NEW SPRING ? AT STOCKEH'S CHEAP CASE ST0E1 ?? t at , I have just received and now opening our SPRING and SUMMER STOCK, consisting of Calicos, Ging hams, Muslins, Berages, and dom ing, Hats, Shoes, and Groceries, ill of which have been purchased with in the last 15 days in New York, for Cash, at 15 to 25 per ct. Cheaper than the same Goods could have been pur chased 30 days ago, which we are now offering to the CITIffliB^of Orangeburg County, at a small al lowance on Cost for Cash. JO HIST D. STOCKER, ;?; AT THE BED 8IGN. MR. .1 AM ES A. WILLIAMS is with us ami will bo u.ippy to s$e his friends. mar 20 aug 23 ly. /II AV . R . RUSSELL, No. 5 nA YNE-8TREET CHARLESTON, SOUTH CAROLIN; ITT P. RUSSELL HAVING BEEN LIBERALLY PATRONIZED-FOR THE PAST T T ? Twenty Years in Charleston and throughout the State, returns his thanks? and respectfully solicits a oontinuance of the same, lie is Bivparcd with every Facility to Fill Orders f.,r SASHES. BLINDS. DOORS, WINDOW FRAMES, M.VNTLEPIECE8. MOULD INGS, tco., Ac., and has at his Warerooms, No. ?"> HA YNE-STREET, a large ?lsd>??H **? sorted Stock of the above Ooods. WORK SHOPS PRITCniRD^TREEt. ' THIRD FLOOR PIKENTX IRON WORKS^** The CHARACTER of the WORK from this ESTABLISHMENT for the PAST TWENTY YEARS will ho a Guarantee to those who may ORDER GOODS. h?ttm may 1 c Cm 01 M' NAMARA k JONE RUSSELL STREET, ORANGEBURG, S. C. _o- ?2 -^uai RESPECTFULLY OFFER TO THE CITIZENS OF ORANGEBtRG a well Bclcctod Stock of SPRING nnd SUMMER GOODS. Ilaw^pur chnsnd our Stock on the recent decline of prices iu New York we are thereby en abled to sell them choap. GENTS DRESS GOODS.LADIES DRESS GOODS.OASSIMEtf?fc. T W E E DS.J E ANS.COTTON A DES.&c. CALICO from 10 to 18 Cents...Brown und Bleached HOMESPUN...LINDEN. _^_o?_ LINNEN STJITS.S5 50.' * A LARGE AND VARIED ASSORTMENT OF SHOES for LADIEflUjMS SES, GENTS and BOYS. FRESH GROCERIES Constantly on hritf Give us a call and jud-je for yourselves, apl 10?3mo McNAMARA k JONES. W. L. W. RILEI; Has Constantly on hr 1 a Fresh Sopptjj of choice 3 FAMILY GROCERIES, LIQUORS DRY GOODS, SHOES, &?. -o- v x*W m? JUST RECEIVED \ FINE LOT OF CHOICE CHEWI^^^fflfcfecO, OYSTERS. SARDINES, PICKLES, ETC. ^2 MR. JOHN DAVIS is with too and will bo rdeased to see his friends.