The Orangeburg news. (Orangeburg, S.C.) 1867-1875, May 29, 1869, Image 5

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T?fcM?Ne?B?fia news -:o: PUBLISHED AT ORANGEBURG, 8. C. Every Saturday, Horning. ?to:? ANtm^WB <b HALL, PUBLISHERS AND PROPRIETORS. TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. Ono Copy for one year. $2.00 ?? Six Months. 1.00 Any ono sending TEN DOLLARS, for a Clnb of New Subscriber*, will receive an KXffcA MBXt^rM^QVBUTEAll, free of charge. Any one sending FIVE DOLLARS, far a Club of Ne~ Subscribers, trill recede an EXTRA COPY for 8IX MONTHS, free of charge. ^ERT^SING. $1.60 2d ,?? . 1.00 A Square consists' of 10 lines Brevier or one inch of Advertising space. Administrator's Notices,.$5 00 Contract Advertisements inserted upon the most liberal terms. ?to:? MARRIAGE and FUNERAL NOTICES, not exceeding oue Square, inserted without charge. ?:o:? Terms Cash la Advance -?a poetry. ? Speak the Truth. BT CLARA 8ETMOUR. Speak the truth, children! At whatever cost; Speak the truth, children ! Though the golden ax be lost. Speak the truth, children? Whatever betide; Let it never bo said of you, "That child has Rod!" Speak the truth always, When young and when old ! Never utter a fa'schood For silver or gold! Our Father in heaven. He lovcth so well All the dear little children Who the truth always tell. A Horse Thief's End. Wo learn from Billoy Jnues, of the Ohio Kailruad, that one of those scenes qf rough, wild justice, that will at times break out when public indignation is tantalized bcyoud the bounds of forbcor aucc, occurred near Huntington, Tonn., on Monday night. Sometime ago, when tho lawless spirit engendered by the war was taken advantage of by bandits to carry on their vicious projects and depredations, a man named 11- . Cam bell became famous, or rather iu.itnous, in ^thc Northwestern part of this State, as a burse thief and gcucral violator of the laws, and a marauder upon property >Ho was tho louder of a baud of men r moulded after his own vicious stamp, and their principal pursuit was stealing aud ruuning off horses. About a year ago tho numerous victims of this gang of scoundrels made active efforts to do liver themselves from tho scourge that kept them iu continued alarm for their property, and lieu. Campbeil was cap tured and put in jail at, Ky., that the law might deal justice out to . him for his many crimes. . The capturo was not effected without violence, and Campbell received a shot in the log, the effect of which was a necessity of am putating tho limb, to which he h id to submit. By bribery probably, but at all evcufs iu some way, Ben, lame as he was, contrived to get outside of the jail, when he ought to have boon kept in, and snapping his fingers at the law aud its feeble meshes, entangled by suffering and a cell, he resumed his evil ways and again lod on his band to plunder. A few days ago he tdole a fine aud valuable horse in the neighborhood of Huntington, Tennessee. This theft was too serious aud too glaring to paus without an especial effort to arrest tho lawless do predator who had so loug laid the whole district under levy at his will, like an other Rob Roy of the Highlands A writ was procured, aud a posse "1 deter mined men went in pursuit of Campbell. They had good information, aud on Mcn day succeeded in taking him at Trczc vant. They conveyed him to Hunting ton for trial, and clear proof was furnish ed that he was tho man who btolc the horse mentioned above He was put under guard until be could be conduct d to a prison sufficiently secure to bold so desperate and so cunning a villain. In the course of the night twelve men, who were not recognized, rode to the spot where he was detained, and took him away from the custody of the guard.? Yesterday morning bis dead body was found near Huntington, lying on the ground, his body riddled with bullets. It if evident that Rome of those who wero mortified at ins previous escape had como to the conclusion to take jus tice iu their own bands, and not rely on the insecurity of jails or the integrity of jailors, or on the uncertainty of the law. Thus another deed of darkness was ad ded to the executions of the sentences of Judge Lynch. A London scientific writer says a man can walk as far in n day as a bicycle can b?) driven. AH Honest Man. In the yuar 1847 a young man named Cobleigh, v ho had been engaged as loco motive engineer on the Kastern Railroad, went out to Cuba to take charge of the engine of a large sugar factory at Car denas. Before leaving, he remarked to a friend that he meant to purchase a lot tery ticket when he reached Havana, as he believed those schemes were as and honorable as a lottery could be, being under the direct supervision of the Gov ernment. His friend, a young unmar ried man, handed him $10, saying: "There, get me a ticket, too. I'll try it, just for luck, and shall set the ten-spot down to Profit and Loss. | Time passed on. Cobleigh remained a year in Cuba, and then returned to tho States and ran a loocomotive for six months on the Brie road, after which he remained nearly four years. During*this time the young man who had intrusted to Cobloigh tho $10 for a lottery ticket had married, and become tho lather of two children. He was a sail maker by trade, and worked hard for the support of his family. At length Cobleigh camo on to New York, whero, by chauce, ho met his old Cuban employer, who informed him, in course of conversation, that a prize of twenty thousand dollars, drawn five years before by a sold ticket, had never been claimed. What was the number ? Cob leigh obtained it, and then went home and overhauled his trunk, aud among a lot of old letters he found the two lottery tickets which he had bought in Havana over five years before?and ouc of them was the fortunate number. A few days after ibis the young sail maker, in Boston, received a letter from the engiu-er, inclosing the lottery ticket, and giving directions for obtaining the money. The poor mechanic was thun der-struck, aud at first would uot believe that his friesd had written truly ; but upon inquiring of the Cuban Consul, he found that his claim was good, aud in time he obtained the tweuty thousand dollars. He tried to find Cobleigh, to give him a part of the money, but could nut. A year more passed, and Coblcgh v'si tcd Boston. He was going to the gold country, where he was engaged to super intend the running of engines for quart! mining. His pay was to be ample, s > he he would not accept any part of his friend's fortuue. "But," urged the sail-tnaker, "why is not the money hs much yours as mine '( Both tickets wore together." "Aye," replied Cobleigh ; ' but it was foiapi-th?i drew tho prize. -Wre*/ h bought them I selected mine first. Then I selected one lor 3*ou, from which 1 j !?5.p??.d off a bit of the upper right hand I covticv. When I found the two tickets, after learning one of thuiu was eutitled to a prize, 1 discovered that the nipped iorncr boro the fortunate number ! So, of course, the prize was yours." That is what we call Inborn Honesty. S. 0., .Jr. Remedy kor Tender Mouths in horses?It is always a desirable point gained to understand the true cause of any effect, wound, disease or complaint. Some horses will always be exceedingly tender in the mouth, while others are some times unmanageable. The corrod iug of the iron bridle bit in the mouth of a thin-skinned, high-strung animal, will produce canker in the sides of the mouth, just us mechanics often get sore holding cut nails in their lips whilo at work. Some times the bend stall is buckled up so short that the iron bit is drawn up with much force against the hides of the mouth. If the skin bo tender, the animal will be liable to have a sore mouth, and the wound will be so very tender that scarcely the pressure of the weight of the rcius can be cudurod. Some times the check-rein is drawn up unmercifully tight. All such things cause sore mouth. The most satisfactory romaJy for a sore mouth is a preventive. If the head stall is too short, lengthen it, so that the bit may ride lower toward the lips. If the sore is produced by the drawing up of the check reiu too tightly, give it greater length. If the uaturo of the irott is such that the rust from the bit poisons the tender mouth, let the bit be covered with a piece of firm leather sewed on with the seam on the,lower side of the bit, so that the smooth leather may come in contact with the mouth. Lot a heavy piece of calfskin be employed to cover the bit rather th in thin, Happy leather. If tho iron about the mouth be galvanized thoroughly that will pre vent all corrosion of the irou, and con sequently, injury to the mouth. But after all the coating is worn off let the bit be covered with silver plate, it will cost only a lew dimes. a silver wash will be of little value But a silverplated bit will last many years, and will ffaord perfect security against sore mouth when tho cause has been attributed to the rust of the iron. Some times the bit is a ' twistod bit" with sharp edges, which being drawn harshly against the mouth will remove tho skill. A well of puie alkaline liquid has been discovered nt Colu;nbus, O. Leaving THK Farm FOR TUB City. ?In referonce to the frequent homilies that are written outspoken against leav ing the farm for the town or city tho Now England Farmer says: This is a free country ; a fact that is generally found out early iu lifo by the rising generation, and perhaps tho sooner we old fogies acknowledge it the better. If all the girls and boys in the United States can do better in oities aud villages than in the country, why should they not all go there 7 Why ask them to act contrary to their best interests ? If such aro their convictions, young poople may be talked almost to death, but when con vinced against their will, they're of the same opinion still; and why should we be surprised to find them atr last acting on these convictions ? When cities and villages become s > full that people can live less comfortably there than in the country, we bolieve they will go into the couutry to live When there are so many mechanics, merchants and professional jucn that less money can bo made or a less comforta ble support be secured iu those occupa ti ns than by tilling the soil, then in dividuals will leavo them for funning. Until this is tho case, all the talk and all the eloquence that cau be used is just so much breath lost. As "water fiuds its level'' so will the professions. Heretofore, in this couutry, the pr - and trades have been better p ?id?apparently, at least?than f inning, and hence people have left farming for tho trades and professions. This, wo assume, is the whole secret of the statu* pede of country people, which has so alarmed our speakers and writers. Already, we believe, rents, fire-wood, provisions and all the items of family expense, have advanced in cities and villages faster than wages or income, and that not a few city people find trou ble in making "the ends meet"?much more trouble than the)* formerly did. mmm^mmmk> ???>?-?????*? A Handsome Soul.?-One day lust winter, a little boy from the South, why was ou a visit to the city, was taking his first lesson iu the art of ''.sliding down the hill," when bo found bis feet in rather too close contact with a lady'.-, silk dress. Surprised, mortified aud con fused, be sprang from his sled, and cap in band, commenced an apology. "1 bog your pardon, ma'am 3 I atu very sorry." '?Never mind that," exclaimed the lady, "there is no great harm done, and you foel worse about it than I do." '?Hut, dear tnadam," said tho boy, ''your dross is ruined. I thought that you would be very angry with me .for being so careless." "Oh, uo," replied the lady, "better to have a soiled dress than u rufiLd teni "Oh, isn't she a beauty V exclaimed the lad, as tho lady passed on. "Who, that lady!1"' returned bis com rade, ??if you call her ;i beauty, you shan't choose for inc. Why, she is more than thirty years old, and her face is wrinkled." "1 don't care, if her face is wrinkled." replied the hero, "Aer mid is handsome anylioio." A shout of laughter followed, from which the little fellow was glad to escape. Relating the incident to his mother, be remarked : uOh, mother, that lady did me good. 1 shall uever forget it; and when I am tempted to indulge in my angry passions, 1 will think of* what she said, 'Hitter to have a soiled dress than a ruffled temper.' " Novel Maiuuauk Ckkk.mony.?A newly elected Dutch Justice in a North ern State, was called upon a few days ago to join a loving couple in the "holy bands of hemlock," which ceremony he performed in the following words, .'is takcu down on the occasion : Justice?Wo might shust as veil go on mit dls ting. Stuns up a loetlc bee. Put your two ri^h; b inds togedcr. Mr. Crosby, do you like diu young Yonilllld veil enough to be your vife ? Answer?Yes. Justice?Vill you sherish and nourish her in sickness and in hcaldth, and if dis young votuans should have any ting to do mit anoder man vill you shcrish her und share mit her ? A nswer?-Yes. .Ittstio?Mecs Miller, do you like dis young maus voll enough to be your bus band? A nswer - Yes. Justice?-Vill you sherish and nooiish him iu sickness and in healdth, und if dis young mans fdiould have any tings to do mit anoder young votnaiiB vill you sherish and share mit hi in ? A nswer?Yes. Justice?Yell sticks to it. 1 bro nounce you inansand vifes, so help me flott, mit der United States of America Toxas has wholesale thieves. A theft of 1200 head of Cattle near Fort Cobb is reported. The wife of a man who died of hy drophobia iu Cincinnati, has sncd the owner of the dog for 85000. Fcejee women keep their babies obe dient by telling them tint '"bite men a:c fo id of broiled babies. A Great and Good Medicine. Ilclnltnk'n Queen"* Delight, THE NEW THEORY OF HEALTH. The Lifo of all Flesh is Blood?The Health of ull Life is Purity of Flesh ?Without Purity of Blood no Flesh can be free from Disease HEINITSIPS QUEEN'S DELIGHT, An AnteJote to Disease. Tho Great American Alterative and Blood Purifier. IS tha most perfect Vegetable Compound of Alterative* and Tonic*, making it tho most effective,Invigorating, rejuvenating and blood-cleansing Cordial known to tho world For the Cure of all those Dieeaict which may be traced to a vitiated condition of the Blood. Tho Theory is that Blood 1? tho Life of all Flesh, and if im pure, tho Life of all Disease. Life and Health is only to bo maintained by tho circulation of pure artcriul blood. It is obvious, therefore, to every reflecting mind, that unless the bloud is pure, in supply ing the waste tissues with material, it must bo the cause of innumerable ills and consti tutional disorders, Buch ns Scrofula, Rhtte matisui, Hepatic Disorders, Inflammation?, Fevors, Liver Complaint, Consumption. King'B Evil, Carbuncles, Boils, itching Humor of the Skin, Erysipelas, Skin Diseases, Tettor, Roughness of the Skin, Pimples, IMotchcB. Fain in the Dunes, old Ulcers. Syphilis and Syphilitic Sores Indigestion, Inflammation of the !'.heller and Kidneys, Pains in the Rack, General Debility, and for all com plaints ftrieing front deficiency und poverty of blood. HEINITSICS QUEEN'S DELIGHT 1? tho Wonder of Modern Science. No medicine has attained such a World-wide reputation as this justly celebrated Compound. Its extta ordinary healing powers arc mtested to by thousands, nud every mail is freighted with letters benring testimony to \\i excellent character nad worth as a medicine. Orders are coming in from nil quarters, and all bear unmistakable evidence of its great populari ty READ THE TESTIMONIALS. ?*iJ/r. E. Ileinitth?DKAR StR : 1 have boon afflicted for many years with an eruption of the skin, of tho nature of Erysipelas, and have tried it number of preparations without relief. My health, much impaired in conse quence of this disease, ami having heard so in itch about the virtues of your preparation of "Queen's Delight," 1 was induced to try it. My expectations :we more than realized; I find it n complete success. 1 give this testimony freely, that others may be bencfit ted. Yours respectfully, ?lra. II.P." Rend this remarkable case <Ji Liver Com plaint, cured by one bottle of "Queen's De light;" ?-.V.. F.. II. Utinitth?Dr. a a Stu: Mrs. Rials was suffering with Liver Complaint and pains in the side ami heart, nervousness, could not sleep, bail appetite snd genera! bad health. 1 procured one bottlo of your ?Queen's Delight.' 1 regard her case as cured. Site is looking its well as fdic over did. Your 'Queen's Delight' is a blessing to the afflicted. I give this certificate cheerful ly. Yours respectfully, J. D. RIALS." General prostration cured by the "Queen's Dulighl :" "Messrs. Fisher ,J- ITeiniUh ?Gests : I have uo hesitation in saying that I regard ?Hein itsh's Quopii's delight* a great medicine. 1 have been suffering with Weakness, Lan guor, Want of Activity,Fatigue of Limbs, Drowsiness, Sleepiness, Nervousness and General Prostration. 1 have taken one tiot tle of the 'Queen's Delight," and I am re joiced to sny that I unt a new man and ton "Yours truly, II. I. FAUN EU." "Dr. E. El. IIkixitsu: I take great pleas ure in testifying to the remarkable medicinal powers of your valuable medicine, the ?Queen's Delight.' I have used three bottles in my family, ami I owe the restoration of my wife's health entirely to its use. I nm now trying it for Asthma, on my daughter, a child six years of age; will report the result Your medicine is worth :t place in every household. "Yours. Sc. Rcr. A. K. DURHAM." He sure and ask for "HEINITSICS QUEEN ? DELIGH P," and sec that his name is o:t it. Look out and avoid base imitations. Prepared only by E.H. IIEINITSH, Phar macist, and for sale everywhere. PISH Ell & IIEINITSH, Druggists, Wholesale Agents, mar IS !)t Columbia, South Carolina. FOR SALE BY DR. E. J. O LI VISKOS, ?l'KKS ? SEII I.ILK, ont'uoisTH ash apothecaries, Oranburg, S. G. A PAYING INVESTMENT A N D A LIV E INSURANCE AT T11E SAME TIME, rilHE RQUITARLE LIFE ASSURANCE J_ SOCIETY, New York, issues all kinds ol I'olicies unit pays back to Policy Holders .til the Profits of i tie bnsiuess. PURELY MUTUAL. Annual Dividends divided among Policy Holders. Five modes of applying Dividends, 1st. Permanent Increase of Policy !M. Term Increase of Policy. ihl. Permanent Reduction of Premiums. 4th. Term Reduction of Premiums. 5th, Limitation of number of Premiums to be paid. These privileges are granted by no ot her Company. CASII ASSfiJ? 7,000,000. nud con stantly increasing, ANNUAL INCOME f ,000.000, which also Increases cent inn.illy. It 1ms divided amongst its Policy holders over $1,*>00,0<K) cash value. Persons desir .ing to secure Policies apply to N. AUSTIN BULL, upl ? t f Local Agent. K.J.. IIA LBEY, LUMBER AND TIMBER C(>M M1SSION M ERCIIA N T, Wharf, West Und Moutnguo-Street CHARLESTON, S. C. feb 20 8m LENGNICK & SELL, 27 Hayns Strebt, CHARLESTON, S. ('. Importers and Jobbers in FANCY GOODS, LAD I KS' TRIMMED HATS, ALL QUALITIES A ED PRICES, ASD M I L L I N K It V G 0 0 I) S, Ol every nBSCRIPTIOJC. WE WOULD INVITE THE SPECIAL Attention of Merchants to our large stock of Till.MM KD HATS, of all grades, and full line of FANCY GOODS. Also, to our stock ot BONNET, HAT and BELT RIB. BON'S, the largest in the City. Cn.\s. A. Le.voxick. En. Enr.RicK Sem.. mar 7 b*ms*8l w IIIHKEY E AB EES For Snlo at THIS OFFICE. At .">0 c!-. re r hundred. mar GLOVER & GLOVER, ATTORNEYS and (OI!XSl,LL?HS AT I/AW, ORANGEBURG C. H., S. C. Thos. W. Glover. Moutimeu Olovkb. jan2 ly HUTSONS & LEGARE, ATTORNEYS AND SOLICITORS. WR1 attend the Courts in Orangeburg, Burn well and Beaufort, and the United States Courts. OFFICE AT ORANGEBURG, S. C. W. M. Hutson. W. F. IIOTBOK. T. K. Leoare. jau 23 c 1 y IZLAE & DIBBLE, ATTORNEYS AND SOLICITOUS, ORANGE BIRG, S- V. James F. Izi.ak. Samuel Diqule. feb28 * ly COPARTNERSHIP De TREVILLE & AMAKER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Orangchurg District. W. J. Dr. TREVILLE, a. P. AMAK1 Orangchurg C. II. feb 1 a. r Lcwiuvillc, S. C. tf FRED. FERSNER, I> K S TT ST. Will he in Orangeburg every Thursday, Friday and Saturday. ORicc in rear of BULL, SCOV1LL & PIKE feb 20 tf I D. DURHAM, M. D? S L R GEON l) ES T/S P. Oflic?- over the Store of Messrs. Bull, Sco vill & Pike, mar ? tf DR. H. W. KENNERLY, O11 A If G EUIKG, HAVING KEMOYED TO THIS PLACE, Respectfully otters his Professional Services to the Citizens and Vicinity. Office on Russell Street, opposite Bull, Scovill & Pike's. mar 13 2ni DR. J. R. T0051ER, OHA N G E B U R ?i, S. C. RESPECTFULLY INFORMS T11K CITI ZENS of Orangeburg and Vicinity that he has resumed the Practice of Medicine, ami can he found at his Residence on Ittissell Streit. jan !?'??ly DU. OLIVERON' CELEBRATED CHILL AM) FEVER CURE. also Dr. OLIVEROS' BILIOUS CATHARTIC OR LIVER TILLS may 'J - - ly ORANGES WS HOTEL BY W. R. TRE4DWELL. ^Afc THIS HOUSE HAS BEEN NEWLY pfeiii lilted up, and is now open lor i lie rc m*ULcon>mo lation of the public. Corner Kussel! and Broughton Streets. may U ? WM. WILLCOCK, Dealer in Stoves, Tin-Ware and Mouse Furnishing Goods, 1) ESPEOTFULLY INFORMS THE CITI zeus of Ornugeburg County, that he is prepared to furnish everything in the above tine of business with dispatch, and at as low rules us any like Establishment in the < oun Iry. My assortment of STOVES, viz : MUTUAL nill.NI?. LIVE OAK, DIXIE, and others, warranted to give perfect satis tiou. All these Slovci uro complete in en ry requisite, ready for use. Call ?%ii? 1 see for yourselves, and save ser vant liire, and much waste. may 1 ly I). W. ROBIJSLSOlSr. ?o V A S II IO X A III. i: T A11.OK. 1 have the pleasure lo announce to my nu merous Customers and the I'ublie generally, that having removed to a Central Position, hanily and convenient to all, 1 am now pre pared Cut. Fit and make Up a GENTLE. MANS WARDROBE with Neatness and Dcs| itch. Terms liberal and Work War ranted. Thankful for the Patronage uf tho pawt. 1 respectfully, solicit its continuance. Next door to Messrs. Hull, Soorill Pike, 1 can >>e 'bund at all times. jan 0 ly D. W. ROBINSON. In Equity;Counlj The State of South Carolina, Ex. Eel. Solicitor Soul hern Ci rcuil ! ) Do? In. Re, host '.It'.'.ev.t -. Application having been made hv Jacob !l Ponscr and Kli/a H. his wife, and t liurohwcll A. Crosswell and Elizaheth K. his wife, for leave to prove the I'usl Existence, Loss and Contents of the Last Will and Testament of lohn Humph, deceased, on motion of.Mejssrs Unison" .v l.egaro, Solicitors for applicants it i> ordered, lhat all persons who may think themselves interested, do appear before me at Orangchurg en the 26th day of May next, an.I cress examine the evidence which msy lie produced, und introduce ovidonoc in reply. GEO. BOLIVER, C. C. P. Oftuc nf t'lerk of Common Plea- . | ! Orangcburg. (' ,'!., Fob, 20, I860. / <\b*U GREAT BARGAINS!! AT PRICES in COTTON GOODS have been reduced from 15 to 20 per cent. Other DRY GOODS in Proportion. ?:o: We have received a NEW and FINE Lot of READY MADE CLOTHING. LINNEN COATS at 75 cts. and Uiwards. NEW GOODS received by every Steamer. mil}- -11 oct 3 k ly FURNITURE} CHAIR AND S0F& W A. R E R.O CMS. DANIEL H. SILCOX, 175, 177, AND 179 KINO-STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. |7 ERPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND A LARGE AND WELL SELECTED ASSORTMENT of Cabinet Eurniiurc, of the latest ami most approved styles, which he offers at prices tvliich cannot fail to please, consisting, in part. oT: Rich Sets of PARLOR and CHAMBER FURNITURE, Beadsicads, Bureaus, Wasbsttuda and Wardrobes. Mahogany and Walnnt Sofas, Teto-a-TetCB, Chairs, Ann Chnir?, Rocking Chairs, What-nots. Sofa and Centre Tn blcs, Marble and Mahogany Tops. Secretary nml Book Coses, etc. Also CHAMBER nnd COTTAGE SETS of every description. Also 1S L. A. STIC SPONGE Without a rival for LUXURY, ECONOMY, DURABILITY nnd HEALTHFULNESS, in all Upholstery. The best Assortment ever offered in this Market. N. B.?GOODS CA RE F CLL V PACKED FOR SHIPPING, may 1 c 12m IS YOUR LIFE INSURED * If u?t. your FIU$T L>ITTV to yuuvIWrj has hecu LEFT UNDONE. Piedmont Life Xnsurazioo Company of Virginia THIS COMPANY IS NOW WELL ESTABLISHK,R IN THIS I'LACE, and the number of its POLIGY-UOLDE?S is &temllV> im-rowing, including smuu <>l" nur heat Citizens. It is strictly a SOCTUERN HO*SE INSTl'l TTION. :?ni ?s wwh *Wd ho patronised by Southern umu. Call on A>; KNT at .Law Office nF Mvam GLOVE 11 & tfLftVI-US Par wfiw iitutiou iih to HATES, tf-c. Any imjutrius by Liter IVuui thodu Vivi*^ w* Country will ho pr'iuptlv answered. ALKX. ?. NAr*>*UYt it. M.-dicil ...ui.t-t. _A-r 'u- Ticiaica. . in .. t>mpangr% apl :7 " " "um "" " -' 1 1 k'j 1? -y C 11 \ it fJt'A KKURISON, IJlon \: KB LT r)f TUR PTltM OF C. S K. L. KEELISON, would human hi* friom'H and lliu public I Iktil be has purchased from . Mr. JA MKS Ii. I KT TS, all hi* STOCK IV TRABE, Sc.. i;l tUe Store No. ?J.VJ KINO STREET, and will liiere continue tUe I#i:V | GOODo !;l SINKSS, W HOLESA LK mid RR TAIL, Kult CASH. <-n bis own individual account and responsibility. He wUl pri oeed,. j without Aetiy, to replenish! nud rcuew the Stork, and onntiane so doing asi?i) '-r ar- ' sortnirnt sbal] Ue maile complete an? .-*.?:<.*-' tivo. As ili t.-rT-i^ \?ill ba STRICT Li CASIf or approved cily -wo pt:Av for a short | fxll^^^jiut : h ? j . hm-; br k?-pi ? ? JB99fe le >iflB BL His brother Mr. E. L. U ?N. :.-.?:.v ri''ueed mrreh in I Iii i JP^^ul un i at hid Store, aiding in the/onduct aid man agement of the business, and it it beped tlint Iii? and their aflbrts to win and patronage of tbe public will be as successful as in past diiys was llio old firm at censer of King nis'l .Market Streets. rob ?-''? :bn Wando Fertilizer. Till'. WANDO MINING AND MANUFAC TURING COMPANY offers to the Planters ami Farmern of the South their FERTILIS ER, know n as t he "IVAXIM> ri'UTILIZER." Which the experience of the past season has proved to be one of tte most valuable in our market. It lias fur* its base the materials from the Phosphate ^ i- of the Company on Ashley lliver, and is prepared at their Works at the EAST END OF HASEL STREET in this city. In order to guarantee its uni formity and maintain its higli standard, the Company has made arrangements with the distingiiishcl Chemist, l>r. C. ?*. SHEl'AED, .Jr., who carefully analyzes all the ammonia eal and other material purchuased by the Company, and the prepared FERTILIZER, before being offered for .-ale. Thej Company is resolved to make an article .vhiih will prove' to he aCOMPLETE MAN I HE, and give entire satisfaction. For terms, circulars, au I other In.fovm.a, lion, apply to IVM. C. DUKES .\ CO., a?. ni. Na. 1 South AMa:tiie VYhavf; j.m t'1 Hin Charleston., s. C. DQOH? SASH, .VNl> HUND KA< JTOHV, KINO OPPOSITE CANNON STS. CHARLESTON, S. <\ rpiIE SUBSCRIBER HAVING FURNISH I ed himself, at a great expense, with th" inc. i improved MAt'i'lNKKY, ir< tmw pre, pared to furnish Doors, Sash, Blinds. Mould ings and Building .Material at Northern prices, and a* cheap, if not cheaper than s.ny like EstahlishuiCUt ill the South. All work guaranteed U. give saiiviavOoii. Send * our ord? ra t q liKOtt?K 8. U ACKER. f. b 'JT Urn N ' OLU.MBIA, s r WS/ CLASS HOTEL, $3 00 Vor Day WM. A. WRJtiUT -Ian gl tv f 7 %p QOVTfl t MtufAxx i.u\sI mum 0 TttCST ('(?.MI'ANV -?^?Uori?e?l Cnjn lal. Five Million Dollars.?Ft-?*?iu l.iu .i, ?."..(c^hx). Tho Ottice of this Company. v? artrt op?*?'I at No. Ill Broad St.--et (SmillUWe^fcrtt' Bai'.' road Bunk) for the receipt of Bpaosits. i* cnunl of Paper, I'ovchaM aud tfate of Hk? ,-tinnee. und the ?f a Central Uullklllg B'tlsiuCflS. intuvust allowed or. Dcpswits upon terms established by llic Hoard 4*1 L>in-ct"r*. The Compifoj is ?l^o a legul dopo?it"ty for moneys paid into Court, w*ll receive Reentry .?u l Transfer 1' m?ks, act agent Iw pay (,'i-upona and Di\:.kieL, Mini as Trcuttti ul ?aill Moi fgagf". D'ttKoTonsi?W. C. Ho?-, of Win. C. Bee & Co.; A. S. JohtiKoii, of Johnson. Crew? & Co.; Itohl. Mure, of KoUi. Mmv& Cot; VY. )'?. a il Ihtui?, ot W. 15. WiilMtnx .v S?n E. IL. Fro**,. Front & Adgcr; J. B. Atlger, of J. K. Adgejr S l?o ; Hvni \ Quordiu, of Gnordin, Miutliiea s^ii & Co.; Geoige L. H?lst, of ttn'cst * Saiwf^: CO. Meinminger, of Memmingcr. Jervcy & Pinukncv : T. J. Ken-, ef T. J. K?sv&Vni;: J. 1). Aikcn. of J. ?. Aikcn & t'or-.^hm Chttufaeai of Compscn & Co:; A. P. CakttwelL p6 ?L & A* P. Caldwell;: W.. 1L. Hyon. X 3". W. 1-iuaa, IL O'Neill, Jl dl ?*?rgg, Uranitc For farther information nddeew? GBO. S. < AMEK*)N. President. THOS. It. WAKING, CaahitT. 1 Charleston, 8. C, March 12, 1800?27?lim. .. SALE, PECT x THE FINE PLANTATION BelongivJ to the Kstatcof the- Ik* C?fonel KEITT, nnd well known as the p a t I) y Place, The.?e LANDS rtt*' among the BESTS* in the District, being situn*"! on Lyon'? Creek, commanding A FINE WAlL'R-FOWER,and of n Rich Bed Clay Soil. They nre offered nl ONE-HALF their Valuation in lo$?. Said Tract contains 00O nercs. Ccnditions?$3,600?one-third chhIi. the balance in two yenrlv instalments. Address MIt*S. LAURENCE KEITT, nov"?tf Charleston, S. C. Puri?oa the Blood. july '->"? ly I). li?ljis, AGENT? CAN DS FOUND - AT TOTS (OUXLU, Where l\c is aenstantly voceiTiuj supplies of |)UY GOODS, GUQCEKtKS, &c., ! and selling the xanie ;?? CU AKl.KSTON WUCE.^ Expenses only, tabled He i* enabled to <L> Iii?, ay hw?r*a?Jje-. ments made in ChatU : 1,.?? and iNew York. He will be pleased n *c? hit ohl Custom-. e:>. Cad before "tyiyiiut ai\4 Examine hj?>? SIC k. D- LOUIS, Agent. tot Hi, 0, *J >r AWISTBVTKS B1.AM4S For Side at u\.r 17 THIS OFFICE,