LOCAL. _____ 8ATURDAY, MAY 29, 1869. THE GRANU Em1 111. NEWS 18 THE ONLY PAPER PUBLISHED | IN ORANGEBURO COUNTY, AND PAYS "WEEKLY VISITS TO EVERY HOUSE AND HAMLET IN THE COUNTY. Call at the Sign ot the Wate)? and get a glass of Iced Sodu Water. We have tried it and can recommend It. . Hon. Francis DeMaus.?This gen tlemen returned a few weeks since with his family from a pleasant visit to Cana da. He is in tho enjoyment of the heat of h?uilth. and it affords us pleasure to announce to our readers that he has used every effort in his pow er, (and has arrayed himself aguiust his heat 'ntcrost, pecuniarily,) to defeat the corrupt and disgraceful proceedings cul minating itr tho election of Cain us School Commissioner "for this County. /"** 1"" *""1 7T Tho election for School Commissioner is now over, and we arc sorry to say that competency has heon defeated by a rath er too respectable majority to reflect credit upon tho intelligent voters of Orungchurg County?hut wc want it distinctly understood that we of the News voted for honesty, efficiency and intelligence, end if Oov. Scott issues a Commission (which wo don't think he will) to tho successful competitor, we unhesitatingly say ho loses our respect and i>uppoit. FittE.?Wo just learn of thu destruc tion ot the fine residence and contents of Mr. Wnj. Oliver, on the Dull Swamp Road, about nine miles from this place Mr. Oliver was awakened ahout 12 ;.t night, Wednesday last, by a crackling noise, and on opening his bedroom door discovered his front rooms in flames. We have uot learned how the fire origi nated. Professor Brihsenhen's Dancing Si liool..?Wc are pleased to learn ot the success Professor Lrissendeu is meet ing with in our town. He has a nice and Kelcet school ami the advancement rapid. This cnursc of instruction every child ought to go through with, something flfoy HEW fafflyllnj fcd'kt.W. fViU'Jfa o character so prettily expressed tu the phrase, '-Polite as a dancing master." 1 ?oBic?LTi'rah Magazine.?It will be se>!ii by advertisement in another column that. Messrs. Walker, Evans nnd Cogswell, will soon isstir the first number ol the South Carolina Agri cultural Magazine. The simple announcement that J these ?^ntlemcif nrc *? >ss"c such a work, is KUuielcilt to im^ns it a certain success. We venture the a^sertioi: tfmt it will be gotten up iu a s'ylu unstn^asseJ '?v tiny periodical published tu the Uiiifcw* States. Bee advertisement. | The following is the result for Coroner and School Commissioner at the election Just Tuesday : For School Commissioner. Y.. J. Cain, (colored Radical) 2,004. J. T. llobinsou (Democrat) 594. ?Vm. N. Mount (Republican) 192. . Fon Coroner. AV. R. Treadwcll (Republican) 2 \ lu W. E. McMich.tel (Conservative) ?241. T. P. Stokes (Rcpublicau) 57. Mr. McMiehncl was taken up by u ? few of his friends on the day of the elec tion. Though few knew ho was out yet he received u vory flattering vote - ' I 11HH IM -? A Hand Corn SiiSller.?Captain T. A. Jeffords has laid upon our table a Viand Corn fcbcller, which boats anything lor this purpose wc have ever seen. It1 can separate ,;oorn and cob" before one j 'can sa\ "guy." Simple and cheap, it is just the thing for our farmers. We in-' v\t*e all to come and see it, we have it for inspection in our olRce. dpt. Jeffords Wc learn, arc making arrangements to becuic thu Right and Agency for this 'County, and will soon bo able to supply tho large demand which we know will be made for this great "friend of the farm." Our Jail, under the suncriutcudoncy of Mr. John Lucas, is rapidly develop ing its pretensions. This announcement by us, we thiuk, will be duly appreciated "by a few who, wo think, know that they will not be allowed luueti lolfgwr to dis grace our thorough face's unprotected lay out alWmpiishcd i?hcrifl. Vcrbum sal. On the 21 st the Court of Common Pleas, Geuoral Scssious and Equity, closed the three weeks Term. By some arrangement of the bar allotting only 25 cases per day for trial on tho issuo duckets, thero were uot perilnps as many coses disposed of as might havo been. With the energy und prompt de cision of Judgo Carpenter, a groat many more cases might havo boon ended ; und as it turned out, a large uumbcr were dependent upon the estimated value of tho Confederate mouey forming tho consideration of tho contract, which re quired hut a short lime to settle. II ow over tho dockets were severely shaken, tho Inquiry hud nothing left, and tho Issue only euough probably to occupy tho Court nt next term. Tho Judgo has ordorod u setting ot the Court fur October iu place of Sep tember, which wo regard us another in dication of his good sensu, uud wo sup pose Lawyers and Sheriff, Clerk and Con stables ure gratified at the prospect of the long vacation uud escaping warm work iu the mouth of Sept ember. Who ever heard ot working seriously iu Sep tember? Out limited knowledge of thoj the subject, however, induces us to say even crops are laid by and no work done on thoiti iu that month. The judge has therefore got over the arrangement of the Legislature, and over the regular term. ? . ... '. - Judge Carpenters rulings nave given very mixed satisfaction in this wise. He was decided that the Constitution of the United States was his paramount authority iu his Court. That tho Constitution of South Carolina pro vided that the United States Const it u-' tion should he paramount. And there fore that the provisions of the State Constitu tion repugnant to the United States Con stitution are null and void. Taking this us his theory he ruh a that the clauses of the Constitution of the Stale declaring debts for slaves uneollectahle to be re pugnant to the Constitution of the United States and therefore void. T.'.e Judgu auumed to ha f.dl of the subject and dilated extensively, maintaining that to hold up the clause of the Slate Con stitution, would be to encourage people to avoid their debts and tarnish the past honor of the Statt), &o. 11 is^opinion has been published for.nor'.y in a similar case iu Charleston at length. Thosewho had debts due them of course saw the beauties of the J udg'i's argument. Those' who had to pay such debts saw nothing but sophistry iu the w hole, and but lit tle fun. The whole matter, wc are told, is be fore the Supreme Court, und appeals ure taken here with the view of abiding the decision of that body. The Judge was also consistent in his Charleston ruling as to the llohiestc.nl Act. This came up on a rule^n friend Biggs, Sheriff. The i csulflB Shut the Sheriff was or dered tofl Pier judgment obtained v. i'i ? to^l^Hloincstead Act, im pec tice of the ^leAand iu case of disobe dience to be attached l'or conic.npt. This puts the Sheriff in what we once heard n man cull a quan de n ry. By selling he is open to indict ment under the law. By not selling he puts hL.sdf iu contempt of court. This dil ??.hum 1ms iady lifo horiK, (we hoard of one at court huvlug threo o: fWUi-i, but Sheriff lliggs is a philosopher and wc have no doubt wiij make his election wisely. The prcttpui don't seem to bother him touch or reduce him iu flesh or spirits. lie is very plucky and bus good counsel to back htm. Upon the whole, tho administration of justice was or ought to have been satisfactory. One merit ascribed to Judge Cut pen tor by all is the desire to do what is right, and he is very fearless in dding w hat he believes right and expressing his opinions. The Judge gave jurors a considerable scare iu lining the tartly. We heard of otto ho fined being so frightened us to sit up all night and up to Sunday morn ing continued to he in court nt ft o'clock, for four of being late next day. How ever to show his amiability, he remit ted these and restored himself in the opinions of tho jurors at the end. The Judge complimented und thanked the jurors. Expressing his gratification that what hud been his fears, us to the work ing of the two races on the jury were not confirmed. Thought they proved that the pr?sent law would work well? nous verrohs. We don't know anything about it. perhaps it w ill, perhaps it won't, u:ul a good deal Uioro so, Graham's Tubn Out, S. C, Mny 24tli, 1869. Editor Qranyfbury A'eir* ; My Dear Sir?Your last issue struck me ho forcibly that I cannot help reply i:i|r to your article in regard to office bolders. I think tho whole County of honest people can join hands with you ou that subject. I have been reading and watching your paper ever since you assumed tliO editorialsllip of the News. Lot you be Yankee or Hudical, your pa per is what all the press of tho Country should bo. All should unfurl their ban ner to the breeze with your motto, "HONK8TY AND l.VfELLIUENCE." Put me down fur your paper us long as published. Though diffcriug from you in polities, I odmiro your good advice to tho Country, and your honest, course. I differ from you as to tho citizens of Charleston being disgraced, however, I think the Republican party thii Francis DeMars, Census Tak'm- for this County, as his assistants: J. Felder Meyers. W. E. Williams. - F. R. McKinleV. ? j J. P. Mays. No sub divisions will be made for some time, yet, as Mr. DeMars has not re ceived his books. &c. The arrangements for tukiii" the Census, when understood, will be appreciated by our whole com munity. COMMERCIAL. Urn or tijk Oa.\N*?:Riutnn Nsws, May 20, IMt.O. COTTON.?Sales fur the week, 00 bale-, market dull and declining. We miotc : Ordinary."8 Good Ordinary. Low Middling.24 Middling.24}@,25 Strict Middling. Good Middling. It nun ii Hick ? Dull and declining qt $1 75 per oushel. Corn 1.00. Poas fj">. Pinders, 3(>lhs to bushel, $1 50. QOLD. 80 SILVER. J4 j Consignees per fro u tu CwoMw*E*!! j road Remaining In the Depot f? Date. D. W. Airs, L. Oall?wsy, T. B. Boyd, J. T. ?leaning", W. A Bast erlin, I). Smoke. W. P. Witt, J 1>. Jon s, B. II. Knutts, C. F. Gch rcls. In aeeordancc with orders received from the Superintendent, Storage will hereafter be charged on Conds remaining in the Depot for an unreasonable Ungih ot time. W. C. MEREDITH, Agent. IN TUE COURT OF PRORATE. Whrrras, Allen Porter hath i.pplicd to me fur Letters of Administration on the Bs lato of Joseph A. Porter, lute of Oratigebiirg, deceased. These are therefore to city und admonish nil and singular the kindred and creditors Of the said deceased, to he.and appear before me, at it Court of Probate for I he said County to hi- holden at Orangcburg on the 1st day of Jane, 1800, at 10 o'clock A. M. to show cause, it* any, why i he said udiiiiniMVut it/n BllOllhl not be granted. tlivcn under my hand nnd the Seal ?>f tlo Court, this Ibtli day of May A. 1), 1800, nnd in the ninety-third year of American Independence. Til AT). C. ANDREWS; may 22?2i Judge of Probate. W. T. MrLLKH, imOUUUTON ST HEBT, o i: a x a i: n v n 'a. $. c. HAS JUST KCCEIVED A PRESII 8UP ply of Family Groceries. WHITE IIBANS, SPLITT PEAS, . Dill El) APPLES, PICKLES, &e. AlsoFUKSIl CIDER, LAGER, r EDDENBUBG ALB, Also OLD CABINET, COK.N and BOURBON. Also a fine lot of DOMESTIC CiGABS. Come and sec for yourself. W. T. MVLLEll. may 22 mar 7 Um Tuk Nkw Magazine.?\Vo call at tention of all wliu uro interested in thu development uf uur resources and the prosperity of our country to the advertise ment of Messrs. Walker, Evans & Cogs well. Such a journal uh they propose to publish is what is needed, and tbo names of the proprietors afford a perfect guaran tee, '^that the work will not only be doue, hut that it will be well done. Our people have been too much in the habit of going abroad for instructors and information, and yet, who knows our wants and our means as well as those who live among und are of us. We have also beeu too careless and culpably blind. to the un numbered bounties, which the Creator bestowed upon us. Our elimute, our soil, our mountains, rivers and forests teem with wealth, but the South has been short-sighted, indifferent and igno rant hitherto. Owing to the once ' pecu liar institution of the fair, sunny, South," it might still hnve b?uu wealthy, if it had not been extruvugunt, and it shall, und it must become one of the most prosper ous and desiruble countries ou the globe; if only our true men und noble women will put forth thoir strength in the fear of the Lord. Light though is needed, concentrated efforts are requirod, und the good work must be done here and by ourselves. What to do and how it is best done; what to hold fast, rejeet and adopt; to instruct, to counsol und. to warn, is what the State Agricultural and Mechanical Magazine undertakes to do? and it will do it too. We wish it success and recommend the Magazine, nnhesitat ngly.? Columbia Lullasran Visitor, SOUTH CAiivLINA State Agricultural AND MECHANIC A L M AG AZl N E. {Official Organ of jltC South Carolina State Agricultural ami Mechanical So cictg.) AT AN EARLY DATE, THE SU BSC Kill er- will publish the first number uf a Monthly Magazine, devoted to the development of the mat or in! interests of this State, mid the whole South : a ml will distribute 5,000 COPJ I.^S ?RATUTIOUSLY, so that every one may see what it is before subscribing. They intend to make it the bast ami handsomest indus trial magazine ever published Hi the South, and 'hey ask the cordial eo operation of every good citizen in tIiis* enterprise, which must redound to the public well are. Persons wishing copics\of the first nutr b.r, will please send their address to Walker, Evans & Cogswell, CHARLESTON* S C. may 2'J wee tf _NOTICE COUNTY AUDITOR. Abb PRUSONS OWN 1X0. OR HOLDING, as Agent or otherwise, Stock . the S. C. li lt. Company, arc require I to return the same lo this Office on or before the 1st day of .1 une, 18011, or fifty per cent, will 1>? added as pen alty. JAS. VAN TASSE I,. may 22?'2t County Auditor. U. S. Internal Revenue, COLLECTORS OFFICE, 2n DISTRICT, 8. C. On\iu f.stos. April 10th, 18t'.'.?. The undersigned, Deputy Collector, will be in attendnnce at his Office, Oranpeburg C. 11. every day (Sundays excepted) until ?'Ost May, 1801), to collect Special or License Taxes, also Taxes on Income, Billiard Tables, Carriages, included in Ihr Annual List for 1869. Unless payments are made as above, the law imposes additional charges. WILLIAM lt. OLOUTMAX, Acting Collector. P. V. DIBBLE, Deputy Collector. Office, over I). Louis1 Store. May lUlb, 1809.?22 2.1 County Treasurer's 3mce,; OiiASGCBi 1W?, S. C, May I8fl9. In accordance with 0 en era I Orders No ISO, issued by General Canby, and a Joint Resolution of the General Assembly, all per sons having claims for Services rendered in this County, during the year commencing ?>]>l October, lM">7 for Teaching Free Schools shall present the same for payment at this Office on or before the 80th day of June nu\t, j duly certified to by the School Commissioner of this County and npproved by the State Superintendent of Education. All claims not presented by the ?tltli day of June, will be barred pnj tit ut. JXO. l>. MOUNT, may 8 -It County Treasurer. RI,1M < ED Price* in I I.Ol It. The Subscriber has jusi received n lot of Floor in barrels, which he offers at very reduced rates, and comprising ev??ry grndo, Extra. Super and Fine from $8.2"? per bid. up. Cill E A PEST TOBACCO in OKANGEIUJKG / J.nsl received III) boxes of I hat No. I uh cap Tobacco, which I am offering to the <'.>nu,ti.\ Trade al low rate und nl retail pro pel t ionall v. Ii me:' Ll.\IE!!,l,IMEl!: j 10 bids, RoCkporl Stone I.hue. (1 KOCEKIES, UIO GOODS, SHOES.- A % full supply of Groceries, ..I Seas.ma hle Dry Goods, and a supply of Ltdit Cloth Gaiters small sizes,.Kjtl and Morocco Hoots. ANOTHEIt lot of KENTUCKY CREAM CRACKERS. All for sale low at II . COURT HOUSE S r.??i;;;. Market Street, JOHN A. HAMILTON. npl 10 nov 7 c ly ECEIVEK'* NOTICE. The Undersignud having been npp tinted KECEIVEK of the Estate of Henry Ullis, deceased, hereby gives notice that all claims ngainsl said Rstato must be prcsontcd to him, and all persons indebted must mako payment to him alone. (' P. GLOVER. Kb -'?.>?:hu Ueot '.vi r TAYLOR'S PATEXT 8uw Sharpener und Decpeiier, For (iung and Circular Sau> Mill*. HAVING purchased the Patent Bight for the State of South Carolina, for the above, we are now prepared to till ordern for the same. The advuiitage of this Machine are econo my, despatch and perfection in keeping all kinds of saws in perfect order. By its use, the teeth of the Saw aro kept at a uniform depth, angle and size. Fully one-fonth (') and belter lumber can bo cut per duy where this machiiie is used, the Saws running Kit-Lighter, freer, faster ond cul smoother. A saw can be sharpened in five minutes, and in the most per ice: manner. The price of the Machine oau he saved iu a few mouths in the cost of tiles and labor. For further information apply to CI1ISQLM UKOTIIKUS, Charleston, tf. C. may 29 wee Ira _"?? i _? boon I Orangeburg Bakery, V. PITTHAN, PROPHIETOE. HAVING procured the services of a FIRST CLASS BAKER, Mil. THOS. \V. AMiKKUOTTI, I am now prepared to ih> all kinds of BAKING at a moments notice, and to furnish custom ers and the Trade generally with a good arti cle, and at Charleston prices, at wholesale and retail to Merchants and Families. No expenses will be spared on my part to please my Customers. The following list of Bread, t'akes and Crackers kept constantly on hand, and fresh : C .A. ICES: Pound Cuke Large ami Small. Spunge Cuke. Sugar Cuke. Drop Cake. Small Fancy Cukes. Scotch Cake. Lafayette Cuke. French Tea Cake. Lemon Cake. Lady's Fingers. Large Ginger Nuts. Bulivers and Thick Cakes. CKACKEK8: Trenton Crackers. Butter Crackers. Seed Crac!t crs. Sugar Crackers. Large Biscuits. BliE AD: Wheat Pread. Bye Bread. Graham Bread. French. Twist. Split and Cap Loaves. The Subscriber respectfully returns his thanks to the citizens of Orungchurg for their patronage in the past, and re-peel t ul'.y solicits a continuance of the same. apl IM?ly V. PITTHAN. F. H. W. BRIGGMANN & CO. RESPECTFU LLY INFORM our OHANrhleh has given satisfaction to all to whom we nave sold. ?*r vrM \wj CMTTON v.w\ ?U-oUicr. ?UBaUj DUCK, giving the highest market price, or ship for any one, FREE of CHARGE and make LIBERAL ADVANCES oil the same. F. II. W. BRIGGMANN & CO. oct :'. 1 v P. TOAXtliT Charleston, S. C. Manu/ucfurrr of Doors, Kosh HlinJx. NoTKr?We woul I call 11 *particular atten tion of friends to the above card. P. P. TO ALE has a large Factory, and such facili ties as enable him to .-apply the hot work of his own in ike at low prices. A very large and complete assortment always on ban*' *' his Factory, HORLBECK'? V.ii.near North casein ?.a;!roud Depot. Charleston. N. B- Orders from th- eonnlry solicited, antt stnet niv"'"n Paid, to shipping iu good order. apl Ji Jy The Slate of South Carolina, Orangkri ro \ In Hqi;h y. , , ? Bill for liijuclien, .lohn I?. I? r airey . ? i ? i toset asideirregular vs. .. |? . & ,. ,. ,, . ! prnrcc lino. to nuir Iturns I? M > ? i s, r. ? , ,, , , , ? . I shall assets, an 1 for 1 ? "'? J Bellen It uppenring to my satisfaction that Sarah Ptihiian and Klizahelli llolley, two of I he De femlauts in this (.'ose, aru absenl from e.n I rc siile beyond the limits of this State, nniuotioii of Izlar & Dibble, Complainant's Solicitor^, it is ordered: That the said Sarah Pultmiii und Elizabeth llolley do appear and plead, ansiver or demur to the Complainant's Suhl lull within the lime prescribed bj law, or the i-1 bill will he taken />ro confmnu against t hum. Clerk's Office ) GEORGE HOI.IVERj Oraiigeburg, S. f. y C. C. P, March 20, 1K0'.'. J mar 27 ?. ihn Assignee's Sale. IN BANKRUPTCY?iii the matter of S.\.m it.i. T. Izlar Daukiupt. By virtue of an order of sale l *, me direct ed rrom the Honorable District Court of Ihu United Slates, for the District of South Carolina, I will s?i. at Public. Auction at OtungcburgC. II.. S. C, on Monday the 7rii day of June. 1809, -it the usual hour of sale. All thai Plantation or l'i -act. of Land lying iu Prince Williams Parish, Dcuufori County. S- <'.. known as the ??Whin; House Tract/' ami lying on the road leading to Pocotaligo, containing HUH acres mere, or less, bounded by lands of estate of Sa "Ittel Lewis and B. McBi-idc. Conditions?One-half cash, balance In one year, secured by bond hearing intorost, and ix iiiortgago of the property. Purchasers to pay for papers and stamps. P. V. DIBBLE, Assignee. I t?te Samuel T Izlar, Bankrupt in.in 1 i td BULL, S?OYILL & PIK$ JUST 'ItIXpECTfi&" m By Last Steamer a Pull and Beautiful Stock of : a ? .u^li?m LADIES DRESS GOODS, FANCY PRINTS AND LONG CLOTHS, * Another lot of those CELEBRATED 0ORSBT? Another lot of those CELEBRATED NEEDLES. -!-;o- *3"*? BULL SCOYILL & VIS^E ,, SOiniiSJ ??T ?Tai??)?* f HAVE JUST RECEIVED A FINE LOT 0? CASSIMERS, COTTON ADESi' SPANISH LINNEN, Ac. ? rl f "?3 ? ii Hont TKTTjN"KS Sale. may 2D?ly RULL, 8COVILL.ec PIKE. . I ifuVj.wi^i,^* NEW SPRING GOODS ...? ; .. ;Ft Jr.mk AT STOCKEIS CHEAP CASH STOUE We have just received and now. opening our SPBING and 3U2SMEE STOCK, consisting of Calicos, Ging hams, Muslins, Eerages, and Cloth ing, Hats, Shoes, and Groceries, all of which have been purchased with in the last 15 days in New York, for Cash, at 15 to 25 per ct. Cheaper than the same Goods could have been pur chased 30 days ago, which we are now offering to the CITIZENS of Orangeburg County, at a small al lowance on Cost for Cash. JOHN 13. 8TOCJCER *fc CO., at the Ited sign, Ml!. JAMES A WILLIAMS is with us and will be hippy to see his frieuds. mar 2(1 an? 23 ly. w a V . 1 > . RUSSELL, No. 5 IIAYNE-STREKT CHARLESTON, SOUTH CAROLINA. I?. RUSSELL HAVING BEEN LIBERALLY PATRONIZED FOR the past Twenty Years in Charleston aud throughout the S*r,ie, rciurna his thanks, and respect full v solicits n contlausnoe of the aain* * Ta Prepared with every Encility to Fill Orders for'SASH ES. PL1.NL>?>. , ?iNDOW FRAMES, MANTLEPIECEH. MO U bo INGS, &c, kp., uu'l m |I1S W'areroonts, No. ?"> HAYNE-STREET, a large and well as sorted ?i tip above Ooods. "?roim shops rRiTin.iRD-oTairi?iif; THIRD FLOOR phqsn1x IRON WORKS. Tho CHARACTER of the WORK frotn this HSTAIW.lSltME?1 fdr the PAST twbjity YEA HS will bo a Guarantee to those who may ORDER GOODrt. nmy 1 c . Cm M ' NAMARA & JONES. RUSSELL STREET, OR A NO ERURG, S. C. o ? ? . ? ? ????."?*?( RESPECTFULLY OFFER TO TUE CITIZENS ? OK ORANGERURO , a \v?dl selected Stock of SPRING nnd SCMMER GOODS. Having pur eliH.sod sell them cheap. GENTS DRESS OOuDS.LADIES DRESS HOODS....iCASSIMKRES....! TWEEDS.IEANS.COTTON A DES.$o. CALICO fVow 10 to 18 Cents...Brown and Bleached HOMESPUN ...LINNEN\ LINNKX SUTTB-85 50. a Large and varied assortment ok .shoes u ladies, Mis sus. gents and roys. K.RJ3SH CJ I JOCK IM IConstantly on hand. Give us a call and judge for yourselves. ' apl 10?;imo McNAMARA & JONES. W. L. W. EILEY, Has Constantly on hand a with mo trul will be pleased to 0bfl his frieuds. mnreh 13? ly )Y, L- W. RILEY.