The Orangeburg news. (Orangeburg, S.C.) 1867-1875, May 22, 1869, Image 3

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.^SATURDAY, M~VY 22, 1800. ThA oraWkburg news is THE ONLY paper published iSk ORANGEBURG county, and PAtfi weekly visits to xvkrt house and HAMLET IN THE county. From ignorance, vice and filth?G>od Lord deliver us. The following the sentences passed Van prisoners at this torni of tho Court by Ota Honor Judge Carpeuter : The State vs. Sam Jones?Grand Lar ceny?Sentence to two years in the Peni tentiary. State ts Anthony Johnson, Adam Welsh, Wade Gadsden, George Evaus? ?Grand Larceny?.Sentence to three yours In tho Penitentiary. State vs Daniel Grocn?Petit Larce ny?Fined fifty dollars. State V8 Laval Paulding, Smart Bow man, A ut run: McGrcw, Abrain Gill niorc?Hog Stealing?Sentence Laval Paulding to pay u fine of oue hundred dollars or six months iu County jail. State vs Charics F. Gehreis?Assault with iuteut to Kill?Fiucd one hundred dollars and cost. State vs Wude Gadsden?Stealing one year of Corn?Senteuce to five day* in County jail. State vs Charles F. Gehrelts?Assault and Buttery with intent to Kill?-Second case?Sentence five hundred dollars fine. State vs William Sistrunk?Assault and Buttery?Fiued tea dollars. Jtato v8 Daniel Green,?Second case? jnjf?Fined ten dollars or ten days >u?ty jail. ate vs Leval Puulding, Smart Bow man, Antruiu McGrcw, Abrum Gilhuore ??Larceny?Fined each ten dollars or twenty days iu County jail. i ???? It will be seen, by reference to the an nouncement in another Column, that Mr. Wm. n. Mount has been placed before the voters of Oratigeburg County as a candidate for School Commissioner. The chicanery, fraud, and undoubted and es tablished dishonesty of i certain party ritltuipulate matters to suit their own ends and interest, bus caused the friends of Mr. Mount to take this coarse. That he will bo elected' if tho free and uu tr.aiinnelcJ voters of OrjMigeburg County wills it, is, iu our mind, an established fact. We have had too many low, .drunken exhibitions on tho tapis fur the last few months, for the good of the party-?and if true Republicans don't take hold of tho matter we will, tts a party organization, go to the dogs head foremost. There is but one way for us to remain respootiiblc,aiid carry weight with those who disW with us iu politics, and to enhance tlw interest of tho true und Jtonest of tour party, and that is to crush ?oat tho diihonrst element now at work J'ur the,eu'.'ue disruption of our orguuizu \W'c xaiA a man with some education ?h well .its honesty to be our St hool Com miis.sioii-r. This want is supplied in Mr. XIoilMT. His course ns Chairman of the ?, p. IBoard of County Commissioners has given general satisfaction. His course .as School Commissioner will undoubted lly add uiuch to that reputation, ?"PfcANTiNG Intelligence.?Wo have news from nearly all purta of our Couu fyt. and Colleton uleo, relative to the crops, aud the effects produced by the reecnt cold spells, and it appears from wrhni we can gather, the cotton plant httH snf*f?ed more material damage than any thing else. The growth of the com et??$ ?f course, Was retarded to a certain ?extent,.hut a fow days of good weather ?and Warm sunshine connected with the irefreBhthg' showers we have bad this *roek, bus sot this primo stuff of life in a healthy condition for growing again. fjf,plepty of corn und other consuma bles be made, we mad not fear the ad vent of tho grim visitant starvation, for although ihe cotton crops should turn out a couiplolc failuro, with the presence of these wo can live. Yet wo wish that our farmers whose only hope of success is dependant upon the uncertain yield of tho fleecy staple may not be disappointed, but realize in the Fall, their most san guine expectations. Ftxftu making a man who has been Tthinpen for horse stealing School Com missioner?Good Lord doli vor us. \ From making an ignoramua School omuiissioner?Good Lord dclivor us. * A colored person a few miles below Branchville committed suicide a few days Rinco. Wo have not loarned the particulars. ?i ? ??-????? Next Tuusuny the vuiere uf Orungu burg County will bo called upou to cast their votes for School Commissioner. If they elect a good muu, and an honest man, to that position much benefit may bo expected by judicious School arrange ments. Mr. Wm. N. Mount is before you, gentlemen, (and when wo miy gentlemen wo mean it,) of Orungeburg County. Will you support him, or by staying away from the polls ullow E. 11. Cain, an ignoramus and the nominee of fifteen do., to be the School Commissioner lor Uraugeburg County. Court adjourned yesterday. Wo did intend to give a general review of the proceedings iu this issue, but a press of other mat'.er has crowded it out. Will give it in our nest Wo are hound by uo cliquo, and will be controlled by uo unprincipled ring? we have uot lost our honesty uor inde pendence?and if it ia expected for us to cast our vote, or lend our aid to de grade the white muu for the advance ment or interest of uny other color, race or condition, we unconditionally ask to be excused. Il'c tcon't do it. Au important notice from tho County Auditor can be seen iu another column. From makiug a horse thief School Commissioner?Cood Lord deliver us. Republicans of Orangeburg County vote fdr W. N. Mount next Tuesday, and by:liia electiou show your iudepen deuce !\ A friend has laid ou our table a com mon hen egg which measures GJ inches iu ctrcunifereuce. Who cau lay a rancor ? Conservatives of Uraugeburg County vote for W. N. Mount uoxt Tuesday, and hy his election show that you accept the Situation, and that you are willing to abide the consequences power is placed in uu honest man's bunds. From polit cal corruption?Good Lord deliver us. See new advertisement of Messrs. C'OTnclson, Kramer & Co. They have reduced their prices in Cotton G>>ods, 15 to 1>0 per cint., and advertises Linnen Coats at seventy live cents and upwards. A heavy stock of ready made Clothing have just been received. To the white, free und unshackled citizens of Oraugeburg County, we say vote lor \V. N. Mount next Tuesday, and by bi? election show that you are willing to check corruption, dishonesty, fraud, ami n host of uumitigutcd evils arising by Iiis defeat. Great Sale of Dry Goods at Re duced Prices.?Mr. McMiister adver tises this morning goods reduced in price. He promises great bargains to all who may favor him. By the electiou of Mr. Mount as School Commissioner much dcpQQdB,? Upou his election is based the future of a great Conservative Republican party for Oraugeburg County, where dishonesty and besotted ignorance will bo stripped of its paraphernalia, aud men of credit nud worth be brought from under the prcs See M tiller's advertisement. We said iu our last issue that we did not expect to meddle much in politics? but "circumstances alter cases"?und we intend to pull our gloves off for awhile, and if we ean add a little respectability to the Republican party of Orangeburg County, we intend to do so, and with un gloved hands we will handle those who havo, and who still persist in making it a hiss and a scoff iu the eyes of respecta ble and decent people. DANCING School.?Hy a card iu our coulmns to day, Professor Ilrissondcn. from Charleston, informs our community that he will open his dancing school, on .Monday next at Masonic Hall. Prof. Biissscnden, is nn old teacher and will take Well with those who patroniae him wo know. He desires to meet his pupils this afternoon at 1 o'clock. Mr. Wm. N. Mount is a true Repub lican?willing to givo the colored man all his righta uader the law?but he is not willing to place him abore the white man?and further, he is not willing to sec such an important offico ns School Com tnissioncr, both to white and black, filled \jj a sin that cjui't work a simple Bum in the rulo of thrco I " COMMERCIAL. Omca or tub OaAMORsnan Nrws, May 22, 1860. COTTON.?Sales for the week, 10 bales, market dull and declining. We quote : Ordinary...?.2-tJ Good Ordinary. Low Middling.24 Middling.24@26 Strict Middling. Good Middling. Uncoil Hick?Dull aud declining at $1 80 per oushel. Torn 1.00. Tc ia 95. l'lnders, UOlba to bushel, $1 60. GOLD. 80 SI LYEII. 24 Consignees per South Carol inn Kai 1 roail Im i.i.lining i-t the Depot to Dato. T. Hoyd, N. E. W. Si St runk, V. M. Smith. E. Ton, Mr*. O. M. Roberts, J. S. Quattle bsilui. D. S. Daniely, In accordaucc with orders received from tho Superintendent, Storage will hereafter be charged on Goods reinaiuing in the Depot for an unreasonable lunglh of time. W. C. MEREDITH, Agent. W H i rr IS 9 S 91 A ii IS 3. i: WORKS, 117 Meeting-.St reel. Charleston. JSo. Ca. "SiyrONUMENTS, nEAD STONES, MAR J3.1L bio and Stone Tile, Blue Flagging and Brown Stone Work, of every description. SCOTCH GRANITE MONUMENTS, Iron Mailings. r. n. wuitb. a. it. white. may 1 c 12m Sheriff's Sales. 15y virtue of sundry writs of fi. fa., to me directed 1 will sell to the highest bidder, at Orangeburg Court House, on tho first Monday in dune next, for cash the follow ing property, vir. : ALSO All the right, title and interest of Albert R. Tabor, in tlicfollowing two tracts of laud situa ted in the County of Oraugebti one contain ing 75 acres and known as I no Daniel Karick tract, and the other known us the Hucket! tract containing AO acres, more or less. Levied on as the property of the said Albert R, Tabcr, at the suit of Josiah M. Cross well. ALSO One Steam Saw Mill of 30 Horse Tower, situated in the F.dislo Fork, near Mr. Daniel Smoke's, with the Belting Saw and all Fix lures belonging to a Steam Saw Mill. 8 Mill's. 1 Wagon. 2 Timber Carts with fix tures, about 20,000 feet Lumber, 2 Saddles, a parcel of Geers and Cooking Utensils. "All but Mill and Mules will b:? sold on Tuesday following Salcsday at the Mill. ALSO One tract of land containing 504 acres more or less. Levied on as the property of Elisha Raggett at the suit of William Knutts. A LSO 75 bushels Corn, JluO lbs. Fodder, 8 head Cattle, 19 Hogs, 1 Gun, Houschohl and Kitch en Furniture, a quantity of Plantation Tools, and other articles usually found on a farm. Levied on as the property of Jesse B. Shirer ut the suit of Wm. B. Watt. ALSO One tract of land containing 20 acres more or less, belonging to estate place ot Charles B. trick. Levied on as the property of C. U. I rick ut the suit of Esekiel & Kohn. A LSO One tract of laud containing 455 acres more or less, aud all the right, title and in terest of P. .1. T:\te in 0(i5 acres, set otf as his homestead. Levied on U9 the proper-y of P. J. T?te ut the suit of Richard DcTre ville. ALSO The life Estate of Albert R. Tabor of two tracts of land situated and lying iifOrunge burg County, described in the marriage net tlemcnt as purchased by the Executors of Win. 8. Thomson, one containing 900 acres more or less, and the other containing loo acres more or less, upon the following terms and conditions, to wit : One-half eu-h. the balance on a credit of one year, secured by bond of the purchaser bearing iltterot, and a mortgage of the premises. ALSO Sallcy v- <'-/(bvtt, Under Order in Equity in this case, I will sell for cash, at Orangchurg C. II.. on Mon day 7th June next, the estate in remainder expectant, upon the determination of Mrs. Ursula Corbett's Dower, in the following lands which were ol \V. H. Corbett, deceased, via : The homestead on Goodland Swamp, con taining 1180 acres, bounded by hinds of H. Von, W. Phillips and J. Corbctt. "The Khney place" on the Ornngeburg Hnud containing 95 acres, and bounded by lands of A. rorter, B. Phillips undJ. C. Fan ning, and The undivided half of the Tatnpey place, ;UJ acres. Purchasers lo puv for papers. Sheriff's Ollico. \ H. BIGGS, Orangebnrg C. II., S. C. \ S. o. c. MayO, 1809. j may 8 Id IN the IstMlrict Tom I of Mio VSITED STA TES?h\>r South Coro Una?May Term 180!?.?/? t',r Matter of Titration- Kuhn, of t')runjrliiinj County Bank rupt? Petition for Full anil Final Discharge in Bankruptcy.?Ordered that a hearing be had on the 25th day of May, 180?! at Federal Court House in Charleston, S. C; and that all Creditors tits., of said Bankrupt appear at said time and place, und shew cause, if any they can, why the prayer of the Petitioner should not be granted. And that tho 2.1 and .')d Meeting of Creditors of said bankrupt will bo held at the office of J. c. Carpenter, Esq., Bcgister of Second Congressional District. S. ('., on the 24th day of May. I860, at 12 M. By order of the Court, the Oth day of May, 1809. DAN'L HOLBECK, Clerk, of the District Court of tho U. S. for S. C. may 15 2t N I?Ki:iino.\ hoi si:. COLUMBIA, S. C. first CLASS WO tel. t'd 00 l?er Day 'A m . A. WRI'jUT, M ANA0ER. at t 7 ?'ir ?,-,?.-r^-r.^r - -j-T^:-r--?-; GREAT BARGAINS!! -A.T bUilllDljOUii, MAlUBll 01 uu PRICES in COTTON GOODS have been reduced from 15 to 20 per cent. Other DRY GOODS in Proportion. -:o: We have received a NEW and FINE Lot of READY MADE CLOTHING. -:o: LOTEN COATS at 75 cts. and Upwards. ???:o:? NEW GOODS received by every Steamer. may 22 oct 3 k ly WM. AVILLCOOK, Dealer in Stoves. Tin-Ware and House Furnishing Goods, RESPECTFULLY INFORMS THE CITI xens of Orangcburg County, that lie is propnred to furnish everything in tho above line of business with dispatch, and at as low rates us any like Establishment in the Coun try. My assortment ot STOVES, vir.: MUTUAL FRIEND, LIVE OAK, DIXIE. nn<l others. wnrranted-Ue pivo perfect satis tton. AH these Stoves are complete in every requisite, ready for use. fall <\nil see for yous selves, and save ser vant hire, and much waste. may I ly F. H. W. BRIGGMANN & CO. ESPECTFULLY INFORM our ORANGE burg Friends thut we have moved in R JNTKAV STORE, Where we arc ready to supply our Friends and the Public in general with a full and fresh supply of DRY GOODS. groceries, shoes, HATS. Also all kinds of LIQUORS, WINES, POUTER, ALE, ETC at reduced Prices. We have a tine lot of FAMILY FLOUR from Jnu. CAMP8EN & fO.S Mill. Charles ton, put up in small Si., ks, very low. We otter for sale the RECIPE for making JACKSON'S UNIVERSAL WASHING COM POUND and JACKSOXJS- LAUNDRY SOAP for One Dollar, which ~!i.vs given satisfaction lo all to whom we have sold. We will boy COTTON and all other PRO DUCE: giving the highest market price, or ship "for any one, FREE of CHARGE and make LIBERAL ADVANCES on the same. F. H. W. DR1GGMANN & CO. oct .1 ly JUST KIX'KlVK1K A fresh supply of DRY GOODS, STRAW 11 ATS. SHOES, FAC TORY YARN, kr. Also a fresh supply ol CHEAP GROCERIES. MEAL and GRIST, Fresh, always on hand. If you want (Joh.I and Fresh LEMONS, and other kinds of Fruit, just give me a ea'l. Also have just received a new PATENT pot LIFTER, which will be found to b? more convenient than Hooks either loi Stoves or Fire Places. c 1 ASM or DARTER given for all kinds of Country PRODUCE. Please call at J. W. PATTERSON'S, Opposite Cull ,v Sc?viU t npl 10 may ao ly 7) i;i>l < r,I> Prices In F2.4MK. The Subscriber h'ifejust received a lot of Flour in barrels, which ho offers at very reduced rates, und comprising ev?ry grade. Extra, Super slid Fine from $8.25 per bbl. up. (Cheapest tobacco in oraxgebuhg j Just received SO boxes of that No, 1 cheap Tobacco, which I tint offering to the Country Trade at low rate.-, and at retail pro portionally. I1ME! LIME!! LIME1! ! j 10 bbls. Rook port Stone Lime. (1 ROCE1UES, dry goods, SHOES.?A t full supply of Groceries, also Seasona ble Dry Goods, ami a supply of Ladies' ('luth Giliters, small sizes. Kid and Morocco Hoots. A NOTiii.;n .-. - i;i;NTL( KY OREAM J\_ CRACKERS. Ail for sale low at the COURT HOUSE STORE. Market Street, JOHN A. HAMILTON. apl 10 nov 7 c ly VE.Ezekief^ INFORMS his Friends that he has moved t.. the STORE under (he FIREMEN'S HALL. wVerc he will keep n select assort ment of CLOCKS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, CUTLERY. SPECTACLES, PKIt IT M EI: N and other Fancy Articles. All ot which he will warrant us represented, and will be sohl as low as in the (Uly, He is also prepared to repair Watches and ('locks, and guarantee the same lu perform correctly for one year. Jewelry ncnth repaired, apl 17 lv dl*QX Ki:w.irti>. Broke Jail, at this place, on the morning <>t the 1st hist.. YOUNfl S. KORO. I will ? ???*? ihn nhove j ward for his srresi and delivery to me. apl :i?tl IIARP1N BIGGS, <>. r. Orangeburg Bakery, V. PITTHAN, prop rie tok. HAVING procured tlie services of n FIRST CLASS RAKKR, MR. TII?S. W. ALBKR?OTTI, I am now prepared to do all kinds of RAKING at a moments notice, and to furnish custom ers and the Trade generally with a good arti cle, ond at Charleston prices, at wholesale and retail to .Merchants and Families. No expenses will he spared on my part to please my Customers. The following list of Hrcud. Cukes nnd Crackers kepi constantly on hand, and freak : CcVK KS: Pound Cake Large and Small. Sponge Cake. Sugar Cuke. Drop Cake. Small Fancy Cakes. Scotch Cake. Lafayette Cuke. French Tea Cake. Lemon Cake. Lady's Fingers. Large Ginger Nuts. I Bolivcrs and Thick Cukes. c r a. c e R S: Trenton Crackers. Butler Crackers. Seed Crackers. Sugar Crackers. Lurgc Biscuits. br *e a. d: Wheat Rrcud. Rye Bread. Graham Bread. French, Twist, Split and Cap Loavca. The Subscriber respect tally returns his thanks to the citizens of Orangeburg for their patronage in tho past, nnd respectfully solicits a continuance of the same. apl 24 ? ly V. PITTIIAN. Geo. W. Williams & Co., W11 DLLS A LK G ROCERS, CO TTON FACTORS d- BANKERS Hay no Street. Charleston, S. C. I Williams, Taylor & Co., COM MISSION MKRCH ANTS, 05 Reaver St., and 20 Exchange Place, \ E W YORK. apl 17 '"m \ y.xvli.vv'H Itroooli-I^oadiiiK DOUBLK-BARRE1 LED SHOT GUN, The latest, best and cheapest made. Pses any ammunition. Prices, complete, $70 to $?.?5. Address W. IT. G1BBES, Columbia. or B.SSKLL ,v CO., ( harleston. leb 2? 3m i3. i\ toale' Charleston, S. C., Manufat fin er of Door*, Su*7t Blimt*. XoTF.?Wc wool I call the particular atten tion of friends to the above card. P. P. TO A LH has a large Factory, and such facili ties as enable him !?> supply 'he best work of his own make at low price*. A very large and complete aasortment always on hand, at his Factory, FIORLBKCK'S WHARF, near North-eastern Railroad Depot, Charleston, S. C. N. B.?Orders from the country solicited, and strict attention paid to shipping in g.I ol der. apl 24 ly RE<'EIVI:K'H XOTIC'E.?The Umlcrsiglied having been appointed IIKCRIVER of tho Kstate of Henry Ellis, deceased, hereby gives notice that all claims ngainst said Estate must be presented to him. and all pel sons indebted must make payment to him alone. C. B. GLOVER, fob 20?3m Receiver. Tho Slate t?l* South Carolina, ( 11> ? v i: v1 ? ? in? ' I v l>'< > i *'* I .... , , t\ i\ b : 1 l"r Injuction. John I> D r a I rev , ? i ? , I toset asideirregular } proceedings, to mar RuriiM D Myers, F.x'r et. al. -hall assets, and for Relief. It appearing to my satisfaction that Sarah Pulman and Elisabeth llolley, two of the De fendants in this Cone, are absent from nnd re side beyond the limits ol this State, onmotion of Izlar &? Dibble, Cwmpliltmint's Solicitors, it is ordered: That the said Sarah Pulnuin and Elizabeth IF< '.ley d > appear and plead, antweV or (len'tuV t6vhVs Complainant's ^laid \\\\\ within the lime prescribed by law, or the said bill will be taken />ro rmif, $.<><> a gain id them. Clerk's Office, ) GEORGE ROLIVRR, Orangeburg, 8 C. f C. C. P. Maren Jo, |80l?. ) mar 27 "in NEW SPRING QOOm AT STOCKEIS CHEAP CASE STOltE olid uGw We have just received opening our SPRING and SUMMER STOCK, consisting of Calicos, Ging hams, Muslins, Berages, and Cloth ing, Hats, Shoes, and Groceries, all of which have been purchased with in the last 15 days in New York, for Cash, at 15 to 25 per ct. Cheaper than the same Goods could have been pur chased 30 days ago, which we are now offering to the CITIZENS of Orangeburg County, at a small al lowance on Cost for Cash. JOHN D. STOCKER & CO., AT THE BED SIGN. MR. JAMES A. WILLIAMS is with uh and will be happy to see his friends, mar 20 nug 23 ly. FURNITURE, CHAIR AND SOFA WAKEROOMS. DANIEL H. SILCOX, 17 5. 177, AND 179 KING-STREET, CHARLESTON, S. 0. KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND A LARGE AND WELL SELECTED ASSORTMENT of Cabinet Furniture, of the latest and most approved styles, which ho offers at prices which cannot tail to please, consisting, in part, of: Rich Sets of PARLOR nnd'CHAMBEK FURNITURE, Beadsteads, Bureaus, Washstands and Wardrobes, Mahogany and Walnut Sofas. Tcto-a-Totcs. Chairs, Arm Chairs', Rocking Chairs, What-nots, Sofa arid Centre Ta bles, Marble and Mahogany Tops, Heerefary nud Hook Case*, etc. Also CHAMBER and COTTAGE SETS of every description. Also E L A. S T I O S I3 O N Q E Without a rival for LUXURY, ECONOMY, DURABILITY nnd HEALTH FULNESS, in all Upholstery. The best Assortment ever offered in this Market. N. B.?GOODS CAREFULLY PACKED FOR SHIPPING, may 1 c 12m AV ? 33 . EUSSELL, No. ;> HAYNESTREET CHARLESTON, SOUTH CAROLINA. Wr T. RUSSELL HAVING BEEN LIBERALLY PATRONIZED FOR THE PA8T c Twenty Years hi Charleston and throughout the State, returns his thanks, and respectfully solicits a continuance of the same, lie is Prepared with every Facility to Fill Orders for SASHES. BLINDS, DOORS, WINDOW FRAMES. MANTLEPIECKS. MOULD INGS, &e.. ho.i and has at his Warcrooms, No. ."> UAYNE-STREET, a large and well as sorted Stock of the above Goods. WORK SHOPS PIUTCII.IRZI-STREET. THIRD FLOOR T IKE MX IRON WORKS. imi The CHARACTER ..f the WORK from this ESTABLISHMENT for the PAST TWENTY YEARS will ha a Guurantee to those who may ORDER GOODS. may 1 o fim M ' NAMAIIA & JONES. RUSSELL STREET, ORANGEB?RO, S. Q, RESPECTFULLY OFFER TO THE CITIZENS OF ORANGEBURG a well si looted Stock of SPRING nnd SUMMER GOODS. Having par* chnsod our Stock on the recent decline of prices in New York wo nro thereby en abled to sell thctn cheap. G EN TS DRESS GOODS.LADIES DRESS GOODS.OASSI MERES.. . TW EEDS.J EA NS.COTTON A DES.&c. CALICO from 10 to IS Cent*?:..Brown and Bleached HOMESPUN...LINNEN. linnen suits 85 50. A LARGE AND VARIED ASSORTMENT OF SHOES for LADIES, MIS* SES, GENTS and ROYS. FRESH Cn iOCI^llIESC^ntly otilmnd-. Give us a cali and judge for yourselves, apl 10?3mo MoNAMARA & JONES. IS YOUR LIFE INSURED? If not,your FIRST DUTY to your Family has been LEFT UNDONE. Piedmont Life Insurance Company of Virginia THIS COMPANY IS NOW YVELL ESTABLISHED IN THIS PLACE, and the number of ita POLICY-HOLDERS is steadily inereasiug, including some (d* our best Citizens. It is strictly a SOUTHERN HOME INSTITUTION, and' a? sucL should be patronized by Southern men. Call on AGENT at Law Office of Messrs. GLOVER & GLOVER for infor mation as to HATES. <pe. Any inquiries by letter from those living in the Country will be promptly answered. ALEX. 8. NiLI I Y, JAS. II. I OWI ES. Medical Examiner. Agent Piedmont Life Insurance Company, npl 17 fan Uh IS W. L. W. RILEY, Has Constantly 011 hand a Fresh Supply of CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, LIQUORS, DRY GOODS, SHOES, &c. JUST RECEIVED A FINK LOT OF CHOICE t tlEWlNO TOBACCO OYSTERS, BARDINKS, PJCKLKS ETC Mit. JOHN DAYI8 is with mo ..nd will be pleased tn sod his friends, march 13 H - \V yy. mtEY.