toO SS THK OR^\NGEBlTRG NEWS EVERY SATURDAY MORNING, "OLD TIME" PRICE. *?*rv Doliaes rss Asmtjm m AOVAVriK. arnnB cash'w hfVST IftVARIABI.Y ACCOMPANY THE 'CnA: EiniSCRIPTlON. mW Ci?ti?fy'V^ut* taken at Market Rates. : bor iv- ? M OO ?Mi.?H i ,?1,-3, SI i tiani^l/efy request our friends to in Advertisement* at early m fAe ?rej* as ??rfwfpW ; and if possifde, let us have them by ?&ur*day evening. By this means, we VtS ?qable. to MSN* a/ an earlier hour on Satur "sy, and v^f?ftii&ttti if ft? $r*r? w;bbt page. -?"?IH J"-~ LOCAL ITEMS. SATURDAY MORNING, JAN., 30, 1869. C. Bowen -wilt please accept uur thank* rbr Congressional Dtieumcnts received. a l?mi py ??? ? Drt. Fersuor and Durham have formed a Copartnership in Dentistry. Their advertisc keeat w$?appear in our uext. "P?!?," in A very smart young man. If you want a "drubbing." call at our Sanctum and be accommodated. . , t\'. itiJ i. < r ? Otir advertising columns presents this morn ing the card of Dr. J. M. Hunter?Photo graphist aud Fenotypist. "Uudcr the Can ?vaa" he wiU be found. "This way, gentle men/' *#; gyaS ?? ?... We beie W n requested to ask the Town Co?fcei?fb- enforce the Ordinance against the firing of guns and pistols in the Corporate limits, if thrre is such mi ordinance in exis tence. We Wbuhl also ask the Council i. therein any Ordinances governing the Towu of Orange burg. We have a Town Council, that is a settled Tact?hut if wo have any laws regula ting their actions, and conducing to the bene fit of the citizens of Orangcburg, wc are at n }rmn to say. mJm tjo."-?Fred. Vanrcgn, (col.) a few 4aya sioce ?'*.*?rro* the keeping o( mn1 of our merchants ill exchaag*??r a lew greenbacks, its right ful ttwacc ''lit ttp'Nt'; k\ and the Sh.^iff "lit apoaT Mr. Vanrego.?nud the latter not l-cjng abl* to cxjaladu the difference hctwtrcn teum aud deutn, lia^e jje to Li\l- As our jail is uot very strong, we are under the impression that a lit tle were Carpentering wouldn't be amiss. .it?ilrt fM.PFr^*! ? "We call attention to the advertisement, of -Messrs. JoVVD. Stock er & Co., of Fresh Gar den Seed forS&ev?aJse;' Liverpool Salt at $3 . Out; FlBE DKl>AHTMKKT.?The Monthly Paradc of our Fine Department came off last Saturday afternoon. And the Young Amcriea Fare Company tamed out strong. This Com pany trau pose nearly all of oar youug men, and in thei?pe&- shirts they make quite a display. They handled their "pef' Saturday like vcte rana. .This Company has recently erected a line Engine- House and Hall, and as wc un derstand, have purchased the interest of the Town Council i? their Engine, r.nd are now an Independent J?v2*p*.**J' They have, also, been recently chartered by the Legislature. The eld "Comet" was out too, in strc-npth. This company is composed of our young color ed citizens dud'deserve a -great deal of credit for their good discipline, as a company. Both companies work in perfect harmony, and the only rivalry we have seen displayed, is a kindly one, which speaks well for the mor it as.of both companies. it sej r The Obanoebubo Bavtibt Church. Lot. ?The Trustees of the Orangcburg Baptist ckttroH have made arrangements for the Louse of the Rafe*$e wVeat corners of the above dc **a?? ?XV jt \ a sirable lot. Now is tlic time for enterprise to show itself. Here are two of the most desira bly located lots in our Tortri, for mercantile -purposes?and they can be leased fdr twenty one yeartf>c4 ffec Most favorable terms. As will be seen by advertisement Scaled Propo sals Will be received until 25th February. IWe caB Mention to the following new ad ?ertiaaaaajsjasc Natten? in Probate Court. Assignees' jfenanfrw ?, B. Glover. Assessor*'? Notfoe---C. S. Bull. Rest Estate for Sale?Jautcs Cannon. FRESH GARDEN SEED. *?n 1*1 VJEBPOOI? ?AI7F AT ft OO I>K8t SACK AT JOHN D. STOCKBR k CO/S jsooO?U Cheap Cash Store. HYMENEAL. 11 ? ? -? -?^-?|, Mabsied?On the 21st Jnmtnty, 1809, by the Rev. T. K. Wnnnamaker, Mr. OEOR0E H.COR NELSON to MIm A NO IK, daughter of the late Adam Holman. All of Orangeburg, 8. C. MabbIkd?Ott the 21at inst., at the residence of the bride's father, by the Rar. H. D. Rolen, Mr. ELLIOTT O. W."WHETSTONE to MIm HARbMST R. HUGHES. All of Orangeburg County. MabeJeu?On the 21at last., at the residence of the bride's father, by the Rot. a. B. Sawyer, Mr. LEWIS FGGLE to Mis* MARTHA II?TTO. AU e? Orangeburg County. Mammal)?On the 14th ins?., at the residence of ] the bride's father, by the Rev. J. 8. Heyden, Mr. JOHN A. GARRICK to Miss LENOBOBA BIN NICKEB. All of Orangeburg County. Consignees per South Carolina Railroad Bemsining in the Depot to Date. D. May, D. Gardner, O. H. Hurley, O. Hutto, J. C. Edwards. W. J. Jones. J. W. Patrick, W. B. Way, B. II. Knot(8, 8. E. Biokeubaker, D. R. Bar ton. In accordance with orders received from the Su perintendent, 8torage will hereafter be charged on Goods remaining in the Depot for an unreasonable length of time. W. C. MEREDITH, Agent. COMMERCIAL. OrnoE or tiir Oranoebieu News, January ,29 1809. COTTOX.?Sales for the week, 150 bales. We quote : Ordinary.25(^.20) Good Ordinary.,.,?....,..... Low Middling.20 Middling._26| Strict Middling. Good Middling. Roiou Rice?Is in good demand at $1.8"? per oushel. Corn 100 cts. Pens 8ft cts. Pinders, 281bs to bushel, $1 25. SILVER.22 RING your COW PEAS to the COURT HOUSE STORE for the best prices. COW PEAS WANTED! B _ FLOUR! FLOUR!! ALL Gil A DES and SIZES or SACKS, at low rates. PERUVIAN GUANO AND WANDO FERTILIZER To he bad always at the COURT HOUSE STORE. Market Street, JOHN A. HAMILTON. ASSIGNEE'S SALE. IN BANKRUPTCY?In the matter of Maiusoe P. Way Bankrupt Ex parte D. LoCifl & Co. Ry virtue of nn order of the Honorable District Court of the United Stntcs for South Carolina, I will mdl at public auction, at the residence of M. P. Way. St. Matthews Parish, Orangeburg County, on Tlinr.*.luv the -Ith February, 1869, at 11 o'clock A. M. nil tho perishable property of the above nantcd /bankrupt, coneisting of I Alule, -iAiggy and Harness, Wagon, Goats, Hogs, Pistol, double barrel Gun, Peas, /blacksmith Tools, nnd other articles. Terms cash immediately after the sale. P. V. DIBBLE, Assignee jan 2.1?td of M. P. Way //ankrupt. ASSIGNEE'S SALE. IN BANKRUPTCY?In the matter of AXBBBW J. Hocaf.b, Bsnkrupt. Ry virtue of my appointment as Asslgnet of the above named Bankrupt, I will sell at Public Auction on Fridity, the oth day February, Im;;?, at 10} o'clock A. M., at the residence of A. J. Heuser. St. Matthews />arish. Orangeburg County, the personal property of said Bankrupt, consisting of 1 colt, I cow and calf, sheep and lambs, shoats, buggy and harness, poultry, Ac. Terms cash, and articles delivered immediately after the sale. P. V. DIBBLE, Assignee jan 28?td Estate A. J. Houser, Bankrupt. ASSIGNEE S SALE IN BANKRUPTCY?In the matter of Jostrn W. Phillips, Bankrupt, Ex Parte, J. 8. Douolabs. Ry virtue of an order of sale tome directed from the Honorable District Court of the United States, for the District of South Carolina, I will sell at Public Auction at Orangeburg C. I!.; on Monday the 1st February 1808, at the usual hours of sale, all that plantation or tract of land on which Joseph W. Phillips, the Bankrupt, resides lying in the Fork of Edisto, Orangeburg County, containing One Hundred and Twenty-eight (128) acres, more or less, fccnndcd ^outh by lauds of W. II. Corbett, East by lands ^ Mm. Amelia Philllppa, and others, South by lands of J. i% Fanning *nd others. Conditions?One-half cash, the uC.'"nc* on 4 credit of one year with bond bearing interest nolT day of sale, payable annually with a mortgage of the plantation. Purchaacrs to pay for pspera and stamps. ALSO Will be sold at public auction, at the residence of j Joseph W. Phillips, on Saturday SOth January, 1809. at 10 o'clock A. M., 1 Carriage, 1 double barrel Gun, about 20 head Sheep, 1 Yearling, lot of Cotton Seed, Ac. Tcriua cash immediately after aale. P. V. DIBBLE, Assignee Orangeburg, Jan. 6,1809. jan 9 td "ftSSlGNEES^?Tji: IN BANKRUPTCY?In the matter of Samuel T. Izi.Ait. Bankrupt, Ex Porte Lewis D. S. Kenmer i.y, Ex l'arte, B. F. Pop, Adm'r. By virtue of an order of Rale from the Honorable the District Court of the United Statea, for the Dia trict of South Carolina, I will soil nt public auction at Orangeburg Court House, on Monday the 1st February at the usual hours of sale, all that planta tion or tract of land in the Fork of Edisto, Orange bort; County, containing Three Hundred <800) , Aercs, more of less, bounded North on lands of John Bonnett, on the South by lands of Adam Zeig lcr, on tho East by the run of It icefield Branch and on the West by estate lands of Henry Livingston. Terms?One-half oash, balance on a credit of one year, purchasers to give bond bearing interest payable annually and a mortgage of the plantation, and to pay for papers and stamps. ALSO %t public auotion, on Tuesday the 26th January* 1869, at 11 o'clock A. M., at the residence of Sam ore! T. Islar, 1 Buggy, 1 Row and 4 Pigs. T, PER DAT, $3.?0. A. BUTTEhFIKLP, MRS. B. L. BUTTBRFlkLB, Superintendent. Proprietress, dec 28 tR. oi.ivwiuis I CELEBRATE^ chill f? FBVHr CURE; A?o Da; OHV^ROS. biltous cathartic or Liver pills may 2-ly FIX AI? NOTICE lO CREDITORS. The Undesigned is sboat to eloae up the Ks. Ute of W. f. McMillan, deckle? and of hire. ALSO One tract of Land containing 7?? acte.? itt?re et less. La vied oil as the property of J: II; P: T?te at the suit of David Shtiler H. al. ALSO One tract ?f Land contaitting 090 acre* mere Of less. Hounded north by John V. Spigner, swath by , Glenn Oliver, east by lai '? of Wesley Honnef; west by A. J. Gaskitt.?: Also Oh Tuesday following salcsday, at Ike resldenc* of J: W. Kiley one hundred bushels Corn, TO bushels CtttlOn Reed. 1000 lb* Fodder, S hntlrii Peas. 6 bushels Rice. 1 Mitre,"! Mule; R head Cat: tie, 17 head Hogs, X Wagon* and Gear, 1 Btaggjr and Harness, 76 bushels Potatoes, 2 Gtatts, 1 Pistol; Family Library and Household atld fcitcheti Ftarei* lure. Levied eat es the property of J. W: Riley at the sUlt or 0. H; Ulb y. ALSO One If or?c\ Buggy and Harnes?. Levied bit ii the property bf C. & Bull ft Co; St the suit Of Joseph A. Heller: ALSO On Tuesday following fltlleada-y, at th? lt|j*1lfcfcaj. of 8. M. Reramerlin. 2 Mules, 1 Sorrel Mare; 0 head Cattle; Plantation Tools, stich as Plows, Gear* ing, Ac, 1 set Blacksmith's Tdots, consisting Of Anvil, Bellows; 1 Sledge ttfid U large Hand Haw* mers, 2 wagons, 1 old Carriage, Stable and Lot Manure, 2 Cotton 0.1ns, 1 McCright Corn Mm, 1 set Gin Gearing. Lot Rice Straw, I Wind MIL Levied on as the property of 8. M. RemrHcrlia a* the suit or Bull ft Scot ill. Also One tract of Land containing 4.? acres more or less, bounded by lands of D. Bull aMd set eta of Griffith, north by lands of Henrietta Shuler end ? ic Jonen, and one tract containing 100 acre* re Or lei.-, bounded by mads df Edward Smith on the North by Isaac Jones and Dr: F: W. Vogt'? Undo. Al?? (In Tuesday following ralesday, It the residence of B. T. Parier. 0 head Cuttle; 0 bead H?ge, 1 Horse, 1 Mule, l?? bushels Cdrti More or less, 64 bushels Bice, 60bushels Potatoes mere or lea*, 3000 Iba Fodder, lot of Pen Vines. Rice Straw, etc.. Household and Kitchen Furniture and Plantation Tools. Levied on as the property of B. T. Psrler at the suit of David Bull. ALSO Kjc jHtrt* J. II. O'Cain, Adni'r estate of John Mil ler?Petition for sale of Real Estate. By virtue of a decretal order to me directed from the Honorable the Probate Co'rtrt ef the said Coun ty, I will sell at public outcry at Orangeburg on Salesday in February next. All the Real Estate of John Miller, deceased. Conditions made known bti day of sale. Sheriff's Ofoee. ) II. BIGGS, OrangcburgC. If.. S. C., V 8. O. C JarV.-l,rl??S. j Jan 10 *d" M. ?LlVKR?sr TAKES PLEASURE IN INYIT ittg thc.Citiicml of Orangeburg to varl*4 a?d *len*selected aseert ment or ... MElrtC^ES, TOILET SOAPS, iiifi arfu PERFUMERIES. Heads bY p'nMtiaa, and nil in need of Mediciisteb should remember that ?<;. oliveros' drug st?re ia the place wb're you can save your Monry ! Musky !! MONET i ? >:. J. oi j vt m^s, it. w '.?y 2?ly Ch*BAr?i, and Apothecary. ou.\n?i;hvim- equity* Iharha/p ya? MqGflBW/ T>Y order oi the.CiflQUjh siMlac In Chan I> eery, I wl? nenj, tjb? IngbertUdder, mm Salesday in February no?K the arahm ?*ad ef the Estate of Dorcas. M^Qrcf, deceased. Tanna : One-half cash, bjdause on, a credit till Not. 1st, l&Ofc Parties renting to give sate * with two good sur?>4e* for the credje portion; bate with* the privilege.of paying all cask. % ftEORrlE ROI.IVER. - jan 23?td C. C. V