MMm'-'* V> 41 t ?< vT - Ii ?? ; . ?? ;fW v Irin . i *:*?? ' ti |n^i r . ? ij h VOLUME I /> ?1 ?.-'>?'. ??>-. SATURDAY MORNING, JANUARY 30. 1?69. NUMBER 60. THE QRANGEBURG NEWS. ?to?? rUBLISldkx \MOIlANGEBURG, S O. ?Srery f**t?rday Morning. A XDRR Br?Sf ug grass above ray grave. I shall not heed t hem where I Ho, Nothing ihcir souaila shall signify. Nothing the headstone's fret of Man. Nothing to use (be dark day's pain. ? ?w?aer or later the ran sha.t shino With tender warmth on that mound of mine; * ' Ste&er or later in summer air, Ctowar and violet blossom there. k. - % . " , 11.shall not feel, In (hat deep laid rest, Toe sheeted light fall over my breast, Nor ever note in tho?c hidden hours The wind-blow n brealb of tossing flowers. .???.?fcsaT i Sooner or Iatcftthe stainless anotta.^ ^ ?halt add thtlpnuwh to mrj mute repose; ' hnonw or^loter shall slant nnd 6hift, Anjl^bt-aw my bed with dazzling drift. t'hUl though the frozen pnll shall eeera, It's touch uu colder can make the dream That recks not the sweet and sacred dread 8h reading the city or the dead. t?t ** .?-*.. 4 ? i * . Sooner or later the bee shall come And till the noon with'its golden bum; ? Hsiaatrssr.Jater, on half-poised wing,. The blue bird's warble about the ring? King and ehirrup end whistle with glee; Nothing bis music shall seem to me; None of these beuutiful things shall know Hew soundly t heir lover sleeps below. Sooner or fatter, far out in the night, The stars above me shall wing their flight. Sooner or later by darkling dewa t'utch ?he white spark in the silver oose. Never a ray shall part the gloom That wraps me round in the kindly tomb; Peace shall be perfect for lip and brow Sooner or later?02 why net now ! V A ? I 0 U S. __^_I_._^ [rOB tiik OBANUKBURO NKW8.] Jlolliday Pleasures in the Country. *V* \.. . bui We har? chrdnioled the. fact of the killing of a uian named James A. Laird at Naperville, DuPage county, Illinois, by Chauncey Hai ley, with whose|;Wife the deceased had been crim inally intimate. A Coroner's inquest has sine* been held Upon the remains, and a verdict rendered in accordance with the facta. From tld" testimony given at the iuquest it | appears tha? Mr. Chauncey Bailey, the injured husband, raided in the western suburbs of I Napcivillc; that some three mouths ago one James A. Laird a young and not a bud-looking man, und .formerly a resident of the village, returned horn the somewhat fust town of Chcvetuie^whcre he hud held the position of sheriff of Wie county in which Cheyenne is located, as also the position of deputy United States manual of the district. During the three months since his return, aniuiprojer intimacy grew up between the ex-sheriff and the wifu #f Mr. Bailey?an intimacy which although perfectly evident to the community at large, was not known to Mr. Bailey until quite recently. At last a friond of the iujurcd husbaud told him of the disgraceful rumors. Mr. l'ailcy very properly commenced to in vestigate as to the facts in the case. So, accordingly, he immediately started off to Klgin, thj? - is, to speak more accurately, he told his wife that ho so intended. This de parture i'or Klgin, Mrs. Bailey was informed, would take place Wednesday morning But this part^pf the programme was not carried out. During the day the ex-sheriff received a note written in a feminine hand conveying the information that Mr. Bailey had left town for that day. Accordingly Mr. Lnird pro ceeded te tho house of the woman about 9 o'clock iy the evening. A gentle tap at the door, and Mrs? Bailey admitted him. Soon after the entraucc of Lnird, Bailey appeared on tht: ,round?gazing at the guilty pair through hole which he hud cut out iu the window-certain the previous evening. His wife aiu?L.l,alrd at the time were sitting to il lounge in the sitting-room, but [nto an adjoining bedroom. Wait Jew minutes, Builoy burst in tho ashing into the bedroom, caught bis wifo and her paramour jlajrautr delicto. Lnird attempted to escape, but the outraged husband drew a revolver, and before the liber tine reached the door shot.him iu the breast immediately over the heart, hive shots were fired in all. only one of which took effect. Laird succeeded in reaching the open air, ran a few rods, and fell a corpse. Bailey immedi utt y gave himself up, but the authorities did not incarcerate him. allowing him to sleep where he desired to iu the village. The cause of the above tragedy, or one of] its causes ( Mrs. Bailey), is u tolerably hand some woman, about twenty-eight years of age. She commenced her career of 1'rcc-lovo by eloping with a Cnivcrsalist clergyman. This first departure from virtuous womanhood was, however, hushed up, the erring woman ap parently becoming n repentant.? Chicagtt Re publican^ January IT). Co.MMKKCIAl..?Trade has has beeu lively during the ,M?sciit week, says the Wilmington Star, especially "'on the wharf." Turpentine and Cotton have been on a grand rampage, creating more than usual excitement among dealers. Even the croakers have been forced to gratify 114 with some of their horrid grins, ami reluctantly admit that all is not yet lost. Spirits Turpentine at ">0 ( cuts and Cotton at 28 (the quotations of yesterday) isn't so bad after all ; and we hope to see a general improvement in business at an early day. We have heard much recently concerning the prosperity of the Cotton States. May wo not hope that the "tidal wave" of rejuveua ttOU has reached the Turpentine State? Wo doubt not we arc as well off as our friends further South. Their receipts, being chiefly from cotton, come almost in a body ; while the productions of North Carolina, be ing more varied, keep trade, near the standard of uniformity, and supply our people with greenbacks, though in smaller quantities, throughout the entire year. In summer when Savannah and Mobile arc without trade enough to kcer a third of their business population occupied, Wilmington is doing her heaviest business in nav: ! stores. No city ttf the South offers greater induce ments to capitalists than Wilmington. We hope they will give us a call before they do eidfe where they think they can make the most money. Gen. Ho afd, in an address on Friday night at the emancipation celebration in Wtishtngtoo, ?aid that the colorod man had not vet got out of the woods, and that ho must have the right of suffrage extended to him in Now York nnd Ohio, for he was as much ontitled to vofo there as he was in this Bis? triet, or any of the Southern States. Ho urges Congress lo complete the work in tlint direction. Some Sunnier jDtvjs? Day by day the South gains a better tone. The people are growing more hopeful, and cor respondingly fltfottg. Through all these States: so lately furrowed with cannon balls and sowed with dragons' teeth thcro are springing up, and even budding and blooming, the beautiful flowers of peace Our material interests arc advancing. With pride and gratitude we make the rcoord. Southern produce is going to market in un told quantities, and millions and millions of dollars ore coming from the North and from Europe iu payment therefor. Here and there the crops may havo proved a failure, but a close examination seems to show that the fail ures are excoptioual, not tho rule, and that throughout all tho broad South the larger number of tilled acres have given grateful yields. There has been more heart in the "harvest-home" home songs than for several years, j There is even now a greater abnudance of money in the South than has bceu for many a long year. Wo have bcon gaining wealth, and whut is better, the stern experience of lut ter years has taught us to be economical, pru dent, thrifty. The great business centres of the North have been saying, in view of pro posed enterprises hjre, "There ia no money in the South. On the 28th ult., oue New York bank aloue forwarded oue and a half millions of dollars to the South. That bank is only one of many now called-on to poor into our coffers. Tho glad evidences are that a portion of this wealth will be used, not in dissipation, but in building up the waste places of the South. Wc have as we have said, grown more thrifty. In this general comparative prosperity the city of Charleston and the entire Stato of South Caroline arc, we trust, making a true advance, 'i be improvement may, to souse, seem blow, but it is none the less sure. With more money-making, come other and ^. cat improvements. In Government matters wc are becoming more stable, and in tho mat ter of general education we are certainly reach ing a higher plane. We have it is true, some drawbacks, some difficulties. Cloud.- drift up now and thou. Hut all the South is fast finding the sources of true wealth. Every true patriot should be glad thereat, for added good to the South means an added good to the nutiou. A HKiiMArunoDiTE.?lu Vienna, Cathe rine Hohanaun, a native of Bavaria, is exhib iting herself at the present time to the physi cians and naturalists of the Austrian capital. She is neither a man nor woman, a lusits ?o> tw se a case of hermapfu-otlisia vera latcrt?i?. A journalist who saw her, writes to the Vien na t*rrt?: "1 pitied the poor creature. Al though iu good health, and of robust, even beautifully shaped form she sat before me in deep distress and wept. Aud she has wept already a great deal in her joyless life. She loved a man for twelve years: he loved her too, and even proposed to her to go with him to America, where nobody would know of her misfortune ; he would live with her there and be happy with her. Hut she refused to ac cept his generous offer, saying she would not make him unhappy. Then she loved, dread lul to say, for seven mouths?a young girl. Both of them were greatly attached to each o'her, until the young girl finally turned from her itnd married, "from this time forward," says tho poor hermaphrodite, "I could no lon ger look at the girl; 1 hated her." Tho most conflicting feelings always surge in her breast aud torment her heart. She feels love for both sexes, and does not belong to either. "What shall I do here on earth?" she exclaimed ; what am I? In my life an object of scientific experiment, and after my death, an anatomical curiosity !" Proportions of the Human Body.? The proportion of tho human figure arc stric tly mathematical. The whole figuro is six times the length of the foot. Whether the form be slender or plump, the rule holds good; any deviation from it Is a departure from the highest beauty in proportion. The Greeks mado all their statures according to thiB rule. Tho face, from the highest point of tho fore head, where tho hair begins, to the chin, is one teuth of the whole stature; the hand, from the wrist to tho middle fingers is the same From the top of the chest to the highest point in the forehead is a seventh, if the length of the face, from tho roots of tho hair to tho chin he divided into throe equal parts, the first division determines the place where the eyebrows meet, and the second tho place of nostrils. 1 he heigth, from the feet to the top of the head is the same as the extremity of the fingers when the arms arc oxtended. A young man at Berlin lately lost 20 pounds of flesh nnd won a wnger by keeping awake for a whole weok. A WoNDEBF?ii Volcano.?Tbc London New? says: "It is riot in ere )y that Monnt Etna has again broken forth in la tff tiption, tntf that the mew outburst ? ebattnetOTiaeAbjtat.. , violence and intensity indicative of tho wide extent of the region of disturbance beneath the' crater, For nine hours on the night of December 8-9, the mourii?i? Iran vomiting flames and lava to a prodigious height. Stones and burning matter were projected from the crater, and so high uldlJothe of these projec* tiles reach that the sand and smaller stones fell Over Ari Reale and even, over MeeeHUk) or to a distance of upwards of forty miles from . the cone. The lava is now flowing in every direction from the crater, and devastating tie surrounding country. After the second great outburst, the eruption became somewhat less active; but that the mountain is far from being likely soon to sink to rest, is evidenced by the fact that deafening denomations still continue to be heard. II any further evidence were wanting of the magnificence of the scale on which Etna is now erupting, it would be found in the fact that the news we have received comes from Valetta, which is upwards of one hundred and twenty miles from Etna. We are told that crowds assembled at Valetta, to witness the grand spectacle afforded by tho burning mountain." BO Sharp Transaction in a Hortsfc Trade. ?Quite recently a business man who could talk horse very learnedly, audthought he was pretty well informed on the subject of horse flesh, swapped a small white for a cream-colored horse by paying such ''boot" as he thought gave him '-'a real bargaiu." shortly afterwards he meta man with u beautiful glossy, coal-black horse, who was willing to swap for the create for an amount of boot named. Our business man accepted tho offer very readily, paid the required boot, aud took possession of the coal black. Very soon, however, the coal-brack, began to grow rusty in spite ot great care in the way of currying and washing, the rtfsty tint increased in rustincss, when upon making "a scientific examination," the glossy coal black was found to have been simply another manifestation of the remarkable progress of tho country is making in the flue art hair-dye* ing, and especially horse hair dyeing. Ouf business man's new eent-blaek hon out to be his original white one, which he' swapped for the cream oolor.?Providence Journal. A Rkmabkablx Escape.?As Mr. Syb vestcr Scribner, of Salisbury, N< EL, wan on his way home with his horse and team, on the 31st ultimo, he observed a dog standing every few seconds on his hind legs, looking Intently toward the forest, and uttering occasionally a low cry. The behavior of the animal was so singular that Mr. Scribner stopped his team, and upon listening heard a faint sound, but whether animal or human he could not tell. Proceeding in the direction of the ao?ud?to the manifest delight of his dog, who ran on before him, ever and anon looking to see if his master was follow ing. Mr. Scribner soon discovered one of hts nearest neighbors (Mr. Robert I. Uatcheldor) crushed under a large ash tree which he had been felling. 31 r. Batchelder's thigh was broken, and he was otherwise so much injured that it is believed he could not live another hour had not succor arrived ; and for this he was directly indebted to his neighbor's sagacious dog. Mr. Scrib ucr rescued tho injured man from his perilous situation, took him home, and he Is now re. covering.?N, Y. Times. Ear Ache.?So painful is this malady, that we are sure every ono will be glad to fesld a recipe, said to bo infalible in its core; We copy from an exchange the simple remedy]? "Take a bit of eottou batting, put upon it* pinch of black pepper, gather It up and tie, nod dip into sweet oil, and insert iu the ear. Put a flannel bandngo over the head to keep it warm. It will give immediate relief." The New York Tribune says: "Reports come from New Orleans that the Thugs who have broken up one constitutional convention aud prevented one Preside ulial election in that city, aro now threatening to murder the Un* ion members of the Legislature, if that body shall have tho audacity to attempt holding Us regular session. Let us tell these rioters and murderers an open secret: Ou tho 5th day of March next, Philip H. Sheridan will resume command in New Orleans. The fact may be of service to thorn." A noted Chinese bandit aud blackmailer, Linsian-iuan, has been captured in Shanghae. Ho will be punished by being pnt into a box of such shape that he can neither lit d???--.-., sit, nor stand; his head and hands will pro trude, and he will be left exposed to sun, wind and rain, until he dies of oxhaustloa or starts* tion. ?i (>"fCitlOT>S The word "hats" occurs but once in the bible. ?cc Daniel fld chapter, 21?>t> verse.