p?ve;t&y. 1 The n?lljjoes tiottn^o^nvcr state,*'i * ^ As hero alone I watch ami wait. , Though f^ar from thee, my lips repeat, tu yrhlspcra low, goed night my .BWcet. , A?\ tJ'J *r>rt IV t.v **|-r/K ??>!?? v| ,<".'?!/ Ii The house Is- still/ buWWtlro gloom' ?VsUrl? gardcnsVraint'vrltn WWra',' 1 lean from out my my'darkened room, ~t:" And only hear, t'ie roaming breeze . Move Winy in the lilac trees. Somewhere!bcneath4hese gracious'bkies ? JJ'*%X^rr^ lo>c/arnVcamIng lie*, ?; vTitn slumber brooding in her eyes, i , ,vGo Keck her, happy wind so free, And kiss her folded bunds for me. w t*M>&; \*i f-AJr/fti rti ^tpUA.1 >i V*tto,v? ibVeybiH 111* ,: ., R A cross this dooiu,:pf; silent air,.. ? , On tides of tlotitinp cither bear, To where the sleeps my whispered prayer; ^*Tn$1rf5**nos brought the night forlorn, ??-??-? *ig.decp, hut plant shallow. 6.' Young vines produce beautiful fruit, but old vines produce the richest. . '6< Prime in uutuiuu to insure growth," but 'fpi, th'o.f?pring t? promote fruitfulncss. 7a-Plant your viucs boforc you put up trcl n'rrr ? - -.. . 8. Vines, like soldiers, should have good arms. ; 9* Prune spurs to oue well developed bud. for the nearer the old wood tho higher flavored the, fruit. 10. Those who prdne long must soon t limb. 11. Vine leaves love the sun, the fruit the Hhade. j? 12. ?yery ISafMini a bud- at ite btlse, nod ether a bunch of fruit or a tendril opposite it. ?^f?.j?Hjb'rTdVH' is &n; abortive frtrii bunch?a *lJunciivof fruit a productive tendril. 14. A bunch of crapes without a healthy ,.leaf opposite, is like u ship at ecu without a ? '.ituddefA?dt' can't come to port. ^?r'taterals' arc like politicians, if not ? ohecked they arc the worst of thieves. 1,6.. pood grapes arc like gold, no one has enough; : ?'The earliest grape will keep the longest, for that which is fully matured is easily prc itffjcpv fiae uew hat the druggist gently removed it substituting in its plnee an old ouc, with u sadly dilapidated aud rusty erowu.?Tin ftJfowsy citizen at Ilisi awoke, and after a few V /'?ho-hunis/' felt of the but which "was rather - a tight fit. Removing it from his head and taking a long, steady gaze at the battered relic, ho turned to the druggist uwl iuriuircd; ?'Did I ?leep-a long time?" u. "Ve*/' replied the joker, "a very long k 1.1: ''Well oootii>i*er5 the first. UI jihouhJ judigo I hatl, for vfheu 1 eawe iuto your store this darner] nlrl hat ww bran new?" hu HJjTinsl To t7ie l*toj?le of South Carolina: It was referred to tho State Central Execu tive Committee, by the late Democratic Con vention, to inquire into the di..abilities imposed. by reason of ..the war, upon a portion of our people, restraining them from the exercise of] the elective franchise in South Carolina, and to publish the conclusion attained, for the information of the people of the State. The committee iu discharge, of that duty, announce that they have examined the subject, and beg to state: 1. That no such disabilities now exist by or uuder the acts of Congress, known as the Re construction act, the State having been of finally deolaml to be in the Union. 2. That no such disabilities exist under the no-called amendment, known as the fohrteonth amendment to tho Constitution of the United States, the disabilities therein expressed liav HWIVefcuHJ tccptn^^oldi!T^;attd^ V?jt%|^4b*?W t/iLW ?*? C*'i.i*i?W'i?iJi 3. That no such disabilities exist by the so called Stute Constitution of 1808, uudef ?which it is claimed that the Stale has been recon structed and restored to tho Union. The undersigned therefore, anuouuec that no such disabilities exist by force of any law, or supposed law, or authority whatever; and they urge their hitherto disfranchised fellow citizens, iu every part of the State, to exercise their right to vote at the coming election for President and Vice-President, of which right they have been so long deprived by military power. Ry order of the. EXKCUT1V E COM MITT RK. 17as1ii0nablk millinery AM' DRESSMAKING. The Subscriber begs leave to inform her Custom ers und the Ladies generally of Oraugehurg Dial riet, ? hat she bus just received a part of her WINTER .STOCK, consisting of the Latest Styles of Ladies and Childrehs BONNETS, II ATS, FLOWERS?, FEATHERS, VELVETS, CRAPE, Sc. Also a general assortment of DItY GOODS und SHOKS, all of which will be sold ut very low prices. Dressmaking attended to at the shortest possible notice and iji-.tho latest stvles. sept 20-^1 in* MISS K. MAULK. J. W. PATTERSON, HAS .IUST RECEIVED U RY a O ODS, SHOES, II ATS, CAES and ERESII GROCERIES, cDC. j Also .l (ira receiving Weekly I T, L IT. All of whl-h is offered rery low. COUNTRV PRODUCE bought at the highest market prices. Give me u call. J, W. PATTERSON'S, may .10?ly Opposite Uull & ScovilP? R. C. SIIARP A CO., ?OTTOX FAcr?fos AM? GENERAL COMMISSION M EUCH ANTS, 15town's Wliarf, oct 10?lm - ' Charleston, S. C. A. is. wtiiiiilGA^r; COTTON FACTOR axij gexliiai commissi ox mehcuaxt, accommodation wiiA uk, CHARLESTON, S. C. I will also, when provided with funds, purcha.it: ami forward all kinds of Merchandise, Machinery, Agricultural Implements, Manures, Seeds, &e. oct 17 tl T. F. BltODIE. It. It. Hl'MllS'S. II. C. HrnoiNS. BllODIE & CO., E A (' T O It k s I Commissioii Merchcints, IVORTiT ATjLANTIC WHARF, CHARLESTON, S. G. I. ihr rat "Advance* on Consignment* in Ha ml. _.0._ ICefercncoH. Messrs. CAMERON, BARKLEY ? CO, ChurleM-m. S. ('. II. T. PEXKE. Esq., Gen" Sup'l S. C. R. R. Char leston, S. C. T. II. JETER, Esq.. Prost S. & Us R. R., Union, S. v. Hon. JAMES FARROW, Spartanburg. S. t'. Hon? R. F. CRAY! ON, Andersou, S. C." *ept 111 c 0m BOSABALIiS Purifies the Blood. For Sttlo l?jr Druggists I'.vootvborc, July 25 lv BROOK Ii Y X LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, Issues all Kinds of Life Insurance Policies DCi dends annually in Cash. Office 1'41 Broadway. WM. M. COLE, CHRISTION W, ROI CK, Secretary. President. HOLMES, WATIES & KEITT, General Agents, So. Ca.. Office No. I South Atlantic Wharf, Charleston, S. C. KEITT BROS. Agents for Orangehurg District, uug h '*m 11 KAI. EKTATjE FOR SAjLIS. All that PLANTATION in the Fork of Edislo. containing about 180 acres, situated 17 miles from Orangeburg, 10 miles from Graham's Turn Out, and 12 miles from Bluckville. Upon this place is a DWELLING HOUSE with 7 rooms, besides BASE MENT und ATTICS, built ju?-t before the war. I will sell this place for letM fhan one-half tho cost of the Improvement.*. Apply to SAM TEL DIBBLE, hug x. if Oruhgcburg, S. C. Attorneys and Solicitors. Will Ti-actioc in Courts of the Stute, and also of the United States, especiallyJn Up: Courts of H A N K R ? P T*C Y . ORANGF.THJEG, H. G. JA MKS F. I/.LAU. SAMUEL DI BULK, feb 2? * ly iOPARXKKUSIIIP 1 De TREVILLE & AMAKEE, ^aWMhIN^YS*- 1iA 4.aw, U Orangeb?rg Jlistrict. W. j. Dk TREVILLK, A. P. AMAKEK, 'Ornngebuvg C. H. Lewisville, S. C. febl I if FREDERI K FERSNER, 1 DENTIST. WILL ?K IN ORANGlSBCIta EVERY TIll'RS DAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. psf" Office in rcur of RULL SCOV1LLE k PIKK. npril 4 tf 33. 33ZltJKI EL, watch maker an? JEWELER, .- (At Store formerly occupied by C. Bull & Co.) oua yt; tit vtt d, % c. ALL WORK WARRANTED.. - ; ? _'. ? : U tf ORANGEBURG HOTEL BY w. r. tread wem. THIS HOUSE HAS BEEN NEWLY FIT jiii' ted up, and is now open for tho uccomratuhi JijiLtion of the public. Corner Russell and Broughton Streets. mav ? . f . f SiiriL So sco\aLL, AOENTS FOR THE Equitable Lifo Insurance CoiiipRuy of a/;ir ygxK, POLICIES NON-FORFEIT ABLE, Dividend Declared Annually to Policy; Holders feb 28 Id I?^VT3LION HOTEL, CHARLESTON, S. 0. board, per day, $K.oo. A. UltTTKltFlkl.lt, MttS. II. t'.. IIL'TTKttFlKI.I), Superintendent. Pi nprlt'l n-ss. dec 2fc PELZER, R0DGERS&CO., Cotton Factors and commissiox i?i erch axts, CHARLESTON, S. 0. F. J. PELZE!!, F. S. RODOERS, W. 11. MUCKENFCSS. july 11 irt jrt v'*' x vv f"*.- ??r* TJHEGREAT SOUTHERNT?NIC SoldEv?rywliiejce GOODRICH.WINEM AN ? C0. CHARLESTON, S.C. 5.1.t !: ?>nt JOHN ESTEN COOK K S NEW NO V EL ! f. J. HCVriCiTON a co., 4i>U MiOOME ST XEW YOKE, Have in Pre*-*, to l?e Heady in October, M O I I U jSr; Or, the. Last dugs of Lee on>l /u'.< /Wat/tits, Ry J. Esten Cuokk, Author of "Surry ot Eagle's Neat." Of '?SURRY^. of which MOHL'N is a Sequel, Ten Thousand Copies we. .? almost immediately sold. The new work is still in-re intensely interesting. Printed on fine-toned paper, and richly bound in cloth, with tine steel medallion head of (JEN. LEE. ami four beautiful ilfuslrations in Homer's best style. Either Book sent by Mail, post free, on re ceipt of the price, $2.2f?: For sale by all Booksel lers aud Newsdealers in town and country. oct :i ,';t 33 AO G I!N Gr, 3.103P33 AM? t i r o x t 1 es J DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, Ac. CASH paid for COTTON Or Liberal CASH ADVANCES made on Cotton cousigaed to Mr. A. J, Kill i it it m, Charleston, S. C. By F, E. SALINAS, Pept 12?!. ffolmes, Jr., Win. Wattn, G. P. Ktitt. OENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. .V?. 1 South Atlantic Wharf, Charleston! .SV.. Ca Will pell on Commission Cotton, Lumber, Timber, Naval Stores und all Country Produce. St rhu at tention given to th* Pnrr.husing of Stars, Planta tion and Family Supplies, Con?igmrn-nts and Orders Solicited. KEITT PROS Agents for Orangcburg District, attg M 2m ?'im. " walton smith,"^ COTTON FACTOR -AND CpMMIPSIOX M Elten AKT, Boyee ~ Prompt and personal attention given tu the sulu of Cotton. uug 24 , ? mos. U CHEAP CASH STORE!! WE ARE RECEIVING ?IM bttun>ni .1. ? L ..- ?, ' ?-'{?* OF DRY GOODS A XD G IlOCEllIES EVERY WEEK, And will guarantee quality und price tu suit all who may favor us with a cull. We will take in trade all kind* of COUNTRY PRODUCE ai the highest market prices, and put our Goods at as low figures as any house in Town. oct 1W?cly .KEITT BROTHERS. The Carolina Fanner BELIEVING' Til AT T1IK INTERESTS OF THE Farmers and Planter's of this sedinn demand the publication of a periodical to be be devoted to the advancement of Agriculture in the two Caro linas, we have deti-rtninrd to establish such a pe riodical under the title of THE CAROLINA WARMER, and will issne- the first number as soon as a suffi cient number of Subscribers are obtained to pity a reasonable share of Hie estpeus? of Publication. The FARMER will be issued monthly at $2 tx) per'annum; in advance^: will contain not less tbun thirty-two large double cohtuin pages of reading matter, hound in handsome rowrs; nnil in typo graphical execution will not ??? hi 1 passed \-%. wiry Agrieultnr.il Monthly in the eooa'rr. Ueing deter no ned to 1I0 whatever ene'rpy will ac complish ill making the FARMER worthy tin sup. port of the intelligent Planters and Farmers of North Carolina and Smith Carolina ; and desiring to introduce it into every county in those States, we wish to employ active Agents at every Post office, to whom the most liberal inducements will he offered. Address all communications to WM. II. PER NARP, july -1 ?tf Wilmington, N. JHEGREAT rOIM I.Alt PAPKR CH A RLESTON DA I LY N EWS. Svbsyrijrtion Price Six Dollars a Year! THE CHARLESTON TRI-WEEKlA' NEWS, Three Dollars a year- Two Dollars for Six Months. 8.-i?j~ Terms?Cash in advance. No I'vper s? ni miles the Cash accompanies the order. No Paper sent for u longer time than paid for. RIO ROAN, DAWSOV A CO., dec 21?tf is Proprietors'. ESTABLISHED 1802. Charleston Courier for 1868. DAILY AND TRI-WEEKLY, BY A. S. VriXLlNGTOX A CO. Daily Paper - - - - SS.00 per Annum. Tri-Weekly Paper - - 84.00 per Annum. The war closed with a large indehtcdness o by the very generous, prompt, and hearty support we have uniformly received. We are able to wait for the advent of bolter times, confidently assured that when prosperity returns to the land they will cheerfully meet their obligations! To all such we cordially extend au invitation to re new their subscriptions. jnn 11 dh tf HIIJJERN HOUSE, (?OUMI-ttLY MKS. MBDU'S.) ?J81 KINO STREET, Between Wenttrorth and IFazel Streets, und within (line minutes' walk of all the Principal Wholesale and Retail Houses of Meeting, King and Hague Streets, and the. Post Ojffice, Charleston, ?V. C. The City Railway, which runs to each extremity of the City, is within fifty yards of the house. TERMS OF BOARD : Hoard by (be day.$2 50 "* ?? Wiek.$12 00 to $1,1 00 Hlnrh Spahn ick, Mils. 13. lliumis. oet 18 If Ladies' Mutual Aid Association OF CHARLESTON, S. C. rpiIE object of this ASSOCIATION is to ansiat I Ladies who are struggling by their own en deavors to support themselves and families. Orders for all kind of NEEDLE WORK will be neatly and promptly executed for which the Asso ciation will h<: responsible. Also, Souihern Preserves, Jellies, Wines, Cor dials and Pickles, Sie,, are made, under its uuspices. and the Quality Guaranteed. For the benefit of our friends abroad, we give a list of some of the deserves, ,'V.c.: Orange, Pineapple and Peach Marmalade Priser A-s, Lnnons, Citrons, West India and Ogeechce Limes, blackberry, Plum and Quince Jellies, Wines. Cordials, Peach and Apple Leather, Crystali/.ed Fruits, Tickled Shrimps und- OyrtWi? AU orders for Work, Preserves, Ac, I er be ad dressed to Mrs. LEE. Superintendent, At the Depositary, No. 7 Chalmers Street, Churle.'ton. july 11 if Protective Union, . MERCANTILE .,.i Sid-if/, REFERENCE REGISTER. _.rT>n_ Xiih MKityiiAM's' r:iuTs:vTivF. UsiruN,.,or>gi^jaizcd; to promote utid protect trade, by 'enabling its subscribers to attain facility and safety in the granting of credits, Hnd the recovery of claims at all point}, have to announce that they will, on or ubuut September ?0, 1808, publish in uue large quarto volume: Tub Mkuciianth' PnoTEcriva Union, organized to promote and protect trade, by enabling ita sub ? scribcrs to attain facility and safety iu the grant fug I of credits, ami the recovery of claims at all points, | have to announce that they will, in September1, ISiJM. publish in one large quarto volume; Tin: M cm. iiANT.s PlioTKCTIVE Union MERCANTILE Hy.t.i kui.nck Ekuistkh,"containing, among other things, the Names, Natcuk or Business, Amo'?n't:| Or CAPITAL, FiNAXCIAL'KtANOIXo', ANORaTINOXSToJ Cueiut, of over 400,000 of the principal merchants,! traders, bunkers, manufacturers, nud public compiinieSy^njnoi e than 110,000 of the cities, towns, villages, atioWetiliiiients throughout the United States, their territories, and the British Provinces of North America ; and embracing tho most impor tant information attainable and necessary to enable the merchant to ascertain at a glaiwce the Capital, CuauacteU, and DttonKK or Cueoit of such of his customers as. arc deemed, wort by of any gradation of credit, comprising, also, a Xtictpajitr Direcion/, containing the title, character, price, ami place of publication, with full particulars relative to each journal, being a complete guide to the press of every county iu the United States. The reports and information will be confined to those deemed worthy of some line of credit: and as the same will he based, so far as practicable, upon the written statements of'the parties them selves, revised and corrected by well-known and reliable legal curru.-0,)for f hirh it iritl he for irrfrdeil to any address In tin- Vrnted S'c'r.'. trstueju'r !,,... paid. Ilolde," of th , $10 *h,ir/* -f fti) r..pi-.-l addition to participating in th>-profit*, trill reeeiv,. Copy Of the .MeBCAXTILE Rr.rtliKXiT. Rkoistki: fre. of chary* ; holder* nf ten tharr* iri'l he entitled tri Two copiet : und w#i more than ten thares nf the Capital Stock icill he nlfnttef?tti any one hj'plfemit/ i''? ? > . .Ill runiftaner*, ordn'*. or rottimanieation* rrhjlirt to the hunk should he addre*>ed to the Merchatttr" { rot>e tire Union, in the American f?reh?flye Rank ttnitdiny Xo. I2S firoadtray, ( Ror, 2,V?f>,) Xetdk York, uug 22 ?im Schedule South Carolina Kail Itond. ji ISBggai^ai:" sot_ao/ ON AND A FT Kit RUN BAY. MARCH 2i>Tit THE Passenger Trains on the South Carolina Ruii Road will run as follows: /?'or Coluthhia?Dm/ 'Train. Leave Charleston.'t*:*.:i? A. M. orangebui-g.,.'ij?lU I'. M. Arrive at Columbia. ;!:.">(i P. M.' Xhjht Train. Leave Chariest on. 5:40 P. M. Orangeburg.1-':-?:"? A. M. Arrive at Columbia. li:-0 A. .M. J-ot Charleston?I)ay Train. Leave Columbia. CtOO A. M. " Drangebiirg......{.}../..,.... 9:43 A.M. Arrive at Charleston. :t:10 P. Mo Xhjht Train. heave Cobunhia. u:30 P. M. Ornngchurg.10:H2 P. M. Arrive at Charleston. ?:!50 A. M. 11. T. PEAKE, mar 28?-tf ? General Superlntcndant. K'OTT\S .11 OATHL\ MAOA?I.VK 1 S Tili: OLDEST, LARGEST AND CHEAPEST IX 77//; SOUTH! SIXTH VOLUME I i \ -# ? ?*jSr""T^"S*? v The Publishers lake pleasure in* announcing that besides the aide corps of w riters who have already given a national reputation to this Magazine, they have recently secured several new contributors, among whom wo arc glad to mention Mrs. MARY E. BRYAN, the most accomplished female Essayist in the South. A fascinating Story from her pt u will be commenced iu our October number. We are now publishing, in a serial form, u His tory of the BATTLES AND CAMPAIGNS of the ARMY OF TENNESSEE. Also, n splendid serial entitled 20 MONTHS IN 1 NORTHERN PRISONS! Also, a beautiful Story, from the pen of one of the most gifted writers of the South, entitled THE UNDERCURRENT. We expect veiy soon to illustrate our Magazine in appropriate style. Terms: Single Subscriber, per year, $1.00. For Three Subscribers, or upwards- each, per war, 50.00. Any one sending us the money for ten Hubscrib era at above rates shall receive $0 worth of books, such as ho may desire. For twenty subscribers $10 in books will he furnished. Sample copies, sent on the receipt of 35 cents. (Hay* The Magazineis mailed before I he first of every month. As our circulation is general throughout the ??Cotton Belt," and also in Kentucky and Tennes see, we offer a first-class medium for seleet adver-, tiding. Terms liberal. Address PHILLIPS h CREW, Publishers and booksellers. I |aug 29?tf Atlanta, tin. IJKAL ESa^A-TJE FOR 8 A L E I OFFER FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS, THE following valuable Real Estate : A FINE DWELLING HOUSE, and improved Premises in Orangebuvg, on Russell Street, nearly opposite the Presbyterian Uhuroh Lot. Also, that DESIRABLE TRACT of LAND, on the Obi Charleston Road, about !t miles from Orange burg, admirably located for a Reaidcneo and Farm. Also a PLANTATION near Howe's Pump, with tine Settlement. Also 1500 ACRES neor; Branchville, improved' uftd unimproved, tracts to suit purchasers. Apply to JP. W. H. DUKES, July 18?5ia Ornngrtlnrg, S. C, ? ? i mm iii ?im i ii i i ifcii nil i-rimimmmmmiH ORANOEItmUr COUNTY. Mcltiuh B. 0 roc no, wife and others ") Fciitiutt fof Wt'.^ttlT n.lh ' Leareto Charlotte Boyck, et. al. . J Prate Will AVhcroos Petition having-h,-en mude io rno to prove ia solqnm Cpro^tUe W and Testament of Francis ?. lIMh, ?nd McrbSrT. X Oliver, one of. th c partita inter eat od; a* abs* a$4 vkhoat the limits of tin* Statu, it Is therefore orderedV that he appear at the Court of Probate to be holden at Orangeburg,C. II., for Prangeburg County, on the second Monday In ^'ovemb?r;,,Jl.irI#.tlt95^|S^?ar ing said Petition and proving said Will ftt^ffqyiy meat in due form of Law. . Probate Office,: l THAD. C. ANDEEWg?. Orau?eburg, R. " Jud^orft?W? August 0,1808. "J"-' >\*f. i\*b n?g 8 * 1 . ?\A'i**-> ^ \j bam ; w nWwfi?? i*' -i-pa ? Q-n>-i,it?X ?1 i.*i?a> THE STATt* OF SOUTHOAROXilNil^v In the Common Plena. -. Hoary Bi^hofr/^|Co:A) ?^TT^K^J?. ASK Bailey & Bro:" }-** ~ -. Wl/erefsfthc7PI|linHffs dir oh Ki%#TUi ?y of ApwU d?0ll,dlli.?*.irAde4*l*a ?t??s^tfj De fendants, who, .(as it is said,) are absent from ana without the limits of this State, and have neither wife or' Attorney known within tho 'same; ATpon Whom ?r COpy -of-imi*l IWIiLi-ntinp, py\y, Jhft iffiflffl ' On motion of Messrs. Izlar & Dibble, PlaintHTa Attorneys, it is ordered. That tbo said Defendants do appear und plead to .the said Declaration on or before the lfUh'day of 'Aprll^'Vrfifcn^lmrl^tlie year of our Lord,one thousand eight hundred and sixty-iiiue, otherwise final and absmute judgment will then be given and a warded againstikpan^ yo Clerk s Office, \ , . J. F. JtOBINSON, April 11th, 1808. /. 1 1 - ;' *Mft?CPW? .._up1_u__._ _ ii i?H lML THE STATE OF SOUTH' CAR&tlNjt, OK A NO ?B?Olii^^CC?, **! Jn (lie Common Phkik':** ta1 Jos. II. Morgan, j .:d;;&i ft&vr Attachment. Joseph l^ Bailey. } ' Whereas, the Plaintiff, did, on the JHtli day-of March, 18?i8, file bis Declaration against the De fendant, who (as is said) is absent tYom'and without the limits of the Stute, and has neither .wife nor Attorney knowu within the sam'e,?\h?n:,wn6?,ia copy of the same.declaration might be^scijcd^y it la therefore ordered, That the said defendant do ap pear and pleud to tho said'deela rat ion on or helot?> the 20jh dav of March, IttO'.l, otherwise final and absolute.judgment wiirtht-n^be gWcfi and awarded againat liiiu. -( , --^i! iit i^.^Lj,. Clerk's Office, I J. F. ROBINSOV. March tlS;d80K.. :/.::.? -i >?1* ,Ht;ij? ~d'ti^AtA* apvil 4 , '?-<#- *J* . . ._. . ---I?iti- ;.n ? r; ? ? ?.t-'Iv.?i-iiM.?.nt/^jt,.. TII ESTATE OF SOUTlL~|?A4i?h*?Ua# OltANUKBL'tUr- -DjLSTBI?T.J ^ -^ITFTKc*Coli?^^ Bitiley k Iiros.,JL>MBM?... tm, , W "??'??? Mguiust the Befendiiiits, who (u^ it,Je-?3id).?are* ?? sent from^und without the limits of this State, an I linvc neither Vifeyrini<: AtibrneV-kuoMro w ithin tho .-ame. upon uhom.n couv of the.said DccUratioit Yuighti^oVtwl?^ ? - ?? ?'? <**>*Y It is therefore ordere,I.rXl{?t Jf^?ttid iJ0*,^p,nJJ,rt do appear and plead to lue i?al'd 'Declaratxof? on*or for-: t?.o~,TKTrmr^yMl^^ ubich will b- BOBINSON, Or??gehurg District. \ C. C. V. ?'*???Ap'ril^O^lKW. ?bjjW'i. (I'.U'WtT liHf ' ajd 11 12 . In* <' 1 ? ' ?'? ? U? ? < mi< njmt tin. .?> ro-*e*ii I^KI ITI.AX1> MJKSEUY, AlTOtS 1 TA,M; u-?.\V-v offer, for ihe> ? Full;Plsnthjg. a very large ami superior sto?-k of Fruit.Trees, Orups Vines, Sii-awberfy^'pfa^?^, '?Bost'sIfKv$rgAmii7>''i)r mimenlal Tii,?>rt?uiL.Slirubs?/?lleddiiig und*tlreen> House l'huus..?^>f scnp*i^uf-??)dj vvbglvrfflpjCata *rij\& taLd:::rt*iU'.?WtrtT$ 'fl-^W^ii??;'^ Cornelson, Kramer ^Co., , .^ABI^AUE^Fqil,^ ^J^' EM PIKE STATE FIRE INSUR^CE Attests 5300,00(1. , Charterer} <[jny^ai| 81 j?.Q^jjp^ ?V;; .CO^PANV, i;r FOB LIFE ONLY. Chartered, Capital ?1,000,000. *^ A 1.1, SOUTH ERN COMPANIKS', oct 23 V ly lyOFFOUD COJLI.l'.^JE, ^ ^ SPABTASBVIIO C; H.', W CtS The 1st Session'Of loth' CollegiateYe?f'WSglns on 1st October, 18f>S. .Tho College has never- sus pended und the Course of tjtudy remains .un changed, but the Faculty now udmlt irregular Stu dents, or such as wish tu pursue Particular'Studies only. The Preparatory School under the.Super vision of the Faculty opens at the's'anic lithe. ' Tuition in College* and Higher Cla?f?l 6f Pre. paratory School, including contingent fot, $54 per year in specie or its equivalent In currency. Id Lower (Slawe* of Preparatory tsbhoul with CMttioo gent fee. $11 per year .in curreavy?one-half btfe advance. . , Board per month, in *a?rvanvc,' abont $10 in cur rencv. For further particulars taddres* sent 10?It ' A. M. SHlPP. Presidaat. _L_ . .. . ^_-*i.^_t_-?>t,.i >MVWii??..i^'j-. Tho Southern I|iHi|fStoro Dr. B. M. Shuler, Druggistv 1ST BKCKIVED AND OPENiNO A FBESrr Supply of DRCOS AND MEDICINES. Also Perfumeries, such as Extracts, Toilot' S?apH* or every description. A ftdl Bss?ftm5eht of Hair, Clothes. Nail, Tooth nud Rhavinj? !fr^rWr>t|t *f thf best qualities. '?'.*' " jai v m With a tine a5sortmc>motaiWthlr BAWVt^1 :''ll2"*T-*'f * , u Yon catv find anythmy genwaliy ke?t in? a weis Regulated Drug Store, AMI' of ?Uth is ^f^cnd lo-w for t bo ?'nub. Call ami see fwr roarscr*v?. w * r 7 ly