The Orangeburg news. (Orangeburg, S.C.) 1867-1875, June 13, 1868, Image 6

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AG IRCU LT URAL, &?? [From tho Southern Cultivator.] Co operation among Farmers. Editors Southern Cultivator :?I dosiro to onil your attention to a few items whioh I think affect tho intorost and prosperity of tho South. Among , tho first is, to unito upon some plan by which wo oan bo freed from tho detestable bureaus kept up in tho South. If*our country was freed from theso excrescences, wo oould enact laws that would boar equally upon white and black. Tbc negroes would learn to observe their contracts in ; good faith, and avoid the consequences of vagrancy, d?c.; and in planning our crop, wo ! oould caloulato with some cortainty on its oultivation. Again, oxort your influonco to havo jiidcious game laws established throughout tho South. We oould then render thoao straggling negroes to Bomo oxtont powerless for harm, by depriv ing thorn of the privilego of shooting our stock upon our own promises. Is there not enough generosity and phil anthropy loft, amidst tho debris of our once glorious country, upon which to build at least an independent and happy country ? I would liko to soo overy farmer resolved to pay wages to their laborers. Tho condition of our farms will very soon demand such a course as a matter of necessity. No thinking man can for a moment deny this fact, if ho will take a stand point from any portion of the South, and witness the universal dilapidation upon overy form?bants, gin-houscs, cribs stables and fences, all 'crumbling into ruin. Nor will it be otherwise, so long as we continue to give a portion of our crops to tho negro as his hire. All contracts havo failed to induce negroes to repair your plantations, and will fail so long as he is interested in the crop only for bis hire, I care not how cautiously or how strong tho obligation may bo drawn, nor can you force him to discharge those obligations through those pestilential negro bureaus of tho South. Further, I fear the univorsul use of improv ed ngrcultural or labor saving implements, foreign or artificial manures, will be greatly retarded, so long ns they are the objects of speculation, ns at the present. Can this state ' of things not bo changed to the advantage of tho farmer and the country ? Suppose there was an organization in every locality in the South to supply its members with all the necessary improved and labor-saving implem ents, manures, seed, and stock, to select an agent or agents, to act under a rcasouble salary, . whose duty it was to purchase those articles from first hands and ship to the county depot. ' which should bo located at the most eligible point for transportation, aud each planter,or merchant to receive his articles at the depot, paying for them only cost aud transportrtion. Each member specify all tho articles he wants, and replace, in tho hands cf the agent moneys cotton, or any commodity sufficient to pay cost and transportation. I presume the railroads would discriminate in favor of those articles. By this, or some organization, wo could be supplied with all tho necessary improved and labor-saving implements, genuine manures, improved stock, seed adapted to our soil and climate, and that too, at greatly reduced prices. We, as a people, scarcely kuow how to plant, much less to farm. Wo must shako . off the luinous lethargy which hangs over us liko a mighty incubux, adopt the motto, fewer hands and larger products, avail ourselves of all the hnuy improved and labor-saving imple ments, make what manures we can and buy only what wo cannot make and raise. Let every member of our organization communi cate, to the society, tho result of his plans, and the secretary of our society epitomise the matter and supply the Southern Cultivator with such results as mny be of benefit to the masses. The present prices, of the necessary means for our advance in agriculture, will scarcely justify tho planter. In entering largely upon this scheme, we must mature some plan by which the farmer may invest at uo risk, but with a certainty of succss. All persuasions predicated upon theory, to induce emigration of industrious laborers to our country, will prove abortive until wo establish tho fact, that our climate is congenial, nud our soilrcmuncrativo; then thcr cwill bo no necessi ty for emigrating societies south. Please be stow some thought upon the subject and mature some plan ftir our adoption, by which wo will be enabled to board, clothe and educate our children, and prove to the world that we can, and will, be a happy and independent people. Very respectfully, II. M. HUNTER. M. 1). Eu/ala, Ala., April, 18G8. We commend tho suggestions, of our corres pondent, to tho careful consideration of our readers. Wo are satisfied that much good would result, to tho farming interests of tho country, from tho formation of agricultural societies, in every county or neighborhood, in tho South. Wo should be most happy to publish, in the Cultivator, all points af interest developed in their discussions.?Combination, for tho purchase of implements, manures, <C'c., is also a most admirable suggestion j it would work particularly well at tho present time, when our people arc so poor, that few are able to undertake any enterprise requiring much capital.?Eds. So. Cult. Tho Paris polico have seized somo impor tant papers emanating from Mnzzini, treating of a proposed gigantic conspiracy throughout all Italy. Tho pnwors nt Florence havo been notified of their seizure and character. FIRE! FIRE! FIRE! INSURE YOUR LIFE AND PROPERTY. Cornelson, Kramer & Co., ARK AGENTS FOR JEFFERSON FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Chartcrod Cnpital $250,000. . JAMES' RIVER INSURANCE COMPANY. Chartered Cnpital $1,500,000. Piedmont Heal E?tato Insurance COMPANY, FOR LIFE ONLY. Chartered Capital $1,000,000. ALL SOUTHERN COMPANIES, dot 25 ly The Southern Drug Store Dr. B. M. Shuler, Druggist. J?8T RECEIVED AND OPENING A FRESH Supply of DRUGS AND MEDICINES. Also Perfumeries, such as Extracts, Toilet Soaps of every description. A full assortment of Hair, Clothes, Nail, Tooth and Shaving Brushes of the best qualities. With a fine assortment of Stationery, Inks, Lead Pencils, Indellible Pencils for Marking Clothes, Writing Pens nud Holders of every description, Memorandum Books, &c. You can find anything gonoially kept in a well Regulated Drug Store. All of which is offered low for the Cash. Call and Bee for yourselves. mar 7 ly hordinanceT BE IT ORDAINED BY THE INTENDANT AND Wardens assembled in Council this lGth day of May, 18(58, ? That hereafter any person found upon the Streets ?f Orangcburg in a state of Drunkenness or ex treme Intoxication, shall bo deemed a Nuisance, and Bhull bo Liable to Imprisonment for a term not to exceed three days, or a fino not to exceed SlU Ten Dollars, same to bo imposed at the discretion of the Intendant. Done this 16th day of May, 1808. JOHN A. HAMILTON, Clork O. 0. may 10 it Important to Lawyers AND BUSINESS MEN. The Weekly Baoikrupt Register, Puuliglicd Every Monday. npilB REGISTER PUBLISHES NO REPORTS I of Bankrupts, Adjudications, Meetings, Dis charges, Solicitors, &c, except thoBc taken by its Special Reporters from the Pockets and Records of the District Courts in Bankruptcy, s'nd these give, EVERY MONDAY, THE LATEST RELIABLE IN FORMATION of persons and matters in bankrupt cy in all parts of the Union. The chief value of tho Rr.ai6TBn to the Legal profession, is the weekly publication of correct Law and Practice RcporUfof Important cases in tho several District Courts ; cspcoial and particular at tention being given to the Decisions of Judgo Blatchford, in this, the principal District of the county. Inspect it at your Register's office, or at the Dis Irict Clerk's office, and judge for yourselves. Subscriptions may bo forwarded direct, or be mode through the Registers in Bankruptcy, or U. S. District Clerks. TERMS. Subscription per Annum (in advance).$5 00 Six Months Subscription. 2 GO Bnck numbers from the commencement furnished in all cases, until further notice. No subscription for less than a Volume of six months. Sample Copies Sent Free on Application. GEOROE T. DELLER, PuoLtsnBR, may 23?tf AG Liberty Street, N. Y. ISSOLETTE, ? _ r THE FEMALE SiPY. A STORY OF CHARLESTON AND THE WAR. BY J. WITIIERSROON ERTW. IN the issue of tho YORKVILLE ENQUIRER for the 4th of JUNE, will be commenced the pub lication of the above tludlling and interesting nottvclcttc, written expressly for its columns, by one of the most popular authors of this Btate. The principal scenes of tho story arc laid in Charleston and vicinity, and the story cannot fail to prove in teresting to all who are familiar witli the events which occurred in that locality during the late war. One of tho most painful circumstances connected with the heroic defence of Charleston, during its thrco years of siege, is to be found in the fact, that during all this tiwe, there were persons in the city, "in high Ufr," who wore engaged as spies in send ing information to the besiegers. Drawings of tho fortifications were furnished, weak points noted, and the movements of troops indicated as soon as begun, and the tied notified of the time of arrival and departure of blockade running vessels. So cautiously did these emissaries of the ensmy oon ducl their work, that for along time the skill of tho most eminent detectives was bnfllcd in their endeavors to break up the illicit correspondence. Tneso spies were tho source of extreme annoyance to tho Commanders in Charleston, and the informa tion they were enabled to furnish, often thwarted their beat matured designs upon the enemy. As a proof of tho completeness of this conspiracy, it may he remarked, that the daily papers of tho city where frequently read on boar ! the licet, the same day of their publication. The author of ISOLETTE, OR THE FEMALE SPY," has taken the principal characters ami inoidonls in this affair, and under assumed names, has presented them in the form of a thrilling, and well written romance, historic and imaginative. The circumstances of the story arc detailed as beginning on James Island, and in connection with some of the South Carolina Regiments stationed there. After many thrilling adventures in which the "female spy" figures largely, the heroes of the plot follow their regiment to Virginia, before the walls of Petersburg. Tho surrender of General bee's Army in 180G, finds them again among the Santcc hills, where the narrative closes. Persons who wish to secure this interesting story complete, should send in their subscriptions at once, as only a limited number of the pnper will be printed to supply future orders. To accommodate persons who desire tho E.NQUlUEll on account of tho story, tho following nre the. TERMS IN ADVANCE. 1 copy, three months, .$1 00 10 copies, three months, 7 GO 1 copy, one year, 3 GO Address, L. M. GRIST, may 4t Yorkvillc, S. C. CHARLESTON CA^DS. WM..3JTALTON sfir?T OOTTON FACTOR -AND-. ;? COMMISSION MERCHANT, Boyce & Co.'s Wliarf. Charleston)* s. d. 8?* Prompt and personal attention given to tho sale of Cotton. aug 24 mos 0 Holmes, Waties &*?eiti Jat. O. Holme*, Jr., Wm. Watiet, % 67. Keift. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, \ No. 4 South Atlantic Wharf, Charleston, S. ?. Will Soil on Commission Cotton, Lumber, Timbor, Naval Stores and all Country Produce. Strict at tention given to tho Purchasing of Store, Planta tion and Family Supplies, Consignments and Orders Solicit od. EEITT BROS. AgonLi for Orongoburg District, apltl 2m BROOKLYN" Life Insurance Company, Issues all Kinds of Li.'j Insurance Policies, DIVIDENDS ANNUALLY IN CASn, Office 141 Broadway, WM. M. COLE, CHUISTION W. 110UCK, Secutaky, Pukbi?knt. Holmes, Waties & Keitt, General Agents, S. C, Office No. 4 South Atlantio Wharf, CHARLESTON, S. C. KEITT BROS. Agents for Orangeburg District. npl ] 1 2n H. L. Jeffers & Co., FACTORS AND Coinmission Merchants, CHARLESTON^ S. C, QPECTAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE SALE of Cotton and other Troduco. Orders for sup plies carefully attended to. liefer to Captain John A. Hamilton, R. O. Stone, Esq., Orangeburg, Dr. Wm. C. Whetstone, St. Mat thews. apt ft PAVILION HOTEL, CHARLESTON, S. C. BOA7KD, PER DAY, A. BUTTEUFIELD, MUS. II. L. SOf Superintendent, dec 28 DAY, Kl.OO. II. L. BUMTEHKI PropriLress. H1XBEHS fIOl'SE, ft (fokmkui.v mk.-<. niiui's,] 284 KING STREETM Between Wentworth and ituzcl 19rcets, and within three minutes' walk ofWtl the Prinripid Wholesale and HMail. House:; of Meeting, King and Ihvnc Streets, and the Host O?cc, Charlestoni S. C. The City Railway, which runs to crch extremity of the City, is within fifty yards of ihi house. TERMS OF BOARD: 1 Hoard hy the day.$2 f>0 ii ?. week.$12 00 to $15 00 HKxnY Siwkxick, Mint. B. Hilbkbs. oct 18 ?f rpiIE GREAT POPULAR PAPER CHARLESTON~I)AILY NEWS. Subscription Price Six Dollars a Year! THE CHARLESTON TRI-WEEKLY NEWS, Tin jc Dollars a year?Two Dollars for Sir-Months. ?a>* ? Terms?Cash in advance. No Paper sent tildes the Cash accompanies the order. No Paper sent for a longer time than paid for. RIORDAN, DAWSflN & CO., dec 21?tf$ Proprietors. ESTABLISHED 1802 Charleston Courier for 1868. DAILY AND TRI-WEEKLY, BY A. S. WELLINGTON ?fc CO. Daily Paper - - - - $8.00 per Annum. Tri-Weekly Paper - - ?4.00 per Annum. The war closed with a large indebtedness on the pnrt of our former subscribers, home of whom have proffered us payment. To others wc have presented no claim, amid t ho losses and misfortunes by which they hnv?? '?oMyuwruli?dcd, having been spared the necessity 01 ilOTig so by the very generous, prompt, and hearty support we have uniformly received. We are able to wait for tho advent of bettor times, confidently assured that when prosperity returns to tho laud they will cheerfully meet their obligations. To all such we cordially extend an invitation to re new their subscriptions. jr.n 11 dh tf FIN Ali NOTICE,"?WE REGRET the necessity which forces us to put all our Notesand Accounts in the hands Attorney and Magistrate fur collection, und those of our friends who desire to save cost can do so hy calling on W. J. DoTrovlllc. CHAS. BULL & CO. sept 28 ly QOPARTNEKKIIIP NOTICE.? The undersigned have this day formed a Copart nership as Retail, Dry Goods, Grocery, and General Country Merchants, under the Name, Style and Firm of "McNAMARA & JONES." , 1 . 1 JOSEPHMoNAMARA, April 1st, lSt.y.j CHARLES R.JONES. april 1 lm rpo RENT.?THE STORE AND Dwelling on Market Street known as the '?WISE HOUSE," in n convenient and lihnlthy loca tion. The best known Stand fot Millinery Busi ness, in Orangeburg. Torlos very low. Apply to SAMUEL DIBBLE, mar 14 tl NOTICE.?THE BOOKS OF Dil. T. A. ELLIOT T and of Urs. ELLIOTT & SALLEY have been plaood in tin hands of Col. P. A. McMichncl for collection and stltlciaenl. In ac cordance with a previous notice oyr Books must be settled quarterly. Col, McMiolmtl is authorised t?> give receipts in settlement. T. A. KI.L10TT, M. 1). mar 11?tf A. S. SALLKY, M. D. THE CANNON HOUSE! (OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE.) THE SUBSCRIBER WOULD Ro Ispectfully inform tho Traveling Pub glio that his HOUSE is opened for " their nccomodation. RATES OF BOARD. Board per Day.$ 1 76 " " Week. 7 00 M ? Month. 20 00 JA8. CANNON, Proprietor. aug 8 o ly CARD. ryVIE FIRM OF H. L. JEFFERS & CO., WAS I Dissolved on the 4th inst. The FACTORAGE and COMMISSION BUSI NESS will bo continued by Wm. II. & Thos. A. Jcffers. The style of tho Firm being WM. II. JEFFERS & CO. Consignments of Cotton solicited. Prompt re turns will be made, ami our usual attention paid to tho interest of our friends. WM. II. JEFFERS & CO., Charleston, 8. C. ReTor to JOHN A. HAMILTON, Orangeburg, S. C. jaa 11 Gm SELLING OEF AT COST, NEW SPRING GOODS, JUST RECEIVED BY D. LOUIS & CO., AGENTS, feb 15 ly -? CHEAP CASH STORE!! WE ARE RECEIVING FEESH SUPPLIES OF DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES EVERY WEEK, And will guarantee quality awl prico to suit all who may favor tin with a call. We will take in trade all kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE nt the highest market prices, and put our Goods at as low figures as any bouse in Town. oct 18?cly KKITT BROTHERS. FOR LEASE, rpiIB FINE ESTATE known as KEITT PLACE, I situated in St. Matthews' Parish. The Estate consists of three separate Tracts. The Kennerly Place has 100 acres cleared and 200 uncleared. Tho Darby Place has .100 cleared and 200 uncleared?all fine Cotton Lands. The Keitt Place consists of 2,400 acres, one half cleared and in a fine stato of Cultivation. The Estate is watered by. a large Creek, which affords pood Hange for Cattle. Soil Rich Hod Clay. The Estate would be Leased all to one pCr?on, oi in small Tracts of 50 or 100 acres, |o suit small farmers. Fine Mules suUi wll!' thePltice on credit. The Kennerly and Darby Plaoca would be sohl desired. For Terms apply to .1. J. WOODARD, St. Matthews P. O., nov 2?tf Orangeburg District, ?. D. 17?>U SALE.?The Two PEA NT A V TIONS forming a part of tho KEITT EST AT E and known as "DARBY4' and "KENNERLY" places will bu sold, together with tho Mules and farming tools. For terms apply to S. S. KEITT, Care of William Middlcton, Esq., dec 21?tf Charleston, S. C. 1 7M>R ItEXT?A l.arjre und tout _J MOD10US STORE, lately occupied by the firm of ('has. Bull & Co., situated on Main Street, in the centre of business. Also the Upper Story, finely Plastered and suitable for u Residence. Kitchen and outbuildings complete. Terms very low. Apply to citcr CHAS. S. RULL or E. MARCH ANT. sept 28 ly rnilE IIIGHE8T CASH MARKET PRICE GIVEN JL for all kind of COUNTRY PRODUCE, Bees wax, Tallow, Hides, Furs, etc., etc., by EZEK1EL ft KOHN. , feb 28 y It 0R1>IAAllY'S NOTICJE.?AI>MIN istrators, Executors and Guardians who have not made their Annual Returns in this Office, nro called on to do so Without Delay. All defaulters will be proceeded against in a few days, according to law. jg?>jy"Oftico'D?ys?Mondays and Fridays. Ordinary's Office, \ P. A. MoMIGHAEL, March 0, 1808. f Ordinary, O. D. ? mar 7 8t Schedule {South Carolina Kail Road. ON AND AFTER SUNDAY, MARCH 20th THE Passenger Trains on the South Carolina Kail Uoad will run as follows : For Columbia?Day Train. Leave Charleston. 6:80 A. M. " Orangohurg.12:10 P. M. Arrlvo at Columbia.,. 8:50 P. M. Night Train. Leave Charloston. 0:40 P. M. " Orangoburg.12:85 A. M. Arrive at Columbia. G:20 A. M. For Cliarleston?Day Train. Leave Columbia... 0:00 A. M. " Orangeburg. 0:48 A. M. Arrive at Charleston. 8:10 P. M. Night Train. Leave Columbia. C:80 P. M. ?? Orangohurg.10:82 P. M. rArrive at Charleston. 6:80 A. M. IL T. PEA EE, mar 28?tf \ General Suporintondant. TO PRINTERS. THE Subscribers uinnfucturo Typo, Re volving, Double- uud Single Cylinder Printing Machines. ? RED AND PLATTEN POWER PRESSES, FOR NEWSPAPER, BOOK. Job and a rd Printing. They would call attention of Publishers of ] Newspapers to their uew RAILWAY NEWSPAPER PRESS, Which is specially designed to supply Newspa pers of moderate circulation with a plain but serviceable Printing Machine, and one capa ble of doing also Job Work of every descrip tion. It can bo run easily by one man at a speed of 800 impressions per hour, and by steam will giro 1.000 to 1,200 per hour, with out noise or jar. The Press occupies a space 5}xl0 feet, and can bo worked in a room 7 feet high. Weight, boxed, 5,000 lbs. Their. SINGLE LARGE CYLINDER HANR PRINTING MACHINE. OR COUNTRY PRESS, Is also a convenient and durable Printing Ma chine, capablo of doing'tho entire work of an out of town office. It is designed to ruu by hand at a speed of | 800 per hour. Each Machiuc is warranted,.and will r.ot fail to give entire satisfaction. We manufacture almost every article re quired lor Lotterpress, Lithographic or Cop per-Plate Print iug, Book-Rinding, Electro-typ ing and Stereotyping, and furnish outfits com-' pletc for each. We would cull attention to our Patent Sec tional Stereotype Rlocks, Mechanical Quoins, Patent Lined Galleys, "New Compositor's Stands, Cabinets of now designs and of all sizes, Standing Gallings, Patent Pocket Rod kins, Printers' Knives, &c, &e. Blanketing and Type of our own importa tion, and tnado expressly lor our Newspaper nud Cylinder Printing Machines. ESTIMATES IN DETAIL FURNISHED. A new Catalogue, containing Cuts and de scriptions of Many now Machines, not before shown in their Rook, with directions for put ting up, working, &o... and other useful infor mation, is just completed, and can be had on application. It. Hoe & Co., New 1 ork and Roston, Mass. f?y* Publishers of Nowspnpors are at liborty to insert this advdrtisemont displayed as above, throe times in their weekly paper,xcith this note, but not without, any time previous to January 1,1809, but no later, provided they purchase typo or material of our manufacture for four times the amount of Ihcir bill, which will be allowed in settlement of ours, on receipt of a copy of their paper ccntaining the advertise ment. may 2 'G8 tf THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, Ott AN O KB URU DlSTIUCT. In the Common Pleas. Boston Carter. Boston Carter. "\ vs. \ Bailey & Bros, j Attaoluucnt. WHEREAS the Plaintiff did, on the tenth Say of April, A. I). 18158, file his Dechira. ?n against the Defendants, who (as it is said) arc a V BOtit from and without the limits of this Stute, nn I havo neither wife nor Attorney known within the same, upon whom a copy of the said Declaration might be served: It is theroforo ordered. That the said Defendant do appear and plead to the said Declaration on or before the twelfth day of April, winch will be in the year of our Lord ono thousand eight hundred and sixty-nine, otherwise final and absolute judg ment wiil then be given and awarded ngainst him. Clerk's Otlice, ) JOS. ROBINSON, Orangcburg District, [ C. C. P. April 10, 1SC.8. J api 11 12 m STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, | ci<fttion Orangeburg District. J By P. A. MoMICHAEL Esq., Ordinary. WHEREAS, V. D. V. Jamison, Commissioner in Equity, hath mndo suit to mc to grant him Letters of Administration of the Edtatc ami effects of Goo. T. Irick, deceased. These nro therefore to cite and admonish all and 1 singular tho 'kindred and creditors of tho said Geo. T. Irick, dec that they bo and appear ifcforo me, In tho Court of Ordinary, to bo held at Orango burg C. IL. on tho 18th day of May noxt, after publication hereof, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to shew cause if any they have, why the said Adminls (ration should not be granted. Given under my hand this eighth day of April Anno Domini, 1808. P. At MoMICHAEL, O. O. 1). uplll 2t LEGAL NOTICES. i In Equity, ORANGEBURG DISTRICT. James D. Clccklcy, Executor 1 D. W. & IL Wesley Sncll. j By tbo decree in this cusc, the creditors ?f \). Wi Sncll uro required within three months froqj the dato hereof to prove their demands beforo me. Commissioner's Office, j V. D. V, JAMISON,, I'V- Commissioner. May 23, 1806. J may 23 8m In Equity,^ ORANGEBURG-. DISTRICT. } I James D. Clock ley, Executor, F. V.Snoll& M. A. Fair. By the decree in this case tbo creditors of ?. O? Fair, deceased, are required within threo months from the dato hereof to prove their demands before Commissioner's Office, 1 V. D. V. JAMISON, Orangeburg, 8. C, f Commissioner. may 23. 1868. J may 23 3 m In Equity, ORANGEBURG DISTRICT, The State ex. RclatfoiiO, 1 liill to Solicitor Southern Circuit. V Perpetuate In re lost Documents. J Testimony. Application having been made by.David Furtick to prove the existence, loss and contents, of a deed of Conveyance from Wm. Cooper, Margaret Cooper D. F. Cooper, Jool A. Cooper, and Mary J. Cooper, of a tract of land in Orangeburg District, and Stato of South Carolina, containing 104 acres, more or less. On motion of Messrs. Izlur & Dibble, Solici tors, it is ordered, That all persons who desire ao to do, may appear beforo mo on the 17th day of August next, to cross examine the evidence pro duced and introduce evidenco in reply. * Commissioner's Office, "I V, D. V. JAMISON, \, \ Commissioner^. May l?, 1808. J X mny 10 td In Equity, ORANGEBURG DISTRICT. Augustus II oh nun, > Harriet Holman, } Ad mn' - vs. Elias O. Holman ct. al. By order of the Court cf Equity In the above stated case, the creditors of the late Elias Holman/ deceased, arc required to prove their demands' be fore me on or before tbo first Monday in July next. Commissioner's Office, \ V. D. V. JAMISON, March 27, 1808, J Commissioner. rnnr28 td In Equity, RI i ORANGEBURG DISTRICT, Ex Parte Dcmscy Gardner, In. re. Lost Will of Freeman Hooker. On hearing the petition in this case, and' on mo tion of Mr. W. J. DcTrcvillo, Solicitor for petition er. It is ordered, That all persons interested bo' and arc hereby notified to appear at the Commis sioner's Office, at Orangeburg Court House, on Pri-/ day the twelfth day of June, A. D. 1808, for the? purpose of shewing cause if any they can why the" Will of Freeman Hooker, Htc of snid DistrirS,. should not bo re-established, and to that end to pro" ducc such witnesses as they may desire, and cross? examine those produced by the petitioner. ' Commissisncr's Office, | V. I?. V. JAMISON, Orangeburg C. H., J- Commissioner. March 12,1600, - J niar 14 oam 3m .t THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA^ OjlANGEDUBO DlSTttlCT. In the Common Ricas. Henry Bis choir & Co. y vs. I Attachment. Bailey & Bro. J Whereas the Plaintiffs did on the 11th day of April. 1808, file their declaration against the De fendants, who, (as it is said,) arc absent from and without tbo limits of this State, and have neither wife or Attorney known within the same, upon whom a copy of said Declaration may be served; On nation of Messrs. Izlar & Dibble, PlnintirTa Attorneys, it is ordered, That the said Defendants do uppear and plead to the said Declaration on or before tho 13th day of April, which will be in thi> year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ' sixty-nine, otherwise final and absoluta judgment will then be given and awarded against them. Olork'rtOttier. ^ J V. ROBINSON, April 11th, 1808. / C. C. I?. npl 11 oe3m 12m THE STATE"OF SOUTH CAROLINA, ORANGEBURG DISTRICT. In the Common Pleas. Jos. H. Morgan, ] vs. }? Attachment. Joseph E. Bailey, J ? Whereas, the Plaintiff did, on the QSth <fa# uf March, 1808, tile his Declaration against th? De fendant, who (as is said) Is absent from and without the limits of the State, and has neither-wife ner Attorney known withiu the satno, upon whom ? copy of the same declaration might bo served; it la therefore ordered, That tho said defendant do ap? pear and plead to tho said declaration on or before the 20th day of March, 1860, otherwise final and absolute judgment will then be given and awarded against him. Clerk's Office, \ J. F. ROBINSON, March 28, 1808. / C. C> P. opril 4 ly The State of South Carolina. ORANGEBURG DISTRICT. In tho Curt of Common Picas. II. II- Jeunings, Jno. T. Jennings, V8 F. A, Wileo* scn, A. E. Talmadge * ATTACHMENT. WHEREAS the Plaintiffs did on tho 20th day of May filo their declaration against the De fondants, who (as it is said) arc absent from and ! without the limits of this State, and have neither wives uor attorneys known within tho same, upon whom a eopy of said dcolaratlon may be served: On motion of Hutsons & Legare, Plaintiffs Attorneys it is ordered, that tho said Defendants do appear, and plead to the said doolaration on or before tho 22nd day of May, which will be in the year of our Lord, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Sixty eight, otherwise fiual and absolute judgment will then bo given and awarded against them* J. F. flOBINSONt May 20, 1807. XX jun 1 e3m4 C. C P. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, OltANOEBURO DlSTttlCT, In lue lMfttrlct Court. In pursuance of General Orders No. 104, from Headquarters Second Military District, the Mngi*? trales of tho District of Orangeburg will make a report on the l?th und last days of each month to this Court, of all Commitments madohj them dining the proceeding half month, specifying date of Com mitment, names of Prisoners and tho Offences for which they were committed; sidd Magistrates shall also forward to tho Clerk of this Court, all rccogni. sauces and other papers, connected with the pro ceodings against the Prisoners aforesaid, which, may be in their possession at the date of making tho reports heroin ordered. By order of the Court. .1. F- ROBINSON? January 8, 1808. Clerk District Court, bin 11 *