The Orangeburg news. (Orangeburg, S.C.) 1867-1875, June 13, 1868, Image 4

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$3 00 0UANGEBURG NEWS I? l'l'lll.l H URO EVERY SATURDAY MORNING, at tue "OLD TIME" PRICE. , Uwo Dollars teu Ankum in AdVan?e. 86TTIIE CASH-i?fl MUST INVARIABLY ACCOMPANY the SUBSCRIPTION. fl?T" Country Produce taken at Market Ratos. 00 $2 00 Wc resjtcctfnlly rcqnest our friends to 1fcW in their Advertism^evts a* early in the \ceek'frs'c*ti\tonie.nt ; and if possible, let us have thw, by Thurs^Ay evening.. By this means, ice. ifv'tV be able h issue, at an earlier hour on Satur day, ami will be enabled to give more of the atiost ncics, nj) to the, time of our going to press. ? lr-.a -x.-, i-?-?? READING MATTER ON. EVERY PAGE. LOCAL ITEMS. i SATURDAY MORNING, JUNE 13,1868. tr?==x===^cz^.-==' ? -^-T- t ,i . -r-r Successful Rescue of Burglars. On Thursday last, while Deputy Sheriff | |Silas H. Sydnor and two assistants was coin ling to Ornngohurg, with thrco prisoners under [arrest for burglary, the party was attacked on Itho Bolvillo Road, near the suburbs of Orango Iburg, by a party of negroes, led by Jako Uau on aud Joe Brown, who were friends of the risoners, Joe Brown being also ono of tho f- parties named in tho Warrant, not yet arrested. In tho melee which ensued, Hie prisonors es caped ; but two of the rescuing Jiaifty were badly wounded. ' Mr. Sydnor aud his assistants camo at full speed to the Sheriff's office, and an armed party immediately s?t otit to retake ?the prisoucrs, and take the resellers Into custo dy. ThiB party fouud and took into custody Jake Hunton (wounded), Adam Bookhart ((wounded), and Orrin McCord, (unhurt), who were identified as thrco of the rescuing party. In attonding to Jake Hunton, who was thirsty, Orrin McCord, with one of the Sheriff's party . was 8oht to a branch iu tho road for water. On reaching the branch Orriu attempted to wrench the pistol from the hands of bis guard, Vrhp shouted for help. Orrin thereupon broke 'and ran, and though called upon to stop, would tiot do so; and would have gotton away, had tiot the guard shot at and wounded him, 60 that, after running some two or three hundred yards, he was over taken. On the approach of the wounded prisoners, ;^^tho u? roiicuoi'^ of ?trcu>cd - Adorns, became liu l>le to an Wrest for felony themselves, intense i&titcmcut was manifested by n nuinbor of the negroes iu town, led on by evil-minded men jj among them ; but tho udmiralde eclf-posscssion j of Deputy Sheriff B. M. Shuler, who called I upon the lending ucgroes to assist him in pre serving the poaco, operated to quiet tho excite i jnent, until the prisouers wero carried to the Keeper's quarters in the jail. Afterwards, ( liowever, Randolph, who now appeard/bn the j Bceno of action, camo very near being sucoess J ful in raising a disturbance in the town ; but Town Marshall, Mr. John "Williamson, prompt ly attended to the matter, and through his in , strumontality, Randolph's noisy crowd was dis persed, and tho. imminent danger of a serious difficulty iu the town, was averted. (In the early part of the affair, the Sheriff telegraphed to Columbia for troops, and on yes ' terdaj morning, Liout. Connor, of the 8th In * fantry, arrived with a detachment of 36 men of tho same comma ml. A party was mounted and despatched as soon as possible, after the v alleged burglars and their rescuers, under the Deputy Sheriff; and wo trust the violators of tho law will bo promptly overtaken, and meet ?fetheii- trial in duo time. i-? Skillful Dentistry. Wo inspected a very fiuc specimen of dental mechanism a few days ago, which is worthy of :' notice. It consisted of a sot of tooth, in vul canite, with nn artificial palate attached, which work on silver hinges and springs. Wc under stand that the insertion of this into tho mouth and throat of the subject render od articulation distinct, which boforo had bocn quite impor feot. Tho work was that of Dr. L. D. Rad/.ins ky, whoso olhoo will bo found on Market-street, in this place, opposite Whittomorc's Factory Building. Baync's India Rubber Scrubber. Messrs. Bull & Scovill have proven ben efactors to the community by the introduction of tho above article lor household uso As n Hcrubbor, it surpasses anything wo havo over soon ; and iu these days of uncertain labor, it is just what every.cleanly housewife requires. It is very cheap, and simple in its construe ?>"v ? ' ;v tion j and has tho merit of being a Southern invention, being made in Columbia, in this State. Every house in tho District should bo supplied with one of these articles. Mark Twain realized Si805 iu gold from his first lecture in Sau Francisco. Wo are under obligations to Mv. E. EzeHieIj for a bottlo of imported Alo, of the best brand. Our readers will see bo rcfering to our adver tising colu'ntns that Mr. Ezokiol has opened a complete stock of Choico Family Grocories, Imported Alo. Portor, otc, at the storo former ly occupied by Messrs. Cbas. Bull & Co. A man lately allvortised tbat on tho receipt of ten cents Ire would send a splendid steel ongrnving of "that uoblo hero, General Jack son."; Tho slondid steel engraving" proved to bo a two cent postage stamp. - ? II I - Ashley, tbo infamous original impoachor, of | Toledo, Ohio, i? sending around circulars among his leading coiistituonla inquiring whether it will be best for him to try for a re election. Consignees per South Carolina Bail road Remaining in the Depot to Date. Solomans &.NaUiuns, H, G. Sheridan, J; IL Fel der, Gtipt. J. Tyler, J. D. Jones. In Accordance with ordere received from tho Su perintendent, Storage will hereafter bo charged on Goods renmining in tho Depot for an unreasonable length of time. W. C. MEREDITH, Agent. COMMERCIAL. ?ff1ck OF tiik ORASUr.nnilO NkWS, Juno 12.1008. COTTON.?Stiles this week nmount to about 0 bales, at the following quotations': Ordinary..'.. 22 Middling. 23 Strict Middling. 24 Huron Rick?Is hi good demand at $2.-lb per oubIicI. Corn $1..10. Peas ?1.20. GOLD. 8? SILVER.v.v.m....;. 30 Report of the Clmrleston Cotton Mar ket lor the Week Ending June II. Reported for the Oraiojrlnn-:/ Xewa hy W. WALTON SMITH, COTTON FACTOR. Cur market for the past week has bepn very dull and depressed, with a declining tendency in prices. The sales made, which nmount to sonic 200 hales, were >t irregular prices, and in favor of buyers'. In the present state of the market it ih impossible to give quotations. ?r sale JP A fine RAY MARK, "Five years and six months old, Thrco Fourths Rlooded, warranted Sound and moves well in Har ness or under Saddle. Apply to JOHN D. STOCKER. June 13 tf NOTICE.?The NtokhoJders of the EDISTO LUMliKU and TIM RUR FOND COMPANY are requested to meet at Orangeburg Court House ou Saturday the 27th hist. J. It, MILHOUSE, June 13?2t* : President. Horst] 'stolen?$25 n ewar o. Stolen from the Subscriber's Plantation near George's Station on the S. C. R. R., a GRAY HORSE about 7 years old. Said Horse has a lump on oue of bis foro feet just above tho hoof caused from a cut. His back is pretty much used up from hard riding, and euch hip is bruised from rolling. Tho nbovc Reward will be paid for any information leading to his recovery. Address W. W. II AR LEY, juno 13?tf - ? Gcorgo's Station. DISSOLUTION. fTlHE FIRM OF ADDEN & 110LIVER IS THIS I day Dissolved by mutual consent. All.persons indebted to the same will make payment to J. F. Addcn. J F. AHDEN, GEORGE BOLIVAR. Orangeburg, S. C, June S, IS?8. THE SUBSCRIBER RESPECTFULLY Returns his thanks to bis old friends ami customers, and still solicits their patronage. He will continue to keep up the same business was heretofore carried on by the above firm. Constantly on bond a well selected stock of Roots and Shoes. Also will imtke to order at the shores! notice tlie last mentioned articles low for cash, june 13?tf J. F. ADDEN. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITKD STATES?for tiik District of South Carolina?In tub Mattf.r of Nathan W. Sai.i.kv, Bankrupt?In Rankiu ttcv.?To Whom it m a Y Concern.?The undersigned hereby tico of his appointment as Assignee of Nathan W. Salley, in the District of Orangeburg and Stute of South Carolina, within said District, who has been adjudged a bankrupt upon his own petition, by tho District Court of said D is; riot. Dated at Orangeburg C. IL, tho 11th day of Juno A. I)., 1808 june 13?3t P. V. DIBBLE, Assignee. TN llic District Court of the United STATES?Fob tiik District o* South Caro lina?In tub Mattp.ii of Ai.hkrt A. Siiumakkr, Bankrupt?In Bankruptcv?To Whom it may Conckrn.?Ti:c undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as Assignee of Albert A. Shuniak er, in the District of Orangeburg and State of South Carolina, within said District, who has been ad .judged-ii bankrupt upon his own petition, by the District Court of said District. Dated lit Orangeburg C. II. the 11th day of June A. D. 18(i8. juno 13r-3l P. V. DIBBLE, Assignee. Commissioner's Sales, STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. Orakoruuru District. V. D. V. Jamison. Com' ?ill for Foreclosure S. M. Kciuincrlin. By order of the Court in tlie above stated case, will lie sold on the f?ll day of July next, before the Court House in Orangeburg. all that tract, or parcel of Land containing five hundred and sixteen (610) acres more or less, bounded north and northwest by hinds (if Henry Mooror, east and northeast by lands of John L. Moorer und estate lands of F. M. Mooror, west and southwest by lands of John II. Pooser. Also one other tract containing three bundled and ten (810) acres more or less, bounded by lauds of Joseph Fersiicr, David Forsncr and John Rick cnb.'uker. Conditions of sale?Cash?purchasers to pay for titles und stamps. Commissioner's Oflico, \ V. D. V. JAMISON, Orangeburg C. II. I Commissioner. June 2, 180H J jun*fl ?d rnilE13ATOERSICtNEI> HEREBY Ol VKS I Notice to his friends anil patrons, that lie has moved his Htoek of goods to tho store previously oc cupied by J. B. PHELPS. He hopes to bo able to giro entire sutisfaotion to all and sec him. juno 8 ly F. H. \V. BRIGG MANN. jCE SODA WATER AT THE POST OFFICE. Sheriffs Sales. By virtuo of sundry writs of fi. fa., to mo directed I will soli to the highest bidder, at Ornngcburg OouvtJ House, on the first Monday in July next, 'for cfish tho following property vis : One trnct of Land containing 200 noros moro or Iohp, also 70 acres moro or Iosb. Levied on as the property of John lluir, at the Htiit of James D. Ulockley, Executor of L. E. Cooncr. SherifTs Office, "1 J. W. II. D?KES, Orangeburg C. II., S. C, [ S. O. D. Juno 12> 1808. J ; June 18 ' . td ~~TSSI?NEES SALE. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OP THE UNITED States?District of South Carolina?In the mit tel- of Chnrles R. Thomson,. Bankrupt-, ex parle Fr?ser & Pill, ex parte Wm. M. Hutson ct. ttl.? In Bankruptcy. By virtue of an order of sale from the Honorable District Court, for the DiKtriet of South Carolina, 1 will sell at Public ? Auction, at Ornngcburg Court House on the (5th day of July, 1808, at the usual hours of sale, all that Plantation or tract of Land known as "Bollvillo," containing sixteen huudved and seventy nores (10701, bounded on lands of Trer.eVant, Davis, MeCoru. Geiger, Moyo and the Coilgiircc River. Also the right, title and interest of aforesaid Bankrupt, to a trnct tof Land containing fifteen acres, more or less, near Spring Grove, surrounded by Dr. Tabor's land. Conditions?Bellvllle Plantation one-half cash, the balance in annual payment* of one and Iv.o years, secured by bond bearing interest from dnto, payable annually with a mortgage of tho property. The Spring grove plucc cash. Purchasers to pay for papers and revenue stamps, june 1??-It P. V. DIBBLE, Assingee. IN I lso I>ist riot Court of tlic United STA 7'ES?lor the. District <>/ South Carolina? in the Matter of Barttet Livingston, Itankrupt?In bankruptcy?To Whom it mag Concern.?The Under signed hereby gives notice of Iiis appointment as Assignee of Btirnct Livingston, in tho Dim riet of Orangebiirg and State of South Carolina,' within said District, who has been adjudged n bankrupt upon his even petition, by the District Court of said District. Dated ct O/nhgcburg C. I!, the lit!: day of June A. D. 1SG8. june 10?3t P. V. DIBBLE, Assignee. 15 the District Court of tho United STATUS?For. the /ii*!r;-:t of Sentit Carolina? In Matter of Thomas U. Sal ley, Bankrupt?-In Bankruptcy?To \Vhom it may Concern.?The under signed hereby gives notice of hi3 appointment as Assignee of Thomas I!. Sitllcy, in the District of Orangebiirg oiid State of South Carolina, within said District,,who has been adjugiilcd a bankrupt, upon Iiis OWii petition, by Hie District Court of said District. Dated ill Ornngcburg C. II. Hie 11th dtiy of June A. D. 1808. june 18?Ot P. V. DIBBLE, Assignee. IN tho IMstriot Court of tho United STATES?/??;? District of South Carolina? In the Mutter of Samuel T. hlar, Bankrupt?In Baukrup.'cy?To Whotlt it mug Concern?The under signed hereby gives notice of his appointment nr Assignee (?? Samuel T. l2lar, in the District ol Orangebiirg and State of South Carolina, within said District, wlio 1ms been adjudged a bankrupt upon his own petition, by the District Court of said District. Dated at Orangoburg C. II. the 11th day of June A. if. 1SG8. juno 10?8t P. V. DIBBLE, Assignee. IN the District Court of the United STATES?For tiik District or South Caro i.iXA?In tiik Matter of O. Robinson, Bankuppt?lx BANkitni'tc.y?To Whom it may Conckux.?The undersigned horcby gives notice bt his appointment as Assignee of Dnisilln G. Robin son; iu the District ol Uiilhgcburg nod State of South Carolin.), within saiil District, who has been adjudged a bankrupt upon bis own petition, by the District Court of said District. Dated nl Onillgebtivg C. 11. the lllh day of June A. D. 1808. june 1 :l--Ht I?. V. DIBBLE, Assignee. "N the IMutriei Court of the Unitet) STATUS?For tiik Distrot or South Caro lina?In tug Matter nr William W, Lr?ahe, Bankrupt?In Bankruptuy?To Whom it may concern.?The.undersigned hereby gives notice of Ids appointment as Assignee of William W. Lcgaro, in the Dlrfirici of Orangebiirg and Stale of South Carolina, within said District, who has been ad judged a bankrupt upon his own petition, by the District Court of said District. DatcJ at Orangeburg C. II. the 11th day of June A. D. 18(58. june 1:5?:it P. V. DIBBLE, Assignee. IN lire District Court of Hie United STATES?Koit tub District of Sonn Caro lina?In tiik Matt?.:: o? Daniel I.ivixgstg Bankrupt?In Bankruptcy?To Whom it may Conckux.? The undersigned hereby gives notice of appointment as Assignee of Daniel Livingston, in tlie District of Orangebiirg and Stale of South Carolina, within said District, who has been ad judged a bankrupt upon Iiis own petition, by tho District Court of .said District. Dated iil Orangebiirg C. H. the 11th dav of June A. D. isr.s. june lH--:it P. V. DIBBLE, Assignee. IN THE blKTKECT COS -KT OK THE UNITED STATES?Foil tiik District or Sot'Tii Carolina?lx tiik Matter op J. Lewis j Gibson, Bankrupt?lx Bankruptcy.?To Whom it may Concern.?The undersigned hereby gives no tice of his appointment as Assignee of J. Lewis Gibson, in tho District of Orangoburg and State of South Carolina, within said District, who has been adjudged a bankrupt upon his owu petition, by the District Court of said District. Dated at Ornngcburg C U., the 22d dav of May A. D. 1 08. june G?Ot P. V. DIBBLE, Assignee. 'N TIIK DISTRICT COURT OF TIIK UNITED STATES?For tiik District or iwTii Carolina ? lx tub Matted of Henry F. Sallv.y, Hanurupt?In Bankruptcy.?Ti> Whom it may Concern.?The Undersigned hereby gives no tice of his appointment ns Assignee of Henvy Y. Salloy, in the District of Ol'Migplulrg and Stale of South-Carolina, within said District, who has been adjudged a bankrupt upon Iii- p itition, by !hu District Courl of said District. Dated nl Orangoburg <'. II., (he 22d ihiv of Mav A. D., 1808. june 0?81 P. V. DIBBLE, Assignee IS TIIK DISTRICT COB:8!'?' Ol' THE UNITED STATES? Foil tub District <>r Soi tu CauolIna - I n tiu: Matted or Km * C. Salley, Bankrupt?In DankIiiptcy- To Whom it may ( onerr.:;.?-The undorsigned hereby givos notice of Iiis appointment its Assignee of Ktifus C. Stilley, in the District of Oi'itngebtirg and Stale of South Carolina, within said District, iVho has been adjudged a bankrupt upon hi- own petition, by the District Court <-i said District. Dated nl I 'range!.ore (' IL, the 22(1 day of May A. D. 1808. june 0?8t P. V. DIBBLE, Assignee. N TIIK DISTRICT COURT OE' THE UNITED STATES?Foil Tin: District or South Carolina?lx the Matted of Anobew J. Evans, Bankrupt- -In Bankruptcy?To Whom it may Concern,?The undorsigncd hereby gives no tice of his appointment as Assignee of Andrew J, Evans,in the District of Ornngcburg and Stale of South Carolina, within said District, who has been adjudged n bankrupt upon his own pot it ion, by I he District Courl of said District. Dated at Orangebiirg 0. II., the 22d day of May A. I). 18 .8. juno 0?I'.t P. V. DIBBLE, Assignee. NOTICE.--- A Tili I'KKKOXN WHO left Papers in the Clerk's Ollico to be Record ed prior to April loth, IHt-is, arc requested to call for them at once, nu they arc ready for Delivery. J. F. ROBINSON, Iteglster. Will, for the Future be Found -AT CHARLES BULL & GO'S. OLD STAND. JUST RECEIVED AND FOR SALE LOW FOR CASH OB, BARTER A FULt SUPPLY OF COFFEE, SUGAR, MOLASSES, CHEESE, TOBACCO, BACON AAD OTHER articles, usually kept iri that line. ALSOT a full assortment or the celebrated LANDRETHS' WINTER CABBAGE SEED, Warronted Fresh. Will always kcop on hand fresh Butter, Wine, Water, and Soda Crackers. J&6^- At the request of Physicians, will always have on band, Genuine Imported English, ALE and PORTER, for Mediciual Us*. may 23 k oy. IILL LMOVILL CONTINUE THEIR TRADE WITHOUT CHANGE OF BUSINESS, FOR THE NEXT AYING JUST RECEIVED, AND NOW OPENING A FULL AND ENTIRELY NEW STOCK OF GOODS In every Branch,-which has been carefully Selected, together with a largo Consignment of PRINTS, DRESS GOODS, BLEACH AND BROWN SHEETINGS & SHIRTINGS, OSNABURGS, STRIPES AND YARN at Factory Price?. Special attention is called to our Slock <>f GROCERIES, A. B and C SUGARS, at Refinersi Prices, FLOUR Fre*h Ground nt the Mills in Whole, Half und Quarter Sacks, BACON, LARD, OILS, FISH, kc. Just roceiveda Superior Lot of SMOKING TOBACCO, the PRIDE or the WORLD?Try it JUST RECEIVED a Lot of Fresh and Genuine Seeds embracing Rutubagns, (English and American), together with the Norfolk, Clobe, Flat Ducb, lied Top, &c., (fx*. Also a lot of Cabbage Seed fur Fall aud Winter; including the Green Glaze, the most popular of all Cab bage. "Y^ri: A1?E STILL 1N T,IK MARKET FOR TIIB>PURCHASE OF COTTON, RICE, PEAS, FINDERS. F.CGS, rOTTL'IRY, POTATOES; .".rtd nil kinds of PRODUCE, nil of which shall have our prompt at tont ion. m We 3re sole Agents for BAYNES' RUBBER SCRUBBER, a Now Invention. Call and "see tlfmi. BULL & SCOYILL. fob *J3l THOMAS RAY rTS STILL TO BE FOUND AT THE LATE STAND OF HAY & BE?U Prepared C do nil hinds of REPA 1 RING and BUILDING NEW WAGONS. RUG GI ES built to onjer. BLACKSMITH WORK IN GENERAL attended to, with promptness and 1; > patch. IRO& of nil Kinds constantly oh hand, and for sale at Charleston prices, freight added. I'LOWSayl SWEEPS mndo to order. From this date. I will keep constantly on hand READY MADE COFFINS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, FROM THE FINEST TO THE CHEAPEST VARIETIES. Charges as moderate n.> the times will admit. VAKN1SIIKS avd PAINTS constantly on band. Also MANHATTEN AXLE CREASE, for greasing Wagon and Buggy Axles, &e., or sale at low ratei sept 28?lye THOMAS RAY. IWOULD RESPECTFULLY INFORM THE CITIZENS OF ORANGEBURG AND THE ADJOINING Districts I hut 1 urn still at my Old Stand, ready to do any work in my luio at the Shortest Notioo. I have on hand several New und Second hand CARRIAGES mid BUGGIES, also twt WAGONS, one I Horse and one }. ?ALSO? I have established a LUMBER YARD and will keep constantly on hand HOARDS, SCANTLING, &e., of ull loads usually in demand, an.l can fill all Orders with Despatch. M3' Cotton (has and Press arc in perfect order, und ready to GIN on TOLL for all those who may favor mo with thrir Cotton the coining Season. Two 5(1? Two 40 and One 45 SAW GINS. OHE IMEUS?LL'S COTTON PEESS. BEADSTEADS of Various Kinds. I I A RPIN RIG as. ajlg ?A I.V TAILOR SHOP. rn'.mh sunsciimuits would it kspkct fully cnll Ijjiu tittotit i?>n of I licit' frioiuls and cus tomers t<> tho^r New Tailor Shop, whore I hey are prepared lu ?Iii tvork with Neatness hud Disputed. We can ho found ut all times opposite Messrs. Chas. Dull & Co., on Kicsoll Si-ecl. .1 vs. CANNON, mar 'jh?:'.m I). w. uomnson. rii b>. woli'm has .m:sT iu: J 9 0K1VK1) :. fresh supply of Onolco Family Groceries, ami (JiMon's XXX Whiskey. Very low for Cash. OTIC;i:.-.iH ?ho Executions lor Poor 'fax nie in my olHoo, and parties inte rested will do well to cull at once und set 11 e and nov 18 0 save COSt, j: n 11?If .1. w. 11. uukus, Slier in* STATU OP SOUTH CAROLINA, 1 .. Ornngelmrg District. } tl,!,,,on 15y \\ A. McMlCIIAEL, Esq., Ordinary. Whereas, P. W, Fairey linth made suit to mo to grant Iii in Letters of Administration, of the Estate nnd clfecta of Jesse Patrick, deceased. These nr.' therefore to cito and admonish nil nnd , singular the kiiulrod nnd Creditors of the said , JosSo Patrick, deceased, that tliey he and appear I hofoi'o mc in the Court of Ordinary, to he held at I Ornngcbtlrg c. II., on the ICtli day of Juno insl., nfior ptlhlicntiori hereof, at 11 o'clock in the '? forenoon, to shew cause if nny they have, why the ; said Administration should not he grunted. Oiven under my hand this 1st day of June Anno Domini, ltfliS. P. A. MoMICHAEL, jtmo ti?2t 0. O. D. HOUSEKEEPERS IF YOU WANT to purchase yoitr Goods at Charleston Cost I Prices, go *0 nov 10 t: D. WOLFES. A White Man's Barber Shop. TUB UNDERSIGNED, having procured a first class BARBER from Charleston, has opened a Bar ber Shop in the 'Basement of the CANNON HOUSE, for the occomodafion of Iii? friends. Satisfaction guaranteed. mar 80?ly JAMES CANNON. -.-.?,-? - jpitESII ?1 III ST AN? MEili, .Received Weekly. FRESlt GROCERIES just resolved, consisting of Bavon, Lord. Flour, Salt, Molasses, Sugar, Coffee, Crackers, Herrings, Mackerel, &c, &c. Alsoa'fino lot of Tobacco which is offered cheap for cash or Barter. . ..?,+ ALSO . ; Receiving every week direct from Charloston Fresh Fruits of every .description. Also Candies of all kinds. All of the abovo is offered low for cash. Call und see for yourselves 'i> nt J, W. PATTERSON'S, raiVy go?ly Opposite Bull If. ScovillV McNamara & Jones, HAVE JUST RECEIVE!) New Spring ami ftuuimer Sly'lcB or " ', - -'s Cloths, Cassimere?, Linans, &c; Ladies Dress Goods lit GREAT VARIETY. CALICOES, ?yc, which will be sold Low For Cash. Fresh Family Groceries, Of ull kinds c?hslabtly on hnnd at may 23?tf MrNAMARA & JONES'. _:., ? :.':)-_ DR. OLIVEROS OFFERS TO THE CITIZENS OF OR* >angeburg District, a varied and well se lected itssortment of MEDICINES, TOI LET SOAR, FEFUMERIES and Proprie tary Articles. Encouraged by the continued patronage of hia friends in the District, he assures thuni tlint no ef fort will be spared in continuing his DRUG STORK u District convenience. All SURGICAL, DENTAL and OBSTETRICAL INSTRUMENTS, not on Initt?- 'will be ordered from the Best Makers, without extra charge. '. . Country Merchants can buy their supplies from mo on ao good terms as in New York. Heads of families, and all in need of Medicines should remember that Dr. OLIVEROS' ? DRUG STORE, is the place where vou can savo your mon ey ! mosey! ? MONEY!!! dr. oliveeos' CHILL and FEVER CURE?A Safe, Speedy, nnd Certain Remedy for Fever and Ague, or Chill and Fever. E J. OLIYEROS, M. D> may 2 ly FLOUR! FLOUR!! FLOUR!!! EXTRA NORT.ti CAROLINA FLOUR IN SACKS at low prices. Orders will bo received from the trade, and filled at lower rates than in Charles ton. CORN ! CORN ! ! CORN lit A lot of Prime White Tennessee CORN just received. SUGARS AND COFFEE?Cull in" and see the qualities now offering at prices to suit. "IITANDO FERTILIZER, at Agents prices $06 W ? per '1 on and freight, for sale by tho Bug or Ton, ALSO BAKER'S RROMA, Essences of LEMON, VA NILLA and ROSE for flavoring. SALMON and LOBSTERS in Cans. PATENT FLOUR. RAISINS, CURRANTS, CITRON and GENUINE DURHAM tobacco. At the Court House Store? Market Street, oct 19?ly JOHN A. HAMILTON, -.?-.-??I-sL?- '? > i Notice to Tax Payers ALL PERSONS WHOSE TAXES WERfe NOT Reduced, and were paid at the Original As sessment, will be refunded 88~per cent, on applica tion to - * G. II. CORNELSON, Intendant. By order of the Council. ;J. A. HAMILTON, Clerk. nmv 30 8t "\Yr ANTE?. ?Old Iron, Copper, Brass, Lead, Zinc, Pewter, Bugs, Dry Hides. &c., for which we will give the highest mar ket price. Call at L. RICH & SON, may 9?1m Next Messrs. Bull & ScovillV. GENUINE MEERSCHAUM given AJWJslY. THEODORE KOHN, ^gent., Opposite Cornehon, Kramer <f* Co.,' HAS FOR SALE THE CELEBRATED Yacht Clnb Smoking Tobacco,? In which Brand are daily Packed in different Sacks, orders which entitles each finder to a Genu ine Meerschaum Pipe. Also the EUREKA SMOKING TOBACCO, in which are also packed in different Sacks, orders' for an Elegant EUREKA MEERSCHAUM PIPE. Every Package of the above named Brands 6f Tobacco is guaruutecd to give entire satisfaction* rpiIEOOOltE ItOIIN HAW AI.K?f> j just received and for sale cheap, a.fresh sup* ply of GROCERIES, PIPES,' GARDEN SEED, TO* HACCO, Sic. &?: may 10 ly M?LLER & DAVIS. JUST RECEIVED NEW SUPPLY OF ALL KINDS OF A FAMILY C; ROC EC I EN, N. O. i'lour, C. Sides, Breakfast Stripes and* Shoulders. Constantly on hand WATER MILL GRIST. Also, a lot of very cheap BUGGY UMBRELLAS warranted 12 months, by Mr. JOHN DAVIS, maker' and repairer of all kinds of Umbrellas, Come and sec for yourselves. MULL ER &, DAVIS, no? 9?ly Bfoughto? Street.'