!Tw? Dolors tbb MNrUV..,?fll/t{A|iYroauc9 taken ?it M?rk*t Ruf?. ?* $?<*? tend in thtir\XoWftgtftn*ttn A^efrly in the trrek rCss. fifW.ii"" . rt* ,n*r ' ""^ '' ""'';!>inJBl?l?hjg? *?!?'.?nr?;v _-1??-nr* SATURDAY MORNING^, 1808,, AeK'ftVW:'Durham will $?t<* t?^crWw ng at ?he B??ptwt Church at 8 w'olock. The Elecjipii&Jp.itliitj JMstrict r I .1 ? :-l'Jb?ft-'.-?'?d? .5.' .5Po/a/. \ Orangebnrjc ami H. riunp...G4l{ ^285 826 V Fchlrr;. a,nd BraaakTlftp.....22n' 'jjj _ #20 \^*a%>^??*iwfw?w.?*M , \ Mi' Hair's.n..*.+4uil,.),. .80 , .1 .,121 . 201 t-f-t... i:,?..'! W4 f>06 ? -1450 At Orangeburg and Rowc's Poll there was a Democratic gab)?if 74 votes '.since the last election. At Ifeldcrs and Rranctmllea Dcm ocratic gain of 7. At Griffins, a Democratic gain of 4. At Hairs', a Democratic gain of 41. Democratic gain iu 'the Prccin A 131. t* ?fft *a|hi| I ? ?????'? I ? t: ? ? t*il n< r'l .t.f.viirf'l 'I ??rn.i.) .?; ?. ??. ? .??> t? I- > ??i* ?rfj^j(i^d;?ata?! ;Jl ? .i !/.W: !7Vi/at l?wVaVni*iVJ;;::li/.:U:U';V..:.:4oi?: * 5*, :; , '4f?? Waihinyisipfl.lVniinnr.T.../.. 78 . 4,7,,. .., '. ,12.r> AvivjRr:a?wov..i.i.jt 15 - ? ? i 8*J-1H04 CliffipUouso, Boukliart'n and J jijftfciG 0? ? j 284 1826 At LowisvlHe^'a Democratic i loss of 1. At W'ashiiig^tnn ^Seminary, a Dem.-- jjnin of1 27'.-^ At Aringer's. a Dem. ignin i}*. ? AtuCluh llcV^Cj lthokh?rt's aiid Fogies^ a Democratic Urn of 122; S The JIADICAh (?AlV in!Ulm i'reeinct is 5. ' ' , . if<>ir.ru?istf *?., , m Ttr.iir i , rVi i i :. ) ,t| fit. ?taai>..,.ll? 07 . . ~rlH-? CerbetV? and ItroKrn'H.,.......122 04 216 llorlea' and Tjler's............ 22 4:J 65 (ilvatoo's..... 60 ?6 166 .128 800 ' ' 628 al^iJlAjljh;a\lrlDanlri gard, iWi IAtMGbt bett's iuid Brmvii'n, Ddfh. gain, 39/ .!At llory's and Tyler's, -Deui. ?uiu^>20. At Gleaton's Dem. gain, 14. In tho Preeiucfc-,vDo*m. gain >is ? : v'-t' :. : \?: ??? j >y* ??' ?"' >? ? !*W'r5? 4"' .-.?(? -Il *i(J v'O X.'?iij ii lit/ *^ Mette.-^...,,.,....^;(. U ^7 Knott^Mill....j.v. 74 i T4. U8 JJatnWon*? and KtHon'i.^.178 < 87 210 ^d^tfro^.:::^..:!;.....^ -nr' ?? ? )k ?| ?'* ? ' . <5.r>7 . -287 .8W _XAt Fort Motte Dom. loss, 10. At talofta*. .^4 Kl Dem. hott'a Dem. gain. 23. At Ze?gJer i gain, 18, At Cedar Grove, Dem. loss. 57. DeniocratJe g?n iy ttkis Preetnct. 51. It ????tjf 1 would havo .beeiji Ifa?jt a hundred : but - ? ? J.ajKiiii?n' . ? Fort Motte *^nc ^.e^i p/ thc( Precinct, and Cedar Groye .at ,tVie stiver, were fast asleep. **t> if'c. nit . /. , ;^^l^tVl3id??ai; vote1, 2871.. Dcmocrat .w;?'{13Jf. ?^dlktoic?1' majority, tlUdieal ^JoriS/^bebjc^* gain '7 AVe would state, as regards tho Democratic ~ .?fflijj!l'?|,.1 L . Tote at Griffin.s,-that, in 'C^nK^cquence of its ?consolidation with Hair's Poll, most of those ?rcgisrcnld hl ?ViflinVv?tcd at'Avhigor's; and from all thsdi wV-j'ctin'learn, tho- Democrats o. Dair'sA?h?rMiif?*h*?Hft thufcrediifiif voting j ?TOoYe.t generally .than -those of any other Poll, ? ?yah* ?4t.>3tnu'J /iistil?!/ J-jv r". - ?itaii I Orangeburg, we MfiHuAf^ sneaks'in^torjns of high ! commendation. Old - mon, who (.have: not visited our town for .ff?tytpiftJnftfyw <^ b'iisiiiess,' c'amo but to vote 'ftr?'^^^it'^M?hc?. know of one %Btftt\a 1? .-fcii f* n ,. .... j nil tli ... who has visited Orangeburg hut twice?iuee the war,?opcq.to register, and omc to Vote, fiucli o, Vplr^/?fr''Vt'J*.j,?*t? ? South Carolina..i< -had > J* <%ritit. have taken the earn in hand, und we intend to [pul| a steady atroke, until the race is ours. ?r^^Jr^Jtt|mojPo |f J)|r* |tato i( ^m|? Spiro Spero. itiinir'i t'd r: '? Tl9irfml> .. >: . i/l Commissioner's Sale. Cilitatioii;:iTT A.IM . Jones. Or. F. W. Vet, T. Wi Hurley, Lil D.fimuke. In accordance with orders received fr6nt Iho Su perintendent, Storage will hereafter Lo Charged on Hoods remaining In' the Depot for an unreasonable lcnglh of time. * W. C. MEEKMTII, *'.,; A ' ' ' 1 fc! ' Agent. ?At bur rVW?.?*:.}'*1* OnASOKUttUl JjKWS., . pOTT.ON.?*S;des;thi.hweek amount to ahout (j halcjj, at the following quotations : n *b?MMri,'w^ ' Mlddline....'..'...'..:.......A. Ill..2.) Striut Middling.V. _>| Roruu Rice?Is in gojd demand at ?'2.')~) per GOLD. :!.r> BYrWru AM!? .Jt/AH. -if.tifc K..Stfl3? _ i Report of the Cfyni^esjUm. CoUon 3Lir * ket for the Werk Ending Jnne 4. Reported for the Oraiujelmrij XeA&i hy ?'WALTON. "(SMITH, COTXQ^ FACTOU. On Friday tho< *J0th ult., more Avas done in pur market, holders having come down somewhat to the views'of hayers. ?lt''?aVurdhy the improvement in th'elendlrtg markets ca'uscd'Factors lo advance tb>ir asking rates, which drove buyers out of tho mar ket. On Monday there were no buyers in the mar ke?, and consequently ftO a?l*3. There was sonic demand oii'Tuesdny which was aivt bt el&'fho'holders at rather easier,,prices. There no demand on Wednesday and n fuir business was done at better prices. On .Urnrtday tho nmrkot ;was very quiet) without any trnnsnctions. Tho salesJor t|ie week foot up some 800 bales. Wo quoto : , Low Middling..<...:.: 28 Middling..i.ilti} ? s p Htr\et Middling..........'.. ...i... IUI f f ? li i ..i int J",Vq V ... L 1 ?-.'! ... . .._ .... - I List of Letters I-y KM.VtNiNO in THU l?OST OFFICE UNCAhL ^ erl, for? .Inn ? 1() IHt'.S. ? ? Jb j i'.rown, Kni;niiirl. Ml'}! I'Enrol, Mr.'^ llailey Aillro. Homer, Orange. 0. Coffeys, Adrinnna T. Contncv, Mrs. Caroline. I.'ook, Mr. P. C. F. Fcrrell, Messrs. T. & W.?l Felder, L. E. J). fi. , . Cn lsflen, Cuft'ey. ,0 oulson, Susott. ' II. Hnrloy.il'etor. h . Hook, Marion. tiu ft.' *~ ..lw.d? j^rt Kitohing. Jako. \?li dfll. wL. i:issie able lo give entire imtisfuutidu to all ami met} hi;n. 'juiio!8 ly Y. It SV.-RRKJ(J.MANN. ?HEU 'The MQ?sli?r- 1?9Q9Q in ^Streets Li ..... . tof Orangeburg I . j ?i !?!*?{ Ii.-:)..', i_iua.'. ( Thui s?5ju , Jmic IHK. fJOL. C.l.\ AMES' NEW ORLEANS MENAGERIE, CIRCUS Ii '?Tri TUE T1U1UM.E CONFEDERATION*. tdiuoM il 'limitublc in its resources, and'more/gorgeous nml elegantly equipped than nriy kindred Kxhibition ex tant. Tin* Corps active numbers THIRTY-SEVEN AC COMPLISHED ARTISTS, "Mule nod Feninle rcpre sentittivcs ofthe most elegant, graceful, ami pious inj; Olympian "Sports, including Kmicstriniiism, Gymnastic*. Paqtupuinics. Aojro"3:itio?,^,'oristnties, und Athletics. iAnicip^(hc^Bi/?: /./:/?:. Madame Ehixa h RTJl, Mr. THOMAS WATSOX. Mr. II* Y.l VLOJL ? Mr. "iRAYls (!Al,'R. ? Mr. nrhh' A ?i: sm til Sti/nnr thum. Mr. /?:. U'lXXR. T/?- castiijjox hrot/ikiis, Mr. /:. uoomxg. Mr. ;i.\x/<(:/{? ? Mastee Fh'A YK. 1 ' ' ' " MasUr VkoroII. X 7 >- -3 ? e. t\\ Will i>tLXTESi>i:L J". jjj:.)i(j/:a.i;s ci<> ir.v.v. 'i,l311'lVl[cAND JOHNNY LAWTON. TIIE ZOOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT Is of Immense Magnitude, and embrace? hundred? of Wild llcnsl of every species nud t.eogniphienl. laugi^iyoo^sLe.EI.EliU-VNT. of tin- linriiiuK |>v Pert iM .W4i-h.ffd'tlie WIUT? HI'A 11 jit tin- Autiu s\>!isSVtff.n;fsbN- er aiid in domitable courage, by entering the Den of tho tigers, lions, PAi\iHeHS AND LEOPARDS. For list of Animals nnd gcuoral par ioihu-, suu IMctoriid'JVtfteis, Uufui iplivo Uill?, liu'letius, etc.' the GRAN 1) PROCESSI. N ? On tho morning of the ib'.V of I'xbi^L :?>ii will ho iiiiusiuilly (lorgconsaniluraiid. In it will !>(al)Cc ,be. i-csorlc 1 fo by them, bill t)int eveV.V proh'dW ihnuc to' the i'nblic shall be l;epf to the letter, .may l?tj ,T ?/.II')H'A \r, Koi$2ItCKi ;->rf >TO f TOO I rif{,? tn* ?(ff? bo-, (in f|Hi IKf i?r#r^f?4 . ? !? ;id to r.haiA (|n 1o Slfj fiirrO KfcWW? 1 in itnuh a ai buvol od" noT^n iltw ?Ins Will,: for the Future1 be Fo?ttd, i?g 'Jli' 111 UL ?oil >t>*7J So)tfttfl? l?rtO-!f?1 i>U? ??fri'?i'I-\?fl ?I ernr It gu* . ?K^ .V< A) .*Vi\vH ''V^(HH>.ll Just mW?i, axdIfo^s^ ifiRiim. .noaloinoOl CASH W BARTER A E?LTiaSIIPFLY OF COFFEE, SUGAR, MOLASSES, CHEESE, TQJJiVgC^^vWJSf,'^V.NDj.piIIER articles, usually kept in that line. . . A LSOj a full .assortment of tbo celebrated LANDR ET1IS' WftWfilt C?lflJAfJE SEED, Wnrrcntcd Fresh. Will alway a&* At the rcVjueitt of Physlbl ALE and PORTER, for Medicinal Use. may 23^ y ; ;. , . ( v *. | j k: ? . \ ? kii.-n: i I-.^-imI'PJ. ? : ? ? U i, .' '_nwuv* j |; of tho celebrated LANDRET1IS' WFNTF/ll CAPmJAOE SEED, fays keep on hand fresh Butter, \iincJ ^\*atcf!)auu\ S6'J:Vblackcra^ Physicians, will always have on hand, (/ ermine (Imported English, T -WILL CONTINUE THEIR T CHANGE OF FOR THE NEXT f/lirj ,H E M FOUR M0NTH8. jit t.'^ivi ;/. HAYdKQ JUST RECKU'Ktt AXD,NOW.OL\KNl.\G A FULL AND ENT'lRELY-' J * NEW STOCK OF GOODS ; iIn every Drnncu, which has boon carefully .Selected, together with n. Urge Consignment of , PRINTS, DRKSS UOUDS, BLEACH AND BROWN ' SHEETINGS & SHIRTINGS, OSNAB?RGS, >s STRIPES,, AND YARN ', at Factory Prices. . ,.: Special attention is called to our, Stock of GROCERIES, A, B nnd C SUGARS, nt Refiners Prices, FL()UR FreshGround tit the Mills in Whole. Half and Quarter Sacks, BACON, LARD, OILS, FISH, Ac. .lust received a Superior Lot of SM?KIXG TOBACCO, the Pride of the World?Try it Just Received a supply of c , ? Jiff ' . \ ' fp- j SCHOOL BOOKS, Copies of cornells geography and quackenhos: U.S. fllSTORY",'/to. / ! H ' )"{ { ^yyri: are still in the market for the purchase of j .'fufsnotf yt-i r'2 e?'j*l#li' " :' ?ALSO? T have established a LUMBER YARD imtl'will keep eonstanily on hand BOARDS, SCANTLING, ,tc. of nil kinds usually in demand, nnd can ftll nllTlrtlers Wttli Desput?h. My Cotton Gins and Prcsd are in perfect order, nnd ready to GIN on TOLL for all those '.tho may rfvoYfilO witli their Cotton the coining Season. FOR SALE LOW Two 50, Two 40 and One 4-5 SAW GINS. OHETOSESOLL'S: COTTM PHESS. ?ALSO ang "J I BEADSTKADS of Various Kinds, lv TAILOR SHOP. rniii: srnsriunKiis woui.i) itEsiMSOTm.f.Y \ cull the attention of their friemlH n?nl.en> ^uiuij'." I<|.ihcir New TaiJor.Shoi?, where Ihev uro prepaid hi i!o work with Neatnes* nfn'ff IVifcpittcli. We enii he fr-ntnl at iill times opposite Messrs. Clla.:. iftflU ?>t Co., on Kussel! Street. JAS. CANNON, mnr 28?Jfin 1>. YV. ROIMNSON. rjp" i?. moij-i: HAS JUST KE?? |_ # CKlj'KU a fresh siipjtly of Cnoiec. Family ^ryiM-rjc*, iiii'l (iilj?(i|i'i< XXX YVhiskcy.. ^'?H' \yw imv 111 ' /? NOTIC'K.-All the I'xecutlonH fbr1 I'oor Tax are iu piy oltnre, am'parties hue-' rex ted will Jo well to cftjl at once atul settle ami save 04.-t. .1 \V. H. DCKKS, iali Ur-lf Sheriff ? ? The Stnft> ox. ltebitione. ") Bill to Solicitor Southern Circuit. > Perpetuate In re lost DocnmentH. J T o ! i nt rt n y i Application luiTing been mudo by David FurticU to prove the existence, losa ami contents, of n ducd of Conveyance from Win. Cooper, Margaret Cooper P. F. Cooper, Joel A. Cooper, and Mary .1. Cooper, of a tract of land in Orongehurg Pis!net,nnd State of Soutli Carolina, containing 154 acres, niorc, or loss. On motion of Messrs. Iilnr $, Dibble^ Sqlic.i. tors, it is ordered, That nil persons who desire no to do, may Appear (bffore mo,' on ^hc 17th tiny of August next, to cross rxnmiho Ihe eridcuco pro* dueed ntirt introdntf? evidence*ra reply. ' Commissioner's Olliee, Ornngoburg C. If., Mny In, 18?H. V. P. V. dAMIRON, .'.'oinrixissionor., " Id may 10 tms's'TJATnJETt from CliArlcVton, hM opcTicd a linr icr Shop in I he Base-leWJf fWCANNON HOUSE, or the nccoiuodation of bi? friends. Satisfaction THKKSn GRIST A-VfWM?A*iV~~ a?i?t prebh oncK.qhw-gfrjfMfe ilMf10-yTiIWi-aft j?l^ffi^?^^ ^ort9oT3ibc?n? .wafd.dtf nm ?rbewfefcaesi ut ?'i' in-fU^A? yniwoU^r oni ??7raj flotf&iurK MLa tary A etude*. , n ... . , friend* in JhdvDiiiirA^Marflssui? Ibliiililiiwl.if I u District convenience. ^ll-isunar'OAfrj'riwKTAfcJiind ? pBST&niiGA'fi ; INSTRUMENTS, not mi hand, will beordcvfdd$f-J} the Rent Maker*, without extra charge. Country.dUt?llunM^ntt- UWywufll1 supplies from tnc on as goud,t?rn|*-aadn Ndw York".' Head* of families, ami nil in'ncedof Medicine* should remember thnt -Dr. 0LIVER08' drug STORE, is.tho place whexc vim can.nave your ruon OlIiLLn^ Certain Remedy for Fever'hhdl.Cf^t?s^'?^CMMH SWT* ...??;.. , >ot5 MJMXJ^*tto& may i , , ,Iy ? _i.tqri^ny? : rHr>r>w 11_Trwih imVal ?| iii/ibitKii 1^1 AlTTf? t ? .***? ?.!??: int.li ur*>ift amoliA* tfi?Virod. oL u-v tt ' aal hk? -tn?u j'sou SUGARS AND COFFEE?Call in and-'aeift)f% i.u^iticvv^.f^ WANDO FERTILIZER, at Agent* {price* fyll} per lou ami freight, for *alc by thu Rag or To?',"'?", ? ,: * 'jrt?i?o?J itosjav jUTjir m yrun ; 'in A&SOa ? t?i*' tro-^ II . RAKER'S. BROM A, E^eneea Of LEMON. VA NILL.t and ROSE for flnvnrinp. salmon and LORSTERS in Cans. PATENT FLOrH. K?tSW?, OURRANT8. CITR0N antJa rcm VJ?i tt?9H C! KN UINK DUltH AM TOB?OGOl^J - '. AtUhc (To?rt irr\usJe-Store;^l . Market Streift.: oct 1U?ly . , JOHN HAMILTON. ? ' l 'Tl" i<^d f,t *ff ga?aiT OR AXCi KRUBQ?2Cf-'?.ni I ihay 28 bio ?Hl Im? tna! n?da W ifttr -.-arjn giA BFtaii^'r *.""'? ilJta'*mSal*MtVi?* *f[ r TA. VII: IX.? w*j >??) ?rr4>Il Jftt7
  • s?t ORANGEB?RG DISpi$#, rf^^hr ?4ortica,:V^ Gieck\ey^,E*c4u.t9r^'j n > bySttit ?AT - ti. TV? &W^iy?llX?f ?7 J tt} tatre?. 8 By- thofiiccree= in?'tni^f,'ISetfl^ofiiJaffti**. Snell arc reijuired within thrco mo.vtbs from lh? ?Inte hereof to prove their demands'brfu Commissioner-s Otnce.'V iFff^lS OranV-wttfCpfl^nttff? i *>y Cob .-i^a", ' I..-t.^nttro ^;?T-*? "In ni BE IT OUIUINED.l? THE INTENDANT: AND Wai-ilens i;sseinhled in Council thin l?th da* or Aray,'lg ?? ?n???M That bcroafier any person found upon.f he Street* *f Ornugeburg in a state of Drimkcnnona or^> ex treme ' Intoxication, pbatl" be drorrtcd a Nuisatoee, and vlutli ho l.iahle to Iinprisoumcnf for a term not to exceed three days, or a fine not to exceed $10 Ten Dollars, Htimo/to bo imposed at the discretion of tho Intendant. ' VM\h n\ 7f>d ?n 1^.1 Done thia l?th day of.May, 1868. . .. JOHN A. HAMILTON. -? -. ??? Clerk O. C. iW* ^ - ' . 'imaK'.*1*1 7 H?m'.in .'. /TT~iM7">TT":~?i ?t:iw yuSbaoq'* F%?T#TO?? fr? firm nC Cltas. Rftll'S fco?/ aituattwl oiiafliTh WMt, in ihe.poiilft? oftbpfineffa;^^,^^ finely rlnstered ajnL" suitable for _a Jtpaldcnci?. Kitchen 'rind [onibtiRdlngs -cortlpTMc* ftVaV r?fy ,.lvw. Apply^ e|JWt W?rW^ S^?^?.^ sept'2ft' 1 ' if^nK>*? ^initeSw?^ %%i(jrMr 1 " By'oto'of th?iCoWio1l.?''?:>? uW?oS?fiJftt i r 1 im HOioiia ui. MMMIW^na -. ^ / r-tjiL. ft^ttlA Iti-w ^?ftf^ftlf? Hides, .tc., Tor which we%ill give the highes? kct price. Call at L. RICH St BffS^ may " I in maHjil HijCii Hull It nr m liri Wii ?ODA W?TBH ATJUfrVxOtf'jq?ri'Cpi *r