The Orangeburg news. (Orangeburg, S.C.) 1867-1875, May 30, 1868, Image 5

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Election on Tuesday and Wednesday, 2d. d 3d. Juno,' 1808.: '? M 'A /. t. (I JOSEPH H. MOROAN. . f Li. J p :i ? h wmttam a.< $ turn ?<> ?> .*'> joiH i ?>';! JilHair /:!?? tl ' ?d v CORONER. COJlINTr.AJpNMISSW^NRRa,, jHttAtftfAMSS ST?KE?u v^T *<l .1 .w| ? ?* ?*%?ft^AN J. KELLKRVTa'**~*' agricultural; &c. *t 1 ?'??... .[From the Boitoh Cultivator.] v The GonL i ^Td^o. goat ,vras .coeval with tl.o ox and,the eh^ep, In thoso regions of tho East whero civilization Grat dawned, upon nnnkind He was a part in the' mythological systems pf the first nations. In the Sacred Scriptures he is constantly rcferrod to as forming the wealth of | patriarchal 'Emilies.' Hb?&W 'laws iifoloscs his meat was allowed to bo used as human food, and he is ordained to bo itnployed irr*remarka bly ^religious ceremonies.' "Thou shakl'nakjc curtains of goats' Lair as a covering to the tabernacle," is a sacred injunction. The earliest Grecian and Roman writers speak of ] him as yielding food and raiment, and BiVOcr Btition connected, w.ith the attributes and services of, the gods, lie has been. the unfvcnfal 'companion of mankind' in 1 their migrations, from tho earliest periods of authentichfstory. ' Yct'it is a remarkable fact, that no goate wcid'found in Now Holland, or in tho Polynesian Islands, and more strange still, no traces of tho domesticated goat were found ptt.tbi^copt^utmtj though at its diecovcry it waspeopled lliroiighouL There was, how ever, tho wild Rooty Mountain goat, ^lieh, if] it could he domesticated, it is .supposed might possess sorao valuable properties. Tfie' fleece of the goat has furnished mau with his richest, most durablo and gorgeous attire ; his nutritious and wholesome milk and meat have yielded him food; his skin has supplied the materials for water saqlprt,: fcqttlo.-?, morocco, tt-c., while tho, animal itsolf may he said to have lived on chips. And yet among us tho goat is tho .subject of an unnatural and unreasonable prejudice. QUr foreign population, bowovorj.arc, giving more attention to tho breeding and inanagc mont of theso neglected n^iitfalflj'especially for thefr valuable milking properties. Ji t Mr. I. S. Dlehl, our former Consul fat Batavia, says : "tho goat is an indiscriminate feeder, living on weeds, browse, if-e., whero a sheep WOuld starve.' Its milk Is much used by travelers . and . families, anil especially by i?j&ph^ttf ' of tropical, ! bilious nnd fevjir countries, or a preventive and cure fpr those <and' other^ diseases incident to such countries. 'The medicinal, qualities of goats' roilk havt long been known and acknowledged in tho oil world, and in some portions of this couutry, it ihejjps tQ9tr only A'ery wholcsoiucf bu^ hahle it6 curdlo' dnUhe stomachs By those who have tasted iho different kinds.of milk, it is muel esteemed and preferred for tea and coffee, an is largely used for children jrinrl consumptives a^Junvalids, especially at the various hospitals ?dnCnrofK rWMVLl.W tyhyf/Wtf B. Davis, of South Carolina who bei traveled much hi the East,' says "The ?Jnlta, milking goat gives about a gallon of milk por jfoy..... It .may. not bo uuintcrcstin for nie t? state, a fact ohsorved by me in the malarious secttops of the United , ?States and ijXf ?dissimilar Bectiou^.in, Asia and the East, they regard cows' milk as being an. exciting cause to billions fevers as Well as to* liver complaint, nnd heneo uso only goats' milk. 1 ?F?o} Mitodas tiffcndF has boon under discussion by tho faculty of Pari*." Professor Law says: "^filrtf?liif cvc'? in large" towns could, by the means of a goat, readily supply themselves ?^l^'^llk for superior'to that whioh they commonly obtain, and It is surprising that a method so simple and cheap of avoiding the frauds too much practiced in this kind of food should bo neglected." ?>'A A i HQfiU, eun ,bo kept cheaper than a sheop ?*lrtidr"Tean bo kopt about tho house of the poor * mauj or tied by the roadside. It will livo on the refuse of the kitchen and a little coarse iced, and yield from two to four quarts of the richest nnd most wholosomo milk per dav . during i.u.rly the yoar round; ?*<"5The' Scind goat, tho Maltese, Syrian and sp*me other varieties, are valuable milkers, and -for convenience nnd economy to tho poor, where ' food U high and pasturage scarce; they have in many places, oven in the country, supplanted tjl^V^'V.1 p ; .Tile goat oropn oven poisonous plants with 'uwnjmity'and ro?sh, aud no herbage or leaver seem to effect tho (jtmlity of its milk. When ever a gentloman kaastj a borne anA cannot kocpaifr iiy^jsss^watgt^f oom, tfrc, woaiMWU jllaTOI 5 of^^?r#Af?%o fan^l^)4o^| thereby. ^""^^ Mr. G. S. Goo, of Brownvillc, Penn.,.had an Assyrian goat which gave a gallon of milk per day. Mr. BToJiT tiS?!^it>i111 ir^^^^ Jj good, whoso milk ho sold to physicians Tor their patients, for twenty conta u quart. The kid -should, bo when about about three qnarts a any till about three inontlis beforo parturition, when the quantity piay be gradually reduced, ^ A ?oat should always be milked1 r go: goat should always be milked three tlnios day. : .This., in ' better for tho hoalth of-the ?ft, arid fmptavcVtlVc quality and quantity of 'the- j milk. (jty jb not i goueraUy .knoma that a goat will give more milk tethered to a certain spot and moved now and then, than when sho is' perm it ted to run at largo/ , If misch ioveous tUoy can bo yoked and fettered. , The wool bearing gout is just now a subject jof great interest] to our manufacturers, lime is not distant when fine and rich worsted for the stuffs will be made in the country from its wool, rivalling tho" gorgooiisj durable and brilliant, falffics tip fttr^metjj Ca8|mey& We arc nlrfindy making r^rst^otj stuffs ni^d lustrous Orleans goods; and all that Is nftw wanted are tho looms, anil skillful work mou. Those to begiu with can bo imported. Do scrip^ttotnl"'? a?d'/-representations- afc- the Indian Ottshntcre looms, nnd the Pcrsin?-ah?wl looms, etc., are now in.possession, of our agricultural department.?BOnt honlc froih flic Putis Ex position by nu intelligent gentleman, familiar with Eastern manufacturers, now traveling throughout Europe and'Ysomb ports, of Asia, making a most claborato arid 'thorough' ex amination of .the whole subject. There arc in the .United, States, from 3,000 to 4,000 of these wool-bearing'goat*1 of) the best known breeds. In this country these animals are improved in sir.o, weight nnd quality of the fleece. The three-fourths blood yield a fleece softer ami tiner than the imported animal, but not ho long. This is more thau England can boast of. FrauC? lins been more successful, but not as tucccssful as our breeders in tin* acclimation of this goat.* "We conclude by expressing the belief that the girl is now living who will wear on her weddiug day, a cashmere shawl of American manufacture, equal to the most elegant, now selling in New York nnd Boston for from S580 to S2,.r)00. ?:o:? PUBLISHED AT OKANGEBURG, S. C. y IF /> f' ETery Saturday Morning. ?:o:? SAM I'LL DIBBLE, Editor. V. C. DIBBLE, Associate Editor. QU ARLES IL UALL, PublMtcr. THUMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Copy for one year. $2.00 ?? " Six Months. 1.00 m ?? ? Three'. , 50 Any one sending TEN DOLLARS, far a Club of New Subscribers, will receiTO an EXTRA COPY for ONE YEAR, free of chnrge. Any one sending FIVE DOLLARS, far a Club of New Subscribers, will receive an EXTRA COPY for SIX MONTHS, free ?f charge. ,. ,. ?:o:? RATES OF ADVERTISING. 1 Square ^Lat ^Insertion.... $1.50 A Square consists of 10 lines Brevier or one inch of AdvertlsingVjjpiice. Administrators Notices, if accompanied with tho cash.,.1U*,*.$2 75 If not aeCoi^pojiipd with the cash.$5 00 Contract Advertisements inserted upon-tho most libernl termjr^.. / i ytf^tev ?:o:? V .' t ?lARRIAGE?arid FUNERAL NOTICES, not ex ceeding one Square, inserted without charge. i t&r Ton?8 Cash in Advance. *TS? fob 28 r - o ly' AGENTS WANTED FOR TU E S OFFICIAL HISTORY in . ?. ? * 7 of TSE WAR ITS CAUSES, CHARACTER, CONDUCT RfiSf BT ?. HON, ALEX ANDER H. STEPHENS. A Book for all Sections h '.Kin ftBSs This great work presents the only complete arid impartiHl analysis of the Cause of the War yet pub lished, and givo those interior lights ami shadows of the great conflict only known to thorfo high officers who watched the flood-tidu of revolution froiu its fouulaih< springs, and which were po ntfccssible to Mr. Stephens from his position as second officer of the Confederacy. To a public that has boon surfeited with APPA RENTLY similar Productions, wo promise a change of faro, both agreeable and salutary, and au intellectual treaf of the highest order. The Great American War has AT LAST found a historian worthy of it* importance, and nt whoso hands it will rcoeive thU moderate, candid and impartial treatment which truth and justice so urgently de mand. The Intense desire every where manifested to ob tain this work, its. OHicial character and ready sale combined with an increased commission, make it tho hen, inscription hook over published. Ono Agent ill Fusion, Pa. reports 72 Subscribers In three days. Ouo in Boston, Muss. 101 Subscribers in four days. One in Memphis, Tonu. 10C Subscribers in five days Send for Circular and see our terms, and a full description of<the work, with Pics notices of ad vance sheets, Sic. 'Address NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO., tuny 2?tf Proud St., Atlanta, 0ft, ? C^RLESTON^CMDSj^r COTTON FACT?I1 ?AND? COMMISSION MERCHANT, J 1 9.0.J *IOI CJ&ftiKSTON, 8. D. I Kf&~ Prompt and personal attention given to the sale of Cotton. aug 24 moa C ' J??. O. Holmrt, Jr., Ilm. IHiOW, (7. O. A'citt. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, lJHrMr/sttAW-WI"rr' Charleston, S. C. :'.[?> ? y .:<>?/? ;i?,.? . ; ; Will Sell on Commission Cotton, Lumber, Timber, Naval Stores and all Country Produce. Strict at tention given to tho PurchnBing or Store, Planta tion- and Family Supplies, Consignments and Orders Solicited. ? KKITT UUOS. Agontfl for Orangcburg District, npl U ; ? 2m BROOKLYN Life .Insurance Company, Issues nil KindB of Life Insurance Policies, DIVIDENDS ANNUALLY IN CASH, c Office 141 Hroaclway, WM. M.'COLE, ^NjtfUlSTlON W. ltOUOK, SKoiiTAny, PncsiusNT. Holmes, . Waties & Keitt, General Agents, S. C, Offico No. 4 South Atlantic Wharf, CHARLESTON, sS C. KEITT BUOS. Agents for Orangoburg District. njdll 2m . S. -L.y Jeffers & Co., FACTORS AND Commission Merchants, CHARLESTON, S. C. Special Attention given to tiic sale of Cotton and otber Produce. Order? for sup plies carefully attended to. Refer to Captain.. John A. Hamilton, It. (!. Stone, Esq., OrangCburg. Dr. Win. C. Whetstone, St. Mat thew?. apl ft PAVILION HOTEL, CHARLESTON, S. C. HOARD, PER DAY, $?.00. A. BUTTKItl'lKlJ), MKS. II. h., Superintendent. Proprietress, dec 28 Hilhehs hoi si:, .< (rotiMKiti.y miih. oiuule's,) 284 KING STREET, Betteten Wetthcorth and Hazel Street*, and within three minutes' walk of all the Principal Wholesale and Retail Houses of Meeting, King ami Hague Streets. and the Rost O?ec, Charleston, S. C. The City Hallway, which ritrs to each extremity of the City, is within fifty yards of the house. . , . TEII.MS OF BOARD: Board by the do vi....$2 ?D V .?' " Week.$12 00 to $lf> 00 HeKRT SrABNICE, Mns. B. oct!8 tf nnilE GREAT POPULAR PAPER CHARLESTON DAILY NEWS. Subscription Price Sic Doilur? a Year! THE CHARLESTON TEI-WEEKLY NEWS, Threfe'Dollars a year?Two Dollars for Six Months. JBaF* Terms?Cash in advanoo. No Paper nent unles the Cash accompanies the order. No Taper sent for a longer time thun paid for. r10udan, daw80k ft CO., dec 21?tfg Proprietors. ESTABLISHED 1802. Charleston Courier for 1868. DAILY AND TRI-WEJSKLY, BY A. 8. WILUHTGTOX A CO. Daily Paper - - - - $8.00 per Annum. Tri-Weekly Paper - - S1.00 per Annum. } Jill ? V 7. Tli? U'ltf closcd wlth'a large Indebtedness on the ptiw of our former subscribers) some of whom hove proffered us payment. T/o others wo have presented no claim, amid the losses and misfortunes by which they have been surronnacti, having been spi'uC'.! lh* necessity of doing so by the very generous, prompt, and hearty support we have uniformly received. We aro able to wait for tho advent of better limes, confidently assured that when prosperity returns to tho laud they will cheerfully meet their obligations. To all suoh wc cordially extend uu invitation to re now their Buhsoriptioms. jan 11 lib tf TjMXAli NOTICE,?WE REGRET " tho necessity which force* tis to put nil our 5sotes and Accounts in the hands of an Attorney and Magistrate lor collection, and those of our friends who desire to savo cost can do so by calling on W. J. DoTrcville. CHAS. BULL ft CO. sept 28 w * . ly OP A KT X EICKIIIP NOTICE.? The undersigned have this day formed a Copart nership as Retail, Dry Goods, Grocery, and Oettern! Country Merchants, under the Name, Style ami Firm of ?MeN AMAUA ft JON KS." . .. , , ,vru 1 JOSEPH McXAMARA, April 1st, 1808. } CHARLES It. JONES. . ? april 4 Im rpo RE3JT.-TIIE 8TOHE AXI) [j Dwelling on Market Street known as the ,7vVlSK HOUSE," i" 11 convenient and healthy loca tion. The best known Stand for Millinery Uusi ness, in Orangeburg. Terms very low. Apply to SAMUEL DIBBLE, mar 14 tl NOTICE.?THE HOOKS OF DK. T. A. ELLIOTT and of Drs. ELLIOTT ft SALLEY have been placed in tho hands of Col. P. A. Mc.Miehaol for collection nud tcttlcmcut. in ac cordance with a previous notice our Books must be settled quarterly. Col. McMiohuol is authorized to give receipts in settlement. T. A. ELLIOTT, M. I>. mar It- tf A. S. SALLEV, M. l>. THE CANNON HOUSE! (OPPOSITE COURT HOUSK.) i' TJ1K.SU BSC It III KU WOULD .Re spectfully Inform the Traveling Vfcb lio that his IIOUSK is opened fur their uccom?clntion. RATES OF BOARD. Bonn! per Day.#*w.$>l 7.'? " ?? Week.,.} 7 OO " Monti.i. h 20 00 J.A.S. CA.1SJ isroisr, J'rtiprittor. bus 3 c ? It -i CARD. FfMIE FIRM OF \ll L. JEFFERS A CO., WAS I Dissolved on the 4th ittst. The FACTORAGE and COMMISSION BUSI NESS will he continued by Wm'. II. & Thos. A. Jeffers. The style of the Hrm being WM. H. JEFFERS \t CO. Consignments of Cotton solicited. Prompt re turns will be made, and our usual attention paid to tho interest of our friends. W5I. II. JEFFERS A 00., Charleston, H. C. Refer .to JOnN A. HAMILTON, - Orangvburg, S, O. jan 11 It j / .6m JUST RKCFIVED, A NEW SUPPLY OF LIQUOR. Wo also invite attention to our Stock of CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, HOOTS AND SHOES, KTO., Low for Cash or Barter. Tho highost Market Price given for COUNTRY PRODUCE. M?LLER k DAVIS, Brought on Street. noT 9c ly SELLING OFF AT COST, NEW SPRING GOODS, JUST RECEIVED BY D. LOUIS & CO., A,<JE'N!T8, foli 18 CHEAP CASH STORE!! WE ARK RECEIVING FKESH StlFAPLIlSS or DRY GOODS AXD GROCERIES EVERY WEEK, And will guarantee quality and price to suit all who may favor us with a call. \Vc will take in trade all kinds of CuuIvTRY PRODUCE at the highest market prices, and put our (luoils at as low figures aii any house in Town, oot IS?olv KEITT BROTHERS. FOR LEASE, riMlF. FINE ESTATE known u* KEITT PLACE, _|_ situated in St. Matthews' Parish. The Estate consists of threo separate Tracts. The Kennerly Place has 400 acres cleared and UOO uncleared. The Darby Place has 300 cleared and :J00 uncleared?all lino Cotton Land?. The Keitt Place consists of '2, IU0 acres, one half cleared and in a tine state of Cultivation. The Estate is watered by a large Creek, which affords good Hange for Cuttle. Soil Bich Heil Clay. The Estate would he Leased all to one person, or in small Tracts of fit) or llRJ acres, to suit small farmers. Fine M?les sohl with the Place on credit. The Kenuerly and Darby Places Mould be sold desired. Kor Term* apply to J. J. WOOD A HD, Ht. Matthews P. (>., nov 2?tf Orangeburg District, S. D. troll NA1YF..?The Two PLANTA? J1 TIONS forming a part of the KKITT ESTATE and known as "DAHBY'' and "KT.NNEULY" places will be sold, together with the Mules and farming tools. For terms apply to S. S. KEITT, Care of William Mhldloton, Esq., dec 21?-tf Charleston, S. C. rpiIK HIGHEST CASH MARKET,PllICE GIVEN _L for all kind of COU&XRY PUODUCE, Bees wax. Tallow, Hide*, Fur?, etc., etc., by E'/EKIEI. .\ KOIIN. fcb2l y It Schcfliiie 8<mth '?^?lliu'^1&iil>-fl(MHli<?^ uULiP' fVT*** ?'f : ul ^uinjiimiif ON AND APTKR.SUNiMY,MARC 11 [iftrp T I.I K . Pasaenger Trains, on typ .074th L^W*,BoJl, Hdii'l will run n? follows : "... ?< ? 1 ? ? it 1 ? il ? hi t < 1 iiiMMnV i Fur.Chlunibbt?Z></y JVqik. I.eavo Charleston. 0:80 A. M. ?? Orangebarg/.;;:rnrr.r.?.*r.v.. 1 Si 10 lVMf Arrive at Cohfatin\i:<,iU.t?&iittfan?:W P. M. Nujht Tram. Leave Charleston........rret -vi.rv >r,:'*0 <? Orangeburg.'.12:JW? A. M. Arrive at Columbia. 0:20 A. M. Fur Charlcston-r-J)ay Train. ... ?,i,..f Leave Columbia.,.,.. G:00 A. M. " Orangeburg. IM? A. M. Arrive ut Charleston.....'liJW U;10 V. M. Leave Coluinbia....... 6:30 Pt M. Oraugeburg.10:82 l\ M. Arrive at Charleston. 6:80 A. M. II. T. PEAKS, mar 2H?tf * Oenernl Superiutendant. _- ; ->L i i *'_V.? 1 ;;? .. I r.4iH .nbc/i Aw if >*il) ii?t Hi TO PRINTER^. THE Subscribers manfaeturc Type, Re volving. Double and Single Cylinder Printing Machines. BED AND PLATTEN POWER PRESSES, FOR . NEWSPAPER, BO?iL, Job and Card Printing. They wbxild call nttontioa o? Tublialiere of Newspapers to their new . . > id uhnJ RAILWAY NEWSPAPER PRESS, Which iH Kpcciully designed to supply Newspa pers of moderate circulation with a plain but serviceable Printing Machine, and one capa ble of doing also Job Work ot'evcrjf descrip tion.- It can be run easily by one man at a speed of 800 impressions per hour, and by steam will giro 1.000 to 1,21)0 per hour, whti out noise or jar. The Press occupies a space 5JX10 feet, and can be worked iu a room 7 feet high. Weight, boxed, fi.UOO Iba. Their. SINGLE LAUGE CYLINDER IIAM> PHINTIXG MACHINE, OR COUNTRY PRESS, Ts also a convenient and durable Printing Ma ehiuc, capable of doing the. entire ,^?nk of an out of town office. 1 '?"?'?'AW It is designed to run by ha ml at a speed of 800 tier hour. Each Machine is warranted, and will r.ot fail to give eilt ire satisfaction. We manufacture almost every nrttclo re quired for Letterpress, Lithographic or Cop pef-Platc Printing, Iiotdi: Bin ding, Elccirotyp ing and Stereotyping, and furnish out tit* com plete for each. We would null attention to our Patent Sec tional Stereotype. Blocks, Mechanical Quoins. Patent Lined Galleys. New Compositor's Stands, Cabinets of new designs and of all sizes, Standing Callings, Patent Pocket Hod kins, Printers' Knives. ?c., Sie. Blanketing and Type of our own importu-l tion, and made expressly l**r our Newspaper] and Cylinder Printing Machines; ESTIMATES IN DETAIL EURXIS11EP.I A new Catalogue, containing Cuts and de scriptions of Many new Machin.-?. not before! shown iu their Book, with directions for put-| ting up, working. A'e.. and other useful infor-j motion, is just completed, and can be had or application. R. Hoe & Co., New lork and Bo?fou, Mass. ley* Publishers of Newspapers fire nt liberty^ to insert this advertisement displayed as abovej three times in thoir weekly paper, with tint notef but nnf without, any time previous to January" 1, 1809, but 110 later, provided they purchase type or material of our manufacture for four times the amount of (heir bill, which will' be allowed in settlement of ours, on receipt of a copy of their paper containing the advertise ment. .may 2 'CS ' tf THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, OltANCSBUUftO' DiFTHJCT. In tlie Common Pleas. Host mi Carter. \ vs. V AOooiuncut. Builoy & Bros, J WHEREAS the Plaintiff did, on the tenth fluv of April, A. D. 18(58, file his Declaration nguinst the Defendants, ivhn (as it is said) arc ab sent from and without the limits of this State, and have neither wife nor Attorney known within the Fame, upon whom a copy of the said Declaration might he served: It is therefore ordered. That the said Defendant do appear and plead to the said Declaration on or liefere the twelfth day of April, which will be in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-nine, otherwise final and absolut? judg ment will then be given ami awarded uguin?l him. Clerk s Office, ) JOS. UUUlNSON, Qrnngcburg District. V C. O. P. April 10, lStf.S. J a |.lll 12 III STATE OF SOUTH CAUOLINA, \ Clin/ionl Oraugeburg District. j ( lltt,Ion< lly P. A. MoMlCllAKL Esq., Ordinary. WI IK It HAS, V. D. V. Jamison, Commissioner in Kquilv, hath mode suit to me to grant him Letters of Administration of the Estate and effects of Ueo. T. Ii ick. deceased. ?These are therefore to oite and admonish all and singular the kindred nnd creditor,: %?f the said Goo. T. Iriek, dee. that they ha. and appear before mo, in the Court of Ordinary, to be held at Orauge burg C. II.. on ih% IHth day of May noxt, aller publication hereof', at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to shew cause if any they have, why the said Adtllinil trillion should iu>t be grunted. Given under my hand this eighth day of April Anno Domini, IW*. V. A. McMICH.VKL, O. O. D. aj.l 11 Sit . III ORANCJ E?tSWr-^ISTRICT) | Harriet Ilolmaa, j ATrtOrB? ^ ^j. ( t ^ Elias O. IfolfflfflTiSffaV ? "j" By order o tbe aboTfli Mated ease, ihVcrel?f?rs' effthK uR4!gtt4> Hotman, deceased, are required to prove their demands be fore me on or before the ftnt Monday in July next. Commission! March mar 28 ORANGEBURQ DISTRICT. Ex Parte Deinsen Gardner, \ "I Lost Will of J;rfectnftVllto&HH'tJM On hearing the petition in this case, and on mo tion of Mr. W. J. BcTruxUlc.^olidtpr for petition er. It in ordered, Th'sV att'pcrWs lhurestad ?? and are herebytnatifuyl:ty?fp^t*2*f)f? Commis sioner'8 Office, at Orangeburg CourtHouse, on Fri day the twelfth dajrhf^ut?i<Ai^9t 1818, far tha ,'purposeof shewing ?iui?e if amr thar fap wby the Will of FreeIflW^Ifo?^cT,,? latf MrS?tW District,, 'should not bo re-established, and to that end to pro duce such witnesses as they may desire, and cross examine tltOsg prOdafldd?b|?ta?Jb?j4li?|f>lK Commissisuer's Office, V ? V. D. V. JAMISON, ? Orangebhfg C if.,V ' " 1 M UomftiisshVner. C. B. Thonfr^o^At?i-rV" ?^ .Wm. m! liiiilion^ *Ksq:;!e?. al; 'j1 >,!r lty ?ass|y an order in this case tho . creditor's of "Win. Rj Thomson, deceased, are required to.nrove their de mand? before me hy'tnVfirst 6r*Ju'n?hcxtr'j Conunisswuera: Office, J p Vf ^f?t?W&Q$r adj March 4, 1808. j Commissioner. . mar 4 I-.f:i.1 t*\ .i- idw .on I* -?tdj ,nJrl ; ,tf~c Mnrtlm'Sl. ?iips? ^' >?,??: ??/ .iff wnj-i.t ',J?a>iJ ?ii- t *mf Jno C. Kennerly et. al. J , _ , .itiV"*.1'* Si.'if ">'CtJ, "?jj ',i By order of the Court of r.qtiity in tho above stated case. llre^PTPoTfofB Of ^ffW'Ute'Jacob Phillips, deceased, are ci\joii)?d'fi.wiO'prpsrjuting actions at law for the recovery of their claims, and are re quited to present und prove tbe same .before tho Commissioner within two mouths from tho publica tion hereof. ' : ?.-.!?? , Commissioner** Office, ,W\t I). Y. JAMISON, March s7, 1808. / " ' Commissioner. iiaaVtJBnt -Iii ? ! w>f? *ui.! ?>u< ':? !>.,| 'a(> THE STATE UK SOUTH CAROLINA, OltAXGEBUko DlSTftlCTi! ' '; In tlie Oointuon Pleas. r HChry Blsthoff'&Co. V ir *'i / i' f r >i w vs. - ,-. t y Attachment. ' ,MhalleylA'hrb.- ' '?"" ? K- " ? ':;1 } ?HVlierens''tii* Plaintiffs did iph' the' 11th day of file their declaration against the Oer The Stftie ? of i ?South < Oirollttsv ORANGE?Rl??t>v?IOTltl4\lf.- ??'?'? A In t he Of tirt of Common Picas. , ??' H. Uhs)|cnningav Jnq. T. Jennings, vs JFVnAi R^f?? acoj A.:^TiToha?dgt.2,r, T??,.fr?( ATTACn^NT-. iv,-. r?, . \1THEREAS the Phiiutiffs did on the Yf of May tile their declaration against the De fendants, wlie <a?St Is said) are absent from fand without the limits of this State, and have neither wives nor attorney's known-within Hie same,'vpen wltom a copy of said d^ejorat(oneway, ht swrtS^s Or. rfjjuisons& uthH, ?\?&&XsMtf* it is ordered, thai ihe fond DeroBOanur.ilo appear, nnd plead to thosajd doclaratiou. on or before the ''J'Jud diiy of May1, which Svill bo In tnc'y?ar ?Tour Lord, tine Thousand Eiyht 11 undicd nvid Sl%ly. eight, otherwise final tmd ahs?Vute judgment wlU t then be gltvn awd avrurdod aflainst llwnJ ? j r>. rpM. Mn.V-20, 18u7.! XX jual eJhul P.!C Ti' STATE OP SOUTH CjARflLINA,, In llio l>i?trltt i*uvt. In - pnrsuauce of Ocheral v'-rdcrs No. ir<l. frosa Headquarters Second Military District, tbe Magis trates o! the District of Ovan^ebuvg will mahe u report on the loth and last duys of eaoh month to this Cotli't, of all C.immitments'maile bt them during tho prvurcding half mouth, spcoitVing dato of Com mit:!.cut. names of Prisoners and tho Offences for which they were committed; said Magisirules shall also forward to the Clerk of thia Couri, all rtcogui. Hiinces attil other papers, cnurotnl with tbe pro ceedings against the Prisoner* aforesaid, which may he in their possession a! the dato of making the reports herein ordvred. ..; By order of tho Court. 1 JV F* FOBINSON. January 8, 18ii3. Clprh BUtr\ot V>UrA jail 11 "' ' ' U' il 0H1>1\AH\MS XOT|( KcA?SUM. istrators, Kxe&Uton and Ouardiaus who have rande their Annual Returns in'this tMhcn, nn> culled on to do SO Without Delay. All defaulter-) will be proceeded against In'a few days, alcordhig to law. fy^Omee*T)ays?Mondays and Fridays. (Icilinaiy's'Office, I M. A. M. MICHAET*. Marcl) ?i,-lc?'<S. j Oi-diuary, O. D. mar t Si