wU la FIRST OUE SOMES; THEN OXJR STATE; FINALLY TltE NATION j: THESE-CONSTITUTE^'OUR. ;COpKf RY, '?VOLUME % SATURDAY MORjNlf G, MAY 23, 1868. tJMBER 14. District Democratic Ticket. ?TOB SHERIFF, J. WILLIAM EL DUKES. 4VDQB or PBOSA TS, JOSEPH U. MORGAN. it ?m???? .tKfy>tdf >.?.: ?,.-?< CLERK OF COURT, JOSEPH F. R?1IINSON. CORONER, LUTHER RANSDALE. f A^>/.? mii \ i\ ?-, ? CO ?NTT COMMISSIONERS, HENRY LIVINGSTON, JAMES STOKES, MOKGxVN J. KELLER. SCHOOL COMMISSIONER, il ELLIOTT vVANNAMAKER. POETRY. I? Kl; At Last BT MISS MCXOC1I. Down, down like a palo leaf dropping Under an autumn sky. My love dropped into my bosom Quietly, quiotly. r There was not a ray of aunsbino And not a sound in the air As she trembled Into my bosom? My lore, no longer fair. ; AH year round In her bennty ..She dwelt on fhe tree-top high; She danced in the summer breezes, She laughed to tho summer sky. I-lay ao low in the grass dews, ? She sat bo high above ; She never wist of my longing. 1 She never dreamed of my love. Bat vi*t% wind? laid bare her dwelling. ? | An/1 her Heart could find no rest, I eallod?and she fluttered downward Into my faithful breast. I know that my love la fading; I know I cannot fold Her fragrance from the frast blight, Her beauty from the mould; But a little, littlG rant it n?jg?dard-beurer when prinei 'plc^ire-io'^W^ftfor/-'-. ! "Yon'want Grant without a platform for tue sake of expediency and winning the next elec tion." "I wouldn't have a personal quarrel with Gen. Grant. I d ire to bay what a great many are thinking." "I don't want Gen. Grant for President.'* "Speech is silver, silence is golden. Grant's silence is leaden." "He must speak before he gets tho nomina tion." "You can't hurrah for Grant and win on that issue." "Shame, shame on those Republicans who say : I believe the black man should vote in Louisiana, but under no circumstances here in Elmira." "Disintegration stares tho Radicals in the face because they arc ashamc to come out boldy and openly for negro sui age." "Don't hide your principles, if you've got any, behind the smoke of ono man's cigar." Woman's Word Book. A/ford, to.?Not to spend more than double your income. Aye.?An indefinite article, added to as a minor, but never allowed to increase after thirty. Agreeable.?Epithet for any one who carries flattery to its farthest limits. Agriculture.?Something which produces strawberries and green peas during winter. Air.?Haughty or otherwise?an clement of success. AUoxcancc.?A paltry pittance mado by a fattier or husband to compare one with slaves for hire. Amusement.?The aim of lifo. Angel, fem.?To be found poetically, before marriage and after death. Arithmetic.?A torture invented by trades people. Avarice?Any attempt to spend less than double our income. Aickirurd?Doing bronght to the point by two men at onco, to each of whom sho ha9 promised encouragement. Ball.?Hymen's Market, where unmarried ladies are trotted out for inspection, and knock ed down to the highest bidder. Bank.?A gold-fiold eomcwlicro in tho oity, where any man can find money whon it is to bo spent on himself. Bargain.?Goods which cost 20 per cont. moro than they aro worth. Bear.?A being impervious to tho rays of beauty. Beggary.?Reduced to kooping one man servant and a pony for tho ohildren. Blush, to.?An art almost extinct. Can be had, h6wovcr, on the payment of a large lure. Break.?Used in connection with a heart: perhaps tho only thing which was never known to break. ?What orery female neck beads io willingly, as lohfc.xa there Is Bp ettfb. [ Brti(c.- sober brought it back." Tim Radicajs'cbiicted 'to tho testimony of Gen. Sherman being received,, for tbay ..kucw he would prove that Grant had advised the President to remove Stauton. The Northern papers condemn the managers for the treat ment of Gen. Sherman. ? \lt Choosing a wife is like dipping tho hand in* to n bag containing ninety-six snakesi and one cel. Ninety-nine to onr if you catch the sei. If Adam had asked Eve for a kiss,' could the latter without profanity, have replied/' don't caro, A-dam, if you do V The Radicals are getting afraid" of Butler. They believe that the o?nncock-eyed\-,eoundrel has been paid to wreck their craft. illB "Now that you are'on my side, I hope yon Will stick to mc," as the patient said' to. 'tho plaster." Reading only furnishes tho mind with ma terials of knowledge. 'Tis thinking makes what we read ours.?Loch:. Dr. Franklin used to fa'ay that rich widows are tho only pieco oi\ second-handgoods that ?sell at prime cost. A writer dwelling on the imports jkq of small things, says tliat "be always takes uote even of a straw, especially if there. bnppe.nAW/^1 he a sherry-cobbler ot one end." A sap headed boy wrote to;feis sweetheart, who hod slighted, him, that his brain watt , on fire, and received the following reply : "Blow ??it out.'''?5*3^^ I ' The lower house of the Ohio Legislaturo I has passed a measure disfranchising all per sons having a "visible admixture" of negro. We return our thanks (not ironically) to several torn and other cats for a screnado last I night. We presume it whs in honor of tho ratification of the Constitution. I The Prince of Wales is reported to be get I ting more in debt and out of funds. A silver wedding has been celebrated itt In d iana, much to the astonishment of the chitons I I of tiiat State of divorces. ? Garlotta has not entirely recovered her mind. I Her insanity now manifests itself in extreme I talkativeness, and a disposition to tell family secrets and scandalous stories to every stranger I she meets. ? In Atlanta they have a negro who ? gr^du- ? ally turning to a white man. s In this, District there arc several xrhitc men who have rapidly turned to negroes. If a Wisconsin farmer plants a row of trees along the road, he is exempted from working II on tho road. I! rv> f-i ' ' .' tUtsVlTto) The Nashville Gazette of the, 6th instant I says t'nat a rumor reached that city on the day previous, that Governor Brownlow had been struck with palsy and was not expected to live many days. A Western paper contains tho following apology : "The editor is absent, the foreman I had the toothache, 'tho 'devil' is drunk,, and trying to drink lager beer out of a boot jack, tho press is out of ordor, and we ain't well our selves?so please excuse a poor paper this week." ; ... ,. . It is said that a company of capitalist is at present being organized in Now York with tho object in view of selecting and bringing to tins country from Spain and European capitals a magnificent ballet and opera combination troupe, selected with caro and great oxper*? for tho pur; >ose of introducing horc the Span ish Zarzuola or Comic Opera. "Papa, die a't you whip mo onco for biting little Tomy?" "Yes, my doar, you hurt jbiro. vory much.", ' Well, then, papa, you ought to whip sta ter's music master, too; ho bit cistor yesterday afternoon right on tho month, and I know it hurt her, because she put her arins around his neck, and tried to choke him." An Irishman being asked at tho 'dinner ta ble whether ho would take Bonio upplo pie, said : "L? it houlsome?" "To be sure it is j why do you auk that question V* "Because I once had an undo ihat wm jelli ed with apple plexy, and sure I thought K M something of tho same sort of dish."