.T>l HT>.r<1*T>HPWu : ? / / :im ian?%'.t^?iSp TIME" PRICE. n A>t?' 1 tHH1 _*_a_j_?'i_R a'sN'oa^rii -Advance. ?w?Mh ?i ^4^?H_&?A0SE;t*_?i -Hi i...? ? ?Hoi llliiftb Irt ,1Hr?n? ,L?i-?TjJ .tn'tt\ Jr Contitry rrednc? ?akctt at Wwk-t Rates.?n .fiwiivm. > .11 ./ **W0~**1pectfedly rrqvestarrange lnents, which has by some menus, always borne harder upon our District than anywhere else, t nv*- w - ? ?is??1????~'~??r* . District Itet?rnsi 1 ,!???? ifU I. I ft .'.1 ? ? "We.give*below-tho returns of election in tlljJ'Distf.ct as far as beard from. Fob Aoais.it Total. Orangelmrg and fl.* Pymrf.^MS,I 228 780 K*?tcrllu'8 Milf?:..M.U......-07" ? 41 148 l.?'?-isTi^p......v,.lvr..,.v..,4l? 4.) 480 Fort MoUel.256 81 . li?U Jaudaon'n and Elliott's......'..1ft- ; #a _i2-r> Knott'sMlll.P....ll-"> ' ail , . ,,114 Zciglcr*.!. 59 21 80 Fehlet p.'......;..185 4o ISO ^rahblivUle;.:...lift l?0 ' 20.1 Baira.or GHflin.......,--9K ! ? 205 -*/ Postponement of Lecture. In consequence of the inclemency of the weather, the I^cctnre^oii fi'Joha^ Anderson my Jo John." ,d(id not conic off at the time that was appointed, but will be delivered on Wed nesday evening next. All, who wish to enjoy anrieh literary treat should. attend. See ad vertisement. Dem?rcsts Monthly. Thi?* is par c.ectllencc n '? mirror of fashion." Its subscribers can be sure of a milliner and a dress-maker, iu the house, when it arrives. Its lossons'Sbf taste arc well adopted to the necessi ties of every section, and have enabled it to obtain the high reputation it new enjoys. Ad mv&jfyffi-' Jcbnings Dcmorest, -T3 Broadway, -??iNew York, enclosing three dollars. ?i ?r____n___i i ??--.m **. ? .' Go-ley's Lady's Book. Four hundred and fifty-five numbers of thi? popular monthly has been issued during a period of 38 years; aud it is still as welcome a visitor as ovor to the ladies of our land. The faslffon tf^^rtntBntf oT^ this magazine'is sclcot and ct^mplote,'while the literary department is rich in iffiftrkctioh a'nd entertainment. Terms: ?ll-'.?b.4 Address L. A.r Godey, corner 8ixth and Chcanut Streit, Pliil?dclphia. Pa. ? ? . i' mm^smm i mmms. - ^ _-w- Wc. Modenwelt. . . ? vti Tbia is a reprint of the expositor of fashions . oa.the,contmeut of Europe, which is published ^iW Gcrman at Berlin, Prussia. Tho reprint is 'in English, and not only contains fashion plates, and patterns, but also illustrates tbe 'Ial^t ^rifiniphs oif' skill in embroidery and fonoy works of every description. It is a great favorite with the ladies, and is published scrui-monthly for 83.00 per annum, by S. T. Taylor. 349 Canal Street, New York. -r?? i in ?Hi ' ?: American Stock Journal. . Thq April nunibcr of this yaluabjc monthly cpn\ ainB interesting articles on the carOj nnd 'roani ?gemont of stook. The rapid increnso in tho ^circulation of this popular Magazines has ..Necessitated a change of location. Therefore ur friends wishing specimen copies will please U rtft N. P. Boyer & Co., Parkcsburg Chcs i*Wt?- t, n o flit I'.Ill Tho Eclectic -V .. :ns cmbclishmcnt, Professor ior April, conta?, ' - ? J-ngland, the Eastern Faraday; Music in ? ' Question ; the French Go.vcrninc,,t' R,ul v? ;?ious other avlictf ^lnforest. 1 3^ ) Tcrins of'the Eclcctifc?Single copies', 45 cents; ono copy, ono year, 85.00 ; two copies, one year,. $0.OQ ; ?vo copies, ono year, $%Q. ^dclr?^s 'NV. II. Bidwcl & Co., 5 Bcokiunn St., Now York. ?1 ? uto w. tSt tlA .it MTO * '<&M?i mta- f sCiff sT*0^* ir i'Ji! Shu'^ mm?m?^??r???mmmtmtm te-^-^Sito Salats whodhli State,- on^ ( put u jjlot ?upon hj? own. name, it will bo bard to rub put. by bis connexion with < ,.Tnttxu*hel.' Corn $1.40. Pens $1.30. GOLD. Sfi S1LVKH. 30 Report of the Charleston Cotton Mar ket for the '"Week Ending April 16. Reported for the Orangeburg 'Aetct Ly W. WALTON SMITH, COTTON FACTOR. On Friday the 10th inst., there was no transac tions, tho day being observed as a holiday. The market on Saturday opened ilrm, with a fair do mand on a basis of 80c, for middlings, holders in most oases asking higher rates. Thero was good demand on Monday, with an advance in prices of . On Tuesday the demand wa9 Tory limited, the bettor grades were firm, while the lower grades were weaker. Very little was done on Wed nesday. Holders were firm, and asking prices above the views of buyers. ' The market on Thursday continued epiiot, holders, however, re maining firm. The sale- for the woek amount to some 2000 bales. Wo omit quotations. The Southern Drug Store Dr. B. M. Shuler, Druggist. JUST RECEIVED AND OPENING A FRESH Supply of DRUGS AND MEDICINES, Also Perfumeries, such as Extracts, Toilet Soaps of every description. A full assortment of Hair, Clothes. Nail, Tooth and Shaving Brushes of the best finalities.1 I With a tine assortment of Stationery, Inks, Lead Pencils, Indellible Period* for Marking Clothes, Writing Pens and Holders of every description, Memorandum Hooks, fte. You can find anything gcncwdly Kept in a well Regulated !nug S^qre. All of which offered Vv* for the Cash. Call and see for yourselves. mar 7 jy T?HN ANDERSON MY rJO, .JOHN!'3 ! ' J I E a T I R E BY ? *H w a. CONNOR, JtU^y, ... ... at Tho Old fj^jtf n ?uu on wednestlsy Bven mg 22d April. , 1 WIWt.JJJJJN ORANGEBURG RYJHIY FRIDAY *..| ? rif sl " AND 8AT?R?AX; - RoomB rvt Masonio Hull, opposite Corncleon, Kramer,& Co. ' , ., npr? 4 '. ' ! "*vl tf rrTFr Democrats and Republicans, A86BMBLK AT T. A. JOTOBDS & CO. S, t fi RUSSELL STREET.yn iiifp l To ascertain, hp w/^hey can sell BACON Lower tbnn any House in Orangeburg District. opl 11 tf TA. JEFFORDS & CO. FFER FOR SALE, A LARGfc ASSORT mcnl of., | ' . |i Which by recent arrivals they are tnabled to lell at Jteduced Rittes. o 10 jusT.d?iBiWKDm t* BOXES JOWLS VERY LOW. Highest Cash Trice paid for HOUGH RICK. The Planier? would do well to give Us a call and examine oi\r Stuck. . aplJl' tr BROOKLYN Life Insurance Company, Issues all Kinds of Life Insurance Policies. DIVIDENDS ANNUALLY IN CASH, Ofllcc 141 Broadway, WM. M. COLE, CH1USTION W. KOUCK, Sechtaoy, )'ni:siiiKNT. ^Holmes, Waties & Keitt, (icitcrul Aii. S. V. Will Sell on Commission Cotton, Faun her, Timber, Naval Stores and all Country Produce. Striei ut t cut ion given lu the Purchasing of Store, I'lanla tiou and Family Supplies, Consignments and Order* Solicited. . ? KEITT lUtOS*. Agents for Oranguburg District, nnl 11 , iim c 10l* A KTXI-: It SI 111? XOTI CK.? The undersigned have this tiny foniwsi a t'opart nership as Itetail, Dry (ioods, Grocer*, and (ienvral j Country Mcrclmnts, under the Name, Styl? and Firm'of '-.McNAM VltA & JONES." . .. , , 1u..u i JOSEPH .McNAMAKA, Apr.l 1st, 181,8. J CHARLES It. JONES. april 4 1 at TyOTICJE.-I Would Iloro-itli Uc L^ Spectfully inform my Friends and the Public at Large, that I tin prepared to repair BUUflY and other b'.MPiHEM.AS, also PARASOLS, at moderate Prices. JOHN DAVIS. fyz>y - Call at the Store of Mulleric Davis, Brough ton-Strect. ?Pi n it TAILOR SHOP. THE SUBSCRIBERS WOULD RESPECTFCLLY call the attention of their friends and cus tomers to their New* Tailor Shop, where they ur? prepared to do work with Neatness and Dispatch. We can he found at all times opposite Messrs. Cbas. Bull & Co., on llugscll Street. JAS. CANNON, mar 28?:im D. W. ROBINSON. CHEAP GOODS Graham's T. 0. BY Wroton & Steadman, Wo beg to call tho attention of our Customers and Friends to our New Stock, consisting of Staple and and Fancy Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Shoes, Hard and Tin Waro, Groceries, Medieiue*, Crockery, Saddlery, &c, which we arc selling very low for CASH. Wc will pay the Highest Market Price for Cotton and all other Produce. Thankful for the liberal Patronage heretofore, we solicit a continuance of the same. WUOTON & STEADMAN. mar 28 Um &\7AN07 "GUANO, UNADULTERATED, PERUVIAN GUANO on hand by the Sack or more. 1 ' Orders will ho received for MAPES, SUPER PHOSPHATES, and FISH GUANO. And tho WANDO FERTILIZER. To Ihc Planter who can possibly afford to procure of these, there will he a A-ward in his increased GROCERIES and a Ocneral Assothneut of c4hcr Goods hold c?oi stoutly on hand At Ihc Court Lb.n.-?1 Store; Market Street. Pct 10?1y JOHN A. HAMILTON IS TiU: DIV.'JIKT COURT Ol" THE I'MTED KTATEg-.-ftm riia Divnuoi ni SoVYfl Cauomna-Lntih: M ATT KU u'.' Huwki.i. pAS TkitT.tN, llANKUi rr ?Is B.VNKavi'Tcv-r-To Wnoji it HAK Cb.Ncr.uv. ? The undersigned hereby give-, u'< life Of his ?"?h? n I incut at Assignee of Uowcll lias Icrliff.HH tho District of wi'nM^fhtUg and State of South Carolina, within said District, who has been adjudged a bankrupt upon his own peljfion, by tho District Court ol fnh! District. Dated al Orangcburg C. II., the'JGih day of Mjiit" A. I?. I8U8. ?, ir 2H?::i p. V. DIBBLE, AsMgnce. ? ?tllll niKWTO IMORM ""?t he is now prepared |0 tf WE II?VE JUST-ilECEIVED AND ^^CjPJ^^O {A ^CII^^^E^JS^ To which we-bpg the'Attdhtfori of Purchasers. ? * * ^-J l ) 31 fH 31 vi 4 W * 5 CONSISTING OIP CALICOS from the Cheapest to the Pest. Printed MU8LINS and CAMBRICS. Cheek and Plaid CAMBRICS. SWISS "MUSLIN, ? > i ( i i * r * , i r < i Check and Plaid LINEN for Suits. ' 1 '' LTNEN DUCKS and DRILLS. KENTUCKY JEANS at 25 cts per yard. Lot of Fanoy RIBBONS and TRIMMINGS, ,. .. , Plaid and Check HOME8PUN. .v I IM'TO 1 I Black and BrdwivSHIRTING. r f}1/ A lot of fine FELT 1 oz. HATS at 82.50 each. Also a general assortment of Boots, Shoes, Groceries and other Articles ndaptod to this Market,.which wp will sell LOW FOR CASH OR BARTER. Please give us a call before purchasing. JOHN ^L\ STOCKER & CO., may 11?ly Corner Russell Strcet'and Railroad Avenue. EWkSEL & k?hn, HAVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF FRESH AND Genuine GARDEN SEEDS, Direct from the Celebrated House of 1). LAXDRKTll & SOX. y . . . . iuit) \ ALSO an assortment of'Popular School Books, Slates, Stationary, &c. I They are also Agents lor the Sale of tkc Seed of BARTON'S LONG UPLAND COTTON, Call and Examine the Cotton, and return Sales from Messrs. E. H. RODGERS it CO. WANTED TO FILL ORDERS ORTEPv, FOX AND MINK SKINS, Vw which the Highest Prices will be given COUNTRY PRODUCE, ?^?^m Bought aa usually at Market Prices. fob 28 c THOMAS RAY IS STILL TO BE FOUND AT THE LATE STAND OF RAY & RICO'S, Prepared to do all kinds of REPAIRING and BUILDING NEW WAGONS. BUGGIES built to order. BLACKSMITH WORK IN GENERAL attended to. with promptness and despatch. From this date, I will keep constantly on band . I .,. READY MADE COFFINS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, FROM THE FINEST TO THE CHEAPEST VARIETIES. Charges ns moderate as the times will adaiik TARNISHES *?d PAINTS constantly on hind. Also two barrels M ANHATTEN AXLE G MSASE. for grassing Wagon aud Buggy .V xlos, iY.c.. for sale at low rate?, sept 28?lye THOMAS RAY. p3 IWOUJ.D RESPECTPULET INFORM TF?E f ITtXENS OF ORANOEBURO ANP THE ADJOININQ Districts that I aia stilt at my Old Stand, ready lo (to any work in my H?o at the Shortest N?tio*. I have on hund ?erersl Now and Second hand CARRIAGES and BUGGIES, also tin WAGONS, ono 4 Horte and one i. ?ALSO? I have established a LUMBER YARD ami will keep' constantly on hand HOARDS, SCANTLING, Sic, of all kinds usually in demand, and can fill all Orders with Despatch. My Cotton Gins and Press are in perfect ordor, and ready to GIN on TOLL for all th?i? who mar faror mo iriih their Cotton the coining Season. for sale low Two 50, Two 40 and One 45 SAW GINS. ONE INGEHSOLL'S COTTON PRESS. REARSTEADS of Various Kinds. ] I A It l'IM I IT(5OS., aus e IJT XTOTlC'K.-vIHK HOOKS OF i>K. 1^ T. A. KI.I-IOTT im.I of l)rs. KM.IOTT & iSAI.l.i'.r luivc been placed in tin- hands nf ('.'. 1'. A. MtMicliuel for collection and settlement. In ac cordance >\ it It a previous not ice ( ,,?.,., i,, ,. sept 28 ly ii ?....? i. ,i -..ii.ii.;... ..>>? RO.IJ&JtiICKEPKIkft IF TOU WATVT (o pnrehase your <;s.nds nt Charle/.fon Cost Prices. ?-,. ' i ?? u ..? u? T. n YfOfLFE'S .wsmiwrnom. Shefriff'tf "Sales. By virlub ofisMidt-y Wlts of fi. fa/, to me directed, -.JoHll..BttU^o^tb^,,|??gffHSr>Wa?> ^Pf^gfiburg t.ourt House . on t by first Monday in Jtfay ?nest, Torcasb fWf?lltJwhig ifta^/W*'' t>U,J 1 Ode Tract df Land i??h'toinln^:2J0'R^^ legs, in the Fork of Ediatof east side of WUtaP Swamp, waters of South Editto River, boundoaoy lands Of James Mo3s ort'!iiett/stVby lauds of Jootph 6iiit of V. D. X. Jamison, Commissioner. 9Mji '? ?'? ? "iii- :!.?> ALSO:'! -f /Hli-M ?dt'lW Another Tract of Land containing acres, more or less. .Lovk'djon as thy Pi'0P>"*'ylftf; Wnu,|I. Bookhnrt, at the suit of Samuel Hozurd, Atfin'r and others. 1 '? b?tu? n?iJ i - 1 'ALSO5'' :; .Tcjnwt >T Another Tract ocontaining 350 acres,! more'or less. Levied op ht* the . property-ofi th? e?.w?,pf 'JftfW. P. Reese, at tho suit of Samuel Boziird, AdinLr. ???<-. n?1 ? >r 'jtywirJi nr D-uijr.^no . ' ... ?{??Jaa Aiii' ? viTT , All thy.Right,.Title pud litf>rest of W.jA, iMo Grcw, in an undivided 'share of" OlKTa'crcsof falfn, more or less. Levied on st thV nut of L O. Jones and August Kuhn, Assignees*, r .. ": I Jr. ?, . r%ur\ ? One House und Lot cnnt.i,iujai.nd appear; before w.e, ii> the tVxivt of Ordiimij-, to be hold at O/angc? burg C. II.. on the ISllS day of May next, alten publication hereof; at 11 o'clo'dk In tbc forenoon;-to .-hew ca|u4q if any.lliey haver\i,hy th^^id^j^diuiu^s t rut ion should not be grunted. Given under my hand this eighth day. of April Anno Domini, lSliS..*. . H u "' 'P. A. McMKHlAEL, ?. 0. D. nplll ?? ii ! '.?..it-.iff vo-f<|.'>fii?|, Tili:-STATK OF SOI'Tlt^?WlSNX, b?A'NOi'.B'?Hti a>ISTKKMtf.? J.i thr Colinnttii Wins.: fT '?? T ' ,, s ? ?? ' ' If! t it hii<; . thr i Jos. H. Mo.rgan, ] vs.. !- Aitaobinent-., Joseph K. Bailvy. > .,, Whereas, tho Plainlill did, on the.iifyh,,^dtty of*" March, 18G8, file his Declaration against the De fendant, who (us is saiil) is absent from and'with out. the limits of the State, and has neither wife- Upn Attorney knowu within the panic, upon whom at copy of the sanie nocmrittibn inight be served f "it is therefore ordered, Thai the-said defendant' do ap pear and plead to Ihc said declaration on or before lite 2Uth day of March, 18t#t), otherwise finiYl"and absolute .judgment Wilt then bt given and laMra'rded against him,' j ^ . Clerk s OiT.ce. 1 J. F. ROBi^SON, March 'JM, 1868; /' I J'll'd, ii (j. GJ.P) M,r"d i ; .. , ? - , ' -.-. *-.f 1*7 ISr Viru' T?Y^Win^''i?6w\^f^F TBK UNITED STATES?rqajftin.{Dj>-iuicr.'or Sol'TII Ca1.MU.IS A--l S TUB. M ATTKl^ Of. JtlJlN C. F a x x! x (i. P. a x k it r ivt - -T.s' B >. s'^it't: f?rc r.?To * W u'l'he umlorsignedhercbygiTjesno tice of his appointment as Asaignec of John^C. Fan ning, in the DislrieiMir Orangeb?rg arid elate of South Carolina, wit bin said District, who has been adjudged a bankrupt, upon his. own petition,.by tho District Court of said District. Dated ul Oinngeburg C. H., thb Cth day <}f April A. D..18?3 , , f. ijj f lr_. apl 11?:lt P. V. DIBBLE, Asstgpc?. ? _ ??_1 ? i ?tltjii > _ 1ST Tin: DISTRICT COTJRT-?F THE UNITED STATES?Fun.tmb-Disxu^t or South Cauouxa?Is 'rup Matt*it or Edwu^d Ajtrina, Baxkim it?lx BaXkiu'i'Tcv?TdJ YrnXu it may CoN'ci:nS.^~The undersigned bercbyf gTrcs notice of his appoihtmetU a.^\V3biguve of Edward Argoo *iu the District \ ;..iu' i/ur - ^-ul State of South Carolina, within siutl t'i tri ct, \vh has boon adjudged ii bankrupt npoii hi.? ov.ti petition, by the District Com-i of said District. ? f . Dated at Oratiseb?rg C. II., the 6th day. of April A. IL, ISitft. apl 11? :lt Ut P. V. DIBBLE, Assignee. IX TIIK DISTRICT COURT OF Till: I'MTF.D ST'.TRS?Fou tut: District i>k SoCtii Cviioi.isa?In tui: Mattkk onJitltr.Mi*u Kur.v, Baxkjum't?Ik ILv-nkiu ctcy.?To Whom ir .m ay OoNOKux.?The iindt,f.4icnc,u liereby gives no lice of hi^ appointmeh't' its Assigfier Of.Jeremiah Biley, in the District of Orangeburg, and S,tatc of South Carolina, wilbin said District,' w ho has boon adjudged a bankrupt upon his~own petition, by the District Gdurt otl *iid Dhoriebt , , ( ? Hated at Orangcbitrg'C. U., the -lib day of.Anril A. D. 1 ?''.?. ",r apl 11? "A 3'. V. DIBBLE, Assignee. U. S. Internal Revemio, ,, gKCONl) msTiiroT ii ,jou ?fvil ou/ uui) buirVplfid ,/?,d .??vl>uL SOVTli CAROI.IXA, ^ I CompriHiiig Distric.L? of^Clpir^tvp, Jiorklcy, Bcuttlort, I'.urtiwoll, ^qlJetf)|v,*ud ()rangcburg. ? < f,r.,, t Nb|i^c i?!lpH'eby(gi,\su..U\at the AN. JAI^JJSTS. .yoniaiiidig A^sossnient.^ nuyle \\i11?in tins District for (lie vear, ISyT, including avtiele^ matlo itl tjohVdule. l' TO Wn,!Wrtgpicinr %HeV \T;ic4^sW??Alfh^^Trom Afay:\k, "/868V v iH[be opeu foV^HSp#OtWn??atJthis" Dftice' fut'had durtn'g i4o ??d, 2^d, ?aUi vandf?th days of the present iimuiih;:juni|.during A?fti^/0?r days Apiwobr-fwhieh ? sjwhl hf. mode in writing) wlll-h?'roewvfil,--rulalivu(tg A?vJ' VW'VQWpr oxces '*ivtras^ssitleit|iv .jV, nj ,Vt|j, C. J.i HASCALL, Assessor. . i >y -ibv'c *?d ) li'if . Assessor's Office, 04 Broad street, i Charlnston, S. r . April '.'HtvIStisJ "V ' ' 1 upMV " ".I' J -id ? :f. i/ It