THE OliANGEBUBG NEW?, PUBLISH KD WEEKLY AT ORANwKBURO, 8. C. Office of Publication an Market-Street over the Post Office. SAMUEL DIBBLE, Editor. ? VIRGIL C. DIBBLE, Associate Editor. CHARLES II. HALL, Publinher. , j HEADING MATTER ON EVERY PAGE. [From the Charles ?arlenton Mercury. tl^O0^f^Q CONTENTION. ? od'V .foj'*A't -r?!"??.?.{?!,.,.'(1;, ? ii At, ? -*ir.\ TUKfJi)AY llTU.??? * [The Club I louse. Assembly exhausted itself yestej$ayVjl jlv parformcd the. arduous task of .striking .p^^^d Hcctipuof, tljp bill of rights. Tecover from the fatigue produced lpy such an J jried With prayer' by timo wobecitme nwnre that the honourable gentleman of Colour ;wafi a parson as Welt as a barber. If tho members of his congrogatiou are among the ' customers of his shop, whnt an excellent opportunity must) -he! have, while manipulating their heads, to moralize at on the wickedness of the world in general, and tho special vices of his customers in particular. . -d 1 1 . Tho.rpll, having been culled and u quorum beiog present the assemblage proceeded tobusi nc?.-r. Ida an ' # ? . ' . . .... Donaldson and Elliott were announced as the additional members ordered to be appointed on tho Audit Committee. Dill offered a resolution authorizing the chairman to draw money ? enough to pay the1 delegates un 'Stlttfrday, which, on motion of Dcf?rge,'Wa8 laid* on the table. The unfinished business' wits then taken up, whtfcft'wus callihg the ycus and nays on striking out tho twenty-third section of the bill of* rights, which is as follows : -4 . ( Skv- 23r Treason against the Stute shall consist in levying war against the same, ur in adhering t<> its enemies, giving them aid and comfort, No person shall bo convicted of trea son unless on the testimony of two.witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court. The ayes niid noes were then called for which resulted as follows : Yeas, 80 ; Nays, 20. Th'ia ordeal hdvlng been' passed through, after a few' motions not requiring a super-abun dance of thought, the assemblage adjourned. ' WEDNESDAY 12TII. ^Hic, meeting was opened with.prayer by R. F. Wnttemoroj . Thoroll war called, and a quorum being present, the' assemblage proceeded to business. A communication was received from tho (Icorgia' State Convention, recommending that the Southorn States ask from Congress a loan yf $30,000,000 On certain conditions/which was referred to {.he Committee on Petitions. Tho bill of rights was then token up, and ?.cetions twcuty-fWur to thirty-throe, except tho thirtieth, were passed to u third reading. Nu merous .amendments were offered, but none of any great importance were adoptod. There was ? great deal of debating on minor points and much time was consumed. Randolph, Curdoza,. Cain and; Wright, all colored, s showed more comprehension of Re publican principles than devotion to the Radi cal party, by co ntending during the discussion un the 30th section that the military power should always be iu subjection to tho civil au thority. The nyes and noes were called for on thuit" section, and resulted ayes 49?nays 53. Absent 10. 'During the di-cussion of tho 34th section, the assemblage ndjourncd. V' ?f(I?SM1 ^thI?r?dAy 13t?i."' Uli ,fl IL '???' .. ? idift The meeting was opened with prayer by Abrnm -Middleton. ; The roll was called and, a quorum neing pre sent, the. assemblage proceeded to business. Tho minutes of tho last meeting were read and confirmed. Lang, . Ponaldson, Hunter, Shrewsbury, Jones, and -Moses obtained leaves of absence. Tho remaining sections nod the urcamable and title offhe*ili'of rights ^wcre then dispos ed of consecutively, and all passed to n third reading, with the following amendment to the forty-first section '?Distinction on account of race or color, in any case whatever, shall be prohibited, and all classes of citizens shall enjoy equally all com mon, public, legal and political privileges." Parker offered tho following resolution, which, after efforts to defeat it in various ways, was finally adopted : Jiesolccd, That this convention request Rro vet Major-Gcimral K. R. S. Canby to abolish at once tho District Courts of South Carolina, m^d tjo. declare vacant all offices connected therewith. Leslie recorded his name against tho resolu tion. . Whjttemojw offered an article of the consti tution in regard to its amendment and revision, which was referred to the Legislative Commit tee. Jlaynca . offered tho following resolution, wtich was referred to the Committee on Ppti tfeoti hi<] *m ,: ", ..' |j . ,4,.'? ; Resolved, That this convention petition to Congress lor the removal of tho disabilities, of suen persons in tab State.wiip, accept in good l'^itjli tho c^on^jtruction nets of Congress anil tho Constitution of tbo ?nitod States as amend 9i)'c: i ui ui I i j ' Cain offered the following resolution, which w.'.b adopted: Jictolrcd That the Committee on Petitions bo hereby requested to report to this House bj to-morro^^nV ouj$*> a pieambh ai tio-A. rolhti\te |to; fotiStfoning Ctongress t resolution, rolative [to p^iStfoning (jongrjss for a grant pf ouomillion dbllarato be appr? ted fur t%<> pbrch&'o ;. ,| . On motion pf Bowen it was resolved that General Canby be requested to onforco the ordinance annulling contracts for the purchase of slaves. A Bor some unimportant motion the as semblage adjourned. ?THEI ?iyjNGrfeBtTRG NEWS. j, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 15,18?8. ' I 11 + l ? ? ....... , j itoij A Letter .from Alabama. . We publish below a communication from a friend in Alabama, concerning the recent elec tion on the Constitution, which is interesting, ns it shows tho course adopted by. tho Conser vatives in regard to their employees. We hold broadly the doctrine, that a nau should never nestle a serpent in his bosom; and that no one should support those, who are assisting in striking a death blow to all his dourest politi cal rights. - Greenville, at.a./Fcb; 8,1868. Mr. Editor: On Tuesday, the 4th inst., the election commenced here for the ratification or rejection of the rotten Constitution framed by the late Badical Convention in Montgomery, and has to-day closed, und the negroes have 'dispersed- During the firet two days of the elec tion, the ucgrocs would be here, notwithstand ing the rain's falling as if the Heavens were open, wending i heir way. through the mud, some of them fifteen miles, to deposit a small strip of paper which said "Ratify the Constitution," but happily for the people of Alabama, t- c votes cast at this place fall short several hun dred of being the majority of the registered voters, which is roquirod before tho Constitu tion can bo adopted; but whether or not it will bo tho result in tho adjoining couutics, we have not yet ascertained, though the general im pression is, that, tho baluuce of tho couutics bavo not had as many votes polled as this one. in consequence of the negroes not being so thoroughly radicalized, On Wednesday, tho 5th, tho Conservatives had one of the managers at this place, who had tho impertinence to sit as such, whilst he at the same time, was runuing for Probate Judge, dragged out from bis (ho thought) honorable position and hud another man, who, though radical and black-hearted as ho, was not a can didate, put in his place; and loft him to the association of his negro equals, not counten anced even by the lowest white people of tho town Tho poor illiterate negroes, to whom he probably professes fricudship during his asso ciations with them in their night meetings, have already, many of them, rued the day that they met him, and promised to vote for him, and tho ratfication of tho Constitution; for he who gave them circulars advising.and com manding them to vote, even if they had to ride over; the Conservatives, has caused mp.iy a .ouo to lose a good home ; for tho people of | this county have shewu their wisdom and will ingness to sacrifice their own interest, by dis charging or refusing to employ those who voted the rudicul ticket. And would the people throughout the Southern States follow the ex ample set by the citizens of this county, the radicals would never accomplish their hellish dosignB. It is tho only wuy to rule them, aod an effectual oue, for thoy are, Pbd always will bp dependent upon tho whites for,a,, diving. They cannot receive maintenance from these carpet-bag loafers from the, North, such as tho character I have above roforred to, who bus been the object of many anathemas, from ne groes who have lost their homes by adhering to his dictations. He has promised them help, but it is poor satisfaction to an ignorant laborer without a home, und without any employment. The negroes had better be warned before it is too late, und listen to the white men of the South in preference to these carpet-bag men. NAP. Official. IIeadq'rs. 2i> Military District, ; .7 i Charleston, S. C, Feb. (i, 1808. Gcnerul Order Ko. 18. I. In trials for offences at common law or under State statutes, and in trials of civil ac tions, provost counts, military commissions and military tribunals, organized by virtuo of au thority under the Reconstruction acts of Con gress, ^vill be governed by tho rules of. evidence prescribed by tho laws of the State in which the case is tried. II. No provost court will entertain jurisdic tion of any case, nor will any Post Commander refer any case for trial by tiny such court, un less it shall appear to the satisfaction of the Post Cornmandor and shall bo certified by him, oitbbr^ Fir*t. That the easo involves matters of dif forcuco. botween employor and employed re specting rights under provisions of military or ders ; or, , Second. That tho proper State authorities have refused or unreasonably failed, or uuablo \o tnko action needful for tho protection of per son's, or property; or, Third. That ' thero is good ground for be lieving, upon facts shown, which must be pre served of record, that impartial justice cannot fgl' j -1-JJ bo secured in tho State courts; by reason of pre judice on account of race, color ofr former ?m f;ion. , By command of Brevet Majbr-Genontl JCd. B. 8. Canby : ?,\ _v ?*fc^ . Bit. ? ?' A LOUIS V.OAZIARC, A. P. 0. J A. 1). 0. and A. A. A. G , .Items. ^?1 I I I' : ^Dl.'ft/../. . ::, Clever and well recommended saleswomen in Berlin get fifty dollars, a year uud board. I Neither of tho four English field marshals just appointed au under eighty years of age. Tho King of the Netherlands has discovered a method of preventing ministerial crisis. *TIo makes his cabinet perpetual. Tho infant of a poor flower woman died on its mother's arm whilo sho was peddling her boquets on the streets of London, starved to death. According to tho new army pay list of "the North Gormau Confederation, second lieuten ants get $300 a year, first lieutenants ?300, and captains $000. It is represented by knowing financiers, that tho production of cotton in Brazil, India and Egypt, will be larger than ever the coming year. In Paris the latest novelty produced by the cold weuthcr is announced to be a nose protec tor lined with fur. At Tunis one hundred persons arc dying daily of hunger. The foreign residents do all that they can, but, after providing for the Eu ropean poor, little is left for the wretched na tives. The President has approved the bill pro viding for the distribution among the people of J the South of tho accumulated desiciated ve getables and preserved meats which are not re quired for the use of the arm)'. Tho Toronto militia were terribly frightened the other day by finding a piece of iron stuck through the door of the old fort, and immedi ately the guard was doubled, under apprehen sion that the Fenians were coming by tcle grogh. The population suffering from famine in East Prussia is said to number 1.300,000 and the Bavarian Consul at Lyons has published an appeal to the Charity of the Germans in that city on their behalf. One of the arches of the . underground rail way of London, it is said, forms the floor of a kitchen above. It was constructed without cracking the walls of the home wherein the kitchen is situated. Tho Prussian Legislative Chambers propose to raise a loan of ?30,000,000, for the construc tion of railways in Eastern Prussia. One cause of tho present distress in that provgnfji? is said to be the great lack of rends and other means of communication. The Greek Government, has recently defin itely declared its accession to the Monetary Convention concluded between France, Italy, Belgium and Switcrlund, by which the. French five-fruuc piece is tu bo made the bases of a decimal system of moucy. Coasting or sliding down hill on sleds is said, tp be the present agony nt Montreal?oqly the Canadians call it "Tobogauhig" from "To bogan," their name for n sled. A great, num ber of people in all parts of America enjoy this exhilirating sport every Winter. The King of Naples is reported just now to ne in n bad way in Rome, being reduced to the necessity of selling a portion of his Queen's d'a monds. The jewels have been purchased by a Roman lady. The ox-King spends most of his timo at the gaming tablo. Lord Ranelugh, a British nobleman, takes a vory desponding view of the state ol the Eng lish volunteer forco. lie calls it a "sham." "Oue hundred and eight)' thousand or two hundred thousand men iu battalion, without administrative staffs for its command or supply of any sort, is," he remarks, "a mere crowd of] coated playthings." Letters from Killuruey say that tho clergy of that town, who refused to say mass for the souls of Allen, Lnrkih and Gould .who were executed nt Manchester, have ceased to receive any money from their parishioners, who refuse to contribute to their support oi that of the church. The Melbourne Argus speaks of a plague of j Band-flics with which tunny parts of the country has been afflicted. The atmosphere Imh iu huge districts been loaded with these insects, which havo attacked the cattle, horses and goats in such myriads as to drive the poor ani mals almost distracted. In New Orleans, the newspapers say, the people are in a state of excitement on the sub ject of rents. They want them for tho coming year reduced to one-half of what they arc at present. This is the substance of a resolution adopted at a meeting of two hundred of the leading New Orleans merchants, held at the St. Charles' Hotel about tcu days ago. London is profiting by tho war between the grocers and the Uconsed victuallers. The for mer sell wine and spirits cheaper than their rivnls, who in turn put down the price of tea, sugar and othoi groceries. Housekeepers arc profiting by this stat.: of things, and show their impartiality by buying groceries of the publi cans and liquors of the grocers. Tho Paris Rothschild recently had a royal shooting party at his country scut, the peculiar feature of the entertainment being the engage ment of the celebrated surgeon Xolaton, who presided at a pavilion where all tho -wounded bares, pheasants, etc*, wero conveyecLby n reg ular ambulance service, their limits refcet, tboir Wounds dressed, and themselves put in condi tion to servo another ?\me. . An address of adhesion to tho Pope, with 2,000,000 signatures, vhas arrived in Rome from Spain, and the Spanish .Ambassador has ofierored his Holiness a legion of Spanish vol unteers. Cardinal Antouelli expressed his ap preciation of this.tender of support, but said, that tho Pontifical Government could not ac cept it at the present moment. In Wales the iron trade is reported to be so dull that one of the most eminent iron masters of the district is engaging himself in experi ments for the prevention of explosions in coal pits, the objects he has in view being to neu tralize the accumulated gai by chemied pro cesses. Dull trade may thus probably produce a good result, after all. ' A Washington telegram says Mr. Johnson is sewed up; Butler is still bottled up; Grant is politically used up; Staunton is stuffed up; and the country, constitutionally speaking, gone up. As the correspondent says nothing of Gr?cley, the inference may be drawn that he is going down ''below." In the British army, it is stated, two-fiflhs of the soldiers arc skilled workmen, and it is proposed that each regiment shall have an offi cer of industry, and that the men shall be al lowed to earn something in tho time not re quired for military duty. The most startling proposition of tho week is made by a Northern paper-?to restore all the plate, pianos, jewolry, etc., stolen from South ern families on private account during the laic war, as a beginning point for reconciliation aud permanent reconstruction. It is said to have created uu unparallcllcd sensation throughout the New England States, the Radicals general ly denouncing the author ns a "disloyal, cup per head" aud '"blasted traitor." The Convention Tax.?Genend Caiiby has ordered assessors of taxes to add to their assessments the tax levied by the Couveution for the purpose of payiug the per diem and contingent expenses of that body. The Treas urer of the State is authorized and directed to pay tho per diem and mileage of the delegates, the contingent expenses, and the compensation of the officers, upon the warrant of the Presi dent in the usual form.? Charleston Ncks, At the last session of the Legislature Dr. Illy obtained the right to supply the maimed soldiers of the late Confederacy with artificial arms ami legs. If c opened an office in this city, and up to the present time ha* supplied one hundred and teveuty artificial legs, lie now, however, finds himself compelled to suspend operations, bcc:tU5on:mblo to UCgoeiate tho State bills receivable. The convent ion has flooded tho market with this commodity, and thereby doing a serious injury to all the officers and employees of the State, who receive thoirpny iu this currency. The Tut. m Land Question.?The laud question in Ireland is the main source from which spring most of the evils which uffiict that cuuntry, yet Lord Stanley had semi-offi cially declared that the land question will nut receive tho attention of the government. To compel men to support a rcligiou which they do not believe, and build .churches iatu which thoy never go. is an intolerance that admits of but little palliation, but the land question is a grievance of the most intolerable kind. Par liament has clothed the Irish landlords with absolute power over thu farms of their tonantry. Tho laudlord fixes the amouut of runt, aud places it at so high a figure that it is only by the hardest toil that the tenant is enabled to meet it. Should there be a bad season and di minished crops, the tenant must take the poor house or the emigrant ship. At an}' moment he may be turned from his holding. He is at the mercy of tho landlord or his agent, and is not entitled when cjocted, to receive one cent, for the improvements which by the expendi ture of capital and years of hard work he may have made upon it. It is then surprising that the Irish will not pay thei" routs, or that Von iauisiu will not be suppressed.?'Charleston News. All) to Planters.?Tho following informa tion will bo of use to planters who intend up plyiugfor govcrmcut aid. I. Application must be made in writing, set ting forth the fact that their plantation is or ganized completely. II. State the number of adults and children upon the place for whom the provision is needed. III. State number of acres intended to bo planted in com, cotton, &p. IV. Applicants if not ublo to continue jtheir planting without assistance, must so state here and have the same corroborated by the officer of tho Bureau Bofugees, Freedwou and Aban doned Lands in their Districts or by two wit nesses, known at these headquarters. V. State distinctly namo of plantation and its locality. VI. Animals will not bo fed by the govern ment. IN TIIK 1>ISTRKT ?OUKT OF THE i: NIT KD STATES?rou tiik DiSTaier or South Cauomna?In tiik Mattku ok O. j. Ui.mkb, turns for Incomes for 1HU7, und renumernted nrtielc?. Hankuitpt?In llANKarrTov.?To Whom it may CoNCKttN.?Tho undcraigut i iiorcby gives notice of Iiih appointment ns An?igncc of Oeorgc j. Ulroer, in the District of ttrangoburg and Stuta of South Caro, Una, within paid District, who hns been adjudged a bankrupt upon his own petition, by the District Court of ?nid MMriot. Dated at Ornuguhurg <'. H. the .r?th day of Febru ary A. D. 1808. leb 10?tf I?. V. DIBHLE, Assignee. HYME NEA L. r&,'. si I if*-s. vgl ; M.MtniBD?0? tili 0th instant, at the residence of tho bride's f?thcr, by ?ho Itev. Mr. Jonea, Mr. Wm. MclLIIANHV ra-Miss EMMA K. MILLER, j AU of, Orangebueg' Dib'.ric t. - Mahuikd?On the 30th January, i80o\ at the residence the bride'k rather, by O. W. Kittrell, Esq., Mr. F. M. MYEltS to Misb UALINDA COOP ER. All of Orangcburg District. ^.^4' 144-t?^-1 pa p ; .-ggf OBITUARY, In Memoriam. Wo feel tad to see a flower fade; a little child dies and we weep, yet it seems as it its frail being has but been transplanted to a purer clime where it will grow into rarer loveliness?an aged Ulan* sleeps?dt is but natural that after the burden and heat of tire day he should have rest; but where the strong man dies?when tho glory of youth and the prido of ear ly manhood is stricken down?we arc amazed, we tiro dumb. How contrary to nature it sceias; things frail and delicate survive, while he, whs scchied nil youth and vigor ii no more. ' Alas white, 9?fi - | "Tlie hand of the reaper taken heads that art hoary, The voice of the weoper wails manhood in glory." The "dark-winged Axrall" often visits the abodes of men, and in hid pathway many a victim falls, yet few of his fatal arrows find "mark so shining" as that which sheathed itself in the henrt of FRANCIS M. Mc.MlLLAN, on tho morning of the 20th of Jununry 18?8. ' ? Of tine and commanding personal appearance, elegant and polished mannen?, a cultivated mind, ntid tho kindest heart, he endeared himself to our entire community, into which ho came a stranger, a littio more than a year ngo. During the prevalence of fever, with which tho country was scourged in the summer and fall of '07, Dr. McMillan devoted himself no closely to his profession that his own health was seriously impaired, yet he continued his attentions to the sick until forced to desist, und with a constitution undermined and shattered, he was now to battle- with disoaec himself. Kind friends and tho loved oues of his own home circle stood around his Couch : gladly would they have won him back to life, but all in vain?the dis ease baffled all Immun skill, und alter intense suf fering, the Sabbath found him dying. At five o'clock on the morning of tho 10th, having folded his arms over the faintly pulsating heart, ho lay motionless till between the hours of two and three A. M., on the 20th, when the spirit was freed and the sufferer at rest?blessed rest, whence there is no more awaking to toil, no burning fcVcrl nor tor turing pain, but exceeding peace und j-?y\ Rut seldom hath thy trophlcd car, 0 death! Conveyed in triumph to thy dsVk domain A richer spoil, seldom hast thou, O grave ! Clasped in thy cold embrace u manlier victim ; Or folded thy oblivious mantle o'er A gentler bosom. MEDICAL NOTICE?CHANGE* or Itcsidonce.?Or. BALLKY has mowd to Mrs. Hail s House, near Mr. McKcwn's. feb 1? St NOTICE.?PERSONS arc IIEBIE by iiotitivd that I am prepared to receive lie such as Watches, Curriugea,Silver Flute, &c. for 1S0S. Unless Returns arc made on or before the IOlli day of March, n penally of 80 per centum will be added to the proper duty. GEO. W. BTUdtGKOXy feb l??1m Assistant Assessor. Sheriff's Sales. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. Com.kton District. Lee & Co., and others. \ vs. . v Attachment. M. S. Littlcfied. J Under an order of tho Court in the above stated j ease, 1 will sell before the Court House in Waltcr boro, 8. C, on the first Monday in March next, between the usual hours of sale, the following pro perl}", foV cash', via: I Saw Mill complete. 1 Engine and boiler. 1 Shingle Mttchin? nndC. Saw. 4 li ail road Cars. 0 Timber Carls. 2 Lumber Wagons. 1 New Express Wngon. ?* 2 Old Spring Wagons. l'J Mules. I 28 Setts Harness. 40 Trace Chains. 1 Lot old Harness. 1 Set .Stage Hu.m-s* complete. 1 MoC. Saddle. Ii Common Saddles. 'J Curry Combs. ft Sets Stretchers. 4 Streicher Chains, Log Chains. Lot Carpenter Tools. Lot loncUsmiih's Tools. 4 S?t3 Timber Hoots. ! Grain Measures, 1 Sei Tin Measures. 2 Sets Scales. 20 Pounds White Lead. The contents of-a Country Sloro, 4onslating of: Tin Warp, Kettles, Fry Fausi Kmres and Forks, Spoons. Coffee Mills. Seives, Clay Pipes. Children Shoes, etc., &C. ALSO Ott Tuesday the 8d insL, at Micstcr's Mills: 1 Flat Ront. 2 Lighters. I Large Warp Rope, i .Small Wnrp Rope. 200,000 feel Sawed Lumber, more or less. 100,000 feet Ranging Timber, more or less. 1 Sow and 11 Figs. 99 1 Wheelbarrow. 2 Plows. 5 Fairs Rlunkcts, lot Red Linen and Household mid Kitchen Furniture 1 iron Safo, 1 Letter Press. 2 Clocks, 2 Office Desks. 1 Stove and Cooking Utensils. GEOROE WARREN. Sheriff Colleton District. Sheriff's Office Wullcrboro, S. 0., Feb. 10, lbi'8. J feb 15? td ) Millinery and Dress Making. miss it. maijIjE RESPECTFULLY INFORMS HER Friends and tho Piihffo in g?n*ral that j site has opened a Mjllenery Storo at Mr. Cummins' Old Stand, ;Russoll-8t,, whore she is prepared to carry on MILLINERY and DRESS MAK.INO. Tho latest styles of bonnets, Hats, Ribbons, Feathers, Flowers, Jfc'c., fer sale at prices*!? mit tho times. Call and cx?in> ?? before purchasing clsewhore. feb 1 * 1? 41>MINISTBATOB'S NOTICE.~ AU persons indebted to the Estate of the late ibelli Rlckcnhnker, debcased, will wake imme diate payment, and thoso holding claims against the said Estate will present them properly attested, on or before tho 16th day of February belt to DONALU U. BARTON, jan 18?t Administrator. TTOUNfiKEEPKUSlF YOU WASTT t~| lo purchase your Goods at Charleston Cost Pr'eep, go to 1" ' iiov l? T. I>. WOLFE'S. List of Letter? ' YrHl IN THE POST OFFICE UNCA1L eb. 1, 1868. Blake, D. *L 8. Buxlcy, Jlcyward. ; C. Chnvia, Maria. Cockoroft, Miss Clara. D. Dargan, J. McNelty. Headman, Henry, P. .Eftl** PoJ)hi^lUj ( G. Graham, Maris? Givcns. Hobt. H. Hays, ?. R. Hatto, J. B. Harrison, A km Harvov^A..-: Hormsby, J. D. Jacob, If. K. '. ?. " Kenuerly, Mary Ana. M. Major, Frederick. B. Reese, Edw. Robertson, Dr. F. A. ' Russell, D. J. , ,, Roach, John A. Say lor, Betsy. ? - Salmon Rutha C. Wbiftmoro. Eave. Ilrop Letters mu.?t be prepaid one eptA.; paper* ) cr 2 cents. ' T. C. HUBBELL, P. Ml ' ?;:'in(.Mif. fj,;a :;-r>^= POK ?ALE C1TEAP*- - i a servi^?b ife\*o;liW^i?^ L* COPARTNERSHIP : De TFJSmLE A AMAliTity $ ' ATTORNEYS AT LAW*,' ~ . . Ortintjchurtf District. '" " W. J. Da TREVILLE, '[."'.". A- P. ./UlAl^V - OrnngeburgC. lt. Uwist.tte, g. 6. fehl , _ . ' ? ; GH AS. g, BULL ?5fc CO? OFFEK?. ? ? for sale n general assertlHMll of Goods al prices to suit the Hard Times. Purchasers will da well to cnll and ascertain for themselves. Just received Floury Bacon, Sugar. Coffie, 8ynip, f &??, ??. . ThrTopnrtnership between CHARLEH 8, BULL.' , & K. MERCHANT, in the firm of ?Charles S.'Bull & CO.," was dhr.^fed by mutal confteat ou let-Not., ? 1SU7.' The business will be nntinnr.i bjr Chartas, 8. Bull, Under the nnmo of VHA?, BULLA CO. , ,, ecpt 28 : _ dn ' ' biLtfi) WANTED. ? Rough RIC6. Cbs^i|w > and l'eus. for whteh I will give the highest market l'rkttin Cor(<5 or. Groceries an low oa they. ^ can be bought anywhere else for Ureenbn^hB. tint uirdsce for yoUwelYe?,'at 1 '' ": ?*? S"*??.? v!-. V^PATTBRSON'rV Teh B^t)m*n m , ? ,gjgo^gg^ggj^ United- States' Marshal's Sa&L THE UNITED STATES OP AMERICA, \ Soctu Cabomiu vMnkcwi'* ' / Hy virtue of a writ of Fieri Fae'ins t? me dlrseU ' ed, issuing 0>it of the Honorable, the United Stallt'1 Circuit Court* Ibr the DintrieCbf Sohth Ttt^omiavr will expose;for aalo to-riic. highest bidder, ni IHiblia Auction," nt ih? Court Houseiin the Town of Orange burg, oii the-1th day of March, IG?fcV being the first Wednesday in- the month, at 11 o'clock A. M. Ail the Right, Title and Interest of the Defendant ia iuul tu the following property, to wit- '- H All .thai Plan union or Tract of Land fdtuat? in Ornngihnrg Distric;. 7 miles from Lewiteill*; ndja-' T cent to Cal l well Swalup? containing about twenty^~ life hundred (2?U0) ncres,.bounded North and East by thr Congnree Itiver, West by lands ofxM^"?i^', l.t??\cr, .und Wert and Swuth by lands of Mr*. K. A* - Floruiico. , , ? r -1 r After the Vale of llto (MaUtalitin, tbo Miia will' b? :.'ljen: ?trrt .-Over until tlie next day. Thursday 5-ih / March, when will be sold at (bs ?bo?e Plaui?ii?8, I lie lollowing rcrsoual Property, tis : 7 Raits Cow tun. 1 tout lioi-fe Wagpns, 2 three bats* AVagbbs, I Buggy. 1, 12 Mules, UU Cattle. 30 8he*t>. 15 . HogH, 2U(I busbela Corn. \ Cotton Gin, 20 Ploughs, 20 Sweeps, r.nd 1 S;tw MBit hevicd ou a* the prtr ncrty of A. J. rredcfltit, ddfbndunt, at the suit ef llruiison, Dulklry & Co., plnintifis. \ >.J. Terms caSh, |-urchiiserM to nay the Marshal for". paper and stamps. J. P. 3L EfPlNG. fub 8?it I f 1 - V. m. .Marshal. STATE pKi SOUTH CAROLINA? \ mmt^-m r ? Ornngebnig Disfrict^ i f J fW?f?*T A By P. A. MeMlCHAEL, Esq., Ordinary. Whcrca?, Dcrapsy Gardner hath ?nd? suit t?J tue to grant bim ' Letter? of AdmiuilMra?n>biT4r:Un Estato and eHects of Freeman Hooker, deceased.-- ' The?e arc therefore to cite and admpnis^i^B singular the kindred and Creditors of the Frceuinn Hooker, deceased, that they be and kppe before me in the Court of Ordinary, to be held tt ' Orutigchurg C* H.. on the'21 s'. day of February,, nt'tn publication hereof, r.t ll o'elork hi the forenoon, to show canae if any they .hare, wby the said Administration should not be granted. Given under irty band thiatHh/dny.of.^^Pebrnary Anno Domini, 18?f. P. A. McMlCHAL, fob 8?2t HUT/. : ' ?' o: O. D. H H =fHJr d SO VT HERN SOCIETT.-A Week ly Journal of LiTeratirreTSociety a?a'AR^'?M a charming variety of Entertaining Reading- fey die mast distinguished Poetg, Wits, Nctcu^tft Crdu ics, and Artists of the Konth. i RoiTdi;us Socikty is tho lite tistic exponent of .the South, aod.we ?arneefly ap* peal to ail who truly love the South' to tmain ns ia estabiiahipBrthlB worthy; re^resjeatitttr^rif)}^ finemvnt. Taste und Cultivation. EXTRA OH DINARY INDUCEMENTS for CLUBS, Every perron who sends $20-for fivo ^r?arjy Safe* soribers wilt receive a copy tree. Every person who tends $40 for ton yearly Shb-i I scribers, will be presented with a beautiful copy.ef Miss Emily V. Mason's "Southern Poems'6f tae War," and nlso receive a copy of the paper free. Specimen Copies mailed free to any addre^j rjr SUBSCRlf?TI?N.? Oae^year, $4.00) siT?oiBis, 1.50. All Ruck Numbers Supplied, Address all communications to. , southern ^oci&TrV b Notice to my cbebitob? AND DEBTORS. ?1 am compelled to leave the District for a length of fitna, for my health, and I have appointed JOHN A. M. IIAIQLkR my Ageat to attend to my business till my return. TUST DECEIVED ANH FOB'SA1 f I LOW.-^.\ fresh supply of Groceries, eon ing of Flour, Bacon, Lard, Sugar, Cottel-, Mafat Smoking antl Chewing Tobacco, &c, &o AIko keep constantly on band a Fresh 8apply ef Fruit of all descriptions., At . , ,J. W. rATTERSON'S.^hnc Oj>pc*iU Butf Aficavllllar.r ?_ > >- . ? ?? ? i 4. , t. fc * i i ' r voth'k to tWDARBIAHS AND i_N TRUSTEES.?AW Guardians aad Truste?? who are required to make annual returns in this office are notified to de- m by fife twentieth lastaat, or rules will bo issued agninel all defaulters. ^ jnn 4?Im ( Com-nlMionef. FOR SALE, AT 75CTS FEH QUIRK: ;i>',aiTs, /: nh?KO fiVJIPUWAB a* sttX8Pp.W$ r?lW4T% AT 1.5ft PER * QUIRK: DECLARATIONS Otf'SKALEB flOTB, ?? PAXES ta. MAKER, At '?' ?>?' KOO VijlH \\TU r? XiL ORANGERURG NEWS OFFICE, sept 28 I