AGRICULTURAL, &C. &jjOES rierieisa BuuEwjC " I Editor* Southern Cnltioator:?Is not the subject of a proper adjustment of the ma chinery used on a plantation of sufficient I importance to have a piano in your excellent paper? tf ao, let nn give you a result whrch tame under toy owu ?Wrvatv?n during tho | present eeasoa. A few hours were devoted to the examination aud adjustment of the ma chinery connected with a cotton gin. The wheel on the main ah aft was found to be out of level; the upper end of tho shaft itself rubbed againat the timber above it; the horitontal shaft was out of levelthe ends of that also rubbed; and the cog wheel on this shaft was so out of position, that its teeth did not work evenly in the cogs of the main wheel; and doubtless upon examination, a large number of other gin powers will be found in tho same condition as mine. Theso defects were all remedied. (In adjusting the cogs, the points, to be guard ed are, that they do not jump, nor rub against the bottom; within those limits, there is very little difference in the draft.) Tho result was, a large increase of the quantity of cotton ginned daily, with much less fatiguo to the mules. In the opinion of the writer, after all that has been said about "horse-powers," so called, tho machinery in ordinary use for run ning a cotton gin is, in point of efficiency, econo my, and durability, all that can be desired; but it must be kept adjusted. Dec. 15th, 1867. PLANTER. Strawberry, Take new?that is, land which has not re cently grown a strawberry crop. If grass land so much tho better ; plow it, and give a dress ing of ashes or manuro; set out in the Bpring; keep tho ground clean the first season, and the next year gather the fruit. Then plow under the strawberry beds, and begin again on new land. This is the Rolmont syst em. From 3,000 to 4,000 quarts per acre is not an un common yield. They raise fine fruit and ob tain the highest prices. The Wilson Straw berry will not bring more than two-thirds as much as some other kinds. Hovey's seedling brought tho highest prico, and was most popu lar among tho glowers. It is a pistillate va riety, and needs some staminate variety to fer tilize it. Then it produces the largest crop. Brighton Pine and Boston Pine are used for fertilizers?one row to four rows of Hovey. La Constance was an excellent variety for ama teur culture. Triumphe do Gand would not do well except in hills. The real secret of the success of the Relmont growers is in taking fresh land, planting it in the spring ; keeping the land clean through the ' summer, and then only taking owe crop before piowiug up and making new Plantations.?M. P. Wildku, Transaction* of Ar. Y. State Agricultural So ciety, 186G. Graftino.?Dr. Regel describes a uew method of grafting as practiced by Herr Fre undich, one of tho Russian court gardeners, with remarkable success. Instead of taking the scions from the previous year's wood, with the bud just begining to swell, the still soft growing lateral shoots are selected when from one-half to one and one-half inch long, and either bark or tongue grafted, care being taken not to draw the )igature too tight, as they swell muoh more rapidly than hardwood scions. Success, he says, i? cortain, if care bo taken that tho sap of the stock be in motion at the timo. tho operation is performed. lie recom mends this, modo as superior to all others, es pecially for hard-wooded trees, such ns quorcus, fagus, Ac., which are usually difficult to propa gate from the old wood. New roses and other plants, whieh it is desirable to increase as rapidly as possible, may also be advantageously worked in tho same manner.? Florist and J'omotogist. TuBNirs.?Wo have observed for several years past a disease of this valuable plant, whieh has prevailed the present year in this vicinity, moro extensively than over before, end has proved very destructive to the crop. It at tacks the plant sometimes ut an early period of its growth?then again when the bulbs are quite large. The leaves turn yellow and be come crimped up, and finally the root decays. In almost every instance tho aphis or plant louse has been obBorvcd upon tho roots, but whether they are tho cnuso of the disease, or whether they attack the plant because it is diseased, wo are not prepared to decide Tho Rutabaga in the only variety which has escaped entirely. We invite attention to the matter, that observations may bo multiplied. Obciiard H?ckers.?M?ny otherwise good applo orchards are allowed to become defaced, as well as seriously injured, by allowing a pro fusion of suckers to grow at tho baso of the trunks. Attempts are somotimos mado to get rid of them, by cutting them off to the surface of the ground and leaving considerable por tions below in tho form of short stumps. These sprout again and they soon become as bad as over. A better way is to wait until they are in leaf, nt whieh timo they aro loosened more readily, and taking each sprout separately in the hands, and placing a thick boot upon it . near tho tree, they are quickly separated. If done at this timo of the year, thoy will not bo likely to sprout again.? Country Gentlemen. % One bushel of gypsum, two bushels of ashes and ono bushol of fine bone dust sown at the rate of forty bushels to the aero, or one peck per pquare rod, is recommended ns a fertilizer ibr lawns, JOHN Hi HOLMES, COHHISSION HER?IIANT, BOYCE & CO.'S WHARF, CHARLESTON, ByC RBFKRRNCfcsV 1 Hon. GEO. A. TUEN HOLM; AKDBK\y-,<8I-. MONDS. President 1st National Bank, Charleston, F. 8, HOLMES, President 8. C. Mining ?nd Manu facturing Company. dec 7 . * 'm 2m ISO EAST BAY, C II A 11 LK8TON, S. C. WHOLESALE GROCER, AND Commission Merchant, DUALER lit Sugar, Teas, Baeou, Lard, Fish and Salt, ?t?. sept 14 m 6 H. BISCMQFF. , C. WULBKRN. Henry Bischoff & Co., WHOLESALE G HOGERS AND DEALER? IN - "WINES, LIQUORS, SEGARS, &c.| No. 197 East Ray, CHARLESTON, S. C. sept 14 m 6 WM. WALTON SMITH, COTTON FACTOR -AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, Boyce & Co.'s Wharf. CHARLESTON, S. I>. fl?T" Prompt snd personal attention giron to tho sale of Cotton. . , aug 24 mos 6 C. Clach-r. A. Witte. CLACIUS & WITTE, NO. 80 EASTBA Y, C II A R L E S T O N, S. C, Commission Merchants, AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Groecrits, J'rorisions, Bagging, Rope and .Liquors. sept 14 * fim Wagener, Heath & Monsees, PLANTATION AND FAMILY GROCERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Ham, Bacon, Shoulders, Pork, Reef, Flour. Sugar, Coffee, Tea, etc:, etc., WINES, LIQUORS, SEGARS AND TOBACCO Ao*. 163 and 105 East Bag, ror. Qucen-streef. CHARLESTON, S. C. 80$" All Orders Promptly Attended to *?a *eept 14 m 0 8, Thomas, Jn., W*. S. Laxssat., William G. Whilden & C?. FORMERLY OF HARDEN & WHILDEN, dea leus in WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER WABE, OROCK EKYj CHINA, GLASS WARE, AND HOUSE FURNISHING ARTICLES. Old Gold and Sili er purchased. Watches and JcH-clri/ Repaired. 225 King-St., Corner of Reaufain, AT WHOLES A LEU HAVNE STREET CHARLESTON, 8. C. f?t>28 ? It WILLIS & 0HIS0LM, FACTOBS, COMMISSION ?ERCHANTS AND SHIPPING AGENTS. WILL ATTEND TO THE PURCHASE, side and shipment to Foreign and Do mestic Ports, nfCottouj Rice, Lumber ami Nav al Stores. ATLANTIC WHARF, CHARLESTON, S. O. E. WILLIS. ALEX. B. CIllSOLM. feh 23 1 y CHARLESTON HOUSE. ?:o:? STOLL, WEBB & CO., WHOLESALE AND BET AIL DEALERS IN DRY GOODS. All Goods are selected .?pocinlly for our SOUTHERN TRADE. AT THE OLD STAND. NO. 287 KING STREET, Three doors below Wcntwortb, CHARLESTON, S. C. Terms Cash, or City Acceptance. ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. II. C. Stoli,. Cuable* Vixnn, H. C. Wai.kkb. feb 28 0 it ]PA.VJLIOISr HOTEL, CHARLESTON, S. C. BOARD, PER DAY, $3.00. A. BUTTEHFIKLI), JfklRS. H. I,. BUTTKIIFIF.LD, Superintendent. Proprietress. dC0<28 Iraiigebittg Drug Store. V Bit." Is^J.- OLIV1ROS. M / PROPRIETOR. DEALER IN DRUGS, MEDI* re y. * TT & f /, i ?< crnce^ Chtndoals, Perfumery, Tol let Articles, rninla, Oil*, Dye Stuffs, Varnish, &?. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS FOR MEDICINAL 'USE. taw the appointed Agent at this place for the fol lowing MctUclncs: ? '?' Mrs. Winslows' Soothing Syrup, Brown's Bron chial Troches, Brown's Vermifugo Comfits, Bail way's Bendy Relief, &c., Dr. Aycrs' Sarsaparilla, &o.. Dr. Jnynos' Alterative, &o., &o. Physicians' PresoriptioiiB onrefully oompounded, and nil orders oorrectly answered. Medicines warrauted genuine, und of the best quality. E. J. OLIVEBOS, M. D., Druggist nnd Apothccnry, Orangeburg Drug Store, mar 2 y .1 Frederick Feisner, ME OHA NIC A L D EXT I S T, Will attend to tbose who wish his services n? their residences, by being informed through the Postoffice or otherwise. TEETH on GOLD and SILVER PLATE; alBo the VULCANITE WOUK. All work done Warranted to giTc satisfaction. Residence: nt Mr JOSEPH FERSNER S, Orange burg District, 8. C. mar 80 If Selling Off Under Cost! ?:o:? D. LOUIS & CO., AGENTS, HAVE STILL ON HAND A FINE STOCK OF Ready Made Clothing, CLOAKS, &C; WHICH THEY ARE CLOSING 'OUT UNDER COST!'.! ?:o:? In the wintry Storm 'Mid the chilling breeze, With stielt Clothing wann, No one need freeze, feb 23 c 7 v NEW STORE, mjlK SUBSCRIBERS TAKE PLEASURE IN IN. forming tlieir Friend* und the Public Gene v?Tly, that thry have opened their NEW STORE. nnd are now prepared to wait upon I hem with a nice Stock of FAMILY GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, HATS, BOOTS nnd SHOES, kC, auGenerallj found In a COUNTRY STOBE. Come d examine. A UAVLS. nov U c ly mHEGREAT POPULAR PAPER CHARLESTON DAILY NEWS. Subscription l*ricc Six Dollars a Year! THE CHARLESTON TRI-WEEKLY" NEWS, Three Dollars a year?Two Dollar? for Six'Months. flffi- TermS?Cash in advance. Nu 1'.per sunt unlcs the Cash nrcoiupanies the ordor. No Paper ??nt for a longer time than paid for. RIOR?AN, DAW80N A CO., dee 21?tf J Proprietors. HIL.HERS HOUSE, (i'OUMKIII.Y MIIS." 1>lBULK'S,) 281 KING STREET^ Between Went worth anil Hazel Streets, ami within three minutes' wall: of ulf the l*rincijml Wholesale mid Retail Houses of Meeting, King ami Jlai/nc Streets, and the Rust Office, Charleston, S. 0. The City Railway, which runs to euch extremity of the City, is within fifty yards of the house. TERMS OF BOARD : Board by the day.$2 AO .Week.$12 00 to $l.r> 00 Hr.xuv Si'AitxiCK, Mrn. B. Hilhchs. oct 18 if E. L. Jeffers & Co., FACTORS AND Commission Merchants, CHARLES TON, S. ('. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE SALE of Cotton :unl other Produce. Orders for sup plies onrefully attended to. Refer to Captain John A. Hamilton, It. G. Stone, Esq., Orangeburg, Dr. Wm. C. Whetstone, SI. Mat thews. apl ft Stoves! Stoves!! Stoves!!! IS'OW IS YOUR TIME. THE UNDERSIGNED BKQ LEAVE respect fully to inform the citizens of Orangcburg and surrounding Country, that he is now prepared to furnish thorn with STOVES, (both Cook and Heating.) from tho best Foundry in the U. 8., and will gnarnnteo to any person who may buy a Stove from him, perfect and entire satisfaction, provided the Stoves are put up and used according to his directions. Having been in the Tin ami Stove business for 17 years ho thinks ought to lie a sufficient inducement for his fricmlb to call and examine his Slock bofore pur chasing elsewhere., ('all aud sen for yourselves, N. B.?A large Stock of Tin Ware kepi constant ly on hand, manufactured by himself, for ml o hy ilx wholesale and retail. W. WILLC0CK, nov 10 m ;i THE CANNON HOUSE! (OPPOSITE (JOUKT HOUSE.) THE 8UBS?RIBBR WOULD Rc Ispeotfully inform the Traveling Pub lic that his HOUSE is Queued lor their nccotuuiliitioti. RATES OF BOARD. Board per Day.........!......$ 1 7f> " ?? Week. 7 00 Month. 20 00 ALSO A BAR-ROOM In the Basement, which is supplied with the best of Liquors. JAS. o^Nisroisr, Proprietor. nug 3 o ly BARGAINS!! Selling Off UnderGwt, DRY GOODS CLOTHING, SHOES, HATS, GROCERIES; ETC., FOR SIXTY DAYS AT JOSEPH McNAMARA'S, MAIN-ST 11E E T, ORANGEBURG, S. C. feb 2:1 ly CHAS. BULL & CO. CASH STORE. Will lierenfter sell altogether for CASH? consequently can afford to offer our goods at reduced prices. FARMERS PRODUCE Bought, for Cash at Charleston Prices. Call and examine our extensive uranrtiucut of Hardware, Crockery, Hats, Clothing, Dry Goods, Groceries, &.c, &c, Sc., at No. 13 Rus sell-Street. CHAS. BULL* CO.. AGENTS WANTED FOR TUB GRAY JACKETN, AND HOW THF.V LIVED, FOUGHT AND DIED FOR DIXIE, With Incident* nnd Sketche* of Ltfe in the Confederacy, Comprising Narrntiresof Personal Advcnluro. Army Life. Navnl Adv< nMirr. Home Life. Purtis^u l>a.r ing, Lite in lite t'aihp, Field and Hospital Tageth er will? the Hongs. HaMads. Anerilptrs ami ILuno runs lucid;use of :i.c ')...; for J?i?uthen. >?*..! deuce. Ti..rc '.s s C'V.'uili portion of the war Iba! tv!" never nyr the servu-v. The Valiant an-". T-ravo Hearted, the rich:l*CA x 8. For three Subscribers and $10,00, a copy of Weitster'* National Pietorud Dictionary, one Volunc of 1,0-10 pages, containing over 000 pic torial illustrations, price Six Dollars; or a copy of Rosa llonhour's eoleuruled pieoe, Shetland Pomes? Size, HA x 121. For Five Subscribers nnd $2f?, the beautiful chromo, after n painting by W. M. Rrown, of Straw berries, size, 12 x lf>, and for Ten Subscribers and $f?0n complete hcI of Hie llitioly Volume of Shot- jtcare, in thirteen volumes, bound in full morocco, most beautiful edition issued; priuo$16. TERMS OF THE ECLECTIC. Single copies, l"> cts.; one copy, one year, $">.00; two copies, one year. $0.00; live copies, one year, $20.00. Address W. II. Ill DWELL, ' juji 12?tfdb ? Ueckiiiun St., New York. BULL & SOOTELLj Selling Off! Selling Off! ^CLOS INO' OUT? ? ... ? ? , ? i. .I-.', ..'1 .i' ;rii.--.:.??vf ^i'.^i) IN VIEW OF AN ENTIRE a CHANGE OP BUSINESS, CONSEQUENTLY OFFER FOR CASH, Our now COMPLETE STOCK in every Liue at Rates much below FORMER PRICES. RARGAINS CAN RE HAD I i Great Inducements Offered from now until JANUARY 1, 1808. If you want CHEAP GOODS for tbo Next Sixty Days, CALL AT BULL & SOOVILLS 1000 bushels Rourrrr crcE. 500 BUSHELS PEAS. 200 BUSHELS PINDER8. For which we will pay tho HIGHEST MARKET FIGURES IN CASH. XjmS ARE STILL IN THE COTTON MARKET, Prepared to RUY auch. I*ots as.may offer or . . ?;.'.? :' [ ;?. Dil'jr! /'iyfii*Ail'l ; recrive on Consignment, All of which shall receive the prompt nttcn tintt of Bull & ScovilL feb 23 j U JUST JIECEIYED a FULL stock of Fall and Winter Goods, co?oICting of ; C(ALICOES, DELAINES. ALPACAS, b?mra I /.INKS, I.nnclnihs. Flannels. Homespun, Hosie ry, Kill flloves. Fancy Articles, Sia. We also invite attention in our stock of Groceries, Hardware, ('rockery, Boots and Shoes, wjiich wo are confident will please the public, both in price and quality. COpNTRY PRODUCE bought or bartered at the highest market price. Wc will make advances on Cotton or other Pro duce consigned to the well known Houxe of J. M. Caldwcll & Sons, Charleston, S. C. robinson & co. f.b -23 ly 1 808.?SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, 1 The BEST PAPER in the WORLD, Published for nearly a Quarter of a Century. This SPLENDID NEWSPAPER, greatly enlarged and improved, is ono of the hiosi reliable useful and interesting journals ever Published. Every num ber is Beautifully Printed and Elegantly Illustrated with several Original Engravings, representing New Inventions, Novelties in Mechanics, Agriculture, Chemistry, Photography, Manufactures, Engineer ing, Science and Art. Farmers, Mechanics, Inventors, Engineers, Chem ists, Manufacturers, people, in every profession of life, will find the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN to be of great value in their respective callings. Its coun sels and suggestions will save them Hundreds of Dollars annually, besides affording them a continual source of knowledge, the value of which is beyond pecuniary estimate. All patents granted, with the claims, published weekly. Every Public or Private library should have the work hound and preserved for reference. The yearly numbers of the Scientific Amebican* make n splendid volume of nearly one thousand minrto pages, equivalent to nearly Four Thonsand Ordinary Book Pages. A New Volnmo commences January 1,18)18, Published Weekly. Terms: Ono Year, $8; Half-Year, $1 50; Clubs of Ten Copies for Ono Year, $'2'); Specimen Copies scut gratis. Address MUNN k CO., 87 Park Bow, New York. J?tqy*" The Publishers of Scientific American, in connection with the publication of the Paper, have acted as Solicitors of Patents for twenty-two years. Thirty Thousand Applications for Patents have been made through their Agency. More than Ono Hun dred Thousand Inventors have sought the counsel of the Scientific Amcricnn concerning their inventions. Consultations and advice to Inventors, by mail, free. Pamphlets concerning Patent Laws of nil Countries, free. ItrSr A HANDSOME BOUND VOLUME,contain ing 1f>t) Mechanical Engravings, and the United States Census by Count ins, with Hints and Receipts for Mechanics, mailed on receipt of 20c. dec 21 J tf B. 1). Myers. Applicant, "j Notice to Against Absent Aa i C. Myers, et. al. Defendant. J Defendants. It appearing to my satisfaction that Sarah Pul inan and Elisabeth Holly, two of tho defendants re side without this State, it is therefore ordered that, they do appear and objcot to the division or sale of j the Real Estate of E. J. W. Myers, on or before tho sixth dcy of March next, or their consent to tho same will be entered of record. Ordinary's Office. "I P. A. MoMICHAEL; December-J, 1807. J O. O. D. dec 7 J2 W IN EQUITY, The State ex relutioho JA \ Solicitor Southern Circ At,, In Re Lost Documents, in the mutter of the lost Will of ? Jacob Wolfe, de'cea'seclh Bill to r' ' Pet-pet uato Application having; >een, madu by-William m. Wolfe to proTO the existence, loss und content? of the last Wilt -arid Testament of Jacob Wolfc.-t de ccascd. On motion of Messrs. Ixlnr Jt Dibblf, So licitor?, it is ordered that all persons who desire so to do. may.appear and cross oxitfuinc. t^e^vUtaoe produced, and introduce evidence III reply beflre mc on the 29th day of February, 180H. 06 ti& Commissioner's Office, ) V. D. V; jam I SOB, - -, \ ...... Commlseieoex. Not. 25,1807. j ' nov 80 m Vf" ' i I?im ? ? '. "?*? rv ?*.vjt . ;-" " ~. . ' ? ',,? I ' In Equity. ORANGEBURG DISTRICT. J?hn T. Jennings, et. at | , . ?, ? aff' Patrick Jeaninga et. al. -I ..,^T^??WV< By order of Cha&ecjlor Johnsen >irt?*rC*?^ Iff,. 1807, the Creditors of ?ohn.fA; Jeiinit$&, will prove their demands before me. within three (t*J mouths from,of said order. . , ,4 it-.? ? 7 ? v. D. v. JaMISOB; * * nov 28 hiu h In Equity. OR?NGEBURG DISTRICT. " Joseph Fickli'ng, Adm'r. et. ah I Bill fnr.Aeeswot vs. i - Marshaling Affftp ' Mary B. Tyler et. al. J Injunction & lUllist It appearing to my satisfaction that Joshua Tylsr}. ?sc of the Defendants in the above, cost, is abstob from vme\ resides beyond tho limit a of lb!* State,'Vat motion ot Sfcseas. Izlar A Dibble, cosic-l*hs*n\>' Solicitors, it is ordered ; That tho defendant. J?sl ua T^er, do oppeatv plead, answer, CE dWmur.t? the ? 3 gemglainanls said Idll within the, ViM prescribed bj 'Ihw, or an order pre confessed will ho' takon kgeaiM . him. , ; Commissioner's OITio*, "] ' V. t>. Vi jAMTt?05U *': OruiiRehurg, S. C, \ . , ? 11 Camnd.*l*Mrt< t Doc. 11?. 1807. J dec 21 8 (Hi i??'?? Roe, I 1 ,, j 8 -:_ In Equity,, ujf/J oil tM l*d u<.) ORANGEBURG DISTRICT..* r A mires: F. Inabinetv Administrator, vs. Marevfik Innb?iet n nd olhors: By sanies <- on or botor?llt? lat Ktlirwri k?]K '"And under tho sera's *rd>r t wilt sell ?? t*e la* . Monday in F?bru?ry aoxl. tor ??sh. od? tout fc? ??Kdisto l.nmhor und Timb'-r P*? ' ? _ ih?\ 41 VdwA ,# ? . ? .:nv on.\.xci;KBr::^ pistbicx; '? Livingston. I \> - > tnr'.-i ! d^iid l'ou. / .. h?? ' I, order o^the f>o..-.4 **"' V 's'/?i'?f 6s"i^ U. Livingston, deceased, are rcjuir. ^ to nrave. tJUc?' demands before me, oh' or - before the 21st day ef Jitnunrr next. ? >i it J ... '/i WIILUHAS the Plailitiffa did on the 90lk ?*y of May tile their declaration against tki De fendants, who '{as it "U sa(d)^*are oKseht freos an4 without the limits of this State, and huvo neitkaf wives nor attorneys known within tho same, upon whom a copy of said declaration mny be served: On motion of IJulsons i.Legure, Plaintiffs Attorneys it is ordered, that the said Defendant* do appear, and plead to the said declaration on or before tin 22nd day of May, which will be in the year of our Lord, One Thousand' Eight Hundred and Sixty-, eight, otherwise final and absolute judgment t wjB. then he given and awarded ngainsl them. J. F. UOB1NSON..ios May 20, 1807. XX jun 1 eilml C. C P. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. i OkanukRi:uu DlSTIUCT. Jit tho OMriot Conrt. , ] ^ In pursuance of General Orders No. 104, from Iieadijunrtcrs Second Military District, the Magis trates of the District of I )rang?.hurg will niaho a report on tho loth and lust days of each month to this Court, of all Commitments made by C om during he precoeding half month, specifying date of Com mitment, names of Prisoners ami the Offener? fetj which they were committed ; uaid Magistrates shall also forward to the Clerk of this Court, all rccogtit'. snnces and other papers, connected with the' pro ceedings against the Prisoners, aforesaid, which may 'be in their possession at the-dale of making the reports herein ordered. . t By order of the Court. , I MMav.. .4...i^JlOBANSON. January 8, 1808. Clerk District Court. jan ll .>?..': .. . i/i ' f). A vn/x tf In Equity, OR A N'GEBURG DISTRICT. - f F. M. Pooser, Adm r. \ Bill to Marshall Asset* vs. > for . ?' i>'.> ?i >'i?x Ann r, et. al. j Injunction and Relief. By order of the Court, tho creditor* w J*h* Lnrr. ileocased, are rerpdred to prove their d^'Ueads before me, within three months from thia date. Commissioner's Offioc, V V. D. T. 'jAkll?O^,* Orangeburg, C 11... \ ? , .^ntxd^e^. Jan. 1, 18(18. J jan l8-^8m ^ J?U A WAXTEB -$250-PER J\ Month ?he Yenr Bound, pr 000 per cenf^Profit on Commission. .*We guiirnntco Ihc abov'e *alafy or commission to active industrious agents at their own homes, to introduce an nrticle of indlspensahle utfli. ty in every household. For full particular^, call oa or address ? O. W. JACKfiON &,C0... V jan 11?U* ' 11 South St., Baltimore, ^Id.