,5f .1/ .?t/. Tt.il/ r*fl* io*H Af. ? .Jl btlM fffj iff. r i .?? DVi ? - '.v iv.ni AlXil .(' 'M M'T aitjfc>9ttt Jwsl >ilt Im -. Jttrti ?n i , f.; {AXW/H 23'. "? , *. ? " ?'? ly At< :>rv * y rJ Vdiw ami HoUeK^v Xju forJt Ntutly Ilepaired and WARRANTED, ?i (APrOtlTl CORNKLSON, KRAMER & CO.) . #03^". idT ,....t. 7 ; i-.-injti.-.i's.-i ?*? ????' ? ?o-r? ?.? ? ? j^l ... ? AGENTS FOR TUB .'Efitgtillable Life Iiwurance Company tel fj POLICIES NON-JORFElTARLE, Diridoni Declared Annually to Policy Holders f+ZB td MURRAY ROBINSON, Sr., . ^ AU?TiONK?B. >,U v-?El'MCE AT robinson & co., aRHSSoll-StrcPi, Orangcbnrg, 8. C. ^ee*21 3m - V. Jamison & Son. eilr td u .!? (U-OiFer-their Beryiets as. ;V'';:?ICTI?NEEE8 lh? citixens of Orangchiirg District. tOT Sales attended to in any pnrt of tho Dis. . VVpI V.. JAMISON. S.O.JAMISON; d 4*U'4--'"J 1 tf 3?1HE! FIRE! FIRE! AND ?^.V?d,-iV.V'-;?ji rupert y. ; Corjiekon/Bjaiti?r ? Co., )?'t1?? !": ; ARE AGENTS FOR ^1?Hi>>liSON EIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. ...i- t..., '('Iis'rtetcd Capita! ?250,000. . . JAM KS' RIVER INSURANCE %-tr.*Ycompany. ; ?'V'CWtcfed Capital $1,500,000. l*lc4suiont llcul VMtitQ IiiHiiranco HHO lKf d it company; ; ' ? t*,; ; wl'FOR LIFE ONLY. :;;^??rl^lt?, '?,000,000. *\lt, southern - companikp. tfa?>Ms? ,td 'in i ? POETRY. [From the Dnnbury Times.] To my Brother. 'Come back to me, Drolher, Dear Brother, coma coon; Bring sunshine for shadow, Turn night into noon. Oh ! tarry not longer But hntito to my side, Be my comforter ever, My joy nnd my prhle. Come, denreat, and shield mo ; The storms, dark and drear, Beat over my head? Fill my weak henrt with fear. I need thy dear presence, . To make me forget ., The sorrows which fill. My hcurt with regret. Then come to me Brother, Let me cling to thy arm } Let, thy gentlo voice ever The dark spirits charm. Oh ! give ??little Hia'tcr" A place warm and deep In your loving heart, Brother, She always muy keep. So shielded and sheltered In your love true and strong, The shadows will vanish, Tho soul wnkc to song ; So the sunshine of Hope ' Shall beam on her way, And the darkness of night End in beautiful day. ?SALLIE." January 11, 1808. VARIOUS. ' ? [From tho Chariest on Mercury. THE NEGMO CONVENTION. fr;:.... ;n*T. V ' 111'..' ,9fi Irasris and Prince Luoicn Buonaparto, prelnto of his household. The whole number of creations will be fifteen. Duiriag 1867.| tho number of persous killed by honse* or oar.riages in< the streets of London was pno! hundred and sixty-four ..n number ver^ muck smaller than iu eithor. of tho two years immediately preceding. It is four d to be n sufficiently accurate rule that the number killed is about one-tenth of the whole number injured. A London paper states that probably the in juries from this cause aro more numerous than those by railway accidents in all England. Attention is being called to the use or car bonic neid as a disinfectant. Tho Gardener's Chronicle gives details of its use at tho Lodge Farm in Engluud during tho lute prevalence of tho cattle plague, where over one hundred cows were saved under circumstances which must otherwise havo proved more or less fatal. The treatment consisted in administering the diluted acid internally by the spoonful, and dashing it about externally by the bucketful. The littest Mexican news is to tho 22d inst. Romero had boon appointed Minister of tho Treasury. A revolt, had taken placo io Sonora. Congress is to elose its session ou tho 7th of March. Marquos, who escaped from Mexico city nt tho time of its surrender to Dins, is in Havana under an assumed name. Tho reports of cholera iu St. Thomas uro officially contra dicted. A fatal disease has attacked the sheep iu Recto Rico. Earthquake bhocks coniiuuy [ to visit that bland. There have been irour hundred and forty since NovembeY. ' Tho New York correspondent of tin; Phila delphia Ledger says that in the course of a week or two it is understood thoro will be a gathering of leading Democrats in New York , from ?11 parts of tho country for mutual consul tation with reference to the Presidential cam paign. It is to be a friendly, social meet ing with a view especially to elicit the opinion of Representative men from different sections as to the availability of certain persons whose names are beginning to be mentioned us candi dates for President and: Vico-Presidcnt. . . . Co mm odor k Yander?ilt deserts Gxx. G it ant.?There is quite a stir in political cir cles oyor a letter which Commodore Vandcrbilt has just addressed to Mr. A. T. Stewart, giving notice that he (Vandcrbilt) has withdrawn j from the Cooper Institute movement, which bad for its object the nomination of General Grunt to tho Presidency. ' The reason assigned for this unexpected defection is the course ine General saw fit to adopt in regard to the rein- . statement of /Mr. Stauten 'in kh.6 War. Depart ment. The letter is very sharp, and there is a a loud call upon Mr. Stewart to make 'it 1 lic. Commodore Vandcrbilt'a friends intimate that the c?nimunicatiou was intended for print, and that if tho gentleman to whom it was ad dressed does hot permit it to to be made pub lic, he may sond a copy of it to tho newspapers. I The importance of this withdrawal cbnsls^'jn the fact that tho Commodore is one of'the wealthiest men in New Y< rk, and that'he pub licly declared, not long since, that ho was prci pared to spend half of his fortune- to kelp. t?> make General Grant President.?New Yc*k teter?Philadelphia- Ledger.1' ? '' H?? i i i i , mm HUMO R0?8. 1 ^ Female gymnastics?jumping at an pffer^ Tho best day to w.c4^AYBi^nesaA^}Ui^| coarse. ..? (kuh Stuffing improves the, fair as. ?dl-j^tf** fOWV '?' .'!. :? id i Many tiilk, Uko. yhH i. %fn^i? qW^JMct Bitfr fools. j teil ?itfVoj >>r. that Troubles arc like baWes^-^bcy'gKOW big^t' by nursing. ' "' ft A dangerous eBnractei**~ot life" cheerfully. ': ": ; f' !r' What roof covers the most noisy tenant ?. The roof of the monoid ; mhk ? i It is said that a girl in FittsSold. was -tiack dumb by the firing of a cannon. Since thai time a nutnoer of marri art l^c.? have invited the artillery to come and I discharge; aor made- rw present of a plug of tobaevro,. and hex ladyshi{> J tUeoe?Heaven bless her. ?gave mo some. tea. for rW good wife." "Ah ! Pat. dreams go by contraries^ s^^bm well know?" "Faith and thoy do that." said Fat, without tho leaBt hesitation, "so ycr ladyship is to give me tho tobacco, ahd his honor the tay*" ?"' * "* - i .~ ,?? i i ,. ..; VUi WaNTINO FK1KNP8.???IiWihh that I had Homo good friends to help me on in life:" "Good friends I 'Why* you hove ten," re plied his master. .; t- uottuiq "I'm sure 1 haven't half so many, and thoso I havo are too poor to help me." run "Count your fingers my boy." (!, Dennis looked at his largo strong hand, "... "Couut thumbs and all,**- ,.,-?>-.-: Uit\ ,\i "1 havo, thero aro ten," said the lad, "Then never sny you havo not tea good i friends ablq to help, you on in We,. ,/Trjfl .what, those true friends can do before jyoUi begin . grumbling and.fretting because yda dp notiget,. !i?.y help frpm o?\{;rs."