everOTBITObiiiy; mdjsmno, /. no oJlfia j rii'i?iirJ mult:; t. i. .i, .X?t?oil?r?T lo Hi// .4. rj(, n Two Dollars per Annu'm^ik ?: A?VA'noe,. .???1*1 2 ,?!'J .fin.s.ft 1.1 n< j: . .ID l. m ?ib.li, eilttSOttll'TloS.i i |. , .! ,i ?, MI? resjiecfTulty wgues^ ouft.fricfHfs to send inS fAetV Adl'ertiseimnts ?? rr/?/y ?7 ffo? ?c?.fc Ttr?mrrn.Vnt ; mtrf if possible, let its have them by Thursday cI^VV!/^nrfVy this^fincans, tee icill be able to issue ?7 til ?c'fftlUk- ho\irhm Satur day, and will be enabled to give more tf the latest news, u2TtiMMhe nfii&W?idy'.tbp'yhs. ' -f?rf^ .t'j .?'{tiiiuijl. ft .nti HEADING MATTBRfoN EVERyTAGE, I . a .!j ??;/Uiiinnt absrfij vSATIJ?J^2toRNl^G, JAN., 25, 1868. Religious Soryiccs ~ lEvery S?ndny ioWniyft>& o*<**k in tho baptistcbiJMnteM yniiHMi si?? MJPBBYr*-aa>rt th6 l?thrinsfr.? hy Rcw A. Price, Ma. R-'T^jWsVjNTf^ MWs LTSZIE ?YC\ EHNEY. AU of Orapgc^pg Pty?ff / , ..., n., ; MAltlW>r1?'aOW"the' 22d inst., tit (He residence of the bride's father, by the Rov. W. F. CJirtplin, MYtV .TA MRS J. CANNON to Miss MARY M. WAY. All ?ofOrangeburgHistr^j^^^ {{] < tonsigne??ptfr i Botrth Carol 11 ;a Railroad Remaining in tho Dopot to D?te. J. F. wi Jones, p. Juries. Per ?j'pres?.f i T, ;'j,' ?,, V, . Jti40tejtri,lnnc?:wj!h or.:t.,1 111? j r. .:? Jatimn y 21, 1SG7. ^?'rf^S.l?ilV''' ?eck ,?mo.uu.? /o about 130 tn^WnVt^....V*L.?V.^:.';...;.i:. 11 ?n?'??^..^.:..}.?..^:;:'...;;.ist Roj-^w ?o.i..l 4enutud at.$l.?0 pet i??n^Vv^^r.o6:,::.;: 1 ?irtmAK; f.fc..7...ii..y..,82 - HWliH?vl.22 RrJiort of Hie Xiaiic^m- Cotton M?r kct for tii? T\HK|3rMiiig? 23. Jlrportyljor-ithq. Qmnyrtyiy W. WALTON , S^lTJl. COjTUN On Friday the first day of the week now under reriew, with r. gobd dcluiiha' utid light stock, prices ?lu?jftffljty jftijf?I Vi* 1 of: c*ni bur rjiibtntions of hist ,wei^|^?^Y^i^<^^(ii^^-jtr?ii""j^istii>-?lsty'\vA_s? active with a' fiirihtciiupr^vQnicnf of ubo)tt Jjc,; ,0n Muifduy l/fO, deiaWtl?iiprcj|seu under hnfiivornble news from abroad, mid prioes ?l#cliucd Jc, On Wednesday the market ?opened wi'OJc, ami, ^u&^^cr^faiude iU jx'decline of 4(u;]c?i but c^s^d*nl*^r| ^There ia fair en quiry on TI?^?Ydj^yrJ.Hh i^oesji^fave/ of folders. rYitfi sales for the" vock foot up somo4,-hoo bales. We rbritvwV it ?*f>WM?A1I??4^ ,ri JL Pf?r^^iGrA?Oi'IWfrecrJFdlOM: AGENTS.il tfOnnEHlMt^ GUANO, $7.1 rash ; $80 1st K'*vcmlKrt ' ^;i-7 par srvi interest, approved city accepi;\nne. ???Vi ?Pvi.A'J' ^ 2 ^. U VUGH'S PHO^liKttiVH?' T?lME, $50 cash ; $f>5 1st Nowmbpr with J l>cr interest, ap proved city neeeptrfneo:. i ??V U!.' i > / A .: '' PIHENIX GUANO,.$55.ea.ii; $05 1?/ November, with 7 per tMWlQiHx'm FLOUR OFi BONE, uiuiduRtr4tcd ? for ? Ann Larr, ot. al. J Injunction and'Relief. By ?*?r?Wl> lofivtheiCouvt^, tbp creditor* of John Lanv ue?a?ks^,inro.r?qtpi't|dte.pi!oTe tke}r demaado bcforftnjc, AVitldU three months front thia'date. Commissioner's Ofhoc, ) V. D. Y. JAMISON, Ornngbbilfg^ <^df/ 'I -V . Ceiutnissioner. JHll>?r;?l8?9;'i J jan 18?-8m I xii /V\ Montkpt^p YjVj^uind^iorjVOO^or eont., Profit on TJiiv'tuissfon. ' We guarantee flio above salary or ' comn&A 'On to nctlvo industrious ngcntaat .their own kora?jk?-i'?troduco an nrticlc of imlispcnsablc ullli ' ty faM^5',"0"''c'lto1^' Forftitt pnrticulnrs, cnll on oraMcwi !.^i ..O. W- JACKSON ? CO., Jaa tUL-?* II ???'h St., Rnltimore, Md. AKtfJ*WX ??ODS C! If E A I? .?A ^?cSu?r^ent'receivCd ffdm New York Auc Uo^i-OW i-r?^:' '8pl?5t?dlrt : dress Prints Vl^ fihtt W KOS) rt?.J ??(I tncrWtifeirfdt Court.' jnpll tf stjIte oF.abV3rB4obiNxi I fcj Orangcbu.^ District. .J Citation o?hjBy P. A. McMICHAEL,:Esq.,i Ordinary. Whereas, Caroline A. Millions, widow, halhiuade ?uitjto mo fj) t^aTJlT'Cc"Loiters of Administration, of tlioaJstnto-WidiMoLts otttlcuty ^^lilUoi?idci.C. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular tho Kindred mid Creditors of the said Henry W. Milhuus, dec-d, that thoy he and appear :before mo in the Court of Ordinary, to ho held ttf Orangeburg C. H. on tho 21st day of. Jununry inst., after publication hereof/at 111 [o (flock iu.'tho forenoon, to shew cause if any they hare,- why the 'said Administration should not he granted. / ,,. (liven under my'iiitlut :tldH tlth dnv of Japl^ Anut> Domini, 18(?8. P. A. McMICHAEL, jjini8?2t ?(?r;P STATE OF SOUTILCARO LLNAt V,. w.??* Orangeburg District. J ^tn?on ? j By P. A. McMICHAEL; Esq.,!Ordinary. I.! Whereajj.. -Charlotte Heath and F. J, Duyck hove made suit to rife to grant them 'Letters of Adminis tration of the Estate und eft cots of Francis R. Heath, ?(deceased. r?#i* 4 r. J id] These arc therefore to cite and admonish all and ifltngulnr the kindred1 anil Creditors of the said Francis B. Heath, deceased, that they ba and ap pear, before me, in the Court of Ordinary, to Jje held nt Ornngebifrg, Court Rouse on _7th day of January instant after publication hereof, ut 11 o'clock In th? forenoon, to shew cause If any Ihcy lint", -rhy-.tho jMnTfAflliiiuhJratiou "should not be Given under iriy Hand this 11th tlnv of Jnnunry, Anno Domiui, 1BHB. ?, P. A. MuMltJJIAEL?i ..j Jan lbW2t O. O. D. Will he Fold on.Monday the 27th day of January. IHl'.c*, im the Hanta! ion of .li HcVso Andrews, four miles above Orangeburg, on the Bull Swamp It pad, the following property: one hundred and fifty hiish-' els Corn more or less, one hundred and ft fly bushels C1111c 1 - Teas more ur leas, fifteen bushels Kite more or less, and n lot of Fodder. Levied en as the property J. Hesse Andrews, nt tho sUil of Oeo. II. Coriielson & Earnest Kramer. I " ALSO On Tuccday the 28th January, 1808, w ill be mid on tbe Plantation of Joseph (Jruves, on UiniiKkor Bridgp Ryud. 13 u?i}e*fWiin. Qraiitfebuyg.C. II.. the follovrjifc property.^ fifty bushels C"i-n nioro or less, two buttdred pountft 'Fodder-more or les-*, A lot of Shuck, f.iiy bushels Cotton Seed more or less. Lct ied on as the properly!bf Joseph Crnves/at tlio suit of F. E. SaMnas. ; Wedne.'ilay tbe 2'.UIi t'flnj proptrty of Ed. J. FiiWbr; at the suit of P. A. Rnysor. y 1 ' Ar, AliSO . - . ,nr' .. . ',, On1 the Pnmbl:flny rtnd place, will bo j?old| fifty', bushels Peas' hiiSre or less, t en bushels ?h'cllcd Cbrri more Orles^, one hundred andiifty oushels Corn in thc shnck; more o'rlclWj a lot of Shiick,'two stneks Slips, Hiree stacks Potntoes, one- hhndrcd and fifty bu^Gclfl,'Cotton Seed more or lesk, a' lot of ginned Cotton, a lot of Fodder, a lot of Farniing Utensils, one Rdggy Top, a lot of old Wagons rind Carts, one four horso Wa?on. Levied on as the property of L. A. Rice, at the su:t of Bull & Seovill. RhcritT's Office, ) J. W. If. DUKES, Ornrtgcburg C. Hi, S. C, V . S. (). D. ?.IhhunTy 10, 18f.8. ? J l i jan 11. ? . *?, j ? *?"i vvcil I- .? ? ??<> v ? i "f ...... ALSO By Virtue of sii'ndry trrRs of ft. fiL;'to me directed, I w/ll seH fo the liiglle'sf'bidd'c'r, nt Orangeburg Courl lToufie, on thlt'fih-.t Monday in February next, for c^h tho foRbwing property viz : Ono MuJe, lovlod v? M H?e property of G. H. Pooscr, at Ike suit of A. J. JnckB??n. On Tuesday following, at the residence of Ruben Griffin, one Wagon, Corn, Fodder ami other ar ticles. I/cvlcd on an the properly of Ruben Griffin, at the snit of V. 2'itthan. ALSO On Tuesday nftcr SaJefdny iti Fohriinry, will he sold, two Mules, two Horso.t; flvd hundred bushels Cotton Seed, more or less, two huiulrod bushels fjorn; moro or less, ten bushels Turnips, more tor less, three bushels Rice, more or less, two hnnks Rotnloo Slips, two Banks Potatoes, five Hogs, a lot Shuck', Hay and Rice Strnw, five hundred pounds Fodder, more or less, a lot Farming Utensils, two Wagons, oiioCutting Box, a lot.Fei ?, one llnw Hide. A part of the nbove Property will bo sold nt Orange burg Courl House on next Salosday, and tho bal ance on tho Plantation of J. Wesley Keilt, three miles from Oraugcburg, on the Old h'tage Bond. Levied on as the properly of J- Wesley Keitt, nt the suit of E. Tecoa Glover, Adin'x. ALSO On the same day will he sold on the Plantation rfF Alfred J. Frederick, near Lcwisville, the following property: Eight Mules, one Horse, ono Wngon, two Timber Carts/ four hundred bush* Is Cotton Seed, more or less, a lot of unginned Cotton, one bng (Jotton. Levied on ns tho properly of Alfred J. Frederick, at the suit of E. II. Rodgors & Co. Shoritfs Ofliee. 1 J. W. H. DUKES', January 17, 1808, ? S. 0., D. j.Ui.12 ?1 j l .'in f.* - . , ? ? ? ft_ Seed Rye and Oats. Also a Bn^ajlM of Bclcctcd.jjjjj w<|' I Seed Potatoes. [0 '-M* Best pri PEA8 and j ) ocllU^-ly i a [| n Best prices, na.ustml allpwjsdjor BOUGH RICE, .At the Court IIouso Store, ? ''V'? * Market Streot. UM ? ? HPfE FIRM OF II. L. JEFFERS & CO., WAS I i Dissolved on tlio 4th inst. JclTqrs;.. /r^q stylo of the Firm being !?'?V(l()fj \vm. i: jef^r)},^ co.! I Consignments of Cotton solicited. Prompt re-.] turns will nc mado, anil mir1 tisnar attention paid Id the Interest of our friends. .. . , WM. II. JEFFERS A CO., ? . * f j ? \ ? GhariastOB, J5. C< Refer to JOHN'A. HAMILTON, 1 ^-'r Orangeburg, S. C. jan 11 Cm The'Southern Dfu^Sto'rtf I)R, B. 31. SHLLER HAVING F,nMOVT,0'HlS DRUG STORK from| bis well known Stand, begs leave respectfully to Invite his friends throughout the District, "t?:1 visjt him at hi.s New, Luvge und well Furnished KS T A B L I S II >1e NT on RUSSELL STREET, opposite Messrs BULL & SCOV.ILL'S, where M?ey will be sure to be supplied with the very best Drugs and Medicines tho Market affords, and at the lowest market prices. He has on band now a full assortment of DRUGS. M?DiteKSY PATENT MEDICINES OF ALL KINDS, InilM?, GuVr'H L'ru-hoBj Dvc Stuifs, Lye atid-Pomsh; < .* C. f J Maizena and (.'urn Starch, ( Cnoking'and Washing Soda, Black Pepper, Spices of all kinds, COMPOSITION, LOBELIA, NERVE POWDER, &c, Prepared by Ephraim Larrabee, BITTERS of all Kinds, TRUSSES, Single und dutihle,. Large and .Small, Fine Smoking and Chewing TOBACCO, Fine BRANDIES and WINES for Medical purposes, PERFUMES and TOILET SOAPS. - (Tail and satisfy yourselves?you can get Just what you wnnt. Just received ft lot of that fane ? '?DURHAM SMOKING TOBACCO." Will open on Sundays from 7 to 10. A.M., and froth I1 to 7 P. Mj feb 2o 0 ly ril 1>. XVOI.FI. HAS JUST R? l_ e CE1YED a tVush aap ply of Cuoico Family Groceries, and Gibson's XXX Whiskey. Very low forCafdi. '. uov ltl l kXlOR SA'i.E.i--The Two PI.ANTA? fJC TIONS forndng a pa: t of the KE1TT ESTATE nnd known as '.?DARBY*' und "KENNERLY" places will be sold, together with the Mules and farming tools. For terms apply to 8. S. KEITT, Care of William Middlcton, Esq., dec 21 ?tf Charleston, S. C. mOXSOHI'AIj!--Shaving mid Hair |j Dressing SALOON, Williamson's Hotel, Rus sell Street. The Public are -respect fully invited to call amP-Hce for Oicmselves: ShJisfhetion guaran teed. * '' . .T. W.' LARKY; Proprietor; P. S.?Outside orders promptly attendee dec 28?Im J L. fWrT&J* 8*.tet>l CO*T?If SEtD? \y '200 bushels Cotton Seed for sale?Upland long Staple, This produces? tibre Worth 5 cents n pound niorc-thnn the common Upland in Charleston mnrket Price $8.00 per bushel. Apply to Messrs. F.jckiol & Kohn or to WILLIAM F. BARTON, jab 4 .. tf TVTOT5CE TO 31Y CltEI>ITOKS AND DEBTORS.?I am compelled to leave the District for a length of time, for mv health, and I have appointed JOHN A.,M. HAIGLEU my lgeat to atteaad to m.v business till 1113' return, CHARLES R. I RICK, dec 21?1 in* ? St. Matthews. FOR LEASE, rpilK PINK ESTATE known as KEITT PLACE, situated In St. Matthews' Parish. The Estate consists of three sepnrnte Tracts. The Kenncrly Place bus 400 acres cleared and 200 uncleared. The Darby PlaceJias U00 ulcuivd ami ^n'l uncleared?nil fine Cotton Lauds. The Koiif Place consists of '2,400 acres, ono half cleared und in a fine stute of Cultivation. Tho Estate is watered by 11 largo Creek, which affords, good Kungu for Cattle. Soil Rieh Red Clay. The Estate would bo Leaded nil to ono person, or'in sinnll Tracts of 50 or"10U ncre.i, to suit smnll farmers. Fine Mules sold with the Place on credit, j The Kcunerly ami Hai'lry Pliioos V onld bo sold desired. For Terms apply to J. J. WOODARD, St. Matthews P. O., nov 2?tf Orangeburg District, S. D. rpo nKNT.?T1IK PLANTATION j in the Fork of Edisto, with comfortable Dwell ing and (iood Settlement, on the Ninety-Six Itoad, three miles from Oiangrhurg O. II., being filename recently occupied by Mnj. J. B. White. For terms, &c., apply, to WILLIAM C. MOSS, jan 18?21* Orangeburg, S. C. NOTICE.?AI.I. PKIISOXS In debted tome by Note or Account, are request ed lo ennii! forunrd and arrange the same satisfac torily by the 1st day of March, lHliS, or their Notes and Accounts will bo placed in the hands of nn At torney for collection, jan 18?2t* T. W. OLIVER. A IMIINISTRATOir.N XOTK K.? J\_ All persons indebted to the Estate of the Into f.lr/.abeth Rickenbaker, ducensod, will make immo din to payment, nnd-those holding claims'against tho said Estate will present them properly attested, on or before the 1 -~>11. dny of February no:it to DONALD R. RARTON, jan IS?t Administrator. L & AVE JUST '^fedEr^M ; A LARGE AS&dutAlEMr) F^SIl/Afci*; GARDEN SEEDS^:;;?:,;;: g *:f] Direct from tho'Celebrated' ilouso of Dl LAN?KETH & S?N:'' ?""- '?i ". ./ k'ro i, i .. ., . , , ..... . ?, ??? ' f ; ? f / ??:? frt>li iVl fel iALSO mn awortmont of Popoltu- ' ^ , r ti ! School- Books, Slates, ^ta^inm^ Thoy ar^e also Agents for tho Saio of thp Seed of ^ PKAM A it Call and Exai'ninc the Cotton,'and return Sales from' Messrs. H.;,H. r?t><3&r8 ^00. " Wanted to fill mJ)MM Fer ..i:Ji r#-;T M drrrto-l. hi rYlTTMTT>V T>T}OTYTTrW g0i ]d' silver ?? un: Vy\J Ulli XV X X Xiv/U U VvJCia, CURRENT MONIES Rought n? usually at Market Prices. _ :f' ' i ) Great iPall. in Cotton Goods! j m o-?rrt : f 17/ & HTi 1 >7 BEST BRANDS OP CALICOES ISc. per yd. WARRANTED FAST COLORS CALICOES 12ic per yd. I ' GOOD* CALICOES MADDER COLORS 10c per yd ..?,-.. WORSTED DELAINES, new F?llst vies and Bright Color* 25c per yd ' \ <\ j BLEACHED SHIRTINGS 7-8 und 4 4 from 16 (o 20c per yd KENTUCKY JEANS, good, from 20 to 40c. per yd. V- ,.I? '.. ? Besides tlic almvo may be found a large Stock of READY MADEi CLOTHING, from 85.00 (suitable for Frccdnicn) to S25.00 (fine Kiiglbli Cassuuero) per Suit, BQQTS, SHOES, ?na ETC, . A Large Aesortmont of GROCERIES, Low for Cash or Bartor. Highest Market Priea given for CORN, PEAS, GROUND PEAS, and C 0 T T 0 JST'. ! . (J .r ;vj may 11 ly JOHN I?. STOCKED k CO. I '*01? Established Jeweh^ feouse^' W. CAEEHTGTON& CO. - 256 KING STEEET, CHARLESTON, S: C; IMPORTERS AND DEALERS \N' FINE WATCH ES, JEWELRY, AND STERLING SILVER WARE, Silver Plated Goods, Gold and Steel Spectacles, lino Table nnd Pocket Cutlery and Fancy Articles. We desire to call attention of our Country Pricinfo to our Stock of SILVER SPOONS and. FORKS, the largest in the State, which we aire now offering ul Sew York. PrJhCCH for Caan or City Accep tance. Our Largo Assortment of GOLD and SILVER WATCHES arc of tho best English, Swiss and Ameri can Manufacture. Special Attention Given to the Repairing of Watches nnd Jewelry AGENTS FOR AMERICAN WATCH COMPANY. ,.?... TV. CARRINGTON. r. ..7r^ THOMAS. oet? nc .? iTemjrfW u numl] w THOMAS RAY IS STILL TO BE FOUND AT THE LATE STAND OF ; 11 . .; 1 i Am ,TT* V ,f . * ' ' ' " ' ' ? 1 ? ,^..t It ? KAY & BROTS, Prepared to do all kinds of REPAIRING and RUILDING WAGONS. BUGGIES built to order. RLACKSM1TII WORK IN GENERAL attended to, rritb promptness and despatch. . .'. v. ? . ?>W,'^ \\\ From this date, I will keep constantly on hand READY MADE COFFINS^ OF.BTEBY DESCRIPTION, FBOM THE FINEST TO TUB, CHEAPRST VARIfl51^9? Charges as modorato as tho Ihnes will admik '? ?'> TARNISH ES'a?a PAINTS constantly on hami-. 1 Also two barrels MAN HATTEN AXLE G REASK for "greasing "Wagon ami Buggy XLE GREASK fcgrcasT'ng'^Vagon'and Bugg^ Axles, &c., for sale at low ratos. ) \*) f { sept 28?lyc THOMAS RAY. \' 1 I have on hand several Now and Sucond hand CARRIAGES and BUGGIES, also ?w? WAGONS, one orso nnd ono j. I hftvo ostahlished a 4 Horso nnd ono \. . ' ALSO?, j IWOULD RESPECTFULLY INFORM THE CITIZENS 'OF 0 RANG EBV RO ANP THE'ADJOfNlllfG Districts that! am still at my Old Stand, ready to do any work in my line at tho S bort est Notice. .> BUGGIES, also tw? WAG0N8, o LUMBER YARE .. . ' ... / '' 'i i I i * i ' , * and will keep constantly on hand BOARDS, SC.' s'TLING, &c, of all kinds ui uolly in demand, and can fill allOrdcrs witji Despatch. ' " . ... ,fi j My Cotton Gins and Press are in perfect ori. ,t2?^ Qranfeeb?rg, tfrt<&eJni*JMt>to#oWiha^^^ aoo af Copartner*, in and to tho following C^frfi th>i*Mp?' -.'fft Engine and boilers, a Mih\ HpUBe, a Hayn.and Stable, a mMBfa lo-?ootB and a quantity of Bowed LbmbonritLB;ji^;M^rd^Y<,r{a the nsnt under and according to the terms of cer tain agreements ef fflO^sal? Cophrta#rs/4c4*tAsMbT Levt luabinct, squaring ten inches, or capable oi bcin)g-,!niadeT pronteWfo ^d 'Cep?w?cWui^h ???* Tract on ?addier,Swamp, ;id.be subject (o,0?o Widhf;;oo ?W2J A^th^fini?ran^iifacB Vitt bcvJoArs#MlJ* ant to the Bame'iordcr; ib? wbolo of tha Jto'tltEatafoiu? q ??Kloo interest in the Saddler Swamp Tract,) shb- ^7 jeet to biH Widow's Jife!- estate In ?the-: Land *.dmen*f f>p? urcd to fcrefo. Defer, jMrV'bfflfjtfSfyiSSfifffiP jftn-KW the said Levi L. Inabinct s undivided snare -of tho Saddlers Rwnmp Tract, ' mid fuvflicr subject ^ to the' ' * ?glitaof^th? pnt^h^aerTorhpuroJ^s^s. ^f^er.C*-, , partnership, property aforesaid m relation to tho Timber on the? LHnos'-bT Beri 1?. IdoHiifct.i YlAvQ w.If ? t Tpems; of 8ai0-^S? Wob,aa yBV^yPbo ea^fjftto .?fj of the proceedings in the above stnicd.cusc?fou tua ? balance a: cfcdif'onUrfU'^WsticTaV bF-mccmTfeV^'' I860,: secured by bbndoC. the purchaser; ;bcaruigwj-/. n? tcrqst from date, payable annually? with, o?MonaI sccarlly/?nd a tMoWgageof tne>rop'y?t^the^'a?i,no estate which'.was of U'corgc B.-.Liyingflt,onj tp wi{:;.;i7 1. One tract-near the ..watery .Glazipr's. Branch*. , waters of North Ednfco'Kiver^'i^ trict, containing ?}5.", ncred niordovhnQ bonrcJcid by' ;rf slohatfd Sampson King, aiabt^qthevronA :>fron{ ,j Orangcburg .an. tq: ^fic^)^ W;^,^, liccn oonveysu to U. II. Livingston, by P. Livingston, WU October, iSISl' i;l '?"V ion frjjnnd Jrd> 2. Another >JPfact ,,;i^ LiriD?ston |o the, snme Gcqrco II. Livingston. 2Jln April; lSo?.* ? ,7Vvl ffJ oviaWt^Sfo oil 8. And ono other Truct. of r>7 acres i on tJie said r>) Glaziers branch, -bonudodi bv lands.of Paid ani . Austin Livingston, the said tract' having "been ftU^OnlCT to intesjhto an hU ^bar.o uC tlic real.cstute, wJdqk wiy^ of Frederick Livingston under proceedings cup'iirti tion hi Ktpiit/fn 186*;?' 1 "].?;'^t?iiTf Lu? at* December'il.aS.W.-... ..? . iv.id 1" Jl-ila? ovatf 1 "t it i I it'oy o>u<:?iliM|Obni na>? 'toinmus vfra* ?icaXon':Al V- '^n3t r'-ft,: ,,: boogJI J '-ra. ??? jbii;. vur. m1isi!r>oo (_liij't w a^as Milhpus. ,j lul tl>JlL .tl(, lo .^qpw^q atrx Orangeburg oi\ the first Jlohdaj- in T79brunry nextl the estate in renifdndcr iu> tire L"tud.?-\vliudi:weVoT?r.' chaser to pav fou conveyance and staipps. , DebembeV2uT',18S!r.'}-,v ? ':'T ^ ?>noJ .BMUttj I ti L' .vti '/V'j^g^.if:iJi-MtoHJ <'J bc?qoI??'fab . . tjr.l i.i tan rt'tinv jit is-. I an ,y.).ioi ,rnb PbUlips and;- PhnUp^AdKr. andjA^ ? > ? MHIions.' l\ im ????ii'itminj', <>t Lr.d^ aw > 'By ordrr of the . t'ourt.of Equity ii tliis cftFPi'isd will .sell at the Court House pn the first Monday in February nc-ct, for onelihlf cash, tbc-'-ba,Tanee'OH'a credit of. ten flionths, secuyyjl Ivy bondju jth interest, . J from date, and mortgago 6f the premises, with a covenant for r'cflalcJH?t^en^'dJi^t^*bt^MnVa^Jor1', breach fii Crfl*,w Under oud^-y virtuo of a decretal order made in - the above stated case, wilrbo sold on the 1st Men day in February, ibb?.'"a*rracfToT land containing i,l09Oacree, mOre'or teas-,- ?ih..\rofl bi*H? 44tst'slae 'of pillow .Swampland bounded on the nouUi. by.,11},/* II. Bonnctt, east oy'catare lands of Lewis Stevenson, by lahde 6f 'O.' R.iSUUinlcVs'iihd j&l&rfift 'ttV^niant^' seuthjby James ,l^e^|andIft1Bt3t/74)y. J^^-AJ^spsand A. R- Glover's land. ' ",. , Terms?0ne4falf cash and the" halfai'do^fc^tylx months, the purchaser.giving bond \>earing interest I from the day of rsnle, and a mortgage of, the*proper-, ty, to secure'the p'a'y^noht of'tTio pnYcuasc mbVcyj"' and to pay for pcpexn and rovenuo at amps. ? a?!? wi'ii Commissioner's. OfDotvV.:D. V, JAAUS.0^T? d u'w Orongehnrg C. II. V Commissioner. >Dee. ?A8?7. -1 ? ?? I ?'??'> ^od'jid tit blod These are therefore to cito and admonish nil and, singular tho kindred and creditors of the said Sam uel N. Kenn. \y, dwwttniPtlTey'lWfWiM n'ppcarbefore m% in thv Court of Ording,, tp bfl hyh) ai Qjaugp burg C. H.. on Ine I'll a any or Feb. next, alter publiovtiop heraKtjfiiRi^A) o'clock in the fornuoon, Uv ' shew cause if ..hy they have, why tho saul Adminis tration should pot be granted. ?'"" y?\ Given undvuror.hand (this th'r^^dg^f of J,?u^ayjr Anno Domini, 1868. ? -uPa ^'McMlC^I?rni) "Oi Olt\%M* janl2 . _ ,.r aiaiifXk!) I ?I nicHa OTaupriA. XTOTICE TO GmikthM^^^^ ?\ TRUSTEES_All Guardians and Trnetctt* who n^o required tot' office .ire notified to do who n*o required to make nnnnal jreturns. in ^bia ,P offlce ifre notified to do so by tlie'tVrenticth''instant,' or rules wilt ho issued against all tiefk?lters.'i1' ?tlini Jan. 1st, 1808. \\,D> Y.^r^i^C}^,, / jan 4?lm Coinmissiondr. ? _;_'""'.Ii ; -^.t; r: f?1'i;: bA. X^STATK SAI.B2 --J?Y l*KR1tlIK-1 J\ SION of the Qrdiaarn,."fj\y:iU, sell oi? tha^teu^n t?tion of tho late James G. Jenkins on Satu'rttay'tho 2fi>Ui Inst.; all tho pcrtshaWc? pro|x>rty or the" Mid Estate, consisting < fi Horse-v; "Mii4c^:C/!t',JS*,-;Iiogq,rt ?nd the Crop of last year; also, a number of Ala.il , Road CapiJ T?nridltleite ?m?ae^Irubwn Wutfy^t"? P*le. (?1 i-iE. M.^JENK^N^ d . o jan 11?tds ^ Sole ^dminisivhti^. , ' . ?. i ?' .