The Orangeburg news. (Orangeburg, S.C.) 1867-1875, January 18, 1868, Image 8

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._tLflJLICJ-LTPBAL, &CL r 1 Saving of labor. f l^bor at the South is at present very dbar-~ apparently cheap enough When expressed'Irf forni of so many dollars per month, per hand? but really dear, when measured in terms of bo much work, dono in a given time. "Work done in a givon timo. Work done hy machinery si always cheaper than thai done by hand. These two propositions our people ought to place pido ,. hy side, and med it at o upon them long and well. The first will probably be accepted without a , dissenting voice; but tho second is associated in our minds with Yankee inventions add wc hesitate. 'True, we are liable here os every . i. where, to be imposed upon ahd deceived.? ' "What should this teach? We answer, cautionI Do not purehaso until you are satisfied that a machine is adapted to your iranft, to your land, and to the laborer you can procure to ?Work it. Wo cannot impress this point too strongly upon tho minds of our readers?"prove ibK.sdl things, hold fast to that which is good." ,d? ^Bttt wo beg leave to say, that labor-saving ma chines did not originate with tho Yankees.? Their value has been recognized in every part of tho world, whore agriculture has kept pace1' with advancing civilization. In various parts of fche continent of Europe, but especially in ?tli Great Britain, they are widely used, and no small share of agricultural capital invested in tritt thorn. The people of the South will bo com pelled to employ them, more than they have done heretofore ; and for this reason, we pro pose to devote a part of our paper regularly to discussions of niacJtincs, (using the word in Ub broadest sense,) and the principles involved in them. Wc ask that our subscribers will give us freely the result of their experience?good or bad, in regard to all implements and ma chines used on a farm.?Southern Cultinator. Manxjhe for Irish Potatoes.?For one acre, take 8 bushels of wood ash, 6 bushels of quick lime (oyster-shell lime should have the j, . .preference, if it oan bo obtained,) 4 bushels of plaster, and 2 bushels of salt, making 20 bush els in all; mix thoroughly together, and apply in the hill, at a rate which will carry 20 bush . els over an aore. 11 The above supplies the essential ingredients .for a largo growth of potatoes, and something more provided the soil be not excessively mea gre ; and if there be an excess of these ingre dients over the requirements for the present crop, it will be very sure to remain in the soil for the benefit of future crops. Especially will it be so, if the succeeding crops be pota . toes, and if the tops be left each year to rot on the ground, so that the potash they contain (this being the most important ingredient in the mixture,) may go to the benefit of the suc ceeding crop. I will here say, that from ac tual experiment I have learned that although rotation in crops is undoubtedly beneficial, generally, the potato may be made an excep tion, if treated to tho foregoing compost.? Morris' Practical Farmer. Clover.?Clover differs entirely from tho cereal crops in this: It sends its main roots perpendicularly downwards, when no obstacle stands in its way, to the depths which the fi brous roots of wheat and barley fail to reach; the principal roots of clover branch off into creeping shoots, which again send forth fresh roots downwards. Thus clover, like the pea plant, derives its principal food from layers be low the surface soil, and tho difference between the two consists mainly in thir?that the clover, from its larger nnd more extensive root surface, can still find a fiuffiecincy of food in fields where peas will no longer thrive; tho natural consequence is, that the subsoil is left proportionally much poorer by clovor than by tho pea. Clover seed, on account of its small size, can furnish from its own mass but few formative elements for tho young plant, and requires a rich arable surface for its develop ment; but the plant takes but comparatively little food from the surface soil. When the roots have pierced through, tho upper parts are soon oovorcd with a oorky coating, and only the fine root fibres ramifying tho. subsoil con voy food to tho plant.?Licbig. How Mules Camr Into Fashion.?The Louisville Industrial Gazette says : " Few of the farmers of this country are aware what a debt of gratitudo they owe Georgo Washington for the introduction of mules into general use for farm purposes. Previous to 1783, there were very few, and 01oso of such an inferior order, as to prejudice farmers against them as unfit to compete with horses in work upon the road or farm. Conse quently thcro wore no jacks, and no disposition to increase the stock; but Washington became convinced that tho introduction of mules gene rally among Southern planters would provo to them a great blessing, as they are less liable to disease, and longer lived, and work upon short er feed, and aro much less liable to be injured ih,in horses, by careless servants. Ay soon as it became known abroad that the tlluBtrious Washington desired to stock his Moun| Vprnon estate with mules, tho King of ?p?iq nunt him a jnok and two jennies from the royal fitahlos, and Lafayette sent another jack and jenny from tho island of Malta. ??????<E?-?-? ?ii A, Rick PtJDniB-a,-?Ono pound raisins 8^00,0^, one pound of currants, half a pound of beef fiiuct, quarter of a pound of sugar, two, spoonsful! flour, three eggs, a cup of sweet meats, and a wine-glass of brandy. Mix well, and boil in a mould oigb,t hours.. Plantation'Bitters?Negro Suffrage dnyqu, Couth. _CHARLESTON CARDS. - JOHJ^.?Oal)Ll?ESj| COMMISSION- MEltt'IIANT, BOYCE & CO'.lfl WHABT, CHARLESTON, 8. C. REFERENCES: Hon. QEO. A. T11KN HOLM; ANDREW BL,\ MONDS, President 1st National Hank, Charleston, F. S, HOLMES, President S. C. Mining and Manu facturing Company. 51' i dec 7 * 2m J. C,A. Quackenbush, ?0w - xJlio-tiASl" BAY;j 1 CHARLESTON, S. C . , N. "WHOLE. SALJB} GROCER, * r , v , rA ) Iii/ f. J ? ' Commission Merchant, I DEALER hi Sugar, Teas, Bacon, Lard, Fish and Salt, ?t?. sept 14 m ' n. BISCHOFF. C. WULWERN. Henry Eischott & Co., WHOLESALE GROCERS' AND DEALER8 IN WINES, LIQUORS, SEGARS, &c, No. 197 East Bay, CHARLKSlQN:, .8. C sept 14 m 6 /WM, WALTON SMITH, COTTON FACTOR ?AND-? COMMISSION MERCHANT, Boyee& Co.Ts Wharf. CHABLESTON, 8.. D. 8??- Prompt and personal attention.given to tho sale of Cotton. aug 24 mos G C. CtACics. A. Witt?. CLACIUS & WITTE, NO. 80 EAST BAY, CHARLESTON, S. C, Commission Merchants, AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Groccrits, I*rovisions, Bagging, Rope atul Lriguora. sept 14 * Cm Wagener, Heath & Monsees, PLANTATION AND FAMILY GROCERS, "' WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Ham, Bacon, Shoulders, Pork, Reef, Flour, Sugar, Coffee, Tea, etc., etc., WINES, LIQUORS, SEGARS AND TOR A C C 0 No*. 103 mid 1G5 East'Bag, cor. Queen-street. CHARLESTON, S. C. B?S?* All Orders Promptly Attended to-^a sept 14 m C S, Thomas, Jr., Wm. S. Lakkxau., Wimana GL Wlulden & Co. FOIIMEBLY OF HAYDEN & WHILDEN, nr.Ai.r.rr in "WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER WARE, CROCK ERY, CHINA, GLASS WARE, AND HOUSE FURNISHING ARTICLES, Old Gobi and Sdcer 2>urchaxrd. Watches and , Jewelry Repaired. 225 King-St., Corner of Rcaufain, A T WHOLESALE 11 HA YNE STREET CHARLESTON, S. C. f?b28 i o ly WILLIS & CHISOLM, FACTORS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND SHIPPING AGENTS. WILL ATTEND TO THE PURCHASE, sale and Hhipmont to Foreign and Do mestic Ports, ofCotton, Rico, Lumber and Nav al Stores. \ATLANTIC WHARF, CHARLESTON, S. C. E. WILLIS. ALEX. R. CHISOLM. feb 23 1 j CHA?LEST0N HOUSE. ?:o:? STOLL, WERR & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN DRY GOODS. All Goods are selected specially for our SOUTHERN TRADE. AT THE OLD STAND, NO. 2*7 KING STREET, Three doors below YVcntworth, CHARLESTON, S. C. Terms Cash, or City Acceptance. ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTKNDED TO. II, C. Stoi.l. Ciiaulkb \y Kiin. j). C. Walkkb. fob 28 o tf J3AVILIOIST HOTEL, CHARLESTON, S. C. -?01 IIQAW>, PER DAY, $3.00. A.. BUTTEUFlBbp, Mn8. If. L. BUTTBRHIELD) Rnpoidai?i#tnnt.. Proprio? ress, (lev 38 H)raiTgebiiT^ Drug^Store. PROPRIETOR. DEALER III >p&UGBjv,M^DIf cincB, Chemicals, Perfumery1,'!T/oY let Articles, Paint b, Oils, Dye 8tuffB, ? s l 6JL (? f / Varnish, &0., &0. PCUB WINES AND LIQUORS FOR MEDICINAL USE. k. I am the appointed Agent at this place for the fol lowing Medicine-: t ^ ., ^ Mr8. Windows!. Soothing Syrup, ^rown'e Bron chial Troohci,jllrbwu's Vermifuge Comfits, Rod way's Ready Relief, &c, Dr. Ayers' Sarsaparillo,. &c, Dr. Jaynes' Alterative, <fcc, &c. , Physicians'' Prescription's curofuuy tbmpouuded, and all orders correctly answered. , Medicines warranted genuine, and. Of the best quality.' ' - 1-,JIi'u? . E. J. OLIVEROS, M. D., Druggist and Apothecary, Orangcburg Drug Store. nar.2 y, 1 Frederick Fersner, MECHANICAL DENTIST, Will attend to those who wish his sendees at their residences, by being informed through the PostofBce or otherwise. TEETH on GOLD and SILVER PLATE; also tjho VULCANITE WORK. All work done Warranted to give sntisfaction. Residence: at'Mr. JOSEPH FERSNER'S, Orange burg Di?trici\ 8. C. '? ' mar 80 tf Selling Off 1 Under, Cost! ? -' j .i ly I ! S ?>! ?? ^ ? i. e ?. . ?r:o:? ? D. LOUIS & CO., AGENTS, HAVE STILL ON HAND A FINE STOCK OF Ready Made Clothing, CLOAKS, &C, WHICH THEY ARE CLOSING ^OUT UNDER COST!!! In the wintry Storm 'Mid the chilling brccxe, , With such Clothing warm, No otic need iYcc7.c. k fob 23 e ly NEW STORE. rpHE SUBSCRIBERS TAKE PLEASURE IN IN ] fr.rming their Friends and the Public Gene rally, that they have opened their NEW STORE, und arc now prepared to wuit upon thum with a nico Stock of FAMILY GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, HATS, BOOT8 and SHOES, &C, nnGenerally found in a COUNTRY STORE. Com? d examine. MULLEU & DAVIS. . nov 0 c ly npiIE GREAT rOrUI.AH PAPER CHARLESTON DAILY NEWS. Subscript ion Price Six Dollar* n Yi,tr\ THE CHARLESTON TRI-WKEKLY NEWS, Throe DollarB a year?Two Dollars for Six:Months. JBSjy Terms?Cash in advance. No Paper* sent unlos the Cash r.ccompanics the ordor. No Paper sent for a longor time than paid for. RIORDAN, DAWSON & CO., dec 21?tf $ Proprietors. HI L HERS HOUSE, (rOKMEUI.y mks. niDULK'8,) 284 KING STREET, Between Weulworth ami Hazel Street*, and within thrcxi minutes' wat/c af all the Principal, Wholesale and Retail Houses of Meeting, King and Hayne Streets, and the Post Offue, Charleston, S. C. The City Railway, which runs to each extremity of the City, is within fifty yards of the house. TERMS OF HOARD: Board by tho day.$2 50 ? Week.....$PJ 00 to $15 00 Hknbt SpAitsicif, Mr*. B. Himikhs. octlS tf H. L. Jeffers & Co., FACTORS AND Commission Merchants, CHARLESTON, S. O. CJTECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE SALE jT^ of Cotton und other Produce. Orders for sup plies carefully attended to. Refer to Captain John A. Hamilton, R. G. Stone, Esq., Orangebur?, Dr. Wm. C. Whetstone, 8t. Mat thews. apt ft Stoves I Stoves!! Stoves!!! NOW IS YOUR TIME. THE UNDERSIGNED BEG LEAVE [respectfully to inform the citizens of LOrangehurg and surrounding Country, .Wthal ho in now prepared to furnish them with STOVES, (both Cook an.l Heating,) from tho best Foundry in tho U. S., and will guarantee to any person who may hny n Stove fron?Tum, perfect and entire satixfuct ion, provided the Stoves are put up and used according to his direr'ions. Having been in tho Tin and Store business for 17 years ho thinks ought to bo a sufficient inducement for his friends to call and examine hin Stock heforc pur chasing elsewhere, (hill and soo for yourselves. N. B.r?A largo Stock of Tin Waro kept eonstant ly ondlnnd; manufactured h> himself, fnrnaln by the wljolbiialb and'retail: W, WJLLCOCK* .nov 1? t}> 3 DR. B. M. SHULER "AVINO REMOVED HIS DRUG STOKE from ? ? his well known Stand, beg'1 leave respectfully lo invite Ids friends tbroughout the District, tu visit him at his New, Lnrgc and well Furnished ESTABLISHMENT on RUSSELL-STREET, opposite Messrs BULL & SCOVILL'S, where thoy Will bo suro to be supplied with the very best Drugs and Medicines the Market affords, and at the lowest market prices. Ho has on hand now a full assortment of DRUGS, MEDICINES, PATEN* MEDICINES OP ALL KINDS, Paints, Oils and Brashto, Dyt Stuffs, Lye and Potash, Maizena and Corn Starch, Cooking and Washing Soda, Black Pepper, Spices of all kinds, COMPOSITION, LOBELIA, NERVE POWDER, Ac, Prepared by Ephraim Larrabee, BITTERS of all Kinds, TRU8SES, 8inglc and double, Large and Small, Fine ?moking and Chewing TOBACCO, Fino BRANDIES and WINES for Medioal purposes, PERFUMES and TOILET SOAPS. Call and satisfy yourselves?you can get just what you want. Just received n lot of that fine "DURHAM SMOKING TOBACCO." jjgy Will open on Sundays from 7 to 10. A. M., and from 4$ to 7 P. M; feb 23 c ly THE CANNON HOUSE! (OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE.) THE SUBSCRIBER WOULD Re spectfully inform the Traveling Pub lic that bis HOUSE is opened for their accomodation. RATE8 OF BOARD. Bonrd per Day.-......$ 1 75 " Week. 7 ?0 Month. 20 00 ALSO A BAR-ROOM In the Basement, which is supplied with the best of Liquors. jas. CA.jsnsrojsr, Rrvprirtor. an* X c ly CHEAP GOODS! JUST RECEIVED AT KEITT BROTHERS. TV. WOULD AGAIN INFORM our FRIENDS that we are now receiving our FALL AND WINTER STOCK OF Dry Goods and Groceries, Which we offer on reasonable terms. If our friends will pi ve us a call, we have no doubt wc enn make it profitable lo both parties. Wc are also prepared to continue the shipping of COTTON, RICE, &C, to the well known house of WILLIS & CIIISOLM, Charleston, where prompt attention will be jtiven to the sale or the same at the HIGHEST MARKET PRICKS, ami the money can be received at our < Ulice here, without one ccnl cost to the owner. "TyOTICE.?OUR DEBTORS WILL PI.EASF. _[_^ Iteniembcr us when their Cot I an and oilier Produce is sold, and settle up their old accounts. KEITT BROTHERS, oct 10 e ly BA EG?IN 8!! ~ ?:o:? Selling Off UnderCost, DRY GOODS CLOTHING, SHOES, II ATS, (i ROC EBI ES, ETC., FOR SIXTY DAYS AT JOSEPH McNAMARA'S, M A. I 3ST - S T R E E T, ORANGEBURG, S. 0. feb 28 ly JUST RECEIVED A FULL STOCK OF Fall and Winter Goods. CONSISTING OK CAL1COF.S. DELAINES, ALPACAS, BOMBA ZINES, Loncloths, Flannels, Homespun, Hosie ry, Kid Gloves, Fancy Articles, &c. We also invite attention to our stock of Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, Bootsand Shoes, which we are confident will please the public, both in pries and quality. COUNTRY PRODUCE bought or bartorod at the highest market price. We will make advances on Cotton or other Pro duce consigned to the well known House of J. M. Caldwcll & Sons, Charleston, S. C. ROBINSON A CO. fob 2.1 1 y B. D. Myers, Applicant, 1 Notice to Against I Absont An > C. Myers, et. at. Defendant, J Defendants, It appearing to my satisfaction that Sarah Pub man and Elizabeth Holly, two of llio defendants re side without this Klalo, it is thornturo ordered that they do appear and oldeof to ?ho division or sale of the Real Estate of F.. .1. W, Myop?, on or before the sizth dey of March next, or their consent to tho Fame will bo entered of rooprd. Ordinary's Office, ) P. A. M'oMICHAEL; December ~, I8<17- )' O. 0. 1). dec, 7 1;.' w ?1?, BULL & SCOfl^Ij, Selling Off! Selling Off! ?CLOSING OUT? _ . . . .... ... . - ?- -?? ? ?'i ,r'"'" ". . ? ? J jr-| IN VIEW ?>F AN ENTIRE i CHANGE OF BUSINESS, CONSEQUENTLY OFFER FOR CASH, Our now COMPLETE STOCK in every Linq at RatcB much below FORMER PBIGE8. .'.! V 11 ?1 : BARGAINS CAN BE HAD t Great Inducements Offered from now untilH JANUARY 1, 1808. If you wont CHEAP GOODS for the Next Sixty Days, CALL AT BULL & SCOmLS' -:o: "WAlNTEjD' to fiu ?pecibl 0rd?" 1000 BUSHELS ROUGH RICE. BUSHELS PEA8. BUSHELS PINDERS. For which wc will pay the 500 200 HIGHEST MARKET FIGURES IN CASH. :. rn>H / h W E ARE STILL IN THE COTTON MARKET, Prepared to BUY such Lotq as may offer or receive on . Consignment, All of which shall receive the prompt atjk"' lion of Bull & Scov?i. fch *J3 y lc I 80S.?SCIENTIFIC' AMERICAN. I The BEST PAPER in the WOULD, Published lor nearly a Quarter of n lYntnrr. Thin SPLENDID NEWSPAPER, greatly enlarged and improved, im one of llie most reliable useful and interesting journals ever Published. Every num. ber is Beautifully Printed and Elegantly Illustrated with several Original Engravings, representing New Inventions, Novelties in Mechanics, Agriculture, Chemistry, Photography, Manufactures, Engineer ing. Science and Art. Farmers, Mechanics, Inventors, Engineers, Chem ists, M ami foot urers. people in everv profession of liTo, will find the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN to ho of great value In Undr rcspevtire callings. Its coun sels and suggestions will nave them Hundreds of Dollars annually, besides affording thorn a continual source of knowledge, tho value of which U hcyoud pecuniary estimate. All patents granted, wiih the claims, published weekly. Every Public or Private library should have the work bound ami preserved for reference. The yearly numbers of the SciENTinc Americas make ? splendid volume of nearly one thousand qua?*t?> prigi-s, equivalent to nearly Four Thonsand Ordinary Book Pages. A New Volume commences January 1,18118. Published Weekly. Terms: One Year. $3; Half-Vear. $1 60; Clubs of Ten Copies for One Year, $25; Specimen Copies sent gratis. Address . M?NK k CO,, . 37 Park Row, !.'cw J>*? ??-^?- The Publishers of Scientific American, in ? .. .., ., - tho Paper, have connection with the pinum........ * acted as Solicitors of Patents for twenty-two years. Thirty Thousand Applications for Patents have beer, made through their Agency. More than One Hun dred Thousand Inventors have sought the counsel of the Scientific Amcrioan their inventions. Consultations ami advlceto Inventors, by mall, free. Pamphlets concerning Patent Laws of all Countries, frco. t&T A HANDSOME ROUND VOLUME, contain ing 160 Meohanieal Engravings, and the United States Census by Counties, with Hints and Receipts for Mechunics, muiled on receipt of 2f>o, dec 21 I tf The State of South Carolina. ORANG KRTTRG DISTRICT. " In the Cou.t of Common Plena, II. II? Jennings, Jno. T. Jennings, vs F. A. Wilcox sen, A. E. Talmadgo. ATTACHMENT. YTTIIEHEAS the Plaintiffs did on the 20?h day \y of May fllo their declaration against tho De fendants, who (as it is said) are absent from and without the limits of this State, and have neither wives nor attorneys known witbin tho same, npon whom a copy of said declaration may be sorted: On motion of Hutsons & Legare, Plaintiffs Attornoys it. is ordered, that the said Defendants do appear, and plead to tho said deolai tion on or before tho 22nd day of May, which wih oe in the year of our Lord, Ono Thousand Eight 'ndred and Slxty cight. othorwiso final and ab* ute judgment will then be given and awarded aga.nst them. J. F. ROBINSON, May 20, lf?r,7. XX jun 1 e8m4 Ci C P. In Equity, ORANGEBURG DISTRICT. Bi A, Yon, Adm'r Estate Muke A. Yon, \ vs. I Jjio. R. Millions, et. nl. j By order of Chancellor Johnson made Iflth Nor.',: 1807, Iii? creditors of Muke A. Yon, deceased, will provo their demands before ine within two (2) months from tho date of said order. Commissioner's Office, \ V. D. V. JAMISON, OrangcburgC. II., 8. C. V Commissioner. Nov. 20; 1N17. J' MOV 23 2m /)ORANQEpjSpiG<i DISTRICT. * The 8tnte ex relatione Solicitor Southern Circuit, Bill to In Re Lost Documents, In the ? Perpetuate matter of the lost Will of/i J < ? ? Testimony. Jacob Wolfe'deceased. * ,' 11 i 1* Application haying been made by William M. Wolfo to proTf?, thojeifrifcqpps, djoy and cenUaU af" the last'will and Testament of Jacob Wolfe, &* ooasod. On motion of. Meter*. <TiU*Cft 'ttbble, law licit orb, it is ordered that all persons who desire *? to do. may appear ami cross examine the evident* produced, and introduce evidence |n. rralar bofer* me on tWffaal driy of February, 1868.' J _ Commissioner's Office, ") V. D. V. JAT Orangeburg Not. " nov 80" sioncr's Office, ) V. D. V. JAMtSQft reburg C. H., > Commissioner. r 26, 1867. J ^ ; ?RANGEBUJLG DI6TRICT. In Equity. D. W. and A. II. Byrd, ) ' ^JameaFatterapii, Adtn'xet. By order of Chancellor Johnson m^dtTCt? Wer ISO!; the Creditors of Nathaniel A. Byrd, will ptti thcir'demands before me within? two, (a) rfbm tie dale of said order.' .. J\.fv A v. d. v. JAMISON, not 28 In 1 Credtler'f ORANGEB^RG:. DJSTRI<ZF< ,? John T. Jennings, ct. nl. V^,,. ,t,M / f. Patrick Jennings et. al. J .? . e.Jt , By order of Chancellor Johnson made Norr If, 1887; the creditors of John S. Jennings, deceased, will prove their demands before me witbitttiftejl (?) months from the date of said order. min - v VJBi v. jamison? -??Tai ? ? ? - In Equityv ^ ORANOEBURO T)T5TRICTV, James t'leckli-y, Ek'r of) l't'W?) 'KiT** WHLof k^K. Cooner, j ? , t^o'i A. p. Frederick^ cLall , J. - ;.;?.?; i-hofr By order made in this case flip creditet L. I, Cooncr, deceased, will prove their demand* Wer? me at Orangeburg by the first day of .Fehraar/ next.. Commissioner's Office,* v. d. v. JAMISON, ? Orangeburg C. II. > Commieaie???. November 7, 1S07. ) nov 16 r' v In Equity, ^ ORAN'GEIiURG DISTRICT.- v.? V. D. V- Jamison, Com'r in Eq'y"! I it \%- *.^* vs. J Creditor'* - Tho Creditors and Distributees of Wm. M. I rick. By order of Chancellor Johnson, tho orsditoroef William M. Irick will present nnd proro their it* numdx before the Special Commissioner appoiatfd La this case, (at office of Ilntsons & Lrgsre,*)' wiMbtm Ihrrc innu'hs from the date hereof." ..Ii Oct. 22?1, lSUi. C. B. CLOYBM. Special Co.nmi??i?n*r. ocl 26 lam IN EQUITY, OR A Is G EBU R G DT5TKh:i*; ' M. AL Davis, Adm'r of G. S.' BirinakeVT 5 L ( vs% . , . . ?>,? t; .ifj Sarah-Binnnker, et. M. Dls. and Cfcfl.'T It appearing to my snlSsfurtum thai John and" James ilinuak^r, Richard nnd I.ooi?? Harr. aa4 Kl imbctb Bolloh. defendants in the abeV* :state4 case are absent from and reside brjond.tbe liroii* of this Stale, on motion of Messrs lIuMona 1 L? gnrc. Coiupluinauts Solicitors, it ip ord*r?d: lhat I lie said Defendants do appear and plead. m?n?r er demur to the Complainants bill within 40 d?ja fraaa ibis dale, or the same wili be taken as against iSeta. pro corifesso. Commi.-sioner? Office, ) v. d. V. JAMISGNV% Ornnpcbnrg C. II.. \ Commisaieatfc. Dec 2, \9*7l. ' )dee7 " '!Wl - -- -?-rH-a-!?:-.. , i *'i*i - In Equity. ORANGEBURG DISTRICT. Joseph Flckling, AdmV et. al. | Bill for Aeieriot vs. \ Marshaling Assets Mary R. Tyler ct. al. J lnjnnclion& Relief II appearing to my satisfaction that Joshua Tyler, one or the Defendants in ,th?? above ewe, is abseat from and resides beyond the limits of this St a to, on motion of Messos. Ular ^ Dibble, complain&Bi'e Solicitors, it is ordered: That the defendant, JesJi ua Ty ler, do appear, plead, answer, or demur t<* ?M complainants said bill within the lime prticribcd hf law,'or an order pro eonfetso fwill be tote?' him. ..... .i-i.t *c.;. Commissioner's Office,') V. D. V. JAMIS?K', Orangebnrg, S. C, l Comhilesiea?.1 Doc. IV. tou'., ? Uco21 ,_ j;..; ?.. eff ?:>iul ??'I /(ihaW OR AN G EBU RG DISTRICT; Andrew F. Inahinot, Administrat<>r^~k vs. I Marcclla Inabinet and othnra.'-}'" By order of the Cdurt of Rqniry'In ike abe*e> stated case, tho creditors of the late Levl L. InabU net are enjoined from prosecuting actions at law for* the recovery of their claims, and are required to prove the same before the Commissioner within two. months from the publication hereof. '" '* v v. d. v. JAMISON, a bI'o. i>. deo 28 2m In Equity, ORANGEBURG DISTRICTS ? Wc?lcy.llouscr, Adrn'r and Oitajfij^yjj^^^---^ Eugenia Speigier, et, ab * ?' i ? Tho orcditors of F. O. Zeigler, deceased, ?rllf prove their demands before me within one MMMaV from the date hereof. Commissioner's Office, 1 v. d. v. JAMI80N, dec AT 7' 18C7' J 1 C?mmlw1^^ In Equity, Hf*l< In Equity^ (?Mtaitwo'i r,| t ,?????! ORANGE1JURG, DlSTRlCTo'-dd"i K. Johnson, Administratrix. \" H vs. Jan. d. Jones, (iimrdian. ct. 4L ORANGEBURG; DISTR1CT\,^ i -v yit -II tt?t By' order of Cmirt, the orecVilorji of Jajntes^lfc Johnson, dcotased, are required to nrove their de-* mnndfl before me on or before the' IsLEcbJiiarynexL And under the same order I wUllfeU on the lg^ Monday in February next, for cfirh, one share in th* oKdisto Lumber and Timber. Uond t'ompanv " January 21, 1S(>7. W..D..V. JAAIISQN,,,r; dec 28?td Commissioner.. riVllE 1I1GBEST. (j^j^MV^^Uil PBJlQKiQlVJfll, JL for all kind.Qf COtiNTRi'. miO?uljff, ijgg ?wax^ Tallow,.niiUiSi.Kqr.?, etc., etc., by. KZBKuii 4 mux. fell 23, y, It