E^tG NEWS : ruuLisiiEU in?.'; '???"???: . n} Mill ?: ? AT TIIE ' ' ,^??|?t? "QLB, TIMKrjPMGBi '* ! to Hfi.i.Ko In? l?^THTB CJ?SH"*?!' I .?k ,?11^" ?r.-.flVT? FmjfoTtvn nop iFfrv*! -mi? ? ?R ,|.f.iUUSTi/XK-YARIADLY ACCOMPANY THE C, I 8,,W lte^C^'Vjr Wouuco.ink^ 92 00 ? oo JH5T" We rcspcctfunx/ request'''wir, fluent Is to trtul in their Advertisements as early in\tkc\ teeek as convenientj rival .if possible, hi us have ?them by Tftufrsl&tyW&nngtllJiy this nieansl ice leiltbeablc'to issue at an.earlier hour on Satur ^ayJaWkcill' *tV MaWit' to {/ibc 'more of', the latest news, ujt to tlicjiwn of our 'joint) to pt^ss.S READING WkTTERlON EVERY 'PA^E. ^^^tfil?h?r^ia^^,^?<^^^^t^ ?l?eAIi-ITEMSl ^AT?RDAY MORNING, J AN., 18, We issuo ihis week a Supplement to winch Ve b3llM?bTa\Uht?iy of' agricnlfunilists. Mr. ?JF. N. RoitKOS'/of (Harldsfiw^^B 'tho'ageiit for Ullis Su?<. of the SolrJht? Pa^?K^tti?,1 which ?J^JH^t^jleJ >Itj^U- rciputatioa' is a. fert?iker (*) iW*WB6ction of ebohtty,1 X)nr rcmlers /will fin?V.ntnong tho letters recommending its use, ^KcTatfrbni Orangoburg planters. - Wo- cdm "-mend them to the attention of all interested in .r>?i rrrrn.wr-nT?^ ? ? ??The ii ra*jack els, and how they Lived, Fought and Died for Dixie, ititli Inei deiits and Sketches of 'lifo Iii the Con M J m ?*?llt-if->-ittl ndi i i .. ? ? I V**i<$3ttft title of a hnml^'uW vulhino! just issued hy.dkr.;** 'lltfoi'Jjjms Alttnta, (hi. ' ??'^here is n certain pmrtion of the Wnr that r-trill ncrcr g? into the regular histories, nor he embodi**! in rotnnnco rr.r nnotry, which is a* rtry rc..l fl hit'oTlt! anil will. If preserved, con voy tri'hhVoctdm}; gkneratums' a hi tter idea of ?he spirit OftMho YOhfllet th:in many dry Tepff^s or careful narutivfcs of events, mid'thi.-, part jahy be called the gossip, the fun, Hie ^^"Vtjio \V?r. This illustrates the ohar ^J?/fVf^bf the leaders, the humor of the. soldiers, the devotion ofwotticti, f!ic bravery of men. .thcspUickii.f our heroes, the romance and kurtl ?_^;ps of ihr service." Froui the beginning of the w^r the Y^|Qtj^^ce]rl^tg.igi'iHii collect? ing al^ t^r^^Tic^ihdrs^rrpmoiifudAvUl? or tlhjs tr^tivc id' it, a?J ; Iujh.>jir'>upoil and iclnsilfici] them uu^crTappri.pi'..;tu.|h'e';idj?. und rju.i^.ypry >i??,tt?artiTO'f?.>ria. mV ' ' . i kTi??i^*j|A>^i' C".?i?fnt? ioehulc reiniuisecnec? ??^cj^jl^h-'ket,'sj?Vr,floi'mt, 'scigc. and battle i-fit-Id, with thrillirtg foats of bravery, with drol a^Ar^rC<>ni:c.vi,auddudier.#us adventures, etc.. - ?nmscment as well as instruction ny be fiiand In* etcry phg^. a>< graphic detail, bril? $K"t" ii."aml aut\iouti snf rn ?'??^T^fe^^taifucliold'Jdttrnal is' now cutcring *^H)OBnthri<>7pnnld R. JSarton., ?Notice to $mW*>4$m\ fouthcrs. for Poor Tax are fn niy office, l?nd part ich jijte tfeeitoV.will unroll loVurf n( p(^p i{pit settle and r*w?,tni?t. r ' J, W. H.fWBKH, jan 11?If ?Merlff:. _yi?.'i/m 7 it .7 j '-7';- - ^ff .Month the Vo?r Iround, or IKXJ per cent. Profit .on Commission. V^e gutifanlee the above salary or (Commission to-active jn)iH ngpntC Jt CO., Jnn 11?4|# Jl ^outb fctt., Jhdtimore, Md. T7STATU ?AI/^.^-WV 1>K1SM1N jHj AlOS fit the Ordinory,, I w|\l so)) oji n,u Pl?n .tMirtnv'6f 'tltt1 late'^Aiji'cs (V. jjapian* pi> S;rinrduy the 2?thirtlpbreasunuble longTh of time. ;. W.'C." MEUBDITH,] r u . ?/ i ? hV! >-- Agent. 4w.*./J KJOrricie ur-Tiifc On*KWKnr?o' News, January 17, 1807. COTTON)?Sales this week amount to about 185 .bales, at [\\c following quotations.: r ? ^ / % ! iOrxiiW/.i.lU.'X.;.U1.!L'.U fl(?,10 Middling. 10ij?lll [ yStrict .Middling....^..^v^vww "i- : 'Borau Kick?Is in good demand at $1.80 [per bushel, woioti llyHI i ir/l 111 ,1 Corn $1.20. Peas $1.00. h:-? abiji:a^i..U;:.i..L^.j..LO.: fcs SILVER. 22 , ,Ltl| !??!.? II VI/ .>?^i/ i>HAU Reportt of the Charleston Cotton1 Mur ket for the "iVeeJt Riding Jan. ltt. Ifejtortcd for the Oruntjv.hu ry AVtrs by i ? Wll "WALTON SMiTll, 'COTT/ON' FACTOlt _On Friday thjjlpth inst., the denyind^iras active, and'tho slock up pale lig*hj. *yffieajjiq|l|oved front Je. to \a. oh mir quotations of last week. The market on Saturday became very quiet, but prices were firm and unchanged. The demand was good on Monday,,, hut, the transaction* were limited. ow^^fJ^lq^j^lU'i'ii eud. advancing. On Tuesday the demand was active, with an advance in prices of jc. The demand] on Wednesday was checked by unfavorable news from abroad, and prices fell off ^9..- wjth n declining U?n Ue?iy.,"iOii TbtifsdayW jin?rietf\veai|Uicf *vith a" further decline of jr., chiefly, botvevcr, on 1 low grades*: Toewales for. tlie*f*TelJAp>wm to some 5, .100 bales. Wc quote : it A* m Low Middling.^'....%A.'....:.:;j..!.!iW:43(.. 10 ; ! [| Middling.,.k;.wJSJ St rict Middling.i.j.[. 1?" ag K Sits: VaNTKI)'* G R :3> ML X) K K T S , | AND HOW T11K1? Ll.VED. FOCG1IT AND DIED Foil DIXIE, With IiiiWiQ* Ahirfl Wfich h?* ? bf WJf'tf h? the ('mi ft ih racy. -i'cquprisihg"NnrtafrvcjTof Pc'fHnri"alrAd venture. Xrmy \ iMfV^AVA A'dlAlinre, tfunin.rdfo, Fai lintih-Dar ing, Life in the Camp, Field and Hospital Togeth er with the Siings. Kn'lads. Anecdote* uud .Ilqmn " rous IitcidrnM'itf the War for eoulhern fiiilopoii denee. There is a certain portion uf the war that wilj never go into the regular historjes. imr he emliudf led in romauddW'poOtry. which i>* a very real \\t\ni of it, ami will, if preserved, convey to r ;n reeding generations a better id'a of the spiritnr lUp con flict (Iran tunny dry rejMwts or careful narratives of events, and thu part may he called the gossip, the fun, the paihos of war. This illustrates "the chsr- ;^r of the leaders, thy hunior^pf the sol.In 1-. 1 ne M&jfdJou -v^'oiinqt. tty?? bcuvciy ?f men. thu piacJtJbfwinV uvtut-y, Ac* ronimitK art*! ha;-!, hips of the service. [The Valiant and Brave ItcnvUd. thi-'feclrtrcsqn? and Dramatic, the Witty and Marvelous, the Tender and Eni helle, and the whole Panorama of the War are here thrillingly portrayed in a UUirflcrly manner, at once historical and romantic, rendering it the .lUoat-uiui'lc . unique, bi'illmnt and readable b<rtli. ' Amusement as well as instruction may Ih> found in every page, as graphic detail, brilliant wir. and authentic history, are skillfully interwoven i Im this \\ ork of Iiiejnry nrt. Send for Circulars and see our terms, and u full description of the work. Address, JONKS i;UOTllEK.s,& CO.. . jun 11?21 Atlunla, Ga. ''s Sales. V/il^bv .-obi 0,1 Monday the 27ih day of Jnniinry, lMJtS, yn the Plantation of J. Messe Andrews, four miles above Oraugeburg. on the Dull Swamp Knud, | the folloWltlg prej.< iiy: one hundred and fitly bush-' els ("urn noire or less, one hundred and fifty bushels Cglton Seed inoro. or less, a Si|i|i1'?i|Unii|ily of nn ginned Cot toun tc|v bushels Peas more or los^. fifteen bushels Itico/Umre or less, and a lot of Fodder. Levied oji as the property J. Hess?-Andrews,.at the suit of Gco. II. Coruch>ou,.& Earnest Kramer.. > Also : v' m " t.., . ? ? ".? 1 v-i nuitr On Tuesday the 2Rlb January, 1808. will hu sohl on the Plantation of Joseph 0raves, ort Binnaker llridgc Road, 13 miles from Orangehurg C. If., tin following property : fifty bushels Cnrii more or less, (wo.tlupdfed pounds Fodder more or less, a lot of Shuck, fifty bushels Col fort Seed more hundred and fifty bqslj'eb* M'Hph ^oed w?f>o?nrMoas, at lot bf ginned C.ol(oi),,f? lpt ..of F??)uVr? ? hit df Fjirmitig Oifrtnils. one [)f!flg?iMtpti9 W l>\'fiUi H'aganp nnV'<>g.,n, , b'.viOd pn u? Iii? prop?fly of L. A. KUie, Mi.yjePtMl^f Dttll.iV Sbipyflb Sborirt? offico, ; ) j; ^y. ij, pUKKS. . Oratigeburg C. II.j A ?., j- ^ V) iV. D. January 10, ]fit')X, j Jsnll ,. rt ,7 ALSO by vlrtuo of siindr/ wr|t? pf ft, tlXAii labtdlrootod, I will sell to the highest bidder, at Orangeburg Court Mouse, on the first MoifdHy in Fid)nidry nevt. for.cash the follow ing proprrly viz ; Ono elliw, levied on as the properly pf 0. II. l'oio.er, ul the soil of ? A. J. Jneksoii. On Tuesday following, at thereaideneo pf Kuben 'OrifiijUk pnp. Wagon,- Corn. Fodder and olher ar 'tlcles. Levied on as tho.properey bf Huben (trifft 11. [at ilio ?p,il|0f V. Pilthiin. 1 nu '1 Sheriff s Ofilce. ) ,T. W. II. DUKES. " Jiii?iaVv 17. 18(18. if S. '0. D. -.!?>? -1 V* ' ? STOfeE. /* ? ? ? ????'.?? Willlieroafter bcII. altogether J for CASH? consequently can afford to-t)ffer our goods at iMW .K. .fl Mil , .FARMERS PRODUCE !' ?" Thought for Cash at Charleston PrlcA 1 ''Cull'and cxainiuo our cxtunsivjc assortment Qf rjiirdwarc/iniekcry, Hals, Clothing, 3)ry Goodi?, Groccrjeijj.cVc-, &c., &., at Kq.,-13 R?s Rcll-Strcct. 80irbii)i)M ifJUASviB?il & co. | ^ . t). | _kiwi_;, , f . ?fV.|_lirV, ?>?'' ; STATE OF SOUTH CAltOLINA, 1 ' ' . ... , . . ' > Citation. Orangeburg District,j,j?,i y lYiiKnr.AS, V. ?. V_ Jamison, Commissioner Equity hut li maua Miit To tnc id grain tum Letters of Administration of the Estate, and Elfcqtg of Absalom Stri'iaan, deceased. , These urc thorcforc'li) c;ty and admonish all and singular this Khidred'and'creditors of tho said Absa lom Strnmnh, dec! that they be and appear before me, ?in the ("ouvt. of? Ordinary, to he held lit Orh'ilgehurg on the- ^pthiday.ol January . next, iiflor publication hereof. At ll o'clock in the forenoon, to shew cause, if any they hhve, why' the shid udiuinistration should uoL be granted. . . .1- . . - ? 1 Givey under my lhiud this KHh ilny of Decem ber, Aririo Domini, 1hi;7. ... .w - p.u.1 mcmiciiael; 0. 0. r>. I ^. Mih Tit.it r hca rutd t_ In Eqiiityij , i r:,A ,o. 11. ,? I'll . r v 1 vs. Peil; 13v m'^lr of the Com !, the creditors ofdeorgq H. ?Living-'10, deceased,, ni;e vcqyiml to yproTC-their 1iptju!?4Mftre raO'ir .?r ddMW i|/ui "a Mtga/iue, Leisure flour, Tempi,- liar. London Ilevio.w, Christian Sooiely, -Dublin, Calve roily, Reljjiavia. We have also arranged to secure chofeu sclccliwna fimu the ; b'renfh, .'(lel tiiim'. and drill r Cmtitieiihil Periodicals, translated especially for the KeLKCTte, tn mUlyte ihc variety stud value of ttlifj Work. , /Eo/dl ji)iUil)h( d with oho ov metre FINK STEEL ENt! It AVI nos?Portraits of emiiuiut men. or illustrative of ieiportiuit histvcical even.t.s SPJiKNiriTi ritKjnr.v.s iorj isos. Every lAAvi Solls?li'-er to Lci.rcTic for isiiK, pay hig r-'-'i in iiilvuuve, will receive cither of the follow ing lieauLjful "ehr..ttio oil paint lugs;, y iftisliei Ol" PCSM?W)>?, Size. t? x 11 ; Piper imtl Xtit Crackers? , ? Size 7 x S. jLI, The ithuve are exact copies of original oil paint ing', mi l are executed by Pniiig^ t'.... in the high est style of the art; or, in place of,theui, we will send either of our Fine'Steel Kngraviiigs, Wasliing lon at Viillvv Forge, Iteturu from .Market, Sundav Morning.. *? For Two Subscribers and Jr'10, .we will s.n-1 the b -.nuliful (MirnimS. Poultry Life ?Size .11 x S. For ?three-Stibscrihers iind ^lo.Olij a copy of ir?.?.rs and $}lh, the biWutifal ebi;oiii>|.; aftera.]>aintbig by W. M. Iltown, of Straw berries, size. PJ x 1">, and for Ten Subscriber.-, and $o()u complete set of the J7u 11 (h/ Volume, of Shalc*ii(iifi\ in lliiiU'U|i'.?,olui]ies7 bound itHul) mprocco, most beautitnlUdiCi4llS :?....f.;; ^prlec ^ \f>.\ * * TFKMs' OF TllE ECLKCTIC. Single copies, ?!?'> cts.; one copy, one year. $.").O0; two copies, one year. $0.(10; five copies, one year, $20.00. Address TT W. II, 111 DWELL, j.iit J^t/dJOPI'l Lp ?Ockiaan St., NewAork. rj|i 1?. ivoi.a-'a-: has' .irsT UE 1 # CK1VK1) afresh supply of Choice Family. Groceries, and (.ibson's XXX Whiskey. Very low for C'"*''. jV.'i JI . ? ? ??? ? 'i * ? nov lil 0 T?056 KAM-:.?The Two l"lfAXTA V TlOiNS/forrtiing h parf ofyrifvtvHrWESTATE and known as 'fDAUDY;' and ??KKXXFULV" places will be sold, together with the Muhs and farming tools. For terms apply to K' A' S. K KB ITT, Care of William Middltioti, Esq.. 'de'e 2l'r?IT J Chhileelon, S. 0. rpo\N?>S5IAI.!?Slinvitigaiul Hair I Dressing SALOON, Williamson s Hotel, Rus sell Street. The Public are respect fully invited to call and see for themselves. Snti&ljivtion guaran teed. J. W. LAIlFY, Propri. tor. P. S.'?Outnde-orders ptoui|?tlv atlciidedlo. dee 28? Im J. W. L. Ci?ttoa sick?! ? orrox s 1:1:1? II / 200 bushels Cotton Seed -for fhak?Cplhhd long Stajile,'', Tliis predhpClCii tibiae w i/rth ? oeuis h pound more than the common Upland in Charleston market., Price So.on piir luisheL Apply'to*Messrs. Kzekiel k Kohn or to , . WILLIAM 1". UAHTO.N. jan'l tf NOTICi; TO H\ (ULDlTOItS AND DF.ltTfMlS. ?I am iompylled to lmve tJie'Dlsfrir'CI'or a'leitgth of time, for uiy heulth, k.nd I hhVC nppmiitetl'llOHN 'A. >1. ITA'lOI.KR my Agent to attend to my business 1 ill my return. ' 1 CIIAHLF.S K. IR1CK, A?c *JI,_1 in* Si. MallhoAS. *x 'for jMiM, ryijlft'l'iy'r, V.STATE known as Kl".ITT PLACE, j situated in St, Mnttlu ms' pari.di. The Kslalo eoncists of '0 ucparale Tracts, Tho Kennerly Flaee has ?rcs cleared ajul 20c Lense<| nil to one person, or la siiinj| Trnots of ,V) ,))? JO.'* a.cres, tu suit small farmers. Fine Mules sold with Mid Plnce tili ttreHlJ. The Kennerly nntl Darby Pliu-e.? wmild bet-old desired.1 'For Terms hpplv to ?J. J. WOOD A HD, St. Mattlnw-s P. 0.. nov 2- -t.f Druneebiir^ District, '?. I). rf^t^Mfr- ?4--?4 r-LM^.M4trJr j-U-L- L'llLil-?Jl?J.-jL."lJJXW.'.lJLF-Ul..l_ ? .'! 1K EZEKIE1>.:!&. i KOMMj u ) t .T'AJ J*' ?SIM tf /?.i*f^>'I i' V O > 3 J?ST RECEIVED A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF FRFSII AND; GARDEN SEEDS* I l' .1. .r ?;|. I r \\ ' >>?' !j t-r : vj/. i.- . . -< ? \i'if ill BTrwfrfror?rtue eelobrnted Houso of D. LAtfDRETH & SON. ALSO.aii assortment.of Popular i f 1 ' 0 ^ ^ ' ' School Books; Slates^ StatioMcy* Thoy arc oIbo Ageuta fpr tho Sal?iof tho Rebd of i . ' .'f 1 V. > BARTON'S LONG UPL?N? C?^^ON, Call nud Examine tho Cotton, and return Sales froin^ci^^^lI^R^^^R^.^ CO. WANTED T? FILL ORDERS , . - w, ! *j? ,*L 3?_i -:n> i* A .>:?!/> U_r!jm i.'M uiliii: . " ~* ~~\ .," . i .: /. 11 WANTED ? $10,000 in igb?wm^M .the 0{|d stand,-' Df ^TOCEEB & CO., CORNER STORE, fll\Sfci5LL-STREET AND RAIL ROAD AVENUE. ho ho Great Fall m-iOotton' GtedtoU'VAJ-.) ? fC Iis** i Vr.i \ w<\ , ( 11/7.11 v.t| .i.::.- m;-j; -Mo:-77r >; o T >. uii /, H 0 | '.; F.F.ST BRANDS OF CALICOES i:.c. per yd. FA. UK ANTE* FASTtfOLfms CALICOES 124o?per yd. r GOOD CALICOES MAi)l^R'^?toSH?c?^ U ( - ilTllF? I WORSTED DELAINES, new FallStyles und.Rright Colors 25c per yd 1 '.. will j ! \ [liLBAClIED SIIIUTINQS 7-Sarid 4 4 from 10 to 20c per yd ?KENTUCKY JEANS. go.0( Writable fbr Frcednie'n) te'825.00 (fine English Cassiuiere) per Suit, ROOTS, SHOES, and ETC, " >' ? A Larirc Assnrtinent cd'CROrERTKS. Low for Cash or Rartcr. Highest MarketrrPric'e given for CO UN, PK AS, GROUND PEAS, and ?.!I0i.. Vi fldi 3 B ['I0R8'gJ3 N . C .0 T T' 0'.^,r;. niHT 11 Ij JOHN 1). STOCKEIl & CO. i1 j-.PI ATMU-lUli. L~?- l^ll 'Jl _J ^Old Established- 3'e^lry.;-H0-?se;,',-"r";; 256 KING STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. JMPOKTKltS AND DEALERS IN ELVK WAIVM ES> dKWKLRY AND ST E It LI NO SILYER--AVAKE, Silver Pbited (Jootls, Uold and Sleel Spodtacles. tine Table and PoekcLCuUerv and Fancy) Articles. Sand FORK or City Accepr We desire to call attention <>f our Country Friends to our Stoek of SILVER SPOONS and FORKS, the largest in lite State, which we are now olfering at ^"t?w York l*I*ICOM for Cash |J,,,CC- uj v vV at., Our Large Assortment of COLD and SILVER WATCITkS are of the best English, Swiss and Aril orb. can Mnnufneture. r, { frffAJT '\ rvoilit^j/ Special Alteiilion Ciivon lo the Be* pairing of Witt^ios isnrt jov>olrj . . At! KNTS FOR AMEUIOAN WATCH C.0MPANV.M 0 IV. O.iRKIXGTO^. W. THOMAS;? oet? ?,.? ';..?.... i..:,i.O .? ??;?? : r?. V?('KK1 i H 'If )> "/.MV/ H 3| . thqma8 ray''"?" ? IS STILL TO ?K FOUKD! AT THE LATE STANZT. OF RAY cK: iSRO'S, Prepared to do all kinds of REPAIRING and RUILDING NFAV AVAGONS. RI'^GlKS built to ordcit. B1;A0KSM1TH WOtlK IN G UN KRAL.attended to, rritli promptness and despatch. ?' d,'ron? this date, I wlil keep constantly.on hand? . < 11 'A A !.V?'A,\?) .\ !. READY MADE COFFINS1' ,,, OP EVERT DESCRIPTION, FROM THE FINEST TO THE CHEAPEST VAU1ET1BL'. Charge? as modtjrato nB thpi titnca.winla^in^ Zch C^XlT -T! i ? TARNISHFS nad PAINTS constanayiQn.luina.VjF. /()' - :< IM1 ) f ttO'VOL'l Also two barrels MAN HATTEN AXLE GREASE, for greasing WngM? ami Ruggy Axlen, i%e.. for sale at low rates. ? . / : > 1 : - sept '&^}yi, . niTo'l TUQMpYS. iRAit^ f i'j'l ' i i- - n : 0n h IWOULD UESPECTFl'I.LY INFOUM THE CITl/ENS OF ORAS{<:ERL!RO^\NP Al^tUrflNC, Dietriels that I am still at my (lid Stand, retuiy to dd ikhfw'vrk id my Hnf> at-.the Shorlest Netice. I have on hand several New and Second hand CAKUI.\Gi:$ and .RtJtljCllfcS, ulso t\^Si.WAdONS^one I Horse ami one {. -dAtSO? v , . j..,. ..,?;. I have established a , ., .?.., lumber yaii? IV KT ? Q.D 31IT and will keep constantly ojj hand. ROARD&/^A5*Tl.lNO, &c.,*of all kinds usually in Uemnhd, and can till (ill Orders with Despat eh. My Cotton Oins and l'jf-'s are in .prffeet onlcr, and u oAdy to CilN oSiv T<1LL tor all those who may fnvor mc" will? their Cotton tho coming Season. yii' t '* I am Agent for ' , ? an?! ' 1*1* Dillon's Universal Cotton Tie " ' 1 !"''!';' V a, , 1.1.001 AND IRON HOOP FOR BALING COTTON. ; " ' . . I :-i \ ? !. I '. ' U ! I / / j Iron H?"i?s for Haling Cotton being largely in usr"in the South, and being sold much cheaper than Uopw, th(f propriety of using them in jdnce of Hope, is brought to the nttentirtn of the Planters. These Ties are gi'tfMt Preservers of Cotton, when baled, from Fire. Every Tie is perfect, nnd ready for imntc ijii?le uuo, (?(k Jjj C i .j.''1 ;'J5f t GbinvUt, p? Tertiis of Sale?So m?ch ns-wiii'pJiy fife expenses of the proceedings tu t he above stated crue^O-fOr tilO balance a credit until the .first, duy of December, 1808, secured by bond of the purchaser., bearing in tor oat from dato, payablo 1nnnuii'll}"l'--with pertonal scQur'.ity and a.mortgage of .(he property-;? the [pur chaser hlso to pay for papers and revenue stamps. -oon u'tmp.'j - ?.!iArTraHg*Utn gfal)i8 (riot., cqiUainipp 45p^oCTCs Oiorcvor 1cf:<, hounded by iHe rba'd leading from Jones' Bridge to Columbia, und lands of John Huffman, the,"Tieirs,of-1F?Emng M ilium lith (J,ctober, DH4.8. ..; [j., ,,! ? bobivold tiiftta # - 2. Another Tract on the cast side pt Ghisjcr's ? BrunAh.- conlainp'fih* acres more or less! libifiufpjB by lauds of S. Livingston, Paul Livingston and ?Augus tus.'Livingston, which land .was conveyed: by,.^aniel Livib^stott to the same George IL Lp ingstdn, i-lth April, 1858. on "i . 1 ?ilJ wT S.uVnd .one.other. Truet of ?'<}? acres on 11 \0 if.iid Glaziers- brunch, nounded by yinds of Paul and Austin Livingston, tho ftnm1ritct'-1imdif^>eeivtitlb\tcd ^P.intes.b^Ue as Ihm .Oi-u o oi the real e.Htale which -as or Frederick Livingsten under proceedings onpurti lionifn Equity In 1K?* 'JiH w ^nn; Doceinber 21,ilbo7. ,'j -.ntr.ioi 'tdl :i. ii 1?!.: ? -. 'ToCvlSO I I JiuI>o?-i " ''J?lenWn. ? 1 T ' '''"5;; I* ' *':u* .^Sf" itdiiivufti . . "> ti n/i'u? :? v w ?? \\ oL-l".: t!i ? /iiTv-u _ P.y an order in dhis'easy ,1 * aoll for cukI) at OrangeburV'on'thV first Monday in February next, the estate in remainder in the lauds -whieh>were of J. W. Tindnl assigned to his widow for dower. Pur chaser hvpny-foT^fvnveyfincc" anTTst?'mps. Dcooinbcr 2?;-1857. ' ?"* -.;!<-'?*''* .. ' rll ALSl^-' [?.? "( " f*!rt5W Phillips and'Phillips A'diiiVr. and Adin's..-]", l' . ,! ud/r aribtTk ad) ?? f.rtw all ?tUtufwa u < I Un'l ^Htf"Nr ?- ' J ? Bapfiorder.ofdlip Cvjqrt.of J.>quhy. iu Ikiff;?BS?, I will 'sell pt' tlic Court House on the ftrst Moiidaj- in FdbiWuiry next, frfr bite hnlt' c?slv,"flie' 'balance An a ei editjof.tcu months, seeded by bond with interest rroin ibite, and mortgage .of the premises.,with a covenant for resale in twenty days notice in case of breach of the condition ?f bond.- ? '?' ' A Tract of .2002 acres of Laud formerly of ftjV. Phillips, situated on y tho north end of t tie same tract, which has been cut off for widens duwor. ? ni ?1 d. ?': ? ALStT'" i '?'??' f-"???t^? Tho Estate in rthrfalnder In the surd Dower Trict consisUu-g of nua, Juiu/bcd.and four ami onc-tliinl ritres. Purciiasers ('* naV for. i<;uicrs and stunins DeelIS*, 18?T. ?? tV tut? D:"v*/'3?MIS?N, djun Jf-rtd.::,, .'i ????( ..i.,-,iu90.;n;-. ?!??;?! r. - -;.'i'---t j J. R. Milhouse, Guardian. V f ? I>ebora Glover, ct. al. F * Vndcr and by virtue of'??decretal'onfet made in the nbovo stated, case, will (be-/ seid- ou ?io ist Mon day ni Vcbruary, 18fj8. a tract of jajid contaiuing i(|0IJt>'a'fi>ift5a1' STATS OF SOUTH ?AB?lVxA, 1 rcli^nextv +Mf publication hereof, at'If ocfocKinTUio forenoon, to shew ratofriifmay.theyih'a'rKJ Vdiy3 rhe Hard'A^rrfmis t rat ion should net hc^aiUj^,,,^. ] M ?H l-itlll { '0i*%n under iny,hand tnisTbird day ofJammry AJinouObmihi, IsilKi du?? e4al;?'> tiOfTii P. A. MoMlCUABT3,,<). O.dJK' '*ZlZ .f.ua - _ ' ,lAi\K AXD THUSTEES.?All (luurdiaus and Trustees who are lequi'ed to make annual rcttmia in this ofliee me notified to do so by the iwenticfn instant, or rules will be iamied ngeiftnt all dnfaulter?. Jan. 1st,' 18?C)15il> L^ ltATES.-^BcJbvg nbmit i<> n build and cm ?'-?. ing to move our Goods to another location, we hav* doterlninc