THE- ORANGEBURG NEWS ' every. saturday morning/ ' at the ' : ? UfU . -a ivi ?.?. ? . ? ' "OLD TIME" 'PRICE; i | Two Dollars pen Annum tn AdVANok. M??T" invariably accompany tub : ??*! .?Mi?:a . 1?.!\I .*?????!??!/. 1f> li u ? ? ???) .1'." . ? ?? >! ?UBS0RIPTION.. ! ? X^^.Cawntry Produce, taken at Market Roles. $2 o? " ? ^ on -.'/.>..v:_Lt_i:_i_ . JCQ?" "ll* respectfully request our friends to \ send irt their Advertirewenfs as early in \tho week as convenient j and if possible, let us have them by Thursday evaiing. Hy thisyncans, ice will be able to ixxue fami-earlier kourk>n Satur day, and. icilf bu enabled to tjivc more of the latest iicics, up to the time of our going to j)ress. READJNG MATTER ON. EVERY; PAGE LOCALS "ITEMS! SATURDAY MORNTNO, JAN., 11, 18G8. ?~ ... .... l ? ... ? a Li ? .I, III Tho Anti-Labor League. A company of U; S. [Rcjjularfe' nrrived at Lcwisvillo oil Wednesday from Columbia ; and returned on Thursday, carrying back with them b!x negroes implicated tu whipping other ne ?. i -?? .?? ?? ?1 grocs for contracting. The Outrages about Lewisville and Fort - Motte. "On Thursday of last week, Mr. Dednck Iiiute, living near Fort Motto, was compelled, in self defence, to slmct an Jwounda freed man, mi officer of the l'nibn League, who threaten ed him with personal vbdenoc, coming at hiiu with a stick, and in tho regalia of tho League, f?'his roused the darkc3S, and they assembled to the "number of two hundred or more, and Kiiirclindcd the house of Mr. Haue, while they despatched their "headman" to Orangeburg lor an order from the Bureau to arrest him. During* Thursday night they kept armed guard iiround the premises, posting i regular pickets, und threatening to"snoot the "d'd white men," alluding to llfinc and a few tif'lns friends who had assembled at tho bouse for bis assis tance. J. I). Pricket Esq., Magistrate, was pont for, and Mr! II. delivered himself into the cr.stody uf the law : but this tho negroes did uct.K'_'ar>l. Meanwhile, the military au thorities in Columbia were apprised of the af fair, and despatched a company of troops by extra .Irani on Prid ;y moruing. Tiio ncgroos, jlicaving of lho eou/mg ol tho ti'bnps and nlso Unding HV:tt thoir messe- gor to Oranguburg was directed by tho Rurbau to apply to a civil magistrate, and not to resort to violence, be came ihtiuiiiLlod, and; dispersed. Mr. Haue was brought to Oranguburg, nnd was rebated on bail under a Writ of Habeas Corpus, heforo his LTonrr Judge Clover. On Saturday night the night train' down from Lcwkvilla, was fired into, but no harm was done, beyond breaking a pane or two of! &luss. S???uo suppose; Maj. Helton, of the Bu reau, was the object of tho attack, as he had given tho ncjrrocs some good advice, which they did not appreciate;.,others imagine it was in tended for the benefit of .,tho conductor, Mr. Evans, who had put off some negroes at I.cwis yillfi a few days before. man?- ?? JSnlesday. ThoTc wars a''bigger: crowd" hero then, than lias bijcn-licrc since the vrur, ''by, odds,". Thcro w;irg many sales of property, of which wc note t'ie follov/ing'by tl/e Commissioner in Equity f Zeigtet' vs. J/oHoty?tfG acr.o^ $300, 100 acres, $33. 152 atW. 56ID0. 20 Jcrea, ?10. ?3 acres, 520. . i i Livingston vs. I)annrrly.-~l2f& acres, SfiOO. Livingston vs. Smoalr.?300 acrof-, $05.. Vo ?eros,.82l. G?0 acres, $4G5. filler.vs. Juiti.^olG acres, $2020. Com'r: rs. Inabiud ?500 uercs, ?085. " Simmotts vs. Iln?'niann?272 acres, 810. Clerkly is. Gi.i*ciidanncr?3lQucrc?, }pli)'0. 140 acres. S5Q, \ looser as. Larr-i-2,^ acrci;, 8120. 211 norcs, S200. 270 acres, $1-15. 157 acres, 83R0. Von vs. Millions?-800,?'.-res, 8585. ? acres, 67. The Estate lands of L!'E. Oodncr were rent ed for one hundred and sixty-five dollars. Tho estate lands .of Sylvester Beach were rentod'fby cigbty dollarH. Tcn'iilutes wcro sold for 81044t cash. j/Vnd, JiOiix>Howii?g by the Sheriff r Wzekiefc KjJin vs. Trick?1G3 noros, $110. Otio mulov'-SlOS. One bay pony, 8GG. Ono gnij pony, $47. Sisfrimk vs. Jihtbimi?8o"0v acres* 8395. On i buggy, 652. Antle.y vs. Do Aich? On6 horso, 850. Ono boric 882. Cre wagon, $20. l'zckifl $ va- Salb-y?One mule, ?ll|). Ono mule, 855. Asltite. -Mctts-^-lWZ acres, 820. Tlio Eclectic Magazine. This is an admirable publication, euibrae'.ug a monthly collcctiuu oil' good things iVoui tue | Foreign RcvicwB and Periodicals. Wo have alWays welcomed its appearance. It is pub lished bjTVCJ Hy Bidwoll, 6 Bcfcknmn Street, New York. Terms : $6,00 per annum. ?We will furnish the Eclectic and the OilANOEritf?Q^Nirtv-iB fifrr Six dollars per an I f ! Now Advortisements?,,. (JonimisfclopeW Sales for February. . Sheriff's Sales. ' Card.?W. II. Joffcre & Co. Mules for sale on time?Wm. R. Doty. To Rout?-G. D. Keilt, Agent. Agent? wanted?-Jones, Brothers ey Co. William Blangard~M. P. Way. , Notice to Dcbtorsr?John C. K>oqorjy. Dissolution?Laws & Jackson. In thd. District-Gour't-^J'. F. Robinson. ?> Exhibition at the Old Female CpUpgc. Estato Sale?E.'M. A. Jenkins Notice^,7. W. H. Dukos, Sheriff. Mr. T. D. Wolfe olTerH cheap goods. Garden Seed,?csr-lSrckicl & Kohn? Agents Wanted?Any one of our young men who would like to try an agency, will do .well to notice the advertisement of Messrs. 0. W. Jackson it Co., Jl South Street, Baltimore; Consignees per South Carolina Railroad Remaining in tlio Depot to Date. Wm. Knotts, J. C. Edwards, W. A. Merritt. Per Express. A, L. Crook, N. E. W. Sistnmk, David Heuser. \ In accordance with order* received from the Su perintendent, Storage will hereafter'bo ohargod on Goods remaining in the Depot for an unreasonable length of time. YV. O. MEREDITH, , Agent. COMMERCIAL. Office ok tiik Ohanukuuiui Kiews, January 10, 18157. COTTON.?Sale? this week amount to about IliO bales, at the following quotations : Ordinary. Middling....... 10f?10j Strict Middling. ll(?.ll? llOCUll ItlCK?Is in good demand ut $1.75 per bushel. Corn $1.20. Peas $1.00. ? . GOLD.,. 32 SILVER.22 I.nv:svu.i.k, S. C. Jan. U. COTTON.?30 bales shipped this week. Report of, the Clmrlcston Cotton Mar ket lor tlio Keel' Ending Jan. 9. \Rcuartcd for the ?niuyeliury Actes hi/ YV. WALTON SMITH, COTTON FACTOR. , On Friday the 3d jnst., cur market opened with an improved feeling, and closed firm with an ad vance of J^yjc. on our last week's quotations. The demand on Saturday was very tiglit, buyers general ly having withdrawn from the market. On Monday tho market continued quiet, and juices very irregu lar. There was a better demand' ou Tuesday, with a decline of $c. from the highest point. On Wed nesday the market was weak with a further decline of Jo. On Thursday there was a good demaud at firm prices, without any quotnblc change. The sales for the week foot up some 8,800 hales. W< quote: j Low Middling.14 Middling.'..HJfTAl? Strict Middling.15J(?16J CARD. rjHHE FIRM OF H. L. JEFFERS & CO., WAS I DisHohed nr. the 4th inst. The FACTORAGE . and COMMISSION BUSI NESS will bo continued by Win. n. & Thos. A. JetTers. Tho stylo of the Firm being 'WM. IT. JEFFERS & CO. Consignments of Cotton solicited. Prompt re turns will bo made, and our usual attention paid to the interest of our friends. WM. II. JEFFERS & CO., Charleston, S. C. Refer to JOHN A. HAMILTON, Orangeburg, 8. C. jan 11 fun Just Received EW HULLED DUCK WHEAT. SUGAR HOUSE SYRUP. SUPERIOR'MOYUN EHYSON AND . i NEW SKASON OOLONG TEAS. NORTHERN PICK LED BEEF, very Choice. No, 1 MACKEREL lind Healed HERRINGS, a>id a/full supply of GROCERIES. also ??OES, HATS,.HARDWARE, CROCKERY. ?c. ?A few pretty HATS for Ladies. Rough Eice Bought at highest market rates, nlse PEAS, HIDES AND PRODUCE, generally. COTTON , Messrs. H. L JBFFERfl & &0., free of charge. JOHN A. HAMILTON, . Court House Store, octlf>%ly. Market Street. ATOTMJK TO U A It EM ANN A7VI> j3| TRUSTEES.?All Guardians and Trustees who aj*o required to mako nnnunl returns in this otlicc are notified to do so by Ihn twentieth instant, or rules will ho issued against all defaulters. Jan. ;Ut, 18158. V. DJ V. JAMISON, jan 4?lm Commissioner. WAXTK?.?Ono TlionMnml Xo>v SUBSCRIBERS to THE ORANGEBURG NEW'3. Orangclnirg District Im? a voting popula tion of such as can rend nnd write, numbering at least eighteen hundred. Wc include in this est imate those .disfranchised by Congress, because, by Inw and justice, they uro entitled to vote us well as oth ers. Let every voter, who can read, send along Two Doli.aiis for his District Neuspnpcr. * D&f" The cash'must invariably accompany the subscription. ? oot 39 . tf THE HIGHEST CASH MARKET PRICE GIVEN for all kind of COUNTRY PRODUORi Bees wnx, Tallow, iudcs, Furs, ele.j etc., by EZEKIEL & KOHN. fvb23 y It 3k BEAUTIFUL PANARAMA OF CHAS* BULL ;& CO. CASH STOB,K; Will hprcaftcr sell altogether for CASH? conBcqucntly cuu afford to offer our goods at reduced prices. : - FARMERS PRODUCE *?o. 13 Itus sclhStrcqt. j OHAS. BULL & CO. i Grand Panorama! To. Be Seen For Nothing!!! A DRY" GOODS, FANCY GOODS, IIARD WARE, CUTLERY, CROCKERY, j tin ware. GROCERIES of every Grade and Variety, and innumerable other articles of comfort nnd nrcc. ? l!:ltlon. Orangeburg District.jj. t ? ?By P. A. Mt-JHCrtAKL, Esq., Ordinary., Y. U. V. Jamison, Commissioner ii Kqn/ty hath ;n:tde ti|it to me tuj;ninl him I.fitters of Administration of the Estate ami EfFeeUof Absalom St reman, deceased. These arc therefore to city an.'.' in . .? / n't ? c"!7r .J. ly $10,000 IN GREENBACKS, [HE OLD k^ff^ :""r ,,i" JOHN' B, IER & CO, CORNER STORE, RUSSKLL-STltEET AND-RAIL ROAD AVENUE. Great Tall in Gottes. :Cr.aocLs!,, . ..... , I'll ? ii f / ??*/ !v 15 EST EE AN US OF CALICt >ES 1ic. per yd. AVA HU ANTED FASff ?'0I.OJ1S CALICOES 12.]d ptr yd. GOOD CALICOES MADDER COLORS fOc'pcr yd WORSTED DELAINES, new FtillStvies and bright Colors|2r>oj?eyfvd . " . RLEAOHF.i) SHIRTINGS 7-8 and A I fi-mn 10 to"2oe per yd ! KEMTUCIi.Y .JEANS. g<-,.,d, ryobi 20 do 10c. per yd/' j j i ?' / i . .'- . * - I Besides the above maybe found a large Stock |of II KA PY 'MADE CLOTHINC. Worn ?8f?.(i0 (suitable for Freed tabu) to fclio.O?) (line Kn-lisb th^siincre") p?rSnit: BOOTS, andiEtC. ?? A Large. Assortment,of OROCKRIESj, Low, for pasfeaor Barter. Highest Market Price 'ivon for CORN, PEAS, GROUND PEAS;and c 0 t t 0 -IS . ? ranv 11 IV h6/ .10I1N D.f STOCK J??i & Co. 99 'Old EstaMisked eSewelrjr'House. 256 KSMe BTSEpT, CHAELEST?N, S. C. TMrORTHRS AND DEALERS IN FINE WATCU'ES.\i|eaVKLRV AND STERLING SILVER WAiiE, jj Silvor I'hitud Goods, Gold nud Steel Spvobicics, :'ne 'lAii.Ie ajul Pocket Cutlery and Fancy Articles. We desire locall attention (ii our Country Friends tnlour Stock ?.r STLVKR SF?ONS and FORKS, the largest in the State, >v(hich we aro^uoxv olleritig nl .V^iv W.rl*. I*i*iccs for Cash or City Accep tance. Our Large Assortment of GOLD and SlLArBR WATC1IES are of (liebest English, Swiss and Ameri can Manufacture. Special .^:tc:'.j?<*:e Given <<> lit*' Kl?p:%ij?iti{s of 1V:?<<^j<*~s iiutl Jowolry. At! 13NTS I'OR AMERICAN WAT0.1I COMPANY. W. CAUHIINGTOX. oct ?"? W. THOMAS. Ik r T IS STOiL TO BE FOUND AT THE LATE STAND OF t\ i ? ? ? j. ? . i ? ? .?. .. RAY & ieko's, Prepared In do all kinds of REPA 1 HlX'.'l and T.I'ILDIXC NEW WAGONS: BUGGIES butii to. order. BLACKSMITII WORK J N G KN V, R AL attonded to, with. promptness and despnteh. Prom this date, 1 will keep constantly oh hand ready made" coffins % OF EVERY,DESCRIPTION, FROM THE FINEST TQ THE CHEAPEST VARIETIES. 8i Charges, as moderate as.thu times will ailniit. VARNISH KS aad PAINTS eoMstlniitl/dh hand. ' ? Li -; C;- ' u 1 1 v Also two barrels MAN HATTEN AXLE G UFA'S K, for grcnsitig Wagon ami Buggy Axles, fco., for sale at Id.w rates. sept 2S ? lye AK ? THOMAS1 RAY. ?t ,t I f pH v.. ?, constayta' o:\ hand HOARDS, t'-rA N I'l.lNO. .S:e.k of all kinds usually In demand, and can till nil Orders wit}: Dciptu'h. | C J ? Od C.i My Cotton ?Fins und i . arc in perfect order, and ready to GIN on TOLL for all those who may favormu with ihoir Cotton the opining rk.s.-on. i 1 am Agent for Dillon's ?nivevsal Cotton Tie AND IKON HOOP FOR BALLN. COTTON. Iron Hoops for Baling Cotton being largely in u?o in the South, nml Win;! sold much cheaper than Rope, the propiioty of tininj; them in place of Hope, I? brought to the attention of (he Planters. These Ties uro great Preservers of Cotton, when baled; from Fire. Every Tie is perfect, and ready for imme diate use. I will koep constantly on hand n lot of th<; Universal Tie and h op Hoop, which 1 will soil at. Charles ton prices ?12 cents; expenses added. A sample of the above Tie oiiu he seen at tln?< Olli .\ where, it may bo compared to the Arrow Tie. Person* thou can judge for themscdvcH, which they prefer. i'l A I M MTn BIGGS. ?iu>: 21 c ly ??rnrVlfl ^mmiisiSMr S'&es. , WMS ov sovm cAitb^;,;;.;,,,, ' : ?. O. Jamison;'-.- J - ? ''M?rtgng^v.dnbLu*rf . Bar virtue of hn onlef ttt the abc^c cusa;d witf *dfl'i d :,lt if'fr.HS^tf^ t?if "^\31ib'tl PlftWMon^br'TP^ n^!g?J)Ujg-;?ist*b^rtni^t ffff>?f>bifc7l?a "Town ftf Ofangeburj*, nr known . ab ?'/bullion,". JLi., conuliirng' tbW' hnndfttl ?-4lnilVWe/c'nfytfiVe ?-rfcrW,,i? mo:io.,4r less*, hounded, by. biiakiprbr J,-r?w'j multcx, J. Wesley. Keitt.,Caroline, Grabbling, Peter Co<,l>; and'lands of SoaiUtfnroIlfiftfcaffrbW'0 ?" TjL'rj?ia--JL)nc?bnlf cash/naiid ixUc. -balnnoo ; r.l M'day oft pccciuber^mtf,.jpuffbojier.^ #Y?f>?nd rfj with a mortgage or the premises, fo secure fno pay ment jut' said lrnliin?ov,f7itb!& covoneritd?r -resale: ?n- ?H cafdot non my -ftyOfib ^aiu1,^aj>\fpr pancja u?fJj,JffB rovdnuo stumps. * .lnnssionc'^s'Gmct, Y tyMW&?t&if** ConlmissionofVOnicfc, V ?lWWV}VX&t&blfa* gC^4)r)fiors^iBc flh probenv, viz : A Steatn Saw and Grist Mill, Steam Engine and boitort{ a Mill llonsoj a Barrt'?hPSta?fty*9* ' u Blacksmith Shop, und two sjjiidl buildings. ?11 lo-rr ' enteil onthcTrnct- of Lit mln?hr,JinM!libIi,54'nWo^iT7t, whereof 'Levi'iiu&hinctr diedj ???iz?d4r^i?a;,>lllule8/i^pf? throb Timber Carts, Hhieksmith's Tpola.,MtJlJT^pl&. 'amlk ?fl?ntfiyof'Sa^a LVMi'cr'ftt 'said MlnJrt0Tnm the tight under and neeordihg-to.the terma-oficby--:: tain agreements pf the (said Copft-juep, tpr/?|4> ?FJljLl H? saw lull file Timber growing on the Lands of snip Jjev^ Innbi.iiek squaring ten' ?ihdheKJ'o'i' t&^IbMfef"!1!* being, made profvUblo to, ^lid.^C^ar.tOCttj^Bj^j-jTtii, right as to the Timber on the. Lands admeasured to LevLlritibinotswidow for'herDowbr}'*?a'irh 6ne"uHttB*9 ?* vided third of Levi lnubiuet's undivitlodsVwrfliof tUc-^i to Traot on Saddler Swamp, to be subject to tke.WId-.. ow'slltfc Est ate f liefet. : " ' : l"< ^%ah -. At tliesiuuc time nnd place.will be Bohl.pnrBU-ri! 1o ant to the sumo order, the w hplo of the Real Estate. ( oft Ins lato LeVi L. Iriftbliiet,' (Including Iiis un'di-' ' videtl interest in Uic.lJaddlen, Swamp.Tract;).' sub- -'. joct Jo Iiis Widow's life [G&jtaio bi.thpi I.anil adqjcou^^ujj^ ured^ tri her for Dower, an^ io Jnor right of Dower jn the Said i.evi L, Inabinet's uiidtvidcd tihafo of thtf ?'4?' Saddler's Sunmp Tnict,, and further subject, ho thp( JJiw rights of the purclyiacr or purchasers of tlie, Co? f partjicfstilp property liforbsatd Cf'Tfclitiofi to"tUe *,a.* Timber on 1119 Landt ??f I^yi L.-Inobujfti, Ii|ou c'jifO Tcjrms of Sale?So much as, will j[<::y tho.expenses O^ the proceedings in the above ptafcd'oa'ee?WF'tho!,n balance n credit until tliopcjtyi?the I pur- tudi cltttsj r;;;.i.--y io.|?ay f"r.papers.i\ud r^vc^upjffanins^,t .,.M I . 1 a 4^fr^t: r ill tndj a'ad odi lid* Livingston. -J ?? . ? * \ ;; -tt jjui*",; ! vs. j J I>ou' j By an or der of th'e'fJcuH'l'vffTl oil "til Snlcday in February next, sell, for so much ensh as will pay tho expense of the case?the balance on a credit of twelto month's, secured by bond with interest front A. .. dntc|pt|ytib]c auuaRy, ami a. mortgage, of .the prej^i-, ses, (n ivliich will be a covenani lor resale in case",of* the of the 'coiitlitiou of tho bond all fhb l'eol,:J! !" estatje which was of Georgc.U. i.ivinj;>toii, t?v witi;;,-.,., 11. j Olio tract near the waters Glazier's Branch, wuleas yff;Nortk EdhUo Uivor, in Oiiingeburg^A*-?Sr< tricL con' doing I">"i acres more or teas, bounded by , I'the tituuV leading From .Tones' Bridge to "CdfurMoa,' ','"-3 and jands of JohU Hutfuiau, the Heirs of F. LiViug- rlrfj gton land Sampson king, ami by tho road from Ohnijgebiifg C. II. to Ed^efieM, said land' having'*-"*^'! bciJlijconveycd to G. H. Livingston, by F. Livingston, c.ih lS5::. * ' ?' ;'-T-1 '2. Anotlun-. Tract on the cast sida of Ghutier's ")a^J Brunch, conta'ing ('.("> acres more or less, 1' unded by . lands ot'S. i!ivin?stoiv,? T*aul-LWihgston ?lnd: 'Aiigtrti wU tus l,iviu(}>:i)n; whioU uuid wu.s oonveycil byl-DanicB>iirr^ Livingston to the same tieorge 1J. Livingston, 24th April. 186% ",u " )il3ia^ :!. And one other Tract of 07 acres On the- raid!:.!..;: Glaziers Ivrancli, bounded by lands of Baud nnoj ?)Qa Austin Livingslon. the said tract havhig been allotted to intestate us his share, of the real estate w&ich-iWaHYf'.'W'! of Frederick Livingston under proceedings enparti tion in Equity in lH?'.L I '' 't SJlTa>.0 l)acember,21; 1807. _ . ... r....,;H ^, f,..r. j ?? ? d* J ,. ( ' AL?.?i - ? i-,a not 1 ttntf Gloatonf . | . ? | . . \r;r4 ' ' iulhous. j ? .'? ????? .l?drt ??? i?Z . By an order in ;th'|s, case 1 will' sell for ba'sk i\1 ^'^c Orangeburg on the fust .Monday in Febvtinry 1 next, .tiioft the estate in remainder in the lands whicJi wcro of j J. W. Tindtil assignedtb':hbi ifitlow foi* dower. Piir- '1U chaser to pay for conveyance und stamps. v7"o?! hat December '2<>: 1857. Ml iii :?? ALS0'^i- *.?.-t3 j iiuiwl '?? t ?t i> ?'?'"??'?' ???>"?'0 7''*aW I'hilllps and l'Jiillip^s Adm'r. undi Adm'x. "Lj ;..%t .isyua * Miliums. -j tit J' ii?7w.J .tvu* i?> l>:iao*l 1 . 1. . ALSO- 'i .-lin. ? be -id V Lm0??|a Tho Estate in VMiiainder ili'fTfd^nid T)ow%r' tTWct v'r*n* eoii?i.'|ti^ii: of o;ic .hundred and l'our.?i}(Lc^Citb,iftdb acres, "rurclioscrs lo'nayibr pas.ers and,stnmps.. Dec. 2rf. 1SU7. hn * f. DZ-vrJAMiBON;-1"': - ?'jijanU?td. M[ , 1 ;; , /tJ? . .Ooininlsslona&b .' id 1o - . ..() f. ,7 ALSttrf iit*r, i'jhU ad >-wm Jl J. R. Alilhou^e, Cuavdiun,;^ml'-. ;?mil ban ,m?iJ?? J n.V8, . f ,ii [b*l ?ivf Kiu'od widT Debora Clover, et. nl. J Un k-r and by yiitjiq^f a;decvcii|l order'/,mp* flicfttiove stated case, will be sold on^thc. 1st Mon- j day in Februal'y, 18<;8, ti tract hf Wntr conYnming 1000 seres, 111910 or less, situated r.TjitJit, essfeBtdb ? 'Old of WiJlow Swaini?, and bounded on the north by IIj, _ ]Vii^ II. BcuirteM, east by estate lands of L6\vis'Blcvotii8on, In latiilsot (i. R. Siunnlers-Snd L?bau .b' Willlatns,-'* .south by .lames Rood and west by J-r!^,^lP33-?o*?d r tc\, A. E. Glovin's lAnd. ;' Tcrtnsr?(liifirludf 'cash' and !ihe ? holnnbo 'ftir'sfk ?' montlls, the purchaser giving bond bearing interest ,..... 1, from (ho day ny ftir papers and rcvcniie slnains.' ' ; Comti^sfoneVd CtffiofeVlj 'V. D.'v: .TAMISON^ 1 ''. > Ci'ini.ib f ioncr. V : "? .tun n ? id ? ?. . 1 j. . , , 1 I I : Mii.m ??. ?Um 7r~TT-'>/i .i.u Jmli ix.trt-oldcl p%4 ORANmhiUlia DTSTHtCf. '" ^ ""V ?,' uiin pi 1 i ? ?? if'VW MttiMU ? 1 :I^5"RS!ton-. ' ') n?. nwtni ' poiii J ^ ; :.?.>;/ 1 i btli;.'-''. N ^i>-. By order of .the Court, tho creditor ?f O'eor^o'lPj' Livingston, deceased, arc required tf\ ,pro\'0i tfloUr demands before me, on'of beforo the 21st day of next/ 91 'J'-- ' Dcoombcr'fiii 1807. V. D. V. JAMISON", -f ' ' , dec 28?td Commissioner.. In Equity^