The Orangeburg news. (Orangeburg, S.C.) 1867-1875, January 04, 1868, Image 4

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Shelter tor Cuttle. port a titjpopjj^ip^s^ tf f^T^H p}}? '.J?J 8M?^'^1U body with mater nil for growth in young ani mals?in full' ,^tb^fi',oh,cH'',tn'? replacing of Waat? matter; tho otJor' Ihn1 ma^fltnlffiga' proper, degree of hc;\t in the body. Ih ox tremely cold weather, the amount of food ;con-i >u?cd,1a' ^j^'^dater !jjh'U$$ Warm, as ..tfie | demand for bout; is much 'igreater. Fat ant-' maj^p thaf;i wiU' <Vc]p^^pp:.,piiq8THfho fjit, being consumed in ; producing heat. It is on this principle that1 fercut from -that used very far Ni. rth. The in hablfarits' bF'the Wrrid iono usb chiefly v?geta bio diet and aoid fruitH, whilu the groatcst treat that'^mrbB ' ^V?h' ^t? ^\'!j5^Ufnia?^ iji' t,h'c. North of (jirecnlaiid, is whale blubber. Capt. Furry mentions the fact of one of his visitors eating a dosen tallow dandles with great relish. When cattle are exposed in the field during ?c?9^5?jPjn9untrf>JF'their food to keeping up thfi" nebessaty 'Ylflqutit of nuimal hotit:' In a wafn^'^j^r^d^^i^u?^pu,; much of this food mrj^tr1ia*cr?e?Ti debited Hi 't?e^forhi of Jat,; ^Sn^^CT-.^W^b th,'iuj(,. adding;..$o,lmo . value of, the animal ; while in the case'of the' unshel tered cattle, the fOjOd.jhaa, been consumed as fuel, aud there is no increase in bulk to show' for it?thus causing the loss of valuable pro vender. ( For milking cows, wajm shelters arc of spe cial .importance. i,Thcy must have enough of riohi nutritious food, to convert the excess into tnippV^'t^V<Uci\,,ihc Tvod, is poor, and the cow ex posed to' ithe cold, she ? cannot eat ..enough Of euch''R^^tV.fc'feejihcrWrm, fat, and have a good flow of milk. All the nourishment is consumed i:: making heat. , u fattening hugs., is shelter aud warmth a matter of Vrisfc' Importance. Hogs in a dry, clean pen, will increase in fat much faster than when in cold and mud.. In the wild .state, the hog is a clean animal, and when confined in a clean pen, will keep one part of the pen clean. Economy would dictate the importance of good.yarm shelters. These can be made at small "-cost on most farms. "When plank is costly, make sheds of wheat straw, whieh will turn the rain aud cold. These sheds should /be Jong and narrow:?closed on three sides? ?open ou the South ; floor covered with loaves, so as'-Co catch all the droppings from the cat-' tlo.u*'Wheixs muck ?or swamp mud) can be ob-, tninoty'.'', it ,'\? Detter to use it. . Iu tliia way, many,,loads, of valuable manure may be saved for the spring crops.?Southern Cultivator. .Effects of Shade on tho lint do Vino. *Thc root? Of the grape ; vine rcrjuirc ' to be^ 'coof-^ri^l shaded from the sun. In the forest. the.VUd .vine climbs to the tops of the loftiest trees in search, of sunshine and exposure to rain-and dew, hut its roots are damp, being im bedded "fti'thc moist leaf mold, the debris of the Imlage'. ..^hich lias been accumulating for centuries, and they are frequently within reach of water. 1 This year we noticed a vine which hnd been planted against'.^'jljiglf/board fence, and JUad not grown much for two years, put out most oxtiriWdinary '8ho^'t8,,80inc of them being eight or npparcnt cause of luxuriant growth was the shading of the roots by tt^Jj^^f seat of ah arbor, , which was placed over them, a space being left between the {ifeafahd tho fence for the vino to send up its |haots. 13y this means the roots wero shaded from the sun,, but were accessible to rain, and wore kept in a desirable state of mois ture. I Another proof of the utility of shade for the roots is given in tho same garden by the suc cessful growth of a Jfurtfdfd Prolific vific which was transplanted iu Spring, the canes being laid flat on the ground. This vine is growing rapidly, and has very large foliago, whicljahades,, jthe r^opts trom tho sun, and kcops tho ground moist about them.' Another vine of the.eamc.yari^ty:)(.trn{i8plai)tcd at tho ,same time, but-treateddifferently, being-pruned nnd trainjjfl^ n .st?k?, .hp'pbarjj'cjuitc delicate^ and,', (\uiteuuncqual to tho mentioned in steength ' and iQ^j&r^^fej?j] 'facts;, among numerous others,, indicate tho necessity of keeping the soil dbdut'th?'roots of tho gfapo vino shaded from the hum, und sufficiently moist -to ensure a gootf growing and'rippning condition of the wooi^Vp^.frmt.TT-^A'll' Hural. no ltei ?? ' ? . ! im %g ? A ChkaJ' STUMP Pui.LKU.?Tho Country Gentleman gives tho following description of a cheap stump puller, invented by Mr. H. M. Hogers, of Konoslja, Wisconsin : <:r pought two , serow jucks, aud I had a stout log* ohnit). 'These jacks have, one and onc-h'alf feet lift, working iu cast-iron pedes tals. 1 procured a stout- beam, o'.ght feet long, and about, as heavy an t\>o men would want to carry, aud two pieces of planks for the jacks to stand on, together with some blocks, &c, nnd all was ready.-- Jy place the beam across tho largest and stoutest root of tho stump, one jack oh euch side, nnd as near tho stump as 1 think tho roots will allow, and resting on a pioce of plank. Tho chain is passed around tho root and the beam. One man at each jack will taift? almost any stump to the full lift of the screw, which, in a majority of eases is stif ftc.icnt; if not, place a stud under each end of the benmj let down the jucks, and placing "blocks uudcr thorn, give the stump another lift, two men will pull from thirty to fifty stumps a day, nnd the machine, will cost fifteen or twenty dollars, while the jacks aro useful for many purposes besides pulling stumps, and would bo salable ttt any time. There is no patent ou this pullcr/tl CHARLESTON CARDS. 353%; HOLMES, UOYCE & GO 'S WHARF, CHARLESTON, 8. C. I Hon. GEO. A. TREN.UOLM*. ANDREW Sl it 1st National Hunk; Charleston, resident ^?.jLJ. Mining und Mumt dec 7 . r r -r il. ?*?*??!In irT *?0 EIST"WAV, r ! C It A 11 L 1**T,? f j ^ and 11ka1.KH IN [Sugar, Tees, Racon, Lard, Fish and Salt, eto. tr. 1118CHOFF. a ?; , vPrwiEask Henry Bischoff & Ceil, \ v| AND DEALEKti IN WINES, LIQUORS, SKCAitS, &o., No. 197 East %t? [7| j CHARLESTON, 8. C. WML WALTON SMITH, cotton facto ii, COM M ISSIOnS^?CH ANT, & I' I Cfr^KIdJSTbN. 8. D. 6<riY**!TvroiOpi amt'pcrcohul tttlontiou given to Hie Vide of Cotton. ?ug24 ix.! fJ 1 ? ? C. CfcAClfS. A.AV.ITT?. CLAC1US & WITTE, XO. SO EASTJ1A V, C 11 ar Ii ES t ON, S. C, Commission Merchants. 11 . / ?, ,,i ?,' '? * n I ? l ii i i ? ? AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Grocer us^ Rrovt*!on*, I^ayyitiy, R'qic and Honor*. , BCpt ,14 <. J * (IUI I ' Wagener, Heath & Monsees, PLANTATION AND FAMILY GROCERS, WHOLESALE and RETAIL. Hum, Eacon,* Shoulders. Pork, Reef, Flour. Su^nr, Coffee. Ton, cte., etc.... WINES, LIQUORS', skc.ARS and T 0 U A C C O A1?.Q(i;{ ami MS East Hay vor. Qtimi-ttm t. CHARLESTON, S. C. XJwir AH Orders Promptly Attended lo"t?fl sept'14 m t? S, Thomas, Jn., Wm. S. Lasskav., William G. Whilden & Co. KOI FORMERLi OF I! ay DEN k WHILDKN, IIKAI.KRS is i WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER WARE, CROCK ERY. CHINA, GLASS WARE, AND HOUSE FURNISHING ARTICLES. Old Gold and &ilrf-r,)iiiTcfait.cif. Wa/e/ies and "Jewelry Rrjta ired. 1 225 Khif^-St.. Corner of Reaul'ain. AT WHOLESALE 11 IIA VXE STREET CIIARLE^TX)^, vs 'cJ- ) ) ffb23 .rnirwu^Y:V.?m:r_ ? ?7 ?WILLIS & CHISOLM, factors, commission merchants r v.. u\\ Im " '"And ""? ? -11 ^HjnjINO AO KNTS, X\T1 I'L ATTEND TO Til E J'l* ItCIIASE, \f sale and shipment to Fornijjn antf Do ?m'Htic Port?, oj'Cotton, Rico, Lumbar und Nnv ui Stoffs. atlWJic wharf, 6j tahleston, h. c. E. WILLIS. ALEX. H. ClllBOLM. fch 2.1 -j 1 v CHARLESTON HOUSE. STOLL, WERR & CO., W HOL KS ALK AND RETAIL DEALERS IN DRY GOODS. All Goods are selected specially for our SOUTHERN TRADE. AT TilK OLD STAND, NO. 2S7 KING STREET, Three doors below Wimtworth, I'!IlARLESTOX, S. ('. Terms Cash, or City Acceptance. ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. IL C. Stomj. Ciiaiilks Wkiiu. II. c. Wai.kku, feb 211 o if pavilion hotel, CHARLESTON, S. C. nOAIU), PICK HAY, $3.00. A. DUTTKIIKIKLD, mrs. ii. L. uuttkhfield, Siiperinteiidviit. 1'ropnvtrci:?. die 28 "?? ' ' ' * il Ii James I). L'Iccklcy, Adniiiiistrntor. v?. 31. A. Gisscndnnncr. ?nder in Uiia cnsc I. will, seil 011 Hiq first Monday-\ in Janmiiy next, ut Ornngeburg, for one half eiisli, the balance on a credit of j^cn moutliH, secured by bond, with interest from date, und a mortgage of tho premised with n covenant for renale in ease of breach of the bond. All the land which was of David >W. Gisseiidanner, fihviag MO acres, which has been allotted Iiis widow for dower, containing three hundred ?nd forty (340)" litres mole $r loth,-] hounded by lands of J. 10. Moss, Mrs. Ai l emus | Glover, .Tames Heed, estate of Lcvi Tyler nnd the said Dower tract, 'And at tho same.time, the vo muinder in the Said Dower tract upon the detormi 'lintion of the est Ate in Dower, Purchasers will pay for papers and HtomjIH Couiiiiis?"'" Uec dee " nir'sionor's Office, \, r VS lCY. JAMISON, ?C. 10th, 1H3? :j ? ? Commissioner, ,114 V 9 A -1 ltl ALSO V> M3 1'o.fcer, AnW'^ | Dili to Marshall -AhWh ) f I V fw. v A.J IX J ' for V A *' Ann I.arr, et. nl. J Injunction und lleliof. 'lHirSuatit to Sill onler iu tliia cane, 1 will soli nt Orangeburg U. H., on the first Monday in. January next, all the Heal K-tato or the Ikie'John tlarr, de ceased, situated in this District, as follow*: Tr&tit No.yl, containing 240 acres, more er less, bounded 4b }h^c4?U?b?, ihc?tage Koad from Orange? burg to >untc Rond, on the southwest by Mrs^ O'Cain's lands, on the northwest by lauds of Daai&l 0'Cnifi1. ' 1 Tract No. 2, cuntniuiug 2JI acres,, more or l?ss, "Auiid^'.oiOtbcAt^ J!, vi? the 5utlteVtd^fiVWrWfV; rWt<W rTOTfy^l'ook. ou the southwest by lauds of Mrs. O'Cain, nnd ou the northwest by Stage llond. Tract No. \\, cuntniuing 270 acres, more or lvtta, bounded on the east by estate lands of F. Mourar und Dr. J. (1. Jenkins, south ?.y lands of John S. 0. IlofTimmii. West bytTttfct No. 2, and northwest by Dower lauds ot Mrii .Inn I.arr. The Dower Tract, containing 1?7 acre;*, more or less, bounded on the nortli^ by lands of ,D^ Horger, east by Tract No. 3, south by; Tract' XtS. 2. nun west by the Stage lloiul. Pubject to tho Dower of the vaid Mrs. Ann I.arr, being a life estate in the same. Conditions?So niiieh cash as will defray the pcuses of these proceedings, and the balance on a credit of twelve months, purchasers giving bond With two good sureties, bearing interval from day of sale, payable annually, aud mortgage of tho premi ses to secure the purchase money, uud to pay lw papcr.-tniid vurenue stamps. If tho terms of saw) sale arc. ;nnt-complied, with, the said premises to't>e resoltl on tho rtoxt VateifHy thereafter, Rl tho'risk* of the former purchasers. Y. U.V. JAMISON. Commissioner, deo 14 td In Equity. O?ANUKBl'UCi DISTUICT. It. A. Yon, Adm'r Kstnte Muke A. Yon, y vs. 1 Jim. 1'. Milliou-, et. al. j Ily onler of Chancellor Johnson made TOfh Nor.. IStiT, the creditors of Muke A. Von. deceased, will prove their demands before me within l\vo 12) months from the date iif said order. Commissioner's Office, \ V. lb V. JAMISON. Ornngeburg C. H..S. C, [? Commissioner. Nov. 20, lStjT. J nov 2U 2in AND Ily virtue of the same onler, I will sell al Ornnge burg on the first .Monday iu January. JHilS, for one half cash, the balance on a credit of sis mouths, to be secured by bond, with interest from date, paya ble annually, so long as any money is due on it. and a mortgage of the premises, with covenant of re sale in case of bre:. di of the condition wf the bond. 1. All that Trael which was of Muke A. Yon. de ceased, lying on Mast Ooodhuol S wit in p. in Ornnge burg Hist riet, containing seven (7) or eh*;hl (SJ hun dred acres, more or less, ami bounded north by lands of 11. 11. Argue, east anil west by hinds of Mrs. Itebecn Corbett and south by lands of II. ('. Sulley. ALSO The undivided half sevcniy-five acres adjoining, the other half being now owned l>y Wiley t'. West. Commissioner's Office, "j V D. V. JAMISON. Orungchurg <'. II. > Commissioner. Nov. 20, 1HC7 J nov 2?. td C. II. Ilarnwell, "| In Force'.osure vs. ;- of Mrs. E. S. Thomson. J Mortgage. rpKN PRIME HULKS FOR SAIYK. g Will be sold mt the first Monday iu Juuuury. IsiiH. Itcfore the Court Home, in Orangeburg. TKN P 1**1 MB PLANTATION MC i.KS. Sale positive. Terms cash. V. 1>. V. JAMISON, dec 21 id Selling Off Under Cost! D. LOUIS & CO., ?. G IST T & I HAVE STTJilj ON HAND , t\'{ Uwi 'r.'AWAX : h A T A FIN!' STOCK OF Ready Made Clothing, CLOAKS, &?, I.. ,v>ra WJiiCH JCIIKY AUK CI.OSINU ?OUT TNDKii cost:::' IH the wifitry St/u in '.Mid tho obilHiig breutte, With ?iieh Glotliing ?iirm, No uj/o i?ee?J Pruezu. feb 23 u ly NEW STOKE. rriiiK sniscjiiiiKits takk c/JvASUIik in in. I forming I licit* Friends and I he J'ublic Uejie rally, Ih/it they have opened I heir KKW STOIttt, and m e now prepared townil upon I Item ivilhsnice Stock of FAMILY GK0CKR1KS, D?Y (lOODS. JIATS, HOOTS and SHOKS, KC, anGenerally foiiiid in ? COUNT ii V SToHK. Come d examine. MC 1.1,Kit DAVIS, nov '.' u ly 11. D. Myers, Applicant. I Notice to Again*! I Absent Ann C. Myers, et. al. Defendant. J Defendants. It. iippcnjing t<i my satisfaction that Sarah Pub mau and Klizabetll Molly, two of the defeudiuu* re side without this Stale, it is therefore ordered that they do appear and object to ilio division or sale of the Heal Kulatc of K. .1. W. Myers, on or before thu sixth dey of March next, or their consent to the same will be entered of record. Ordinary's Office, i i*. A. McMICHAKL; De. ember 2. iMiT. | O. O. D. dec V ?12 w Tlxe Southern Drug Store I i ? . .jt; DR. B. M. SHULER HAVING REMOVED HIS DIM,q 8TOJH3 from his well known Sinnd. bog's leave rtwpcc'ltiilly t?> invite Iiis friends throughout tl?o District, to Visit him tit Ids New, Lftrgo'nhd well Furnished EST AB Li STl'HENT on ltUSSEt.l'-STlVKF/r, 'oYVf>Ht(6 ?ar? h?ll' ttCOVill'S, where they wilt be Biirc to bo supplied, with the very liest Drugs and Medicines the Market uffonlsii nnd tit tbo lowestinnrkel prices. He has {hrhjutd j?6w ?f?ll atsovt|tjiiJulqf -'; DRUG S, MEDI?LNES, i:lj n< PATENT MKDIClNT,S OF ALI. KINDS, Paints, Oils and brusjio*, - Dy? Stuffs, Lyp.ttod Potash, t.V. ? Miiiienn and. t.'um Stnrcb. * ? bun Cooking mid Washing Soda,' Itlaek .Pepper, Spices yf all kind*, , COMPOSITION, LO.UEL1A, NEE V E DO WOK", &e.. Prepared-by Ephraim Lurrahee, ttIT*fittW Of all K?rtv?, T KU SS ES, Single *nd double? Lur?eand Small, ? Eine Stapking and Chewing T.ORACCO? Eine Uli AN DIES und WINES for Medical purposes, PERFCMRS and TOILET SOAPS. t'i\ll and satisfy yourselves?you ciui get just what you want. Just reveived u lot of that fine "DURHAM SMOKING TOBACCO." ' jU-jV" Vi"ill open ?>u Sundays! from 7 to 10. A. M., and fvota -U to T II*. M; , . fell ' c ly THE CANNON HOUSE! (orrost'fK court house.) WOULD Re -pect full v inform tit?Traveling i'uh ?.-SHb ilmt "his HOUSE is opined i*x vJ?ESKr5Sf.K!*> ilu-ir iicrmiiodtttinn. KATES OF ItOAKDl Hoard per Day._._..s I 7-^ Week._. 7 <u> - Month. 211 U\> ALSO A JiAli-ltOOM In ihr l'usrmenl, which is supplied ?tth tlxe *>r^t ?tf Liquors. ?i a s. C-J. :iut: S c Iv 'TTT7 A T) GOODS! just rkueiye11 at EEITT BROTHERS. rE WOULD AGAIN INFORJ! onrFRIENDS' that we ovo n?w receiving our FALL and WINTER STOCK OF Dry Goods and Groceries, Which we offer on rensminMc term.*. If our friends will give us a call, vrv have no doubl we can make it profitable in !>mh [?arlief. We are also prepared to qoiiiiimc the shipping of cotton. rice, &c., ivell kmvM ii Unart at WILLIS & CIltfe'OLXf, Chariest mi, whore prompt txttention will be'gJft'tfM Irt the wale of (he saiiiu ni the HIGHEST MAllKKT Pit ICES, iiiul ihe inuney can lio i received at our ttttiee here, without tine cell! co?l to the ouruer. XrOTICF,?OUR deRtors will please Remember us when their Cotton and other Produce is sohl, and settle up their old accounts. kkitt u rothe ks. oet 10 C lv BARGAINS!! ?:o:? Selling Off UnderOost, DRY GOODS CLOTH INC/,. SHOES. HATS. GROCERIES, ETC., .. . v ?OH ?? l.n ? t i.sit? sixty days AT JOSEPH McNAMARA'S. m a i isr - s t it ih k t , ORANOERCIIC, S. C. Tel. 23 ly JUST 11ECEIVED A FULL STOCK OF Fall awl Winter Goods, CONSISTING OF tjALICOES. DKLAINKH, ALPACAS, P.OMMA /?INES, IfOiiclotltfi, phiniicU, ||oiuespltu, Hosie ry. Kill (!hives, Fancy Articles, &u, We also invite attention to our stock of Oroeeries, Hardware, Crockery, Hoots und Slto'ca, ?hi/di ??? ?fo eoiilideul will please the public, both in prise and quality. CpUNTRV PRODUCE bought ?r bartered at the highest market price. ? We will make advance* on ('olton or other Pro dnce consigned to the well known House of J. M, I'ahlwcll & Sons, Charleston, S. c. c KOE1XSON fc CO, fob Ly In Equity. OIlAXUKliriKi DISTRICT, ) IVcfdey llouser, Adm'r and Giiarilian, VH. Eugenia KpeigilCf, ol. al. The creditor* of V. fi, Zeiglcr, deceased, will prove tllelr demnnds before me within one month from Ihe date hereof. Coniniissioiier's Ofliee, *, V. D. V, JAMISON, Dec. 7, IH07. j Commissioner, dew Jl 1 ni SCOVTLL, SeHing Off! Selling Off l. % i -OLOS.N.I OCT :. ix vii-.m ?p.?,pr;U?ic?i?? ./// '?? '(l CK>^SE(^JiKNTLY 1 1 ? i .? I ? ,i.'{--t:..T...!j?ilVJii.'. ^i : OEEER .EGR CASHy ? -?I.::?: <?. f?.< f "j ?urr/f '".?nod icrtiirr.ui Oll Our now COMl'LETE STOCK in every J<pwf . :" ' a? '? Rates1 m?ch beluw .: ?.:)?-- ...,.;:!?:,?! II .oX FORMEK [PRICES. .barg?iI^a^ 5 i . bnv.iu imirtorinin ??? ? 'iii/MniiuKM * Great Indu com on to Offered from now until .ii -nrurub .v'ini i'j january l^S^.,,;. j.l!fj,j, If yon want Cft?*G^ ? i "i'J bite. *V_' ni,iiii.L v. 'nrv : Sixty D?ys, , ! .01 Imum* >'?!- mi // ? call ratv. ?{ .. i' X". i ? BULL & SOOVTLIS" , M_m^Ii_mixii ?. .i' j ili'j: jltih ?*. :.;{/; '.; 'V'iiit r!,u .J jn:.* ?. "^TA-NTED To FUI -V*t?> Orders 1000 500 Hl'siiki.s peas. 200 bushels pindols. For which we will pay tLc hig4ikst market ?GIjres ? it Iii canu. 1 ? ; w e are still in tiik COTTON MARKET, l'repuied U? ru v such jLnts as may offer or receive on Consignment, All of which shall receive the prompt attcn * . t . *. t * ? ? * "' i ' * i ? turn of Bull & Scovill. fell 23 J lc i sgh.?kcukxtifiu amkricax, J The ?B8tPAI'BU in the WOULD, Published tor nearly a Quarter of a Century*. Tbw SPLF.N DID N KU SPA 1'KU. greatly enlarged and improved, is one of the most reliable usctiilond interesting jourtmls ever Published, Every nnm ber is Ibitiitifnlly Printed and Elegantly Illustrated with several Original Kngrav'tugs. representing New Inventions, Novelties in Mechanics. Agrienlture. Chemistry, Photography, MaiuifsvcHuxs, Cn-iwvi ing. Science and Art. Formers. Mechanics. Fnventom. Engineers. Chem ists. Manufacturer*, people in everv prttnmve mf life, will find the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN t?he el great value in their res|H>ctive callings. Its coun sels and suggestions will sa?e ihcm Iftiivirrds of Dollars nnnoully, l?csides affording tbcm n rontinnal ?source of knowledge, the value of which is beyond pecuniary estimate. AH patent? granted, wilb Ibe claims, published weekly. , . Every -'ublie or Privnle library should have th? ITOtl* 1 *'una ..r.-' preserved for reference. The ve:?.'" numbers of the Soir.STirfo A nr. wras moke ? spl'cnnitl volnnie of nearly one ihonswnd quarto pages. VUnivjUt^VV nrnrl> Four Thousand Ordinary Hook Pages. A .\Y,V Volume commences Jiuniarv 1.1808, Published Wuokly. Terms: One Year, 5s:!: J|alf-Ye,ir,. jjl. .V).t Clubj* of Ten lk>\*** for On" Year, $'2&i Sp'.chr.i'it Cnplu soul yrWik! ; Addroia ? -?? ' ?KA^S?^1-' tSdr The jPnblisberarot; Scientific- American, lit connection with the publication of the Paper, httve acted ns Solicitors of Patents for twenty-two years. Thirty Thousand Applications for Fatcuin have bucn moilc through their Agency. More than Onn Han- J drod Thomtaud Invontors havo flight the connsc! of iho Scientific American concerning their invent tons. Cohsultatiohs and odrlcetn Inventors, by .inuiU (re*?[| Pamphlets concerning Putent Laws of all Countries, firec. - '?>??'? a< hinovtn or 'not'*' | ? ? IMS'a HANDSOME HOJUKO VOLUME, contain ing ]'>0 Mi-ehanical Engravings, and llio United ! SlatesCensus by Counties, \vith Hints and Receipts I for Mecbnnics, mailed on receipt of 25c. Avc.'lX { tf -In Equity. oiiANr.Eiiriir. district, Josepit Pickling, Adm'r. el. nl. I Hill for'Acconnt vs. 1 j Marshaling Assets Mary It. Tyler el. til. J Injunction & ltelief It iippeai ing to my satisfaction that Joshua Tyler, one of the Defendants in the above enso, is absent from ami resides beyond the limits of this State, on motion of blur & Dibble, complainant's Solicitors, it is ordered; That the defendant, Josh ua Tyler, do appear, plead, answer, or demur to the complainants said bill within the time prescribed by law, or an order pro confesso .will be taken against him. Commissioner's Office, ] V. D. V. JAMISON, Oraitgeburg, S. C, \ Commissioner. Dec. 10. 1H07. dec '2\ ' 8 In Equity, ?RANUEBURG district. Andrew P. J-inblnot, Ai|Minlslrntor. Marcell/i Jnabiuet ami pthcre, Hy order nf iho t'ourt of Equity In *ho nbove stntcd case, the creditors of |bo late Levl \i, Inabi nel are pjyoincd from proBcuutingflcliims ?t law for I he recovery of their objims, and are retptiroil |o prove yho sumo pefnra tljo Commissioner ?Mhin two months from fhc nnblioiitipn hereof, V. u. y. jamlson, c, i;. 0, D, diie 28 2m JVHT RFCEIfteR. A FRFSII: Sun lily of DHY GOODS, SHOES, HATS, QBQCK iiiem. Al???O bunphoi YARN bobiw the markot r*lee, at T- V, WOLFE'S, nov Id $ r 1IBI.S. WIIISKKY of the RKST r) HHA.NDS. Jit?t received nt noy JO T. D. WOLFE'S. Teaumroy. - LEGAL N0TICE8., H:\ v-? in;-: ivt'- ' -=-^^^-M^?r .,$r.;Wq%,, ; ORANGEBUJ^G? #I8TBICT. , 8oHcHor*8^h?^ ! *1 "l1 fell to Jacob Wolfe, deceased* <** AppTWsaiob' fcarlai* beWI??VIi^Wii^i^^ Wolfe toprove thevefuUca^, I933 .oimI conteoi? ef the lsst Will and Testament of Jacob Wolfe, do' . ce mi cd. On motion of 1 Mertnr. litar & iMMltfM. licitors,, it in ordered that all perrons who dcatap to do. ifinj- appear and cross examine tbns*S3*B*eT produced, and introduce evidence in reply before fae on th? 39tbHday'ortebrt*?try>>Wf. ' Ml *%* Coinn.ifl?ioper'6Office,-.).> * VtttnV&J A-fcttOnV W* r : Ornngeburg ^ JL, .}? ' ; \ .CowmiMWr," -. m\*V?vU . . "V.C. O^VV\|yi .-?A Wm Wl> .\?t,''. 11 ? indl.H BynV f, ? , ' m? I -By-ordasHrf Chan?Hey Johnaota-iiiajrte Mat -Pyr.^" i8oj, tba cj^ito? pf Katb^^B/m^n tpietv demand* before me wlthlntwe^flj montW dato ef~T?id*ord*r: II Wit: :it; ? : rVf lfc;ff??%MMMhi9S? ComudBsI.s.r. 23. tU>> 'i">l'H.>T? vMkdIoTCTI? *!l ?r'jit ftM it! Tjwpjr. Hit? u i,l ORANGEBUK&. districts ?/// ? John T. JeniiingB, or. ill ? -t; ? d vmr ^niob t ? I Patrick Jenh?rnB?>et,k^:,,;I?>^, ' *'"'" 'J'""'1 ' By ;order of ?ChoilcolM" JcbMow matfa Na^.' 1 lBt>7,,the: creditors uf Johw y. JeMiivc?Td?c??B9<, ., will prove their demand, befcre to. Vub^iari. (ft) mouth* fW"!$ft da$* ef,a*^dc*d*fr.f A u?h't Di^Im V.?. T-JAMI80XL. Commi.sio?sr? 1 1 nor 23 _. ._:J' Jfm, pRANGEBWR?. p.I^q^, , ,., James D.'CleckleT, txth vt' WiU of L. E. Coonen;. >,l . vs. A. TX Frederick, et. ?11. ii.ti-1 ii'.I I " mi*) ]'?'1 / u rillt! ' >di ??l b nit -j By order .made in thin oaa* th*-oradlr?r? of L. Et' t'oom-r. deceased, will prove Ihair demand.. nef.rtt nu- at Oraagebttrg by tB^'flrM" da? 'of 9*%V$k]*fi* Commissioner's Office, Orangeburg C. II. .,{V tiommuwlaaW; -ui Novcn?l??r 7, 18U7. J novlti Itlll V:u(j It ?' ll '?'fji,',; . ... ? i,. ? ,:? - , ? : Mill !?!-.? t?r.: iltj ;? ORANGEBERG ?I??UlCX?ji' '??? t'l!?l llcnrr Livinjrston. Executor y Barnetl,Livinnton_ n. wn;j.-iwiM>n ct. ?L 1 Lej ?ilt-K i! 1 ? 'lit" i?Tif? tt*. lip onbpp.t* (tii, i?<?i Devisees and Legatees. 1 J ' I ' 1 I Bj order of lT^nneelfcT ' joanMrn^'ta tit. awe*. 1^ f?m authorized to settle Kill the dtbta'Hu? t? tee *Br< Executor of B. I.iTingBton. 00 lb. nwmd of tkrof idwinxeresteil perwma, tnken brfor# th? C?mi?!? '^r-, Bfbtors di?poaed laf^lh.rm^irM .f \>>f > ?>rdrr, will apply to ".Ics^r*79alat?cn. at Lffar... )ranjr^-burg. ,1 :,h?o nntbor$?ed to trsmt, f?r pri vote sate ef the EiUat* Und?. Persona wltbiaj buy will apply tvii abere. ! . - d'-?Ait ?~u ??-:-r., 1.;,-^.--M nt ..i.iijj>i In Equity 1 URANGE??EG ms-Twdt:' ? ? [j ? ? !?!!?.: ??oil1' -. ? ii T. D. T. Jaraitvrti, Cdm'r la B?i*jr ? i ; ? -/ i Tho Creditora nr.d Di.itribui... j ofWm. M. Irish. f f 1 ? By order of t'buncellar Johrn-on. tho cn?lltw s# WBIi^ip -M. Irick will prc*r*t and pro?? th?lr 4**f eaxttlifihct?rc the Special rommisstoaer appetinid m this case, tat office of Huisons & L.garo,): wijsd>\ . three bin:tth?> froaa th? dal. htroof. ' Oct. WA, IMF- . . . i.ft.aiC?WIM?.,,,. ,a gp??>at Cnmmfaelsmar?, Ml 2*/. :i. '.?Jaaai-.-i -'ttl l<?i* Vtajp.t - i ? . x . ? {j -\i'iv I'-n't-.:??. illKb i,i''(}l 111 Howard A. FogU-aoAJUaa^i Pi ?.gin * ?? - - lT7* .rrtulviiiU | ?I PrtfAiiaai t/, .n ordcY 16 thU easi. all p.r.^s Wvl ' lag Cjaiius against thp fet?J^ ??Ja*,/ f grit 1 Susan Fogle, dee., will preesal and pray tkaaa ftafara me and all persons ?nc>.ebud to - ihs i?a? ^Hl k??0 " sXj-. r.,M ,ots^l J r.l? rri* ,-tl}0 ORANGKCtfWur- ^PISTflRjy1 T r,*l m. A. Davis, Adm'r of 0. ^,^jn]JsWar,")~~ va. V Snrah Bimmkcr, ci. al. Dis. and Cred. J Inftl till ?/ Elisabeth Bolton.> ||aj i)l. ll silijbij , ease arc absent from and reside beyond th., liaalm of this State, on motion of Mebsra .Hutsous'^-IAM1'' gore, Complainants Solioitora, iyisl orders^ ;| taa| the said Defendants 06 appe?r und plead, answer .r doraur to the Comblaibanls bill witbiii 40 dayo jry??^ this date, or tbo name wlli be taken sis agsDlVifctta pro confosso. r 171 ' i/ t H Commissioner's Office, \ V. P< V. JAMISOH. Orangeburg C. II. \ - .. Commi^as^jL ^ j Dc.o 2, 1867. ? j j d.fc i ] ?, ~ 1-j-? ? \ . ? :i\f A Tito State of South CaroUn?. ? or ang eherg; ^isiriubiV,T %{f In the Oourt of Ooioiuou, pleas. II. II- Jennings, Jno. T. Jennings, vs F. A. WUasaV sen, A. E. Talmadgh. il ral attachment. ' .... ?//. M I' . Iii >/. - HMlHeM .1". 117 II EUE AS the Plaintiffs did on th. 20tk day .. fy of Mny nlo their declaration against th. Da? " fendants. who (as if is said) arc absent from *a4 without the limits of this Stale, aud hav. noithsr wives nor attorneys knowh within the same, apea whom a copy of said declaration may fee' aarved \' On motion of Hutsons A Legarp, Plaintiffs Attorney, it is ordered, that Ihe Haid OefendantS do appear, nnd'plcnd to Ihe Baid declaration on or hrfore thq 22nd day of May, which will bo^n thn year of car iMird, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Rixty eight, otliorwiso final ana absolute judgment WiD, then be given and awarded against them. '' ?,, ? "i 1 ?jVp. noBiN?ON, May 2D. mi, xx Jim 1 eflmt .[?.. .C C P AI.AOY I? 5>l'-'SIl.lO<JW OF OB TAINING a flltiiation ?s TBACHRBr eith.r m a Pwmlly, or b> a Och^l. ftka |s ???;tup.Mc:-.t tQ Teanh (he English Branches, apd Music, both on the . Piano and Guitar. The bhst of rcferen.irs ran b* given, If required. Address P.. If.f Care Holmes' Book Uoupc. WiUMf. ^ Clmrl<*on, S. V