? ? rUBUSIIKD. WEEKLY ijjf. ' ? AT f ORANGE BURG, S. C. Office of l\tblieatiots on Market-Street over the , Post Office, ^ SAMUEL DIBBLE, Editor. T IRQ IL C. DIBBLE, Associate Editor. i ?HARLES II. HALL, Publisher. ??? ? .--j?.-.?i-_ ?'?A?tiV)Nlk b?i'^e??^ft^?o!tiro?ghi', fe i?j?'.?i,t'?t fid ben ?Titf '?> iiftdJ ,?*tt>l h nr. koiuti ble disasters to planters. . After toils and trials. Buch as have rarely been endured by any class, gft-finrt nuiBnlrfAwitiifint money, withontuirsd it, without Jgroyishlua^} thp IfahdsTimpoTcriHhed. (aud agricultural capital depreciated nino-tenths It* whe4?jt^oin*If?ht jfeLnc0 w^tiha?ht our pleep. Theso arotho effects of only two years, on thensmfest business in the world, conducted Sthd m'oSt thrifty and prudent class of tncnJ . by riro the' iintural and inevitable 'resets of ??iflToial'??'? idiipcriq vd?tf?: ?ti. >-u.: hnyil ? worthless labor, paid extraordinary wages and -(Thih; false system has already swallowed the | eistironicans of a majority of Southern plan UWj,'..ndy(fn onolltnore 'year; will uttbrly' con fiiinie the rest, unless abandoned. JHeretofore the universal sentiment of our *^! niv.l Tr < ,>'?"[?>TT . i t nr.-j.oi ? people! towards the negro, was that of concilia tion And kindness. Wo employed him at high wages; indulged his laziness, assisted him to ac- { qulta1'property,1 that he'raight beconie a' con tended1 pifisefi'/a^ to law and 'order. We have rented and sold him lands, . and thus cu T Tloil f "IIKlll ii' Kr ?> dowed him with the only qualification of a voter ho.ever can acquired.-.The..results have bkm, that, with animal appetite and instinct, he lias consumed the wages of IhiS ' lalior ere tliey/wcre due' anc! educated' by indulgence, Li 1 p. :? I'coiH a dlt'rt j. a i//-.511; .nil : ho demands higher wages and greater privi leges feriloss.work.,.,,Having boe^i,alrpady paid for his work, in one way or another, about four times its value,' which he spends in debauchery or'political 'niectit/g?. he '-'declares himselfcheat ed aha1'demands next year twice "as much as | ever. With a unanimity never before equaled . . >: '/limn >? ?/ '?.// ?/i,W.y//iitj-11 they have at the ballot box proclaimed. their enmity to the whites : in the fields, by sloth, / -ii irt imv I 'di'jnv? r-uin n .nr. ' i 1 ' ? J;..-; indifferenco, bad j, work, nud,, insubordination they confirm the avowal, till wo can no longer jdoubt the actual autagnouism of ..races. It is itinie/then, to consider, not what is good for thencgro,.but. what'can save t ho white man. It'is-timoito: recognize: 1 the fact; that there is a conflict here bqtweon capital and ?labor; that jthd-tfegcoliiiB forfeited every5 elaim'on ourByni I pattj^a^ bur country' and our race demands that we do all wo can to OUti no .otoy r. oi ? ' . >- -r I . , 1 ? keeDjuni jn. jhis oroal j state of dopcqdouco on ^rforb *!W< ft?*.1 i?ud. raimgpt, then;,.for tuich privileges na.woMiiay deem ' proper; to' accord. HoUdcab He'do'thls?1 Ceasing to pay him inoMhk'n'he'haV f?&&Jt\A - How" much Is I .V ? t ttr l n ?-??i ? ?Ho IU that r ,We shafl see, . .u.->'j bnr. -n ott -in Iimino/ \Un . ' ... ' %k W tJKpJl bfcnpwu that 1 slave!labor made scarcely any profit to the master;' how then caa'freo labor, which nominally performs the same tasks, five Jays instead of stx[ earn any thihgVilb>b than sjave wages?food fend clothes? Certainly the slave, under tho lash, did more nn? b'rffeV work' tliau the freodui^b, who runs through tho same tasks, losing Saturdays, &c., ..- ?Ii M II II WTlin?1 and^hoiijexpends all the new horn, cnorgiea of freedom on his privato crop or. Union League. I n*oi oonoibi/? *>n;i fit afuvi tttog r. i?T ?>??>! The statement is plain; tho.contrast, .striking, aiairisiuotq f?fll ncf ?a;-.. dl & ill . >tr\ The slave thoroughly, disciplined and urged to Ifa extent of healthy exertion and compelled U> ^.RBf)^ t tyfifto his. ((mastcr for foodjiOMe^^Ugi aud.po?*?ibly.|.a.-decent rent for lands'an4 'nwlc.s, by irorkiiig all tho time. This is W iTo^oW to' need proof. It has been UT$h&iUb1wh?llniQB against slavery.' I\*<4w wo were'told that'the "new-inan would pcr IIUtl??.1 >V : ,'ttl ! fr. ...I o| II d f |i .. foru^; ^q^mo^ .tjlic labor of tlio styyo, und so pnrieh himself and |U8j PS ho would consume p,o wore." But we have not tested his powers, as we hnvo uniformlylifrod hTtn, tit' vastly high er Mtesi to perform tho very same or less, in a frr inferior inannnr. The slave worked six days ,cacb ,wockj }t\\Q1 frvedmcn but five. The slavo received oil nil average less food9"? was more careful of tools; stole less, because" lnoro y' liable to punishment, ditV^'dkV^to'iiliURW^niiiitils entrustod to his care.and receiving only fowl and clothe* wade 110profit for the master except increase. How, thott^clm'wp,..aligning.to, tho/ froedmun tho, same or iPi? tasks, done not half so well, with the certainty of h*?avy losses in fools and abuse pf w'?rJc ahiiiial^ 'rflid' theft; s'tfhmiitiug t? a rc 4uciioh bftlm' working 'wopk 'to five tl'ayk; how cau^i ^'Hky, bay this inferior labor, in a(]c(i tion^a J?o'dj'^'rt.d 'clotljfls, whieh we know actual, ly co'HsuhAHd'idl^ thp profits of slave labor, oue fourth the crop made? a^othiug hut nntdocas pr despair c?ultl inspire ua't'P'ilo it. suH b lbf>? "?' ' It }s olea., then, that, we have been paying inferior labor not only the food and clothes ond which wus thon fouud to bo a^U^ho profits of bettor labor, but an actual ldrgoNAcc^a} and^tii^uni^^ flowS/tflb whohcoifcho itfreaua jto n y i^r Alorivcd,-9 j f^^piaio^jtoo, .tlikj if w6?|hav()?cnded those extradrilinary jfy ;cs Nos^onojfows "P^?^a offeri?gs\o tho'lacgro, wo have beggarod oum selves but not won thoiu. Tho announcement comes from the ballot box that while enjoying I tbosq ox^aYaga'nti^srlvVof ;l?Wietl to.publith contributions front our- feffort'-tritizens upon the grave ' questions'\cfiieh now, agitat^ the. public mind,-icAiea\rr 'their tytinUm** coincidetVMA%?H' 0V( not. ,H?t\ district newspaper, iocuconsider\ \ should be. an indtpc-of the Various shades of pop] u/qr scntipient it} (h$ section ofcountry.in^tvhich if circulates. Our columns ar< Open, therefore, for any comri\\aueations properly written, aceom vmacd by ' a responsible, name, not personal in their character^ nor absolutely injurious tin their tendency. Decapitated. The-.City papers'of Monday brought us the good uews that Generals Popu, tho Autocrat of | tho 3d District, Ord, tho Satrap of the 4th District, and Swayno tho Bureau man.of Ala bama, have bpon relieved by Ordor of the President. Wo have thought, for somo time, that the forbepraneo of the President iu regard to these Officers, had "ceased to be a virtue," and have wondered how long thny would he permitted to "IMiiy such tdtnprs before liigli llcaven, As make tlie Angels weep." jjoth tlio District Commanders, now official ly docearod, have been disciples of Sheridan, and Sickles; both have used tho bayonets of | their soldiors to annoy and oppress tho whiles and encourage and sustain the blacks in their antagonism to them; both have lent thorn selves, soul and body, to tho Radicals, and havi legislated so as to promote their nefarious de signs ; both havo at last boon overtaken by Ju>tico and are haw-givers and 'Judges and Despots' im lunger. General Ord has been sent to California, probably bocaiiKo he there niny have his turhu lenco quieted hy bathing in the waters of the Pacific Ocean, or possibly that his vanity may tho proverb, "Westward tho Star of Empirej takes its way." Pope?doughty, cavalier Popo, ?hns not hadjap^yr^sfc'?ss^ighcd'hmi, and w^ill thus have un TOP0' B?uity wj occrupyiug again his favorite ??He {^quartm in !;iho Snddlei." Swaync, the Rutcau.General, subsides into the j simple Colonoffanft superintends, not a State but a potty Rcginicnt?"How aro the mighty fallen 1" : aeifcral;MoaddreIciveH -Pope, and .General*| McDowell, Ord?Swayno's throno roraains va nank. j Tire Atnrfyappjobitod Commanders will,; we venture to predict, emulate Hancook iu their loyalty to civil Law : at. any rate, .they li .ui.-fiJa nr.; shjn?ni!ll ?dl iau * ? u caunot^surpass their, predecessors in..their, dirt regard, o?i& ;'Wo congratulate, the white peo ple in the 3d and 4th Military Districts on tlioir boroavemont, and envy them their pros-* ptfeto" " ' '' diso!.! sill U\ In "is iJ it -ih ->d 1,.'j ,]|y
  • , Aaron. Sh.-.iv, w. K, Siuoak, Mrs. Jemen. Smith, C. It. Shahdly. Mrs. K. M. A. Shuler, E. N. J. T. ThurnHburg, Otto. W. Washington, MIm Liz er. Whitiuorc, .Mintla. Zoiglcr. Mrs. rannte. Drop Lettcrs must be prepaid one cent; papers 2 cents. T. C. IIUBBKLL, I?. M. ' N?TICE.-Itt CONSFXIITENCE OF the failure of the health of 1113- Assistant, and on account of other insuperable difficulties, I have closed my School, except for a few advnnoed pupils, jan 4?It A. f. DK'kson. N~ <)TIC!E TO 6JU AWIH A]MN AA1> TRUSTEES?A11 tiuurdiana and Trustees who arc required to make annual returns iu thin office arc notified to da un by tho twentieth instant, or rules will he issued against all defaulter*. 1 Jan. let, ltjGt*. V. D. V. JAMISON, jan 4?1m Commissioner. V. D. y! Jamison & Son. , Offcr;theif ?orvico? a* j^XJOTIOlNrEKiRB to theoitizens of Orangeburg District.; ?i?y KiiU-i attended tu iu any part of tho Dis trict. 1 V. ?. V. JAMISON. S. 0. JAMISON. Jan 4' If Drangeburg Drug Store. I>?. K. J. OI.IVEUOS. PROPRIETOR. DEALER IN DRUfiS, MEDI. eines, Chemicals, Perfumery, Tub let Arables, I'aiulii Oils, Dye Stuffs, ?g?'*^ Varnish, &c, PUKE WINES AND LIQUORS FOB MEDICINAL USE. I am 1 ho appointed Agent ut thisplaco for (ho fol lowing Medicines: Mi's. Winslows* Soothing Syrup. Brown's Rro'ii ohlal Troches, Brown's Vermifuge Comfits, Rad way's Heady Relief, tec, Dr. Aycrs' Sursnparilln, &c, Dr. JaylicB* Alterative, ko., ?v,c Physicians' Prescriptions cnroAilly ?oropoundod, and all orders correctly answered. Medicines warranted genuine, and of the best quality1. ['}.? 1 K. J. OldVKKOS, M. D., Druggist and Apothecary, Oriingeburg Drug Store, mar 'J y 1 stath of smrrn (-AitubiNA, \ (.itll(ion. Drangeburg District. j By P. A. MrMlCHAEL Hsq., Ordinary. WHIHtEAS, V. D. V. Jamison, Commissioner in Equity, hath made sijil to lue to grant him Letters of Administration of thn Estate and ctlects of Sam uel N. Konnerly,'deceiineil. These arc therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the .suid Sam uel N. Kcnnorly, dec, that they bo anil appear hofore uie, in the Court of Ordiuarv, to be held at Orange burg C. II., on tho Nth any of Feb. next, after publication hereof, at 11 o'clock in tho forcuoon, lo show cause if any they have, why the B#(d Adminis tration should mit bo granted. Given under my hand this third day of January Anno Domini, IxitH. P. A. McMICIIA Eh, (). o. D. Inn Ji n Somniissioner's ^Sales.. Indrew F.^^ifcot, aa^kla^tor^f^ >v Ml "\ V8V .\| ? Hi g| ' I* AfHnjplla Indbibct unOl bthorM. J By orilcr pf tho' CoUrD of^Knuitv, incite iihovei tated case, mil bosold before jho Courf Ijniisc dn Jrang?Vurg^?utb? lBt al.iiiulay i a February next., wl, .Tho entire jointv title, rfghts^midMntorestof ??Vi L. Inabtilot? J. YV. Dunulcr, und H. P. Ant ley. a Copartners,'In and tu the following Copartnership roperty, viz: A Steam Snw and Grist Mill, Steam Rginound boilers, a Mill llouso, u Darn and Stable, Jhickeniilh Shop, ami two small, 1 mililiurs,-ull lo afed on the Tract of -laind near Juuiison'rt Trfrn Ont,' rhoreof Levi Inabiuet died, seized?tbrce MuIuh, lujbo,Timber Carts, llliicksimth'a Tools, Mill Tools, nd 8, secured by bond of the purchaser, benring in (crust, from ditto, puynblo aur-nully, with personal ccurity and a mortgage of I lie property?tbo nur.? baser also to pny for papers and revenue stamps. ALSO Livingston. ") vs. [ Pou. J By ail: order of the Court I will on the Saloduy in Fobriiafy next, sell, for so much cash as will nay Hie expense of the case?Ibo balance on a credit of twulvu mouths, secured by bond with interest from date payable initially, and a mortgage of the promi ses, in which will he a covenant Tor resale in ease of lljc brench of the condition of the bond all the real csjute which was of George If. Livingston, to wit: [1. One tintt hear the waters Glazier's Branch,' waters of North Kdisio ltivor, in Orangebarg Dis tiiel, containing -I")") acres more or less, bounded iby tie road leading from .loncs' Bridge to Columbia, a vi lands of Johufliuflnian, the Heirs id' P. Living ston ami Sampson King, and by the road from Orangeburg C. II. to F.dgcficld, said Iniifd having bien conveyed to U. 11. Livingston, by F. Livingston, OUi October, 18 IS. 12. Another Tract 011 I he cast side of Glazier's branch, con tiling (Ml fteres more or less, bounded by buids nl'S. Livingston, Paul Livingston and Atigus tits Livingston, which land was conveyed by Daniel Livingston to the same George 11. Livingston, 24th April, 1S?N. 13. And one oilier Tract of Iii acres on the said Gjnaiers hfaiich, bounded by lands of Paul ami Austin Livingston, the said tract baring.been allotted to intestate us his share pf the real estate which uns of Frederick Livingston under proceedings eiiparti tion in lv.|iiity in 18'r.l. .December 21, 1SU7. 1 t Glcaton. AI.VO j Millions. Ei I "'? A I .?lty nil order in ;this .case I will sell for cash at pmiiigeburg mi the first Monday in February next, the estate in remainder in the binds which were of J;|W- Tmdal assigned to his widow for dower. Pur chaser to j.j:y for conveyance and stamps. 0^ember*Ji'i; 1S7>7. Al.SU Phillips and f'iVjps :..l ?.ljj acres of Land formerly of D. V. Phillip., situated on Gondlund Sivainp in this Dis trict, houuduil by lauds of estate of \. It. Noble, J. A. Fanning. N11 j ban Porter, Thort. ?uleu aud by the north end of llic same tract, which lias been cut off for widow's (lower. ALSO The Estate in remainder in the said Dower Tract consisting of one hundred aud four &ud one-third acres. Purchasers to pny for papers and stumps. Dec. 28, 1S07. " f. D. V. itAMlSOX, jnn 1?III Commissioner. ST. MATTH*; iVfi*, ? ?? 3 JEM Y .? The exercises of the above Institution will be resumed oil the 2d Monday in January. Vouug men will be prepared for the University or any Col lege iu the country. Tuition tit tho rale of $r> por month, strictly In advance, T. K. WAKKAMAiyl'?i. jan i td Pernii?sion of the Ordinary of Orangeburg, . 11 sell at I.cwixvillc Depot, on 'Monday, the 13th day of January, 1 ?tiS, the following porsoual prop erly of John A Keitt, deceased, oue lino bay liorae, Saddle and bridle, 0110 Trunk, ono fine Pistol, and nine head of Turkeys. Conditions made known on dav of sale. P. H. HOUSE It, Adtn'r. Deo. JO, 18(17. >n 4?:it COTT?X SKKl>"l ifoTTOX SKK1> ft 200liiisbols (loltoti Hoed for sale?Upland long Staple, This produces a fibre worth ? cents a pound more than tho common Upland in Charleston market. Price $-?>.(lO per bushel. Apply to Messrs. Kxckicl & Kohn or tu WILLIAM F. DAKTON. jan4 if Ai>MI.\LSTI8AT?li'S SALK."-Will be sold, by permission of P. A. Me.MlCHAEL, Ks(|., Ordinary, at the residence ?of Dr. Jlio. II. Pooscr. on lh.-'dtli day af January, all the personal property of II. Sctley, deceased, consisting in part of small lots uf Corn, Fodder, Peas, bice and other articles. Comlitinus cash. All personH indebted 1(1 the said Estrto will make payment as well as to present their demands against lliosninclo V. 1). V. JAMISON, dee 21?Id Commissioner and Adm'r. STATE OF .Si) I "I II t'APoT.l.N A. 1 ,. OrangclKifg District. j 1 "????'?? By P. A. Mr:MIC HAUL, Esq., Ordinary. Whereas. Henrietta Murphy, widow, halb made suit to me to Kraul her Letters ..f Administration, of the Estate and Effects of David Murphy,deceased. These arc therefore 10 cite and admonish ail und singular the Kindred and Creditors of the said David Murphy, deceased, that they be ami appear before nie ia the Court of Ordinary, to be held at Orangeburg C. II. mi the 171 h day af January lust., after publication hereof, ill 11 n'clook in the forenoon, to ilicw cauae if any they have, why tht* said Adminislration should not be grunted, (liven under my hand this 30th dav of Dec, Anno Domini, 1807. P.A. MoilICI1AKb, jan 1 -2t 0, O. 1). In Equity, OR AN GKBU RO DTST K T CT; Livingston. vs. pna. ) lly order of tjir Court, (ho creditors of George II, Livingston, deceased, arc required to prove their demands before nie, on or before tbc 21st day of January next. December^1, W?. V. D. V. JAMISON, dec 28?td CblimiissioucK Schedule South Carolina Hail Road. 3iO ^ I CbUujmia Dag Passenger I.oaV taiaftcston.>....?> 4:30 A Jit". Arriv>%Branchvillc.X... 8:10 VE Arrive til Columbia. 1:10 P. M. I.cave Columbia.......10 A. M. Arrive nl Ih-nuuhville..". 2:46 P. M. Arrive at Charleston. 7:05 " A*'}//^ m/-..ejtress Ti;aiii fron} 'Charlatan. So {(Jb-sJ lumbia. Leave Charleston. 5:40 P. M. Arrive at Branehville.10:80 "Jg Arrive nt Columbia. 6 A. M. Leave Columbia.M 8 P. M. Arrive nt Rrnnchville............. 9:45 " Arrive at Chnrle?tou.^..lI:..J.e..U..;}.... 8:20 A. M. II. T. PEAKK, dec 21?tf $ General Supcrintcndant. i hiii> iiftd'.i i i'-M uxki i.? Citation. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, 1 Orangcburg Distriet. J By P. A. MdMlCHAEL, Esq., Ordinary. WheferiB, Charlotte' Heath' hath1 made, suit lo me to grant her Letter? of Administration bribe Estate ! andetTcctHof Francis B. llaathdeconsedh "? y '-'\ These nro therefore to cite and adniouish,: all au<\ singular the kindred and Creditors, rof the said .Francis B. "Heath; 'doceusodj thnl they bovand apT pear, before mp) in "the OoMrt Of Ordinary! to "M held at Oraogoburg, Court House on 20th day of 1 January instant after publication hereof, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to shew cause if any they have, why the said Administration should not be granted, Given under my Hand this third day of January, Anno Domini, 1808; P. A. McMlCH A Kb, , jan'4?2t O. 0. p. WAIVTKO.-Onc Thousand New si;USCHI 15Kits to THE ORANGEBURO NE U.S.. Oruiigc.hiu'g District bus a voting popular tion of such as can rend and write, numbering nt least eighteen hundred; We include in this estimate, | those disfranchised by Congress, becnuse, by biw and justice, they are entitled to vote as well as .oth ers. Let every voter,.who van read, ax-ud along Two Doi.l.xns fur tiisDisirlet Newspaper. S?et" The cash tndsl 'invariably accompany the subscription. oct 10 _ tf LAW BLANKS^ ]70h sale, at 75 CTS l'EU V?UIRE: writs, copv whits, fi. fas. in ''ask. Fl. fas. IN DEBT, S?1HUENAS at! 11 es PON den I) UM in EQUITY, AT 1.50 PER QU IHK: DECLARATIONS ON SEALED NOTE; ? FAY ee va. MAKER, At ORANGEDURG NEWS OFFICE, sept 28 \ rjpiIECillEAT POPULAK PAPER CilAHIjKSTON DAILY NHWS. S#l*niu:i?iies the-order. 'NuaPaper scut tor a longer time man~p!Htl for. RIOl!dan, dawso.V & CO., dec 21?tf 2 Proprietors. H ILSlElt.S HOUSE, (roa>iKUi.t nit.*. n'inhi.k's,) 2? i x t >? ..i ?., . , , f'"' tri thin tin ? Htinuivs trail of all the Jfrilli'ipal }Y'holesttic ttntl Rtfi'V II<,r.\,s uf Sleeting, King iitttl Ifaj/ne f^treets. ami the Past OJfkt], Ch?)'tC*L ?'. S. C. The City Railway, which rims tu ci.eli 0Xwrt ,l,'ly of the City, is within fifty raids uf the hoiiso. TERMS OF' HOARD : Hoard by d* day.'....*2 5U .Week.....m.m*12100.In 815-00 !i;?\uv Si'AUMOK, . Mu*. |t. Hiuipu*. ' ?!& ? _UL-L.i..'-it ?-u"^uif^: -.db To Rent ITKMt ONK YEAR, ON THE FIRST MONDAY l\ Junuary, at the Court House, tu highest bi<) the highest bidder, at the Court Ilous.i, on the j first Monday in Jaiiunry noxt, will be Rented for ?nie year, the Lands of the Estate of Sam'l Smoke. Particulars on the tiny of Renting, or on application to HUTSONS & LEG A RE. ?ho 28?2t Atturnoys for Admiuisirator. T3IMEXSE 1>EC?I.IXE jftf. PKICESI I $l?,tKMl worth of goods offered at fiOperOt. un der prices two months ago, call and get the best bar gains in Orangcburg, nnd no Humbug. Fiuo Prints for dresses 12.} worth 20, splendid Long Cloth nnd Brown llomspun PJJ, lino Shirting 1"?, extra Cam'l^ L. Cloth ifor ladies use, (very low,) rioh.'.'platn col'd Dress tlotxls, DeLaines. Sc., fine Debnges" S?'Waflh 50, Cotton Flannels. Splendid blk Doeskin Cassimcre, 1.60 wovth $8. HK> buuehes Yarn at 1.80, fresh Georgia Flour cheap, fine blK Alpncca 50c 800 Hoop Skirts for $1 M. MASTER, Agent. Mrs. MeMnstcr will board a few young Ladies reasonably. ' jan J?It Frederick Fersier,5 MECHANICAL DENTIST, Will Attend to those who wish his services at their residences, by t?h9gynfo*rpt Jl/c saj^faj^o^/^ Residence: at Mr. JOSEPH FERSNER'S, Orange burg District, 8. C. , . ^, , Jp??H D^im^OVIAilO 3H5T . To Bo-Seen ^r^N?*ffliig!!!: ' J^ BEATOFVL WM4HA' Wu*>V I ?TIN W \ P. F GROCERIES of every'' Grado ?nVl'Wrlel?, and1 inttdrdorable other article* bV'fcbmtbrt a^^nfetttt ty, to be seen every day of th& week at the tjtore'of laurie t;ve3^ ; ja . BAMBERG, S. G^- ^i Will hare on hand in a few dny s, *> foil asso**-' mont of > ? ' ' c'"t 31 Til G001> THINGS iFOB (MIIUSTMAS ! All for Sale at the LOWEST CASH PHICKS.- ? dee 14 .1 n? H. L. SefBlPip AND K f'-m-jjt:iin.a*ft Commission Merchants/ CHARLESTON. S. C.! 11 SPEC I.\ L "A TT EST I ON GtVl!* TO VflE^.tfcfc of Cotton and other Produce. Ord?WWr^fi"' lilies carefully attended to. Uefer to Captain John.'Ar lUwUton.Jt, fL..SIoto. Ksh?, Orangeburg, Dr'Wni. Vi WUMstoncrfcr.^titi thews. ' <>tsiti?R apl ft Stoves ! Stoves ! ! ? xow is Yoiiu fimzr^""'** THlTUNDIJPJKlfccEi DEC LEATE c respectfully te> inform '"" f**fftt*n Orangeburg und surrounding CounlrVr ?' !i:it be b? |nou\'prep]pivd/to^ n^ij^eR them with'S'l'OVF.S. (both Cook and Nenting.jinmi the best Foundry m t)je Cv!&jint^wilflgjjyiiiWw to any person who may buy a Stove from him. l****fjXJ arid entire satisfaction, provided the Strives 'are? put' up and nsed according. ? to Li*. 4vrvc*d?Mu?- lllftarikigdf been in 'he Tin and Jjitove h^n~tun<&,t*r VZ y\-*T* hit ? think*., ought to be a suffil4Mit^n of j fl Jf'ELUEll & CO., is this* day diss^Urd hr iuu dee 1 I ATA f. ff I*sl dnv of JaViu^irv! llfos!^or^ibtrtienlar^ liJ^woj'** be seen tor th* present at Mr. CoiiribW Urtlft* dJfyV*3 be or at bis residence, next door to the Fem*le Coli? dec 7?41* - . K. n\ YLXX. -1-^-if-^. A^^l? 8i:i.I.t\m>w* have determined to close out our entire Stock by the 1st of January next. We will offer such bargain* hi Dry Goods, Groocries. Shoes, Ac, as will tnakt it la the advantage of all buyers to gite u: a ckfll ^ juneS- ' irilA^ft^?P^.^^) _s_^-vy 'thC District for a length of lim?, fur. my htalth, ?nd I h>vc appointed .HHIV A. M. IIAlHLKK my Ag.at to Attend to;my bhsinau tillffayirtQU. ^I !!n:td V.ds l^h -d..y of Wccra'. her, Anno Domini, .21>4 , - v, . v P. A. McMtCHAEL, O. (i. D. dec 14 d 'y 40 W'itl RF?^H.D^N' TniM-litST M?NDAVlV^ January ncit, ,iu?t tfter Sheriff's Sales, to foreclose mortgage nuiflien; in favor of R..P. Ant, ley against J. II. Harden, the following property j Two Horses ami one Ingeln.'1 ' Also at Hid Plunlalloil of J. II. Harden, on the Thursday after Saleday. fifty, biishrls Corir. mere or less, twelve bushels Hiec, min e or less, four bush* els Peas, more or less, 2000 ]umnds Ffdder. more or less, lot Cow Feed, one Stack Fodder, two Stark? Pointoe fSlijis, Jwenjy bushels Potatoes.|iiore,or.leifc?i ) before the war. If. ?. 1U iiMlAM. ' sept 2\~'J\n CbiUlcttyii, S. C,