.r : ???~.-~ .".;\y ? 't??fi< i:., Ity?iHp. I-;,'.;1: 1t7.mi k'l ^PIBS^ QTO HOAiES; THEN OTJIR STAATE; FINALLY THE ^[ATION; THESE CONSTITUTE OTJR COUNTRY. SATURDAY MORNING* KECEMBER 21, 1867. NUMBER HE? 0RAN?3EB?EG NEWS. PUBLISHED AT ORANGEB?RG, S. 0. 3A MULL DIBBLE, Editor. * miuRL$S & mit? I\mhw, v . . Ii ~:0!? TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. Oo? fc>py for one year.?i*. $2.00 : ..j. . s I* glx Months... 1.00 ? ? Three ".?,4.? 60 Aa^^'e.tendlng TEN DOLL AB 8, fer a Clnh of I ' *"??3f?'4?^.^b?V?f .wIll.'.rcc?iTO an EXTRA COPY: fer ON*K YEAR, free of charge. Any one sending PlVif DOLLARS, for a Club of New Subscribers, YsiiTrekflTe an EXTRA COPY for SIX MONTHS, ?s ??-:b:? ? I RATES OP ADVERTISING. I Square 1st Insertion.$1.50 ?? " 2d. 76 A Brpiaro consists of 10 lines DroTier or one inch ?f AJvertiiing space. ^ Administrator's Notiaes, if'accompanied with the 1 ?ash.:.......,.....$2 75 *lf hotyicconipnnlett with the cash.$5 00 Contract Advertisements inserted upon the most liberal terms. 'VU'AjL>u t ~:o:~~ MARRIAGE and FUNERAL NOTICES, not ex ?te Jing one Square, in. ? rted without charge. -:o: Tcrms Cash in Advance. "?a o ly CARDS. ? iKIjA-Ii ?fc DIBBLE, ? Attorneys and SoUcitors. !.WiU,.Praot|co in, Courts of ihc State, and also of the Waited States, especially in tho Courts of ^if ;;bank&?ptcy. qiJ^NGEBUBG, S. O. JAMKS^r. 1ZLAR. SAMUEL DIBBLE. ??28 ? ly ' "'?.lO V r *? i . . y% ? u' -1_?.. Attorney nt Lnw and Solicitor In EQUITY, Offico in Public Buildings, coujit HOUSE SQUARE. %m ! ? ORANGEBURG C. II., So, Ca. P. J. MAJiONE, ,0 H NET AT LAW. >M , WALTERBORO, S. C. ? TT ill praatioo in the Courts of Orangtbnrg and ti^etifi, aid attend promptly to all business en trwUi U als oar*. .. - Chartered Capital $1,500,000. 2*lctliMoiat Rent Estate Insurance T?.;-^v<,/v.i<50MPAWY, ' FOR LIFE ONLY. \ Chartered Capital $1,000,000. Vrf" ALL SOUTHERN COMPANIES, -cet^o ly I ""The Cotton Tax. W1!B UNDERSIGNED HAS BEEN APPOINTED 1 an Agent of Herchel V. Johnson - & Co., of tleorgia, a Company formed for the purpose of ro ? eovoring the Taxes already paid, and whioh may, hereafter be paid on Cotton. Those who have sold Cotton sinoe the war won", J do well to call upon me And present their claims AT ONCK, as tho first pre sented .may have precedence over others. No ex pense will be incurred by claimants, Any information wanted may b? obtained upon Application to W. W. LEG ARE, Attornoy and Solicitor. HOODS, Children'* VV -. Worsted Sneks and FancV Good*. Ao.f just ?eeelved at ' MRS. M. E. If ALL'S not $ tf 1 POETRY. ?Highr.? A PARODY ON LOKOrELt-OW'? "EXCELSIOR." Th* shades of night wore n-oomi'n down swift, And the dazxlin' snow lay drift on drift, When through a Tillage a youth did jp , A-carryin' a flag with this motto, "Higher." O'er forehead high curled copious hair, His nose a Roman, complexion fair; O; er an eagle eye an auburn lash, And he never stopped aheuthV through his mus tache, "Higher." He saw through the windows as ho was getting up per, A number of families sit tin' at supper; He eyed the slippery rocks very keen, I And fled while he cried, and cried while a-fleein', "Higher." "Take care, you there !" snid an old woman "stop! It's blowln' gales up there on top; You'll tumble off on t'other aide!" Out the hurrying stranger loud rcpliod, "Higher," "Oh ! don't you go up such n shocking night! Come sleep on my lap I" said n maiden bright, O'er his Roman nose a tear-drop come, But still he remarked, as he upward chimb, "Higher." "Look out for the branch of that sycamore tree, Dodge rollin' stones if any jrou ace :w Snyin' wbioh, the farmer went kromo to bed, And the singular voice replied overhead. "Higker." About quarter past six the next afternoon, A man accidentally goin' up Boon, Heard spoken above him as often as thrice, The very same werds, in a vrry weak voice, "Higher." And not for, I believe, from quarter of Bevcn? He was slow gcttin' up, the mad bein' uneven? Found the stranger dead in tho drifted snow. Still chit chin' the flag with the motto, , "Higher." Yes, nfcless, defunct, without any doubt, Tho lamp of bis bein' decidedly out. On the dreary hillside the youth was a-layln'. And there was no more use for him to besuyin', "Higher." SELECTED STORY. Extraordinary Nerve. While the French Marshall, Murat, was in Madrid he was anxious to communicate with Junot in Portugal, but all the roads to Lisbon* swarmed with guerrillas, and with the troops composing Castano's army. Murat mentioned his embarrassment to Baron Btrongonoff, the Russian Ambassador to Spain. Russia, it is well known, was at the time not only the ally but tho friend of Franco. M. de Strongonoff told Murat that it was the easiest thing in the world. "Tho Russian Admiral, Sinaivin," said he, "Is in the port of Lisbon; give me the most intelligent of your Polish lancers j I will dress him up in a Russian uni form, and entrust him with dispatches for the , Admiral. All will go well even if he should be taken prisoner a dozen times between this and Lisbon, for the insurgent army is so anx i ions to obtain our neutrality that it will be careful not to furnish a pretext for rupture." Murat was delighted with this ingenious scheme. He asked Krakinski, the command ant of the lancers, to find him a brave and in telligent young man. Two days afterwards the commandant brought Murat a young man of his corps, for whom he pledged his life; his name was Leckinski, and he was^but eighteen years old. Murat w. i moved at seeing so young a man court so imminent a danger, for if ho were de tected his doom was soaled. Murat could not help remarking to tho Polo the risk he wo? about to run. The youth smiled. "Let your imperial highness givo me my instructions." he answered rcspectiully, "I will give you a good aecount of tho mission I - havo been honored with. I thank his highness for having chosen me from among my comrades, for aii of* them would liavc courted this du^nction." Tho prince augured favorably from the young man's modest resolution. The Russian Ambassador gave him his dispatchesj he put on a Russian uniform and set out for Portu gal. The first two days passed over quietly ; but on the afternoon of the third. Leokinski was surrounded by a body of Spaniards, who dis armed him and dragged him before their mandiug officer. Luckily for tho gallant youth it was Costanos himself. Leckinski wns aware that he was lost if he was discovered to bo a Frenchman, consequent ly ho determined on the instant, not to let a single word of French escape him, and to speak the Russian and German, whioh he spoke with equal fluoncy. Tho cries of rage of his captors announced tho fate that awaited him, a ml the horrible murder of Gen. Rct:c, who had perished under most dreadful tortures but a ! few weeks bofore, as he was going to join Juuot, was sufficient to freeze tho very blood. "Who are you V* Baid Gastanos in French which language ho understood perfectly woll hating been educated in .Franco. Leckinski looked at the questioner, made a sign,.and answered in German, "I do not ,up? dfrsUud you. ; Gastaoos spoke German, but he did not wish to appear personally in the matter, and sum moned (.no of the' officers of the staff, who went on with the examination. The young Pole answered in Russian and Germau, but never let a single syllable of French, escape htm. Ho might, however, easily havo forgot ten himself, surrounded va he was by a crowd eager for his blood, and who waited with sav age impatience to have him declared guilty? that is, a Frenchman?to fall upon and murder him. Rut their fury wos raised to a height which the General himself could not control by an Incident which seemed tc cut off the unhappy prisoner from every hope of escape. One of tho Castonos' nides-de-camps, one of the fanati cal patriots who were so numerous in this war, and who from the first had denounced Leckin ski as a French spy, burst iuto the room, drug ing with him a mnn wearing tho brown jacket, tall hat, and red plume of a Spanish peasant. The officer confronted him with the Pole, and said: "Look at this man, then say if it is true that he is German or a Russian. He is a spy, I swear by my soul." The peasant meanwhile was eyeing the pri soner closely. Presently his dark cye*^ lighted up with tho fire of hatred. "Es Frances! he is a Frenchman," ex claimed he clapping hands. And he stated, that, having been in Madrid a few weeks be fore, he hud been put into requisition to carry forage to tho French barracks, "and," said he, "I recollect that this man took my load of forago, aud gave me a receipt. I was near him an hour, and recollect him. When we caught him, I told my comrade he was the French officer I delivered my forage to." This was correct. Cnstauos probably dis* cerned the truo state of the case, but he was a generous foe. He concluded to let him pur sue his journey, for Leckinski still insisted that he was a Russian, and he could not be mado to understand a word of French. But the mo ment he ventured a hint of the kind, a thou sand threatening voices wore raised against him, aud he saw that clcutoucy was impossible. "But," said be, "will you then risk a quarrel with Russia, whose neutrality we arc asking so anxiously for V "No," said the officers; "but let's try this mon." Lockiuski understood all, for he was ac quainted with Spanish. He was romoved and thrown iuto a room worthy to have beeu one of the dungeons of tho Inquisition in its best days. Wheu the Spaniards took him prisoner he had eaten nothing since the previous evening, and when his dungeon door was closed on him he had fasted for eighteen hours. No wonder then, that with exhaustion, fatique, anxiety and the agony of his dreadful situation, that the unhappy prisoner loll almost, senseless on the hard couch. Night soon closed in and left him to realize in his gloom the full horror of hiB situation. He was bravo, of course ; but to die at eighteen?'tis sudden. But youth and futiguo finally yioldod at the approach of sleep, and he was soon buried in profouud slumber. He had slept perhaps two hours, when the door of his duugeon opened slowly, nud some one entered with cautious step, hiding with his hand tho light of a lamp; the visitor bent over the prisoner's couch, the hand that shnded the lamp touched him on the shoulder, and a sweet and silvery voice?a woman's voice?asked him: "Do you want to cat V The young Pole, awakened suddenly by the glnro of the lamp, by the touch and words of the female, rose up cn his couch, and with his eyes half oponcd, said in German, "What do want ?" "Give the mnn something at once/' said Gas tanos, when he heard the result of the first ox perimont, "and let him go. He is not a Frenchman. How could ho have been so far master of himself? Tho thing is impossible." But though Lockiuski was supplied with food he was detained as a prisoner. The next morning he wns taken to a spot where he could see tho mutilated corpso of tho Frenchman, who had boon cruolly massacred tho peasan try of Truxillo, and he was threatened with tho same death. But tho noble youth had promised not to fail, and not a word, not an ac cent, not a gesturo or look betrayed him, Leckinski, whon taken back to tho prison, hailed it with a sort of joy ; for twelve hours ho had nothing but gibbets, and death in its most horrid forms, before bis eyes, exhibited to him by mon with tho look, and passions of de mons. He slept, howevor, after the hnrrassing excitement of tho day, and soundly, too; when, in the midst of his deep and deathlike slumber, tho door opcficd gontly, some one drew pear his couch, and the same yoicc whispered in his ear: "Arise and come with mo. We wish to save your life, come." He answered still in Ger man, "What do you want V ' Castanos, when ho heard of this experiment and its result?, said that tho Russian was a no ble young man j ho MW tk* trn* state of the case. The noxt morning early, four men came to take him Before a court-martial, composed of officers of Castanos' staff. During the walk they uttered the most horrible threats against him; but, true to his determination, ho pre tended not to understand them. When he came before his judges ho seemed to gather what was going on from the arrange ments of the trihuual, apd not from what he heard said around him, and he asked in Ger man where his interpreter was. Be was sent . for, and the examination commenced. It turned at first upon the motive. of his journey from Madrid to Lisbon. He answered by showing his dispatches to Admiral Siniavin and his passports Spite of the presence and vehement assertions of the peasants, he persist ed in theJsamp story, and did not contradict himself once. "Ask him/' said the presiding officerat last, "if he loves the Spaniards, as he is not a Frenchman:" The interpreter put the question. "Certainly," snid Lcckinski, "I like the Spanish nation, I esteem it for its noble char acter ; I wish our two nations were friends." "Colonel," said the intrcprcter, "the, prisoner Bays ho hates us because we make our.war like banditti; that he 'despises us, and his only re gret is that he cannot unite the whole nation as ouo man to end this odious war at a single blow;"' WhileJhe was sayiug this, the > eyes of the whole trgftal' wore attentively watching tho slightcst^Hveine.nt of tho prisouor's counten auce, in jiBbr to see what effect the interpre ter's trcBBerY would have upon him. But LcckinsjHhd expected to be put to the test in someWA'iyand ho was determined to bafllc all thci?ttcmpts. "(Jcuttcmcu," said Castanos, "Itseems tonic that thiayoung man cannot be suspected j the peasant ?tust ho deceived. Tho prisoner may pursue lls journey, aud when ho reflects on the hazard or our position, he will find the severity we have becu obliged to use excusable." Leckinski's arms and dispatches were re turned ; he received a free pass, and thus this noble youth came victorious out of the severest trial the human spirit can be put to. VARIOUS. A Wonderful Story. The following wonderful story u, said to have been taken from the log book of a vessel which arrived in New York : In tho course of the voyage, that dreadful disease the ship fever broke out among the crow. One of the satlors, among the first vic tims, was accompauied by his son a lad of four teen years who was strongly attached to but lather, and remained with him day and night, and never could be persuaded to leave him for a moment. A large shark was seen every day following the vessel ovidcutly for the purpose of devour ing any ono who should die aud be committed to tho deep. After lingering a few days, the sailor died. As was custom at sea he was sewed up in a blanket, nud for the purpose of siuking him, an old grindstone and a carpenter's axe were put in with him. The very impressive servico of the Episcopal Church was then red and tho body committed to the deep. The poor boy, who had watched tho pro ceedings closely, plunged in after his father, when tho enormous shark swallowed thorn both. Tho second dny after this dreadful scene as the shark coutinucd to follow the ves sel (for there were others sick in the ship), ono of the sailors proposed as they had a shark hook on hoard, to make an effort to take him. They fastened the hook to a long rope and baiting it with a piece of pork, throw it into the sea, nud (he shark instantly swallowed it. Having thus hooked him, by means of a wind las they hoisted him on board. After ho wns dead they prepared to open hint, when ono of the sailors, stooping down for that purposa, suddenly paused, und after listening a fow mo mcuts, declared most solemnly ho hoard a low guturnl sound, which appeared to proceed from tho shark. Tho sailors, after onjoyiug a hearty laugh at his expense, proceeded to listen for themselves, when they heard a similar sound. Thoy then procecdod to open tho shark whon the mystery was explained. It appears that the sailor was not dead,' but in a trance; and his son, on making this din ed very whon inside the shark,| had by means of a knife, ripped open the blanket. Having thus liberated his father, they both went to Work and righted up the old grindstone?the boy was turning, the father was holding on to the old ship carpenter's axe, sharpening it for the purpose of cutting their way uut of their Jonah like prison, which occasioned the noise heard by the sailor. As it was the hottest season of the year, and very little air .stirring ] Where they were at work, thoy were both sweating tremendously. Time at His Work. ? i '."~ . " : >-. ?' - "?: I saw a temple, reared by the hands of man, standing with high pinnacle in the distant plain. The streams beat about it?the God of | nature hurled his thunderbolts against it, yet it'stood as firm as adamant Revelry was in the halls j the gay, the happy, the youug, the beautiful wero there. I returned?and lo 1? 'ho temple was no more. Its high walls lay in scattered ruin; and at the midnight hour the owl's long cry added to the deep solitude. The young and gay who had reveled there had passed away. I saw a child rejoicing in his youth, tho idol of his mothor, and the pride of his futhcr. I returned and that child had become old. Trembling with the weight of years, he stood the last uf his generation, a stranger amidst tho desolation around him. I saw an old oak standing in all its pride upon the mountain ; the birds were caroling in its boughs. I returned, and the oak was leaf less and sapless, and the winds wore playing at their pastimes through its branches. "Who is the destroyer," said I to my guar dian angel. "It is Time," said he. When tho morning stars sang for joy over the new made world he commenced his course; and when he has de stroyed all that is beautiful on earthj plucked the sun from his sphere ; veiled tho moon in blood; yea, when he shall have rolled the heaven and earth away as a scroll, then shall an angel from the throne of G?d come forth, and with one foot upon the sea aud one upon the land, lift up his band towards heaven, and swear by Heaven's Eternal, Time is, Time was, but Time shall bo n? l?ngcr.'-' ' | Every Day Philosophy. Hans Patrick G. Connor, formerly known by the norn dc plwine of "Beau Hacket," con tributed the following to the St. Louis Home Journal: Never insure your life for the benefit ofj your wife for a greater sum than ten thousand dollars. A widow with more money than that is a dangerous legacy to leave posterity. The "game of life" is very like a game of| cards. Time deals, death cuts, and everybody is waiting for the last trump. I think men drink in crowds because they are afraid to drink by themselves. It requires a good deal of courage to stand up alone and pour a glass of whiskey down your throat. There arc some inconsistencies in this world that I don't exactly understand. Everybody is anxious to go to heaven, but nobody is in a hurry about it. If a man is without ecomies I wouldn't give ten cents for all his friends. The man who can please .everybody hasn't got sense enough to displease anybody. When on acquaintance says, "How aro you?" and rushes by you without pausing for a reply, I wouldn't if I was in your place, fol low him more than a mile to tell him I was well. A convenient way of tcstiug the affection of your intended is to marry another woman. If she don't love you, you will find it out imme diately. Do unto other men as they would like to do unto you, and they won't have enough money in two weeks to hire a shirt washed. Tho song "Dear Mother, I've Como Homo to Die/' always struck mo as a happy illustra tion of American assurance. Our young go abroad to spend the hard earnings of tho old folks, and whon they are dead-broke return homo to bo buried nt the expense of their im poverished parents. ""-?atn. Horrible Barbarities by an African Kino.?The latest news from Abyssinia do vclopcs King Theodore in a still moro blood thirsty aspect. He had made an expedition to the small Island of Met rata, in the Lake Tana, and put every inhabitant, to death by fire; then he mado a trip to Ifag, a flourishing town in Foggara, seizod 1,500 peasants, placed them in five largo bouses and burned them alive. It :? said there is no~ not a flinglo mail) woman or child, alivo, betwecu Dobia Tabor and Emfras, on tho borders of Dombca. Iu the camp, his Majesty has bcon pursuing tho samo game. Having heard that 2,000 of his troops wished to doscrt, ho had thorn surrounded by the oth ers and thoir throats out liko cattle ; tho moth ers, wives, children and nenrost relatives of the men boing pistoled by the soldiery. 2G5 chiefs of districts have had their hands and fect cut off and hnvo been left to starve. The majesty of the law .ww ?indicated on , _ riday, 6th inst., by the execution of Nat Fra xure, colored, for the murder of young H??"? ' . tri _??_ ? ? ?? VJJ Friday, 6th inst., by the execution of Nat Fra eat. His accomplices, five in number, go to the Penitentiary for stated periods, the loDgest tetm of which for December Gndsdcn is' five n ? years.?Pickens Courier. A terrible tragedy has occurred in Austrian - Tyrol. A farmer after effecting ? heavy in- ~ etlrance on his house and barns, set fir* to tho *t latter, but Was discovered in the act by ono of his shepherds. He therefore killed the shep herd and murdered his wife and - infant son, finishing by cutting his own throaty .. ^ ^ The* New Orleans Picayune is opposed to , r "procuring white labor.-' It says: "We want. white men here to go to work themselves aud not procure labor. The system of mercantile farming which so long cursed the South; and bred debt and idleness, must cease, or our de cay will become ruin." 11 ? ? Mgl&i u?H i Decapitated.?We learn that under orders ^ of General Howard, Gilbert Pillsbury, (white,) and It. C. DeLargo, (colored,) of Charleston ; S. A. Swails, (white,) of Kingstree;Jl Wright, (colored,) of Beaufort, have been dis-:;? charged from further service in.the Freedmeu's Bureau ou account of having been: elected to ^ the Convention. n a 11 P ?{f HUMOROUS. rf rj "Owed to Lake On-tary." ? - ? ? ',. - fjti'il vilt^. Greeks air thy waters, Lake Ontnry, > . Green as bottle-glass! - ? Behold'em Btretchcd t liar I . , (, ^.1 Fino muskalongcs and Oswego bass Is chiefly kctched lhar. 1 Thar onct the rod man' Took his dclite, >.:; ?