THE ORANGEBUKG NEWS. 8ATIJRDAY, ^NOVEMBER 28, 1808. While toe reserve, to ourselves the right of deji tring our own political position by means of our,, editorial columns, tee will be pleased to publish*] contributions from our fc?oWscitixens upon thet grave questions which now agitate the public rnind^ whether their optmions coincide.with onr$ or not. A distinct newspaper, ice consider, ? should be Qn\xndex of the Various shddcs Af vpop? nlm sentiment in the section of country in which it circulates. Our columns are open, therefore, foi hny'&jhf^inica^ipnspyop^rly written, accom pehrted b^fl'av&ponfible *name;'not jw&onal in their character, nor absolutely *WffirHbus injheir READING M ATTER "ON EVERY: PA'drE.1 -Artt r liti v. m-v ? >. :.11 i i* 11 * i * ; Tho Bc?rihg President. Hkivli riet: i^ASja-nyfirt^A'' Wfti i\i> tsi -$ai **1&q Washington Express comments as fol lows on President Johnson: President Johnson was oneo pno,. of: tho chief idols of the Republican party. In look ing back to that still recent period, we arc led to note the rapid changes that havo followed. Who could have-believed that tho enthusiastic whorshipperso^yes^rday. would lX\)o tho fero cious crucifiers of to-day ? lias the idol ?o L>fc^w^moufhs more,;;-President Johnson will retire from his exalted position. It in ay. with propriety, bo asked, . Whoroiu is he dif ferent How from what ho was when he first ? ?? took-his S0*t iu ?haExacutivcchair^. -Is there not abuudant proof that he entered that chair with the conscioutiouH purpose of carrying out the policy of President ..Lincoln 'i And is it not equally clear that they, who sought tq?itn peach President Johnson*! would have'ini pcached President Linculi v if th'.-y had posses sed, the opportunity ?' ^ari .*.-?dbot us briefly review the ?aroor of J&o now retiring President; v ; -?.v.-, -.'>. .v j ru; 1. He has shown a firm, consistent, perse vering attachment to the Constitution of the country. ? ' 2. Ho hns striven to mitigate the severity of feeling that is sought to be kept alive be tween different scotious. ijflfi?v Herhas avoided, liko. Lincoln, all sclf aggrandizcnieut. \ Jf there bo anything,different from tlua in _ "ithe Presidential career of: Air. Johnson, -wo *ifiave yet to seo it. Few men, in all tho land, and in all stages of its political history, have beou more bitterly assailed, than he. Wash ington, Jefferson and Jackson had no more I personal assaults to encounter. No public man of our times was ever bo attacked by moan tjomparisons, ' by low insinuations, by vulgar caricatures* His early lifo, his former ,c-ccupation, tho names of the humbler offices I he has been called to fill, havo boon flung in "his face, with a pcrtiiiacy of' scurrility and malice without a parallel. TJjys mqn' who have been guilty of this aro the very mcu who have lauded the lowly birth of our future President, and prided themselves" oh tho fact that they were tho admiring fol lowers of the poor tanner boy. Instead o! holding up a fact which in a'liepublican conn im_. _'"'iii._.Ja.. ?... tency tho modest and industrious apprentice of the . old North State. How constantly the Tennes see Alderman has boon the butt of their ridi cule 1 What a,contempt was'poured on the head of tho Assembly-man, and Senator, and Governor J ' ' '? ? " All this h;iB passed now, nod, with it, the . scorrjj and. hatred, and littleness of .sou), that _ saw no real merit in Mr. Johnson as Presi dent. IIo will 1)0 gratefully and affect ionate ; ly remembered, however, in many a Northern homo, and iu many a Southern .one, long afiur ,^ia accusers,shall have passed, away. We. might here refor to President Johnson's ^policy iu regard to tho restoration of the Southern States to their {former, status iu the Union, in contrast with tho Congressional rj construction schemo: but wo forbear. We v/?gay, however, venturo to suggest that had the . real wishos of tho Northern pcpplo been car ried out at the closo of tho )vr.r?had that magnanimity, candor, nnd fair doajing exhib ited l?y President Johnson to-wards tho South been displayed on tho part of Congress?how much bettor would bo tho present condition of . our country? How muoh pecuniary loss might havo been avoided 1 How much nearer would Wo bo to that fraternal feeling and abiding peace so much desired by all! History will vindicate Andrew Johnson's integrity aud patriotism. IIo will withdraw ; from W'i.mi. igton after having passed through flJ,tjje most liei / ordeal to which any President waa'ov" sJ^cctod. a?d feeling that in all his ^ notions ho was guided only by what he bciicv , fld tp.dbo(his duty, he may confidently leave the result with his Clod. .Columbia News. . M WWX ? M "?:>?>.' ? "t.SjM-jjl.J a : o?*0 ?J| . I *~* . ..--NoVKMUKft 2-L-^-Thp Legislature assem . , b\ed at Juuney's Hall at twolvo o'clock to-day. Tho House was,called to order by the spcak "?'.rf/ajtyand sovonty-aevcu, members answering to q^h^jr nauieS) it was anuqunoed that a quorum Was present, and that the House was ready to proceed to business. . .'4iiOrresignation of Val -???ftfi??*rfWloT,ed member from Abbeyiilo, was ^^|d>ftA4 agcpp.tcdj James H. Jones, mombcr fe>Aj^c|,/jQ4{j^lo.rl,boro', iu place of ^tjibbs, re-1 ?rft^V^Aup?ared aud qualified. A cqiptui^top ^?qj^n^n^p4 Hl'kftjM0 thc Governor aud ipv form him that tho Houso was organiaedjTnhd -?tftM?4^ito raopivov,a,uy gqmwunicotion ho migli^, be pleased to make. ' i v . rdor b.v tho Pros: ident, D. T. Corbin, and only fourteen nie hers answering to their nntnes, it was declare that;a quorum was not present, an4the86nate adjourned.;,! f , : \" Mt $ Justices Iloge aud Willnrd held a.sessiob. of the .Supreme Court to-day. No business of importance. . Judge Bryan held United States District and Circuit Court. Nov., 25.?Senate.-?Soveral additional mbers ^ appeared,- and a -?quorum was an nounced. ' Joseph A. Grcon,*whitc, elected in the place of Randolph, for Orangoburg, and George W. Barber, colored, elected in the placo of But laud, for Fnirfiold, appeared aud qualified. Both are Republicans. j A resolution was offered by Montgomery, and adopted,' continuing tho organization of | tho Senate tho same as at tho special session, subject to such.changes on tho committees a? may bo ordorcd by the President. Messages were interchanged between the two. Houses in r.o ird to their organization and readiness to proceed to business, and a. joint committee was appointed to wait on 'the Gov ernor and notify him that, the General Assem bly was ready to receive any communication he might have to make. A resolution to adjourn over until Monday was agreed to in the Senate, but lost in the House. Both Houses agreed to adjourn over to Friday. A resolution was offered by Ilaync, and adopted, fixing Wednesday, next for the con sideration of the election uf a* Lieuteuant-Gov ernpr. Swalls gave notice of a bill to regulate the drawing of juries-in Williamsburg County. House.?F. S. Lowie, member elect from Lexington, appeared and qualified. Qjj motion of Brown, of Charleston, the offices, of. stenographer was abolished. DeLargo called up the bill in reference to tho repeal of the usury laws, but tho conside ration of it.was postponed. Tufuor, Democrat, offered a resolution to al low no pay to members during absence, except on account of sevorc illness. Lost. Ayes, 2; nays, 53. - mm ?? Itook Notices, &c. American Farmer.?Wo have rccoived the November Number of this valuable Agri cultural Monthly. Every Farmer ought to subscribe to it. Terms, ?2 a'year in advance; published by Worthiugton ?fc Lewis, Balti more, Md. Burke's Weekley.?It is hardly ncccesa j ry to remind our little readers that Christmas incoming?they all know that quitc-as well^s wo do. ,Wc want to toll them, however, that when they aro looking out for Chriutmas gifts, there is no present eo cheap or so valuable ad a year's subscription to Burke's Weekly. ?2 will insure its visits every week the year round. The Eclectic,.for December has been re ceived, and contains a splendid stool engraving of Baron Yon Beust, besides articles ou : He knew he was Right, On a Piece of Chalk, Folk-Lore or the Red Man, Lord Brougham, News from Sirius, Lady Novelists, Phenomena of-Earthquakes, Old Girls, Poetry, Seincc, Varieties. Terms?Single copies, 45 cents; one copy, one year, $5.. Address E. It. Pel ton, Publisher," 1?S Fulton St., New York. A Shocking Gallows Scene.?Rufus B. Auderaou was executed iu Austin, Nevada, on tho 30th ult., for the murder of Noblo T. Slo cum. The usual crowd surrounded the gal lows, ui:'.l the visual military force and atten dant' clergyman hau been employed. After prayer on tho platform, the prisoner calmly addressed the spectators. JIaviug Gnished, he stepped forward to the railing, requested that the deputy sheriff should put the nooso around his neck, and shook handH with those on the platform. Ho then took his position on the trap, and his hands and feet were bound, and the nooao was slipped over his head and cap drawn over his face. I At tho signal the trap fell, and the wretched young man lay stretched upon the ground, the knot having givjiii away. There was a wild cry and a rush forward ot tho crqfc'd, but the people wore 'kupt hack by the guard. Ander son was carried on the platform, and the noose was again adjusted around his nock, aud the trap fell. The knot gavo way again, aud An derson was prostrated insensible. Ho was car ried up tho stops of the platform and seated in a chair, his face wearing the pallor of tho grave, from which he had been twice snatched. The rope was adjusted the third time. As tho trap fell he swung frco, and after a slight mus cular movement for scvoral minutes all was over. Stephen Riley, the colored man who was so bitterly denounced and persecuted by his brethren,'for voting tho Democratic ticket, haB been presented with a purse of 8031 by tho white citizens of Charleston. Rilcy, in receiving tho letter, said that ho only did what he believed was right. He was uot afraid to do his duty nt all times mid under all. circumstances, and he would novcr forget,the kiudness with which ho had been treated?a kindncts far greater than anything ] ho had done could havo deserved. -i?i .?.??jUlllli Tho Supreme Court of Florida convened yesterday, to. try the eaao between tho two Gov ernors. Nothing important/ transpired, Speaking..^pf Gov. JjpotVs recent visit^p New YotKfi&QjFinica says: S'Qcflfc Seottv?fc^o?tb Caroliun, was iu this city a day or twpr ago, on business connoctcd with tho iuter'ests of the PulmcLto Statp. He roprescnts thocondition" of affairs in South Carolina at tuis^nie as very promising. The Stato is profoundly .peaceful, and it appoars to divide the credit with North Carolina of boing the most orderly of ull the Southern States. Tho colored people arc becoming more and rnoro industrious, and are showing themselves better adapted to the new condition of things. There is a promise of something being do no to advance tho railroad interests of the State, and other projects of internal improvement aro under discussion. The leading Democrats of tho State accept tho fact of the lato election in a proper spirit, and express a willingness to labor heartily in the diroctiou of peace and concord*. "While, in Wall street, attending to certain moneyed necessities of the State, Gov Scott passed round an opeu letter, signed by Wado Hampton aud other representative South Curoliuians, giving their views of the prospects of the State, and the feelings enter taincd by tho white population. "Gov. Scott is hopeful of the future, and gives good grouuds for the hopes he expresses. Auit est of Con st?hle II aukis.?Messrs. R. V. Gist and J. W. Caldwell, citizens of j Ncwbcrry, two quiet aud respectable gentle men, it will be remembered were nrro-tcd by W. P." Harris and two United-States soldiers, about rho trine of the killing of Jieo Nance. Roth arrests were made under aggravating circumstances, and as to bo shown, without rightful authority, or just grounds. Mr. Gist at his home, and Mr. Caldwell on the high way, the latter being ?rod upon. After uu warrrantcd confinement, thoy were conveyed to Columbia, and subsequently bailed. " On Wednesday last, the 18th, these gentlemen each made full and positive affidavits before Esquire Peterson, of false arrest and imprison ment at the bauds of Harris, upon which he was arrested and committed to prison to await a hearing. Tho biter sometimes gets bit, as is uow showu.?Nvichwry Utruld. Must Stand Square on he Set Asidk. ?Tho Washington correspondent of tlie Balti more Gazette writes: ;iAs booh as the radical politicians of the country shall have assembled here, a tremendous presure will be brought to bear upon Gen. Grant to force him into a full recognition and endorsement of their .Wildest schemes, even bo fore the meeting of the elec toral-colleges in the several States, aud should he fail to yield to their views, it is openly threatened to have the electoral vote east for j Schuylor Colfax for President. Gpu. jfiraut b is become fully -aware of the deittj"*f*?lp?ir him, and he is now absent from this eity pre paring himself to meet the issue." At tho recent Woman's Suffrage Conven tion iu ' j'oston, Seut.tor Wilson stated that, under the fourteenth article (the amendment) of the Constitution of the United States, he would have no hesitation in voting for an act of Congress to give the colored mau iu every State the right to vote, lie added, however, that us many poisons did not place this con struction upon tho fourteenth article, there would have to lie another amendment submit ted. In his opinion the constitution could be so amended that the right of suffrage, in six or eight, mouths, will be secured to tho colored men all over the laud. A Washington telegram reports the follow ing: It has leaked out that Thurlpw Weed and Henry J. Raymond arc busy negotiating for what remains of the old Intelligencer, with a view to making it Grant's organ. Weed is to reside here and have charge of it, while Raymond contributes from New York. . For ney's Chronicle and the Intelligencer arc both for salo. It is understood that Gorhatu, Secre tary of the Senate wants to purchase the Chronicle. As Iowa and Minnesota, hvo States in Which thoro are very few colored men, have voted to give them the elective franchise, and Missouri, which contains a larger number, has refused to confer upon them that privilege, a citizen of Missouri suggest to one of the Washington journals that emigrant aid socie ties should be formed, after the "bleeding Kansas" pattern, to enable the frccdiucn of Missouri to emigrate to Iowa and Minnesota, where they can enjoy '"liberty" and possess their "right of manhood." A sporting Quak or puts his bet thus "Friend Edward, theo thinks thy horse faster than mine. I value my opinion at twenty dollars. Now, if thee values thy opinion at the same rate, we will put the money together and ask our horses what they think about it, and leave the conclusion to them." It is suggested that the reorganization of tho local Agricultural Societies throughout tho State, would be of incalculable benefit to to tho farming interests at this time. Before tho war, these organizations did muuh to stimulate iudustr'y and devolope tho resources of the country, both mcchunie^flHkd agricul tural. We should not be beinjj^ our sisicr Southern States, who were severe, if not equal sufferers, iu the late conflict. Let us drop politics for n while, at least, and bend our onorgics to the task of bettering our financial condition. It is suggested that the women of the country tako a voto upon the question whether or not they desire suffrage aud if that be de cided in the affirmative, it will bo, time enough to Kigi^ato it,, ? Items. * Troy claims a populotian of 70,000. , A. water famine proyails In Montreal. Chicago .ehurchos have oyster'sociablcs. Earth shocks have booh felt hi Mexico., Australia .Jhos au ostrich pusturc of ten acres. Mining operations in Montana are closed ior tho season, i ' Salmon fishing in tho Ohio has been unu sually good this year. # A Cincinnati orchestra has a trombonist named J. A. W. Bone. A Paris vclocipcdist has made 123 miles in twenty-four hours. A shook-of earthquake oocurrod recently at Cologne, on the lthino. It is only twenty hour' staging from tho end of tho Union PaciGo to Salt Lake. The Evic llailroad has been placed in tho hands of ex-Judge Davis as receiver. Monogram napkins arc the things lkow in the swell New York boarding-houses. "Linen weddings" arc the latest -matrimon ial dodge to get presents out of friends. An aristocratic charity fair1 is to be held in Now York j tickets ten dollars. The New York Mail nominates Anna E. Dickinson for President in 1S72. DcKtcr.- a great-fa vorito of G ranbh, -ought to be added to the list of Cabinet aspirants. "Washington Wants to have a general ex hibition of American paintings this winter. Preparations for the great Baltimore Sren gerf'est in July nest are already being made. Prussia intends to semi a naval fleet to the China seas to aid in the suppression of piracy. We mourn with Urigham Young. Ho has lost a wife, and is onc-sevcnty-filth of a wido wer. 'Jhc "Gentiles" at Salt Lake City, nil elec tion day, voted eighty ?eight for Grant and scv cnty-one for Seymour. Russia is getting a large amount of breach loading arms uianufacturtid in the United States. j. The census of 1S70, t is said, will show the population of the United Stiitos to he forty-two million. A 810,0(10 diamond necklace appeared among the bridal presents at a New York wed ding on Thursday. Robert Bonner Rays his New York Ledger is to be the "official organ" of Trcsident (j rant's administration.' The Dispatch ?iys one thousand bushels of California wheat have just been received by ] one of the mills of Richmond. The North German strain.hip lines are ex ! tending. One h..s just been established be tween Hamburg and Valparaiso, Chili. Franz Abt. the eoiiipjjscr of - When the Swallows Homeward Fly," and other popular songs, will visit the United States next year, j A man has been hanged at Chester field) Va., fur horse stealing, which is still a capital offence in the Old Dominion. ? California grape growers, it. is said, get only three-quarters of a ceut a pound for thuir crop delivered at the wine press. A new monthly, called the "Woman's Ad vocate," and devoted to reform, is to be issued J ' in New York. Vessels now arriving report that the storm of last week was one of the severest known on the Atlantic. I Mount Vesuvius is in a violent state of j eruption, and streams of lava are flowing down. Houston claims to be the land ?f milk and honey, because milch cows sell there at $4 a :,c:td. The war loan;; of have been SO badly managed that a commercial crisis i.s antici pated. The Central Lunatic Asylum in Columbus, Ohio, was burned lately, and several patients perished. The colored people of Washington have named their new school house after Thaddens Stevens. The proposition lor a convention to remodel ! tho State Constitution has been rejected Hi Illinois. A company of young men have g,0i jxninblo.-;, with n-Yjew'j it is said, of excluding irreapuosi ^wPwCumc Ui ^>ty 8'1SIt^?0 gamble. It is a.Fact that gentlemen are beginning to adopt tlVd "beautiful blonde" hair dye. They apply it ouly to the moustache, and, with black or brown hair, it produces a wonderful, and not uhpleasing effect. A speeinian chait, .to be printed in colors, showing the land,, water, height and other matters of useful information, it is reported, has been prepared by tho Superintendent of the United StatoB CoaBt Survey Department. The planters of Mississippi; having dis covered that thoir soil is admirably adapted to the cultivation of wheat, will turu their attention to its more extensive cultivation in future. A now sand-grinding luachiuc has been in troduced iuto Cheshire, Mass., by which sand is ground as fine as floui. It is put up in bar i?ols and sells at 825 per barrel, and i? oscd extensively in the ' manufacture of porcelain lined kettles. It so much resembles flour in its pulverized state, that the. danger is that people will bo trying to usu it for the same purposes, and that grocers will be selling it for sugar. Attention Young America. YOU ARE II Ell BUY OltDERED TO ATTEND i your Regulin- l'untUu to-day ul4 o'clock V? AI? Also y?Mf/reguJ?r.; Monthly .Meetiwg.on .next ??vi-, nesday Kvoning. Hy order of the President. S. II SVDNOR, nov 128?It Secretary l'vo. Tem. The Slate of South Carolina. OKA N< i K13U HC COU NTY. ix EQUITY*. Wii Kit', Thnd. C. Andrews, Judge of Prn hiite for said Comity; hath filed his petition in this Court for the purpose of Bstatilisliiif-r the Farmer Existence, Contents and Loss of a certain Mortgage given in January, Ifitil, by Daniel Shttlei to lit" Ordinary of said Countv, to secure the. sum of $525 and interest, the purchase money ?f n Tract of Laud in St. Matthew? l'arish hi Bald ('only, hounded by lands of Daniel of Weeks, George I?. Smith and 0. S.'Uungcrpiller. the:said Mortgage being of the same. On motion of Mr. W; .1. DeTrovHIe for tho petitioner, it is ordered. That all persons i nie regt cd in the Shine be and ap pear before me at my ifRi'cJj oil Saturday the '2'Jd ?la)- of January, A. D. lt->S, ly iiory t *.???. imoliy' or crosscxu'niine witnesses pvpduc d by th -Votitioi: ev if they desire so lo'do. i i ">? (liven under mv hand and seal at otlico, tili? the 2:j'd day of November. A. D. lS'.S. (ii;0. JIOL1YK1!, Clerk C C. 1'. nov 2S?td nti'l Commissioner in Kquity. _ , ....... ... .?.-; -?.?f-?*fir 1?i (ti<- ifiKlrict Court of (he CniU'ri SfTA-T/iS?/'"' '///. Ilaii/rrujit?l'etitiu? fur F'tlt ami Fiuhl r/iaryc in IJ<:nX; >-/itcj/.?Ordered, that a (hearing be had on the -till day of January, iSGit nl Fedend Court' IDeis-" in Char! est oh. S. (V: fffTd tbnf aU Croditoir.. tid.i uf suhl Bankrupt appear uj ?*nid June .? slu^ty; cause, if any t!iey can. wliv the prayer or lb? reluhiiier s'iiiuld not fie gr?iffiWt. And that the lid und ?Sil Meiling ??! Crvdilo; * \\{,iutd Hanki-upt will lie held at Ibc ?lliee of K.,11. Carpen ter^ F.iiij.'. Register Of Seeon 1 Cuilir. Dfs: idcL'S.' ('., on ?he Jd day ofJanuary. lti"'.i ai.i2 M. By order of the Court,the I',Mb day pf Nov.. JS?VR. r>AS"i. ifo.i;t.Uki'ic. fhrt. of the District Court of t!te'U. H. 1'nr S. ?'. ?n'iv UN h ?? . ,, . , , -nlP No. um? King.Street, (Iii theDend,) CU ARI.ESTOjN". .So. Ca. Thi? roj.Hlnf' i:-tabiish inciit has just been Uctltttvl and Rofovuinhdd, rinll is now ]ii(!]>ared lcr tlm jiccpniuiodalhiii of the Tray cling I'dbjic. t.e'nlrally localc?R niid within three minutes' walk of tlio prihuipal ehfabfishnrenis of .Meeting. King and llaync .Streets, and only fifty yards distant from the line of the City Railway, which runs to both endfl of the city, if po.?scsse? unusual ndvaqtugOS to those visiting Charleston on business. Transient Bonrd t"- per day. Special at raugoinonts tnai'.o for pcrinanent Hoard of inilifiil uuIh or families on tho reasonable terms', nov 21 Gm DJE.---AJLIi P?R90NS JI.l V TNfS claims against the Estntc of DAVID CARSON, deceased will present them, and all per sons indebted to the same will make p-tym.ent to me within three months from this date. Nov. VI, lHliS. R. D. TARRANT, nov 21?3l* A dtainistrator. AUCTION SAI.K or lloiiNchold nnd Kitchen Fnrnituro. By V. D. V. JAMISON & SON.. We will sell at tliu Residence of the Rev. A. F. Dickson, on Saturday tho 2Htli November, 18?8, a variety of Household and Kitchen Furniture. Term* cash, and the articles to be removed on day of 4m, nov 21? 2t Commissioner's Sales, STATK OF SOUTfl CAROLINA, OltAXUKBU11U DlS'fltlCT. V. I>. V. Jamison, Com'r \ Rill to vs. \ Foreclose W. ?. Dudley ct. aL J and for Relief. In pursuance of an order made by tho Court of Equity in tho nboVo stated case, I will sell before the Court Mouse in Orangeburg on Monday, Decem ber 71 h. 1HI58. A tract of land situate in the FoiUh of the Edi stoi? in Orangeliufg District nnd Stnto aforesaid, coniuining seven hundred {'^") acres more or less, nnd bounded by land." of estate S. Ilcncli, D. Louis, llarpiii Rigga, Lewis \S'issi.'aiyElA^i;;ihr]('l R. Suin mers, Calvm lliiydcn and .'.fH m^Salley. [} Terms ^Ono-hall"cash. tl9M B>'c on n orcdit of one year, secured hy bond 'wWpnitercst from date, j and u mortgage of the pruporty, containing a cove nant for reside in ruse of a breach or the condition of tho bond. Cut qhaserst?wy for papers and stomps. <\>iMinissinncdflHB'c. j V. 1>. V. JAMISON, OrangohurgTff?Ti.. > CouJjH&cjncr, Nov. 12, J8?8. J M B . ALSO John D. Strom an I ^^^^ A v<. [ Bill for Foreclosure. ^ S. M. Rommel din J Under a iloqretnl order inndo by the Court of Equityiu the above stated case, I will Sell before the Gtturt House ih Ondigoburg, on Monday, De cember 7th, 18?8, All the rigid, title and dsl'atc of Samuel M. Keui morlin in and to a tract of bind situate in Orange burg District, on Fena Jlranch, waters of Edisto Rlvcrj containing two hundred and ninety neres more or less, bo ttidcd horf h on lhntls of Metis,- nnd vsfato Of ^'. Dyrd, south OU lauds of South Caro liila llai'.road Company, southeast on lauds.of F. W. Fairer . northeast on hmds'of estate of J. D. Metts. Toruuj-r-One-hftlf canh, the balance on a orcdit of one year, secured by bond, with ,iuttreHT from dny of. sale, nnd n mortgage containing a c.itcnanf. .for jtesivlpfPft^re^ff^ho^oilrt,, I.vft-?McK \ - L'nrehnsers to pay .for papers and stamps. '*>f omtnisSi'oncr'i (JfticeJTA'XD.-1?. ^AMIBON, i Vrnliguburg thJL, ?. b'oihdor I .Couunissjuket. Nov. 12th, 1??8. J ...... ommissioner's. Sales. 'ate of south Carolina; ?\ OnANUEUuno District*. ahnet ct. oh 1 Bill for salo of Real Estate V?. V to Marshal Assets Ct. nl. J riubnet ct. nl. J and Injnnotion. pursuance to nn order of the Court of Equity, made in the above Muted case. I will Bell before the Court in Ortingeburg District on Monday De cember 7tb, 18?8. ?. r ^ . .. ; TBAcrNVj.. ^-., Lying and being in Orarigeb?fgvmtritt, contain* ing two hundred nnd sixty-four f204) aut>#?? or less, nnd bounded by lands of the estate A. D. lb. abnet, estate of Huffman, 8tri0BHnfaJd|'ra^JK||r,Cr Lying nnd being In Ornwgeburg District, contain ing ohi hundred (100) fibres'in#e .?r&i^ oJ9(J9Uh the'saw timber ni VcVervca, bourirteo? "by ffln?^f John Hooker, estate of A. D. Inabnet and tract Terms?So much as 'w these proceedings, and the balance ou.ft' credit of twelve months, secured, by .a bond, with two ap proved securities hcuriiig> interest frctt^&of sale, nnd a mortgage of tho premises, to*secoreTW pur chase money, and to pay for papers and stamps. Lying and being on Big Bull Swamp in Orange burg District, containing one hundred and thirty two (J32) acres more or'lcss, and hdunueVl by lands Win. - Knotts, ecltite cf Hoffman nil*{WgUJUU Swamp. This tract, is folUat-thol-isk of the form er purchaser, be having failed to comply with ? the terms of sale. * 1 j^:*utaM -tt Conimisiiohcr. ., . November (i, 1808. j ???,?.' .'?"',.": 'AE80 "ir> WMT Jnmcs W. Browning, el. nx'.'T B i l'fr* ? vs. r'~ for t:.b.'Po1i1 k.r'c: Mvcr?, I*. 4 In pursuance, of an order of the Court of. Equity, mado in the above stnted case, I. will sell before the t'mtvt House, in Orungchurg, on .Momhiy .DcceoihvB 7 lb, 180S. '". A tract or lot of hand in the villago of Diane villein the District of Orangehurg, containing ^ .Street. TerniK-r*So niUchjcnBh ni'wiU pay^hVFoflHfathia suit, and twenty-four hundred nnd forty-MfcCcn (21-J7) dollar^,.and the bulanqe.oja A^r.fipi^^ mouths, secured by hnn.d with, interest fr?nt "day "of sale, with n mortgage qf'juc^ropeVty containing u covenant for. resale, in'crfse ot a breach'of tho con dition of the bond/ Purchaser to pay for^papers und Mumps.; i j_ f f *t -Si ? / {*? * (NitiihitB(?ioner*sT>mcb,*J V.* ?. V? JAM'ImE**-*-. OranaubuVgjQ-.H.: ^-- Comm?sfiflner. <>*>t? i-. ? Aj .ALSO:'; a. :">.:<-.ut% .'I2W. . G. Wnfin.imiiker', ct. jiliyv"" .**?>**??* Ufa* me> vp.-}-.- . .J- BiB>fqr Cfircclosnrc. . J- BilVfqi- force 8, <}.'Jamison.? ' *) X f* * In j???.^u!?urt**of$I^i^i^ made in the above -Cutcd ease,,! will sei 1 JinCy-e IhvV t'.uirt H??u,se"tii'l>r..!igcb<:ig oil Minidifv U^ewtbcr Tib, ihi-.s : fzir-a. A tract uf, Lauk^|w?t.v,.J>^i)ri^iaAm,g District, oil the So. To*.TCMtS/lftfoifir^ coutaih iug t'eiir humlrvd'Uiid Si?v?,niy7^v^(.47pi.aereK?moi e or Icjwluiud hunjidid on thcimiith?bylla1iils o>'t^taiu A. N Winuiuniiikcc, east by binds uLtbc So. Ca. K. It and Pcfc/K: Cdirk. sdiiftf by lhSflls Wr.Mrs. C. I.. Ciiiinbling, und KCbttby hind.i of .J. (,!. Wanhamak cr.nnd M.i-s. K." T'. (JloreV. Thrills?One-tii. r.l oas... the Tt cmlif'of one year; iebttvi'd by n bond, bt-nnng ffifi'i-oVt.'al 7 l?or coHt.,^V?mila>- uf.Kule. and. a. mor'Ktge if>?bo^ pretni'es. po'sessoin out to be given 'until the lat day of Juiii'iary. ISr,'.). Purchasers tb Jpay tor p? Ucr^ rtjid staiui/s. * " . l^immi^c^e^imce,^ ^?^?,?11??^^ Orangeburg C> H. V . .{ Commiss'umer. November ?, 18ti8. J AI.SO; V J :A Middleton ItnU, et. ux. et. ol; -| * ?.*?* v.-. k. Bi)l for Acc't, &f ihc Conn of Equity made in thp above MatcMV?.*!?, I wjll sylJ before iho Court Iluu.-e. in ' Orilngr-imrg, oir sMo?aay, i her 7M?. fsf.rt. A ?i|T 'A1 tract ' of-lund vhtinte -\U O^nUgcb0i,g-?Dl! containing*two hundred and,titty ( 2.?"?<>> aeriavr or less and bounded nn the tioVth b'f tnild^ of P. Bannister, east hy liiinls or J nines A. !*arlor>?uth bj' lands of F. Myers, und on the west by lands of O. SBiil?r a nil .dailies Sweat. ? T. T J < f 'TeVnn?Cash, pin c'iasers fo pay for papers ami stamps. 1 CouinuKKiouer's Office, V,. . V. ,D- V. JAAJISONv Orangehurg C. H.' V ' ' C?iuiiusVi?hfer. November ?, 18G8.. i jlJ 0ALSO L. M Bookliait,. 1 . Bill for , . . vs. I rnjiiWibW S. Bosard, Adrn'r., | and1 R. i'. llvc?e, Adm'r. J Kelicf. In pursuance of au order of iho Court of ?JE;qnity made in tho above stnted case 1 will sell before the Court House in Orangeburg, on Monday December 7th. 1M58. A tract of land situated in Orangeburg District, containing three hundred nnd forty-two (#42) acres more .or less, bounded by lands of James Bookhart, estate'of Browning, A. Shoemnlier]afad estate of Col. Richardson'. > \ | } Terms?One-third cnsht7 the bnluice.on a crodit of one yenr, purchnser givlng bpnd bearing interest from day.of sale, with a mor.tga.go of tho-prcs^ises. Purchasers to pay for slanips arid papers, * Ooa.inlsslonei's Of?Ofi.l V. D. Vi JAMISON, ' Orangehurg 0. II., > Commissioner. November 5, 1808. J nov 7 W ALSO "^'ItTP'.^Bifint James D. Clcckley, Ex'r" ? vs. A. D. Frederick, Under the order of the Court in this casd,'t w,ill sell on the sale day in December next All the real estate of which L. K. Coohj seized, being a plantation near' Orangehurg District, of which a* will he given on tho day of sale. Turms?One-half oash, t! one year, secured by, bond. and a mortgage of"tho' prij , pant for resale upou breach ot chasers at salcf stamps. CouiiuissionerVsTJmco, "| V. D. V. JAMrSON. Oraneeburg C. FI., S. 0.. y Commissioner. Nov. l2tk, 1808.. ,J i :ckley, Ex'r 1 rick, et. nl. J !>p7t T). V. J amis an, Com'r 1 Bill vs. y To Foreolo8e. F.dwnrd Ai-g6e. J Mortgage. Under n decrelnl order mnde in tk? above"sb^od lease, Iwlll fesoll at the former purchascr's-'fi'skhc |UaviUg fniletl to cornplyjwith the terms of salo, before Bio Court Mouse in OrnngfcbUfg au >"du<-(' j Wr^,?. bor 7th, 18?8. ? A /irnot of land situate in tho Forks of,tha Kdi m6ft," oinfninihg thi-t-o hutulred: lind/throe (K0:)) acres more or less.-boing part of n tract of six hun dreil anil six ^t'lOfi) acres, sold by fha Commissioner in Kquity on l lie 2d day.of July, 18<)0, in case of A. E. (ileaton ct. ux, y?. VuuljUjfcQat^V ajtffand pur chased by the said Edward "Argue, said tract cd'six Hpundrod and.six (600) acres, ar^?b9"m^f*3|?y lands of M. A. Yon, Daniel Bean, B. A. Yon, JL ?, f?alley, J. D. Phillips, Vncob Stroman'nlid lfd?WT^rgoe.' Terms?One-third cash, balanro on a'?reHlt till t crest from prcmi&es, in whioh sball no insortoa a covearuSl of rc'snfe, in ense of a broach of tlib cpnditton of the bond after legal notice, >' ? . Cbi?mlsslbnevll Office, ] V. P V. JAMISON, n^??' i ? lit*'' ? 11 > i? uovli 1 td