TM 0 0 ft 00 ^^^^^ ^ * js rpnt?sttr.n %s*#o4.H*?* (>v$*P>% > - '! > * ..: ;,;vanck. MUST ' INVAMABtt ACCOMPANY TltF. M3? ^jvb - V?t*<0 %t Ji ^?>?ra ??i it. rif *? toVJo?* t,. auuBciirpTiON. = > - --'dujje^ken.rt Markot Rates. ??TAH #0> 'tojipifayt - s ? ? t^jg OO' '-? ,>.,?.?["'1-1 j ^ " Weg? respectfully request tnir friends to senil in their Advertisements [as rarly in the ir^/v""a* convenient ; and if possible, let us hove thtm-liy-Thvrsday evening. ?y this means, tee will be able-to ?hmic at an earlier, hovr on Sufur dayy and will.. hje enabled to give vxpre of the ftf test news, iip iu JM'fhns of ov.r going to press. READING MATTKR ON EVfcRY P?GK. .Swum .-.iju. SATURDAY MORNING, NOV.,-. 21. 18G8. ? ? '', ? ? , ;-, -ivr ?. '?: ? ??? ?-========= Thanksgiving. -"Next 'i hursday is our National, an d State ^'hanks^vihg. , i'. am um Wi?i ' ' _ ''? Original Story. ^Y^(? will publish next week, an intensely in iereattng ' y '?RlfrlNA L NOU VE'LETTfl from the pbri of our esteemed i-orrespondent. ?*-IlAl?V. Bale." Wc promise our readers J^qriito'a literary,tr?4t| which'we knoVtlicy will appreciate and enjoy. '_ itev. A. F. Dickson. yjUv Village is about to Suffer'a 1?>S8 iu the departure of this esteemed aud accomplished Clergyman from our midst. Having been for many year?, the pastor of the Presbyterian Church, ho,baa been no less endeared to his charge by hin faithful ministration of holy things,- than esteemed and respect* d in the community as a prcachor of ability, and a cuhutar of tine attainments. He leaves us next week, iu acceptance of a call to supply the pulpit of the Fourth Pres byterian Church iu New Orleans . His fare welFsrrmon will be preached at the Presbyte rian Church in this place, to-morrow morning, at 11 o'chietc. fi jk , 1 ' ? ??? Light $j Artillery. ?A->6tie Yam Potato, from tho plantation of Mr. Taumel 1'. Izlar, can be seen at our ofTice. A 'flne .projectile for a piece Of artillery, as it Is a ^jt^Tr.trndoY; aTdl we have Calculated^ its T?tige,?the Cooking Range. r "Tue Cotton Tax.? We make the follow ing extract from the Columbia i/Vnenc'.c: The Comptroller General of the State bus insfracted tax officers to include iu their ijuar terly nssetsmonis nil cotton purchased and sold by merchants, factors, brokers,, bankers, or Other persons buying or shipping on connnis %iei6,-or otherwise, which was grown this year, and 'noWexempt from tax by the United States Vj?ver?iuent by Act of Congress and to collcet twenty cents on every hundred dollars worth of it, the same as ou Other merchandize, con sidering cotton sold whenever it id shipped. lttnts iu New York are coming down, and Vt ? 'ea-Acr for people iu waut of houses to get tht-m now thau it baa been at any time for years past. A Mississippi colored preacher has com menced, publishing the Colored Citireus' Monthly. The Boston Transcript is afraid if all the States.tb^yoar :.h/jyo Tbanksgiving Dav on November 2G, that "there may not be turkeys enough to go round."' General B. F. Butler has written a letter iu which He says: "The South has no firmer Irlciid'tnan I am ahd havo ever been j" aud be !?rthcr declares he bears no hatred to the South, o^ouSha?? ?>eu au such. A Now York paper suggests as a means of ig the national debt, that every office pay a dollar u week towards ita licpiid^ ho gets an office. acres ?in Fairfax County, Ya., were iTlew day i/go for the sum of 8100 an Land adjoining ie? uow held at 3150 au if#> dtiv Union Paeifie Railroad Company are -about to lay out a town ut the mouth of the W^ser River, seventy-five miles cast of Salt f,nke City. ^>numbcr^oheapitali-Ui in Auburn, York, have purchased eighty thousund acres td laud pear Paiatlia, Florida, and aro about to coluufeu it rrith people front thut State. .John Qnincy Adams, the Democratic can didate for Guvcruor in Massachusetts, ran ton thousand ahead yf his ticket at the reccut electioiu. The shull of a nmstudon, meuauring three ?'eot in Jcngth, twu feet eight inches iu width, ?ml two feot across the nostril Is, uud weighing due hundred pounds, it is reported, has been JfWuhd id Prko County, Ohio. Tho New York Evening Mail says that huu yJ.rcdB of "tiivo >nurtg mfm" in that city, many ?f tlroui "Society fellows," live entindy upon borrowed rrtoni\jr. South Carolina Railroad 4leblaiSS$>in tho Depot to Date. 11. II. Knotts, P.C. Rowc, J.*A. Keller, V.M. 'In accordance witu orders received from the Su perintendent, Storage will bercaftff.Uo charged oo Goods remaining in the Depot for aa'itnreai?nablc length of time. ,.. .W. C, MEUKDITII, ,Agent. Omca or"Tnr. OftASORnrnu Nkws, Nor ember 20, 18U8. COTTON.?Sales fbrtho week. 220 bales. We Ordinnry.:.?.$ Good Ordin?rv.19 Low Middling..."19J Middling.i.20j Strict Middling.21 Good Middling.,. Bovon Ricr.?la in good demand at $1.60 per ouahel. Corn 80 cts. Peas 80 eta. Pincers, 281ba to bushel, $1 25. - GOLD. 80 SILVER.22 Report of Iii? Charleston t'ottois filarket For the Week ending November 19. Reported for the Oranycbiirg Ncics by W. WALTON SMITH, COTTON FACTOR. There baa been little or no change in our market during tho past woek, except that holdvrs were more willing to meet the views of buyeis, and more has been dune. The sales of the week foot up some 8800 bales. We quote s Low Middling.22 V Middling.22} Strict Middling. Sheriff's Sales. Ry' virtue of siindrv writs of ft. fa., to mo direotcd I will sell to the" highest Udder, at Ornngebutg Court House, on the first' Monday in December next, for cash the following property, viz : One tract of land containing nine hundred acres more or less, bounded by lands of Brandenburg, Mrs. E. Thompson and estate of >V. S. Thompson. Levied on as the propcrtj o:f A. R. Tabor at the suit of J. M. Crossweli. ALSO Another tract containing Bi;venly-fivo acres more or less, (known as the Daniel Karrick tract,) bound ed by lands of D. J. Zeigler and estate lands of W. S. Thompson. Levied on an the property of A. R. Tabor at the suit of J. M. Croaswcll. ALSO A tract containing fifty seres more or less, bounded by binds of D. J.Zeaglcr and Mrs. Thomp son. Levied on as the property of A* 11. Tabor at the suit of J. M. Crosswcll. ALSO* One tract of land containing eight hundred and fifty acres more or less, lying uu the waters of Ro bert Swamp, bounded by hinds of A. C. Zeigler, J. I*. Pearson, Edwyn Rutland ami Jacob Mack. Levied on as the property of John C. Kennerly at the suit of Daniel Hiley. ALSO One tract of land contuiniug one hundred and four acres more or less, bounded by lands of Salina Till, Zimmerman and Alburt Patrick. Levied on as the property of R. II. Carson ut the auit of George* D. Smith. ALSO One tract of land containing two hundred nnd twenty-five acres more or less, lying on Penn Branch, bounded hy lauds of Win. Livingston, Wm. Knotts, Jacob Wolfe, and by lands formerly owned by John ilulTmun. Levied on as the property of | William Hooker at the auit ?f Ellis & Brewstcr.* ALSO All the undivided right, title und interest oi Charles S. Bull iu the house and lot on Russell Street, lately occupied by Chas. Bull & Co., bound ed by lands of Olivcros, J. 0. Pike, trustee, and D. Louis. Lovicd on as tho properly of Charles S. Bull ut tho suit of Wm. XI. Bird i Co. ALSO 4, tract of land containing three hundred nnd thirteen acres more or less, known as the Wauna maker plantation, bounded by lands cf Mary L. Stoudetuiro, D. 0. Stoudcmire, Wm. Watts and Elli son Gates. Levied ou as the property of Ann E. Hsiglcr and J. A. V- Haigler at the suit of D J. Zeigler and Dr. J. A. Keller. ALSO A tract of land containing three hundred acres more or less, known as the Haigler plantation, bounded by lands of the "state of G. T. Irick. Levied on as the property of Ann E. Haigler and J. A. M. Haigler at the suit of D. J. Zeigler and Dr. I J. A. Keller. ALSO Thrtn Mules, one Wagon, two hundred bushels of corn more or leis, two thousand pounds of Fodder and five bushels of Rice, and one Buggy. Levied I en as the property of Ann E. Haigler and J. A. M. 1 Haigler at the suit of D. J. Zcaglcr and Dr. J. A. Keller. ALSO Three hundred acres more oi less bounded, by lands of David Fersucr, 8atnucl Rickenbaker and L. H. Zimmerman. Levied on as thu property of W. Zimmerman at tho suit of John Sellers, Admin istrator for another. ALSO A tract of land containing 15 acres more or less, bounded by lauds of C. A rant, E Ezckicl and W. T. McKcwu. Levied on as the property of C. A rant at the suit of D. Louis, ALSO One Wagon two Ox Carts, one old Timber Cart, (one Sportsman Hunting Buggy,) one Dirt Carl, the Body and Irons of an old Rookaway, and a quanti ty of other Irons, such as Axlclrces, Tires, and Cart Chains. Levied on as the property of A. R. Tabor at the suit of J. M. Crosswcll. nov 21 t,I ALSO 200 bushels of Com, 2000 lbs Fodder, 1 Stack Potatoes of 20 bushels. Levied on as the property of Peter E. Gibson at the suit of Daniel Davis. nov 21 td Sheriff s Office, ) H. RIGGS, . OrangcburgC. II., S. C, \ S. 0. C. Nov. 11, 18tt8. j ALSO SOUTH CAROLINA, \ pMK-#. r , OftAMuEttUltd County, } Trobate Court. Ex parle F. W; Poi'rcy, Adm'r. Estate of Jesse Pat rick?Petition for sale of Real Estate. By virtue of a decretal order to me directed from the Honirable the Probate Court of the said Coun ty, I will sell at public outcry at Orangeburg on sa!csday in December next, (being the 7th Deo.) All that tract of land containing one hundred acres, more or less, situato on Cattle Creek, and bounded by lands of John P. Berry, the same being a part of tho estate of Jesse Patrick. Terms?One-half cash, balance on a credit of twelve months, purchaser to givo bond and mort gage for credit portion, and to pay for papers land stamps. October 19, 18<59. H. RIGGS, ntVv 11?tol S. O. C. pov Ii td ROBERT MURE ATCO., COMMISSION, MERCHANTS, Churktton, &*& \r?) AGENTS CHARLESTON AND LIVERPOOL STEAMSHIP LINK. Advance* . mado ou shipments of Cotton, Rice, nnd Navnl Stores to Foreign aiul,Domestic Ports, oct 24 iJ * ?'*->T* ??' 4t NOTICETO PLANTERS. Soluble Pacific Guano. rpiIE HIGHLY SATISFACTORY AND REM ARK JL ablereffects of thin OUANO in producing very largely Increased cropB of Cotton, Corn-and other staple crop?, has attracted the general attention of pin liters and. farmers. In .order to confirm public confidence in the continued ezctilence of this Guano and avail of the best scientific ablUty In the prose cution, tyf tide important business, tho PACIFIC OUANO COMPANY has consummated a professional engagement) with Dr. ST. JULIAN RAVENEL, of Charleston. S. C, as scientific adviser and consul ting Chemist to the Company. Dr. RAVENEL is conversant with the composition and qualities of I Ihe Guano," as well as with the character, policy and unusual resources of the PACIFIC OUANO COMPANY, and will communicate full information on these points to planters who may cnll on him or address hin by letter at Charleston, S. C. JNO. S.REESE &CO., General Agents, Pacific Guano Companv, Baltimore, Md. J.N. RORSON, Agant for South Carolina, Charleston, S. C. oct .11 4t MILLINERY OF THE jVCOST M O 1) E R \' STYLES .at MRS-. C\ QLDENJDOBFFS Wlio would respectfully inform the Ladies of Ornngeburg nod vicinitv that she has opened FULL and HANDSOME ASSORTMENT of FALL and WINTER MILLINERY of tho most MODERN STYLES and FASHION. " ner usual PROMPT ATTENTION and MODE RATE PRICES, she he; en will elicit a share of the Public patronngc. Please call and examine her STOCK at the well known OKI Stand on Main Street, opposite Mr. Jos. McNumuru's. oct 24 lm IX PROBATE COURT, ORANGEBURG COUNTRY. Ex parto Robert M. Argoe, "| In re Lost Will of Rob:rt Argoe, Sr. On hearing the petition in this case, and on mo tion of T. II." Cuoke, Solicitor for petitioner, it is or dered : Thai all persons interested be and are hereby notified to appear at the Judge of Probate's Office at Orangeburg Court House, ou the second Monday in February A. IK, 1W)D. for the purpose of shew ing cause if any they ciut, why the will of Robert Argoe, Sr., late at* .-"aid County, should not be re established, ami to that end to produce such wit nesses as they may desire, and cross examine produced by the petitioner. Judge of Probates Office. 1 THAI) C. ANDREWS. Ornngeburg, S. C, \ Judge of Probate. November 2, 1KG8. J nov 2 td R OUCIIf HICK, KOIXJIl KICK, Wnntctt nt the COURT HOUSE .STOKE, where the highest prices in Cash or Darter will be allowed for it. PEAS, GROUNDNUTS, &c, bought in any quan tity. NEW HULLED BUCKWHEAT FLOUR just re ceived, also a lot ?f Extra and Family F LOU It, (new). Table SYRUP, SUGARS, TEAS, lie, Kc, always on baud. PERUVIAN GUANO and WANDO FERTILI ZER on consignment. A lot of CHOICE CHEWING TORACCO in whole and half boxes, which will be sold low to close out the lot. Also a full supply of first rate CHEWING TO. DACCO, which is going off nt low prices. BLACK SEED OATS for winter planting. RED SEED WHEAT a choice article, and other seasonable goods to be had at tho COURT HOUSE STOHE. JOHN A. HAMILTON. M Eiril.Vtt OF BO illD or CUt; NT Y CO31 MiSSlON15RS. The Annual Meeting of the Board of County Commissioners for Orangeburg will take place in the Court House of said Oouutj- on the 4th Monday of November, insf., at Hi o'clock A. M. All per sons having bills against the County aro required to deposit the same with the Clerk of said baorJ on or before Saturday the 21st dsy of November, iuat., und in default thereof such bills will not be audi ted at said annual meeting. T. II. COOKE. ClcrK Hoard County Commissioners, nov 7 til I^OIt ?ALK, HEXT ?< OR LEASE. " THE FINE PLANTATION Belonging to the Estateof the late Colonel KEITT, and ?.voll known us the Darby IM u e e. These LANDS arc among tho BEST in the Dis trict, being situated on Lyvu's Creek, commanding A FINE WATER-POWER, aud of a Rich Red Clay Soil. They arc offered at ONE-HALF their Valuation in IStiti. Said Tract contains fi(HJ acres. Ceuditions?$5,600?one-third cash, the balance in two yearly instalments. Address MUS. LAUHENCE KEITT, nov 7?tf Charleston, S. C. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, ) riimti ? O. / i nation, rangeburg County. j By THAI). C. ANDREWS, Esq., Judge of Probate WHEREAS, John M. Aycrs, farmer, hath made suit to roc to grant him Letters of AdroinUfro tion of the Estate and effects of John Aycrs, de ceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said John Ayers, deceased, that they be and appear before me, in the Court of Ordittnry, to be held at Probate Office, Ornngeburg C. II.. on Monday, 2? ;**?nr - ? t ? : ' i :t ?,.?(! , - !..Vlr/ AHE BUYING- AS USUAL COTTON, RICE, CORN, PEAS, ETC., AT THE HIGHEST PRICES FOE CASH. CORNELSON, KRAMER & C?. o k ly BULL, WILLI PIKE. BUYING COTTON AT THE HIGHEST MARKET RATES, AS USUAL. THEY HAVE ON HAND A COMPLETE STOCK OF CLOTHING, SHOES, HARDWARE, &CL -:o: Special attention is invited to our Selec tion of LADIES DRESS GOODS, CLOAKS, SHAWLS, See., Sec, GOODS purchased exclusively for CASH and will be sold at Lowest Harket Rates. BULL, SCOYILL & PIKE. feb 23 1 ' STOCKERS CHEAP CASH STORE. At the Red Sign near the Old Court House, ?RANViERl'lRG, S. C\. OCTOBER 10th, 1868, AND WINTER GOODS. "^in? muTed inl? 8 / much Larger Store, we arc ouahled to keep ah good a?iorttncnt in our lino as any Store in Town. Our Htock consists of Printe?, Domcsttca Fall and Winter Dress Goodp. Shawls! Gents Clothing, Notions, and n good selection id' Moots, Shoos, Hat?, Arc. AIko a good Aroort nicnt ol Groceries, Liquors, and Hardware, which we offer to the Citizen? of Orangohurg pip. trict at very low prices for etudi. Respectfully policiting your patronage, and hoping you will call oh us noon, we remain, Yours, trulv. ftjflT Messrs- JOHN A. ?U'.M M I \ i?S and a>. Jl. SYPNOU, are with us aud will he haj/^y to nee tueir frieudt'. nujj 22 ? lj W?liam T. Ligi? & Ca, I A HH CONSTANTLY RIE C KIV I Nf lit S?#|&;' And nil articles suited to thia market. ?XheV sell for (TA8TT, add eellnt tbo lowf^'fatef* They ^oy nil kindii of Cot?i&f Prcditc*r?tfdi;t pay highest pricey cither ?> Cash or Barter. , A tino ?*jloctlpj|'of ?:jfwi a,rsjm Cofista?tl/ oil frTiodj Without S?/ c^oiHJrt^lok from tho . ! ? ?[ OUANCrEBUUO FJltK WKIJ^. Call at the tir.ror bnildiriR kfibwn ?o Well as Willwek's Tin and Stove Store. WM T. LIGHTFOOT A CO. Oct 81 . . c : Housekeepers Attention, IB YOU WOULD SAVE one SejvfaMtt'i hiretj ebinu to WILLqOCfc'8 ,apd jftgjf* BKA CON LIGHT, ^ SOUTHKRN STATES, of ' aioitiNi if S Thcsti and other pattern? nlwayn oft- hand, and warranted to conic up to representation,: TO WUlMCK?4 ' ? ? -. ???..?<1 D. LOUIS & .Hind I '."iw< bur. nib>uM letyi ? jt'J* h'?a n* >!"*: ij" .{ .. J U .' ' n At" Tllti rLH)P of Tiiii . ? MARKED ! ? ??' ? u ? ; Sil '. litJ T)11" "CELEBRATED and fever cure. ALSO bilious cathartic ob , , , LiVer Pttti! m ay 2?ly In Equity. ?RANGHBURG DISTRICT: Melehcr K Holma'h, Adm'f va Elisa Htroinau, ct. al ^.....ruuia.., , ? j ??; By order of the Court of Equity in. the abova stated caso, the creditors 6f the let? Nicholas Biro man, deceased, ara hereby required to establish their demands before me, on or before tho tcu'h dav of December next. Commissioner's Office, ] V. P. V." JAMISON, Orangeburg C. IL, \ Commissi6fier. October 27. 1868. I ' ' ? '? it oct ill td TVTOTICK.?All I^orsonA who hare IX not. paid their TAXES, will find EXECU TIONS for the same in my office, and will do waM to call and settle the same, as ibcy Will, save soma of tho cost by so doing. H. RIGGB, oct 17?tf * 3 8. O. Ci TUNT RKCE1VKB. p9 A fro5h snittdy of CHOICE FAMILY FLOl'R, L.UID, EODA, WXNB aai LEMOV CRACKER?., CANDIES, He, at sc'pt F.? - t'.ui , Rusecll-Street!