'-' ?:? ? ' --r'/r*-:-\ 5* 00 \ , *2 00 x* puntWiir,!) JtiT^^XUb TIMK" PRICK. Two.PojXAIvB PER ANNUM ,IN Al?VANQ^y .;^TftB'CAsaf-swf MUST 'INVARIABLY ACCOMPANY TUE Utotyorf *rt SUUflCmPTION. j(S*?r Country Produce taken at Market Ratca. $2'i$? "!'a-'' kttflj oo jP\ IVe fesprctfully request tmr friends to senil in their Advertisements ? as rarly in the tr^/c'as convenient ; ??n/ ?y possible, let us have them- liy- Thursday evening. Jig this means, we will be able to -issue ?i ati earlier hour on Satur day, and if ill ^s. fn give more of the ?fyiest news, up to the; time of our gving to press. READING MATTKR ON EVERY PAGK. LOCAL ITEMS. 1 'U SATURDAY MORNING, NOV.? 21, 18G8. ' ? ? M 7t ? 'I- -irr Thanksgiving. ?Next Ihurpday. is our National, nnd State Thanksgiving. Original Story. >\*o will publish next week, tin intensely in teresting * / WtGlNA L NOUVELETTFJ Irom the pbrf of our esteemed correspondent, ?'?Daisy Dale." Wc promise uur readers ...''? * '. ?': ... fuulH . ? ? w - A 'number oi ciijui-.iiirn.i m Auuuru, ft.o.,i York, have .purchased eighty thousand acres ot laud pear Palutku, Florida, nnd nro about to coloni?o it rvith people from that State. John ;Quincy Adams, tho Dumouratie can didate for Governor iu Massachusetts, ran ten thousand' ahead of.his ticket at the recent election. The shull of a mastodon, measuring three fcot in length, two feet eight inches ?u width, wrrtl two feet across the nostrills, aud weighing ?one hundred pouuds, it is reported, has been Jfoutid IB Pike County, Ohio. The New York Kveoing Mail says that huu >JrcdB of "uivo jouAg men" in that city, man*/ *>f tlrem "Society fellows," five entirely njion borrowed money-. Consignees per South Carolina Railroad .' dtcniamiug in the Depot to Date. 11. II. Knotts, P. C. Rowc, J. *A. Keller, V. M. Smith, J. A.P^ptoJj . . . , In accordance with orders received from the Su perintendent, Storage will hereafter" b> charged on Goods remaining in tho Depot for ?n^irnr?aii6n?lilc hmgih of time. W, C. M EUE OPT 11, I_ ... I Agent. ', j COMMERCIAL, OrriCE or Titr. OnAXCKnrao Nkws, November 20, 1808. COTTON.?Sales for tho week. 220 bales. We quote : Ordinary. Good Ordinary.10 Low Middling.10J Middling.-20$ Strict Middling.21 Good Middling. Rounn Ricn?Is in good demand at $1.00 per ouehe). Corn 80 cts. Peas SO cts. Pinders, 281bs to bushel. $1 2G. - GOLD. ?0 SILVER. 22 Report of Hie Charleston Cotton Market For the Weok ending November 10. Reported Jbr the Orangcburg Ncics by W. WALTON SMITH, COTTON FACTOR. There lins been little or no change in our market during the past week, except that holders were more willing to meet the views of buyeis, and more has been done. The sales of the week foot up some 8800 bales. We quote : Low Middling.22 * Middling.22$ Strict Middling. Sheriff's Sales. Ry virtue of sundry writs of fi. fa., to mo directed I will hcII to the highest Udder, at Orangcburg Court House, on the first Monday in December next, for cash the following property, viz : One tract of land contalniag nine hundred acres more or less, bounded by lands of Brandenburg, Mrs. E. Thompson and estate of W. S. Thompson. Levied on as the property of A. R. Tabor at the suit of J. M. Crosswell. ALSO Another tract containing seveuty-fivo acres more or less, (known as the Daniel Karrick tract,) bound ed by lands of D. J. Zeigler aud estate binds of W. S. Thompson. Levied on as the property of A. It. Tabor at the suit of J. M. Oroaswell. ALSO A tract containing fifty seres more or less, bounded by hinds of D. J. Zeaglcr and Mrs. Thomp son. Levied on as the property of A- R. Tabor at the suit of J. M. Crosswclt. ALSO' One tract of land containing eight hundred and fifty acres more or less, lying ou the waters of Ro bert Swamp, bounded by lands of A. C. Zeigler, J. P. Pearson, Edwyn Rutland and Jacob Mack. Levied on as the property of John C. Kennedy at the stilt of Daniel Kiley. ALSO tine trael of land contuiniug one hundred and four acres more or less, bounded by lands of Salin? Till, Zimmerman and Alburt Patrick. Levied on as the property of II. 11. Carson at the suit ot George D. Smith. ALSO One tract of bind containiug two hundred and twenty-five acres more or less, lying on Perin Branch, bounded by hinds of Win, Livingston, Wm. Knotts, Jacob Wglfe, and by hinds formerly owned by John ItufTmuu. Levied on as the property of William Hooker at the suit sf Kilts ?: Brewstcr* ALSO All the undivided right, title and interest oi Tharles S. Bull in the house and lot ou Russell Street, lately occupied by ("has. Bull & Co., bound ed by lands of Oliveros, J. C. Pike, trustee, and D. Louts. Levied on as the property of Charles S. Bull at the suit of Wm. M. Bird & Co. ALSO \ tract of land containing three hundred and thirteen acres more or less, known as the Wanna maker plantation, bounded by lands ef Mary L. Stoudeiuiru, D. C. Stoudcmire, Win. Watts aud Elli son Gates. Levied ou as the property of Ann E. Haiglcr and .I.A. M. Haiglcr at the suit of D J. Zeigler and Dr. J. A. Keller. ALSO A tract of land containing three huudrcd a-res more or less, known as the Haiglcr plantation, bounded by lands of the estate of G. T. liick. Levied on as the properly of Anu E. Haigler ami J. ! A. M. Haiglcr at the suit of D. J. Zeigler and Dr. J. A. Keller. ALSO Three Mules, one Wagon, two huudred bushels of I corn more or less, two thousand pounds of Fodder and five bushels of Rice, and one Buggy. Levied en As the property of Ann E. Haigler and J. A. M. Haiglcr at the suit of D. J. Zcagler and Dr. J. A. Keller. ALSO Three hundred acres more oi less bounded by lands of David Fersncr, Samuel Rickcnhukcr and L. II. Zimmerman. Levied on as thu property of W. Zimmerman at the suit of John Sellers, Admin istrator for another. ALSO A tract of land containing 15 acres more or less, bounded by lands of C. Aruut, E Ezckicl and W. T. McKcwu. Levied on as the property of C. A rant at the suit of D. Louis, ALSO One Wagon two Ox Carts, one old Timber Carl, (one Sportsman Hunting Buggy,) one Dirt Cart, tho Body ami Irons of au old Rookaway, and a quanti ty of other Irons, such us Axletrces, Tires, and Cart Chain*. Levied on as tho property of A. R. Tabor at the suit of J. M. Crosswcll. nov 21 td ALSO 200_ bushels of Corn, 2000 lbs Fodder, I Stack PottrWcs of 20 bushels. Levied on as the property of Peter E. Gibson at the suit of Daniel Davis. nov 21 td Sheriffs Office, ) II. RIGGS, . Orangcburg C. II.. S. C, S. O. C. Nov. 11, 18o8. ) ALSO SOUTH CAROLINA, 1 rrnun,? r..... OaANOKfiunu County, } Frohste Court. Ex parte F. W. Fuircy, Adm'r. Estate of Jcsso Pat rick?Petition for sale of Real Estate. By virtue of a decretal order to me directed from tho Honorable the Probate Court of the said Conn ty, I will sell at public outcry at Orangeburg on saicHday in December next, (being the 7th Deo.) All that tract of land containing one hundred acres, more or less, situate on Cattlo Creek, and bounded by lands of John P. Berry, tho same being a part qf the estate of Jesse Patrick. Terms?One-half cash, balance on a credit of twelve months, purchaser to give bond and roert gagc for credit portion, und to pay for pa-pcrs arid stamps. "October 10, 1800. II. RIGGS, nt?v 11?td S. O. 0. pov \'4 ?d ROBERT M?HE & CO., COMMISSION, MERCHANTS, Charktion, S. {'. AGENTS CHARLESTON AND LlVEuTOOL STEAMSHIP LINK. Advance*: mado on shipments .of NOK, are with tie aud will be happy to Heb their friends. aujj 22 ?ly William T. Lig&tfoot & Ca, A HE CONSTANTLY^ R!E C RI Y I N O A!"' EuH'bVuV welf #le?wl '^dttfrftbW oT And nil article* suited to this market. sell for C'ASIi, *tid sell at tlio Wf>#?WW.A They l/uy nil kinds of CotlrifiryProdticVitfd>;< pay highest prices, either in Cflsh or Batt?|JT A fine ??loctlon of'-j^"^ s,"s? astafisi LIQ VTQCE'.a-. Constantly oif liiwdj Without KtY/ WatVifetftioti from the < ORANQKB?RO FI&E WELLS; Call at trio nr.mo baildinp kadtrn so well a* WillcocL's Tin and StoVe Stjwe. ,. ;. wm T. ligutVoot a oov h Odt 81 c ly I Housekeepers Attention;*" P YOU WOULD SAVE one SewritfiS'i hire, come to WILLqO.CKVS and Jinjr;fti| DEACON LIGHT. SOUTHERN STATES, of These and other patterns alwaya on hand, and warranted to conic up to representation,; WM. WILLCOGE'S ^1_JL___[i>gtj *y ? D. LOUIS & CO., ' utxuj luxr q ; .it ARB i .-'lifo iw?.:/i i .; i ...? .-{Is *rltu-k BUYING COTTON ?!???? tfaiow ??:<... viv-sva A Nil PRODUCE A'V THE TOP OF TllH MARKET, ? ' ?:? ? iti'i >Vi I 'Uil kit*'! 1?. LOUIS & CO: AgonU. tvb io F. H. W. BRIGGMANN ft CO, RESPECTFULLY INFORM OUR f>RANOrV burg Friends that we have moved in our nkw storilv Where wo arc ready t?j supply obr Friends fend Public in general with a full and fresh supply it prV o'H?tJr. groceries; shoes. irx+s. Also all kind* of LIQUORS, wtnes, porter; A I.E. et?1., at reduced Prices. We have a tine lot of FAMILY FLttt'R ffeij*, .Ino. CAMPSEN k CO.'s Mill, Charleston, put op in small Sacks, verv low. We offer for sale the RECIPE fdr making JACk SONS UNIVERSAL :WA8fiIN? C?MPOtS?' and JACKSONS laundry SO AP fw On* DalUy^ which ha:- given satisfaction to all to whom we hare sold. ' . Wewdl buy COTTON nnd all other rntJP?Ck; giving the highest market price, or ship for. 4ey one. FREE of CHARGE and make LIBERAL Atfi VANCES on the same. oct 3?ly F. ii. W. ER1GGMANN k til REMOVED. The Subscriber . would re spectfully inform his friends and customers tnht K< has moved his BAR to the rear of his STORE 6? Russell-Street, where he will \kcep cohslantrj' on hand a good supply Jjf LIQUORS of the BEST BRANDS SEOARS, TOBACCO, Ao, sept 19?Om J AS. <&KNtiN. l~\it. oliVkros'- V . JL J CELEB BATED CHILL AND FEVER CURE. BILIOUS CATHARTIC OB . , . , liver Fltt8. friay 2?1y In Equity. ?RANGEBURG DI?TRICTt Mtlehir E Holma'n, Adm'f ] va. r Ehra Stroman, ct. al. J By order of the Court of Equity in tho tbove stated case, the credttbrs of the late Nicholas Btro. man, deceased, are hereby required to establish their demands before mc, on or before the tenth dav of December next. Commissioner's Office, ) V. D. V.' JAMISON. Orangeburg C. 1!.. r Comaiissiftner. October 27. Ic6t*. I oct 31 td "VTOTICB.?All Pcrsanrt who Have l> not ])aid their TAXES, will find EXECU TIONS for the same in my office, and will do weM to call and settle the same, as they will save same of tho cost by so doing. h. r1g8f, oct 17?tf 4 6. O. C? TINT RECEIVK?. ? I A frofh snptdy of CHOICE FAMILY FLOUR, LARD, SODA. WINE aud LEMON CRACKERS, CASDIES, *:c., at JAB. CANNON'8, ec'pt. l;??tin Russe)!-8traot,