RELIGIOUS. """^ r?' i^?lijbiikd. BY, WtQUBST.] Tfao Methodtet District 'Conference. TUt iiiociitig of tho DHtiot.Cobfercaco for Orangeburg District convened at Cattle Crook, ; '' JCaWp^Grround, on Friday, Ootobor 4tfy 1867. \ ' .-Tho meeting was opened with singing and prayer by the, Presiding Elder, Rev. A. M. CtrieUburg., On motion of Rov. J. R. Prlck odi ett, B, 0. Hard was nominated and elected Secretary. ? H0* ^e jroll wos called and tho following mem ,Wrs answered: a ?? Orangeburg Circuit?J. J. Salley, Fred S. Dibble, Rev. H. C. Wannamaker. ?iSt'.- George'i' Circuit?Dr.1 W. M! Shuler, Wm.. Cannaday, J. M. Wotsol, E. Withers, tRev. J. S. Murray, Sani'l Knight, William t^lmcr. Upper St. Matthews' Circuit?Rev. P. A. Buyck, Dr. Wm. Wdlfei John F. Rilcy. .^t. J, Pickott moved the appointment by the Chair of a committee of three on creden tials. The following were appointed: PSW^ir R. Pickctt, Rov. M. L; Banks, and Brother Jas. Stokes, who reported Delegates present as above. Rev. W. G. Connor moved the appointment of a committee of five on Circuit and Parson age Boundaries. < _ - ? ' 'Jas. ?l B?rry, D. R. Barton, D. L. Connor, J. Ifiihtjhc^ arid S?ni*l Knight, wore- appoint cd on that committee. The Chair appointed tho following as a Com mitteo on Education and Ghurch Literaturo: Rev. W. G. Connor, Artemas Connor, Rov,v John Morris, Rov. J\ L. Siflcy, Dr, Win.] Vfplfc.' Also the following committee on Missions :. ;?cv. J. S. Connor, Rev. Wm. Hutto, Rev. P. .A. JJuyck, Rev. Win. Caisou and Rev. C. Scnn. . Aluo tho following committee on Sunday Schools: Roys. J. R. Pickott, J. E. Pen?y; John S. Murray, and Brothers If. G. Sheridan and James Cox. Also the following com mi (tec on Ministerial Support: Dr. 11. W. Bates, M. J. Keller, James Stokes, P. J. Hcyward, John F. Rilcy. Also the following committee on Colored ? ? ? * -' Population : * '? * Revs. Thos. Roysor, M. L. Banks, John Inabinct, W. W. Jones, and Brother A. Snell. Also the following committee on the State of the Church : Revs. Win. Hutto, A. Nettles, and Brothers J. M. Wotsel, Jas. Cox and B. C. Hard. Meeting adjourned. 3 O'clock P. M.?Meeting called to order by the Presiding Elder and opened with prayer. On motion of Rev. W. G. Connor, it was re solved that an addition of one from each charge not already represented, .b^q. intfdc ;to;thc Com niitteo on Circuit rnnd Parsonage Boundaries. The following were appointed : Rev. II. C. Wannamaker, and Brothers R. C. Hard, P. J. Hcyward, Thos. Murph, John F. Riley, M. J. Koller, G. W. Shinglcr. Both written and verbal reports were now' received'from the several charges. NldnT Session.?Meeting called to order by tho Presiding Elder, and opened with prayer by Rev. Wm. Hutto, On motion of Row J. R. Pickctt, it was re solved to nominate candidates for the Delega tion to tho Annual Conference to bo holden at Morganton, N. C, when twelve brethren were nominated. Morn i no Seision, Saturday, October 5.? Opened with singing and prayer by Rev. J. R. Pickott. Roll called, (49 present.) The meeting proceeded to the election of Delegates, four being tho number allowed. First ballot elected B. C. Hard, M. J. Kel ler. ?oeond ballot elected Dr. W. M. Shuler. Third ballot no election. Fourth ballot elocted Jas. Stokes. On motion of Rev. W. G- Connor, the four lest on tho li?t bo doclarcd elected as alter nates. ' On ball(ot4, Dr. R. W, Baton, Rov. L. J. Crum and' D. R. Barten woro elected; tbe (mirth nud fifth on tfio list being a tip, tho n,oxt ballot elected D. L. Goiinor. Meeting ndjourued as usual with the beno diction by. tho ProBiding Elder. AFT?Rli??VSession.?Prayer by the Pre siding Elder r The following roports woro rccoivcd and doptcdt_*~*~>?? ?? On Education and Church Literature. On Ministerial Aid.J | r, % ? ' ? On Missions. * W On Sunday Schools. O^C?^WdyoAuWtJon":r On the ?tntl ?T tile Wurth.' On Circuit and Pnrsonngo Boundaries. On motion of Roy. John,Morris, Itcv. W. G. Connor, Cha^rtoan. of ^lio Committee on. Education and*" Clturch 'Literature, was re quested v to.visit the Darlington. District^ Cdn-; fcropcer, and solicit aid for .Wpfford College.. .. Evening Session.?Rev. W. G. Connor moved tlmt the report on Boundaries be amend-1 cd, by recommending that 41 Station^. Zion and Bethel (Jhurches, be included 'in St. Georgo's CircuIt,vor making thorn a Mission, as the Annual Conference may decide Cattle Creek Camp Ground, Orangeburg and Indiun Fiolds Camp Ground were put iu nomi nation as inviting the next District Conference; whereupon Oraogcburg was selected by a baro majority. On xTODtionja committee of throo WaS ap pointed to investigate the 'claim; Raid to be dhe Mrs. Jenkins, for the District Parsonage-, The :Following'wore tiic committee: Jus. Stokes, Ben. Poosor, J. F. Rilcy. On motion of Dr. R. W. Bates, seconded by Rev. J. R. Picket, it was resolved, that Rev. W. G. Connor b.e~ furnished with a copy of the minutes for publication ; and that the Secreta ry be requested to furnish the 'Southern Chris tian Aift ocatc. with a copy of tho reports from the different committees. ? On motion of ReY, Wir. Carbon, the thanks of this body vcre tendered to tho people of Cattle Creek, for tho hand some hospitality cx teibdetP'to the members of tho Conference; 'wnicli was* passed by a unanimous rising vote. There being no further busiuess, the Con ference adjourucd, witli the doxology and bene diction by tho Presiding Elder. B. C. HARD, Secretary. report OF THE COMMITTEE ON circuit IjOUnWrIES AND PARSONAGES. Wc believe that the people have become re conciled to the present arrangement of their Circuits and Boundaries, with tho exception, as far as ascertained, o,f. the churches of Bethel, Zion and 41 Station, formerly belonging to St. George's Circuit, and embracing about 40 white members, who aro destitute of ministe rial service.. Wo recommend thai, the three churches be embraced in the St. George's Cir cuit. In regard to thc.J'arsouagcs., wc believe that so soon as the people can be satisfied that the present Circuits will bo retained,1 they will en ter heartily into the erection of Parsonages for the comfcrt of the minister? and their families And YT? r>o recommend. JAS, B, BEERY, Chairman. .REPORT, OF. THE COMM1TTFK ON COLORED rorui.ATioN. The Committee, on whom devolved the duty of reporting in reference to the colored people, beg leave to present the following : Wc regret that wc arc compelled to state, from facts that have come under our own ob servations and r< ported by others, that there is in the bounds of our District Conference a widu spread and growing disaffection evidenced by this class of our population towards the Metho dist Episcopal Church South. With the ex ception of an occasional locality, they have generally severed their connection with our Church, and formed themselves into Associa tions, whose prevailing sentiment seems to be Radicalism, instead of the religion of Christ. This change in their Church relations, and substitution of politics for religion, wc deeply deplore, and would arrest if possible But your comniittco confess to a feeling of great discouragement in this work. Wc would not, however, recommend a suspension of offort. Wo would say to the officials of our Church and especially to the Ministers, local and itine rant, that wo should stilLesteium it our impera tive duty, to do what is hi ohi power, to en lighten and save the colored people, whenever and wherever prncticaplo. There aro a few who arc still disposed to avail themselves of our instruction, and by persevering efforts on their behalf, their nmnbcis maybe gradually augmented. To yield to despair, because of formidable obstacles in the way of the discharge of duty, is uot characteristic ol the times, phil anthropic or Christian. Wc thoreforc recommend for adoption by this Body the following resolutions: 1st. That as a Church we arc as much as ever interested iu the moral' well-being of the colored population in our midst, 2d. That we will not relax our efforts, in the uso of propur means to enlighten their minds, and save their souls from death. All of which is respectfully submitted. M. L. BANKS, Chairman. A 8PjLENI>I? OPPORTUNITY for, A PROFITABLE AND SAFE INVESTMENT. i aa ACllES 0F L^NI). situated on the Bull J Swamp P'-ad, within tho Corporate Limits ?f Orangeburg, S. C, being a part of tho Estate Lands of J. J. Androws, deceased, will he sold iu Lots varying In sizo from 5 to 20 ACRES, to suit purchaser!,-/ A Plat of the entire Tract will bo made hy a competent Surveyor, laid off with Streets, &c. And the wholo will be Sold at Public Outcry, on the Land itself, by Lots, to the Highest Bidder, foi Cash, on the 2.rirn DAY OF DECEMBER DLH I- mi i' it) next. J, HESSE ANDREWS, (?(.?> ... i Executor. 5. id CHARLESTON CARDS. . TEMPLE OF FASHION. ! ,'. g. JOEcisrsoisr, H?TSj CAPS, FURS and UMBRELLAS, 200 King-Street, CHARLESTON, S. C. Bcpt 28 3m dkalkk in _ ? All Kinds of Leaf Tobacco, and Manufacturer -. ^ of Fitto Havana and Dornest fc Segars, A'o. 55 {Society Street, One Door From King, C lit'A R LE S T O N, S. C. I ? .. Snmplca Seiltby Express. |? sept 21 - ;m 3 Zimmerman Davis, COTTON FACTOR AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, Adgcr'? North Wharf, Consignments Respectfully Solioited. sept 21 m 3 WM. WALTON SMITH, COTTCXTST FACTOR . ??ANU? COMMISSION MEUCHAXT, Jioi/ec it' Co.'.* Wharf. CHARLESTON, S. D. Prompt and personal attention given tu the sale of Cotton. aug 21 mos v|i. 3. m'cormack. k. u. walt Kit. sept 21 ne 3 OSWELL REEDER, COTTON FACTOR AM) GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT. AUGER'S NORTH WHARF, C II A R Ii E S T O X. S . 0 . Consignments RcspcclluUj Solicited. I lid .' * C. Ci.Actt's. A. Wim:. CLACIUS & WITTE, Ar6V80 FAST DA i', C 11 A R L E S T () N, S. C.,' ' CoimHT*si?? Mercliants, a x n WHOLESALE joiALKHS IN* Groverns, Provisions, Ragging, R"i>r ami Liauors. sept 14 * Cm "Burnham's Drug Store." 1 WOULD RESPECTFULLY CALL THE 'attention of my friends and those of my father to the large slock nf Drugs. Perfum ery, Dye- Stulls and Patent Medicines, which will bo sold law for rash, such ax Quinine, Opium, Lobelia, Itiirnhnms Godfrey* Cor dial and Balsam Turlington, &c., &c., cither whole sale or retail. Call ami examine my Slock, as it is no trouble to show my Goods. Country orders fdled with the same di.-pntch as before the war. E. S. B?UNIIAM, No. 121 King Street, near Calhoun-St., Sign Red Mortar, sept 21?3m Charleston, S. C. "WILLIS & 0HIS0LM, FACTORS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND SHIPPING AGENTS. WILL ATTEND TOT II K I'URCIIASE, sale and shipment to Foreign and Do lucd'^ Ports,iOfOott?n, Rice, Lmulicr and Nav al Stores. * ATLANTIC WHARF, pH.A. ULKST O ?ST3 S. C. E. WILLIS. ALEX. B. CHTSOLM. fob 2;l 1 y CHARLESTON HOUSE. STOLE, WER? ?fc CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN DRY GOODS. All Goods are selected specially for our SOUTHERN TRADE. AT THE OLD STAND, NO. 287 KING STREET, Three doors below Wont worth, CHARLESTON, S. ('. Tonus Ciush, or City Accept a nco, ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. II. C. Si'ot.i.. CitAni.Ks Wi:iui, II. ('. Walk Kit. feb 2:5 o t f H. L. JefFers & Co., FACTORS AND Commission Merchants, CHARLESTON, S. C, QPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE SALE ^ of Cotton and other Produce. Orders for sup plies oaccfully attended to. ? Rofpr lo Captain John A. Hamilton. R. G. Stone, Esq., O'rnngcburp, Df. Wm. C. Whetstone, St. Mat thews. apl ?i Ii CHARLESTON CARDS. IRON TIES, A T , R E D U C E D P R I 0 E S. JUST RECEIVED A FRESH SUPl'LY OF Beard's Patent Slot Tie, AND Beard's Patent Improved Bucl'ln- Tie WHICH WILL DE SOLDAT GREATLY RB duccil prices and on liberal terms. Dealer? supplied at a henry discount. GEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO., Charleston, S. C. oct 5?5t Factors. J. A. Quackenbush. 120 EAST DAY, C II A R L K S T 0 N,, S . C . WHOLESALE 0 ROC ER, AND Conimission Merchant, DEALER IN Sugar, Teas, Rneon. Lard, Fish and Salt, etc. sept 14 I5l f, ir. niscitoFF. C. W?MIEKN; Henry Bisclioff & Co., WHOLESALE C IK KIERS AND DEALERS IN WINES, LIQUORS, SEC ARS, ?c, Nu. 197 East Ray, C II A R L E S T O N, S . C . sent. 14 . in <"> S AM'LRMARSH A L L] IMPORTER AND DEALER IN English and American IIA HD WARE, CUTLERY, (SUNS, Agricultural Implements, shin of the golden (U N. 31(1 King Street-, 3d Door Rehiw Society, CHARLESTON, S. C. sept 1 I * 3til Wagener, Heatli & Monsees, PLANTATION and family GROCERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Ham, lJacon, Shoulders, Fork. Href, Flour. Sugar, (.'oflbc, Tea, etc!, eio.. WINKS. LIQUORS, SECAlis AND T O 1! A C C O :Vw. 1(13 /(nd Hi5 h'dst'Bag, cor. f)urru-.- All Orders Promptly Attended toTJSS sent 1I* in 0 S, Thomas, .fit., Wm. S. L.\::m..\r.. William G. Wliilden & Co, FORMERLY Or* HAY DEN & V>'HILDEN, in: M.KliS IN' WATCHES, JEWELUV, SILVER IVARB, CROCK ERY, CHINA, C LASS WAKE, AND HOUSE FURNISHING tlKTlCLES. Old Gold and Silrer purchased. Watches ujul. Jewelry Rejidiri d. 22? King-St.. Corner of lleaufain, A T WIIOL1J8A LK 11 IIA YXIJ STRHIJT CHARLESTON, S. C. feb 23 c lv Fall and Winter Clothing, 319 kino streut, West Side, One Door South of .Market Street, CHARLESTON S. C. Now opened, an Elegant Supply of FALL and WINTER CLOTH ING, all qualities. Fine medium and low priced lor Dress ami Kindness purposes. Also Boys Clothing to suit all ages. ta i ia> i&ixg bepaictje ext Supplied with a fine assortment of Cloths, Cnssi incrc and Vesting* made, to older in best style. Gootls ul?0 sold by tho yard. Wc invito purchasers to call and look through the Supply, which is offered at LOW PRICES. WM. MATTH1ESSEN, Agent. H. W. MrTi iiKiu s, Superintendent, oct Hi m 2 Hixiusns house, (rnuMKiu.t Mint, nuini.r.'s,) 281 KING STREET, fiettceen Wenttcorth ami Ifazel Streets, and within three minutes walk of till the Principal Wholesale, and Retail Houses (,f Meeting, King and Hague. Streets, and the Rost O?ca, Charleston, S. O. The City Railway, which runs to each extremity of the City, is within fifty yards of the house. TERMS OF HOARD : Board by the day.*2 ftO I.Week.SI2, 00 to *K? 00, IIkniiv Sr.MiNicK, Mil" B. Hit.tints. oct 1H : it 1)11. E. M. SHULER HAYING REMOVED HIS DRUO STORE from Iiis well known Stand, bcg?loavu roapeoUitlly iu invite Iiis friends throughout the District, to visit him atTiis Now, Large and wpR Furnished es t A13 l I sum E n T . .1 on RUSSELL-STREET, .opposite Messrs HULL & SCOVILL'S, where they will be sure to he suppljcd with tho vory host Drugs and Medicines the Market affords, and at the lowest mnrkct prices.1 He lins on hand now a full assortment of DRUGS, MEDICINES, PATENT MEDICINES OF ALL KINDS, Paints, Oils and brushes, l?y? Stuffs, Lvo Mid Potash, J M.ii7.cna and Corn Starch, Cooking and Washing Soda, ? liO _ S^^Vc'rjC;He thntJiis HOUSE is opened for ^SBSStssi. t in--1- ncco:.tat jou. RA TEH OF LOA It 1). board p? r Dnv.$ :'. "0 We'd:.;.7 0<) " ?? Month. 2U 00 ALSO A IIAR-ROOM In the Casement, which is rupplicd with the best of ?*.'? . . j as. c:a ^]>cc)^ , i ' \.t\ t7^ Frederick Fersiier, CO i 7 if Kan a x i c a l i) /?: x r i s r, Will attend to thoye who wish his services at their residences, by being informed through flie'l'ostoflirr or otherwise. TEETH on GOLD and ' SILVER PLATE ; the VCLC \NITE WORK. A!! work dwm W'nrran'e ? to give saliifiicflnnJ Kc*idcncc: at Mr JOSEPH FERSNEE'S, Orange barR District, S. C. , f , , n] Woffonl College, iQlStUT.lSRUhfl C. It.. b'tlUTII CAROLINA. Tho First S-. -'iun of the Fourteenth Collegiate V*^.-, ' -ins on the J-: Ocic'?nr, ltO>7. The course of stiv remains ^nhhgcrt.'iml lluj^acuby now admit irregular students u? ''"?-'? as wt?li lo j'WJt?* piiriicnlar studies only. .. The Preparatory School, under the immediate supervision of the F.icnlty, opens at Mm same time. Tub ion p?f Venr including,contingent lue - ^>."i4 t.o Hoard per month about.- 1^ (;i> Rills payable iu advance in hpobio or its primva. lent ia currency. The Divinity School also opens at the same time under I he supervision of Uev. A. M. Shipp, D. D., Rev. IVhilefoord Smith, D. I>.. and Rev. A. H. Les ter, A. M. For further particulars uddrcas A. M. SHIPP, President. ? aug21 Z K TIIE SOUTHERN FAVORITE! >: i Burko's Weekly FOR ROYS AND GTR'l" Hrdliantly Jlli/st rated and Elegantly Printed. NOW PtMM.ISIIINO MAEOONERS ISLAND, or Dr. Gordon in Search of his Children; a sequel to llio*'//??? ^iu' -=: Commissioner s. Sales. t.yrvttw 7#(M?tKo fwVT STATE OP CAROLINA, II. Foglcr and It. P. Fogler,1 , ., ^.,.f , PurauapL i/), the. orile? Ja?t^ikvPWdo 28th September,'i8?J7, 1 wilt sell on the 4th November next, at the Court Houne,- for one hulf cash, tarn bulnnco ,on.a erc.dU.of one . vyr.. ? oured^jy bond witb'intci'cst fioiailatc, ptiyablC annunllj. oolong as'tiry part of the debt is unpaid, andff%R^tp of the property. 1'urcUuocr,; j;r.^i;sg for papers and ot t ho property. Kurcnasara paging for cap*? ?> ,,Uiiqpw};;.r/H V.I > JIciTT/.tfi 07!Xlirt/*ftI1*',i 'dc"eeK?eTr,"conTuintng882 acres more or Icsjl. situate on tJUff Tjft-d OhuBlQad, i?fthift iJlsfr&tlonl bound cjl'T>y J['V?.d/ff fticSord iJ?ans'atod'Mrs.lB*Vadbaui. vs. J- Foreclose^! ortgage,' Luclnda A?h. My^.)jffh^yar^/'tti,,88' 180T' By virtue of a decretal order in tkeaboyei?aso to me directed by'of ?GiaeW1Ifl?nl,!TOniMxF Wat kips. Josapl} .Corjcu, OJubJpJiu IUrM|lhpu*4t^toitt' -ing'mo 4tonurcd And forty-live acres, more e* less! (.Tcvjus? Cashda^goWi iq Purchasers Ao .pay fowptr pcrs and rovcuuc stamps, 1 1 .MfMU ALSO V; U. V. Jandsonrc?^W,i Bill td : vs. " f . Foreclose JuoVD. InabiilcL ' J: i < $1 # r! ?gT!' g #v r At tbefomc time and .place five hundred ?cre? (?tn*;) ine?? or less on Ball,'? Brauch, bounded by Iambi of rt. fi. poorer, S. WFalrY csftftoVf ?'J.Tl. .L. K. D. Bowman, and J. D.- lunbinct. i r ' rTerrn.v?('asirenottgli fo pay costs and expenses of .suit, Lahiuop oit/Ast day of January A.:D. 1808, .secured by bond, with personal security and mort gage of premises to secure the pay'menf of lb* pu'r ehase tunnyy, ViUiiflh"?rfHntfli|irH' 'ill' papers and. revenue stamps.' . .. ., , , .f.,| flj ,'/? AW.,i. .ran id ih?*b Hen. F. Simmons, 1 , , Bill to .. ? .... . vs.J I !- ?? ForeeUle" mJl John llullmai). ) .jJl.O.j; M?.t<* ?-tili* At same time and phi CO, two bin id red a mL ncrrn ly-lwo acres , more or less: m ? fho distrlrl'imd Stare aforesaid, on waters of Lull Swamp, bournicd.?bj laud* of .1.1M. Hurley, \V. llnokcV, Heiiry'uhisen tlauner and George Livingston.,; .. ; ., ; ti >T Terms?One half 'cash, nyd ,L?|']rt '?'??' a" a credit of one year. Sec'?Ti~TTfy^no'nd wifliiiUcrest from date and mortgage ot the! land. Purchaser to pay for papers and revenue stamps. Purchaser failing t?> contpiy with1 terms of sale, the Commissioner will sell llie .laid hiiub? at tLp sale ilry next rucueekHng hl ?lie risk of former purchaser. t.'miiu^VtouvV'StOileeJi V. D: V. JMW1SONJ 1 s LOii'uigehurg C. II., J. Gojiuui^eiotker. . .? OH. 2; ISl-,7.- <> ) I/Ct ? ' h ' \\\ 1 IN EQUITY, ,,r* 0'B.\>'UKll?iu) UlS'i 1UCT. i, ... . ,.' ? ' 11| .1 r ' ' ' " '?.1110 et v.? 1 ? .'1 ^ Lewis A. Zeigler. E?*r | l?'J n?r ul -rs.' -? j IniunVlfon^'" Weshry Uei:t I j onj. and ,i;es.iili; wit houTO'c limi?i? of this Slut el oii niothiu of Messrs. Ilulstuis .Sc L? ^are, coiuplniiiaiits Snljciiors. it in ordert.??! ihst s.4id d?temtanls dosevet aUy appear tied .ple:ol,,unswer or deiner to-tbe. ?mmpVajiliuds Siiid' Bdl wltldn forty days fitaa the publication of, this order., uj yip ordcrj, pro eobfessO' will hi.'? etilei ed ag'tiiiist theni. UiiiiunirsioMci > Ottice_) \t. B? YrKdAiUfclO^?', V Coiuutissioucr. ; Jan, 24, ISfil. j ..f. L,.;:_ul ?litt trjrio fat l n_ill IN EaUITYv^'1 OI^VNGERUIICJ DISTRICT. ' Howard a. n,poWAr.rm?c\^^T1f^bTT' . .. i';- f^-**-f?CTJ3 .??tf^.llKe1; Ol lr?ilwr David .7. Clav ton tied others. J k .;. * ,1. u t.' t5n>t the Fstatc of' WiBintti1"F?glr ami Si:-1:?! Fugle, dec. v.i!l picMUtand].rovethi;iii brf?r? laeinid nil pervntis indebted tii the same will rnako payment irithui ihr?t^nontha from thin d?t?'. ('i.iiimisii nir's'itilice. "j V. D. V. JAM I SON. Uraiigeburg. C H. *> .<'tnnniirVIMi*rr "' All juU-UltjTj j OR A N C ERFRO 1 )ISTR I CT. A. Maetry. adir. .? of G. C. Mackay,'"j ! Bill for ' vs. , . [ luj.u}icih>a \V. P. Hnti'oii, Trustee, ct. rd. J and Belief. ?fdt.1t l> fl**HW In pursuance (d* an order in this case from Chan celler iloblison, all persons having chims against' ihe Kstntc of George C. Mackay, deceased, ore re iplired to present and pr.oyq lliu nu:ii; before me at Orangcuurg C. I?., within three months from this date. - i m?''? h ? U'*/?1 ' 1 Commtsstoncr'ti Otlice, ^, , V. D} V. JAMISON, Aug. 2Ii, 1SU7. i Commhtfioncr. aogSl xii' *"-VTr7 ^ ?r- -.-nu..?;l .V 7f In Equity,^ ^ ORANGERURO- DISTRICT"" A. G. Collier.-AUAirfcfAtc'or' ''1' W Edward \Y. Eastcrlin, : - vs. j-U.ill for InjunctluU ?ud Belief^ Caroline Eastcrlin, ct al Creditors ami Distributees, rursuant to an arder in this ^asc alt fprpopji,hav ing demands agaiHst the Estate ?f EDW'D W. K>>,Ss. . TUR LIN, deceased, will prove them before mc with- ' three months from this date, and any one indebt ed to the same will make payment. rominissioner s,Otfice, V .V. 1). V. JAXTTSON; OrongcmifgC. IL. S.C, V Couiudasioner. Aug 14. 18(i7. J XH V _ j -Sm In Equity. ORANGERITRO- DISTRICT:. .1 no. F. Bonnctt, Admr of 1 1 W. G. W. Pott, VS. \ Bill for Injunction op?I RelicCY F. 11. W. Briggthann and 'others, Creditors and DistHbUtoes. PiU'snant to an order in thia case;-oil persons hav'-.'1 ing demands against the esf.ite of W. G.i^Y. ,Po?, deoensed, will prove them before me within three mouths from thip dulo, ?ir ilivy wjll be :dcbar??l piiyinent,'ami nYiy onp Indebted, to the-.same -wi",^ make payment. ? '? Uominiisioner's Office, "| V. D. V. JAMI80N, Orangeburg ('. II. > ('ummissionrr. ?Aug 14, 1 S(57 j Nil tom?H S^ATe?F SOUTH CABOLIXA, \ ojTTf Orangeburg.District.- / M?dtton. By P. A. McMlCrf?KL Ks.,., Ordinary. * WIIEKEAS, V. D. V. Jamison, Commissioner in Fquity, hath made suit to me to grant hihi Letter?, of Administration of tho Estate and etl'eots of U.. Seelcy, deceased. Those are therefore to cite and admonish all Ah^ ?inguhir the kindred and creditors Jpf .the said B. Seeley, deceased, that they be ami appear hefor? me, In the Court of Ordinary, to be held at Orange* burg V. IL. on the 18th day of Nov. next, aftey-y publication hereof, at 11 -o'clock Hi thoTorention, t?' shew cause if any.they have, why }he said.Alhirinio*. tratioq should ii-u* be granted, . Giv*a under, my. Imn'l'thfs' scTpidb Hhy' of; Oct'o, Ijer, AllliQ ?Qmuifj LSliT. P. A. M? MICHAliL. O: 0, 1}i 'JVtlJ '1 ?.\