THE ORANGEBURG NEWS. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20, 18G7? > ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^> The Southern Elections, In three of the Southern States the cle^ons^ ?re over. In Louisiana, out of about 125,000 who registered, thoro wore only somo 75,000 votes oast at the election. In Alabama, out of 166,289 who registoreo\ there wore'only 93,000 votes cast. In both States, the probability is that^tho vote has .been in .favor of a Conven tati^dnkaUthJ Ootveritidb' will be intensely Radicai. In Virginia, though we have uot pouderanco of the Radical element in tue Con vention alfloTiw that State,- however, the Con servatives , have a considerable representation '^n Ueorgia aicl Norih' Carolina,'' itiere'^will ? tumtaCi?fliauFiu bisf? ? k.i .?dl rW?d saiL'tfAijl be considerable electioneering, and some ?out a (ja'fTTtijc 1 ;?!??;, i.l . ? ? ivttl >?!?-? '. I < contests For supremacy. The Conservative fiao.Jr.vnpi juiiJf .jiyiir I to now* h?e Lv ? are advocating, some of them, the policy or v ^ing'&'del'cgatlsTbul'rnldt'Voting'^ trie* TO 11?^901ff..pi i >\y ?, ,tiT| ^GmemV*Canby-!?Judge Brt/an's 'TJccixum? Colored K Sunday School ' Pro'ce'essibrt?Nb ^yMunic^al'^tlcla>n8. . "<).... , I CUARLESTON, Oct. 2f, lSuV. 0 S,evwill unite to further the Imicieats ofiheif PVrt??-and but one Republi ;eaii'?fc1cot will %e presented. I wrote in my iasfleffcr'tbat oxir jaeopie would make no nom inations', but I feair? (this aftcasnooti been inform ed Buk'arratigeiherits A-re being perfected to "have a Democratic Conservative Ticket. ; GejaoxaJ Cauby is not now so popular as he jrra*if^^Tc'^l ??i?Vd of his military .Aamipistration. 'His Jury Order and the re cent suspension of Judgii Aldrich have ca'tisrid . many .persons to 'think1 that after all there is not much to be gtiiricd by a change of mnstcrs. fiiiilitary rule, particularly of the unrestrained nature which characterizes the government im poscd upon us, cannot but be obnoxious and the unlimited power in the hands of satraps will bo an lrresistablc temptation, to the promulgation ^of arbitrary and unjust'edicts. In a counterfeiting case tried last week in /the United States District Court, tho counsel tho defendant having objected to the Jury empaneled in accordance \ .Military Orders, ^tiie' Constitutionality of tho Rcooostruction ^'A&sttnd the 'legal authority of tlmpowors that m a^guod. Judgo Brydn docided that "?le forTtlfer were constitutional; and in regarddo ' tne'iat'tor,fritted-that the t>niy legal. ,Qo vorn ' mo tit in 'South Carolina was that established by ^'ill? Wlir of Congress. After tho decision .a ' prominent citizen thanked Judgo Bryan for but ruling, and ?remarked that wef would uow nave an opportunity of Vindicating our liberties TVef?re tWe* Supromo Court. Had tho accused 1 beert found guilty, an appeal w.ould huvc been f,ir?<{fi;bntJoi'thcy Wcro all ecquittcd the matter -ttt?tettsftrify idjoppod for tho presout. Tho Question ! Will 'hOwbvor undoubtedly again bo 'llpriflg jh tbe O?iiffc, and will yot be carried to 'Ae'grcni'Judi?lail?ribup tho oountry. 1 t^J^aValWrflBo^W . of the Sunday; ^i^f8*oonnccted with thf .?lored churched ?eVc ba^? ^fandCelebration, and teachers und 'scholar,! Tp an'.' 'oxtcria'cd' procession marched 'proudly, through our Vtrect?s. They were es? ''ccrtJect an?'protected'(?)' D7 a Unio'n Ijcagnc 'aVd'Home Gtbi'rd "(tbe latter ufiiftirnied) aud were accompanied by two bands of sable musi cians. Thousands of tho parents and friends1 of tho cbjldrcn thronged tb'e side-walks of the Streets as spectators. No 4j^^bauggff.of any kind occurred; and freedom's |dsimfiuWioration frteaafjer tfoir j$amp weario^but grati ng;ba?ng^uc4ras^ly jcxijpjfitt^k thcni |g of finr Cjfl^v^^Jip^ ^a8t imatioV^'omfwcm^l^Canby was rccoived stating that no election yf\\\ be hold for Municipal Officers. At the expira tion of the regular term of offico (the 2d Tucs >:? i.. i. ?;?..' ??/?: - ii ; 'S ??? ; (i i r.?..II^Dq'rS.; 2,1) Ml^lXAHY DlSTUlCT, ? .-..i:.- I. ... Charleston,.S.;C,, OcU 23, 1867. | [OlRbti.ARi] I m ivni ? i ! I. Commanding 'Officers of Posta;1 up?ri tlm| nominations of 'tho/' Boards bft Rcgistrntion, jwiH^ftp'poiilt forceacli olbction>preoihot>. or pqiVi] lin? placol'witlilhitheirf teommqnds/.thTefi' xlhVo 'creet'aiid doly'tjuallfied "persons, whoiiwill be designated ^"Managers iPf?' Elections"1?dnu nlL appointinents for tho State of South Carolina-^ and ^'Inspectorsof Elections" when! appointed for North Carolina. : rn ? l?. II. When suitable persons oannot otherwise' be obtained, members of the Boards of Regis tration will bo eligible ?for' that I J H. When it is impracticable to till such | offices for any qTcctJptf- pr?chict or polling place, such election prcciuct or polling place will^i by order . of ,tho ^Ppst Commander, bo contwltdated^^ pdjpining.cWetion pre cinct or polliug place for which such appoint ments arc complete. Such consolidation will only bc'^ma'de. among th'o respective election precincts'belonging'"to dub registration pre-* cinefc. IV. Tho. Order appointing officers of clcc tkmswill; specify itho election-precinct or pol ling place by number,! and also by the local name or designation tl^rcof, if any, and also w.ilj specify the registration precinct to which thoj same belongs, and iHo County or District ior which tlio 'samo' is inn tie ; rind such order will be forwarded without delay to thcfle Ilcad quartcrs. p ha* / iV.'I'hc officers appointed ns above provided will;'immfcdiafely upon being appointed by tho orders of the Commanding Officers of Posts, quqlffj; by taking the oath prescribed, in. Gene ral. Orders No. fi?, current series, from these Jloadquarters,. Forui; No. 1. ( t VI. Commanding Officers of Posfs will fill all vacancies in tho office of Registrar that may occur.'stating in tho order therefor the persons to''whose places such- appointment is made, and" the' cause of such vacancy ; and such appointee will forthwith qualify. VII. When a Registrar is" a candidate for clcctloi) at the election ordered to take, place Pi^tlie 19tjh and 20_tb days of,November next, he shall giye.npliuc,, thereof to the Post Coni iuapdcr; undjsucli t?ffi""c. ofi Registrar shall be deemed vacant. ... VIII. The powers and duties of Registrars as superintendents of elections, and of officers of elections whose appointments arc herein provided for. will be fixed by General Orders. IX. Managers and Inspectors of Elections will receive no pay or" mileage, but will be en titled for clerical labor, not to exceed the snip of ten dollars for each Board for all Unties performed in regard to elections. II. The pay and mileage of Registrars as superintendents of.elections will bo >fixed by Gonernl Ordors. h Jnif] By Command of Brevet .?Hajor-Gcncral K\\ R. S. CanHy; LOUIS V. CAZIARC. Aide-dc-Camp, A.-A. A. Gen'l. Judge Aldrich. T?fih:1 f:i: .! *. " . .-. :. ... .-. A correspondent of the Charleston Daily Avar*,' from1' BlaCkville, October 22,'-writes' ns follows: ' 1 "Judgo Aliiricli was on Monday suspended by order of General Canby. In announcing from the Bench the cause of bis decapitation? IntRefusing to obey Gonernl Order, No 80-.? Judge Aldrich made the bent speech of bis Jilc^ The scene was solemn. The impression made uppji jho iurios,.. bur, and all, was not hopeful of' promise- lbrluilon,' harmony, pros perity and reconstruction. "Despite the fraction?'.! Congress, bitter h: trod, and Radical power, the Judge maintains that he is still a Judge'of Smith Carolina?re tires only for h time till justice is restored." The following is' the order of General Can Y \ JljlXHV 10%, iUfOir. f J i. J iAt;iHM' ' Wrv> 0' if. fi rm? in , (- u IlKADti'ilri 2l> jitJ.rt.AUY I) I.ST II I CT, 1! , '.C'burleston, S. Cm Qot. 19, 18?7. , [General Orth rs A"?. 183.] r-. . ..... -| I r.A 1 .J I* II. The Hon. A. P. Aldrich is hereby bus] ponded from the exercise of all functions ap] pertaining to the offico of Judgo of the Court of Common Pleas and Gepernl Sessions.; Authority is given to his Excellency tliq Governor of .the Statu of South Carolina to provide by an assignment of' tlie Judges'of tho 'Court'of 'Common Plena and'Gencritl Sessions for the holding of the terms of the terms of tho Court of Common Pleas and General Ses sions in the 'Districts of Edgeficld, Baruwell, Beaufor'f, Coljeton and Orangcburg, herptoforp assigned to be held by the Hon. A. P. Aldrich, 'suspended. '? Whpnovcr, at n torm of tl\e .Criqrts of Com mpni PUus und . (ionor/il Scs^tmm.iu^tbjO |J)is tricts of Kdg?field, Baruwell, Beaufort, Colic ton and Orangcburg, a Judge shall fail to ?t 'tciid, If shall be" the duty of tho Clerk oVsuoh (JouVf 'lp/o'djiftttb tnc:shnre from day tp?day no li) ?dvi.scd tbaM)?C aj{m|(hu)ee of o!U!;ol' the Judges cannot bo procured nt such torm j;and before the final adjournment thereof,- it shall be tho dutApf tWCle^k nn&^he,Shcrilf of the DistrictyM^Cfell n^^Iagis^ratc; nnd the Baid' Court slfflSl Hg dcem?l fuHy;nnd legally organ ized fori'^heip?rposo of making jury liBts. and drawing-jurj?jk Said Court, so organized, shall thoiuun'd. there proceed in the manner prescribe oy law, and m conformity with?Gcn eral OrdCr^'jUMps. 89 and 100, current series, from theso Headhuorters, to draw Grand and Petit Juries for the noxt term of said Court. *V p * * - *? ' / * * .* By Command of Brevet'Major-Gcnoral Ei>. R. S. Candy. \\Q t ffVo EGI8TRATION.?The Itonrri ofj IL Registration for the Third rrecinct, Orange burg District, will proceed to Rcvisethe Registration List*, (us directed by General Order No. '.Hi, dated Headquarters, 2d Military District, Charleston, S. Sm Oct. 10, 1807,) commencing On Monday No vember 4th, and continuing for a period of five days. Holding the revision at Corbcttsvillo. M. L. BALDWIN. Chairmnn Board, 8d Precinct, Orhngoburg District, oct 20 2t TT> EGISTRATION.-r-Tbe Board of | Registration fur tliu First Precinct will pro ceed to Revise the Registration Lists (as directed by Ooneral Order No. UU, Headquarters 2d Military Dint riet, Charleston, S. C, Oot. 10, 1807,) commen cing on Monday, November 4th, and continuing for a period of five duyH. Holding the revision at Orangeburg. L. D- KADZINSKY, Chairmnn Board 1st 1'recinct, oct 26?2t Orangeburg District. FINAL NOTICE^-All Persons Having Claims against the Estate of Dr. Wm. Cooper, deceased, must present the same on or be fore the lf?th November next or they will be de barred payment, and all persons indebted to the snnio will make payment at once, or tlieir accounts will be plnced in the hands of an Attorney for col lection. J. 8. C. HUFFMAN, Adm'r. oct 20 * 3t Cornelson, Kramer & Co., ARE AGENTS FOR JEFFERSON FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Chartered Capital $250,000. If any Parties wish to patronize this COMPANY and only hen it ate upon the too general and fallacious idea" that Soutbcrn Companies arc not as good as Northern or Foreign. Wc only nsk such to do the simple justice of applying to our Agents, or direct to the Homo Office, and they will receive Indubita ble evidence on this point. With funds invested in Best Stocks, Real Kslntc, and Good Securities; no Company can be more Solvent, with ample means. None shall be more prompt. oet 25 C ly D. LOUIS & CC AGENTS, 150 PAIRS SPECTACLES, Tiutoran which OUR FRIENDS CAN EXAMINE THE MOST SELECT AN? CHEAPEST STOCK OF WINTER GOODS, OFFrcr.n IN ORANGKRURG SINCE THE WAR. NOW OPENING AT D. Louis & Co., Agents. feb 2)1 ? c ly JUST RECEIVED A FULL STOCK OF Fall and Winter Goods, CONSISTING OF CALICOES, DELAINES. ALPACAS, BOM DA - /.INES, Loncloths, Flannels. Homespun, Hosie ry, Kid Gloves, Fancy Articles, &c. We also invite attention to our stock of Groceries. Hardware, Crockery, Boots and Sinus, which we aro confident will please the public, both in price and quality. COUNTRY PRODUCE bought or bartered at the highest market price. We will make advances on Cotton or other Pro duco consigned to the well known House of J. M. Coldwell & Sons, Charleston, S. C. ROBINSON & CO. feb 23 ly The Southern Drug Store 1)R. B. M. SHULEll HAVING REMOVED IIIS DRUG STORE from his well known Stand, begs leave respectfully to invite his friends throughout the District, In visit him at his New, Large and well Furnished E S T A B L I S II >I E N T on RUSSELL-STREET, opposlto Messrs BULL .** Prompt nnd personal attention given to the ?nie of Cotton. aug 24 mos ( .hioh will W .->>M fiov U\\ snoh M Qninin<:, Ophun, lobelia, Iniridiuutft >t>\? Car, dlnl lunl Rnlsain T:uliugton. &c., &e? either whole*, srtlo nr retail. ('all and cxmnine my Stock, im it ts no trouble \o show my Moods. Countrv orders fdlcd with the Mime dl?patk>h im before ihe war. K. S. DUII.VI1A.M, No. 121 King Street, near Cnllionn-SK. Sign lied Mortar, sept 21?8m Charleston, H. C\ WILLIS & CHISOLM, " FACTORS, COMMISSION MEft?if AfsTH AND SHIPPING AG&NT& H WILL ATTEND TO THE PURCH ASE, sale and Rhipuw>nt to F?tG%n and Do mestic Ports, of'Cottou* Rico? Lumber nnd Nav al Stures. ATLANTIC WHARF, Ol*ATlTV?SYOiNr, s. c, K. WUddS, ALEX. R. CHISOLM, feh 1 y CHARLESTON HOUSE. ?:o:-* STOLL, WEBB & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN DRY GOODS. AH Goods am ntdectod specially for our SOUTHERN TRADE. AT THE OLD STAND, NO. 287 KING STREET, Three doors below Wont worth, CHARLESTON, S. C. Terms Cash, or City Acceptance ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. H. C. Stoi.l. ClI.UtJ.F.s Weuu. ll. C. Walrkr, fob 23 e If H. L. Jeffers & Co., FACTOBS AND Commission Merchants, CHARLESTON, S. C\. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO TBS. SAJd-; of Cotton nnd other Produce. Orders for ?npr plies oarefn.V.y.Atlonded lo. Cnptajn ,JoJin A \\ A 3 V. i C> Commission Merchant, < Sugar, Teas, Racon, Lard, Fish and Salt, etcV sept 14 m ?c*u."T%, II. DI8C1IOFK. IC. WULDEUH. Henry Bisehoff ~'y& Co., WHOLESALE GROCERS AS? DEALERS* WXfi WINES, LIQUORS, SE0?KS;t&?; I No. 19f East Ray; " ] !f;Vr C II A liL M 8 T O N., ,6^ C ; s ... BOpt 14 ? SAM'L ft MAR^fll;17' l.MrORTKR AND DKAI.KR^IM. * English and American.' HARDWARE, i! CUTLER V, Agricultural taplemeriHT SIGN OF THE :?OLi^N>lll|iint MO King Street, lid Door tfclyyr (Suciety, CHARLESTON. S. C. .,P?1I Wagener, Heath & Mouse PLANTATION AND FAMILV ; GROCERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. ? Ham, Racon, Shoulder.-, Pork.'.[t^t^^ugl^ ^ugar,-CtdTeev-Toa, etc:, c/e.^ ? WINES, T,K?UOR?, SECARS i*p to H AC CO a" ?. 10:> "/? ' 103 Kmt Boy, cor. Qi'. -v.-.tereU ?: ;;cnARLE^o^|f9^ g?p- All Order? Promptly a??i?*ed to-^f sept 14 ni * s, Thomas?, Jb.. w*7|i. LaSsaar.. William G. Whil^S^pt Co. For.Miatt.Y-op < H AY DEN & WHILREN, \i V V watched. jf/?t.:.:.v, ofLViirt WaRf, deceaaed. ? Theh? are therefore to cite and adjnohi/ih igt and ? singular tb? ktadrcd and Creditors of the raid j Jacob Phillipa, deceased, that they be and apj>earr before nnj in.tho C?"rt of Onllnary? to-oei' nefd aht O.rnuReitnrp- Q. II.,, on the. jitji day Ot Nnrembwv. next aftfr^ublicntion, hcrc^(,f$t 11 efcWkvfo | ihe. forenoon. i6 enew caAse if hlij tKejrhaVe; Irhj- tha Faid i'v dm in i^r a tjAii should granted. . Ui.vcn.uTi.ler iu\ h:tnd thi- .21 at dar of. October A?no,Dnmini, 1?!;'7; P4 \.k>(cMirH.VLf oct 20?'Jt (\ .0. tVj.