THE ORANGEBURG NEWS, PUBLISHED ! EVMllxV SATURDAY MORNING AT Orangeburg, S. C. . Terms: $2 00per Annum, in Advance. During t lie Spring and Fall Seasons, Extra Copies v>f the On a no ku mi a Nkw? will he oirculatcd for tire vbcnefKof our Advbutibinp Pathos*. JteV" Conf met Advertisements inserted on tiro 'most Liberal To uns. Address SAMUEL DIBBLE, Editor>'Orangeburg Nows," Ornngcburg, S. C. &??>- We resp^crffully request our friends to ?send in the/if ?. Advertisements ,as early in the week as convenient; and if possible, let us have ?them by Thursday evening. By this means, we will be able to issue at an earlier hour on .Satur day,, find will bti enabled to give more of the J?test news, vp to the time of our going to press. READING MATTER ON EVERY PAGE. local rrEMsr SATURDAY MORNING, AUGUST3,^67. Way The Board of Free Schools will meet 'in this Town, on tho 4th Monday in September 'nest. ., > Serious Accident. On Saturday waning last, Mr. Thomas 'Oliver, a Eighty -esteemed citizen of this 'town, met wWh n-serious full down the stops of 'his residence, bruising his face, and suffering extremely from the concussion occasioned by the fall. We are glad to announce, however, 'that; although at first in a very critical condi tion, hw physicians now entertain decided Ihqpcs'?Y his recover}'. The Crops. The weather has not been as favorable as we could desire, during tho past week: but on summing up the results of the crop of this year wo have no reason to modify our previous re ports. i&f ,,.?, ' A friend in this town has a small tract of '^pct cotton"; and he has counted as many as seventy bolls and blooms on one stalk, while forty or fifty is the average number. Can the country beat the town'!. TIic Registrars for this District Wo think that everybody will agree with us, that the appointments for this District are emi nently judicious ; and we trust that every one . nag 3 . vi Ut BUNCHES FACTORY YARN, j_ V/\J just received and for sale by EZEKIEL & KOI IN. fch 251 e . ly Consignees per South Carolin:?. Railroad Remaining in the Depot to Dato. J. J. Sallcy, .T. Jones, .1. llufl'tnnn, J. Conner, !>? W. Horton, U. P. Parier, It. S. Glcut. 15. II. Hor ton, J. II. Fehler, J. W. Rilcy, J. W. llulTiiinn, J. 1). Smoke, C. E. Pooser, L. Lorcntz. In accordance with orders received from the Su perintendent, Storago will hereafter bo charged on Goockj remaining in tho Depot for inn unreasonable length of time. W. C. MEREDITH, Agent. commercial! Ot'FiUK OF TiiK Ouanokiuik: Xkws, August 2, 1H?7. COTTON.?The market steady. Wo quote:; Ordinary. 18? Middling. \\)(,,) Strict Middling. 20 llounil Rice?Dull at $2.00 per bushel. COLD. :&y SILVER. 26 EUREKA CHAPTER No. 13, R. A. M. An Extra Convocation of tliis Chapter will be held at Oraiigchurg C. II., on Saturday the 17th day of August, at 10 o'clock, A. M. Companions arc ordered to be punctual in their attendance, as busi ness of importance is to be transacted. By order of the High Priest. W. T. McKEWN. S. Q. Jamison, Secretary. nug3 td in A Medium Sized DRAUGHT HORSE, "| for which bash will be paid. Apply to S. GLOVER, is At tlio residence of Col. W. F. Uni son, opposite t?i Mr. Austin Rull s. nug ."> tf THE CANNON HOUSE! (OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE.) THE SURSCH1REE WOULD Re spectfully inform the Traveling Pu4 ?ggsgaMateliu that bis HOUSE, is opened f?r ^BtKKSSBOH* their nccotnndntiori. RATES OF ROARD. Hoard per" Day.? 2 K) 44 Week. 7 00 44 44 Month. 20 00 ALSO A UAH-ROOM In the Basement, which is supplied with the best of Liquors. JAS. J n>)w!clnr nug in dent al notice 1TAKE GREAT PLEASURE in saying to thc Citi zens, in and around the vicinity or Ornngeburg ?'. II., that I will be there on the 2nd; Srd, 1th & 6th of September, prepared t<< put in from One to an Entire Sei of Teeth, on cither Gold, Silver or Vul emi'ito Jtn;;o, r.nd will till Teeth,'with Gold Foil, Sponge, (or Crystal Gobi) Amalg.-uti ami Hill's Stop ping. TEETH EXTRACTED with utmost care. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed in all Operations t (i my en i e. All persons desiring work done will call at the residence of Mr. I. W. II. . tikes. Respectfully .Tidy 20th; 1807. A. M. SNIDER, D. S. Great Bargains!!! SELLING OFF AT AND HE LOW COST for one Month, until nil site present Stock is closed out, two thousand yards more of thai line Sen Island Drown Shirting at I2lc, Stout Long Cloth 11c. Hyds for $1, Super Fine at 2Ue, reduce*I front :;;>(-, Prints 10c, fine (best) Prints 16c, worth 26c super French colored Muslins 2?c. stout Linen Drill 20c Linen C. Hdkfs 12.1c, lino while Hose 26c, line Jaconet and Nniisook Muslins, Misses Calfskin Ihiotpu cheap. La ll'? line Shoes, very low, Men'-' stout wax Leather Hootcs, cheap. Sugar, goo.!, 7 t'"r -;,r dark Mus fl"L:iins 20c cost !16c, Dehnges for fall dresses v> M M< MASTER, Agent. C- * It au^ n R List of Letters EM A INI NG IN THE POST OFFICE UNCALL 0,l for?Aug. 1, 1HC7. A. Ant illy, M. P. A vent er. Gnus. Armstrong, M. 1)., R. R. Rrimer, Oliver maekhnwk. Mrs. Eliza Eurnclt, .Ino. F. C. Colcmnn, O. A. Clifton, Robert (col d) Collar, Maria Miss Onrn, W. P. F. Foglo, Dcnsman Felder, N. F. G. Garrick, Dnniel Griflis, M. A. Mrs. Green, Alex. ) care John Edwards. / II. Higdon, Francis J. Ilutto, P. S. Hurley, George W. 11 nt to* 0, H. Dr. Ilulto, Dan ! Hunter M. D.. Jas. Ilutto, .1. .1. .1. Jelfcoal, Morgan Johnston, Preston < Justic. Eliza M. Knight, (bib vi el Knight. .1. Miss L. Lessor. L. It. M. Mngrill. Lich'd Mvers, s. Myers, K. McMichaol, Thos. E. - , t). O'Dowd, William P. Thin, Dr. S. Stroinaii, Joshua Small, W. J. Shuhir, A. II. Sironian. Ellen Miss Seglest, JiillcO. Strotnnn, Chas. Siromim, E. N. Sti'oniau, P. 0. T. Tal um, Mary Miss Touchberg, J. II. Tinloy, David W. Whetstone, Dr. N. C. Williams, T. N. Will. Jacob F. Wat kins, W. Zetiiicr. Samuel Drop Letters must be prepaid one cent : paper: 2 cents. T. C. 11U RR ELL, P. M. Citation STATE OP SOUTH CAROLINA, \ Orangeburg District. ( Ry P. A. McMICHAEL, Esq., Ordinary. WHEREAS, Edward F. Reese hath made suit to me to grant him Letters of Administration do hon is non. cum test annexo, of the Estate and Etl'ects of William 1'. Reese, doc. These are therefore to cite and admonish all ami singular the Kindred nnd Creditors of the said William I*. Reese, deceased, that Ihoybennd appear hcfoi'O me iu the Court of Ordinary, to be held at Ornngeburg C. 11. on the 21 si day of August next, after publication hereof, at II o'clock in the forenoon, to shew cause if any they have, why the said Administration should not be granted, (liven under mj hand this 27th day of July, Anno Domini, 1807. I?. A. MeM It'll A EL, jnly20?21 VI o. . IjIRESH TURNIP AMi WINTER CAHRAGE ; SEEDS, for sale at iulv 18 E/.EKIEL .v. KOI IN 8 Notice. PERSONS WANTING GINS SHARPENED will address mo through the Post Office, J. M. FELDER, Box 58, Onuigeburg, S. 0. july 20 1"? To the Planters. COTTON TIE AND IKON HOOPS FOR BALING COTTON. IRON HOOPS tor Haling Cotton, being largely in uso in the .whole Southern Country, and be ing sold at u much less price I hau Hope, the proprie ty of using them in place of Hope is brought to the attention oft he Planters. Besides the difference in value, the Iron Tics arc great preservers of Cotton, when baled, from fire. Every Tie is perfect ami ready for immediate use. We have made arrange ments to supply Hie "ARROW TIE," and will lie prepared tu till orders promptly at the Lowest Mar ket Price. We bog that our friends in ordering, will state whether they will use Ties or Hope. E. II. RODGERS & CO., Factors and Commission Merchants, C'milcst on S. C. july 20 2ni MAKKET, BEEF, MUTTON, VEAL. Ac, WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, arc now prepared to supply daily, at our MARKET, on Rus sell-Street, fresh Reef, Mutton, Veal, &c? butchered and prepared in tine style by JACK DAISY, the well known Charleston Butcher. We have made pre parations to continue the business, and hope wo may he sustained by the community. Market in Basement of Chas. Bull & Co.'s Store. OHAS. RULL. OED. W. STURGEON, july 20 tf Turnip Seed!! Turnip Seed!! BULL & SCOVILL HAVE JUST RECEIVED A FULL and complete assortment of Fresh and Genuine Seeds, viz : EARLY WHITE DUTCH, STRAP LEAF WHITE FLAT, LARGE WHITE GLOBK, LARGE WIIITK NORFOLK, LARGE WIIITK FLAT, YELLOW ALHKRDKEN, RUTA RAG A, fine American. KITA BAG A, Purple Top. RUTA BAG A, White Improved, For Sale Low. KEROSENE OIL T II E II l'i S T I N T II E M A R K E T 7"> cents per gallon. "FJ isi j,- TOBACCO On consignnicnl find for sale low BULL & SCOVILL, feh 2il "y 1?' JOSEPH McNAMARA, ANNOUNCES TO IIIS I"Mil ENDS AND THE PUBLIC GENERALLY ' that lie has just returned from the North with a Tine Stork of NEW SPRING GOOD CALICOS AS LOW AS 12.} CENTS. READY MADE CLOTHING, SHOES, ii ATS, &c., ?c., So. AS TT KU AX, // 23_' id' . IZLAR & DIBBLE, Attorneys and Solicitors; Will Practice in CourtsI of tlic Stuie.'nnil ttieo of Hie Unitcil States^ especially in the Coin 's of RAN K R? PTC Y . oiiATsroiiii ^iitia \ b;. o. JAMES F. IZLAR. SAMUEL Dil-RI.V.. fob 23 *? '" ' ~iy .;:t P. J. 5IAL0NE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. WALTERRORO; S. C. Will'practico in tbo Courts of Ornngoblirg and Colloton, and attend promptly to nil hu Dittoes en trusted to bis enre. i may 11 tf E. C. ?EffAlJiX, W ATC H MAKBK JEWELLER. Work Neatly RejHtirctf awl WtfjVailMtl, RUSSE LL-STRF JT, (Opposite Cornelson, Kramer & C" . i. fob 23 c '"}':?: BULL & SCOVILL r.u jV ARE AGENTS FOR Tili-: Underwriters Firo Insnraiicc ( OF NEAV YORK. AS SETTS OVER $3,6o?:? FOR THE Security Fire Insurance Compmiy OF NEW YORK A S SETTS OVER 81,000,000. These stand in the first ranks of all goo-i Insurance Companies. fob 23 y 16 Medical Notice. The Undersignc l have this day formed i Copart^ ncrship for the PRACTICE OF MEDIC FNE in Orangcburg and its vicinity. The general aban donment of the Credit System.-will com.) >?} t! . ut la present their bills QUARTE!?L> for Payment All persGne indebted at tho prcsen'. rime, tn either of the uadersigcicd individually,, arc lciuesttJ'l.: make payment at an carry duy. TIIOS. A. ELLIOTT, M. DJ ALEXANDER S. SALLEY. M. D. July 1st., 1807. jury II Orangetrarg Drug 8 lore. Dr. E. .1. Oliveros-, Proprietor.. IMPORTER AN'I> PEALI'JI l.N DRUGS, Medicines. Perfumeries, T.-''l?i Article^ . Venetian Red, Yellow Ochre. Spanish Rrowu, Indigo, id adder, Copperas, Logwood, SpWis 'i'ttr pchtine, Kerosine Oil, Castor Oxl/Lins.-d Cot, v>livo Oil, Spike Oil; British Oil, Varnishes. Olpe, Ahn?, Whiting, Saite vat us, Cooking Soda. Creatii Tartar. &c., fco., Oswego Corn Starch, Mai/ena and Hrpriiri, YcrmifvCC Candy, Sterling's Ambrosia, Florida Wa ter, Christadora'-I Hair Dye, Hall's Hair Reliefer, Mrs. Allen's Restorer on 1 Zylolwlsnm, Feeding Rottlis. Trusses, Frcoch Hair P.rm ??. .-, Tooth Brushes, Extra Shaving Brushes, Imlelible lid?, Ri viilvc Spcculnms. lb-cast Pumps, Smelting Salt?, Ritters of all kinds. Collier's Iloisc lUjm.dy. Turf Oil, Foutzo Ilorso, Cuttle and S fine Powders, Mus tang Liniment. Jamaica Ginger, ConcenlrjiU- ! Lye, Opium, Morphine, Quinine, Brown',-* ext.' cf Yale, rian, French Brandy for medical purpwr. only; nun every other kind of medicine Unit is tfMial'y undid in a first class Drug Store. The Proprietor being a graduate of liu-d.joip and a Druggist of long experience, assurts Jho public that all medicines bearing thf label of E; .mm mm& WHICH THEY WILL SRI I. M CHEAP CASH PRICES. CACL AND SEE FOR YOL'kM^.vi:.:. D. LOUIS. ,T. P. HARLE"- . tob 2i5