? ? * .: Appointments; . } ,. *V|?JWi^|ipV. A. f. Dicksok, cvory Sabbath at V? A.'II. Md4P.il. ". ' . -v lecture erery Thursday at 7 } F. M. ? . Episcopal. . jjOMJU^ other Sabbath morning and afterncwa/WJy- 4? * Lutheran. . . ttarVW. ,>A\ HQO?k?At Trinity 1st and3d Bun B?Tr?JP. paiuuert?At St. Matthews 1st aud 8d fiendays. At Lebanon 2d and 4th Sundays. * * Baptist. " ? - ? #. X VntiOE?Kkv. Dr. 1. D. Durham, 1st Sunday of * ?a?b month at 7 P. M. and 8d Sunduy of each month, '~:?t ii;A/"M,; w?d T P. m. ; ; ?S^'St' l{$P"^^^$ ?ovir Holes* 1st Bun ^W#*?>m- ?' . [' iff Rjrv.W. f. CHAPiiK-r-At'Ebenezcr, lat:Sunday of each month. Canaan, 8d Sunday of each month. Bull Swajpp,.4th 8unday of ^eaohjiaonth., ^ * j j ?'BbV/bT f/BiHokkb?At Antloeh, 2darid4*h Sup .dsyo (morning.) Corinth," 2d and 4th Sundays a.m> ? ?? ; . Rbv. Vfl G: Cojtxbb?-At Prospect, 1st and 8d Sun ?days (afternoon.) ?2ion,2d.and4th,Sundays (after noon. m , . . Rh v. John Inabinet-?At Calvary, 1st.Sunday in each month, Trinity, 2d Sunday in cabli month. '. Ber. J. S, CoNKoa/r-At Providence, 2d- an? 4th Sundays 10} A. M.. . At Gcrlxlm, 2d rind '4th Run days 8} P-M. At Target 1st rind 8d Sundays 10.} A. M. At Bethlehem, lat and 3d S?ndays, *8J .P. . Bsv. E. A. A?stis-^At Davis.Bridge, 2d Sunday "it) each'month at II A. M. Hopewell Church, 8d ' Sunday in each month, at 11 'A. M. Pine "Grove Church, 4th Sunduy in each month, at .11 A. M. -%KTi Trios. B'AYsoB'-^lat'and 8d Sundays tit New Hope, 10} A. M., arid Bethlehem at 4 P. M. 2d and 4th Sundays at Sardis, (near. Branchvillc,) 10} A. ?Mi, Cattle;Croek, 4 P. M," MMe^MMI . . ! ... . . SSf We'.will be glad to complete this list, and ro Sjtectfully invite tho Clergymen of various. donoipi t nations to sund in their appointments, and they will ] - be inserted with pleasure among the above. . >r, \ -r j ?;? ?? ? r;? _ ?-iOOi .What the Sunday Sdiool Does. rr j?*??>? i I ? ..... -i 1. It employes the best men and women in j '. .the community for teachers. 2.. It furnishes .a circulating library j bo - that every pupil can have'fifty bookb to read caclvyear. -H. ^3. It gives newspapers to the pup?B-,''with many excellent little stories. 4. Tfc teaches tho young to aing, and furnish *cs sibging books to -those ^yhd need them,-.". , V S. It gives once a.year a delightful pic-nio, [ or oxe'ursion, or.celebration, to Sunday school ; scholars. . v i ):\. f. %> . ?it?ri crop of the Uliited States'. '* "Corel Tow nsend was among the fiist to introduoo the field ouUiiro of turnips* into. England,, and .with so much assiduity did he combat tho Btrong prejudice^'of bis coun trymen, that in derision they called ? bim Tur? Townscnd. England1 fs rttw- p^pi'ftg' mvjro *ub?fouthvl benefit from tho pltil/inthropic/ la borg of bor "Turnip To.wnseud," than from ail ^f^fj^S^t\ Matlb^tt^Q/^ekl?^ir pt WelUngttfoK Ifciho IfcAinlp crop-Ulj&tVaW& blo to England, how much more so may. it be in the Southern States, where they do hot hayet to bo pulled or housed? ' Here are the natural sheep pastures'of the world, and with tho Hutu ^Ba^oa^/p^er^ul^psV^o hol^ pu^tlo* 'feed, the .S out horn States can. surpass Eugland in the production of wool, as much as they do now in Cotton. To* have early garden turnips-, thc^seed should como JYqiji ? Kioio. Northern ' latitude. Early Dutch Turnips may bo sown in January and. February,.and in August and September for fall crops. : Plant'In drill, twelve or fourteen inches- apart,, and thin out to sU inches for field culture. Sow,, common TnrnipB. .in Au gust, September and October. The Ruta Bnga ' should be planted in drills, two feet apart, and I thinned out to twelve or fou/teon inches. The I Ruta Baga is destined soon to work a great i change in Southern agriculture. They ate is" easily managed as the cqmmon Turnip, afo moro^'utri^ive^ rkeep much-lp^g^t, jxud afford greeii?i equal to collSrds^if^uol stipbrior. Stock of all kinds are fond of them, and* from their rich golden colors sweet'and delicate flavor, are unsurpassed for the table. Farmers, try the Rut a Ba gu, a ml learn how'it Bavcs" tho: corn 'crib I- The Ituta'Baga. is not ' inclined to Seed in'this climate; but this is. a.benefit rather .than, an objection, as'thereby 'the root keeps sound much longer. Save the seed of other kinds of turbips, transplant them and out the tap-root off". Seed thus saved, will hold its original qualities for years, but it Ja tho iuter " est of every planter and gardenor to change seed occasionally.* Seed -from Old or New Englandj^Tenncsscc or North Carolina, is pre ferable fpr a change. - The turnip delights in a rich saildyspilj but they will grow in almost any soil that is rich enough. Laud fresh from the woods suits them best}, a picec trod by sheep or cattle yicld? onormously in turnips, and i? one of tho most profitable of the farm. ^Southern- Cultivator. Ruta Bagas kept-with us this year fit for the lable until May.?Ed. So. Cult. ? ?miay.-.-cawiMi - Tomatoes.?This belongs td the potatoe family, and like the potatoe, is found wild in South America. It is of quite recout% intro duction to the kitchen garden, and now ranks highest "among the culinary vegetables. To lnat?seed may ho planted from about the mid dle of March through the month of. April. They are as tender as beams, and those who would havo- them early must protect them from frosti They may be sown . broadcast. or in drills, and after danger of frost is over, may be transplanted as safely as cabbages; It,is found to improvo the quantity and quality of the fruit,-to stick the vines, and - train them up oil! bushes, like tho" English Pea. The fruit ripens \ earlier, is hot muoh inclined to rot, and is jnueh better flavored, than fruits that ripen on the ground'. " To save seed, select the earliest and [ ripest, mash them with tho hand, and wash tho. pulp '.from'the seed, spread tho fJQcd in shallow ?dishes, and dry in the shade ; Wnou thorough ly dry put away in paper.bags for future use. The largo smooth red tomato is the best for cooking, and tho poar and cherry "shaped, for piokljng.?-Communicated by Dr. Camak from Transactions of the Southern Central Agricxd lural Society, Raibino Colts.?Never expect to have a good horse it you cram your colt; it cannot he done.?The old adage in .Vermont, "A ragged colt makes tho best horse,!' moans' everything', Your Cplt, then, shonld run with its ?aui until It tins reacneu tiv.ii c?i'iditlGUof rnc stomach which will enable it to digest solid food. Then tako your colt and let it have abundance of freo, cold air to begin with, and in addition to that, avoid the feeding of' grain until it is three years pldj aa you would avoid feeding brandy and'water to your children when'they are little. It is astonishing how many nice colts are.ruined by tho excessive use of stimulatinc grain food in their infancy, so to speak. . Let your colt mat are slowly, its hones grow proper ly, its digestive functions be properly organ ized, its flesh in tho proper cbudition-*-nevcr fat, liorsc fat is the poorest fat in the world? keep it upon the host hay in Winter, and good, sweet pasture in Summer, and you will make tho best possible horse of that colt.?Dr. Loring. ?-E-JQSti" TJ-! Smai.L Fajimk and Fruit ?A New York farmer makes' tho following Suggestion? in r?j gai'u to small farms: In many case's where largo farms aye divided, there is no orchard;. But the entotyriging 'beginner may do well -'by raising small fruits whilo his orchard is growing. A neighbor is making more off tho Doolittlc raspberries, by selling fruits, and. plants?-both grown on the same land?from a few acres than most incu make on one hun .drcd .acres by -6011111100 farming. These .and ? other small fruits may be grown between the rows of apple trees in "a yo?ng orchard. The grower of small fruits may do'better growing strawberries, raspberries and blackberries, so as to have a succession all through the season; thus requiring 1 less help at any . time, while business can be better managed and controlled. - ' ??m-*-*-* mtm - i %? DRUG'i ^Ijtodicines, * <93 Me&dnes, j ? PATENT MEDICINES OF ALL kiND8? \ >?' Faints, Oils and Brushes, . , .. . Dye Stuffs,- ^...; .*>. . ?? ? * Lyo Ahd Potash; Maizena and Corn Starch, Cooking And Wasblag Soda.* COMPOSITION, LOBELIA, NERVE rOWDEB Ac, Prepared by Ephraim Larrabec, ?>? . - ? BITTERS of all Kinds, TRUSSE5,.Single Jind double, Large and Small, N Fino Smoking and Chewing TOBACCO, FinC'BR AN DIES and WINES for-Medical'put*p?ses, PKllFCMBS and TOILET SOAPS. The Best of Powders. Call and ask for what you wa'cd in the Drug Lino, fob 23 - o- * ly CHARLESTON CARD'S. B. F. SIMMONS, Lumber and Timber Factor, OFFICE 101 BEAUFAiN-ST., POND AND YARD, BLUM S OLD STAND, ' * CHARLESTON, S. C. HAVING CONSULTED THE BEST LEGAL Authority, and finding that 8 etc. per 1000 feet is tho Legal Charge for Measuring Lumber and Timber, wns the first to require the Measurers to reduce their charge to the legal rate. PONDAGE on LUMBER nnd TIMBER, 20 eta per 1000 feel from the lime received until sold. ONE-THIRD of the Market Price advanced on all Consignments. Orders attended to /or PATRONS without Com missions. Thankful for past favors, solicits a continuance of | the same. may 18 tf H. L. Jeffers & Co., FAGTOES ' ; .'; AND ? i ? Commission Merchants, CHAIILICSTOX, S. L\ ' S- PECUL ATTENTION .GIVEN TO THE SALE of Cotton nnd oilier Produce. Orders for imp plies carefully attended to. Refer to Captain .lohn A. Hamilton. R. G. Stone, Esq., Orangeburg, Dr. Win, C, Whetstone, St. Mat thew?. apl G tf WILLIS & CHISOLM, FAT?KS, COMMISSION 31 EUCH ANTS ... ....... ? ? ? AND ... . SHIPPING AGENTS XTTILL ATTSN-I) TO THE ITIICIJASE, f ; sale nnd shipment to' Foroign and Do mestic Ports, of Cotton, Bice, Lumber and Nav al StorcL . TLANTIC WHARF, CHARLESTON, S. C. E. WILLIS. ALEX. IL CHISOLM. feb 23 1 j CHARLESTON HOUSE. ?:o:? STOLL, WEBB & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN DRY GOODS. All Goods are selected specially for our SOUTH ISBN TRADE. AT THE OLD STAND, N?. 287 KING ST HE ET, Three doors below "Wcntworth, CHARLESTON, S. C. ? Terms Cash, or City Acceptance. Abb OBDEitS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. H..C. Stoi.1..- Cu.vm.r.s Wkdb. H. 0. V'AtkXB. feb 23 . c tf J.E. ADCrEIt & CO., Direct Importers and Dealers *' '.IN , ? ' " 1 HARDWARE, CUTLERY, GUNS, \ BAR IRON, STEEL, .NAILS, AG1UCULTUKAL IMPLEMENTS, ?C, No. 139 Merthii/sh-cct, NEAR CHARLESTON HOTEL, AND NO. (12 EAST DAY, CHARLESTON, S. C. J. ELLISON ADGEB. e! D. ROBINSON. A. McD. BROWN, G. H. MOFFETT. . . J. ADGEB SMYTH, fob 23 3m ""? ' NOTICE.' I, SALLIK C. WOLFE, wlfo of II. Lawrence Wolfo, a resident of Orange.l)itrg, S. C? and by oc cupation a merchant, do hereby give notice of my intention afler one month from tlti*? dale. In trade as a, sole trader. S.W.LIE C. WOLFE. ^ May lOlh.lRn^"' / 'may 11 Im .0-*. .! ; CORNER STORE, RUSSELL-STREET ' ?ND R?IL liO?D * AVENUE. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES! * -:o: rpiIE SUBSCRIBERS RESPECTF?lJA* ANNOUNCE TO THE CITIZENS OF ORANOEBURd DIS-. riot that thcy-bave received and. now opened t u e i it s e a o Ar d s a p p l t o f ? ? - SPRING AND SIMMER GO?liC Purchased since tho recent DECLINE IN COTTON, ?vhieh cnnblc them to soll v ? twi .? * . ' .* ??' ... v,. -?., g. .tj. ?^.i^.-^tAxi* CHEAP FOR CASH At Prices to Bull the TIMES, hnd lower than luive. hocn offered since tho War. , . , f* ?.^Ys>>'' WE ARE NOW OFFERING. 1 t(, '.. ? r .* . J , . . ' ; jj j ^ r .. . W ....... ? ? ' . I CALICOS nt 10c. . GOOD CALICOS %t 12Jc. " .REST CALICOS from* 16c. 1o 20. .BLEACHED SHIRTINGS from l*.>Ac.:to 30.." A GOQD ARTICLE 1 yd wide at, 20c. FAST COLORED SCOTCH MUSLINS uU25c. . . . . *? ? ?*-??? -? ? ?- -.?:? V ? . ^^..^t -'s..', j -v*. ? Ax. ;-?-.v.< f ? Together" with, the above may bo found , ........ A LARGE ASSORTMENT. OF v '' CLOTHING, -HATS, BOOTS AND SHOES, GR0CER1BS,.*BTL\ LOW FOR CASH OR DARTER. mnv II ly JOHN D. STOCKElV&CO. ?f T' JUST ' A full supply of Spring Goods consisting of all kinds. DU ESS GOODS, LADTES* SILK COVERINGS,. 1IU1SEHV, UABAS?LS, SILK EIEEOXS. WHITE GO'ODS. . NOTIONS, Together with an extensive supply orPtUN'TS, LONGCLOTHS. SHKETINGS and other DOMESTIC GOODSS. '. READY MADE CLOTHING, i i ? - Of which will be foulid a great variety of Bhatles and .?ircs.. Together with many bthir GOODS too numerous to ihchttoh. A call ia roHpcctljilly s')lkdted march 1G ,mmm IN KQXTITY. o ? a n c; e u c it g f>i s.tjVlg t . The Stale of South Carolina'1' Ex. Kol. [? In re los! documents. Solicitor Soutlicru Circuit. J Application having been made by James W. Herd and wife and others, for leave to prove the existence loss and contents of a Deod of Conveyance in Trust, made under order of tho Court of Equity in Febru ary, 1850, to I.cvi S. Tyler for the use of J. \\'\ Heed and wife for, joint lives, remainder to survivor for life. and. afterwards to tliS i.--ue of Hie w ife? On mothm of Hutsons .V Legate, Solicitors for Ap plicant, it is ordered, Tliat all persons who desire so to do', may appear nnd cross examine the evidencu produced and introduce evidence in reply, before nie on the 171 li day of November next. Commissioner'h Office, "j V. 1). JAMISON, Orangeburg C. H. ? >? Commissioner. Mar. 27, 1807. J XII mar o0 8m IN KQTT1TY, 0 It A N G E B U It G DISTRICT. The State ex velationc "j ? BiH te Solicitor Southern Circuit, V ' pcrpetuato lu rc lost Documents.. J Testimony. Application having been made by Mrs. Cely Metis to prove the Existence, Loss and Contents of the lust Will and Testament of James D. Metts, deceased. On motion of Messrs. lzlar & Dibble, Solicitors, it, is ordered, That all persons who desire so to do, may appear and cross examine the evidence pro duced, and introduce evidence in reply before me on the 20th day of June next. Commissioner s Office, \ V. D. V. JAMISON,, Orangeburg C. II., > Commissioner, March 4, 1807. )y mar 28 8m IN EQUITY, ORANtCCS. It appearing to my satisfaction, that the. Defen dants. Henry and Ocorgo Williamson, ''Elisabeth. King, widow, and tjio children of John and Jo seph Williamson, deceased, are absent from and reside beyond the limits of the State, it is or dered, on motion of Hutsons Si Legare, That they do appear nnd plead; answer nnd demur to the com plainants' bill of complaint within forty days from this date, or a decree of I'ro Confesso will be en tered against them. V. D. V. JAMISON, may 25?tit XI I. Commissioner. The State of South . Carolina. O It A X GEB ? RG 1 HSTll I CT. In the Court of Common Picas. H. IP Jennings, Jno. T. Jennings, vs F. A. Wilcox ecn, A. E. Talmadgo. ATTACHMENT. WHEltEAS the Plaintiffs did on the 20:!: day of May tile their declaration against the De fendants, who (as it is .-aid) arc absent from ami without the limits of this State, and have neither wives nor attorneys known within the same,*upon whom a copy of said declaration may be served: Ort motion of Hutsons & Lcgave, Plaintiffs Attorneys it is ordered, that the said Defendants do appear, and plead to the said declaration on or before the 22nd day, of May. which will be in the year of our Lord, Ono Thousand Eight Hundred and Sixty eight, otherwise* final and absolute judgment will tlieh be given and awarded ajrainrt them. J. F. PlOHINSOrV " MnyC0, l?r,7. XX .Ion 1 cOnri C, C. P. THE Charleston Daily News, ? (J. B. CAT!ICART, EtlUor. ? (.'ATI IC AKT, :.!f->lILf.AN; & . MOUTON J't'ipn't'tot'*, . No. IS Haynk Stijv.kt. CITY PBJNTERvS. tkkms cash. S?BSCBiPTlbN: l).ii1y?Twelve Months.$10 00 Dnily?SU Months. ? 00 Dailv?Three Mouth?. 2 50 Single Copies.....'...*....?....,5 ocnta' To News Dealers.;..,..!.8 cents The Mercury. CONDUCTED BY R B. RHETT JR., BROTHER. : Charleston, 8. C. F. W. DAWSON, Assistant Editor Subscription, per annum, payable in advauco : ] Daily.t.w...i..?.. $8,00/ Tvi-Wcokly.....$4,00. fob 28 dk -, ? ' ? . -if The C li a r 1 o st( Courier. PUBLISHED BY A:- S. YV ILLINGTON & CO., . City Printers, No. Ill East Bay. ' CHARLESTON, 8. Cj TERMS. Daily one year....;.$10,00. Daily Six Months.........?..~ 5,00. Daily Three Months. ' 2,60.. Tvi-Wceklv, one. v?sv.;.0,00, Tn-VYccklj; Six "Months. 4,00.' THE SOUTHERN CULTIVATOR. Is Published Monthly A T A T II K N S, GEORGIA, war. isr. white. rpF.RMS.?Two Dollars per year, or $1 for k[x 1 months': T>0 cents for three months In Ab vaxok. Singlo copies 20 cents. Bha)*-' All Communications for the paper and Sub scriptions. must bo. addressed to YYM. N, WHITE, Athena (la. mar 23 . / g . tf Agents WaRted TN EVERY COU.M Y OF NORTH AND SOUTH |_ Carolina, to Canvass and Sell Lloyd's New Doutdo Map of North America on tho face, and a Omhty Map of the United StatcR on the back-^ covoring 24 square feet.of Muslin, "with Roller*, fic. Other Agencies can bo given if dceired. ?Agfn6a make from.$5 to $20 P?r day. WARREN R. MARSHALL, General Agent Lloyd's Map. ?pl o_tf Columbia, ft. C. WHISKEY ISABELS FOR 'SALE IN ?innitiffftc? So smit 'Furftnaifehk Apply at ikMtEKV-v.' . t v *<*t * ***** 'eft V?> ?*L^ii*^ " ...Ki'' ,-.vv^,\ti-? ?aaia Wi^>iAiwf -PHOSVii . 1 ? -v ? ? ? . 'f-. ? ' ? ??>? -- ??"' '??.*.** ~.>..?v. ?". . . -.-? ?* .lJ$?^Vi- g i . . ?. ?? >-. < .. j\\ ,.l.?-V...-.-. ? ^?Ji*.\?MVi ?r*J& >. V . titif t* -->V'>.-VJOtf .--sfj * .....<*a?**mf*#i?-*iu' ' V--:-?? ORANGEBUR& MEWS,, .v'.i .'f^. ;?'-'-? .*? A<"- . ? '.-I1*.$%gvfc K.W^i i - -''^l* .t>*?3>iW- ?'.[? v ???...?? ??->. i?/v *fmJ*-^ ?**^ EVERY SATURDAY MOENIN .V'**"-. ? ?; fi' >i?v. : . i, ,r*>y ??'?> tM. ???*t rs*>v*.. . ? ? - . j ?4. ?>. '^rw?i-i ?'?tor*: ': ~tyix! iml v.- .??^ w Gv'.'^l-'* .AT >?^-? vs.-. .'????? .>-.??'?U'?'^' Je^v*'?*?"1*^" ^*-s .?r ?^wi:. -i.v?fc>K?v?.? .%*?%.. TitttM? $2.00 Pcjf j^nnuni, in Adv??* Send m yonp names at oncW, m ' ^ ? ; . m ^<^?-=x ,/?.'*;? *>t| ^^t* ? T-5-! .'>?.*J '?-:? ff>.lX?*'jrTir^?i*. luVif}'^ r.VaA *f?jp. '? If you wifth to avail jouraclf ef-Aa JtArir /iiiVy Medium, offering Bupcrior indseeise?to, ?end jfmr aotiwa to the .;- - _ ?, . . ORAKGXBVRG- 'ITMWM '. And they will be inserted on the meak Liberal v^jp .\-3?"*.t?v?*^0 4pf Terms. u.-i.v.j^jj ^-^i*^ ,?h . -If you vrbh any Job Printing ? exeewited, patronize your District printing' ofBce, call nt the establishment . of .the ORANGEB?RG NEWS, o>-cr the Post Office, and , htyr* ryon* orders filled with .neatness-and despatch, at " CHARLESTON PRICED * 1 a & AJ r { -.t ? ? - *^ t v .'' J?M?f >/?~*?' 1" -:o:? .- For further pareioulars apply at this Office to CHARLES II. HALL, Publisher. Or at Charleston, S. C, to - v * .?H# VIRGIL C.DIBBLK, Associate Editor,, .< Or.address, , , ... ^ SAMUEL DIBBLE,. Editor and Financial -Manager*t .? ORAKGE??lMjl,,Sv;,Cf, . ; ? ? .mat ? . ,?*tv'i "aA? -.?tx*?4*?H'j& ^tM^.'ikr