The Orangeburg news. (Orangeburg, S.C.) 1867-1875, March 30, 1867, Image 3

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gg^f! ORANGEBURG NEWS, F?BLI8HED KVKRY ?ATUUDAY MORNING AT Orangeburg, S. C. Ternii:' $2 00 per* .?liimim, itt Advance. During tho Sin ing and Full Seasons, Extra Copies ?f the Oranokhuro Nkws will be circulated for the benefit of our Ahvkhthino Patrons. J86>- Contract Advertisements inserted on the ?tost Liberal Terms. Address SAMUEL DIBBLE, Editor "Orangeburg Nowh," Or&ngcburg, S. C. Religious. Wc are requested to announce that Rev. S. B. Sawyer will perform Divine Service (D. V.) at the Baptist Church in this place, to-morrrow morning at 11 o'clock. In Memoriam. We would respectfully request the officers of Hagood's 1st Regiment S. C. V. to furnish statistics of the casualties in their respective commands to this offico at their earliest conven ience. . We have not the time to communicate individually with each officer, and take this method of making n general request. r .r Departure of Troops. The small garrison which was stationed at \ this place, left on Tuesday last for some other point, and Orangeburg is, temporarily, garri soned only by the Military Bill. State Taxes. We publish iu this issue, on our fourth page, the State Tax Act, for the information of our readers, who are about to be called upon for their taxes. Additional Villainy. We understand that Win. Rudd, (so-called) of whose departure vre gave notice last week, went to Charleston, and made his first business call on Messrs. K. II. Rodger* & Co., persona ting Mr. Kmanuel Riekcnbaker who, he knew, had just made a shipment of cotton to Messrs. K. H. R. & Co., and in that character obtained hu advance of $150. upon the consignment; after which, Renn was ?o/i invent us. Neu Rooks. We are glad to so- that our enterprising fellow-citizen of Bratichvillc, Mr. ?lohn B. Morrow, the agent of "Simms' War Poetry of the South" and also of "I'ollards" History of the War." is meeting with much success iu disposing of the above w uk--. This is as it should be. fir the S'lttth should maintain its tarn literature, in preference *.<? tu* trashy pro duction':* of Northern Radicals ou the subject of the late struggle for independence- Mr. M. will be in Orangeburg tut public days, nr.d will till orders for the books mentioned with des patch. New Advertisements. KsjrSce Card of Dr. F, FerhnEn in another column. ?a>~\Ye would call attention to the advertise ment of Mr. Tin? mas Ray, of a fine Grist Mill Worked by horse power for sale. AtaP*Sce Notice of Kstitto Sale of Ei.i/.ahkth Rick.KNHAK.kk, deceased; Colonel D. R. Uar TON; Administrator. lejrSeo Administrator's Notice, Estate of J, II,, deceased; j. II. InabiXKT, Administrator. JKa3"~ Sec Coinin issioncr's Notice in rcL?ard to Jost deed of conveyance to Levi S. Tyler, "Trustee, j 1ST" Mrs. M. E. Hau. has received a new and well assorted Stock of Spring Millinery .Goods, of tho latest styles and fashions. J?3T Wo take pleasure in calling notice to the advertisement of our friends Messrs. W. K. williams & Co.. in our coluins. Their well selected stock of Family Groceries, cannot fail to afford complete satisfaction to all who favor them with a call. J86T* Attention is invited to tho fresh arrivals of Corn Starch, Flavoring Essences, and other articles desirable to housekeepers at the Drug Store of Dr. 1'/. J.- Ol.lVKROS, on Main-street. tf?y-Mr. GhOHCII* W. STUliOKON, Assistant Assessor of the U. S, Internal Revenue, an nounces in our column certain important changes in the Revenue haw, which our read ers will find it to their advantage to acquaint themselves with, and act accordingly. {?"?Our readers, in looking over our adverti sing columns, will notice the liberal bargains offered by Mi McMastkk to all customers, at tho Brick Store, on Russell Street. 865TAttention is called to the notice of Dr. Ai.temab J. Wolfe, as a practising physician in this place. tt5)u Messrs. T. A. jeffords & Co., Main Street , will exchange Corn and Flour for Rough Rice, giving the highest market price for the Kicc and will guarantee to sell tho Corn and Flour ae low as they can be had in Orangc bnyg. mar 1 tV- - lm Grand Presentation Concert. The ladies of Baltimore with their usual ac tive benevolence have inaugurated a Grand Presentation Concert in aid of the Southern Orphan Association, to bo given at tho ?Mary land Institute, at Baltimore,- on tho 30th day of April next. There arc to be issued 500,000 tickets and each ticket will draw a prize. The prizes are various, from an Engraving up to elegant Mansions and Farms. The tickets arc only one dollar each, and the cause is one which commends itself to the sympathy of the South ern people. Messrs. charles S. Bull & Co., arc the agents for their sale in this place. Consignees per South Carolina Railroad From 8.'/i to Wth Inclusive. W. McKlrov, J. C. Harmon, Robinson & Co., II. L. Wolfe, j. A. Huniilton. Rev. W. O. Conner, W. C. M., I). Lonis, W. A. 00., A. S. S., J. C. Arunt, II. It., lt. W. Rates. .1. 1>. S.. J. C. Kdwards, J. D. Stockcr a Co., R. Knottft, T. ?. Wolfe, ,1. II. Fel der, F. W. Vogt. H. Riggs, W. K. llutson. F. II. W. Uriggman, O. Times, J. Cannon, Bull ft Scobill W. R. Livingston. J. II. Fnvvlos, J. II. F. T?te. C. K. & Co., M. McMafttcr, V. Pittlian, T. C. Andrews, E; J. Oliveros, V. V. S. Austin, A. k, IL. T. C. Hub bell, [.!..] J. R. Toomer. F. II. W. Rriggmatin, B. & Co., 8. M. F., T. E. Rickenbaker. S. J. Brantley, Dukes & Shulcr, J. MoNamara, M. Wagner, T. B. Whelcy, J. Cooncr, I>. W. Kvans, A. U. Sliuler, J. I). Hast, 1). Sbirer, Z. Stroman, .1. ?. Dalitzlcr, D. R. Barton. W. R. Tread well, I>. Sinoak. Schedule South Carolina Rail Road. Down Passenger. Leave Columbia at. 0.30 A. M.* and 11.10 A. M. " Oruiigebiirg nt... 10.311 A. M.* und 3.08 I?. M. Arrive ul Charleston.... 4 I*. M. Augusta. 5 1?. M. and u 1*. M. lp ? Passenger. Leave Augusta at.7 A. M. and r.,30 P. M. '* Charleston at..*.S A. M. " Crangeburg at.1.80 I*. M. and 11.55 1?. M. Arrive at Columbia at.5.20 I*. M. ami 3.22 A. M. Down Freight, Leave Orangcburg at.10 A. M. Arrive at Cluirleston at. ?.10 I*. M. i'j) Freight. Leave Orangcburg at.1.38 I*. Si. Arrive at Columbia at.ti.30 P. M. ?Thin is the only Passenger Train for Charleston and Points below Hranchville. For the Augusta Road Passengers may take either Train. mar 23 g tc II Y M E N E A L. Mamiied?On the 21st March, by the Hev. K. A. Austin. Mr. ALLEN PORTER to Miss PEGGY FAN NINO, r.ll of this District. Makuiuii?On the 21st instant, by S. E. Rieken bncker. Esq., WM. OTT. to Mis.- FRANCIS WALTS, daughter of John Walls, all of ibis District. COMMERCIAL. Omer or tiik Ouanokui'Ki; News, March 2H. 1S07. I gold. :;2 SILVER. 2?) j COTTON.?We report the market firm, owing to j Foreign and Northern advices: but would not r?d j vise any to hold their cotton, for we do not antiei j I ate any material improvement in prie s. W quote: ' Ordinary. 22 Middling. 23 Strict Middling. 21 OIIANGKBURG RETAIL PRICES. coiii'.Kcrr.ii wr.cui.v u'\ i.zr.uir.i. a icons. BAGGING per yard.$ 30(?,32 BALK ROPE per lb. 20r? 2o BRICKS per M. 8 00 CANDLES per lb ? perm. 35@40 Adamantine. 30(fc35 " Tallow. 25 COFFEE per lb Rio. 30Y?33 Laguayra. 40 " Java. oil CORDAGE per lb Manilla. 30@ 35 FISH t*od per lb. 12 " Herring per box. 1 00 *? Mackerel per kit. .'! m(n\ 4 00 FLOUR per bbl Fine. 12 00(a)H on " Super. 14 00(? 15 00 " Extra. Ii? i?\(,t 17 OU " Family. 17 00(S 1? 00 GRAIN, Oats.1. 1 00 " f'orn.:. 1 DO '? Peas . 1 75 HIDES, per lb dry. I? (? 10 INDIGO, per lb Carolina. 1 00? 1 25 LIME, per bbl. 3 75 MOLASSES, per gallon. 75(?. 1 25 NAILS, per keg. ',) 00(?.1U t?? OILS, Kerosene per gal. 1 00 PROVISIONS AND PRODUCE. BACON. Hams per lb. 250720 Sides ?? . 20 " Shoulders ?? . 1C(S 18 BUTT ER. Country per 11. " Goshen " . 50(0)55 CHICKENS, per doz. 3 00 FOWLS, . 4 ()<>(.? ?O0 EGGS. " . 20 BE KS WAN, pur lb. ?0 LA kd, per lb. 20 RICE, per lb Carolina. l(l(,i 12 SALT. Liverpool per sack. 00(7?) 3 60 SHINGLES, per M. 0 (K> SOAP, per lb bar. !;'?(<? 20 STAUCH, per lb.,. 20 SPICKS, per lb, Cassia. I 50 " " Mace. 2 00 o o Cloves. 1 25 o ?? Pepper. 50 " o All Spice. f>0 " " Ginger. 50 SUGAR, per lb Muscovado. 1i,(? j? ?' A. B, and 0. }t\(? 20 " " Crushed. TB?S, per lb. 1 r.Ofm 2 25 TOBACCO, as per quality, per lb,,... 400 I 50 VINEGAR, por gallon. Has resumed the PRACTICE OF LAW at Orange burg Court House, and may be found at his Office over Corncleon, Kramer & Co.'s Now Store, Russell Street. mar 23 tf FOB SALE ONE BAY MAKE, Good Size. t&S&tfl Three Years Old. mm ,,nf ir..-.?f CORNEI.SON, KnAMKR k CO. CHEAP CASH STORE. JUST OPENING A full supply of Spring Goods consisting of all kinds. DRESS GOODS, LADIES' SILK COVERINGS, IIOISERY, PARASOLS, SILK RIBBONS. WHITE GOODS. NOTIONS. AC. &C, Together wit! no extensive supply of PRINTS, LONG C LOTUS, SHEETINGS and other DOMESTIC GOODSS. READY MADE CLOTHING, Of which will be found n greet variety of shades and sizes. Together with tnany other GOODS too numerous to mention. A call is respectfully solicited c SHERIFF'S SALES. STATU OF SOUTH CAROLINA. Orangeburg District. Hy virtue of sundry writs oi Ii. la., to me directed, 1 will sell to tiic highest bitlilcr, al Orungeburg Court House on tlie first Monday in April next the following property, viz: One House and Lot in the Village of llranchvillc, levied on ns the Property of F. II. Harsh, tit the suit of E. F. Reese, Administrator. also One Trnot of Lund contitining two hundred acres, more or less, levied on us the Property of Culloway Stromau, ul the suit of lb F. Simmons. ? also One Tract of Land contuining twelve hundred acres, more or l^ss, levied mi as ihc propi rty oi L. W. Dash, at the suit of H. F. Sinuuous. also Three hundred Cross Tics, nmrn or loss und Six teen Sticks Timber, one broad Axe und one Meat Cutter. Levied on us the property of I.. \V. Dash at the suit of lb F. Simmons. also One Tract of I.und containing one hundred und twenty acres, more or less, levied on us the Property of Holen Phillips, ul the suit of J. P. Martin. also On Tuesday, the 2d April next, at the House of Holen Phillips, I will sell (5) live head o! Cattle, ((i) head of llofrs, one Wugon, one Cart, one Hunt!*' and various other articles, levied on as the Property of P.hlcn Phillips, at the .sail of .1. P. Martin. Sheriffs office, ) J. W. II. HUKF.S. Or.uigchurg C. II. ? S. < >. I), March II. IS07. ) il< tr 1?? tds A LSO Under Decretal Orders from the Ordinary of Orange burg District, I will sell ul the Court House on the tir.-i .Monday in April next between the usual limits of rule, for purtiliou among Ihc parties in interest the following tracts of land, viz : 1. One Tract of I.ami belonging in Ihc Estate of .Ir.cob A. Danl/f r. contaiituig "tie hundred and in??!" ""'it nores situate in Ornngebtirg District. Id bo more! pujlieubirly i,?"'-'-'ocd on liio day of sale. k ere lb of 1- months. a lso '2. One Tract belonging to (he Estate of .Tunics Williams, containing one hundred and Iweniy-one acres, lying on the wutersof Linie Hull Swutitp. ad joining lands of John Inubinel, lt. D. P. H?cker ami Thomas Crops, on a credit of nine (0) months. ?" also One Tract, situated in St. Matthews Parish, hp loiiging to the F.siate of .1. W. Smith, containing -acres, bounded by lands of Keller, Darby, und j others?to be more particularly described on the day of sale?on u credit of nine ({I) months. also 4. And one other Tract, belonging to the F.siate of Elias V. tut, containing one hundred and seven . acres, hounded by lands of N. Fogle. V. Iriek and David t May ton ? on a credit of VI months. Purchasers to give bonds ivith pood security und mortgage of premises, and pny cash sutiicieiit 10 pay costs. Revenue stamps and papers extra. Orangeburg C. II., i .1. W. II. DUKES. March 8, 1S?7. / S. (). D. mar 10 tds A LSO I will sell on Tuesday, the 2d day of April, at the Residence of Uriah S. ('orbit. - Horses. l'J head Cattle. 8 Hops, I Huggy. "Jo bushels Corn, lot of old Huggy and Wagon Irons, and several other articles, levied on us the property of Uriah S. Corbit, at t!i" suit of Jacob F. Corley. Conditions t'ash. Sheriff's Office, | .1. W. II. DUKES. March 15, 1807. j" S. o. |). mar id in isq? [ty, OKA N (i V) 15 1' Kti 1H st It I ct. The State cx relalioue i Dill to Solicitor Southern Circuit. ? pcrpolualc In re lost Documents. j Testimony. Application having been made by Mrs. Cely Melts to prove the Existence, Loss and Contents of the last Will and TcKtaineiit of .Limes D. Melts, deceased. On motion of Messrs. l/.lur \ Dibble, Solicitors, it is ordered. That all persons who desire so lo do, may appear und cross examine the evidence pro duced, and introduce evidence in reply bet?re me on the lltith day of June next. Commissioner's Office, i V. I?. V. J AMISON. Ofuiigchurg 0. II., > Commissioner, March 4, I8?7. j mar .".in i is iSq"? ity^ 6 it a n <; 10 11 l It Vt I) i s t it i ct. The State of South Carolina ) Ks, Kel. [ In re lost documents. Solicitor Southern Circuit, j Application having been made by .lames W. Heed und wife mid others, for leave to prove the existence Ions and contcntH of n Deed of Conveyance in Trust, made under order of the Court of Equity in Febru ary, 1S?0, lo Levi S. Tyler for the use of .1. \V. Iteed and wife for joint lives, rciuaiiider to survivor for life, und afterwards to the issue of Ihc wife? Ofl motion of Unisons & Legare, Solicitors for Ap plicant, it is ordered, Thai all persons who desire ho lodo, may appear ami cross examine the evidence produced uipl introduce, evidence ill reply, before int'oii the 17th day of November next. Commissioner's Office, \ V. D. JAMISON, Orungoburg C. II. \ Commissioner. Mar. '27, 18G7. j XI! mar .'10 .Tin mm: highest cash market price given x for all kind of country PRODUCE, Hees wax, Tallow, Hides, Furs, etc., etc.. by v.zekiel ft (cohn. French Fruits, Cordials, Olive ? Oil, &c, Landing Ex-lirig l'atd et Marie. Dl UK CT FROM BORDEAUX. rnWKNTY CASKS FRUITS IN BRANDY, AS X sorted. Five Casus Fruits in juice Filtccn'Cnses assorted Cordial Ten cases Maraschino, Aiiiiiscttc and Cannclle Five cases Curacoad' llollaude Five eases Hose Water One ease Fates de t'oie d'Oie, in whole, half and quarter Cans Four cases lVlits Pols and CKiuipignons Five cases French (Hives it* I Olives Inreies Thirty cases Superfno. Oiivc Oil, pints Ten hands < " lied White Wine Vinegar F:~" *:rics Clarified While Wine Vinegar <Ue: hale Velvet Certs, in bag"; of I gross euch. For sale by I>. PACK k CO., ?17 Broad-street, mar 1C tf Charleston, S. C. Ale and Porter. rnWKNTY CASKS ALLSOIT'S FALK ALE? I QUAKTS AN I? PINTS Fifteen casks Byass' Pule Ale?Quarts and Pints Fifteen casks Jeffrey's Edinburgh Ale?Pints Fill eon casks Byuss' London Porier?Quarts and Pints Ten casks Mirchiy. Perkins ?vt'o's Porter?Pints, the above received bv late arrivals, and for sale by D. PAUL Jfc CO. mar lit tf Cl Fresh Teas, by Last Steamer. HALF CIIKSTS FINEST MOVUNK HYSON TEA Half chests finest Gunpowder Tea Half chests Superior Oolong Tea Half chests Choice English Break fusl Tea. ON n \NO. a suptdv or OLD GOVERNMENT JAVA und MOCHaVoFFEES. For sale by I).' PAI L CO. mar IC tf Charleston, S. C. Sird's Island Guano. milK FIRST CAP.GO EVhn BROUGHT INTO I this City, and will be sold this Sea.":0" ??" der to bring it into use. Professor C. F. Sllt-.i - BAUD'S, iof the Medical College), Analysis on the the Guano, can be seen at our Office. Terms ? $50 i per Long Toil) cash, or Planter's drafts on Factors payable 1st December, with Hank rates of interest. 11 I NT & BP.O, Accommodation Wharf, mar Iti?lm Charleston. S. C. Reopening of an Old Drug Store rpilK SUHCHIBEK WOULD RESPECTULLY IX i FORM his friends and the public generally that he has opened a FIRST-CLASS DBIJG STOKE at his Father's (.lid Stand, known for over twenty-five years as Burnliam'H Drug Store, where he has a well-selected and complete Slork of DKCGS. PEK FUMEKY, DYE STUFFS and FANCY A KTICLES. which will he sold low fin- cash. Country orders, accompanied with cash or city acceptance, w ill be promptly tiled. PHKSCKI PTI< INS CA ItKFU I.I.Y <'OM PO.?N DF.D at all hours, day and night. E. S. BURN HAM. Charleston, S. C. mar IC tf NOTICE. TO A Mi WHOM IT .MAY CONCEBN. HAVING. AT TIlE CLOSE OF HOSTILITIES, tried our hesi to advance the interest of the PUBLIC of this District, by letiing them have (loads on short Credit to start the World again. WE are now compelled, by the Debt we o? r to others, to place our Notes and Accounts in the hands of Messrs. I'/.LA It & DIBBLE. Attorneys, for Collec tion, without distinction of Parlies, wherever Per sons have tot complied with the Terms of tbeir Agreement. E/.EKILL \ KOIIN. mar Id tf THE NOITHEKX (TLTIVATOR. U Published Monthly A T A T II IC N S. ? E ORG J A . II Y AVM. iST. A\r 1 IITE. fllKKMS.?Two Dollars per year or Si for six 1 months; 50 cents for three months In At? v.i.nck. Single copies '20 cents. r>,oV" AH Oommnniealions lor the paper and Sub scriptions must be addressed to WM. N. WHITE, Athens (ia. mar 2:5 a I f NOTICE 1- MARTH A McM ASTER, wife of Martin McMas ^ ter, of (J liar lest on, South Carolina, do Hereby give notice to all concerned, that having been pre viously constituted a SOLE TKADKR, 1 am still en gaged in business in that capacity, at my Store on Kussel! Street in this place. Orangeburg. S. C, March J10, 1867. MARTHA McM ASTER, Agent. FOR SALE. 200 Bunches Yarn at a reduced price 2000 Yds heavy Brown Shirting at 20 els. 300 Yds tine prints 12A cts., 8 yds per f 1 loon Yds super Dies., prints at 20 ets. mar 30 -H JOB PRINTING AT THIS OFFICE Tvuv- f* >.??!*. NOTICE. ,OFFICE AS8'T A88'E INTERNAL REVENUE, ?RANOKBuno C. H., 8. C, March 15, 1867. In accordance with the recent Changes made in the Intermit Revenue Law, nil Special Taxes, (previous ly culled Licenses,) hs also Incomes for I860, Car riages, Billiard Tables, Plate,* of cither Gold or Sil ver and Wutchcs, are to be returned Immediately. Special Taxes will date from March 1st instead of May 1st, as formerly, unless Returned within time specified by law a penalty of tea per centum, will bo added. 1'crsons neglecting to make returns for auj business or occupation for which a Special Tax (or License) is imposed, arc liuble to a fino of $500. I will be at my cilice at Orangeburg C. II.. on Tuesday and Suturduy of every week, and will giv? all desired information. Other days I will visit the different Precincts or Polls, of which due notice shall be given. GEO. W. STURGEON, mar 10?2m Anaiitant Assessor."^ N. B.?Sly Office it at the Store of C. S. Bull & Co. DIL E. V. STEED HAN. Desires to announce, that he has located at Mr. J. J. QUATTLEBAUM'S, on Biunickcr's Bridge Road, ueur John Easteulix's for the practice of Medicine in all its branches, and offers bis profes sional Services to his friends and the public geno rully residing in that vicinity. mar a 1 m BUSHELS ROUGH RICK WANTED in exchungc for Corn und Flour at T. A- JEFFORDS & CO'S, 2000 mar 10?1 in Muin-st, Orungeburg, S. C w IIITE CORN. $1.76, FOR CASH. Apply at CORNELSON, KRAMER & CO S. mar 1C?tf FOR SALE CHEAP. EROSENE OIL STOVES, WITH COMPLETE UTENSILS, Cost ?15, for$10. mar Di?tf CORNELSON, KRAMER & CO. K VFINES ELECTION OF CHOICE SPRING CA LI cos, just received and for sale low for Cash, by feb 23 JOS. McNAMARA. 40 HP.LS. BEST FAMILY FLOUR, JUST RE ceived and for sale, low by feb23,?ly JOS. McNAMARA. CT BBLS. MOLASSES, JUST RECEIVED AND O for sale low for cash, bv JOS. McNAMARA. feb 2-'$ lj BBLS. LEAF LARD. JUST RECEIVED AND ? for sale low for cash, bv JOS. McNAMARA. feb 2.'} 1 r ~ KEGS CHOICE BUTTER, JUST RECEIVED *J und for stile low for cush, bv feb 20?ly JOS. McNAMARA. 10 FINE ENGLISH DAIRY CHEESES, JUST received, und for sulc low for cush, bv leb2:J?ly JOS. McNAMARA. ? HHDS. CHOICE BACON, JUST RECEIVED AND ) for sale low for cush, by JOS. McNAMARA. feb 23 ly OF THE LATEST STYLES. JL'ST RECEIVED VI.MAS. SONTAGS. SUNDOWNS, GLADIA TORS. CENTRAL PARKS. Fashionable U< i.\ NE I S. Old Ladies HONNETS trimme.1 und Uiitritmucd, which are offered at the most reasonable rates. Al.eO. HATS Iteinodlcd, Cleaned, Dyed, Tressed and Trimmed, at short notice, at >J RS. M. E, HALL'S, Opposite 1. P. THOMPSON. Russvll-atreet, Orangeburg, So. Ca. mar 23 ?' FLOUR COFFEE. 0L i>^si UUTTER, LARD, I. oF ^ E ? *T 1 CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, kc. Ii? E W 0 LT _ ? S A SUGAR, mar 2.1 BACON, -* lTl.No. I MACK.R EL Orangeburg Drug Store. DR. E. J. OLIVEROS. IMROHTEK AND DEALER IN DRUt-s. MEDICINES, PERFUMERIES. OILS, Spirits Turpentine, Kerosine Oil, Varnish, \c, \c. ,vc. Receiving Monthly "OSWEGO" CORN STARCH. -Morning Star" Corn Starch, a tlelicious food for luftints. Cooking Soda. Cream 't uner. Arrow Root, Salac rat us, Flavoring Essences, Cloves. Nutmegs, Mace, Pepper. Ginger. Cinnamon, Allspice, &e., &c., ifce. The Proprietor being a graduate of Medicine und n Drogist of long experience, assures the Public that all Medicines bearing his Lubles are guaranteed pare and reliable. Orders from the Country, when accompanied with CASH, respectfully solicited. E. J. OL1VF.ROS, M. D. mar 2?j y Druggist and Apothecary. Office to Rent. THE" BUILDING FORMERLY USED BY Iill the Subscriber ns a Lnw OtTice, situated on LIL Main-street. For particulars, apjdy next door, to Mr. D. Louis, or tq SAMUEL DIBBLE. ?t Iilfir k Dibble's, "'ir0 if . THE SOUTHERN DRUG STORE! For the liberal patronage which I hare thua fn* rcccired from the citizens of Orangcburg District and tbe confidence shewn in me by very numerous friend*. I take tho opportunity of expressing my sincere gratitude in this, the first issue of the ? "OitAKOEBCiio News." The encouragement of past patronage and kindness induces a strong faith la - future success, and, while thanking my friends for past furors, I can assure them that nothing will be left undone to deserve their continuing patronage. My Store will be essentially a DRUG STORE; iu it will be kept such DrugB and Medicines alone, as I will warrant Genuine and Pure. I have arranged te supply my customers with Medicines of the very best quality afforded in tbe market. I avoid all cheap useless articles, and yet my prices shall be m reasonable for VALUABLE, GOOD, FRESH MEDI CINES as any body's. I invite the PHYSICIANS of tha District t? call and examine for themselves. They are judges to whose opinions I submit. Scud your Orders and they will be filled to your satisfaction. To tbe Citi zens of my native District who have tried me, I saj don't give mo up, try me a little longer, and you'll not regret it?you'll fiud I'll stand a long race, at well as a short one; and your faith in me shall not be misplaced. To those who have not yet tried mo, now is your time to begin. As before, if you want good, pure, family MEDICINES, such as Laudanum, Paregoric, Castor Oil, Sweet Oil, Ep som Solts, Glauber Salts, Cream Tartar.Csrb. Soda, &c, &c, or Dye Stuffs and Paints, and Brushes, Concentrated Lye, &c, or even, Patent Medicines of all kinds. Now, just call at that Little Store on Main-Street, and you will be suro to get what you want. j This Drug Store looks small, but your surprise will be great when you enter to find how appear ances deceive, and what a quantity of good things are within this tame Little Store. ! B. M. SnULER, Druggist. i feb y le "BULL & SCOVILLr NORTH-EAST CORNER OF Russell-Street and Court House Square. Having made arrangements with sonic of the PRINCIPAL IMPORTING and JOBBING FIRMS of NEW YORK, BALTIMORE and CHARLESTON, they are Receiving Every Week on their own account and on consignment a COMPLETE SELECTION Ok' F O II K I G iV A X?> D OME S TI? DRY GOODS, READY MADE CLOTHING, II A*T S, CAPS AND MILLINERY GOODS, BOOTS and SHOES, best wake. HARDWARE IN GREAT VARIETY. CROCKERY, &c, &c? &c. ALSO A FULL AND Complete Stock of THE BEST FAMILY GROCERIES, constantly on hand. Having twenty-five years experience ur Orangeburg Village, we have carefully studied the wants of our friends and customers and feel justified iu saying, our STOCK is better selected and more complete than can be found at any other place. BULL & SCOVILL. feb ,23 y le ~ HOUSEKEEPERS TYESIRING TO FURNISH THEMSELVES with 1/ Everything that is required in their line, should not fail to call at E Z E KIEL & K 0 II N ' S WHO HAVE ON HANI) A COMPLETE STOCK of House furnishing GOODS, Imported direct from England. feb 23 y 1c JUST RECEIVED BY EZEKIEL & KOHIST, ?jQ PIECES LATEST STYLE SPRING CALICO, ALSO ASSORTED LONG CLOTHS, BROWN SHEET - ing and Shit ting, Osnaburgs, Denims, Stripes, Bed Ticking, Drillings, Yarns of all Si/cs, which, to* get her with the balance of our large and varied STOCK, we offer to sell at theX?WEST figures for Cash or Country Produce. fob 23 y JC A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF STANDARD School Books. A I.SO STATIONARY of all kind altvays to be had at EZEKIEL & ROtlN. Orders far School Books will receive prompt r <~ tention. ^fob 23 y U rpHE CHEAPEST STEEL AAD IRoYhOES 0?* X direct Importation from the English Msnnfacf tory, arc to be found at F7PKIEI. & KOH.VS. tW ?* . fc