. R E Jt1 ?XOXLS?^, i*resl>yl?riun. u , Vul.vge?ltev. a. F. DlCKSOK^ ?jvory Sabbath at 11 a. m. und 4 p. m. :i...^ ;n Lecture oycry Thursday at 1\ P. Mi Episcopal. Village?Rev. Styles Mklliciiamp, every other V SabbaUi ?morning and "afternoon. ???Wwt fjuthcrdn. liuv. Wj a. Houck?At Trinity 1st nnd 3d Suh days. Rev. P.-Derrick?At St. Matthews 1st aud 3d Sundays. At Lebanon 2d and 4th Sundays. Baptht. Village?Rev. Db. I. D. Durham, 1st Sunday of each month at 7 P. M. and 8d Sunday of each month, at 11 A. M. and 7 P. M. , Rev. Dr. I. D. Durham?At Four Holes, 1st Sun day of each month. Rev. R. J. .Edwards?At Poke Swamp School House, 1st Sunday of eaoli month. Rronchvillo, 2d Sunday in each month, Suutco, 4th Suuday of each montlt. Rev. W. F. Chaplin?At. Ebcnezcr, 1st Sunday of oach mouth. Canaan, 3d Sunday .of each month. Bull Swanvp, 4th Sunday of each inontli. Rr.v. D. F. Spigner?At Antioch, 2d and ith Sun days.(morning.) Corinth, 2d and Ith Sundays (af ternoon.) Rev. AV, J. Snider?At Glongary School House, 1st and 3d Sunduys.' Santo?, (colored Sunday School), 2d aud 4th Sundays. Methodist?Appointments for Oranyebnry Dis trict,-S.O. Conference, 1st Quarter. "' Branchville Circuit, at Saadis, March 10th ami ; 17th. .' St. Matthews' Circuit at Shady Grove, March 23d and 24th. EaBtern Orange, at Shiloh, March 30th and 31st. A.M. CHR1ETZBE11G, P. E. Village?Rev. W. G. Conner, every Sabbath at 11 A.M. Rev. W. 0. Coxxr.n?At Prospect, 1st and 3d Sun "" days (afternoon.) Zion, 2d and 4th Sundays (afler ! noon.' Rev. John* Tnahixet?At Calvary, 1st Sunday in each month. Trinity, "J Suuday in euch mouth. "3*55^ Wo will be glad to complete this list, and re spectfully invite the Clergymen of various denomi nations to send in their appointments, and they will " be inserted with pleasure among the above. : {tor the tmAScKtirnc nkWs.] 11;-.?/. Elijah. , nv iiEV, nn. ^ n. nuiu.am. Elijah stands on Jordans shore, And waves his sacred mantle o'er Her crystal floods, while they divide, And form a channel deep and wide. And, while he walks o'er holy ground, Elisha hy his side is found, Urgi:-' hat be mny doubly share His spirit, and its gracious care. And, w hile they talk of power divine, Bestowed of Uofl, on Abraham's line, The heavenly chariots gather round, ? Aud fiery warriors guard the ground. Jtut new the realms of ether roar AA'ith winds, that shake the world below ; A'- Idle heaven-sent chariots roll on high, QTT/J > j "Bound to bright worlds beyond the sky. Thus,'guarded by a shining band, "The Prophet leaves old Canaan's land, No more to suffer pain or dread, No more by ravens to bo fed. - So doth the Christia? Pilgrim 'stand , On mundane;ehovos aud crumbling sand, AVuving his mantle o'er the flood,? A mantle washed in Jesus' blood. .YTvllll i. ' ) Hi) /'A :.Sce now tho chilling waves divide, ? And'angels .walking by his side, ? * .Guarding him safely, while they tell That Jesus bulb done all things well. And heavenly convoys hovering o'er The way, and all the shining shore, ?? . Exultdut shout redemption nigh, ? And take the tav-cd omc'lioaic on lifjrli, q If two archangels came from Leaven, and otic Avas ordered' to sweep the streowof London, nnd the other to be prime-minister of England, there would not be a moment's hesitation in the choice of their employments. The will of God Would be their pleasures.?Areicfon. A Sweet Thought.-?-This little fellow," said "Martin Luther of a ' little bird going to roost' '-has chosen his shelter, and is quietly rocking himself to sleep, without a care for to morrow's loding calmly holding by his little twig, and having God alone to think of hint. }??*) /*Prr-^?ff f'f? 1\?f"f y'i r ff\> ? Circular. To the Bible Societies and other Distributors of (lie Bible in South Carolina : Deau BlUiTltRKX?As J urn about preparing my annual report of labors ns Bible Agent for South Carolina, please report tome briefly Ana immediate ly (he result of Bible distribution in your respective fields. Those who have already sent me interest ing ami encouraging reports, will please accept my thanks. M?y Gau bless your labor of love in the distribution of the donation of books received by you from (he Amcrioan Bible. Society. As it la tho earnest doslro of the American Bible Society that every destitute reader in South Caro lina should possess a copy of tho Holy Scriptures, permit me to urge you to keep mo odvlsod as to des titutions in your fields j so that all persons may be supplied as soon as posslblo with Iho word of God, .Donations of Bibles nnd Testaments for distribution will be procured for you If you will writo to mo at Columbians.' C, and say how many books you want, and givo me your address in full, with tho name of your Consignee in Charleston, S. C. You will pay freight. Let it not be said that there Is a dearth of God' word in any portion of our Stato when tho Ameri can Bible Sooicty is willing (o give a Bible io every Restitute reader, irrespective of color. E. A. BOhLEH, Agent for American. Bible Society of H. ('. M I S- 0 l?l/LANKOUS. i'tU.r.tl'' !>*??>. ? v: Wc will not insult the people of G'dWgiitCwiyB tho Chronicle i&iScntmely)hy asking , theut to open their mouths aud take into' tfieh bowels tho abomination contained in tho last pill com pounded by the political quacks at Washington If our people were mean cuougb to bid for rep resentation on such debasing conditions, they have no. guarantee that additional degrading* terms''will not be exacted. "Wc; are balled on to deliver up to outlawry and political martyr-<| dorn the best and purest in on in the South, and ,to send to Congress creatures who can take the test oath, and swear that .thoy. sot their faces against our people ih the day of trial. This would be placing the brand of infamy ou our own brows. Military despotism, or any other rulo, would be preferable to such an alternative as that presented in the Sherman pill. If de gradation and torture are in store for us, let not oul- people voluntarily aid iu the infliction, but let tho. shnme'of such a monstrous iniquity fall upon its instigators and authors. Dirt, dirt, and when wc have swallowed it all, and ostra cized the representatives men of tho South, what will it avail us? Who are to supply the places of the representative men of this genera tion? What character of men are to occupy Executive, legislative and judicial positions iti our State? Who arc to represent us in Con gress? These interrogatories arise in reading over the provisions of this last wicked and des perate punct incut of Congress, and. we but ex press tho opinion of our people, when wo say that Cconr 'cannot purchase representation on the terms proposed. It is a farce and mockery upon the States, and our people cannot fill the Bill. Thank 1 Heaven Georgians will never vol untarily consent tobe insulted and debased by a Brownlow, a Morse, or a Bryant. Military despotism is far preferable tOTcpr sentatives of | of this stripe, and it is only creatures of this character who aro eligible to offices of honor and trust under the proposed amendment. Save us from the affliction. The Fenians The following, accounts of the Fenian rising arc taken from the Baltimore Gazette of Satur day. The Fenian risiug in Ireland appears to have been general. On Tuesday at Tallegh, eight miles soutli of Dublin, the Fenians attacked the barracks, but were repulsed with the loss of one man killed, five wounded and eighty taken prisoners. Six loads of ammunition and two hundred prisoners had heen brought into Dublin up to Thursday night. The main bady of the insurgents r.truated to the hills north of Dublin, closely pursued by the military. At Killmalloek, iu Munster County, the police were attacked by two hundred Fenians, who retreated after losing thirty of their number dead on the field and fourteen prisoners. The barracks at Dromorc had been fired and totally destroyed. At the same place the manager of the bank ami a police messengor had been shot. The Coast Guards at Killclagh, county Clare, were attacked and their arms taken away from them. At Caryford, Wicklow, and at Holy Cross the stations were assaulted and plundered of the arms they contained, and in Tippcrary thetexcitemcnt was said to bo intense. At the latest advices the railway trains were running between Dublin and Cork. Thirteen persons had been arrested at Linierik. All was quiet in Dublin and there were no longer any signs of disturbance in Cork. Limerick or Watorford. Still later advices state that fifteen hundred Fenians were reported to be threatening the town of Tippcrary ; that Donohue. the leader in the fight at Tallegh, together with three of his companions has since died. The insurgents in the mountains aro represented as suffering se 'vcrely from cold and exposuro. Troops from England were being rapidly poured into Ire land. A skirmish had occurred at Kilfinarc in Limerick county, in which the insurgent: were defeated with loss. Another band was defeated at Olnnmcl. Armed parties arc still roving through Clare, Tippcrary and Limerick, shipping private houses of guns and other weapons, and have frequent conflicts with the police and constabulary. Incendiary fires are said to he frequent iu the city aud county of Limerick. The'county is said to be full of I Irish-Americans, but it is difficult to apprehend them, as the country people refuse to betray their hiding-plabes to the authorities. In Dub. I'm the conclusion has already been reached that the insurrection lias failed. There was great excitement at New York yesterday among the Fenians, arising from the briof details of recent, outbreaks iu the vicinity of Ortbliu, as furnished by tho cable. It was rumored among the New York Fenians? through upon what authority is not stated? that Colonel Gleesen has received a dispatch reporting that the Irish Fenians had attacked Barrack Tallegh, near Dublin, and succeeded iu disarming one hundred and fifty men. It was punnrod al ? -.. I-r-^~-1---? WILLIS & CfflSOLM, FACTORS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND SHIPPING A GENTS. WILL ATTEND TO THE PURCHASE, sale and.shipiuout to Foreign and Do mestic Ports, of Cotton, Rico, Lumber and Nav al Stores. ATLANTIC WHARF, OI-TA.RTl.T^STOISr, s. c. E. WILLIS. . ALEX. lt. CIIISOLM. fob 28 , 1 y SAMT R. MARSHALL, Forirrerly Co-partner of .1. E. Adgcr k Co.) IMPORTER AND DE ALE ltd X ENGLISH A ND AMERICA N Hardware, Cutlery, Guns, AND A GR1UMTHAL IMPIiOTKTS, 310 Kilty Street-; 3d dour below Society, CHARLESTON. S. C. feb 23 im S. Thomas, Ja., Wji. S. Lasskac William G. Whilden & Co. FOEMEELY OK IIAYDEN & WHILDEN, DEALERS IN WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER WAIIE, CUOCK EttY, CHINA, CLASS WAKE, AND HOUSE FURNISH IXO ARTICLES. Old Gold and Silver purchased. Watches and ./e. welrj/ rejiairctI. 225 King-NL, Corner of JJennfaln, A T WHOLESALE U IIA VNE STREET CHARLESTON. S. C. feb 23 . 2m J. E. ABGER & CO., Direct Importers and Dealers IN HARDWARE, CCTLERY. GUNS. HAU IKON. STEEL, NAILS, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. &C 1 ? No. I till M"t ill,/-St I eef, NEAK CHARLESTON HOTEL, AND NO. (52 EAST HA )'. cLrA RLi<:srrox? s. c. J. ELLISON ADO KU. K. D. ROBINSON. A. Met?. BROWN. 0. II. MOFFETT. .1. ADGKU SMYTH, fob 23 3m CHARLESTON HOUSE. ?:o:? STOLL, WEBB & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IX TVO^tr S\iC\\T\(Z.i JJPJLlu JL \X^^li,K3o All Goods nrc selected specially for our SOUTHERN TRADE. AT THE OLD STAND, NO. 2S7 KINO STREET, Three doors below Weiuwnrth, GhARLESTON. S. C. Terms Cash, or City Acceptance. ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. H. 0. Stum.. Ciiaui.i:s Wkmi. II. C. Wai.kkr. feb 23 c tf The Mercury. CONDUCTED BY R. B. RHETT dlL. k BROTHER. Charleston. S. C. F. W. DAWSON, Assistant Editor Subscription; per annum, payable hindrance: Daily. $8,00. Trf-Wcekly. $1.00. feb 2:j dli if The C h a r 1 e s < o n C o u ri o r. PUBLISHED BY i A. S. WILLINGTON & CO.. City Printers, No. Ill Fast Hay. CHARLESTON, S. C. TERMS. Daily one year.'.. $10,00. Daily Six MoutliS. ">,00. Daily Three Month*. 2.?*>(?. Tri-Wcckly, one year. 0.00. Trj Weekly, Six Months. 1,00. Charleston Daily News, . :ti, R, CATHCAUT, IWilor, CATIM'ART, McMTLLAN ft MORTON I'ri >prlctorst No. 18 Havxe Stkkhp. terms cash, SUBSCRIPTION. Daily-?Twelve Months.$10 00 Daily?Six Months. fi 00 Daily?Three Months. 2 ftO Sinfflo Copies.5 cents To New. Dealers....,.0 cents i- <;!?;<. >??? H u GIIEAT GOMBIlTATIOIf SHOW, CIRCUS TRAINED ANIMALS!!! Jf^OM IST-JEW OXiLliiA.]N"S, WHERE IT 'HAS BEEN RE-6r?L**I^( AND| ?KFOTK? FOR ITS BE ANNUAL TOLR MlioJ?1- 80?TIL \ SECOND -o ln. SELECTING AND ARU ANGING THEIR GREAT ATTRACTION FOR THEIR It bus boon the aim of the management to present, for tho patronage of the public, nn entertain incut that shall combine nil the elements of NOVELTY, CURIOSITY AND EXCELLENCE" And with a lavishing expenditure of time and money, they have organized and perfected the GREAT SEXTIBULE COMBINATION, COMBINING UNDER ONE IMMENSE PAVILION, FOR ONE PRICE OP-ADMIS SION. EDUCATED SACRED BULL! -:o: The Manager, in announcing the commencement of the Second Annual Tour of MIKE LIPiMAN S GREAT COMBINATION SUOYV, is pleased to be enabled u> .present an array of artistic names comprising (hobest in the word. Hotter Riders, greater Equestrians, bolder Gymnasts, more daring Acrobats, liner Blooded Horses, smaller Ponies, funnier Mules, more original Clowns, than any Company now traveling. Witness the following list. comprising only a portion of the performers, forming the GIIEAT CONGRESS OF ARTISTS, connected with this Model Inhibition of th? Nineteenth Centnrv. -:o: TOM WATSON, CHAMPION HI I) Kll OF THE IVOR LI). -:o: Mr. KDWIN CEOUESTE, the original Conversationalist late of Lent's Circus, will uppoa at each entertainment. Mr. YVM DONALDSON Ethiopian Clown! THE CELEBRATED BLISS FAMILY J| Mr. GEORGE BATCIIEt.LHR, the great Vault er I J?RN NAYI.OR, the most affable of Hing Ma? and l.riipcr of Hie Age; I L*rs, and most vdrsallte abilities, that must in" time Mr. TOM WATSON, v. ho bids fair to win the ,'ule win fame and position, of Chnmnion Uhler of tlx- World. Professor THOMPSON, Trainer of Animals, Mr. H?HT. HUNTING, the Double Somersault WM. SSIITH, Mr. I1UHKK, Mr. POWEltS, Mr. nnd Lightening Lea per. SO.MRHS, Ma.lame DeLOUIS, Madame STANLEY, Mohs.DKl.OUIS, and his Wonderful Trained Dogs. Mrs. I?. Wl 1.1,1 A MS, Mr. II. JENNINGS, und a W. LAUDE, the Wihl Norseman of the Plains. host of i AGJIojliVl'S, TUMBLERS, GYMNASTS. WM. MOHGAN, Sccuic Equestrian. Ktjt'lXBS, ami AUXIL1 AHIKS. M O XX AVONDKKI^UL TUA'INKD SDOGSj Among the many features of Ibis Colossal Exhibition, pill bft the Orand Procession led hy ECKIl ART'S WOULD HENOWNEp OPEHA HAND, drawn by a splendid team of Andalusian Horses, in tho beautiful and elaborately decorated Car of .Eobis, which will be followed by tho Procession of Acting |}ppr? Sacred Hulls, Performing Pngx, &o., &o, Wild. EXHIBIT AT ORANGEBURO, TUESDAY MARCH boTIf, AFTERNOON AND NIfillT, &ryy- Admission 7.'? cents : children under 10 years of age, 50 cents. Separate scats for colored pnp^ons 60 cents. Doors open at 2 and 7 o'clock. Performances commence an hour afloy, Will also exhibit at COLUMBIA, Wednesday Mareh 27. mar 1? 2t ORANGEBURG DISTRICT-.-lN.EQUITY. V. D. V. Jamison,* Coin'ir. ) ' Bill for vs. \ Foreclosure of C. ILM^^^T ^ Mortgage. By virtfio of ?? Decretal Ordtr itr thU case, I will SclV at Orangehurg Court House, on Monday the first day of April next, within the Legal .Hours, the following Bwul ilstntc to wit :? All that Plantation or Tract of Lan?l situated im this District, in the . fork of tho. Edigto Hirer, ami bounded according to a re-survey Plat made by BI. L. Baldwin, Oct. 11,- 1807, Tii: (Containing. 470 acres, more or less,} on the Northeast, by dun.!* of said C, M. McM ic h acl, and estate lands of John Moody, deceased, on the Northwest and Southwest by lauds of John East erlin, and Southeast by land* of Joseph G. G lover. TERMS OF 3AM!.' Oncdourth cnHh?the balance, on n credit of twelve hiunthsi, with interest from day: of sale, payable an nually, the purchaser to give bond and mortgage of the premises to secure the payment of sahl.balancc. Commissioner's Office, \ 'V. D. V. JAMISON, March 6, 1807. J j ?' Commiasiotirf, mar 0 td ' '. ' ALSO '?,"':,!'. ''U* Harriet 0. AdltV?. 1 M'PartHle* TS. .. Vjl ojid John P. Baxter, et ux ct ?1. j Account By virtue of a Decretal Order made in this ?aus?, i will sell at Columbia, S. C, on the, 1st Monday i*> April next " . . 1 All that Lot of Land lying and being in theCitr o/ Columbia; with a Dwelling IIuum; .;ml..other build-; ings thereon, containing one acre 'more' or less, and bounded North by Divine-Strcpr, Bast bj lot of P. F. Fraiee, West by Richardson-Street and South by lot oT Henry BlcMillah. "Said lot will be sold either' in whole or parcels. ? ? . ' CON MITHIN?. |t j 1 Cash sufficient *? defray the expenses of PTooeeu.? Ui^ti?the'balance on a. credit of twelve unonthsj purchaser giving bond with approved mircticn, bear-* ing interest from day v>f sale, and a mortgage of tho premises to secure, .the; puYchriao money { also to pay each for paper? and revenue stamps. Conmussionvrs Office, ?{% V? D. V.'JAMISON, Orangeburg O. H., 8. > ', Coiumissionsr.. '?'Jr;r " I March ft, 1807 ?.mitV: I , ?... I ' -O i ?'?UtK. id Absalom Snell, 1 vs. ???? =? y ?? 1 ' M. J. D. Knst, ) ' : \ ,: Pursuant to nn order in this ease, v\V. be sold at Orangehurg on the first' Monday in 'April next, between the Legal Hour??? ,..t All that Tract of Land in Orangehurg D'utriet. containing 1?H acres, morc'or.lcYs, bounded North J;? lands of Absolom M. Sncll,. East by lands of Lewis P. Collier, Smith by lands of S. E.rMoor?r and West by lands of S. G. Fajr. Conditions' cash and purchaser to pay for papers. AT BO IL C. SallV*-Ex'r'- \ ,T8K I I,- v I ' If M-' \i<\ Ursula Corbett ct al. J Will be sold, the Hall Tract, containing acreS", more or less, situation Denn'Swamp, waters of N. Edislo river, in Orangeb?rg District, and bounded North and Eaxt by lands of Allen Porter and J. C. Fannill, .and West on Dean Swamp. U; ? iijjt > li I ilrTOtfft ort'X One-third cash, and the balance on a credit until 1st Feb, 18R8, secured by bond, bearing interest from date, with a mortgage of the property and per sonal security: Purchasers to puy for papers and Revenue Stamps. ? . . . , ALSO ; jj Wm. W. Jones ct nl vs. > Fraena Jones ct al j Will be sold, Lands of the Estate of Iyaac,Joncrt, nn Gipson's Bay in OrangebUi g District, containing '20~> acres, liiorc ?>r less, ami hounded by latida of th<* same Estate, advanced to Rcii...im!u Jones und Bian ca Glaze and the share of the Widow Fraenn Jon?.s, and by land.- of Hamilton Sil nie r. ALSO ' William .T. Fairy ?ttlV li 1 .H?ll rimes, J Andrew J* Gj Will be sold, a Tract of Land containing 18p aures more or less, near Branch ville, and bounded by tnuds of the Estate of A. II. Syphrett^Abram 0(,.-nhd D. D. Fairy, and- Appleby*, Conditions cash, ami .purchaser to pay .for pf.pers and Revenue Stamps. ALSO ' Watson A. O'Cain, Adm'r ^ I i ., . ?? iIi vi: -t ituiii ? Andrew J. Smoke et ux ei at j Will besohl, a Tract of Land in the fork of the* Edisios, containing 280 acres, more or. lesa, and bounded by lands of John McMichaid, estate lauds of D. A. F. Summers, Lewis Wissenhunt and'the es tate lands of Saiuuel Bair,. ..._ TKl.MSf.-.J So much cash as will defray the cqis\\ ^ thrs*K proceedings, i and tb6 balance on t\ c-\e February Sittings,' 1807". Guardians a: il Trustees. / at Orangrburg. The Commissioner having reported that all the Records of his office wero destroyed during the rc cont war, and that he is unable to report even the names of all the Guardians and Trustees: It is or dered, that he do publish a notice to nil por.-OiiB who were appointed Guardians or Trustees, or were in any way liable to account as such in this Court prior to tho l?th Mny, 18153, to appear before hira and en ter into new bonds on or before tho first d-ty- of?Junc next, nnd in every cnee in which ho can obtajn evi dence to satisfy himself that nny person so liable to account has failed to oomply with this notice, he shall U mo a rule against such persons, to comply. It is also ordered, Thftt in addition to their, giving new bond, that thfty ha required to file In th'c Com-. miBslnner's Offioo, within tho time aforesaid, their return?! shewing all ihjpir receipts and expenditures for tho wurtls, and also a'f nil'schedule of nil the pro perty of every description which they mny. Irold for their respective wards. ft Signed. WM. D. JOHNSON. MarSH 1, 18tl7. Chaineellor. A truo copy of the original order, eq reeord ha ibis. Office. ' . ' ' I Commissioners Office. 1 V. D, V? JAMISON. M ireh ?. l?t<7. , i' ' Commi-fiiijcr. mnv 9 m ' ,S