THE ORANGEBURG NEWS, PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY MORNING V " AT ^ Orangeburg, S. C. Terms: $2 00per Annum, in Advance. During tho Spring and Full Seasons, Extra Copies of'the Oh a no ku i' no Nbw* will bo circulated for the benefit of our Advkutisinq Patrons. figg" Contract Advertisements inserted ou tho most Liberal Terms. Address SAMUEL DIBBLE, Editor "Orungeburg News," Orangeburg, S. C. Sale Day. As usual, Ornugeburg was crowded ou Mon day Jast with peoplo from all parts of tho Dis trict. As our readers have remarked in our advertising columns, a great dctil of land was in tho market for divisiou of property under pro ceedings in Equity or in the Court of Ordi nary. ' The principle sales were as follows :. Riley vs. Riley. 124 acres, ?175; 114 acres, $300; 14S uerc?, $300; 100 acres, $450 : one-third cash; balance twelve months credit. Huff vs. Syphrct. 300 acres, $300; 081 acres, $485; 130 acres, $?; 100 ncrcs, $195: one third cash. Adtnr Walker vs. Cleelcly. ? 257 acres, $275; 5U? acres, $1700 : one third cashr Estate J. W. Tindal. 145 acres, $120. . Estate J. W. Martin. -.190 acres, $320. ?? Estate C. Cridtr. 134 acres, $134. Simmons vs. Roire. 00 sticks timber, $29.50 : cash. ? Some personal property was also sold, and mules brought prices from $150 to $200, at auction, and at private sale. Some enterprising itinerant venders of dry ?goods had a public sale also, in the open air, ;md realized prices so much higher than those charged in the stores of our Town, that we ad vise our regular merchants, to try the same plan to dispose of any old stock they may have ? on hand. New ?Advertisements. ... :?:o:~ j J8QT" Sec Sales on 3rd and 4th pages. Also. .Notice to .Guardians and Trustees. JG6>~ iScc Notice to.T?.vI\iyerfl of Orange ^?ari?hY' ? ? ; . 4S?~Soe Ordinance of Town Council. ? JWaT See Citation, Estate of Miss ELIZA BETH RlCKENBAKEtt. SSf- Attention is invited to the Notice of the . Estate of Maj. J. V. GLOVER, announcing plantation to rent on liberal terms. Messrs. T. A. J EFi'uitDS & Co., for the bcncGt of tho public, have acted as agents for the purchase of large supplies of Corn for this District, and have also received on their own account a consignment of the same article, which' is for saic at the lowest rates, as will be seen by their advertisement in our columns. Give them a call. Consignees per South Carolina Railroad From 1st to 7th Inclusive. W2>McI31roy, Ezekiel & Kolin, Bull & Scovilt, T. K. Legare, T. A. Jeffords & Co., W. T. Light foot; J H. Hydrick, P. II. W. Brigginatm, .). B. Phclps, C. A. Zciglcr, Cor nelson, Kramer & Co., Addon .*c Boliver, J. II. Felder, J. W. Kcitt, It. Livingston', N. K. W.. Sistrunk, .1. King. J. A. Hamilton, Dukes & Hinder, J. Jones, Smoak & Slulcy, Robinson & Co., IVGowan, A, P. A vinger, J. C. Edwards, P. P. Shu icr, T. Kay, D. W. Barton, J. B. White,T. II. Lc gure, W. A. O'Cnln, A. S. Salley, J. McNamuni, L. D. Clark, O. L. Smith W. Knoits, H. N. Shell, 11. L. Wolfe, W. E. Williunis & Co., C. B. Glover, C. L. Qrambling, K. It. Co. H Y M E N E A I,. 'Marriki>?On the 25th ult. nt the residence of the bride's father, by Her. W. G. Connor, Mr. J. W. FAIRY, Jnnr. to Miss LAV IN! A K. daughter of J. W. II. Dukes Esq., all of this District. Marrikd?On the 21st ult. ai tlie ?'?HUlcnoo of (lie bride's mother, by Rev. Win. Jones, Mr. JOltH n. I50ZZABD to Miss LOVICY C. ItUPLE, all of this District. - NOTICE. All persons indebted to me by note or otherwise, jire requested to meet mo at the office of Messrs. Simouton & Glover, Attorneys at Law, Orangeburg C. II-, on Thursday, March 14, 1807. JOSEPH CLOVER. mar 2 2t DR. E. V. STEED MAN. Desires to announce, that lie lias located nl Mr. .1. J. QU ATT L I! It A U M 'S, on Binnicker's Brhlgo Road, near John Eastkrmn'b for the practice of Medicine in nil its brandies, und offers his profes sional services to his friends nnd (he public gene rally residing in Hint vicinity. mar 2 ' 1m STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, 1 ,. Orangeburg Dint riet. / eit,lt",n By P. A. McMlCHAEL, Esq., Ordinary. WHEREAS, Donald It. Barton hath made gsuit to iiu to grant, him belters of Administration of the Estate and Effects of Elizabeth Kickoubakcr de ceased. These arc thercforo to cito and admonish all and singular the Kindred and Creditors of the said Elizabeth ltickenhnker, deceased, that they be and appear before mo in the Court of Ordinary, to bo held at Orangeburg C. H. ontho28d day of March instant, after publication hereof, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to shew cause it rtny tiiey have, why the said Administration Hliould not be granlcd*. Given under mv hand this 8tli day of March Anno Domini, 1807. P. A. MeMICIIAEL, mjr'J?2t O. 0, D. COMMERCIAL. OrriOK or tub Obanueuubo News, Mnroh 8, 1887. Cotton?"Wo have a very dull market with a de clining tendency, and quote: Ordinary. 21 Middling. 22 Strict Middling. 23 AlthougU the specio value of Cotton may bo less, yet on account of tho depreciated value of Green backs, wo may expect an advance in tbe price of the staple, and it' there is no settlement of tho political status Greenbacks will be of nearly the same value as Confederate bonds, and Cotton will rise in pro portion. Kouoit Kick?W? quote nt $1.75 per bushel. Wo havo to advise a better feeling for the above, with an upward tendency. LvMHBn?Sales at $15 per M. with a steady de mand. ORANGEBURG RETAIL PRICES. cokkrctbu wkkkly by rzrkiel * koiin. BAGGING por yard.$ 30(^,32 BALE ROPE per lb.. 20(?25 BRICKS per M.:.. 8 00 CANDLES per lb sperm. 35@i0 ?? Adamunliiic. ? 30(ri}.'?<" ? Tallow. 26 COFFEE per lb Rio. 80@38 " l.aguaym. 40 ? .lava. GO CORDAGE per lb Manilla. ? 30@iti FISH Cod per lb. 12 " Herring per box. 1 00 44 Mackerel per kit. 3 00(a) 1 00 FLOUR per bid Fine. 12 00?H 00 ! ?? Super. 14 00015 00 ? Extra. 10 00(?, 17 00 I ?? Family..:. 17 00(?V.18 00 I GRAIN, Oats. 1 .">0 j " Com. 1 '.10 ?4. Peas. 1 75 I HIDES, per lb dry. 0 0, 10 I INDIGO, per lb Carolina. 1 00(,i, 1 25 LIME, per bid. 3 7"? MOLASSES, per gallon. 7">(.V, 1 NAILS, per keg...... tt 00@10 00 OILS, Kerosene per gal. 1 00 PROVISIONS AND PRODUCE. BACON. Hams per lb. 25? j CHICKENS, per do/.. 3 00 j FOWLS, " . 4 00@ 500 EGGS, 44 . 20 BEESWAX, t^cr lb. 30 LARD, per lb. 20 BICE, per lb Carolina. 10@.12 SALT, Liverpool per sack. 8 00(?. 8 50 SHINGLES, per M. 0 00 SOAP, per lb bar. 15(7,'JO .STARCH, per lb. 20 SPICES, per lb, Cassia. 1 ."0 " ?? Mace. 2 00 44 ' ? Cloves...J. 1 25 " " *? Pepper. 50 ?' ? All Spice. 50 '* '* Ginger...? 50 SUGAR, per lb Muscuvndu. lOf.V 15 j/{ " A, B, and C. 10@20 44 " 44 Crushed. TEAS, per lb.,. 1 3?$t 2 TOBACCO, as per quality, per lb. 4?(W) 1 50 V IN EG A It, per gallon. 75 QUOTATIONS FOR UNCURRENT MONEY AND SECURITIES. corrected weekly by Ht'l.l. a scovill. Ban? of Chester. 2'. " Georgetown. 12 44 4 1 Newbcrry. 80 4* '? Souili Carolina. IS Charleston.". 13 4' 4i ,Cnmdcn.. 34 Commercial Bank of Columbia. 5 Exchange 44 ?? 4* . 12 Farmers and Exchange Bank. 2 Merchants Bank Chcruw. 12 Peoples Bank. 80 Planters Bank Fair field. G Planters & Mechanics Bank. 15 Southwestern R. It. Bank. 80 Bank of the Slate of S. C. old. 1? Bank of Hamburg. 10 Bunk, of Union. 45 COLD. :'.() SILVER.25 SO. CA. BUREAU OF IMMIGRATION l Charleston, 21st February, lKi*i7. j' The undersigned, having been appointed Commis sioner, has been instructed by his Excellency, Gov ernor OUR, to organize the Bureau at the earliest possible moment. In a few days Agents will be ap pointed by the Governor to proceed to Europe, whose duty it will be to induce immigration to our State, to disseminate such information as may March ?, 1807. J mar "J td ALSO Absalom Snell, vs. 1 . M. J. D. Rast, Pursuant to an order in tbis cas<>. will be suhl at Orangeburg on the first Monday in April next, between the Legal Hours? All that Tract of Land in Ornugeburg District, containing 158 acres, more or less, bounded North by lands of Ahsploui M. Snell, East by hinds of Lewis 1'. Collier, South by lands of S. E. Moorcr and West by lands of S. G. Fair. Conditions cash and purchaser to pay for papers. ALSO H. C. Sallcy, Ex'r, -| rrsula Corbet t ct id. J Uri Will be sohl, the Hall Tract, containing :>';"5 acres, more or less, situate on Denn Swam]), waters of N. Edisto river, in Orangeburg District, and bounded North and East by hi mis of Allen I'ortcr und J. C. Faiinin, and West on Dean Swamp. TKRMS One-third cash, and the balance on u credit until 1st Fob, ISliS, secured by bond, bearing interest from date, with a mortgage of the property and per sonal security. I'urchi'sers to pay for paper: and Revenue Stamp-:. ALSO Wm. W. Jones ct id j Frucmi Jones et al Will be sold. Lands of the Estate of Isaac Jotus, mi Glpson's Bay in Orangeburg District, containing ?jo.'t acres', more or lets, ami bounded by lauds of the same Estate, advanced to Benjamin Jones ami Bian ca Glnr.e and the share of the Widow Frucmi Jones, and by lands of Hamilton Shuler. ALSO William J. Fairv vs. V Andrew J? Grimes. J Will be sold, n Tract of Land containing ISO acres more or less, near branchvillc, ami bounded by lands of the Estate of A. II. Syplirctt, Ahrain Ott,"and I>. 1). Fairy, ami-Appleby. Conditions cash,.and purchaser to pay for papers and Revenue Stamps. ALSO Watson A. O'Cain, Adm'r } vs. \ AndrowJ. Smoke et ux el al J Will be sold, a Tract of baud in the fork of the Kdiatos, containing '-'so acres, more or less, and bounded by lauds of John McMichucl, estate lands of D. A. F. Summers. Lewis Wissen hum am! the es tate lauds of Suniucl Hair. '1 KtlMS. So much cash as will defray the costs of these proceedings, and the balance on u credit of six months, the purchaser giving bond bearing interest from the day of sale, with good sureties aid a mort gage of the premises to secure the payment of the purchusc money, and to pay for piiperj an I Revenue Stumps. ALSO Henry L, Rickenbaker "J vs. V Jesse N. Hntglcr Adm'r, et al J Will be sold, all the Real Kstlltc of the l.ite Joshua Hnigler, to be more purticularly described ou the day of sale. TKRMS One-half cash, and the balance im u credit of ? no year. The purchasers to give bond bearing interest from the day of sab-, and a mortgage of the premi ses to secure the payment of the purchase money, and lo pay lor pnpers and,Revenue Stumps. Commissioner's otliue. t V. 1). V. JAMISON, .omnussioncr s othue. | (trangeburg C H. V March I, 1807. J I 'ummissioucr. mar'i id JNO. T. IN A 111 NET Adm'r of | A. D. IN ABI N KT, et al | Orangeburg District Vfl la Koiiitv, ATtS ?< hiUald |). I nu bind arc Ii er?. by notified to produce ntut ,., their claims against his list ale, on or before the first clny of April next, before the Commissioner of ibis Court. Commissioner s Office, | V. D. V. JAMISON, Fell 'Jil, 1807. j Commissiolier. mar 2 td tobmo notice In the matter of | February Sittings, 1S<>7. Guardians and Trustees, { al Orangeburg. The Commissioner having reported that all the Records ol Ids office \v?r? destroyed during the re cent war. and that he is unable to report even the names of all the Guardians ami Trustees: It is or dered, that he do publish a notice lo all persons who were appointed Guardians or Trustees, or were in any way liable lo account as such in this Court prior to the loth May, lSti?, to appear before him ami en ter into new bonds on or before the first dnv of June next, and in every case in which he can obtain evi dence to satisfy himself thai any person so liable to account has failed to comply with this notice, he shall issue a rule against such persons to comply. ' It is also ordered, That in addition to their giving new bond, that thoy be required to tile in the Com missioner's Office, within the time aforesaid, their returns, shewing all their receipts ami expenditures for the wards, and also a full schedule of nil the pro perty of every description which they mny hold for their respective wards. Signed. WM. D. JOHNSON, March 1, 1807. ('haucellor. A true copy of the original order on record in this Office, Commissioners Office. ) V. D. V. JAMISON, ? Ma roh U, 1Sr,7. ( c, nnmissiouev, mar '?> in Office to Rent. THIS BUILDING FORMERLY USED "BY iiil the Subscriber us a Law OHice, situated on L??-Main-street. For particulars, apply next door, to Mr. D. Louis, or to SAMUEL DIBBLE, ? at Izbvv & Dibble's. . mnr 9 tf To Rent. AfiffRl ViK PLANTATION BELONGING TO the Kiniii Estltc of Jiio. V. Glover, situate ou Willow WwlilLSwanip. Fork of Edisto. Apply to C. B. GLOVER, Orangeburg C. II. mar'.) t 2 H?XJSIE TO RENT. ?fjt? THAT ELIGIBLE RESIDENCE ON AME S?gii! lia-!;trcet, belonging to the Estate of the bite BiijUL Joseph Rentz, deccuscd, with Out-Buildings and Store attached. Applv to 1ZLAR & DIBBLE, Attorneys at Law. fob 23 ? :it FO L\ S A CIO. ?A DELIGHTFUL RESIDENCE WITH A hundred Acres of Land attached, at the Vil la?e of Orangcburg, u short distance above tho Railroad Depot. Any one desiring a mutUi FARM contiguous to a thriving Village, this splendid Kc?-..i..?cc 0fl\.1;j every inducement. Terms easy A fine.- BUILDING LOT, containing about (-1) acres, between the Subscriber's Resilience and the New Building of Mr. W. N. Scovill. On this Lot arc several Outbuildings. Apply to G. D. KEITT. feb 23 ? 8m Com, Corn, Corn. T. A. JEFFORDS & CO., OFFERS FOR .SALE 1 nO BUSHELS WHITE CORN. 1500 BUSHELS J UU Vellow Corn at a lower price than can be purchased elsewhere. ALSO A choice lot of Extra, Super and Fine Flour, and n large assortment of Select Groceries and Liquors. marO . It Orangeburg Drug S|ore. DE, E. J. OLIVEROS. milE PROPRIETOR, DR. E. .1. OLIVE KOS JL cheered and encouraged by the large and growing patronage now being bestowed on him by his many friends, begs leave to return his sineei thanks for their kind and generous assistance; and respectfully request a continuation of same/ lie hopes, by strict attention to business, ever to prove worthy of that support. To his friends and Colleagues the sons of .?'Ksculu pius. he welcomes them to the ORANGEBURG DRUG STORE, and will take pleasure in tilling their orders with neatness and despatch; with Medicines, too. that are reliable, and guaranteed pure and genuine. To Fathers and Heads of families he invites them cordially to come and deal with him. ^If they need professional advice, when the counsel ofa practicing Physician Cannot be easily obtained: he will take pleasure in enlightening them on the subject free of chatte, Mr. FRANK SUINGLEK. of St.* Matthews, being chief assistant, will be pleased to sec his numerous friends at the ORANGEBURG DRUG ST?RE, opposite McNaniara and Rrigginisnn, on Main er Russell-slreel. E. J. OI.IVEROS, M. D. mar 2?[ y Druggist and Apothecary. VriNESEI.ECTION OF CHOICE SI'RINGCALI cos, just received and for sale low for Cash, by JOS. McNAMARA. *feb 28 ly j A 15I1LS. BEST FAMILY FLOUR, JUST RE ~r'/ ceived and lor sale, low bv Ich 2:5-ly JO'S. M.NAMARA. r P.BLS. MOLASSES. JUST RECEIVED AND p) for sale low for cash, bv JOS. McNAMARA. feb 23 ly 4 DHLS. LEAF LARD. JUST RECEIVED AND 4 tor sale low for cash, bv JOS. McNAMARA. feb 2:'. ly ~ KEGS CHOICE BUTTER, JUST RECEIVED and for sale low for cash, by fel>23?ly JOS. McNAMARA. j /\ FINE ENGLISH DAIRY CHEESES, JUSl' 1 \J received, and for sale low for cash, by reb 23?ly JOS. McNAMARA. Q HUBS. CHOICE BACON, JUST RECEIYED AND .) for sale low for cash, by JuS. McNAMARA. feb 28 ly 1 ,1011 THE LAUGEST AND FINEST SELECTION J of Pnpier.Mache, and Silver Ware ever ottered in this market, suitable for PRESENTS for all occa sions, call at EX EE 1 EL & KOIIN'S. feb 2:'. y ic NEW GOODS! BY K. 10. S A I, I 1ST A S, AT TUK POST O V V I (' K E U 1 1. I) I N CI. Graham's Turn Out. A NEW LOT OF CALICOES, HOMESPUNS. SHOES, HOOTS, ? I N E F E L T II A T S AT in:i) rei:d prices r\\.Y.\\\ SIDES. BIRRED SI DES, PRIME Khould \j ers, Corn, Flour. N. O. Molasses, Hardware, Tinware, l.'utlery, Groceries, Wines, Liquors, Sc glll'S, etc., etc. THE ABOVE LOT OF NEW GOODS WE OFFER at Very Low Prices. mar 2 t f HOUSEKEEPERS DESIRING To FURNISH THEMSELVES with Everything that is required in their line, should not fail to call at 15 Z E K 1 K L Si K O I I N * S WHO HAVE ON HAND A COMPLETE STOCK of House furnishing GOODS, Imported direct from England. feb 2:l y lc AVANrIMvD By a .voting man, a situation on a Farm or in a Saw Mill. He I ins worked in a Steam Saw Mill for more than two years. Vor particulars apply at ibis Office. m?r 2?tf Attorneys and'Solicitors. RUSSEL-STREET, ORAlNTGEBTJiRG, 8, C. JAMES F. 1ZLAR. SAMUEL DIBBLE. r?b 28 * ly _t___ J. W. I-I. DUKES, LICENSED A UCTJONEER, Offers his Services FOR ALL SALES IN THIS DISTRICT. At Reasonable Rates. ? feb 23 * 8m E. C. DENATJX, WATCH MAKEK and J E W E I. L 13 R, Work Neatly Repaired and Warranted, RUSSELL-STBEET, (Opposite Cornclson, Kramer & Co.,) feb 2? c Gm BULL & SCOYILL, AGENTS FOR THE Etiitniiio Tale Insurance Company OF NE\r POLICIES NON-FORFEIT ARLE, Dividend Declared Annually to Policy Holders, fell 23 ?d TAILORING. Daniel W. Robinson, Market-street, next to Miss Wise's old stand. ORANGERURG, S. C. Respect fully informs the citizens of this District tlrtit lie is now prepared to do all work in bis line of business, with neatness and despatch. feb 23 c 1 m. SPRING TRADE 1 8 6 7, EZEKIEL & KOI-IjST DEALERS IN STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, ROOTS AND SHOES, GROCERIES, CROCKERY, ETC., ETC., Corner Russell and Market-Streets. INVITE THE ATTENTION OF THE PUBLIC TO their Stuck, which is entirely New, well Select ed and will be sold at a SMALL* ADVANCE on the "? Credit with accepted Draft on Factors with 7 per cent, interest. nomisrsojsr & co., ARE ALSO AGENTS FOR THE National Ink Company's Writing Fluid. feb 28 1 v A BULL & SCOVILL ARE AGENTS FOR THE Underwriters Fire Insurance Company OF NEW YORK, ASSETTS OVER $3,000,000. FOR THE Security Fire Insurance Company OF NEW YORK ASSETTS ()VJ>? ?1,000,000. Those fit*,?1 ,n *n0 ranks of all good Insurance Companies. feb 23 y lc AGENTS, KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND A WELL SE . .lectod Stock of DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES. THEY ARE NOW Receiving a Variety OF WHICH THEY WILL SELL AT CHEAP CASH PRICES. Calf and Sec for Yourselves. J.'rVHARLEYv}A5cnl|?' feb 23 ta i!c THE SOUTHERN DRUGSTORE? For the liberal patronage which I have than fur received from the citizens of Orangeburg District and the confidence shewn in me by very numerous friends. I tnkc^tbo opportunity of expressing my sincere grutitudo in this, the first issue of the "OnANCKnuno New?." The encouragement of past patronage und kindness induces a strong faith in future success, and, while thanking my friends for past favors, I can assure them that nothing will be left undone to deserve their continuing patronage. My Store will be essentially a DIIUO STORE; in it will be kept such Drugs and Medicines alone* as I will warrant Genuine and Pure. I have arranged to supply my customers with Medicines of the very best quality afforded in the market. I avoid all' chenp useless articles, and yet my prices sbnll b* as reasonable for VALUABLE, GOOD, FRESH MEDI CINES as any body's. I invite ?he PHYSICIANS of the District to call and examine for themselves. They are judges to whose opinions I submit. Send your Orders und they will be filled to your satisfaction. To the Citi zens of my native District who have tried me, I say don't give me up, try me a little longer, and you'll not regret it?you'll find I'll stand a long race, as well ns a short one; and your faith*in me shall not be misplaced. To those who have not yet tried me, now is your time to begin. As before, if you want good, pure, family MEDICINES, such as Laudanum, Paregoric, Castor Oil, Sweet Oil, Ep som Snlts, Glauber Salts, Cream Tartar,Carb. Soda, &c, &c, or Dye Stuffs and Paints, and Brushes, Concentrated Lye, &c, or even, Patent Medicines or all kinds. Now, just call at that Little Store on Main-Street, and you will be sure to get what you want. This Drug Store looks small, but your surprise will be great when you enter to find bow appear ances deceive, and what a quantity of good things arc within this same Little Storo. B. M. SHULER, Druggist. . feb y 1c NORTH-EAST CORNER OP. Russell-Street and Court House Sunurc. Having made arrangements with some of the PRINCIPAL IMPORTING and JOBBING FIRMS of NEW YORK, BALTIMORE and CHARLESTON, they are Receiving Every Week on their own account and on consignment A COMPLETE SELECTION OF F 0 11 RI G X A XD I.) 0 M E S T I G DRY GOODS, READY MADE CLOTHING, II A T S. C A P S AND MILLINERY GOODS, BOOTS and SHOES, best inako. HARDWARE IN GREAT VARIETY. CROCKERY, &c, &c, &c. ALSO A FULL AND Complete Stock of THE BEST FAMILY GROCERIES, constantly on hand. Having twenty-five years experience in Orangeburg Village, we have carefully studied the wants of our friends and customers and feel justified in saying, our STOCK is better selected and more complete than can be found at any other place. ]3T'J-i cv SC?VILL. _ feb 23 __y_10 JUST RECEIVED BY EZEKIEL *fc KOIIX, rA PIECES LATEST STYLE SPRING CALICO, 0\) also ASSORTED LONG CLOTHS, BROWN SHEET, ing and Shirting, Osnaburgs, Denims, Stripes, Bed Ticking, Drillings, Yarns of all Sizes, winch, to gether with the balance of our largo and varied STOCK, we offer to sell nt the LOWEST figures for Cash or Country Produce. feb 2:5 y lo s A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF vNDARD School Books. a ISO STATIONARY of all kind always to be bail at EZEKIEL & KOHN. Orders for School Books will receive prompt at tention. feb 28 ^ y 1c Whittemore & Rhodos, LATE C. Whittemore Son & Co, MANUFACTURERS OF THE BEST FAMILY SOAP, No. 6 Radclific Street, CHARLESTON, S. C. fob 28 , l,n THE CHEAPEST STEEL AND IRON HOES OF direct Importation from the English Manufac tory, arc tobe found at EZEKIEL k KOHN'!'. feb 2? y . 1c