v. M&" The eolored Odd Fellows had an anniversary parade and Supper last Monday. The parade passed off very creditably; but at the Sapper there was >00 muqh ''blind tiger" whiskey aboard; and came wary near ending in a fatal riot. Night Marshal; Drayton Smith was sont fur, but there was too much mad drunk for any one nam to que'l, and he was handled pretty r roughly. Town Marshal Rose was sent for and promptly appeared in the battle hall with a posse of determined assistants, and after arresting one or two ol the ringleaders restored quiet. We hear that kniveB were used freely and two men had their coats out up and received some bad flesh wounds. tST" We were greatly disappointed last week in not receiving ex'ra copies of the Governors Message to be sent to our subectibeis. We wrote to a Columbie paper for them but received no reply, and wo have att-ibut'd the failure to one of two causes: Either our letter miscarried, or, which is more likely to be the cause, we did not enclose the "cash, or its equivalent," with the Order. It tskts t < Correspondence of the Timks. Telephone DotaJonksvili.k, Dec. 5.?We are quiet and healthy and moving on iti peace in our town. .. . _ People are winding up their affairs for the year. Most everybody camp'ains of bard times, and th?t they are coming out behind. Home of our boys orlercd a iittle whiskey from N. C., for their ''stomach's sake," but the dispensary spies swooped down on it in Columbia, and now the boys arc mourning and refusing to bo comforted because their whiskey is no more. Miss .Mildred Perkins has returned and gona into the school room again. Hixtie Foster, a son of Mr. J. B. Foster, jumped out of a moving wagon the other day and sprained bisakle, from which he is going on crutches. Mr. R. W. Lemastcr got his wrist joint knocked out of place yesterday while ongaged with his wagon and team. Rot. Dove TilHer left yesterday for the Annual Conference at Sumter. t ~ Tsuphome. ? ? ? Dr. Jarome Miller's Last Notioe. I\- - \l!lt. ill n ^ vn iicruiun .miigr nut euro v^uncers. conauaptioa, Rheumatism, Skufulo, Chronio diarrhea. piles, wAris. Office on Main street. Office hours from 0 o'clock to an hour by sun. Tart cash, b ilance in two equal installments. Cured a canoer on Dr. Leg*, or somebody else's'leg, the year 1887. No buggy-riding, high collared son of a tinker, depending upon the trioks of apothecary shops or ihe dispensary high prioed medicines, mu?t interrupt my office or any of its heredl amenta or appurteninoos, upon pain of taking a dose of my cancer medicine every two hours. m Stork Pbopiikt Dick's Paprb.?Many persons know of Rev. Irl R. Hicks, the noted storm prophet, but are not so well acquainted with the fact that hie monthly paper, Word and Works, is one of the most attractive and instructive journals in America and is doing more to educate the people in science than any other. It not only contains Rev. Hicks' monthly forecasts, comIleteand unabridged, but also articles from is pen ou astronomy and planetary metooro'ogy, finely Illustrated. There is a sermon or religious article in eaoh number, a "Home, Swset Home" department, edited by a lady, a "Youth and Beauty" department for boys and girls. "Queries" for those who want hanl nuts cracked and many other good things. All this for the low price of $1 per year. All subscribers % who pay for a year's subscription in advanoe before Feb. 1, 1804 will receive freo, as a Iremium, Rev. Irl R. Hicks' Aimanao for 804. This book alone is well worth the subscription price. Send six cents for a sample oopy of the paper or send $1 for year s subscription to Wori> axd Works Pea. Co., 8t. Louis, Mo. 2t. ^pboimcn uases.?s. II. Clifford, New Ofcaaei; Wis., was troubled ifith Neuralgia and Rheumatism,' his Stomach was disordered, his Liver was affected to an alarming ifagrep, appetite fell away, aud be was terribly reduced in flesh and strength. Three bottles of Eleotric Bitters cured him. Edward Shepherd, Harrisburg. III., had a runoing sore on his leg of eight years' standing. Used three bottles of Eleolrio Bitters and seren boxes of Buoklen's Arnica Salve, and hie leg Is sound and well. John ' Speaker, Catawba, 0., had Ore large Fever sores on his leg, doctors said he was incurable. One bottle Eleotrie Bitters and one bog Baoklen's Arnica Falyo cured hiin entirely, Sold by B. P. Posey. Now Tar This.?it will eost you nothiog and will surely do you good, if yon have a Cough, Cold, or any trouble with Throat, Chest or Lungs. Dr. King's New Discovery for Consomntlon. Couthi and fi?iit? t> ??. antred to gfre r< lief, or money will bo paid book. Sufferers from La Orippe found it jaat llie thing and under iU una had a ,*r speedy and perfect recorery. Try a sample battle at our expense and learn for yourself just how good a thing it Is. Trial bottles free at D. P. Potty's Drug Store. Large siss fiOo. and $1.00, | ' A "RUN" ON I' WINTER GOODS! ? I WE arc having it, and it is easily explained. These are ^ ^ exceptionally hard times throughout the whole business tiviiv., urn uur uuvuniage m paying u A S 11 lor our lioods is saving . our customers lots of dt? . tjj) .

Little Plates, Tea Sets, Tin Horns, l'.s_ ... Ta. . , tols, Caps, F^rp Crackers, Tin Horses, Dogs, Partridges Wanted. Gtf?, Birds, end just eyerythiog you want, almost. Batters Park Hotel, yOU c4n gft ^<^<5 for (be young folks a8heyillk, N. C. ?r? courting, and want things for their .... ... . .. sweethearts, Fino Plush, Polished natural WAN 1 ED Ail the partridges I can get In wood and Leather Goods, such as Dressing Union county, at one dollar per dozen, de- Cases, Manacure Sets, Work Boxes, Albums, livered at your nearest express S'UP Writing Desks, etc., etc., and beautiful Glass to L. P. McKISSICK, andChinaware, like fine Plates, Fruit Dishes, j Manager. Cuns and Smm. ?a ....i Dec. 8-49-lt. many moustache Cups, of beautiful designs, for the girls to buy for their brothers, Unww e'es, Fathers nod Cousins. [ I T^PV lvl 71 There are things there, Uncle Santa, that VJ11 X JLtJLx*XXv1VX-j X will just suit for old folks too. I just can't tell you all of the things that you oan get there. You will Just hate to go and see all TO THE CITIZENS OP UNION : the pretty and valuable things he has, and they will make you open your eyes; and then [AM now prepared to sell you Beef, Pork when yuu ask the prices of tbem the price and Sausage at the following prices : will make you open your pooket book at Pork Sausage luo. oner, for folks say bis prices are to thtap for Mixed 41 12Jo. such nice things. Beef Steak 10c. it i$ worth your while to go to see his Roast 8c. GREAT BIG "TOWN DOLL." IN MY GRCJOERY DEPARTShe is a "heap" taller than I am?she is as MENT, tall as a girl eight years old; and there are lots of other dolls there of all sixse?some I have always on hand a fresh supply of "nigger" Dolls, too, they are so funny. I both Fancy and Staple Groceries, which I haTe ,0i < ! 4' ^ *?* ''V = ?- L MOTHER GRAND\ DISTRIBUTION OF D D I 'a - ? ? "1L ^ ? T. EiRMLEY'O. E|VERY DAY FOB THE NEXT TEN DAYS, I will offer such great inducements that every customer who spends a dollar with me WILL DRAW A PRIZE in the way of bargains, as every article in the house lias been marked down to ROCK BOTTOM SPOT CASH PRICES, regardless of co 3t, and no reasonable offer will be refused for anythiny in my lihe. Now Don't Stay Away Until This Offer Expires and then complain because you cannot get goods at the same price your neighbor did, who took advantage of this PRIZE DRAWING, 'V money saving, sale, which will only last TEN DAYS, and may never habpen again in this County. You will be in it if you come andTste me before you buy. M T. E. BAILEY. Oot. 20-42-1 It jfc W N T ED. * * m * * ? * ? IjWEllY man, 4oman and child in Union County to know that wo arc offerLi ing more aid better goods in thoe hard times for less money than any other house in the town. Too many Over Coats in small sizes, 36 and 35. If you need an Over Coat this is the place, as we aro positively closing out theso sizes at cost. Best Wool Jeans, knooks out anything else on tho hill, only 23 cents! Our enstomsrs show their appreciation of our Farmers' Beaver cloth, but there is still some left for you, only 25 cents. Double width, 54 inches, water, proof, blue and grey, our price 50 cents. 40 YARDS GOOD CALICO FOR ONLY 51.00. n;..),.., r i ...i? ... - ' .,.w. u.u^uvuig, mubjr u i ccs piji?g, goi ll? a I U CCDIS. The beet mac's Merino Shirt in this market for only 25 cents, Wo have just received another hip lot of that "Famous spool ootton, iu black and white, still going at 2 cents, Without any doubt about it we have the best lot of Misses aud children hosiery in town. Look at our "Leader'' regular made and double knees, blaok and color guaranteed, only 25 cents. Look at our 10 cent assortment, Others ask you 15 eents for sauio goods. Ladies, bear in mind that we aro headquarters for Black Goods?Have beaten the town numborless times on (heso goods. Prices from 20c, 25o, 33c, 50c. 05c, 85o and Q8c. Our 08 coots is the 81.25 kind elsewhere. Don't foil to try .a pair of Frank and Pray's celebrated Shoos for Ladies. All guaranteed. QjfeHWillinery Department 'a still in the leadnrith no chance for our competitors to catch up. Young man ortald man do you know that we keep the largeet, cheapest nud latest styles in Flats? Look at our Alpines in Brown and Black for 8100. other houses get $1.50 ior same goods. Do not wait but come at onco to = MC LURE'S.; 'MPNEy:-money, WANTED AT ONCE. WE have a very, very large stock of DRY GOODS, Shoes, Millinery, Clothing, Ilats cc , that must bo sold regardless of hard times. Prices have tumbled down to a low notch with us. Unfortunately, we did not have the money to plank down the spot cash for every dollar's worth of goods we bought this soason, as some of our competitors claim to have hail. fnnsonnKntlo nonnni ??.. -? ? ? * j j .j pui uui pnuco uu our gooas ana say to you, that they are all paid for. and you must pay us our price for them or they can remain here. Wo are not so independent as that. Now tho faot ia, wo are comSelled to raise a largo amount of money within the next $0 days, aud in order to o so, we have put tho knife in prices for the CA8H. LISTEN TO JDST A FEW PRICES: A big lot of good Shirting, - . - 3Jc. Good round Thread Cheeks, ... 4o. Good Calicoes at ... 4 and 5o. Good Wool Jeana at - - - 19c. Women'a Solid Leather Shoes in Button and Laco, 85c. Men's high cut wholettock Calf Skin shoes at 81.38c. Men's All Wool Undershirts, - 47o. Ladies Hats from 10 cents up. Men's Wool Hats as low as 20 cents. A beautiful Sunday Hat, (felt) for a tpaq, at 81.00 Pins and needle's, a basket full, at your own Drlce. Remember thia U uot simply wild talk to oatoli your trado, but wo moan business, and we sro going to soil you your goods if you buy where you can buy tbe cheapest. Thanking you Tor your very libortl patronngo in tho past, to are Yours Truly, GRAHAM & SPARKS. iTki i " i? i m mm ' > I MUST HAVE MONEY. Notice to Trespassers. I II AVE, at great inconvenience to myself, ?nv withheld from asking those who owe T HER -BY warn all persons from ruling me for money until there would be a ri$t in driving, hunting, or in any other manner ;otton and better times, but the lane is too trespassing upon my lands or premesis. ihort, 1 have come To tho turn, and will Persons disregarding th ASSESSMENT OF PROPERTY. UiUuUij U I U 1 U j t- (9?50:?a) -4-^* ACCORDING lo the law, the next annual Som0 Things that may assessment of property commences H January 1st, 1894, and closes February '20. 1)0 FOUIl d ThGFG. For the convenience of the tax payers in ^ the different townships, I will attend the FLOUR, PEACHES, following places at the times specified : CHERRIES, In my office at Union C. II. from January BACON, 1.1 1o ... PEARS, ^ At West Springs, Monday, January 8tb, LARD, in the forenoon. OYSTERS, 44 Coleraine, Jan. 8th nftcrnoon. IIAMS, " Oibbs. Tuesday, January 9th, forenoon. SALMON ' Cedar RlufT, Tuesday, Jan\iary Uth, MEAL, afternoon. q 4 d i\ r v ' Cross Keys, Wednesday, Jan. 10. MOLASSES, ' * ? Minter'8, Thursday, January 11. ? ? Rlack Rock, Friday, January 12. CHEESE, CORNED BEEF, 44 Fish Dam (Carlisle) Saturday, Jan. 13tli 41 My office at Union, Monday, Jan. 15th. SUGAR, ROAST BEEF, i Santuc, Tuesday, January 10th. 44 Mt Tabor, Wednesday, January 17tl?. COFFEE, jmq FEET, 44 Kelton, Thursday. January 18th. 44 Kendrick's Store, Friday, January 19th, RICE, TRIPE, foreooon. 44 Gowdeysvillc, Friday, Jan. 19th, after- HOMINY, POTTED HAM, noon. 44 Wilkinsvillc, Saturday, January 20th. OAT MEAL, , OX TONGUE, 4 Draytonville, Monday, January 22d. 44 Timber Ridge, Tuesday, January 23d. TEA, DEVILED HAM, 44 Aabury, Wednesday, January 24th. 44 Jonesvillo, Thursday and Friday, Jan- SODA, TICKLES, uary 25 and 2Gth. And from that day until the 20th day ot STARCH, TEPPER SAUCE, February, 1 shall be at my office in the Courthouse SOAP, SPICES, WHEN THE PENALTY ATTACHES. TOBACC0, j FRENCH CANDY, On the 20th day of February the assess- ^ I ment book will be closed, and a penalty of CIGARS, STICK CANDY, 50 per cent will be added on all properly _____ not returned within the ime prescribed by My purpose will bo to keep WHO ARE LIABLE TO TOIL TAX. . Fresh Stock of All male persona between the ages of 21 ill rt and 50 years, are liable to the poll tax; ex- HOIIPV (11111 llPflVY cept such persons as are exempt by law. 1 wllvj (lllll lllllil UlUvvllvkj MORTGAGES LIABLE TO TAX. CONSTANTLY ON HAND. Parties holding Mortgages against others I sllftll CXpCC't fllwiiys to will save the 50 per cent penalty by return- . - - ing tneir mortgages within the time pre- IHGCt Competition* scribed by law, ns the township board of | oni ipiT A QUADC HIT VfillD assessors will be required to examine the I OULIUI I H ONHnL Ul TUUn Clerk's office and get all mortgages on tho PATRONAGE tax duplicate. j R nLANT0N| Auditor Union County. AGENT FOR ONE OF THE Auditor's Office, Dec. 1st, 189:1. AN ACKNOWLDGEMENT. ~ WK are obliged to havo some money. I Parties who owe us must make ar- V'T^Slx / ivmfi v rangemeot to meet their debts at once. Our vZfVffPy/ 3 needs are pressing, and we must have help if It is necessary to enforce colleoling by ? O H "E A. I* E S T ? law. ^ FARR & THOMSON. ~ "*"* Notice ! Notioe ! ! J EARNKSTLY request all parties indebted '*" L i ) me, euucr Dy note or open account, UUUUIKS ON TUB MARKET. / to >et tie at once, as I am badly in nee.t of rri , / money 10 meet my own obligations. "er/ A ru?Jr? f\g w W. D. BEWLEY. /I Not. 24-5(*lt* g#pt>