WHMMTY/r jprfjl MYftW mYlIM 2 ^ JkAALA rnft MlliiM 4 A?. AVAft A AA1AAAJKP VOL. VXXJ.?NEW SERIES. UNION C. IL. SOUTH CAROLINA, , The bnilding of tLo proposed free library in Philadelphia will cost nearly a million dollars. AH citizen** will bo ' entitled to the use of it without charge, and they will be allowod to toko books ( to their homes. t The Washington Ncwb soys "In one ^ '".thing the South is most fortunate. It ^ I has not mortgaged its futuro or its ^ ) present. What is owned is owned out- ( <* right. Whereas in Kansas, for in' stance, the mortgago debt per capita v is $170, in Tennessee it is only #23, and, if one turns to totals, the figures ; aro even more striking. In Kansas, on | a valuation of $348,000,000, thcro is un ji agtrregato debt of $248,000,000; in :i Tennessee on an assessed valuation or $ijwz,uuu,uuu, tno aggregate mortgage \ debt is only about $40,000,000." i. l.-i There was an incident of tho naval i, review in Now York Harbor, relates c< the Atlanta Journal, which in attracting considerable attention. In all the i?< display and pageantry there was but N ono tribute to tho memory of George tl Washington and that came from au tl English vessel. If a person ignorant '' of bho history of our eountry hud wit- l" nessed tho splendid review lie would not liavo discovered that any such per- 1 sou as Gcorgo Washington ever lived, '' but for tho fact that Sir John Hop- 1 kinp, the British Vice-Admiral, (lushed '' on the deck of his ship a fiery figure of 1 "The Father of His Country." This \kas a generous and graceful act. I ^^Tho lato Doctor Acrncw. of Pliiln '"dolphia, said that catarrhal affections wore almost unknown among the J Quakeresses whom he attended, ami ho ascribed it to tlio fact that tin Quaker (, bonnet protects tho back of tlio head and tho nape of tho neck from cold atr. Ho might havo gono further and added (( that the Quaker women have come nearer than any othors of their sex to Cl discovering tho perpetual bloom of ^ youth. One moots in and about Phila- l, delphia scores of Quakeresses who re- J tain in old ago fresh, unwriukled faces, clear eyes, and erect figures. Tho N peace and health of their spirits seem h to conform face and figure. is > of jkrnng physicii^^^^^liichcoinesto Si ? maturity about tlivnmo of year, has ai aroused tho curious statistician to do u Homo figuring on their prospects. Ho p says, notes tho New Orleans Picayune, r< that there are educated in this country about twico as many clergymen as lawyers, and about twieo us many physicians as clergymen, which makes about four physicians to cvel^k^wyer. The United States has more physicians s' tl to tlio population than any other country. In 1880 thero was a physician to ' every (500 inhabitants, whereas in , England there was one physician to overy 1000, in Franco one to every , 2600 and in Germany one to 2800. In certain parts of the United States the p doctora^ero even more plentiful than the ratio for the whole country indi- t. catcd. Ten years aero., according to a ropuct of Iho Illinois Hoard ot nuiu?, - ,, there was one doctor to 048 persons, t and in smaller places in the State one I 1 to 260. In 1887-8 the entire number .> y of medical students in this country was I a ^^18,513 (including dental, pharmaccuti- 1 t Spjl and veterinary), and the total is * ndlt supposed to be about 20,000. On t,h(Aasis of this rapid increase, it is ' h*IG to say thnt the circlo of the nv< r- 1 '?Rgo physician's patients is closing in on ' him every year, and if he is improving 1 their health steadily, the outlook for ' liim is anything but cheerful. It is said that tlio Austrian authori- ' fjpq nro vOI*V miioli nnnoarnn/l ol?Aut 1 the constant heavy immigration from ' their territories, and are doing all they can to check it by publishing harrow- ' ing accounts of tho miseries undergone 1 by their emigrants in foreign countries. 1 They have lately published a state- ' ment to tho effect that Austrian emi- v grants ii^Brazil liavo appealed to their consul at liio do Janeiro to request tho Brazilian Government to give I them work or assistance. As the resuit of this intervention, up to the first harvest, they wero provided with fifteen days' work per month, at , nominal daily wages of two florins < eighty-four kreutzers, or about $1.1H. ^ This, however, explains tho New Orleans Picayune, was not paid in ready money, but in paper, which ?hoj topers would only accopt at such < a hojSy discount that tho unfortunate i lcbcp^rs were barely able to ?o?Hr?tho necessaries 01 1110. 1110 present Brazilian Government, moreover, 1 havo not kept the promiso made by their predecessors to assign land to ' settlers and advance money for its cultivation. Consequently, the immigrants have been reduced to desti- ' tution through tlio increaso in the prico of provisions, tho bad harvest, the cessation of work on tho roads j and the stoppage of cultivation. THE NEWS IN WUJ^ J Che Latest Happenings Condensed I and rnu'Au Here. Gcocgc W. Jackson has been admitted o the liar. II) is the first colored man o seek admission to practice in New ft i s y. There is one place whore a woman gets > man's p?y for doing a man's work. It s the township of Marslifield, Me., and ny woman who wishes to work out her oad tax can do so, and have her day's voik count for as much as a man's. The mysterious ways of Providence are llustrutvd once more iu the fact that a igutniiig b >lt which rcccutly killed two lersons iu (Georgia left untouched a book gent who was silting between them. 144 uloniwulUiru ni'u BUA at work Oil 'an lerbilt's palace near Ashevillo, N. C. Winston, N. (J , is sending out circulis asking farmers not to bring their toacc ) to that market as they are not in s mdili ui to buy. lieu. John II. Gordon, of Georgia, is oiiig to New York at the invitation of anthem business m m and veterans of ic Union Army io deliver an adkrcss on < ic closuig days of the war and to give is p rsonal estimate of the two grcn| mi.mi* i, .c aim l iI'illll. The county silo of Piinco William ol ounty, Yn , has bccu uiovcd fr m Ir nlsville. to Manassas, and the corner T .me of the new court house to be built o icic was laid Wednesday with Masonic tl ire monies. > h T. It. It d> i {.son,the new postmaster at li hai lot to, N. U., has cutcrcd upon his v utiles. g -Align-ta, Clu., is to Lc congratulated b i .securing llie (.files Desk Co., which ai i preparing to move from its present tl ication at Clrecnvillc, tj 'J. ai An Italian committed suicide at Santa Ion, Cal. receutly because he had no u location. lie left a statement to the u llce.t that a man without one had ur usiness to live. d I'he highest honor for oratory at flic a Diiinicucumcnt of Trinity Colletyp in [orlli Carolina, was catriod oil' by a fulllooded Choctaw Indian of the uame of tl oscph May tubby. a: The trustees of a military academy iu o [aeon, Mo., have brought an action for a eavy damages against live ministers for o suing a boycot 011 the academy because t< ant ing was tundit cadets, w vindled out of $1,000 by a very smooth ^ nd cunning trick. They were culled g 4?\ etirn ml tvilnOCCDU wll-lt. flli'V Q'ltt. |flMI O.^.. ..............v, ...... ....J || oscd was a marriage cerlilicate, but in S jality was an order on the bauk where u jcv had an account. m " VI Cotton Mills North and South. h The New York Financial Chronicle fi ikes twelve Fall lliver cotton mills and M tiows that their averago dividends for se past soven mus have ranged from j to 10 per cent. h Our Southern cotton mills, as the Ral 11 imoro .Manufacturers' llecnrd showed a t liort time ago, piy dividends ranging c iom 10 to 23 per cent. v The advantages in cotton manufactur-v.f ng arc all on our side. Wo have tho j aw material on tlu sp it, and wo have xccplionully cheap lab >r. In 18'Jl the vcrago yearly wages paid t > each cotton ^ pciaiive m rutroouru was jy\I!U, as comlaicd with au over ige of $025 in New 'highui 1, ami ar. average of $222 in the s y diddle States. This great difference is .11 in our favor, and makes it all the* , larvier for the Nin th 11 compete with us. N >\v, why sii ?u d l.ngland and the s'ui tlt, situttod at a great dUtaucc from lie cot to i fields, manufacture most of lie raw 111 iterial ami market it? We in establish mills in sight of our fields hat \vi 1 be more profit >ble than their i stant competitors. The Southern hales h ive good distributing facilities, iml (lie completion of the Nicaragua an il wdl mike it cany to roach the n i'' et- of both coasts of S nitli Ainer en, and also China and Japtu. This, then is the situation. The South ins prac'ically a monopoly in cotton; her E nil's pay the biggest profits; her labor sthe (h< ap' st, a:;(l she lias the Inst haiices of reaching tlie consumers of the .wild. Tluse advantages in the course n if time must inevitably make this section ^ lie centre of the lit mufaeture and distri uition of cott in goods. Hut our homo apital and enterprise should not wait for v his* improvement t > he developed by , mtsi lens. We should go into it ourselves, mil thus hasten tho approach of the ilay ,vhoii wc can li\ tlie price of our raw material, instoail of allowing it to be con . [rolled l?v a ring in Liverpool. - ? i Baptised After Death. ClIATTANOOOA, Tk.NN.- A ijUCtT 9tblV , ronies from Englo Cleft, a small settle- N inent ou Lockout M.o?j)>?||ni Severn'' [ weeks ago J. W. M.isser was very ill with . fever. Ho wanted l.? be baptised, aud, its this could not be do'c during his ill , BOSS, he refj'-ie't' d that i s soon as he dim his b.idv be imim-isod. Ho said ho had neglected it during his lifetime, and , wanted his dead body baptised. A few days ago ho died, nod on the day of his funeral, at lllxon's (Cove, the Kcv. \V. ,T. DtC'ii jin i ivn o-.-ed tho -orpsc in tho t presence of a largo crowd of people. The t Imdy was then put back iaha the coflin I and laid in the graveyard. HIGH TOWEn-HUINB OF I Reproduced at the World Do We Want Themf tf. Y. Sun.] Hero is an interesting letter from one f a half dozen of valuable immigrants: "I saw, some time ago, an nrliclo iu "be Bun, which said that young men ught to go South, and seemed to praise [ ic Southern States. Now, we nro ^ne. I ale and hearty young men, sonie-JSagsh, some Irish; wo are all strong and igoroii", and none over 27. We arc all raduatcs?oue of Oxford, three of Camridge, one of Triuity College, Dublin, ad one of the London University. I am jo sixth man. Our united income mounts to $72 per week. "We have completely de-fine gontlclan-izcd ourselves, and consider uo wo k ndignilicd or beneath us. "We have talked matters over a good cal, and we have almost, decided to seek ucwcr country than New York, and to e about "milking our piles" at once. "Is it too much to ask you to give us lirr.ugh your paper a few words of advice s to where wo can get full information f tin kind of mc i wanted, the positions ud modes of living open, &c , South, r coul 1 you (if you thing it it would invest the public; tell us briefly what we to know, in your colunis?" ic ATtr in ram RS way is uui puna iirnv 01 ur six friends, Georgia is the "Empire tate of the South;" in other words, it is lore like New York State than any othoi louthern State; and to Georgia we should dvise our friends to betake themselves, bit they will need capital; and we doubt f the principal which produces $72 a reck will go far. Still it may, anil cerainly if they all hang together, they will ;ct along better thau by hanging separtely. The fact that negroes do most of the lanual labor of the South will restrict he field for our friends to some extent, ait probably to their advantage. College nen, with p'uck, and as levev-hcadcd as liese young llritons and IrMimcn seem o be ought to nnke their own way South >r North. We wish them success; and vhile they are gaining it, let them not org t tlicir duty to this country?let hem become citizeus as soon as they cgally uiny. m ESQUIMAUX FAMILY. Vt the World's Columbian Exposition. >A N A M A CON VICTS LI BER ATE D. ?ho Court of Cessation Froos M. Eiffel aud Charles D. Lcssops. Pauis Cablegram.?Considerable cxiteincnt has been caused by a decision d the Court of Cessation on the appeal if Charles I)e Lesseps and other defend* .nts convicted of fraud in connection vith the Panama Cnual Company. The :?urt handed down its decision Thursday plashing the sentence on the ground hat the statute of limitation covered the deuces charged and that the indictment >11 M'liii'li flin. iiri?mif>r< xai-rn liiml imo rrcgulur In consequence of this decison M. KifTcl was at once liberated from >rison, and M. Charles Do Lfsseps, who s in the St. Louis hospital, suffering vith an uccute attack of dyspepsia, was nforined that he was at liberty, but was oo ill to leave the hospital. There were ivc defendants convicted on the trial, vh ch ended February 9th lust. These vcrc Ferdinand Dc LcoOcps, his son ;harlcs, Mariu9 Fontane, Ileri Cottu aid Gustove Eiffel: Lightning Killa Four Brothers. Auhian, Mo.?The s:x Wright bro hers were standing under a tree near heir home here, when lightning killed four of them outright and injured the )thcr two so they may die. IKV. I, L'MfBu * Jt vH^H ttw'^Qr*'^ W^m ^h4jff t A A AI\I\D,UMH UW, If T A. HI Kerch, the wifo of a well-to do Senear Pleasant Ilill, Preston coun^j^H^U-ii' Icrert tww nf lif the house, and Johnuy died a few niuutes later. Mr. Kerch was not at aornc at the time. Wanted?A Buffalo Farm. Washington, I). C.?Secretary Mortoi has received a communication from the President of the Nebraska City National Dank, Col. W. L. Wilson, earnestly inviting his attention to the desirabity of experimenting in the perpetuation of that almost extint animal?the buffalo? in the Aleutian Islands, or Alaska, and invi>ing him to consider the propriety of purchasing a herd uow controlled by the hank as aircnt for the use of this department for this purpose. The Secretary has written Col. Wilson, treating his proposition in a humorous way. 'The fact is," said Mr. Morton, "tho suggestion was originally made to Col. Wilson by a mutual friend, Mr. Morrison, who is a bit of a wag, and who has proposed this thing as a sad joke. But Col. Wilson has taken his proposition in all 1 a ll_ i 12 il.i t (seriousness, auu actually ueuuves uiut a will carefully consider the propriety of undertaking, as Secretary of Agriculture,* to make an experimental buffalo farm ia Alaska or the Alcutiau Islands. The bank cauie into possession of these animals ' through the settlement of a decedent's estate, aud I have no doubt th^t, viewed solely as assets, they are a stock which it will I c hard to water. But I fill to see any reason why Uucle Sam should pay out the people's money from the United States Treasury to run a bnffalo farm. Though I think Secretary Carlisle has a reindeer ranch in Alaska, for which Uncle Sam expended $25,000 originally, and over which lie has constantly a salaried groom and tr.iiuer." A Marshal Kills an Outlaw. A special from Miller, Oa., says tint Deputy Marsha! E. N. Darnell killed Henry Johnson, a negro desperado and mtlaw, last night. Johnson (was looking ;or the deputy with a Winchester, having ihiealcned to kill him, but Darnell got .he drop and puffftteen buckshot in the legro's breast within a space the size of i silver dollar. Liupton Dead. Special from Auburo, Ala., announces die death of Dr. N. L. Lupton, professor >f Chemistry in the Agricultural and iiccnnnicai College o( Alabima, He was he most einiacnt scientist and teacher in ;hc South ami formerly professor in the j 3o.ith-rn University of Alabama, also at Van Inrbilt University, and was at one ime president of the State University . >f Alabama. MNp subordinates aiocou lb&\g?%ooacw?th Rioh to- ptyqg faU **n* of mft ?ot suftnr, but famttfet of the BbHBK* Ate drlletTtc desperation. KStlie put week I>ew Vvrkcnl jpjthcr cities foe aerBB?thcf Mdia? Um^tter le^feacUing. Whole H^BHp^tf^praeticelly camping out ^ M^ctCaDDed foods |rt S^PW^pr||ff,W",Wa^ary viands. Matkceping is gradually becoming an possibility, and even boarding house! 3 coir pel led to close their doors. Every hour the misery increases. The *gnct:em of Chicago, the opening ol - 1. ... I.. .....I ll... al.li.tjw Mtfltt. V miiiinet hi;v 10 nu?i ?uu nt..Vw. tion of the immigration laws uro driv g hou'ekecpcis to the wall. "I seut 75 girls to Chicago three night! ;ov" said tli; kcper of a Sixth avenue rvanls'1?g??iic.y. "Not one would stay 'this city. One woman who wanted i rvnnt nc u illy .cried wheu aho told tni iw alio woa placed." Too mat ia chtrgo of the Grand Cen Id ngcucy, in Sixth avenue, assured m< Mpada"1'"! iii?ni> in iwaam wli< roitcd servants to do gonernl work. ?*Fhrco or fou- y"'u -g*i wa rnttld hi roju initnigr mts for |8 a month. Noi ley laug'i at anything less than $13 lontli," said he. "Servants will no my in the city in the summer. Thi ear the working of the immigration law ud the demand for servants in Chicag nke it almost impossible to supply ou atrnns. The nutnbor of persons wh ive in fl its has increased. The moracr ou mention to u girl that she is to bo th nly servant in a family she shakes hi lend and rcfusus to investigate no u< tlier. "Sacedish and German girls demac norc thau any other nationality becaui Iiro aharp enough to know that i |ffonv) a fashionable fad to empli i Jut as it was the swoli thing Colored servants bofore the war." wfratare middle class families own work uutli m"?? 7" "Aud when will there he a change?' "Maybe in the fall, when tho Chica Pair is over, liut servauts have t idea? now about wages. They ha changed very much. They go frc place to placj looking f >r more pay ai less work. Servants wh? have plac come to the agencies nod watch for o portunities to better themselves." tF/fp \ffW\ W ?K'J 4 \rBa;t!^TITE INDIA* ENCAMPMENT. At the World's Columbian Ex posit i Rain For the Asking. A new tain wizard named C. It. Jew lias l ist ;: in Kansa?. He claims that ran establish direct electrical coininuui tion with the clouds by means of cert gases, and that he can produce clouds sending the gases into a clear sky. WI this is done small clouds i>ogin to gatl in nil directions, and within ?i short tii the sky is shut out by a solid mass clouds from which rainfall is certain, says that he can also send a captive I loon into a cloud and produce rainf instantly. When this method is used charges the baloon with certain gas which explode when they come in ct tact with moisture. Frankfort to Remain the Capital < Kentucky. Louisvjm.b, Ky. ? Frankfort will r nain the capital of Kentucky for fil fears more at least. The House decid the question, by the selection of Fran fort over Louisville l>y ft vote of 46 17. The present dilapidated 8tt ouildings will l>c torn down and a cost structure erected at a cost of sever uillion dollars The Soldier Priest Dead. Father Darius M. Hubert, 8. J., t soldier priest, died in Macon, Oa., Tu< day. Father Hubert went through t war on the Confederate side as a priv? soldier and was beloved by nil veterar He was ft member of the Veteran's A location of the Army of Northern V ?inia. He wt.s 70 years old. vlavlrom rarvous prostration, at her frlri knoioMt(?it 43* T?IMt street. 8bn- tad had only ni?rMa\om< from Baltimoro, that where idie had been for one month vipiu p?ar Ing for tho benefit of her health. ueoe Amanda uicksuu Tuuiuci w?? to )mi? jiar. old, and ?? a daughter of David Oicfc- Tt eon, who waeopt of tho wcnlthicetfaria- tnun era of Hwook ooailj, aho died lapsing Mow bis ratite to hit colored d "lighter, valued /vile at 4448,700. Then was a big law suit man nnd contest over tho wilt, bat Amanda pre* nuatly wr.s victorious wu was fcuus possession of all that was bequeathed to Tl lur. She had two sons. Julius aud Charles Piic Dick'on, l?oth intrrlrd, who according rcrti to the will by which their mother in nam hcrl c 1 a fortune, will receive *1 00,000 111 t 1 ncli, ami p irt of the remaining $317,000. M A ........I* l..l?.l.ln l.iit it i? 1,?1?.'vi-il |Mw> > her husband will coiuo in for part of l?cr itoo estate, which h valued at more than half dty b million. Although rich, Aiuauda was l ;es halo of lute among the members of thi* P* organization ss to whether or not it should be r?in purely us n social socioty, ? w ithout club features, such sh n bur room, pool and billiard*. The executive cum initio u> nnimously resolved to report 11 that nil clu!) fe?*oien which hnve crept " into the society within the last four or w five rears shall be discontinued. It rc II iommrmls that the o ionization return | to the obj- cts for which it wns srgani^c 1 ^ ?viz , Kiting entertainments, holding l< ' receptions the nnuunl and other banquets, and creating and maintaining u chnrity ' fund. * ~ T IvVO BANKS rAiij j And n Receiver Ha* Buii Appointed '' for a Third. h i Omaha. Nkii?The Ameii. nn Nniioi.nl II ] Bank is in the hands of Comptroller J. I L. McCague, president,snd it is supposed 1 :lint the American National's connection c nn, with llie McCiigue Havings Bank, caused 1 .ts downfall. There are heavy runs on ill the savings banks hero. A BAI.T I.AKIt CITV HANK Sai.t Lakh Utah ?The Park City Bank hns suspended. Liah'lities f |:J0,~ >00; nRsets as much. Tiic cla;m is made :hat the haok will shortly rcsutuo The issignec says that the depositors arc to oe paid 80 cents on the dollar. ler A HANK ItKCBIVP.ll Al'I'olNTKD. ^ "Washington, d. C.?Tfio Comptroller >f the Currency has appointed Joseph JT. Bannett receiver of the OgUthorpe t,a National Bank, Brunswick, (J i. all ho """ j ee A Posaiblo Explanation. >n- iColunibin, H. C. State.) Southirn boys at West Point are bus tain ng the high records of tlieir prode- . lessors I' is a notable circumstance uf that North Carl na and Virginia furnish three out of the four high'at honor ( e* graduates at tho ncarts. This being so, < imbilion spur* them ?s it does-not spur | :heir wealthier Nor.hern classmates./ Here is one advantage the poor always ] he isve over the rich?the incentive to em- ( ps- aloy all their energies in the race of life. \ he ? itc District Attorney Price Resigned, is. Washington, I). C.?Charles Price, ,s United States attorney for the western , ir- district of North Carolina, has resigned and bis resignation has been accepted. , * \ A Mleo! dllUr l? chief of the Macon graph, the oMNet paper In tM South, . . ?Uh bU hud on hi. gun d.m..V. F. Price ngiug editor of tha Telegraph, waa sot, And came In. fan a ahare of the no three HufYa ceeheu,., ^ c and denounced them in no un tin term*, calling tbem all naanaer of es, nil the time keeping their grip lieir guns. Then the Huffa departed, r. Allan said he had nothing to say. lie hna been passed, and it is nnderd that a duel will surely follow. The is in n tumult of excitement, as all :crned nre prominent people. H EY LYNCHED SHORTER. > Prediction of Hie Fellow Prieonera Was Fulfilled. . tp cUl from Staunton, Va., says: diam shorter, colored, who haa been T'?1. m 1 lie person of Mrs. Clevenger, at ivh' stcr, Va., was delivered by Sheriff tts to Sheriff Adam Forney and his ird.to ho taken to Winchester for trial. Vhen Shorter left the jail his fellow oners said to hiin: "Look rut for nchcstiT. You will never get thcie ill. This prediction was verified in a few lire. When the train reached Keerns vn, four miles this side of Winchester, iody of armed, unmasked neon hoard* the train, took Shorler frvim the Brill, and, taking him to the woods, nged him up snd riddled Ins body with illets. Shorter wss IV years old. STUNG TO DEATH. bp Honey Beet Swarm on the Conductor end KiTled Him. A Lvnchburff, Va., special nays: Sun ife to git ready to go to church, noticed int ono of his bcvhivcs was swarming, iid went into the yard for the purpose f catching the swarm and hiving it be bees were full of tight and its soon i Hngnn walked near a Inrge number tncked him ami ho * as stung in many laces about tlie head, eyes and noa*. Ho as carried into tin liousj sod a phjalan Miinmonvd, but before the doctor one In cxp'red in gtcit agony, llogan n? linrty three years of age and had cen in the employ of the Richmond & t.inville Riilroad for a number of years, t the time o'h s dea'li lio was conduc>r on a material traia. 'he Gigantie Enterprise of I?ouiai*a* Capitalist*. Jacksonvti.i.r, Fi.a.?A special fr.m ampi says that tin Louisiana Lottery Jompiny ii s purchased ihe b.5. frost ropcrty, and will construct terminal ncilitics for its line of stcamahip* to iondurus. Two islands oil t) a(5 couot of Ionduras have been purchased for beadpiartcrs of tho lottery, and a submarine : a I > 1 c will Ito laid between tho islands tml Pott Tampa. , u ?.,> ^ ' 'h- 'P* . ? - r?*?- ?^ t * /-. m-j: l- * -n-i I'M I ill" YCCATAN liniNH. tcproduccd at the "World's Columbian Exposition. LOWEK RATES TO CHICAGO. do Cuts Yet, but all Roads Will Come Down. Baltimoiie, Md.?"It is not true,* lays a prominent official of the B. A O. R It., "that our line has cut the rate from Philadelphia to Chicago. You can near all sovts of reports about catting rates but the agreement has not bean violated. There will be lower rates to iifl^'VV'orld'a Pair before August. . From EW flrtt it has been intended to sell lowjr rate limitsd tickets after a time to be Israel Ko tVin naacAnoAr OAmmiifpA r\f t Via vj 'UV |/40?Vi||VI VUIUIHIVWV v? ?U? rrtfok LfBe Association. On Tuesday l#iv tou COuiiuitMV wi!! uiOvt tC the matter, and by the first of July the tickets will be on sale." Killed by Emery Wheel. Richmond, Va.?Charles W. Watkins, l well-known merchant, was killed Friiay morning by tho bursting of an emery wheel at the 8tarkcs Dixie I'low Works, .%*!