KJL DOIALBMK'S ftZTLT. Ousitilu, S. C., Mij 1.1893. I Mb. Emtob :?la rtplyi?K to GoTarnor I Tilbaaa'a eaufwriou u baciag blacklisted i fraiiwi C n?>u4, Md the nuon i a?1'gwe far m 4?iii I shall Ml iU?apt io J & ' / '*?*" Mr. TiUau as dllsaa. with Mr. , TrT w ? Cwwwmtr. aar tin tana, but la 4n1 with hla aa iaaa ca an, recoga'siag > tha fed, aa iha public will alio, that if his . . oaatlaai ia Ibis aMt'er. is showa la ba traa > W and sable aad manly, it will oaljr give lartre < w la I ha office which ha holds, aad that oa Iha i caMrar j"lf his oouraa had beta aolraa, ig- ; aobla, aad uawaalj, his office as Geveraer, will aal shield hiai from tha ccniawpt of all i right thiakiag mas. gv, Whaa 1 first aaw the reports ia the news- i rarer* that the (lATtmor of tha Sl?l? had i'aeludrd my ubi in b blacklist H Mr. I i Cleveland, 1 la ceamoi with the peeple generally gave but little credit U it, but receives ne statement from the Ooveroor denying i it, I wMe him a letter of inquiry, which letter he saw fit to ignore* I skall take up ha public statement*, however, and answer - them seriatim. He diec'aims any "reference" te my private character, or any feeling ef resentment, ar desire to injure me, and yet he deliberately proceeds te charge me with "betrayal" ?f the Alliaaoe, and "treachery te the peo&and to the Al.iaace," thus making a Uy thrust at my character and reputation. We revd of one Joab of olden time, who while waddeaed and blinded by pellticil jealousy, pursued a faithful servant of tha king, one who was on a mission to units and harmonise the people, an I when he had the that te stab a man's cbatacter, whether epenlye as Joab did AmasVs person, or Under cover of supposed secrecy in a blacklist to the President mean* death to the victim. The firet reason given by the Geveraor to prevent "further betrayal ut the Alliance" it tbat I was repudiated by the Democracy of tireeavillo Uouoty, etc. So far as my failing to be elected a delegate to the May convention is concerned, 1 nave the records * te shew, for tbev ere in the hands of three _ r V 1 r as honorable men as live in Greenville conn- | if, that in a caucus of reformers, held just I before the mealing of the County Convention, t v a ballot was taken for delegates to the Slate i Convention to be voted for in the open con- j vention. About one hnlf of the ballots cast < ior me were nut repotted, aud still the uum- i bar of ballots couuied for me made me an i alternate, wh ch according to a rulo of the t caucus required that iny uaate be printed ou ? the tiokets to be used in the open convention, s .having failed therefore by the counting out i Srocees to keep me off the tieket, it was < iscovered in the convention, after a large umber of them weie distributed te the t unsuspoeting members, that my name was i left off the ticko s. This arout-ing suspicion c in the minds cfL some, an investigation was 1 made, and the v;above slated aud n sworn ta and pu^-?<^^^>y the investigating c committee. 1 natural, therefore, t (and certainly ?<*$. ^wj^mld have beea moro v ythat my friends with long associated in the work s UtQina fciuJ persecuti.n that was c should r.illy nlmo-t to |n the State Convent on. c ^ Merchants'^Bitek^oroiBl''io,u forthe U ,t- c , , ^vof that convention t its doors At noon. It wl? ,,ugh the influ. n ititution of the kind in ihe toi?!liyy uuani- i '''a *utl t ' -on PALMETTO CHIPS. News and Notes From Here, There dm j Everywhere in South Carolina. jPc \M Tho South Carolina Club of Columbqjk Is preparing to erect a club buil Jing. iK$ 1 Mills Elotnnr Palknain ? _ J_I glBUUUlCCO OI W 0 John C. Caluoun, is making some stir asj I ' n actress in Paris. & 8 Gen. Manager Areiill of the Charles- ?EV ton, Sumter & Northern railroad has ro- 2j igned to take charge of tho Port Royal & Augusta and Port Royal A Wc?ter?>? v Carolina roads. mu ?. V? a a rc-io- li Ihe board to distribute thjroto Chicago, fi * propria ted by the Legit ggpTtho resolutions f M" i |hi;j_ uiu-mn'nJ. Mr. Clevc- ( ^^"futufs. ~~""^^^ffatioii, it will he ( , *j|Wolegates, who talked c Capt. E. C. Mya-U Wy to Chicago, that I s bered as ono otjMr*on as expressive of the a jn Qjj__?^^*jj||Wuvention must ltavo its bear- v --SBBpPWrieir acliou. 1 went to Chicago, -^^wiriHfbnk^dolegat^ to rote in the convention, o but to meeTttrffDemocratic National Execu- 41 live Committee, in order to organize with a that committee for the work of the cam- r paign. 1 associated with them 4,opcnly" I 1< confess; most of the committee 1 believe 1 were supporters of Mr. Cleveland, uud the b results ef the convention indicated that there I were quite a number of voting delegate'* also, n who wore in favor of his nomination I felt w then as I do now, that 1 as a free white a South Carolina Democrat, h id as much right I to my choice of Mr. Clevelind to the ? dency 33 Governor Tillman lind for his 1 choice. As atrea-Jy stated, my position for h Mr. Cleveland wis well understood before v the May convention met. No demand was 'a made upon me by tint convention, and I / deny the cinrgo that 1 consciously deceived any one, cither by silcucc. or by speech. The next count in litis wonderful iudiciment ^ k>V-ferrtrar1 pledged myself if elected President M 1 of the State Alliance, nut to seek any oitice, ' to., and this report 44I am told" is being '' very industriously circulated in Alliance ^ circles as though it were a fact, which if ' believed will, as is hoped for by those who '' seek my injury, have the effect of brcukiug 8 the uui4y of ttie Alliance, in supporting my 1 efforts as its offc'al head, to build up and w ^ maintaiti the true principles of the order. The exact truth is, 1 did not sack the nont- '' inaiion of the presidency of the State Alii- * anee, but on the contrary express ;d to many l1 of those who approached me on the subject, " that I preferred* tq decline, and I um sure ' fliat ever* member of the State Alliance ir/to R vo'ed jot me will bcir me out in the state- f' men! : thnt 1 did not in the slightest degree " expre-s or imply any such pledge, mr was '' any such requirement laid upon me by any P one whomsoever. 1 did say lifter my elec J tien that 1 won d do all within lay power to 11 build up and advance the interests of the ^ l order, which 1 have dono. and will continue '' to do. It might be interesting right here to '' inquire of I lie Governor, whence comes this r hew born zeal for the welfare and safety of M the Alliance on his part'! 1 believe that at r one time be was made President of the Edgefield County Alliance, and thnt not- 1 withstanding he had pub islied far and wide 1 ?to ehow his disinterested patriotism?that a Iff wanted no office save that of a trustee of f qn sgrictiltur.il college, yet he did nqt lic-i- 1 tqte to embrqee the first opportunity tr hold c office of another kind. When Allt > neemen ' all over the State revert to his defiance of 1 the order and tie principles, ?s lie demon- f strated it at the moeting of I he State Alliance ' at Spartanburg, tlioy will no doubt look " upon his great and suddbo Alliqne virtue in t!iia esse as s mewhat ludicrous snd gro- ( tesque. Ill llio Inst count lie charg.s imc ? with "treachery, to I lie people an t to the ? Alliance," in tint I injected info the rail- | roft'l bill of'91 "two objeotionable feituroa," j tiz: The ngnt of appeal on the part of the , railroads to the courts and the feature of the f bill which allowed the e'ection of ralrovl ( c Miiuiissiotiers by the General Assembly, f To any one with the information and intelii- r genen of a school boy a reply to these charges c Would seem superfluous. Mr. Tilltnau, when ? [ - jl' < iuDtuitUd Oo'traor t>ok a nlm wlk to ?ast?ia to* ?ou*i atiti *f ik i StiU amI *f lh? United 8 ate*. I, villi every o hw mem tor *r Ik* 8?ii*ie iid n*u* *f Kfmwliti ** I, look lk? MB! Iltb. The e mtitlllM uaque*t:ooaMy gear ml re* *2 tktt.tf itl? Jto right of appoal to to* ewuli, vktok right is ? * *f .;! . vifH ? ?ij. M* yK Ik* Governor of * great But*, vh* has a worn In sustain lb* const it ation thereof, feel* jusI'Sed in p oooadiag seriously **d delttor ' Ij I* Washing!** aad apparently under liver of atorecjr asks the chief executive of ihe ration lo decap tale a van who, aa State Senator, refos-d I* betray hi* trust by do nying to the ei ise* hie rights, nnd?r the constitu'i n?for in its tast analysis that is what tLis uas o, as given to Mr. CtevoUad, nraar. So far as relate* to Bunch McBee having suggested ia me thai the right of appoal la inserted in the bill, I hava to say that Mr. SlcBee never eoce mentioned the matter to me ; n r to .the best of my roeellection d-d Is* *vtr di-curs the bill in my prosene*. "I have been tbld " by the best auiherily, that he rnilretd men, after fniliog in their efforts lo defeat th* bill in the Hens* aad 8*nato, joncurred very fu'ly nith the Governer i* lis desire te deny the right of appoal to the railroads, as th?t would have rendered the ?v? ?uvvd>?lt??lVH4l *uu VWBOJUC1IIIJ upltrj. Again, I incut red the displeasure of lb* Sovernor bjr a'luwing tbe Legislature te elect tbe oatnmi-siouers instead of the people. As a matter of f *ct 1 was ia favor of a clause being inserted in the hill to have tbe commissioners elected by tbe prople, one every wo years, but it was thought best by some >f the reform S.na'ors not to do-to at tbat dote, for tbe reason that there could be rite'Ion by the people till the nest general rlectiea, end that as as -a matter neoeeeity the Legislature must elect as the nearest approach to the prople. It was also thought >est not ta increase oppesitim to tho passage >f the bii by inserting that provision, innsnuob as the same Legisla'ure would sit the text winter, when i> would be easy to amend he act. In these flimsy reaseus given by die Governor for his course ha Again overreaches himself, for it is wcll-knowu that tbe efortu Senators had a hire majority in the lenata, and that without their uni a rec, win c wuiiiurd stood on n buggy. Upon Is being drawn off the wretch fell several eel, wh:le ihc crowd riddled him with billets. The fallowing was found on him tolay : "Kaptet; liejc hang; a scoundrel who aped an honored woman in her liomc ; but on, nla-1, this scamp did gape, tied to a ope in Lynch tree town. Auother account of the assault is, that in he struggle that ensued, a big dog nu the ircmiscs rushed to the rescue of his mistress ,nd attacked the ncg-o. There was a dtsicrate fight between the dog and negro hrough which Mrs. Nesmith made hor esipe and aroused the nearest ne glibors n the mean lime the battle between ihe n in and tlio dog cintinned. The negro innlly succeeded in tearing himself away roni tlie infuriate I dog and plunged into the wannp, - Dkrkrvinii Brush.?We desire to say to ur citizens that fir years we have been cl'In* Dr. King's New Discovery for Conunipti >n, Dr. King's New Life Bills, Ducken's Ainica Salve and Klcctrio Diners, and save never handled remedies that sell as veil, or that have given such universal atisfaction. We do not hedtntcto guarantee hem every lime, and we stanJ ready to reiind the purchase price, if satisfactory esulia do not follow their uso. These remdles liivc won their great popularity purely id their merits. B. F. l'oaey. Diuggist, * $ , bB dHMMManfeaMMW Cifw?f?i>4fMt *r iw t? ? ?| oaatag ud gat I* w*rk i? w*iu ai a !?#?_?.u ??j n.rtin Mr stadying aay U think of what mat*, if ay, ha*? mm phM dnrisg ike pa* week, " r kiaot last wa wrote. OmMm ud d?? pudaaij oota is ?fl?n, ud vamalaad para?dad tagirn k aptai k%d Jok Bat _ ikal ?? 't da, for if a g?oJ cook can gat ap a | meal ?i -ffu bku ? suminuift f missionaries, where business it is to look a tier and solic t the attendance of there j] people who never attend ihe church or school and urge upon tliem to attend for their own good. The committer for Salem is Miss Mi dred Smarr, Mies Amanda Lte y and Miss Eliza Esies. A grand Sunday School pic oio took place across the river in Yerk county, at Whiteside's Mill, or Clerk's Fork, last Saturday. All er most of the schools for miles around in every direction were represented. Sixteen wagons and teams leaded wdh men, women und children, te sty nothing ef bug- f< gies, carriages, carts, pedestrians and equea- f( trians, formed iu line at Hickory Grove and went in one solid caravan to the p c uie grounds, a mile and a half beyond the town, ? where they were met by ethers from ether directives, end all enjoyed a day of pleasure. Everything tbat feminine ingenuity could g invent, in the way of edibles, was spread upon the dinner table. Old men and women, whose hearts and sympathies are eulisted iu the good work met, and in social circles recounted life's battles, its hopes and despairs, its sunshiua and its glvom. The ubiquitous eupid, with his bow and quiver, was prrseut to note the gulian ry of the young men who showed their devotions to ihe young maidens, whose immaculate G purity is worth tuoro thau a nation's life. While last, but not least, the jojoua shouts n and merry rongs t f the children arose in ?i one grand anthem to pronounce Heaven'* benediction upon the occasion. It is unnecessary for us to say that our North Pacolct secti n was well rrpieeented P on this happy occasion. The ptop.cef Western jYork are not only our neighbors but our friends, and as time rolls on and our work gt progresses, we are becoming mure and more attached te each other. Like all other sec ions of the country, L Western Yerk has its very best and most 0 zealous christian peeplo enlists! in this work. v U While we are determined that, by the help of God, Gowdoysville shall be the banner D township in the county, if not in the State, D in the Sunday schawl work, we find in West- D cm York a formidable rival?"a focman worthy of our steel." Vox. B i Bucki.kn's Aknk'a Salvk.? The best Ci Sslve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, CI Ulecrs, Salt Kheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, B Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Fi skin eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed te 81 give perfect Sixiafdvtivu, or money refund- 1/ ed. Price 25 cents per box. For salo by H B. F. Posey. si .?. AT THE BACKET STOKE. 20c. Matting for ll?c. oOc. ?' 20c. Jl5c. Seamless Mailing, on'y 2.">c. Dress Goods, Clothing Shoes, etc., cheaper than you can buy iu the Slate. ^ MARRIED. 11 WOOD?HOLCOMB. Married, on the D 7th inst., at the residence of the bride's parents near Putamn church, by IUv. W. E. G. Humphries, Air. Pavll Wood tp Miss ' Lena Holcomb; all of Union county. Mlinlalliol CI nnilnn 01 fim^iiv>|i?ii kiyviivili NOTICE is hereby given tint an election will be held on Tuesday, ihetith dsy of June next, far an Intendant and four Wardens, to c>nipose the Town Council of Union, to serve llie ensuing municipal year. ' The following have been appointed nanag-rs to conduct tbc electim : 11. C. Johnson, J. D. McNeaee, L. N. linger. l'olla to be open in the Court House between the hours of 8 a. m. and 4 p. m. Hy order of Council. Theodore Muxro, May 12-1'J-ftt Intendant. Registration Notice. L4 00KS for the It agist ration of all roters ) qualified by law to rote at the Municipal election, on the ft>h of June next, will be open iu the Court House on the following days: May 22, 23, 30, 31, und June 1st. The law requires that alt qualified voters shall icgistcr before they will be allowed to II voie. hi Hooks will be open on the above days from al 11 a. iu. to 1 p. m. ai M imagers of Registration, 11. C. Johnson, >] J. I). Mclfeace, L. N. Roger. By order of Council. Theodore Mc.nko, May 12-19-3t Intendant. A Fine Spanish jack. ONE of the Inrgcs', ptiVesl bred and finest U firinct Hpaoish Jacks ever brought R into tli's Slate will s*and regularly at Gra- ct hnin A Kay's livery and sale stables, at K Union C. II. GRAHAM & RAY. April '2l-lC-tf. fc! ' s^fli HB ORr ow opening np one^f the largest i er had, and prioee kt* low as jon i Ladies! See Oi We can show yon Jail die novelti* nrl waftK mwvla amllMia lifia of wkS ^ww) amwvaci ??uv vi nui Millinery I It it useless for oJtoiiv that we < mown that our mok of Milliner lies peat. We hare dome speoial ind cason. I ^ On Monday ne4tt 27th, we will t large psiuting infflrauies and read rill bo giveajawg at the end of will explain itaeKjLTbo pictures a ire to get. CaBjKfwj *? only a lie Remombcr? prieosfeol ow, and, ii an buy them elSSherc. Wo n Dolishness, but we limply mean I eceived for every &dlar spent with R especially, GRAHAM & aa 22-G-lf SHOES 1 SHQ] ?his week we wish to call your spe< SumuQ zzOxfor i fashionable colors and styles, for i price from 60 ceflts to $2.25. Wo are selling Dongola Kid Bu iiegler Bros., for izOnly These goods are especially cut for )rt and woar, they can not bo surpt >r fifteen years, and no further con Ask to see our Xadies' kid butt< 1.00. Our 93.00 Mens' welted shoe, in oled with thread and awl, just the It is a well established fact that 1 .AL H. F( AT. B. We are receiving, weekly roods. Latest Styles! Lowest 1 IEP0RT0F THE CONDITION or THK Merchants' & Planters' NATIONAL 15 A INK OF UNION. SOUTH CAROLINA, At Union, in the State of South Carolim [ the c'osc of buiinttt, May 4th, 1893. RESOURCES. oans and discounts Si 81,696 1! verdrafts, secured and unsecured ?... 1,130 81 . S. Bonds to aeoure circulation 15,000 0< ue from approved reserve ag' 18 8,754 '21 ue from oilier National BankB 4,147 51 ue from State Banks and Bank era 202 27 anking-liouse, furniture and fixtures 2,000 0( nrrent expenses and taxes paid 1,050 21 hecks and other easti iteths 144 5f ills of other binks 70 0( ractional paper currency, nickels and cents 130 3i pecie .. 11,OSS 7( cgal tender notes 3,300 Of edemption fund with U. 8. Treairer, (5 per ct of circulation)... 075 0( Total $229,983 81 LIABILITIES. npitnl stock paid in....^ $00,000 0( iirplus fund 50,000 (K ndivided profits 9,723 0< ationnl Bank notes outstanding 13,500 0( idividuul deposits subject to cheek...,, ., 90,223 Ot uc to other National banks 535 7' Total 7!7rr(?.. $229,983 81 ?tatk of South CAaoira^, \ County- Of Umiojj.VSS j I, George Munro, Cashier of the abovt Ameit Bank, do solemnly swear that th< Aove statement is true icj- the best of mj t.owledge and belief, GEORGE aluNKG Casliier. Subscribed and sworn t? before me thiI tli day of May, 1893. CHAnuja Bolt, Notary Public. orbkct?Attest: P. M. Fabb. ) J. A. Fast. [ Directora. a. ii. fostkr, j Spectacles and Eye-Glasses. r ?vnkuunkihcir i^fficni mrvffwwouiy Phe Union Drug Co 'as a full line of the best spectacles rid eye-qlasses tbst Science has beer l?!e to produce, aad are prepared to eui ny condition of the eye. lar. 24-12-tf Notice! 'o All h'aom it maj/ Concern : a ll persons hariog butiness in coonec r\_ lion with my office as Coroner o nion County will call upon Mr. Charier olt, my deputy, at Union, 8. c., when ro >neenient to my place of residence nesi elton, s. c. jasper m. aycock, Coroner Union County. Union. 8. c., April 26, 1898. lay 6-18-tf . . .1 I I ^ SOODS !_?The Lowest Prices i the Northern markets, and we ai ind beat selected stocks that we hai rill find in South Carolina. ur Dress Goods. ss of the season, both in woolen gooc te goods are the prettiest in town. Millinery 11 an suit you in a hat, as it is general! f good* are always the largest an uoements to offer you in Millinery thi Cash Buyers. issue tickets to cash buyers, calling ft y for hanging in your parlor, wnic 30 day*. Call and get a ticket wliicl re now here, so you can see whkt yc nited number are to bo given away. 1 a great many goods lower, than yo aeau business?no humbuggcry?n< 0 got your trade, and give you valu us. & SPARKS, Gash Store. ESTrSHOESlT ;ial attention to our stock of shoes fo ter wear. d Ties? Ladies, Misses and Children, rangin itton Shoes for Ladies wear, made b $2.00~ 1 the Southern trade, and for fit, con isscd. We have sold Zicgler's shot itncnt is necessary. )n, patent leather tip dress shoes, fc lace and congress, which can bo hal same as a genuine hand made shoe. oe are the 'people for good Shoes. JSTEIi & CO. r, fresh arrivals in Millinery and Dres *ricc8 ! I RICHMOND & DANVILLE RAILROAD C F. W. Iluidekoper and Reuben Foster, r ceivois. Columiiia and Grkenvillk Division. Condensed Schedule, in effect Nov. 2 I 1892. Trains run by 75th Meridian Tun 1 Between Charleston, Columbia, Allston an npnrintiDurg. i Daily I I DaWy 1 No. 13. I STATIONS. |No^ 14 6 oOaniiLv Cl??ilesion.....Arj 10 30p 3 60 p m| " Columbia " | 1 20 4 80 14 I " Allston "12 40 ' 5 23 " I Carlisle " 111 44a ' 6 32 " I " Sanluc "Ill 80 * 6 50 " I " Union " 111 17 > 0 23 " I'4 Paoolet " 110 44 0 50 " |Ar Spartanburg LrjlO 20 | 10 10 p m|Ar Ashcville.. .L"j 7 00 ' Between Charleston, Columbia Seneca ar , Walhalla. ' Daily. I Daily No- 11 1 STATIONS. No. I! 0 60am|Lv Charleston ar 1080p ) 11 20 " I " Columbia " 0 06 > 12 06pm| " Alston " 5 13 ) 12 23 " " Pomsria " 4 67 j 12 42 " " Prosperity.... " 4 40 12 67 " " Newberry " 4 26 i 1 01 " " Helena " 4 20 r 1 88 " " Chappell's.... " 3 38 2 17 " " Nioety-Six... " 3 10 j 2 87 " " Greenwood... " 2 63 2 65 " " Hodges " 2 20 3 12 " " . ....Donalds " 2 11 8 23 " " Ilonea Path.. " 1 68 J 8 43 " Ar Dellon Ly 1 40 s 4 05 " Ly Helton...... .. Ar 1 36 r 4 86 " " Anderson.... " 1 16 6 18 " " ......Pendleton ... " ii2 46 G 00 " Ar Seneca.... L?il2 16p G 82 " Ly Seneca Ar 12 lOp: ' 7 00 pm Ar Walhalla L* 11 40at 6 00 p m Ar tireeuville... Lv J12 OOn' Trains leave Spartanburg, A. & C, Div sion, x\oriUDoiiuJ, 4.0'J a. ro, 8.48 p. u 8,00 p. m. (Vestibuled Limited); Sout bound, 1.6(1 a in, 3.30 p m, 11.37 a. m (Vestibuled Limbed); Westbound, W. N. ( Division, 0.60 p. m.f for llcniersonvilb Atheville ond Hot Springs. Trains leave Greeuvilie, S. C., A. & C Division, Northbound, 3.07 a m, *2.20 p. id 5.08 p in (Vestibuled Limited); Soul bound 3.07 a in. 4-42 p m, 12.28 p i (Vestibuled Limited) Trains leave Seneca, A & C Divisij Northbound 1.80 n m, 12.15 p m; Soutl bouud 4.38 a in, 0.30 p m ' Trains Nos- 11 and 12 on the C. and ( . Division, and Trains 13 and 14 on the A. an 8. Division will run solid to and from Cha: t le-.ton over the S. C. H. 11. PULLMAN CAR SERVICE Pullman Sleeper on 13 and 14 betwee Charleston and Asheville, via Columbia an , Spartanburg. Pullman Palace Sleeping Car on Trains - 10, 11, and 12, 37 and 88 on A & C D I vision. ? W A TURK, S. H. 11ARDWICK, 1 Gen'I l'asa Agt Assl Geo'I Pass Agt r Washington D. C. At'anta, Gi V E McDEE. SOL HAAS. Gen'l Supt Traffic Mgr Columbia, 8 C. Washington D W U UKKEN, Geu'l Mg r, Washington I) J IP - J;'' ^ . r~ l? rr~ "" RACK % >. r? re THE immense stock of Spring ar opened up and placed on our i ls all to be the largest, best assorted shown in Union. All bought for cash so we have no losses and can afford tc . OUR DRESS d are equal in quality to in any the than you will find anywhere. Big lit A nice China Silk, at 25o per yai Imported Brocaded Satin. ftfl? * n * ~ 1? >r Fine changeable Surahs, 75c per h Beautiful Tine of Plaid Surahs, 1 h new and popular shades* only 25 cent u " In Gottoir Goods, such as Law] u etc-, our stock is simply immense. )r Ten thousand imported sample o than half price. Pant Goods from 5 cents a yard u 10 oents. STRAW I t Big line of men's and boy's Si * Broad brim Malagas only 10c; others the same goods. CLOTH 11 We are headouarters for Glothii g $2.48 to fine English. Worsted. Bo} cents. Big lot of 50c Jean Pants jus y SHOES and SI We hove Shoes and Slippers to * . high cut Shoes for 75c: Ladies' fine t 1 ? __ ? ni r o >s aies onppers, ouc. Come in and let us sliow you thr< ,r you want to buy anything or not. Polite and attentive salesmen to f- Respectfully, HARR1 April 1016-ly PRICES WIL * And Especially L eThe season is advancing and we still ha stock of Pry Goods, Notions, Millinery, C P many goods. This hot weather reminds us tl ? winter underwear. We are prepared to suppl Ladies' Gauze Vests, 5?> I Men's Gauze Vests, "r'c' = Colored Dotted Swisses, ? % f ii m II - _ ?mmm ?? :: A Superb Line of In All the Latest Sliadi tn :: A Big Drive in E " ltobos for tho Babies at prices that you In tho Millinery Dopartmont our sal " showing that our patrons appreciate low price <> Don't forget tho store. J. w. :: W. L. DOUGLAS " < ;;; S3 SHOE 0en/l?A.IN. n And other specialties tot By JAM M Otntlemra, B071 ud MImcs are tho VV i- Best in the Wor|d- Common Peo descriptive idrertlM- liint Ledi h VV Brl 1 ment which will appear In and cffe( Take no Substitute, ?nd ? f> hat Insist on h?rln| W. L. of the 8 DOUOI.AM' SKOKH.wlth they be name and price atamped oa of l'robal bottom. Sold by Carolina, h W. T. BBaTY. Union, S. C. after pub m end R. S. LIPSCOMB, Gnffney, S. C. forenoon ,beb 17-7-Om 1 w|,y i],e n frZ "irx ! grnnted. " UNIONURUGUO., .,Ap".. 3. ?DKAI.ER8 IX? ^ DRUGS, Patent Medicines. Toilet Soapf, Public: r" Perfumery, Hair Brushes, Teoth 1893, in I Brushes, Tooth Powders, April Face Powders. A full line of 'Paints, Oils, Putly, Stains, n Paint Brushes, Whitewash Brashes. ]\? ; d Tobaoco, Snnff, Cigars, Fresh Garden s??/Ut ana ail Kinds of Druggist Sundries TlTttT r 9 kept in a first-class Drug #| . . i- Si ore. v Kel8' Physicians' Proscriptions carefully coin- LATEST pounded at all hours. 4 The Public will find our stscit of Medicines ' Alway, complete, warrant!d genuine and satisfaoti of 'the best quality. 0 Call and see for yourseltes, Oct 14 C Uebl7-7-ljr w a E i l, L fl A fl ^ - *-* JL m V '.^ Kid Summer Goods juat ^ ihelves ie tmmoiinned bv and cheapest goods ever " i and sola the same Way, i sell at very close prices. GOODS State, and prices lower us of Silks. rd. r yard, pard. whip Chords in all the is, Gin.; hams, Challies, Handkerchiefs at less p. Nice Cottonade for -iATS ] traw Hats just opened, ask you 15 and 20o for STG. lg. Men's Suits from f's suits at 50 and 75 t in. UPPERS. . *uifc everybody : Meidr * mttou Shoes^^ij^l^^^^ show yov?f to'dfty,H worlf? * tha country btviog Acs, Everything is ' O feared. I oc N TWO WEEKS. .a L i "ULiiv, lOwPrices. " ^ffiy aflornooiT'aavo left fr:old daughter of Nothing, III? farmer. Bar lealat it is timeli!fty ontl quietly both the Lnif of it. F. Eicon, deceased, are, tliorcforo, to ciiennd admonish ingnlar the kindred and creditors aid U. F. Kiaon, deceased, that nd appear, before me, in the Court e. to be held at Union C. II-, South on the 25th day of May, next, mca'iou iioreor, at 11 c'olock in the , to ehow cau?e, if any they hare, said Administration should not be under my hand seal tbia 12th day Anno Domini, 1893. J AM US M. QUE, Judge Probate, hod on the Hth day of April, the Wkeklt Union Timm. 15-6t. I L. L I N F. R-v, eceired from the Northern Mu*/' "' a choice seleclirn'of Millinery^-^ 8TYLKS AND LOWESy^RiCES # pleased to show goi>jJ? and give on to customera. s MRS. JAS. GRANT.