^ ^ ' _ ?"rr# wo*!m,t or ** * * co?ii?i??aFrtnci. U^4 Cott0H riant i ' v |k III oblige ?? by iosertiog (hie cemtlfo which Is prompted only by no ApV|!7 eerneet dreire to I ring about a non-politleel, j p &||pr va'aapaseinnod discus-ion ef the question: > "What can be dene in a fr?c'lcal way le eiea I vncbine and all farm* ?' nu~-i p itog to deeth of heinous criminate?T f ? Keoeat events admonish us. and I hope baa prepared the publio mind for a serious 0 oonaideration of the matter. Whenever a lynching baa occurred the a press has denounced it ; but the editors hare been regarded by the publio at hypo- j crftos, truckling to Northern hypocrites, who would themselves joiu a lynching party . hutilit the crime come home to one of tbeir , family or fricaJi. r And bow in Columbin has be?n bold an ' indignation mooting which is worse limn 4 lynching itself. 1 have no doubt (hot msnjr j ., wool to that meeting simply to express their disapprobation of mob law, but politicians controlled it virtually ints sn incendiary neb. It certainly did no good. It will not prevent the Northorn people from making what capital out of it they can far the purpose of slandering the Hutch and to continue their domination of us. ' A hundred such meetings would not , prevent another lynching for the same crime, while it tends to general inwlessnesi instead of specific lawlessness?to endanger propeity and the lives ef thousands instead of a life here and theie of some worthless character. The more thoughtful, sensible negroes realise tbe importance of improving the morals of their own race, especially of their t women, as a neorssarv step to their progress i . In oivllisation, but the worvt of them are , evidently chafing under the moral restraints thrown around them. The people of llarnwell would have lynched n while mm f r the same crime. White men sltcot each ether without scruple for sucli ofienve*, oad < the neero therefore has no race irriernncc. The filed, unalterable determination of the whites to protect their wonrn against assaults of ao hideous u Mature is right?is an honor to them, and therefore unless the courts can giro scout ily to them, lynching will continue without regard to Northern hypocrisy, native hypocrisy, political inceudiuri-un, race war or any other censequeucor. The courts have failed to givu such security and therefore a change is dictated by common sense ami hy indica'ions that n 1 much longer continuance in our present I course may lead to worse e?ils. I Hut lynching lias alss failed to | revent ( this horrible crime anil it is to this fact that 1 desire to call special tltrntifii. Not only in South Carolina, hut elsewhere ilie.se brutes hove been cmlittualy lynched; otic | was even skinned and otic burnt, yel the crime is repeated nil the same. The fuel is that thu cla?s wliicli commits tills crime is not swayed by feir of death ' any more tlinn an aniiuul. The idea that if I caught they will be put itiitiieJiatoty out of | the way of rcptonch is a relief to them. It is a well-known fact that these criminals, ' negroes especially, have met death upon the ' - scaffold singing and exulting?the great t 11 l~*-. single actors in* a heroic tragedy?the , envied of the other criminals to be. Ou far from the sight of a dying criminal in a in a testraining or beitcficia1 iiitlueuce i til til people the evil has become so well l,lVu rxreutiom in public have 1 ?v0,\^Vtvd^k-wi1 l,y 1,1 w. r?ooR ranietiibcr how tlio sight of | b?*n ?B0\d'\*TS^L^Il'?ad lessened their scn?ibilbeoouia inured to it, ' the ' fclett n? jl' d regard for human life. D(' thoae who resort to h*1 (0r?i. ahoulil seek for a more ? l^*rt?-/*Tor crime which cannot be to?i evident that under our rteved. guilt and rapacity will con- ' *vV ''10 courts and to bravo the Vr*B .. ?? ** , "It is a pa'uful evidence if depravity and weakness iu our system that while the mob ' puts some to death other critmiials hnrdencd ta all sorts of crimes are acquitted by the courts, freed from jail and turned leoie to irritate and ar??n^?a tin? community, viitii.'?no dnto of tnc? First, adopt punprobability iu 5S5 13. tin crimes which would eveut them, and secoud. ???^^^m-ourta for (lie prompt nod f such criiuiuiils and of all ( Tlxv tcn^inont lxv ' .?.tion will be asked: can a Cil\ uci.i>iniii').a found more clTectiinl than Uf.s(ifciillv for that crime whn.li exhorror and arouses all the indignation AN hrthoftmi revenge of a civilized jnoploY Ves ! every f l"'*Perieuce, unpublished, but authentic, ?shows tlud there is a far more effectual remedy. And while it forever deprives him of the power to repeat (lie ciiine, mercifully save* his life for reformation in the penitentiary. Let us abolish capital punishment altogether. Our condition demands it. minutes before closing each mail. Any Inattention or irregularities alio I e reported promptly to the P. M. J.C. HUNTKK. P. Ml few Advsrtlssmsuta. Fhets ! Fhoee ! 1 fhoes t ! !?A. II. > ler A Co. Municipal Klectlao?T. Munro, Intense Registration Notice? " " ttojT The Editor ha* beea considera under the weither" the paet week, i ilmost uoable to attend to hie datiee, 1 hope* to be all right again io a day or ti ? Call and enquire pricea of I'hotogr work at ATWOOO & UNUKR'8 and will be surprised. If you want le see magio work, ipd see the brio'c machine at the faoK roll out brioks. It turns out from 4ft to i minute. It is the busiest thing in all t busy pbire. "Josh Berry" 14 Finger Grain Crad only $'2.25, at A. II. FOSTER k CO S. nnf Here wo are, on the 11th day May, 18i?.1, sitting comfortably befor good fire, nnd with all cur Winter und clothing on. This old weather is bound give cotton a bud set-bock. flt-iy Our efficient Clerk of Court, J. MoKissiok, requests us to state that he I mailed to Stale pensioners at their vari posloflices checks, for the omounts lliem. All tlioso who get tlieir mail Union po.1 (office will call at hia oflico heir checks. > Come early an! secure your I'hotogrr vork before June 1st at ATWOOD UNCiEU'P. BniT" Mrs". uch favors from friends. ?s. jQr-rs>"** Don't neglect to rentl l'resid Donaldson's c?lm, tirtn nnd dispsssiot reply to Qovcrnor Tillman e reasons b'ackllsting him. It is like pouring oil Lhe troubled waters, nnd evinces a selfrificing spirit in the l'residcnt for tbe pc harmony nnd general welfare of the linnce. Cultivate your Corn and Cotton v Victor Sweeps," for sale only by A. FOSTER ^ CO. ? ? ? After our paper was worked last week, Sheriff Long received a ejtaphio dispatch from Governor Tillno informing him that he had granted a res to Charner 1 hoinns, who was sentence' be banged last Friday, until Friday, J 2nd. Tlio respite was grante I in rnspc to an earnest petition signed by a large n ber of cili/.ens of this county. ? .? Cabinet photos at half the regular p at ATWOOD& UNGE1CS until Juno 1st Ouc night last week some thief i from the lot next to Robinson & All warehouse, a set of buggy wheels, which heen detached from a buggy undergoing pair*. If any honest person knows of sudden acquisition of a set of buggy win under / miliar circumstances, they ma the menus of restoring them ti their rigl owner, by informing Messrs. Hobiueo Alien where they can be found. . m ''"lie clccliou of Kev. Kllison Coj to the high otlicc of Assistant Bishop this diocese, gives universal satisfaction both the clergy and lay membership of Kpiseopnl church. Probably no man i possessed the love and confidence of church to it gic?iei degree ttiin does His Capers, and he will enter upon the high responsible duties of the sacred office ' ihe united prayers of al! its member; encourage and sustain him. S*2."?i> per dozen for Aristo (Pace fi cabinet size photos ut ATWOOl) \ I'.NtiK flktf1" Wc ha/a flnlv raaru arul tiiua tu the death of t wo old friends of former dn Col II. W. Oarliugton. nged 8*2, and Me AY'iiieutenn springs property. Both i i?"< v..- --a ??r? buried at l.atirwns Monday. Col. ti&rlingtoa was half-brother of > John L. \ oting, of this town, and Simpson was brother to the late Chief J lice Simps in. It is sal for us to feel t they are the last af our nnti-bellum trie of uear our own age. Cabinet Photos finest finish at ATWO t UNGKR'S Gallery $2.60 per dn/.en, u lune 1st anil no longer. We call special attention to rticle in another column under the lie Lynching and Crime, ' written by Hon. !. Tindal. Secretary of Stale. The article is not only timely in its i earaoce, but is sound and sensible bought and principle. It meets with c ordial approval, as it accords with I iews we have always entertained upon t eformatory influence that capital punii lent lias upon thn public, and its cft> pon the inind of the ordinary juror pteriniuing his verdict, particular in oth imes than deliberate and prcme-litab urder. We have no room for further remarks lis subject I)i1m werk. ATWOOlt fi UNGKIi have reduced t "ice of photos to bottem prices. 8 Tboee Who wm not fortuaate ttMfk la I attend NMoIiod'i Hall on l>?t Monday I or n<|b( mlceed a rara treat, f r tbo pUy, a "Among tbo Breakers," was admirably 4 rendered. Koch member of tbo toapm) 1 ? aotod their respective par a la admirable i JN style. Wo have aooa much poorer plejre t = and much poorer acting in tho nnu ha'l by I l?rnaa*UK?b'> b-i ? ?/?? Itiii MO WO e"* play Mondajr nlgbt apeak in tbo btfchest I be terms of Union's amateur*. TU-re wao a ] M. good attendance. 1 tly , V? u should bjr all means attend Colonial bin's Carnival on next Wednesday and ^ Thursday. Colurobl* never dors such * )01 ih:ng? by halvca. ^ Tbo Union Oil Mill has clo?e 1 epera'iona , for this season. We b?pe when the next ( -- srsson opens that tbe blowing of the engine 1 wl.istle will be answered by tbo whistle of ' >s- the jo'ton factory engine. I int The Union Dancing Club will give a bail at the Uai a Hotel on the night of May < 18th, in honor of Mr. and Mrs. J, K. Hun- t hly ier and the rutting young ladies. I 11 nt* Tlie question ie frequently asked, "Who ( bul liar the p >stoffice ?" Why, Mr. J. O. Hunr>" t r luu it beyond a dottb', ond proiniacs to 1 gpl, hold it until 1'rerident Cleveltnd appoints you hia successor, which may be tomorrow, and 1 it may hc--sve!l you nor I dou't know wl.en. go I )r^ Mr. J. C. Walluce has roturned from 50 Washington, where he has been for oome lint endcovoring to seonro the appolntuient an Agent for the United .Stales at B^fnur. Congo Free State, Africa, lie ia lev splendidly endorsed, and it is hoped by his innnv friends lie will secure the appoiutmei t. lie is worthy and well qua'ified. of e The coming society event will tnlte place l#r. on neat Wednesday evening in the MelhoI t d'st cliurr.li. Tlio occasion will bo the marriage o one of Union's most lovely and popular young Indies, Miss Ifetlie Murphy, 11. and Mr. I.ysnnder I). Child*, a suocessful has and well known young business man of ous Clic-tcr. There wi'l bo twelve attendants due end four ushers, and the occasion will be at one of tlio handsomest and most recherche for affairs witnessed in Union for many years. Personals?pb Mr. and Mrs. James K. Hunter, after ' epcmliog sooie pleasant weeks in New York and Washington, on their bridal trip, re* as* turned home Wednesday. We welcome 1y" this young and popular couple to our midst, got and wi.-h them n long, happy and prosperin to ous married life. and Mi-n Helen Hcrobcrf, of Sumter, in visitltly inji; the family of Col. T. C. Duncan. ,a,e Miss Lois McDowell, quite a favorite iu society nt Charlotte, N. is spending some time with her friend, Mrs. L. P. Murphy, tate Mirs Nora Neil, of Charlotte, N. 0 , is for visiting Iter sister, Mrs. L. P. Murphy, on Miss l.orn M okes, after spending a pleassac nut time In Charlotte, on a visit to re'atives ace, ami friends, returned Tuesday. Me-srs Win. Munn, C. 0. Culp, D. A. Townsend, James Monro, I. (J. McKlssick tad Titos. 11. llutlJr went to Spaitmburg last week on prossestional business. Mr. 1'L C. Pant, of the Uattcry Park Hotel, Aslicville, is spending some time with his many friends lieie. Kpho looks handsome ,e'* as cicr. llattcry Pa?k agrees with him, inn, au,{ |IC ?.,y3 anyone will look well and liuud l',,c aotne by staying a few weeks at that famous 1 t0 hotel. Ul,e i\'r. W. C. Wallace, wlio lias been buying msc cotton at Alliens, tin., the past season, has lim returned homo for tlie summer. We are glad to see our friend Winter looking fat rice and flourishing. Mr. J. W. I'nger, of I he firm of Atwood dole ^'uBor' photographers, left Wednesday for en'u Chicago. had Mr. M. It. Mitcoiuson, lteputy Auditor, ; rc- left Tuesday for ltrrs To Confaderats Veterans. of Mtt. Kditor :?Will you do mo the kiodto ness to extend this notice through your the P,l,er> ,0 oach surviving so'dier of the late Confederate army, now living in Union LT,r county, or elsewhcie, who wishes to become he it member of the Union county Snrirers' ihop Association, and who has not been enrolled, and ,0 P'c,,se Ben^ u,c his name, rank, company or battalion ; together with tho branch of the service to which he helnongsd, as ! wish s to to complete the roll and have it rea I for publication by the first of July next. Yiry respectfully, yours nish !' Strain, K'S. Secretary U. C. S. Association. Kiln Jane, S. C., M?y 8th, 18t?3. uata yv ; For the Times. 1 The Peonle e ttev?t_ w ! | are suggested by a number of citizens, as liea nn acceptable ticket for the Town Council of oa Union for next year. Tliev nre uli n..n deeply interested in the future prosperity I( j ef the town, end are weriliy the support unit confidence of our citizens. ^'r? For liiteudsut. J. A. Faut, Jr. Ins- For Wardens, W. II. Sartor. \T. T. Ileaty, hat T, It. Butler, M. T. Smith ( ndti II tl'ORM. ..... ( Last Wednesday Howard Iisrksdale, a young negro, was lynched ahuit 4 miles j above the cit,t A Mii.i.ion FniKNiis,? A friend in need is w a friend indccl, and not less than one mil- c| 111 lion people have found just such a friend p er in Br. Ki 'g's New Discovery for ( onsurap- m C(j lion, Coughs and Colds. If you have never h used this great cmgh medicine, one trial ci will convince you that it has wonderful ft on curative powers in all diseases of Throat, la Chest and Lungs. Kacli bottle is guaran- w teed to do all that is claimed or monry will si he refunded. Trial bottles free at 15. F. Fosey's at Drug Stoie Large bottles 60c. mxl $1.00. u< bm kM R??4?j, ftww ?wi?r *Ufl| ^jfeia p?p?r, di#d At hU r?i f?U|^El8 W0B &>?*<*? sllwewi well, and it ia a singular 'Mi bin in Columbia ia >aekil&^HBatrriaJ far th? flrai paper pubThose materials were purMr. J ah a O. Btwaaa, and vera a part of tbe office of the "Ttmpnance Adtocatei' then owned by Mr. Bowman. Litut.VBIcKnight waa twice married. Ilia first wife was Miaa Agure, ef Cheater, ind biflMoitl wife, who died about a year tge, wiaT Miaa rainier, aieter ef the lite WilllaiiHuitr, Sr.. of thia county. Ai tflKagluoiog of the war ha joined that n^Hroand ef Confederate aeldiera, the lohntoSllw, Capt. Wcstley Gove, of thia ?eunty,lBd waa elected Lieutenant of the sompany.kln that poaition he commanded tbe eonftMnoo and reapect of bia auperior officers ill the men lioder bia eemaaand. lie waa foBbful to the oanao be believed waa right and Jo manfully fought for, and he grae faithful to h be'icvo that you would like to sec whiskey sold in Union et the expense of somebody's soul, just to save the town I of Union $1(100 per annum, and te save her pooplo a little extra taxation? I really cannot believe that that is your sentiments. Well, if those barkeepers cannot find a more hontrable business there, they can be spnt-cd, and .if a prosperous town oannot exist wiihoutjjkch dirt money, It had better cense to exist!* You may think that I want to get into a controversy, but I don't, I only wish to express 'my viows, believing that many will hold mo up iu them. Temperance people, any way, will. Mr. Q. B. Yowter, ef Joneseille, has been down here a week repairing Jeter's mill, m'niMiiulostr I* tbo imil'inrr o C /va.\ri flmiw pi I I'll U'UIJ IV IMC IIIHHIII| ... ?UUU MUU1. lie has put it in excellent condition now. Mi?s 11 at tie Hardin, of Chester, is visiting Iter, and Mis. J. II. Yarborough. JB. W. J. If the Dispensary lnw prohibited or stoppod tho salo of whiskey, we would not say a word against it, er thai it closed up the barrooms and deprived the town of the revenue from them ; bul it does not. Whiskey will bo sold hero still. The only difference will bo in changing barkeepers and selling it by the half piot by State authority, and for revenue to (he State. The whiskey selliog will continue under and by pelitical sanolion and favoritism, or surreptitiously, and tho t>wn will have all the annoyance aud police expense as now. but deprived of the revenue. Give us prohibition, pure, s rong and effective, but don't undertake to deceive the people by offering them a politic*! subterfuge for a sound moral prinriple. For the Timhs. Eldridge Davia Heard From Sitki.i. Hkacm, La., May 1.?Perhaps a few liuco froti'i this part of itae world will meet with your approval. About four years ago this part of Louisana was not cultivated at all. Most of the Uud was owned by the government and $14 would buy 100 acres. Today there are hundreds of acres of this preiriq planted in rice, and land that can be fleoder) with water it worth from $8 to $12 per acfe. The water ri ujr llOTire power engines, and ? iorctu r ut on the prairie for miles to overflow the rice. The planters sty they have fine prospects for a Urge yield of rice this year. Your hMtnble servant and well wisher is earning his dAily bread by running one of the c engines, with a small salary of $1.50 per day attached. We hare a delightful braexe from the (jiff ef Mexico, almost all the lime. There's no end to alligators, snakes and lish of all sixes down here. 1 have seen fish that would weigh 200 pounds, and alligators large as a small skiff. I hopo to return to dear old Union thie Kail, as there is no placo like homo. Yours, T. U. Davjs. Mour. Extraordinary Productions.?The tens seem te have gone to work this year rith the determination te smash all preced"K "Kg records. J. II. Williams, son ef R. S. Williams, Buncombe street, has a phelominal Plymouth Keck hen, thirteen lontlis old, which has regularly gone into lie business ef ptoducing eggs weighing iom three and a half to feur ounces und ensuring six and a half inches in circum>ience. Mr. Williams hae an incubator hich hatches eighty-five per cent, ef the ggs entrusted to its tender care and he prouses to breed from these maaimoth speciicns. If there is anything in the law of ciedity, selection and evolution, in sppliition to fowls, he wid presently have a race om which one egg will bs a meal for n rge family and the spring chickens of ( Inch wi 1 be moored with log chains, assasnnted with rifles and bu'chcrrd sad packed v?y in sections for winter use as hccvos are 1 >w.?Grttnvillt Xewt, < TEACHERS' COLUMN. * JAB. U STXilN, UUtof, nu J mm, & C MM, B. O. CLIFFORD,"! / AmMMU. L W. DICK. j ? 1 g, There i? fiMfiu French miia that tell* |fc u "U is the first alsp that costs." It's r< r"r --- ;: '? .".? ?? ass woogot, sod add : "It's tbs last step that paps." " V 1 W* ars sorry ibst w? wcrs too unwell is " attaed the Teachers' Meeting last Saturday. J, Hope seme one who was preeeot will glee il our column a full report of the prooeediogf. '1 ? - - ? ? * Youlb is like seed-time. The harvest de- bl prnds ea the seed and the tillaee. There w * - w oats a tim? whin it U too late to plant m ioiv, and change the hirTHt. Not to bi plant good seed and at the right time, ia c< to oosura a harvert af wceda and bram- e' 01 blaa. i[ Arithmetical A merchant lias 4 weights with which ha ^ can weigh any number of pounds frem 1 to 40 inclusive ; what ia the weight af each T t? A., B. and C. do a pieee of work far n' $70.86. Suppose A. and B. do three-feurihs ft| of the wark, A. anrrect answers bare been q received: 1)1 1. Horse coat $00; buggy. $42, and her- " neee$18?$160. C( 2. A. pajs $8; B., $12 ; and C. fC?$20. ' ni Correct answrra given by Dr. W. T. Dalton, *n J.J. Wilburrr, W. N. Boba nnJ W. J. Oar- 08 ei ncr. p The teacher does not develop the minds pi af the pupils, nor dors he determine the w order of their development. Nature is the rent educator, of whom he is only an assistant, nod te vrlioro, in general cc and in particular, he loeke for guidance. lly observation and study, the teacher ^ becomes acquainted with the laws of w mental growth and development, and is ai governed by them in choosing objects of knowledge and in presenting them to bis pupils. m Farontal Influence and its Responsibility. Some foolish parents can and will endure tfc any pain for their despotic children, except the pain of resisting, correcting and instructing them - and accordingly they have (I sometimes to experience the shame and anguish of their children's curses. Like that ^ Curthagenian mother, of whom it is related ^ that her s in. a co ivicted criminal, passing hi to execution, requested that lio might whh;par something to her, and, coining near, bit off her car. saying.it was his revenge because p{ she had brought him up so br. ily. That was pi the thanks she got for her mistaken kindness to bim. w County Teachers' Association 91 Tbia last meeting proved no exception to y the rule, the exorcises being very pleasint to all who attended, and full of vuluable " hints and suggestions to those engaged in p, the work af teaching. Mr. S. M. Kice, Jr., the President, was tr promptly on hand at the hour appointed for opening, and the Association was called to order shortly after eleven o'clock. Afier devot onnl exercises a beautiful vocal duct was rendered by Mrs. \V. L. ^ Tlm.ncnn nn.l \ti?u CI. .NVKvu - to "?V /wwni"'?* W The first subjcc', South Carolina History, was then taken up, Mr. L. IV. Dick opening ll! i he subject by reading a paper, in which lie strongly urged the importance of this study tt] in our schools, and set forth some of the w advantages to be derived from its pursuit. Mr. F. L. Wilson tlieu took the floor and, a| with the aid of the b'ackboard, gave a prac- e: tical illustration of the method he pursues " in teaching the history' of our State. Mies Sue Jeter, the last one appointel on this question, read a carefully piepared and valuable paper ; after which the subject js was thrown opened for general discusshn, v< and was participated in by Mrs. Clifford, Ti Miss Knight, anl others. The next feature ef the meeting was a vocal duct by Misses Annie Briggs and Lily c< Dawkin*, which was finely rendered and fa greatly enjoyed by the audience. Miss Lula Wood theu recited in a charm- |j ing manner a piece entitled "The Midnight fr Express". cs Mrs. 11. G. CLff >rd's paper on "Practical English in School"," was eminently practical n( and directly applicable to a question of such w great importance among educators. &( This whs followed by a paper, read by Miss Carrie Foster, giving sorao pertineut w sugges ions in the matter of impressing at correct forms of speaking and writing on tf the miudsofthc pupils. 0I After some interesting discussioa of the p] y pre'Hy * in?ff?,V;ft^t^f18f rendered hjr Mi<*s Maggie itoung, ^ Under the head of business, two of the }" books that bnd been promised were present- pi vv. ? iiic ni!ociniii>n, ami several ethers se were premised. One of the books had cj been sent by Mrs. Morrison, as the gift of ui the Into Mr. Morrison, and it will be dearly in prized by the Association, not only on account of its intrinsic worth, but also on jj account of the lore and esteem in which on Mr. Morrison was held by the teachers of s0 present was even larger than usual. 511 The thanks of all who a'tend these meet- be ings are certainly due to Miss Sallie Munro, 'av* * ore who geuerally takes all the musical part of t|,a the programme in charge, nnd enlists, the Hit services of the Indies who, under her skillful S,MI management, add so much to the pleasure 'V" r tiOl of the occasion. tl.rj Let a'l the teachers, who poseddy can, he I ittend these moirthly meetings, and let a'l >ur frit:;,'., whose presence and interest is ,'r . . 1,,r< 10 much appreciated, come again and br ng c|f;i )tlier? wit'i them, tjen ? JL-sl-J!- :? ; IT. TILttU* HITMCII OUCTtm JXRTXY Tt FHOSaCim mwT MIX LTRCHXSSk j - avft A CACfTIC CdlTtOVIIIT. At the CtlxmbU ialipatiti m?lii| licitor Jarrej war preeeni and he made if following etetemeat is the oouree of his imarks : "If i were solicitor in Barawell ceuofy 1 ould iodic', eeery aia who fork pari la lb murder aad should a ante A? acadoaory rfere the fact Denjasria R. Tillmaa. [ Aplaus?.] la my argument before the jury 1 j a rery much mistaken if I weald aol show j iat he was mere responsible thin any ef j tern." When Solicitor Jersey made the remark s deubt ho aerr for a moment thought he euld hare the opportunity of showing bat be could di in bringiog a thousand en to trial, not to meotioa the task of ringing tbo Governor of South Carolina in tart. But he wi'l hare it, for the Gor ner has ordered hint to go to Denmark at see and begin proceedings. Ttlia art inn maa kraiiahl on be the follow iK letter from Solicitor B.l inger : Babnwkll C. H , S. C., SI?J 3rd, 1893. 0 Hia Excellency B R. Tillman, Govern?", Columbia 8. C. Deab Sir : I desire to call jour a-.tontion 1 the recent ljncbing at Denmark in collection with the following a ateroenl: So far no warrant has been swora out bj ?y one against any pereoa supposed to be >unected with tlie affair ; and the proceedigi and the verdict of ttie jury of inquest ire no information upon wich the prvaejtion can be begun. Under these circumances, if the ciao ia ever to receive that ivestigation that ita gravity aeon.a to reuire, it becomes the dulv of the executive Seer to institute proceedings in the premies. Inasmuch as the violation of the lew was >mmiticd in a community in which I have any relatives and connections, it is not opropablo that some of them were impliited, especial y as it is stated that the Hire community was engaged in the enterrise. Such being the case, any effort on my irt to bring the perpetrators to justice ould be embarrassing to me and probably y me open to the charge of partiallity an 1 isincerity. 1 would therefore requeit that your Kxt'lcney would charge the Solicitor of one ' the adjoioiug circuits to take charge of le case, and would suggest Solicitor Jerty, whose circuit adjoins this county and bo probab'y best understands the situnion id could give the matter satisfactory otintion. Assuring you that I shall be ready a', any me to render such service as the case and y office requires, 1 am, respectfully, G. l)?r.scan Bbi.linokk, Solicitor of the Second Circuit. Governor Tillman, after consultation Willi is Attorney General, issued the following rder: Coi.umima, S. C.. May 4, 1893. on. W. St. J. Jervcy, Charleston, S. C. Sir : 1 am in receipt of a letter ftem G. unenn Bellii ger, Solicitor tf the Second iicuit, in which he states tha' by reason of ie fnct that his relative* and connections o probably implicated in the recent uuirtunatc affair at Denmark, "any efforts en is part to bring the perpetrators to justice ould be embarrassing to liirn and would robahly lay him open to the chnrge of muia ity and insincerity." He. therefore, asks me to direct the Solic or of ono ?f tlie ndjoiuing circuits to take mrge of the case anvl prosecute the person^ ho have overridden the law. He fy oggests yourself, and 1, therefmw- " on to proceed to Denmark at yoiaLinvenicnce for the purpose of tlV ivetligating the outbreak, and ta\ eccrsary steps to vindicntc the 1m unish tho lynchers. I tem it I comp'y with Mr. Bellinger's J ic more scnililjr tiecausu your well jR tncdlcl ?al and legal ability give nssur.uic.\ ^ ou wiil >lo your whole duty. Ill' Yours, very respectfully. B. 11. Tillman, Govt? P. S.?.Mr. Bellinger will of ceur# after i our place in any work in your owy j t'0^ hich any interfere with your ci^ul jnttsfr ith this order. * This certainly is a very rich couditi^|^ flairs, and tiikcn in connection with tn^ rcumstances ie a fine piece of sarcasm. But the Governor is in earnest, and all long has said that if he had the power lie ould he glad to give Solicitor Jervey the pportunily. According to Section 511 ot ie Statutes the Governor has this r ght, nd the whole Stale will watch with interit what Mr. Jervcy is going to do abiut it. Ie has a big job on his hands, but it lo>ks j if lie will have to tackle it.?Col. Regisr. jervky's reply. Charleston, S. C-, May 5.?The following a copy of a letter sent by Solicitor Jer?y to Governor Tillman today in reply to illman's letter instructing liiin to prosecute ie Denmark lynchers : 1 beg to acknowledge your letter of the ih instant wherein you direct lue to proted to Denmark at my earliest convenience ir the purpose of thormighly investigating ie outbreak there and taking the necessary eps to vindicate the law and punish the nchcrs. All lawful directions emanating em the executive "ball h? fully and carsitly carried out by me, but in a matter of ich importance it is best that your dirccons conform strictly to the law. There is provision of the 1st* which, authorised fne, it*h or wi liout your sanction, as solictor to 3 into any other circuit and assume ilte aforcement of the criminal law there, eciion 511 of the general statute*, under hich 1 assume you act in this matter, jthorizes the Governor to direct the Solicitirs to assist the attorney general or each her in all suits or prosecutions in behnlf p the State. The section clearly conleinlates that a Solicitor so directed must be isociated with and not supercede the constiii*d mureaentatives of the State in any cirtil iu some suit or prosecution there pend g. 1 am th*> iki* ocot'ori ?can not be authorized to take original oceedings and that an indictment pre* nted by liini would be invalid. IMienovcr the solicitor of Ihe second rcuit shall have porlormed his functions ider the law aud a prosecution has begun Ham well county, should you think that e interests of the State would bi subserved ' my presence, I shall prompt'y obey the rechoii of your excellency. The duty is e of grave responsibidty, neither to be light nor evaded, and 1 shall devole to its oper execution all the ability aud earntuess at my command.'' E (iOVKilXoll TALKS IIAUK TO MB. JKIIVKT. Co him iii a S. ('., May ti. St.,I. Jcrvcy, Esq., Charleston, S. 0. Sin : I have your letter of the 5th inst.. d note iis contents. The order for you proceed 10 vonmark was based upon an in ion of t lie Assistant Attorney General, well as upon my own conttruction of the wcrs conferred upon mo under Section I of the general sttvulcs. While it niny presumption in me, a layman, to construe ' r differently from so distinguished an lament of the bar as yourself, 1 insis*. t you ore splitting hairs," so to speak. ( i section above quoted says: "Solid ors ' II do the du y of the Attorney Genera', I give their counsel aud advice to the 1 rernor and other State officers tn mat t of public concern, whenever they shall !>y Ihem required solo do, and assist tiie ^ orney General, or each other in a'l suits prosecutions in helmlf of the State when ?cted so to do by the Governor, ' It is r from tins section that the Attorney li erul Ins power to take trigiual pro- 1: fm 1 Y?n will not rwrt t hot the the Solicitor oT tko Beared Circuit fVityiM 1 the low or deny that the judge eon oppetot 1 Solicit"r "pro im," u4 tko iNuictl 1 language, "to Moist I bo Attarwoy 0?oral | bid an interebaage of work or ewopping * plaees ey ihe So icitir, even "to Uko wift* nol pmcwdkib*' s t l I Hid bopo tbol too will woira yaofbwn i ooostraetica and leave 1* to tko (ml to J p*ra on the legalityof such proceedings oo yoa may Uko ?o preaecuting tko Denmark lynchers. Of oourso, I boro oo powor to force you to perform tho dutj, whiek t thought would bo plrasont to you. If yea ' still refuse, tho motter most ho loll with tko Judge, when court convenes. Respectfully, , ? B. R. Tillman. Governor. ;jfc aA solicitor jkrvet talks BACK tout plainly to oov. tillman. Clisrleston, S. C\, May 8.?Solicitor Jer~ rey today, sent tho following reply to tho Governor's lost letter, nnent the Denmark lynching : "Sir : Yeur letter ef the Gth lost. Is received. Undoubtedly Section 611 ef tho n 1 O..A..4 J . 2A J.i. uvucrai ouuuirn uuw w?Kg ii inv uui/ ti the Solicitor* to 'give their counsel ood-aervice to tbe Governor end other Stale officer* in matters of public eencern when thej shall by Iheui be required to do so,'. and had your excc'leucy called up en me for oounsel and niT niit^MMldhnT*_h|p>|) fVe#lv fiT#n ||||iit .4ai V dircccd me fo dn an act ^' constitution. Now, however, if you really wish advice, Ffe I tospoclftillj nugget that you call upon the Solicitor of the Second Circuit to obtain * i be information necessary on which to base prosecutions and to seo that warrants are issued. When the suits of proseoutiooa ? have been uo begun it will be within your power to direct the Attorney General or the Solicitor of some other circuit to assist in euch prosecutions, and should it then w X pear that the Sol-citor of the Second cf ' cuit is ceiifronted by the possible embatVaes*""^ ment to which lie lias alluded (that all his kinsmen were with the lynchsr*} he may be relieved by his assistant of all further aotive participation. * ;/ I repeat what I haeo heretofore written. whenever tho Solicitor ef the Second (m*Q cuit shall have performed his funotions uuder the law and prosecution has been begun in Barnwell county, should you think that the interests of the State weuld be subserved by my presence 1 shall promptly obey the directions of your excellency. 1 do not propose te be misrepresented in this matter. 1 have not dec'ined, nor do I propose to decline, any duty which may be imposed upon me by competent authority, and in a lawful manner. 1 decline to waive my honest construction of the law or & suffer tnyself to be placed in a false positMt and I deel no to notice your unwarrautafl^^^^^ criticisms and insinuation^y^. Tit It LATEST I Columbia, S. C.. Ti'lmnn read Solwy *m ed IC I HEg onceraing tn^Hnroh lynchers, he j/uruib, jWk of bis ius. JpBtoinach, necessuwrt RULES, . f promptly. Perfect J. 1 ifllowH their uw. Hold \?S?4tr Imwh or rent l>y mill. Iloz ^SaXsr UsT.TSc, Package 14 hoxca), <8. free samples-address It I PANS Piti:MtCAIi CO., Tfew York. BLOOD t. TRI.l., but to tell favorably on tbo ay#- - . should be pure. Now Is the time to purify tho and thus g;.?.d against disease* Incident to ring anil Sunitncr wiusoD. Kor ibli purpose no luo answers so well as G. IHcliNE'S LIVER PILLS. pills have attnlnoil a transient popularity, but t few years have passed out of mind. Imltaand counterfeits without number haro been I the market from lime to time, but fall toirtre lotion. The genuine l)r. C. McLano's Direr Pills dood the test of more than Ml years.and sell toI over the civilized world. Money refunded In kes where they fall to give satisfaction. generally. Sent by mail to any ?ffwWLrr?' Co., Pittsburgh. Pa. while ? ";.'7,c^Lf)WN HARNESS ernony. the friends from KMifall family and iovi'^HlS the lute, and preci^BBHBK^^J^ the gromi and bridt^PM^^^ of the Wedding MarchTd^^^^Hfe^tfjl^. by Miss Anna flames. Siowlynai^^VIHte^k fully they marched down the aisle halted under the arch, facing the audieuce, and in a short and impressive manner the minister made them husband and wife. The happy couple immediately left the church and drove to the residence of the bri te's II. 1 \f... M n L.' I'm 1*1 r. hiiu t*liBi !> 1'i'BUU. The trustees of the school grunted I'rof. Ayc.ick leave of nbseoce from school Thursday and Friday, and yesterday morning he cmered upon his duties again in the sell
    Justice. It w is a civil case between Messrs. J. S. Ibexicj and J) lias Fowler on one side, and Mr. II. 1\ Mclvissick on the other. Messrs. Win. Munro and J. M. Ore. of bnion. represented the case. This cise has been 011 hund for some tunc and two or three mistrials have resulted before. It^vr.n about midnight before the cose was finished. Messts. lowler and l'lcxico gained 1 lie case. I.a.st niglu the red man was with us. Mr. _ 1.. . nig, wiiii ins tlozen Indians, gave an czhibiiion of the doings of their trine, winch w?s quite iircresting, especially to the young people. Tlmy had a very g mil qulience and cvorything passed otf quietly and p|ea?t antly Tlie lightning rod men are in our town ready to stve us harmless fropi the "lo-ked lightning" which slays its hundreds ofliuiuin beings an I destroys uiuclt | roperty every (rear. Mr. 11. A. Whitlock and wife spent roost >f last week with friends and relatives about jantuc l>r. K. M. l.ittlejolin and wife made a trip o Spnr;anhurg yesterday. Mrs. .Sain Lilt lejolin spent list week with icr brother, Asbury Mctiowan, who is sick roin that terrih'c dl??ase, coasuniptioa. TKI.KI'IIOMK. ? M. Lidics, it you want a g -od, c inifortable, jw cut shoe for summer wear, call on A. II. OSTER & CO. ? ( -'**