The weekly Union times. [volume] (Union C.H., South Carolina) 1871-1894, March 24, 1893, Image 3

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_ _ JULmUST ' Stviik. ? r?rk*i ? a word fr?m Ihii arc too will a?t b? <ut or pl?c? jut? k*w. *' are 11 aearly oat ' --?? geae to work ia tirnwt. The heal'b of ibii community is ^ood, anl the roost of us are looking for "better time* ' ia tbo nrar luture W* now begin <o think ^ tba* the riagnation snd g?emt dissatisfaction ^ thai lias teen among ua for reira pa*t arc gone forever. and confidence an?l faith in each other are being fist re'lortd, and that wooioono people, found by the cmnmon tioo of bumauitj, and the interests of one ooa.moo country, and With fir#??r Clereload at the herd of thie nation we cannot /??f if wo, as faithful an-l loyal ci'isens, do ?Br daty. 1 was wry much impressed with the last wards of the President's npeech en the day cf his inaugura'ton. 1 believe be is the frond*si man, and the grandest democrat in those United, an I 1 was jus* thinking what aghrkus time awaited us as a nation, and Contemplating the bright prorpect before us, when 1 received my mail. But when I read * and re-road the prophecy of soms office j wmvmme *? V 1U? |? Illicit |?ril?liu SUggl'Slll|tiii(0-M r to lb?> peerless juri-t; wh ? wl'l fill vith kooir even tir?T?r ClevoImiI'i pUw; that noble citixen, who in Wnr n*M petoe, in his putlic and private life, has aver been the >?rae (rand man. 1 at can ihr Hag. IT. 11, I felt sad ' at k?ii( at the thought that uaeh men grew tai -aHLaitU . lfta ?mg*?ting t sehoHbj to I>aaiel W ebeter ,_w h en joum|W. and is today one of the hidden iml f uries. i & '#nir I * X MB end have ever bean *7 Farmers < % M?v*a?ar man, and I claim it waa the (v intention of the son-political member# of grand movement to always move in the right direction, and 1 am satisfied that they did net east off their neighbor, The far inert' movement don't teach us te cast usi te ear neighbors, especially when they nre eqmal, if net superior in every respeot, to ail other* I hetiave ia eauntv nride. State I pride, national pride. Allow me jutl here to say, three cheer* for Grover Cleveland and Judgu Wallace, w* ' I eay the' the Faruiers' Movement did net rote against Judge Wallace and the farmers of (Jnien couuiy did not instruct their representatives to do ao, neither i* it the Farmers' Movement talking about hi* successor, but it is some oftice seeking politicians who care no more for the farmers of Union county than tho ui?n in the moon. Why, sir, it makes me thiuk of s -nic of IE? these Weaver men. or Third partyites who are st this time itnp'oring Hon U. IV. Shell Et te recotnmead thetn for souie p sition of Cy, bensr ftom ths hands of a Denucrdic Mk Freaident. ^ / If 1 ansa fhird p:?rty man, or had a drop of Third party bio id in! my vein*, }l |k/ wobId be ashamed to ask, much less receive a pos t on from Cove1 and. 1 was rsliab'y informed not long since that an avowed " ' Third party man was doing all ho could t > " ; get %p*atefhoe in tills county. Thai is a V met, Mr. fiViter, and 1 say, from such peo* ... pie Lord deliver us. l- " * I h*T? 0? nxe' fri 'd, but 1 am inter?#ted in my country ? welfare, and I predict *fet a glorioua future f?r this loved South ft tf f j jt looks u?w & iiC(l? ki if lb* eld towa ?f I Ttttloo WM aeln* *"u" BR j j ' ?ne lead with a - , *?* ^rtbdi.kad dollar cetmill, and il(<J county will follow with I? l^afc U'* eld Myrpli7 mil a ??00,000 mill at Lockhai t Slufals mssSKM .my dear old county. i STATE S. 8 CONYElfi JN. TO DK IIEL!> AT AIIIIBV I I.I.I, A Pit 11. 4-0, 1804? rnOGRAMMt:: Tuesday Siyht, 8:00.?Thanksgiving Service, let by J. W. Wallace, Augusta: Address of Welcome. J. Fuller Lyon, Esq., Abbeville ; Response by President of Couventien ; Address, by lion. J. E Tiadal, Columbia, "The aims of our Sunday School Association.'' Wednesday Morn my, 9:00.?Bible Reading led by J. W. Wallace, "The Inspiration uf the llible;" Enrollment of delegates ; appointment of committses ; reprrts of uthcers : reports from the field ; brief written and reports from county ami district officers, schools sad wtfrkers ; Address, by Rev. \Y. P. Jacobs, 1). D.f Clinton, S. C., "The needs of the A * or. nl inn." Wednesday Afternoon, 3:00.? Normal Bible Lesson, by Prof. Ilamill; Discussion, topic, "The Suuday School(a) lis Proper ('lav aificatien, by J. L. Berg; (4) Its UanenP^ Exercises, by A. R. Morse ; (e) The Supt's. Review Lesson, by Rot. .1. E. Covingiuu ; (?/.) The Primary Department, by Mrs. Mury y. Whi'deu, Charleston. A Training Le?SOu, by Prof, HaiuilL The Sunday Sehool Pio- I gram;" the Question Drawer. UW/tesrfin/ Night, 8:00.?Song Service. !el by J. W. Wallace ; Address, by Prof. Ilauiill, "Better Biblo Study;" Address, by Bishop W. W. Dune in, Spartanburg. Thursday Morning, 9:00.?Bible lleadiug, led by J. \V. Wallace. "The Holy Spirit and iue Sunday School TeacherElection of Officers an I DtlcgUes; Miscellaneous busJk^ ineee ; Financial; Discussion?(a) Best Metl v?de ef County Work, by Rev. J. B. Bussey ; ^ ^ (*) Systematic heuso-to-houee visitation, by (?) Hindrances t? united Sunday Seheol work and how to overcome them, by Rev. J L. Sifly. Thursday AfUmvon, 3:00.?"A Model Teacher's Sleeting, by Prof. Haniill," Baaed on next Suuday'a Lesson. Hew to prepare % 8. S. Lessen, by Rev. W. 11. Dowling; Hew te Utch a S. S. Leseoa, by Rev. J. W. Shell; The Teacher's Pastoral Work, hy Usv. T. H. Law. Conferencs on Sunday School Normal Work?(a) Is Normal Training Praoticcble? (6) Hon may it. bo secured? A Training Losstn, by Pref. Hannll, * The Sunday School Teacher." fliirtituM Xioht. K:()().?oullff Sarvice. bv J. W. Wallace, interspersed with Sunday School experiences ; Address, "The Child in ipe Midsi 5" Prof. A. (J. Powers, Newberry: Address, hy Prof. IIainill, "The Sunday School Idea." NOTES. Special rales hare hcen granted ever railroad lines in the Stale- Ask your railroad Bp, agent, at once, if he has received notice of such special rate*. Kighteen delegates are lo be elected ot this Convention to mtend llio Seventh Itiiernational and the Second World's Sunday School Conventions at St. Louis, Mo., August 31st, to September tith, 18'J3. Prof llmndl, of Illinois, will again attend the Sta'e Convention, and, ns will be seen from the programme, will devote considerable time to normal work before the Convention. Mr. J. W. Wallace, the well knowh Sunday School Superintendent of Augusta, lie., has consented to conduct all the bible Headings and Praise Services of ttie Convention to be assisted by Mr. Frank F. Wliilden, of Charleston, nnd a full local choir. Lvt the President nu-l the Secretary of r each County Sunday School Association see to it tbat their County is well represented > A'uoevine as matters of great importance will he considered. Kntertainment will be provided for all lit who will notify A. P. .Morse, Chairman p'? ' Committee on Entertainment at Abbeville, 9. C., on or before March 30. | Cuas. H. Carlisle, Ch. Ex. Com. | Spartanburg, S. C. BPPPj^ff? ^cz~^~zz ' rrM?ia*it of ik? Ortii Jary. Mank tWrm. 1S93. , 1 Tj 111* Honor, J. J. Snrro*, PrrsMinj j J u<l|f : 4 The Or?n?l Jury be^e In ? ? " low!-- Mr the present (era : ff? hi?? dia, oseJ of tit* buHMK that bus era* before u? ?ilb such ooostdcatien as u the nature of ih- H i?iu?'S woul I permit. * Ws liatn rx\? ined *1' of tbs public ot&ces, tl *ad are g'*d to *iat? that we fttid tliem a I hi 1 nrat ?i.d ne I k?>t. AWo a 1 of the rubl e hi i>ui din^s and find them in good repair. h The County Co mm s-doners ha*e laid ai before ua tb*> i?-l owng statement* of fa -la : *i all <>f the |ia<t iudrb'eln*ss of the county u ha* been ped, rxocpt a eUim of $I,UUU ui . which i- in Location, leafing a t alauce wf in $1 ,tH' ? it tli- Trci'urcr'a bands, for ike tb dlubuircaictit of which tlisre baa been no p>or'si?n in de l?y the Legislature. gi m\ ww - - * ??a?bi?i?A? liltr v^'limy U"IDUi*Sloner* have alse re- p< purtifl 10 u?, dial they have net received *u Ti oiticinl re;?cr from ihc Treasurer aiaca the UOtli ui bcctmbrr, 1S'.?2, excart a pencil report, wlrcli the Trrasurer now deniae ,e being offic e'. t A'l the funds f?r retiring the railraad Wl bond* are stil in the Treasurer's bands, and w' the C >untjr 0 niinissiotiers hare not heao ''' able to draw oil it for tlio want of a proper ' repot Iniin the Treasurer, fVe therefore r* urge tha Tr a*e er to make h's report imme dtately. pi The ord nary c iiniy indebtedness lia? ,0 been paid, except a *ma 1 amount, and there 10 is sufficient funds on hands to meet it. 9,1 It fins tcou b ought io aur ><toQtioa that u" lb ensnare - a-iap valuable Rrcotd Baoks ,n olhe in a v-rj bad condi>i n. 1 r' MMKj|^^_^j^SMnsnoutUy of mo* 9j *" Kilultery f-mioaiian ||j |W?il to US bjr responsible parue*. Wa *m| not pratifjtH tha individuals at tbia tens, bat if ih*r da vet das'at, wa shall do so at tbo next term of Court, and ^ obr duty will ownpel us to them to justice. Thanking your Honor for tha eourtasy ' extended us, we respectfully niiwit this, as *' 1 oitr report. Reaprclfu'ly, T. L. Hanks, Foraaaan. Loi Or Tut De?i>lt Kkbosksr.?Richmond, Va . ( March 10.?D. F. Dixou, ef Charlotte, N. C., p. hasju*t reooise I word af the f ual burolag | of the wife aod two children of hif aon, Qu Th?iims Dixon, of lluiherfordten, N. C. Du Mrs. Dixon waa alone, lirr husband being jjai at Shelby. Afler she hid gotten r^ady, wi'h f nor utile ones, (o retire, end wlrle sitting (jul hy the tablo with bar y.iuttg.j-i oiiill in her n j arras, the chilil accideutii !jr turned over the pr, lxmp, which exploded ?n I s| read its fiei j , liquid e*er the mother and her two children. g_( Dixon is a travo'i?g sa esraitn for Ciitrell, |(gj Walking & Co., of liichraotd, and is well- j{gl known h 1 o?cv North and South Carolina. #ur The bouse ?nd contents *'! ? burn el. A colcreJ man name I A'ex.v.dor Mclntire, who raw the Hames and cune te the re ue. bore Mr^. Dixon frwr. the burning building, at the same lima pushing a third chill, whose Qa. bfr was thus save I. Mrs. D xon died from gu| her injuries this morning. Un Some years ago .Mr. Di?o 1 lost h formt r wi'eaml two chijdren in one t|ay hy disease; [n<j SlIILOH'S COSSUMPTION CUBK.?-Til is is beyond question the most successful Cungli jju Medicine we have ever soldi A few doses |>u invariably cure the worst ct^es of Cough, Cr upijud i^rouchjl s, v/|ii'C its vjoqdovfui sppijosa iu tUa *um ot Uouaumn'Hrt? ' out * j Allll- g. hi the history of ntediomc. Since its fust discovery it bus been s Id on ? ] guarantee, <i test which no other medicine ogl can s'and. Lf you ba?o a ontgli wo earnestly ask you to try it Price 10c 50c and ^ $1. Ifyottr lungs tire sore, chest, or buck# lame, use.Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Sn'lil'tj' H. K. Umitli & DO. J CftXVKRSK CeLMQR.? April 21. 1803, wil : be the Anniversary of the laying of the Or- ?0 ner Stone of uou verse College lit Spa-tar.binv. That fl*y is also adapted by the students at class day, when the cltss trees wi 1 lie p'anted in the morning, with appro- ? priatw cercmon es. Governor IV. J. North- lU en, ef Georgia, and Dr. George T. Winston, " President of the University of, North Carolina tv.ll It,a in I Vl o CnH... Chapel. ' A Million Fhieniis.?A frieml in n?iil is a friend indeed, nnd not less than one mi'lion people have found just such a friend in Dr. Kiug's Not Discovery for Consumption. Coughs, and Colds. If you have never used this greet cough medicine, one !ri! will convince you that it has wonderful euialive powers in nil diseases of Throat, Client and Lang*. Kacli bottle is guaranteed to do all that is claimed or money will he refunded. Trial bottles free at B. F. Posey's Diug Stort. Large bottles, 50.3. anl ?1 00. Deserving Pbaisk ?We desire to say to our ci'.izens, that for yenrs we have been selling Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Dr. King's New Life PiPs, Bupklen's Arnica Salve and Electric Bitters, and have never handled remedies that sell as well, or that have given such universal satis faction. We do not hesitate t> guarantee them every time, aud we stand ready te refund the purchase prico; if satiefactnry re- ; suits do not fellow their use. These remedies have won their great popularity purely on their nieiits, II. F. Posey, Druggist. ?. Call and see our special Shoe. It's a hummer nod takes the prize every time. GRAHAM & SPARKS' Cash Store. One of the best itOc lints for men, on earth, at GRAHAM & SHARKS' Caah Store. List of Letters. | Rcmnining in Uie l'ostotficc at Union, for the week ending y^reh 24th, 1893. Miss Sallie H Guin. 01 Person's calling for the above letters will please say if advertised, and will be required to pay one cent for their delivery. J. C. HUNTER, P. M. A Bank Stock for Sale. To I IT ILL sell to the highest bidder on .Monday. Salesday in April, Fire (o) Shares Meiebnnts mid Ranters' National Rank pj. Slock. J. G. LONG. Moli 24-12-2t Th Notice of Final Discharge. "VT OTICK is hereby given Hint by pcrmis- C>? ll fif>u of lion.J.M.Gee, Probate Judge for pe Union County, I wilt, on tlie 25th day of April ? next, make iny fiual return and Apply tor Letters Dismissory as Adininistmtor of the estate of John Mays, deceased. Ali perrons iadcbtod to said estate must pay on er before ^ that day, and all porsona having claiine \ ngaiint said estate must present them to me, , prorerly attested, on er before that date. ./ J. W SCOTT, , i Adm'r Estate J. Mays. e I Mar. 24-12-4.> al] Spectacles ami Eye-Glam ? The Union Drug Co. dn Has a full line of the best SPECTACLES and EYB-ULASSES that Science has been ab'e to produce, and are prepared to aiiii any ceadition of the eye. 1C Mar. 24-12-tf *av I or - I I I II ' rna?mnanw "AN Hon?r Jrnoa." fl'wwBI?, MvA R.?la ika (JaiiW SUtH Cnhi <k? pM4 try m4* ite pra<?*nt at laday aa4 wae { charged. The U?* . * aw ipoRii ?riha con mi l jury mwi, *a i lao aa %'idiii-iMi et*ir?ay. In iptakiaf af J?4|t Si?alaa, lk? lor. neat hji : "Wtei>a?i?r kin oat of ika klrM jurists th? Mrral Waell. W? ink h?a? iaoapaMt af tasking far 1*1 ar J ( a I dcoiii-ai ?h?i mij ?>? trial fcer??e I iu?. Ha is kiad >ad humane, and whilst ?. is fr?ilaas in ike ili?ch-rf* af bi? dtt'iw . i a Judge, ha iraptn >hs law with m are jr. ' fe oanxratutat* tlir people of Sau'h Car* in* ^ pao War ng ? ch an sb a .nl gonial can liana t* preside *<*r tko Ut ite-l Sta'rs Court* i this Sia'e. Long may h* >( * to grace ia bench." | Judg--tfimomon fe?lingljr replied to tb* -and jury. This opini >a. by moo of all iliiicai sh-ide*. i? rather different fiaoa . Ilmau's views. * Tnt AaBict'i.TTN ? * Collkob.?The true- ft os ?f Cleuison Collrgo, at the r meeting at weak, decided to establish a ejstem of P '?r ??rii it<a and the w?A t ill I e done under (he direct supervision ?f r?f?>or Newman. The buildings in oeurse f( erection will te complete! I>jr July 1st, *dy for the opening of the college. No re iens were held fir presid- at r re-Meat I iys*cian. Over 800 studeita ?re c-r a n 1 attend thrfcolWge. and the hoard expeete I aeenmm ><Ute al who apply. Kvery ident wi 1 he r? quite! to we?r a military liform, and the dress salt is to be Cenfe-tite grey Ciotb, with hi udt strifee d nweii., The eui-tract lor uaiforws Wm 4, rardrd to the A. O. lletn^ t'orajaay, of ^^^m^whoe ill t'uroi-h dreas and lalq^jH Merchants' & Planter?' j ATIONAL II A. Hit 1 OP UNION. SOUTfl CAROLINA. At Union, in /As Slnl* of South Cmrolinn -i tA# e'ott of bu*int*?, March fit A, 189Hi " RKSOU11CES ins and diMiounti eeeeeee* $170,609 07 I idrafts, secure I and unse mrcd 9,816 6*> S. Bonds to secure circulaion .......... 15,000 00 tu e from approved reserve eg'Is 7,498 05 e from oilier Natiunal Dauks 4,390 26 iiking-house, furniture and txture* ..... 2,000 00 rrent expenses sod taxes paid 885 08 ? Is of other banks 2,095 00 f ictional paper currency, nick" 4 its ami ceniii.,,, 155 18 fcie ? 11,822 50 ^ ;al .lender notes 9,000 00 < Icmption fund with U. 8. Treaer, {5 per ct of circulation)... 675 00 c ? Total .$242,868 53 g LI AltlLI TIHS. * >itiil s*ock paid in $60,000 00 plus ftind .. 50,000 <fo _ divided profits 8,025 28 lional Hank potp? attending 18,600 00 -? lividunl deposits subject to heck Ip8,7r2 1%, tified Checks ....... ^ e toother National hftnks (1^ 72 ?R e to Statf <wl W* ** m ^ ? .viaI $242,888 53 '< tatb iif South Carumxa, 1 ? Couxtt or Union, se / I, George Monro, Cashier of the above ^ med Bank, do solemnly swear that tha 4 are statement is true to tha best af my ?3 owledge and belief, ? - '" '^[3 GKORGB MUNRO Cashier. ~ Subscribed and sworn to before me thi? ihday of Marclt, 1893. (' Boi.t, Notary Public. RitECT?Attest : F. M. Faru, ) II. L. Goss, V Directors. 1. G. McKisstux, J AR DECLARED AT LA8T! The first shot was fired on the 1st day of January,1893, at the Cheap Cash Red ^ Front Hardware Merc of SCO IT BUOS. No blood 10 be shed, no liv*s to be lost. We make war upon no man 10 take bis J lil'e Hut we have declared war upon of high prices aud long profits on all goods *n sold by us. We have ho sted our banner and will show no quarters. We fear oo tic competition for we have resdved and w' are determined to sel our goods, such as Carpenter and Blacksmith Tools, jo Plows and Plowslocks, Axes, Shovels, ** Hoes, Nails, llor^e Shoes, Pocket and w' Table Cutlery, Cook and Heating Stoves, ro< Wagon and Buggy Material, Wagon and Buggy llarnees, Saddles, Buggies and all kinds of goods found in a first class Hardware store, at the very lowest liveand-let-Iive prices. We mean all we say. T* If you doubt, march to the Bed Front and walk right in and let us convince ac you by giving you prices. til' We arc selling a lot of the best Co Pittsburg steel plows at 3] cents. Cook f?' Stoves, with everything complete, for 110.00; nice open Buggy for $40.00; top Buggy for $00.00. All other goods at like reductions. Come and give us a trial and be made happy, and we eball be happy, teo. M Very Respectfully, ~ SCOTT BROTHERS. " n 20-3. tf T WTT/tTIT "r\Y T /Y ?DEALERS IN? IUGS, Patent Medicines. Toilet Soaps, Perfumery, Hair Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Tooth Powders, Face Powders, full line of PaiDts, Oils, Putty, Stains, Paint Brushes, Whitewash Brashes, bacco, Snuff, Cigars, Fresh Garden Seeds, and all kinds of Druggist Sundries kept in a first-class Drug Store. lysicians' Prescriptions carefully com* pounded at all hours, it Public will find our stock of Medicines complete, warranted genuine and of (lie best quality. 11 nrnl eee for yourselves, b17-7-ly The State of South Carolina. COUNTY OF UNION. r JAMES M. OEK. ESQ., Probnle Judge. W 17HKKEA8, J. W. Uallaan line made r V suit to me to grant him Letters of I ministration, with will annexed, on the late of and effects of VY. 11. Lemmena ceased. These arc, therefore, to cite and almonish V) 1 and singular the kindred and creditersof o said W. B. Leiuuons, deceasea, that they and appear, before me, in the Court of 'obate, to be held at Union C. II., South irolina, on the 3rd day of April next, ter publication hereof, at 11 o'clock in the eouon, to show cause, if any they have, j, liy the said Administration should not he anted. (Jivori under my band and seal this liiih w ly of March, Anno Domini, 1898. o< J A M K3 M. GEH, hi Judge Probate. hi Published en the 17th day ef March, at 192, in the Weekly Union Timer, March 17 U 2t. 11 . > * ^ki Ft 4 v.'j c& r&*?* ? ; w' i .f,* t j* >' V' ' 5Pb ? f\UH buyer mo*' in the Nort 1/ largest and %e*t aborted eUx 'lothing, ?hoe?, flats, Hardware, t'alises that tvilHt- brought to this We ask spcgjaLattent ion of eatu rticle down to rery closest liveWe now have e# the road the la )ress Goods in *l&the latest shades arly in order tojEfet the choicest atterns so tdo Ufllios need not ha> > match. ComdHfrlv t set the first <?l ? */ >r Easter befoitJMke niantunmnkors ill Win Goods l \i<"' A ^J" ; One wo*u to ^BlFatiuci-s : Wc j cents; begt jHtatock with pate of voa 8|^S^^HBQFaid not know < tuTi) >ddedi lur^e at??tk i ?0 Wn^ro are prcpnreJ mjpM mr_ ? /% ijj g St* jflBi'- Tttz uhirk IBgSCgr ? ^ . ' * i^r aJI A. Hi FOS' The State of Souttl Carolina. UNION' COUNTY. Court of CommqB lMcus. 0. A. Wilson vs. JIK. Almnn. Summons for ReUef. Couip'aint serve 1. ? the Defendant, J. K. Minian; TOU are hereby mi^jpel and requ'reJ L to answer the odiHol in iliie action, which a copy is herewiM servtd upon y?.u, d to serve a copy ?f wonr nn-wrr 10 tin id complaint en the sutycr bcrs nt th.i<- cfr e,Ne. 2 Law Kange.Uni^n, S-tnh Caroline, .thin twenty days after the service hereof, elusive of the day of such service ; and ii >a fail to answer the comprint within tli? ne aforesaid, the plaintiff in thin nciioi ill apply to the Court for the re'irf ile findril in the compl>t*n'. Dated February 17, A. D. 1893. MUNKO & MUNRO, Plaintiff's Attorney*. i the Defendant, J. K. Afman: Take notice that the gammons in tin: tion, of which the foregoing is a copy, wn< ed in the offce of the Clerk of the Ci urt ol itnmon l'leas for Union county, at Union r the County of Unicr., in the Stair o nth Carolina, en the 17thday of February 191. MUNRO & MUNllO, Attorney for Plaintiff, '2 Lew Range, Uni n, S. C. February 18, 1893. ar 8-9-Ct WILLIAMSON, GILBERT k CO. ATCHMAKERS, JEWELERS, ENGRAVERS k DIE-SINKERS II kinds of Medaln and Badges fur Sccrt Fraternities made 10 order, atch and Clock repairing. Plain and fane; Engraving a specialty, aid and Silver Plating scientifically done t.'aeh paid for old Gold and Silver. Respectfully, Union, S C. W. 0. k CO. in. 27-4-ly I'll Lost Rot.?If Jolm R. Buchanan ho left his home in Chester, 8. (J., on 4tl ' November last, will only make known ti ia father his whereabouts aud condition e will greatly relieve suspense and nnxiet; >eut him and he will not be interfered with John ii. Buchanan, Chester, S C. I % . riM r;? i t avi c.:? hem Market* laving in one of ?ka of l>ry Goods, Notions Millit Crockoryware, Tinware, Trunk* market. & buyers, as wc have marked c\ ami-let-live prices, rgest nntt nicest assortment of l*a ami fabrics, These goods were boi patterns. They were bought in <1 'C the same colored dress. Trinuui k. selection and have your dresses in are crowded. t . n n ioin? at a sacrint ore selling the best plow irons >ntod handles, cannot split, for c who gave us your putronago in that we are leaders of low pricci . W. McLURE. Ag't. IS!I STOVES!II 0 of Hardware a line of Cooking Stn to give low prices, fur cu*h. iftr rER & CO. RICHMOND & DANVIIiLE HAILKOA L F. W. Huidckoper nnd Rrulen Poster, ceiveis, WSmmgs-i COLI'MDIA AND GltKKNVII.LK DIVISION Condensed Schedule, in effect No?. 18U2. Trains run by 7otli Mtridinn T Between Charleston, Columhia, Allston Spnrlanburg. ; Daily I I Da i No^ ld. | STATIONS. |No. (J oOamiLv Cliailesion Ar.JO 21 8 50 p in I " Columbia " J 1 2 4 80 " " Allston ' 112 4 6 23 ' " Carlisle *' j 11 4 5 3'2 " " Santuc " |U 3 6 60 " . Union 111 1 0 23 " " l'aolet " |10 4 i 0 60 " Ar Spariauburg Lv j 10 2 1 10 10 p nt Ar Ashcvillt Lv| 7 I ? between n??rl#itoD, Columbia Seneca r Wulhall*. t Daily, j j D? No. 11 I STATIONS. 1 No G GOamlLv Charleston...* Arl 101 11 20 " I " Columbia " | G 12 05piu| " Als'on " | 6 12 23 " l 14 Pomsria " 4 12 42 " I " Prosperity.... " 4 ' 12 67 " j " Newberry ..... " 4 1 01 "I " Helena 11 4 1 88 " " ......Cbappell's.... 8 2 17 " " Ninety-Six... " T, 2 66 " " Ilodges " 7T 3 12 " " . ....Donalda...;... " 2 3 23 " " llouea l'ath.. " 1 3 43 ' Ar Helton Lv 1 4 06 " Lt Helton...... ? Ar 1 i 4 80 " " Anderson.... " 1 6 18 " ' Peud'cton... " 12 G 00 " Ar Seneca Lt 12 G 32 " I.t Seneca Ar 12 1 7 00 pm Vr Wallialla Lt 11 i 6 00 p ii Vr Greenville... Lv 12 ( Trains leave Spartanburg, A. & C, sioo, Northbound, 4.0'.) a. in, 3.48 j G.00 p. in. (Vcstibuled Limited); t bound, 1.6G a hi, 3.80 p ui, 11.37 a (Vestibuled Linii cd); Westbound, W. Ilivixinn. Ii AO i> in ??..r 11 ..T, ,1 A....... Ash^ville mid Hot Spring*. Trams leave Urceuville, S. C., A. Division, Northbound, 3.07 n in, 2.20 j 5.08 p ui (Vcstibuled Limited); J bound 3.07 a m, 1*42 p in, 12.28 (Vcsiibuled Limited) Trains leave Scnecfl, A & C Div ' Nurtlibouud 1.30 a in, 12.16 p in; tv bouud 4.38 a in, 0.30 p in >1 Trains Nes- 11 and 12 on the C. ai Division, and Trains 13 and 14 on I he A 8. Division will run solid to and from 1 r lesion ever the S. C. 11. K. PULLMAN CAII SKRV1CK Pullman Sleeper on 13 and 11 bet Cbii lesion &a.' Asiieville, via Coluinbii (Spartanburg. Pu'dinan Palace Sleeping Car on Trn 10, 11, and 12, 37 and 38 on A k (. i vision. Ii W A TURK, 8. II. HAIIDWICK o (ien'l Pass Agl Assi (lend Pass / Washington D. C. Atlanta, r V K AtoBKB, SOL IIAAS Gen'l Supt Traffic A] Columbia, 8 C. Washington W II GREEN, Oeu'l Mj'r, Washington ^ TH i NEW 1 ierv R A CI dies igkt ross ,ng? iade ?' WATPU TUIQ v ... ,ww ill w1 i i iiiu !B. ^ Ami don't think of buying anythi in]v you have tirst examined our Stock the ' 'n Our buyers are now in the Nc their experience, aided bv pluck, r cash, you can look for some of i - offered you. ________ You may not be able to get a vv? but with a very iittlc money you r NEW YORK *T and get Home of tlie richest Pluir ZZ enntile line. J ^o make room for the immense s _ will soon be. in to pour in on u remnant of Winter Goods we still low price. rt> Call unci examiiio =5 | m., , ? hare SPRING O OF? ^ NEW GC The Largest Stock. T W. Our buyer lias just returcd from the ' now opening up one of the largest and b( ami cvcr ^,a^> a"^ l>r'ces IlH low as you will fin Ladies, See Our 14. A) m We can show you all the novelties of 0 " and wash goods, and our lino of white goo f" Millinery I M w .. It it useless for us to say that we can su o " known that our stock of Millinery goo cheapest. We have some special induccine "nJ season. % A Gift for Cas Oif Monday next, 27th, we will issue 13 " a large painting in framos and ready for " will be given away at* the end of 80 da 25 .. will explain itself. The pictures arc no 20 " are to get. Call early, as only a limited " Itcmcinhcr, j?rices asl ow, and, in a g 5^ /, can buy them elsewhere. We mean tj ? but wo simply mean to get '* received for every doTJar spent Willi u?. 40 ? Respectfully, i6 GRAHAM & SI 16 Jan 22-6-tf lOpm mmm m m m m, , KE n. L. UOUCLA9 S3 SHOE oen/iSW 0 Di?i- And other specialties for of I >. Hi, Gentlemen, I-adles, Boys and a bo ioutli \ Mlw? ?ro Hit 8. ( m7 BmI Best in the World. '??. Pe? deserlptlre advertise- , ' illf, ^K, St\ 1 mcot which will appear la | this paper. & Take no Substitute, wJ"j bat In slut on having W. L. {? ( 5,U,U DOi:(il.AS'SH(iy,H,wlth P 01 name and price stomped on HHHHBH bottom. Bold by inixn w. t. BKaTY. Union, 8. C. 'J'8 i)"Ui- and It. ?. LIP8COMB, Gafthejr, S. C. Ih< Bj Frbl7-7-Om " ami HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE ] Uliar- * OKKKIt I lie li< n?e and lol on Mountain ft< L alract known as the IIIX H'.'USK, for sale. L"t contains two a<*re?. Terms easy. I Apply to G. 1'. GARRETT, {frwisnlmri, o. C. . er TIIOS. B. BUTLER, 1 *ml Union, H. C. tins ?J J*a . f ' Who found the Saddle? J , T OST, Monday la?t, betwreti Robinson A . . Igt I J Alien s sliep-, aoross ilie railroad lot to , Ga. near Graham k Itay's livery stable, nrarly new saddle, with a part ef the pad torn out. Igr The finder as ill confer a great favor by !,",l i U C leasing it at the Tim an office or at Graham 11> G A Raj's liver/ ateble. I | \ PORK: " CET. CORNER a ng, in Spring Goods, until ' " * rthorn Market, ami with KRSKVKKANCK Untl tllC HARD I lie choicest bargains ever Government Plum, i can come to the RACKET LS ever ollered in the Mer r took of Spring Goods that wc will close out tlio 1 lnivc on lmiul ut a very 111 <3 lift. IY&BKLKV PCMIN^ )ODS he Lowest Prices. Northern markets, and we arc ?st selected stocks that wo have (1 in South Carolina. Dress Goods. the season, both in woolen goods ??ls arc the prettiest in town. illinerv ! ! it you in a hat, as it is generally ds arc always the largest and ints to offer yon in Millinery this ;h Buyers. tickets to cash buyers, calling for hanging in your parlor, which ,ys. Call anil get a ticket which w here, so you can sec what you number are to be given away, reat many goods lower, than you business?no huinbuggery?nor your trade, and give you valuo wrifcl i bltittr i iVarf4 i tuiat, >ARKS, Cash Store. A Fine Mill Site. NK of il:o riiiml rites for h coitoii mi 1 lies on hotli ri<l?*H of ilio corporate line lie growing town of J nenville, 9 uiilcs ?e t'nion <*. H , ?<onlIt ('nriliiie, on the J. Si C. roml. and ut the Jmioiville lermi oi ine i<ocKiiaii h .(i J?ne?ville railroad, ile it li ;* not u ,w\?uy-p wer" on ii, it a potcrr of water, Millie em for erery pose need< d by u 1'iilnrjf run by steam, it ate 512 springs of splendid cold wa'er, "e four creeks bead on a part of the land lie corporate limits of the town. K has bert kin-l of clay for brick, with plenty nod to burn the brick. Two large queri of fine granite rock adjoin this land, ire is also a large bed of the finest pottery r on the land. apitalists in search of a good looation for otory in the South would do well by ressing John D. Loxo, Jonesrille, S. C, or R. M. Stork*, Kdilnr llmnn Union, 8. C. MILLINKItl , U3T rcceieed from il?c Northern Markets, a choice select irn of .Millioery. TEST STYLUS AND LOWEST PRICES. if llways pleased to show gocdg and gira Hfuciion to customer. >- ' 'vrfn l0lu^JirjAsoR^ Ai ; )M . mM