LocATiaa Bmw I.isiui. Jan '*2.?General and h""w* art being te?a?s? ? * ?h? ci Cwl,r 1rom jh' War Department-InvlMRg Stat* <3 -opera i In Metrtlining ?bn ptsUion of "?rir twnps in Ike lines of battle witlim the n*?ou*] mi itarv |?ark al Chiekamanga ami Cba t* woo* . Ma?sni?? are a ready praparnjl in X. WglsUtu ?* " f??towna: 8l.l?' pro*Wing f?r the appo:ntrao .1 pf h~-? a'nns by (I.Tarnnrs t.v)?^t^ vWdfey.Tent 1 synania, Iniiann, ll'dnoie, Michigan, Wis ron^in, Kenucky. Ttnnes ee, Alabama anc Texas. 01n?> I as o -nipletfd the location o: , her 'roops. The Imtt of all diiis'on* oc !? 'i eid from ^1.40 t< 9d.7Vhy do so iuan; people we see a-ound us seem to prefer t Buffer and be mad* miserable hy indigestion Constipation, Diziiars*, Loss of Apprtite Coming up of the fbed, Yellow Skin, whei fer 76 cents we wi 1 sell them Shiloh'e Vita iissr, guaraataad to cure them. Sold h' II. E. Smith A Co. V . . Lilt Of better* Itcmaining in the Postoflice at Union, fo the week ending Jan. 27th, 18'JS. Mr Joe Et'er |Mr Cluff Prisoclc*~> T" Bay Jt injUtan ~ I owrne anenon i'M Persons calling for the above leltcrS wil please say if advertised, and will berequirei to pay one cent for their delivery. J. JIUNTEK, P. M. = 0U|LDERS A Lot of aeond-l.and 10x12 window sasl in good condition, for e*le. Also 1 Piozzn Pillnr?. with cops nod buses, perfect^ new and round. R. M. STOKES. "TO^HOSE^ INDEBTED. ALL person* indebted to W. D. Hew ley by m rtgage, note or account, mu> mnko payment to no by the 16th of Febru ry, 1898, or suit will be i-omaencd. Aflei tbnt dote n'l mortgsgrs will be foreclosed. 8. 8. STOKBS, Trial Justice. Jon 27-4-21 . Subscription to Union Mills. NOTICE is hereby given thot subserip ti n books to the capital stock of lh< Union Cotton Mill-will be open for aubscrib ers on Saturday, February 4th, at the Mer chants and Planters National Bank anc Mo'srs. Farr & Ihomson'e s ore. TIIOS. C. DUNCAN, President. WILLIAMSON, GILBERT WATCHMAKERS, JEWELERS, ENGRAVERS A DIE-SINKERS o All kinds ef Medals and Badges for Secrrl Fraternities made to order. Watcb and Cl?ok repairing. Plain and fancy v Engraving a specialty. Quid and Silver l'lding scientifically dons. Cash paid for old Qold and Silver. Respectfully, Union, S C. W. 0. A CO. Jan. 27-4-ly Bank Stook for Sale. \T7UVB shares ef (ho Merchants and PlantffT'Marr donJe^ecfcJKj fceiaed, will bo offered_ for saJapdJlfABpB uourt House door at union, on Monday, (Salfsday) the fiili day of February, nest. W. L. GOUDKLOCR, Kx'r. Jau G 1 41" Notice to Trespasser**. ALL persons ar# prohibited from hunting, fishing, cutting timber, making k roa Is, or trespassing in any manner on my l^nds lying in Uaion county near Leckbart Sheds, and on Broel River near Mount Tabor. Thoie violating these orders w li be pr routed to the fullest extent of the lie. MR8. PRINCES MURPHY, Charleston, 8. C. Jan. 2?-4-4t ___ Dissolution of Partnership. TUB firm of Dotd A Hoi.t.ts, heretofore existing at Cross Keys, Union Co.,-8. C., in this day dissolved by mutual e nsedt, %U claim* having been settled. Signal litis, Jbe 'J8tlrday of December, 1802. ^ T ni 1 STVtU m nAvn -"irtOfoLusTTCrj8? Keys, 8. C. \ ^ _ CORONER'S NOTICE. ' , { f CORpMRR'a OKI ick, \ . \ ( Union, 8:p?, v*>, is, 18'jft.; To all to trAOm it MyiMlMro t PImmo lake notice thai alt pajMiOi ktving hueinna* with the fJoroocr must call ? me ) my mHenet, near Kelton* 8. ' '* j0' yy * V)Y the ; '"kii't?1 c^l^W.a^'rl )nging to iho ciitalo ! r J. H. O. li-mau, dec ased, s tuate, lying .{?? ?! be.ng in Joocssille Township, Union I U?unty. containing one hundred unit ax f ? property of Obadi?h Tats, at the suit of J. A. Currr as adni'r of D. W. late, pl'ff, againM ) Obadish Tale, deft. ) ALSO, Four tracts of land belopg'ng to W, S. Gregory, siluuir. Ijiing nnd li-ing in Cross Ktjs Township, Union County. v it me tract?containing seventy-six acre.*, mare or ks.?. b-united by limit of O. S. Gregory, other J.iids of W. 8. Gregory and Homestead exemption of \V. S. Qri*g.?iy. Purser trnct?ront lining one hundred nirl ninety acres, mere or less, hounded by lands ef J. T. Layton, G. J. Gregory and Wiley Lawson. Tyger Hirer tract? contiiuing tlircc hundred and six tent, rtore or less, bounded ' by lauds of Wesley llol i*, dnmes T. Layton, Mary llowsrd, I.ydis Sheldon, an I waters of Tyger Hirer. One traet of land known ns a portion < f " Green Kill iraet. containing fifiy-:wo ncrcs, 1 more or less, bounded by l?nds of tlic estate 1 of William ltay, d-re s-?.t. ft. at. Lericl on 1 and in bo so'U ns tli- property of W. S. " Gregory, at the ?uit of James T. Layton, r plff, against W. 8. Gregoty, deft. p J. G. LONG, 1 S. U. C. k Sheriff's Office, January I f, 18yd. ' Jan VQ-S-St The State of South Carolina. Wit.i.iim Muano, ft at, vt. 8. M. Kick e< ?/. I I 8 obedirncc to an order made in the s X abore stated case, 1 will eel', on Sales? day in February, 18VS, at Union 0. H., I 9 during the legal hours of sale, a'l that lot i>t I laud in the Town of Union, en which Jesse Davis now resides, containing one and a 4 half acrss, u ore or less. ' TERMS OF SALE: r Ons-third cash, the balance in one year from day of sale. The purcha*er to girc bend and m rigage of the premises for balf ance of ihe purchase money. 0 C. II.PKVKK, 1 Master for Union County. ? Master's Office, Jan. Id, 1393. > Jan. 20 8 St. r Notice of Final Discharge NOTICE is hereby given that by permiss;on of Hon. Jnmea M. Gee, Probate r Judgs fir Un?on county, I wil', on the 7th day of February, 1893, mike my final return and apply for Let?c.? "jy'aiXhaV.V^"IkiVTperBOii*' baring clsims against the said e-late, muht prrssnt them. propirly ' attested, and all persons indebted must ^ mnkt paymenMo me en or before that day. S. M. RICE, JR., Adm'r Salina S?rtor. I Jan.13 2 4t RICHMOND & DANVILLE RAILROAD CO II fl F. TV. Hnidekopsr and Rtuben Foster, re r ceives, t Calumuia and Greenville Division. " Condensed Schedule, in effect Ne?. 20, 1892. Trains run by 7oth Meridian Time. Between Charleston, Columbia, Allston and Spartanburg. Daily I | Daily , No. 13. I STATIONS. |Nm 14. tT Ik) a miLv Cliailesion ArilO 30pm 3 60 p in J " Columbia " | 1 20 J, I 4 30 ' | " Allston 11112 40 5 23 "I" Carlisle ? |ll 44am 5 32 " J ?? Santno " 111 30 " ?? ix) | ... . union 44 111 17 " 0 23 "I " I'aoslet 44 110 44 l 6 50 " |Ar Spartanburg LvjlO 20 ? 10 10pn|Ar Ashevillo L?j 7 00 44 Between Charleston, Columbia Seneca and Walhella. t Daily. I Daily? No. 11 | STATIONS. No. 12. , 6 &Oam|Lv Ctiarleatou Ar lOUOpui 11 20 M | 44 Columbia 44 G 05 " 12 05 p ni| " Alston 44 5 13 ' 12 2 3 4 4 44 I'omaria 44 4 57 44 12 4 2 4 4 44 Prosperity.... 44 4 4 0 44 G 32 44 Lv ......Svfnsoa........ Ar 12 10pm 7 00 pm Ar .....Walhalla Lv 11 40am 6 00 p Ar Greenville... Lv 12 OOu'n Trains leave Spartanburg, A. & C, Di?isioo, Northbound, 4.00 a. m, 3.48 p. m, 6.00 p. m. (Veatibuled Limited); South bound, 1.5G am, 8.36 p in, 11.87 a. m., (Veatibuled Limited); Westbound, W. N. C. Division, 6.50 p. m., for Hen lersonville, Aelieville and Hot Springs. Trains leave Greenville, S. C., A. A C., Division, Northbound, 3.07 a m, 2.26 p. m., 5,08 p in * (Veatibuled Limited); South bound 8.07 am, 4'42 p m, 12.28 p m (Veatibuled Limited) , Trains leave Seaeoa, A k C Division Northbound 1.86 a m, 12.16 p m; Southbound 4.38 a m, 6.80 p m Trains Nos- 11 sad 12 on tho C. and G. Dinslon, and Train* 18 and 14 on the A. and 8. Division will run solid to and from Ckar" TaTirmr thrwrtL tUR. - % . PPttMAlT CAR 8ERV1CF. . Pullman Blovpar on 18 and 14 between Cbarlaaton and Asheville, via Columbia and Spartanburg. Pu'lman Palace Sleep'ng Car on Trains 0 10, II, and 18, 87 and 88 on A AC Division. W A TURK, S. H. If AKDWICK, , I Gen'I Past Agt Asm Goa'l Pats Agt Washington D. C. Atlanta, Qa. , V R MoBER. SOL HAAS. Qan'l Supt Traffle Mgr i ' Columbia, 8 G 1 Washington D C W H GREEN, Qan'l Mg'r, Washington D 0 A Great Reduction in Prices REIIBElT f. BEE'S. - ? IN order to reduce uij stock and effect some change in my business, I have decided to offer goods ut the very lowri st living prici *. Jeans ;.t 25cts, sold for 33c Jeans nt 33 1-3$ sold for 40efs. Clothing suits ut ?15.00 priced 18.00 Clothing suits nt ?14 50 priced ?13. Clithing suits at ?9.00 priced ?10. OVERCOATS MUST BE SOLD. In oider to close out somo lines of shoos I havo decided to sell them at and BELOW COST A LOT OF BOOTS AT CREATLV REDUCED PRICES. I call especial attention to my CIIAS. II RISER $3 SHOE. "As ffit Hi* h>ni^'?T'cwcd Tdu Welts, the very Debt goods for the price. TO THE LADIES: I offer the I prettiest line of custom made shoes in the town und guarantee every pair. Yhd ioolscip piper. Pens, Pan Holders and Ink. BLANK *B00K8 CHEAPER THAN EVER, ^f'nme and ace uiy iinrnciia ? atock aud do convinced that I can sell you almost anything you waut, aud I am detcrmined that I will uot bo undersold. I MEAN BUHINESH , REUBEN T. GEE. Not. 15 47 tf "NOTICE! mi fMLIVinO OnSnness will b: continue I hereafter toy at ifftfosttw,' Geo. II. Ostzki. aud A. F. I Arthur, under the Arm ntme of A. H. F08TER & CO., who will endmvor to maintaiu the reputation ef this old house in snpplying the wants of the people with FIRST-CLASS GOODS ?AT? BREATLVREDUCED PRICES We else take thia opportunity to notify all peisons indsbtel to the Arm of FuSter, Wilkins & Co., that payments must be made atonee in order that the old business may be settled up. Jan '20-8-41. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE [OFFER the house andhiea on street known tiibe OT Ht-'WelTr sate. Lot conttins ttto aeres. Terms easy. Anolv to O. P. OARRKPT Spartanburg, S. C. Jan 13-2-tr. MILLINER!, JUST ractl*e.l from tha Northern Mar. ^ei*, a choice iclectlra of MIHtaerj. LATEST STYLES AND LOWEST PRICES. Alwaje pleaoed to ehow goo is and giro etlafactlon to cuatemera. MRS. JAS. GRANT. Oct 14 42 If. .> . _Jrr B^j I I I ^ I I A. ^| I J I I I I % ? I k V 1 I XJk jLJ JL^fl JL X 1 1 v_A ky e # ' WE wish you all a happy New Year. Have just finished taking Stock, and find that although wc have done the largest business in the history of our career, we still have too many Winter Goods on hand. To those who are in need of such goods as Blankets, : Overcoats, Jeans, Shawls, O1 o -l /-\ 1^1 s~~* II IC l"C^, Flannels, Heavy Dress Goods, Outings. Etc., Now is your time to got them, as wc are not holding them at their real value; but you can get what you wish at almost your own price. Thanking you for past favoys^juid with host wishes for a prosperous New Year, we rcr^Vo \ Re/ Vtfully, 'Preparatory to taking1 stock, January 30th, we will close out any of our > ~v-*> goods at very low ligures. Some of Grimball stock still on hand will be sold for any reasonable offer anyone may make regardless of what it cost. YOUNG & HUNTER. MAKE your preparations for the New Year by laying in your plantation hardware earlv. Wc are prepared to make you close figures for SPOT CASH on the following supplies: AXES, BRIDLES, BELLOWS, BLACKSMITH TOOLS, COLLARS, FORKS, GRINDSTONES AND FIXTURES, HAMES, HORSE AND MIJLE SHOES, NAILS,** JWBI'jm! HONEST PiUCES !! HONESi TREATMENT !!! m / " ? J iflji . J!^Y[ 1/1/ If I ^rlTV Y\ RACKET. YOUR MONEY SAVED. ^ ... --V t - WE have been in Union not quite two yen's, but in that short time we have saved the people hundreds of dollars on their Clothing, Hats, Shoes, Dry Goods, Notions, &c., and this year with our increased facilities, we propose to save you more than we have in the past. The year 1892 brought us a tremendous big trade. But we expect 1893 to bring double as much, for the people are fast finding out that they cannot aflord to pay the time merchants long one hundred per cent. 011 goods when they can be bought at close cash prices at the _ T^EW YORK RACKET. Broken lots of Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Jeans, Blankets, Dress Goods, &c., to be closed out in the next tew weeks. There will he sonic rare plnins for somebody. No trouble to show our goods, so come in and look through, whether you want to buy or not VERY RESPECTFULLY, HARRY & BELK. April 10 15 [ ly XEW FAIX GOODS. NOW OPEN FOR INSPECTION. Our buyers have just returned from the Northern markets where they bought a large and well assorted stock of goods to suit all the trade. Shoes, Shoes, Shoes. First, we will say that our stock of shoes is immense, and we are prepared to make you some prices that will catch the closest buyer. We have some specialties to oiler you in this line. Call and see them. Dress Goods Staple Goods Etc., In Dress Goods we are prepared to oiler you some beauties, and at very reasonable prices, too. In Staple Goods, such as PrilitS, Ginghams, and all the new things in Cotton Goods, we have a very large stock. ]>? I L( L I N E It V . A WORD TO THE LADIES: Our Millinery Department seems to be the centre of attraction, because the ladies always iind the novelties of the season there. ^ tlT. _ 1 ? * " | yt? can Bijow you mi the in GKAHAM & SPARKS. Jan 22 ,C WAR DECLARED AT LAST! BIG AUCTION ! Tbc first shot was fired oa the let day of January,1898, at the Cheap Cash Ked Front Hardware Store of SCOTT BROS. NKXT SAI.F.SDAY. FKB. Cth, 189;! Mo blood to be shed, no lives to be lost. ' TV# make war upon no nun to take bis ? life But we have declared war upon 0f Clocks, Sewing Machines, and all ki.-.N high prices and ong profits on all goods of Christmas Goods, such as Toys, V I, aoldbyus We have hosed our banner (}oo,u Chinaware, nice Gla-swire, J'..,., and will show no quarters. We rear no MeUl ? >n(, chin% Iftmp5| D ||p_ ^ nrtmrtolittnn Caw ??? ? ' ?- i ??r......... ... ..~.v ??.'? wm offer the largest Dal I ever seen :i are determined to sc 1 our goods, such Union for sale at auction, as Carpenter and Blacksmith Tools, This will be a rare chance to get a gnuJ Plows and Plowstocks, Axes, Shove's, Machine, Clock, or other vulunbles, for liiilc Hoes, Nails, llorre Shoes, Pocket and monej. Table Cutlery, Cook and Heating Stoves, I.adies are especially invited; they nr> Wagon and Muggy Material, Wagon and cordially asked to come inside of the St r . Buggy Horaces, Saddles, Buggies and s. m. KICK, Jr., E. I . all kinds of goods found in a first t-1a?s Jnn 13-2-4t Hardware store, at the very lowest live and-let-live prices. We mean nil we say. Notice of Final Discharge If you deubt, march to the lied Front " and walk right in and let us convince ^VTOTICE is hereby given that by p iyau by giving you prices. i_i aion of Hon. James M. Gee, Pr t? We are selling a lot of the best Judge for Union countv. I will, on the. ;!! Pittsburg steel plows at .1} cents. Cook day of Janunry, 18915, make my final ??t u . Stove', with everything complete, for and apply for letters DismWsory, ns A .. in $10.00; nice open Buggy fir $40.00; htrator of the estate ot Asa Smith, dec n t d. lop Buggy for $00.00. All ether All perstns having elairat agninM Mm goods at 1 ke reductions. Come and said estate, must present them, properly give us a trftl and be made happy, attested, and all persons indebted must make and we sbn'l be happy,' tod. payment to mc on or hofore that day. Vtry He-peotfully, WILLIAM SMITH, aaav* Adut'r Ket. Asa 8?.itl?. SCOTT BROTHERS. < *